#i think she'd wear some really cool athletic clothes
weaverofink · 2 years
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more of my human Zadra design!!
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violets-and-books · 1 year
Anyways- my monk ✨
Mira Llyr
I can't find any good pictures for Azarketi but basically: She has violet eyes, pale green skin kind of like coral, and then she has two long fins going from her head and combining into one down her spine. Her fins are a little pointer because I took a feat that lets her shoot toxic spikes from them. She has webbed feet and hands like most Azarketi, and she's very athletic from training. (Azarketi are usually athletic looking in some way because, well, all they do is swim). She wears loose purple clothes and doesn't wear shoes most of the time. She has gills on the side of her neck. She also wears a dark purple shawl that she gets wet so she can hydrate herself on land.
She carries two katars on her but she prefers hand to hand combat. She usually only uses them if she knows she needs to/she needs to end a fight quickly.
She has no parents. She was orphaned when she was really little and that's how she got taken into the monestary. She likes it there but she wanted to explore the outside world. She was just naturally really curious and the monestary got really lonely.
When she left the water she found some assumptions people have towards her kind, and she wanted to change people's ideas about them. One night when she was on the beach, getting ready to go back in the water (they have to every 24-48 hours or they'll start taking hit points and disadvantage) she got attacked by a group of people from the village she was staying in. She got bombarded and she got so wounded she couldn't crawl back in the water, and they left her on the rocks. She was starting to die from lack of water and from her wounds, and someone nursed her back to health. She doesn't know who it was to this day. The person never said their name and it's hard to remember them because she was super delirious and unconscious most of the time. She wants to find this person and repay them at some point of her journey, but she has nothing to track them down with.
Her stats are decent as well:
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Str: 14
Wis: 14
Int: 12
Cha: 0
She's a pretty noble soul, but she's terrible at talking to people. Like she'll play by your rules all day and give someone a hand doing whatever, but the second someone's like "tell me about yourself" she's like "me? I have to go" like very shy she wants to be around but she doesn't know how to interact with land people very well. My idea is that she also can't speak common that well. Like she knows it and she can hold a conversation but like talking really fast or big fancy words she struggles with.
Yes? 👀
She sounds incredible
Her appearance sounds gorgeous and her backstory is just top notch dnd
Her Charisma though... Ouch!
I always like to give my characters pretty high Charisma, in case they ever need to talk their way out of anything
I think she sounds super interesting and her way of fighting is really cool. I think she'd be an interesting character to rp as well, since she doesn't know common very well
My final verdict is you should play Mira Llyr! If you want to take my opinion, course
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1863-project · 9 months
Glance, Canvas, Day, Arms
[OC asks]
Going to try to do the entire crew, all five of them, for this one!
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
Engie: Arguably her eyebags. I refuse to make her in any Picrew where I can't make her look like she hasn't slept in a week. It's her signature feature. She'd probably think it was her thyroid weight, but it turns out nobody actually really notices that the way she thinks they do. They do, however, notice that she looks perpetually exhausted.
Conductor: Is nearly always smiling. Usually looks pretty goofy because of it because he'll express a wide range of emotions whilst still smiling. If he's not smiling, it's pretty damn serious.
Fireman: Generally people notice that her arms are huge before they notice anything else. She's strong.
Assistant Conductor: Her height. She's 6 feet tall. Once people get past that, they tend to notice how stylish she is and how damn good she is at doing cool makeup.
Brakeman: Nothing really comes to mind immediately (sorry, Brakeman), but arguably it would be that he's fairly lithe - there's an athlete's body under that uniform.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Engie: Doesn't have an appendix. You're not going to see that scar unless you're doing a medical exam or being intimate with her, though.
Conductor: Nothing of note, although he'll tell you about how he and his brother had to keep themselves warm during marching band so their lips wouldn't stick to their instruments and rip skin off.
Fireman: Some scars from general wear and tear (read: fighting people), but they're not prominent.
Assistant Conductor: She has her ears pierced, although she doesn't always wear earrings to work so she doesn't lose them.
Brakeman: Dreams of having a dramatic scar he can impress people with. Does not.
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
Engie: She does wear the so-called "little outfit." She often has her winter uniform coat over it, because it helps with her body dysmorphia. Outside of work, she still wears overalls a lot, with the occasional fit and flare dress for formal occasions.
Conductor: Wears his work uniform impeccably, complete with his pocketwatch. Outside of work, he dresses like it's the 1930s solely because he can and enjoys it.
Fireman: Has a duster instead of the regular uniform coat because she does the dirtiest work. Dresses really butch outside of work.
Assistant Conductor: At work, it's the work uniform. Outside of work, she's incredibly fashionable and feminine and takes a lot of inspiration from Japanese street fashion.
Brakeman: Work uniform at work, like the others. Outside of work, he dresses pretty casually, with a lot of fighting game t-shirts since he plays them frequently.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
Engie: She made a working replica of the Nautilus 47, a Splatoon gun, but she obviously doesn't wield it in combat or anything. It's a prop.
Conductor: Would 100% unironically claim his trombone is a weapon, because he's a goofball.
Fireman: She's the weapon. Will also hit people with the shovel.
Assistant Conductor: No weapons, just her wit.
Brakeman: He's also the weapon (actually has done martial arts for most of his life because he wants to fight on top of the train).
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signetviolet · 2 years
🥩🎵🤍 Nightshroud
😻♈️ Barracudafin
🏉👔 Shadowdash
🐱☀️ Breezeburr
🥩 - what’s your character’s diet like? what are their favorite and least favorite foods?
She's not a big eater, likes the unique stuff the best. Her favorite is lizard, she's more inclined toward desert prey ;D
🎵- what kind of music would your character listen to? do you have any playlists for them?
She'd probably listen to hip hop and pop. She does have a playlist I need to update but I'll share it eventually ~ for context the first song in there was On The Loose - Niall Horan lmao
🤍- what does perfect happiness look like to your character?
I don't think she knows the answer to that question actually. She'd probably tell you it's what she has, having her friends and flirt buddies and others there whenever she wants to see them... but I wouldn't say she's super happy, even if she doesn't acknowledge that. Perfect happiness for her would probably be allowing herself to let someone actually get to know her, dropping some walls, and addressing some issues she avoids lol. Learning how to properly love someone would do wonders for her, too, and let someone really love her (in any form, not just romantic). Maybe something with her family and origins would be nice to figure out for her happiness, namely with Ivy
😻 - is your character insecure about their appearance or are they confident?
Confident babyyyy, he doesn't brag or think he's the hottest stuff by any means but he definitely isn't insecure about his appearance! He's too busy trying to seem cool anyway, he already looks cool
♈️ - what zodiac sign would your character be? (and, if you wanna get crazy, what would their birth chart be like?)
HHhhhMmM Sagittarius? Independent, emotionally intelligent, but adventurous, playful, and seeking out knowledge seems fitting!
🏉 - is your character athletic? do they train in their spare time or go for long walks?
She goes for runs pretty frequently! Loves to run ~ so yeah I'd say she's moderately athletic? Might spar on occasion too but that's not as fun
👔  - what would your character look like as a human? what sense of style would they have?
Very pale with long, straight dark hair. Slender and narrow, but strong legs. Probably wears whatever her mom buys her lmao, but her own style I'm not sure! Definitely sweaters and non-revealing clothing - probably likes turtlenecks and/or scarves and monotone colors
🐱 - how does your character feel about kits? do they want any? do they have any? are they a good parent?
Not on the forefront of her immediate desires for sure lmao, she could be convinced given a lot of time but the idea is weird to her. She can't picture herself as a mom. Definitely not interested in carrying kits. But she'd probably be the best parent out of all my CotS characters, actually - loving, a good listener, but objective when needed
☀️ - what are your character’s goals and what would they do to achieve them?
Right now? Making friends and working on changing her reputation/image, and upholding the one she's been building. Controlling her emotions and being a calmer, more healthy cat overall :) and making some cats happy too ~
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
HPHM MC Signature Look Challenge
"Heyo… we’ve had a few outfit challenges when it comes to our beloved HPHM MCs… but if it had to be just ONE look they could have, what would it be?
Tag #HMSLC so that I can check out all the amazing MCs!"
Tagged by: @sly-vixen-up2nogood for her Signature Look Challenge! - Thanks for making me make a very difficult decision! =p 💜
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I'm just kidding!
Sorta =p
Honestly, I don’t know if anything we have right now in the game would really be her signature look but I’ll do my best. Maybe imagine a leather jacket over it?
For School/Class:
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Give me boots to wear with my uniform you cowards!
Anyway, this would pretty much be how she'd wear her uniform for school, more casual and laid-back... and cool =p 😎 And with boots! Like a proper Slytherin! (Plus I love boots)
Outside of Class (Weekends? Free time?):
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Like I said before, I don't think anything we have right now is really her signature style but who doesn’t love a nice jumper? And a Slytherin sweater she would love and probably wear a lot (especially one made for her by Molly Weasley which means a lot to her!) If it’s not a tank top/t-shirt (maybe some AC/DC or Nirvana) and a plaid shirt it would be a sweater or sweatshirt but, again, most likely with a leather jacket over it. I think her style is cool and casual but with some edge and even a little chic (you can look at previous outfit posts of mine and determine for yourself what her style is =p). But if she has to get dressed up for something she would like some drama.
And either a skirt or pants with boots. She has wavy hair she'd either put up in a ponytail or bun or something to get it up out of her face/off her neck, or wear it down (without the blue clip). 5th year - hair is shorter than previous years.
She would also have a House of Black crest cameo necklace and a Celtic Warrior ring. And probably sunglasses, aviators? =p This is definitely the year she really embraces the House of Black name and heritage and is truly and female Sirius =p (The Sirius coat was a close option too!)
The sporty, Triwizard Tournament outfit was a close option also because she is an athlete (and likes to wear her athletic clothes because she knows she looks good in them =p) but that would probably be a more Year 6 outfit since she'd be doing a lot of training and practicing for the World Cup.
Year 7 she'll just be walking around in her Team Canada jersey and gold medal (they should all get medals as well for winning the World Cup!) =p
*But it was supposed to be one signature look*
Yeah well, I'm a rebel. 😈😎
Maybe we should do a date night/night out with the girls/guys/gang challenge?
Tagging (assuming you haven’t done it already and want to): @wilhelminafujita @bluerosesburnblue @cptaincarswell @abravelittlefangirl @arnyan @gryffinpuffthunderbird @unforgivablecurse-breaker and anyone else who sees this and wants to (because there's a lot of you awesome people and I'm sorry I can't remember you all!), feel free to do it and tag me! 😊
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megers67 · 6 years
BNHA OC 2: Tanaka Rin
My second OC for BNHA. I came up with her second as a counterpart to Hibiki but I love her on her own as well.
Hibiki's Bio
Hero Profile
Once again, I'm so sorry there isn't a Read More. I'm on mobile and there's no damn way for me to do it.
APPEARANCE: Rin is pretty tall and of athletic build. She has bright blue hair (dyed from her natural darker blue) that, while the style changes fairly frequently, always stays short. It's never past her chin and is usually shorter than that. Because of her quirk, she is completely unaffected by the outside temperature. That means she can literally wear anything she wanted at any time, much to the annoyance of her friends. She has a decent fashion sense, but is literally blind and so can't see the colors for anything. Though even if she could, she has the confidence to wear crazy color combos. She likes people's reactions to her attire like a neon pink miniskirt in the dead of winter or a big fluffy coat in the summer heat or something. Rin does generally keep it seasonal for the most part though she still wears clashing colors. Doesn't help that Hibiki is usually the one to help Rin out in that department, and while SHE is sighted, she has absolutely no fashion sense herself. So Rin gets to enjoy walking around like a fucking disaster. For those who try to make negative comments, she cheerfully informs them that she's blind and that usually shuts them up. She also usually wears sunglasses because it's much easier to use her thermal vision when outside light is blocked out.
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This doesn't really do it justice, but I'm limited to what Love Nikki is giving me. I could go more clashing, but most of that also involves clothes that don't line up (like shirts going outside the coat, etc) and I hate the look of that.
PERSONALITY: Rin is bright and cheerful and very outgoing. She is persistent in her desire to befriend most people she comes across, but knows when to tone things down or when someone needs space. Like Hibiki, she will also drop everything to help someone out, though it is far less draining on her than Hibiki. She's a fixer though so she's not great to go to if you just want to vent. If you do want to do something about something or help getting something done, then she is perfect for the job.
While Rin exudes positivity, she certainly has her own insecurities, mostly stemming from her fear that she isn't good enough to be a hero. She's not the strongest or the smartest, the fastest, most technically skilled, or have the best quirk. On top of that, she's blind. While her quirk goes a long way to make her independent, she still relies on others for a lot of things and suffers from imposter's syndrome. Being at UA has actually helped her a lot to combat these feelings, but they can still hit her pretty hard. Because she hides it behind a wall of positivity, it can be hard to spot when she's beating herself up over something. Hibiki seems to be one of, if not the, only one who can consistently read her and guide her through it. Rin isn't quick to anger unless it is on someone else's behalf in which case, she really lets it loose and will want to do something about it.
QUIRK: Her quirk is Heat. Specifically, she can make herself a heat sink or heat source and can use that to control the temperature of what she touches or the air immediately surrounding her. Her entire body is therefore unaffected by extreme temperatures (and she doesn't need to regulate a normal body temperature). This means that she doesn't get burned or frostbite so she can be standing in a raging inferno and only need to worry about getting enough air to breathe. She has yet to reach the temperature limits on her body so her intensity and range is largely limited by the amount of energy she has and any environmental constraints. Because her quirk uses her body's energy, she needs to eat a lot to keep up. Her range can increase with contact with a conductive material as it can help direct the flow of energy. Her quirk doesn't produce fire or ice and so can be difficult for an opponent to track if they're not aware of it. Rin also uses her quirk as a form of thermal imaging to navigate the world around her. This means that she has a lot of independence and doesn't need external aids for most situations. Additionally, she is completely at ease in the dark as there is little change to her.
There are, however, limitations. She can't sense through barriers such as walls, even those that sighted people can see through like glass. She can sense through barriers if a conductive material goes through it to the other side, but even then the clarity is greatly diminished. Though even that can be very useful. Another limitation is that she can't read anything printed or written on a page, screen, sign, etc. She just sees that there is a paper there. For school work, she is allowed a laptop that has a text-to-speech option so that she can hear back her notes after she types them. Rin will also have one of her classmates go over her notes to make sure she didn't miss anything, though usually her own notes tend to be better since it's faster to type than to physically write things down. For non-school work, ie. when she's out and about, she has Hibiki or someone else with her read something out to her. She would even ask strangers, but this usually only happens when she's out shopping and needs to know a price. The same goes for colors. Rin was previously sighted so she remembers colors and even processes her thermal vision via colors but she doesn't know something's real color. Hibiki has gotten pretty good at describing colors to her.
PAST: Not nearly as sordid (or detailed) as Hibiki's to be sure. She has a loving family and an older brother. Her childhood was fairly normal to be sure. Rin was always popular in school because everyone just liked her and she always made an effort for anyone to feel included. Especially the new girl, Hibiki, who keeps to herself in the corner. And she even succeeds in becoming her friend! Yay!
But her life changed forever when she turned 11. All she wanted was to figure out the limitations of her quirk. Naturally this meant trying to get her hand as hot as she could as fast as she could. Turns out that really hot things get really really bright and that prolonged exposure to bright light can permanently damage your eyes. After one too many times, her sight never returns. After that, Rin was a mess. Losing a sense was hard and it didn't help that everyone treated her like a fragile porcelain doll. Almost everyone. Hibiki didn't. In fact, she was the same calm voice of reason that she always was. In fact little had changed between them. Just the subject matter of their conversations. It was Hibiki who pointed out that maybe she could try using her quirk to sense things like the goggles police and heroes sometimes use. And like that, they went from friends to inseparable best friends.
They applied to UA together and while they both got in, Hibiki didn't make it to the hero course like she did. Initially Rin was nervous because Hibiki helped her out a lot over the last few years and now they could only be together during lunch or off hours (even though Hibiki was convinced that being in different classes mean they would drift apart, Rin insisted otherwise). She would have to face being blind alone for the first time. That anxiety didn't last very long because her class was pretty cool about it. Her teachers also made sure she had proper accommodations both in and out of class.
The sports festival was very exciting because she was able to see just how much she'd grown, but Hibiki as well. Rin made sure that they did their handshake in front of everyone to show both Hibiki and the world that whatever happened, they were still friends. And even as Rin finally knocked Hibiki out of the ring, both were smiling. Even though she didn't win, getting third was pretty damn cool.
Rin does her field training with Backdraft in the Musutafu fire department. She finds that she actually quite likes rescue work even though she still wants to fight villains. She continues to train, increasing her stamina to use her quirk more and in larger strength.
Even though she was sad that one of her classmates chose to drop the hero course, she was very happy that that meant that Hibiki was now joining the class. She was very active in getting Hibiki accepted into the group. Rin also worked hard to make sure that Hibiki was all caught up as far as the hero course was concerned. Rin got her provisional license and did her internship with a hero that was more villain-centric to get that kind of experience and was particularly useful for night missions because of her thermal vision, but it made her lose a lot of sleep. She started taking naps between classes and during lunch, relying on Hibiki to sneak her snacks during class to keep going.
OTHER SKILLS AND TIDBITS: Rin is the resident Hibiki whisperer. If you ever wanted Hibiki to do something, your best bet is to get Rin on it. Rin is down for pretty much anything and can talk Hibiki into pretty much anything even for a more passive role.
She has ADHD. She has it mostly under control, but when she doesn't, Hibiki knows how to pull her back together and get back to work.
Because Rin's body is resistant to extreme temperatures, when she thinks she is getting sick, she will "flash" to basically incinerate the pathogen. Unfortunately this also burns away any good bacteria she has in her gut as well as any non-digested food still in her system. The combo makes her nauseous anyway. She gets scolded for it every time but still insists she'll get it right some day.
She is the undisputed best cuddler because she can make her body temp juuuust the right level of warmth for whoever she's cuddling. This is especially popular during the winter.
By default, her body temperature is the normal and average level. But sometimes it will accidentally rise or lower itself without her noticing, usually due to emotions. She doesn't really notice until it's pointed out by someone that she accidentally burned or froze something.
Rin is really good to have in the kitchen because she can tell when things are cooked through to the exact temp it should be, make sure something is cooked evenly, or retrieve an ingredient that accidentally fell into boiling water too early, etc. Her favorite "party trick" is for when people are unfamiliar with her quirk, she will "accidentally" lean on a hot stove and freak them out.
She has a pretty mischievous streak in her. While she doesn't like initiating pranks, she loves being an accomplice in them. Rin is staunchly neutral during prank wars but is more than willing to lend her services to either side.
Rin likes "watching" movies even though she can't see the images on the screen. She enjoys making up her own as she hears the dialogue. The first question her friends usually have when the credits roll is "okay, what do you THINK just happened?" A lot of the time, the answer is a lot more fun than what actually happened because she has a really active imagination.
She can read Japanese braille, but it doesn't come up incredibly often. Rin is in the process of learning Japanese sign language because she wants to be good representation for disabilities and advocate for accessibility.
Rin doesn't like "turning off" her thermal vision very much, but it can get tiring after a while. She tends to do so during class since she doesn't really need it then. She'll only "turn off" outside of class if she's alone with Hibiki since she was around from the beginning. She's okay being vulnerable around her.
She doesn't like having long hair herself, but greatly enjoys playing with Hibiki's.
Rin is pansexual and has known since junior high. But she hasn't done a lot of dating since she only seems to have a consistent crush on a certain someone who just doesn't seem interested.
Rin doesn't like travelling very far by herself because she's afraid that she will suddenly get too tired to maintain her thermal vision, leaving her vulnerable, lost, and alone.
She really likes cats, but it's kind of a problem because Hibiki is allergic. Hibiki will still go with her to cat cafes to keep her company, but Rin usually feels really bad about it and so will usually ask other people to join her before resorting to asking Hibiki.
Just as Hibiki is the best hider in hide and seek, Rin is the best seeker because of her thermal vision. She is no longer allowed to be seeker.
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: reached up to touch her cross necklace. "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." She muttered more to herself than to Dakota. Whatever happened, she could get through it. Clare smiled at Dakota feeling better after he comforted her. "I am? Thank you. It's very sweet of you to offer." She was surprised he'd offered her an escape if she needed one. "Usually I just drown my parents' fighting out with music. I have noise cancelling headphones so I'm able to fall asleep at night. But sometimes I really don't want to be there." Clare had other friends she could stay with and she did when it got to be too much but she wouldn't go over to anyone's house enough for their parents to ask what was going on. She listened to Dakota update Monica on his sibilings. Clare had to laugh when he said how his brothers corrected Emi about who was Thing One and Thing Two. "They sound like the Weasley twins from the Harry Potter books. Dom and Ash aren't twins though, right? Do any of your brothers go to Degrassi? Or are some of them younger or older?" She knew a couple of them went to different schools but Clare didn't think she'd ever be able to keep straight which brother was which, Dakota had so many. "It's good there's no language barrier. There aren't a lot of families who speak two languages at home so you're lucky Emi's did. Aww how cute! Itadakimasu." Clare repeated the word quietly to herself so she'd remember it. "Very cool, are those the shoes that Japanese people wear with kimonos?" Clare pictured Dakota trying to walk around in block like shoes that were probably higher and harder to walk in than heels. She laughed. "The festival sounds fun though and at least you found some shoes you like. I don't really know anything about Japanese culture, just what little I've seen on T.V, so this is all fascinating to me." Clare admitted. "They have a wide variety of food then. I've had Chinese takeout but I don't know how similiar the two are besides the noodles and soy sauce. Everything sounds delicious. I probably couldn't live without bacon though. Do they have pizza in Japan?" She asked, wondering what else Emi had never tried that seemed commonplace to her. "Okay I won't." Clare chuckled. "I was only kidding." She reassured Dakota. "I've never seen anyone do that in real life before that's all. Oh, yeah it's great you found a creative outlet. My mom signed me up for a lot of lessons but never martial arts or anything. The only athletic activities I enjoy are badminton and swimming." She nodded. Graduation was years away. Hopefully Emi's mom would be back by then but there was no way for Dakota to know. "There's plenty of time to decide. I only know I want to go to college. Maybe for writing." Clare frowned. "She'll probably check in eventually. If nothing else, on Emi's birthday or at Christmas. Yeah if she was younger and couldn't tell you what she needed, you'd be in way over your head." The bell rang and Clare slowly stood up and gathered her stuff. "I'll see you and Emi fifth period." She told Dakota. "Well if I don't, I'll know you had to take her home but I'm sure she will be fine." Clare smiled at him reassuringly.
Kota: looked at Clare when she muttered something, but couldn't quite make out what she was muttering. "You don't really have to be there. I mean we have a guestroom if you want to stay in there." he offered and laughed a bit when Clare mentioned his Dom and Ash being like the Weasleys from Harry Potter. "Yea, they're identical just like me and Dallas. That's how there are six of us. Two sets of twins. The only ones that weren't twins are my older sister and my brother Bren. Bren is 13, and Ash and Dom are 14." he said honestly. "Dallas and I were the first surprise twins since my mom thought we were all going to be girls since my aunt has all boys and since her first pregnancy she has Raquel we were all expected to be girls so we all have the names she picked out for us aside from Dom and Bren. Luckily we were given gender neutral names." he laughed a bit. "I'm the only one that goes to Degrassi. Dallas goes to a boarding school for now. We're betting that he wants out next year, Ash and Bren go to a middle school together while Dom chose to go off to a different one. Dom and Ash aren't allowed to go to the same school, nor are Dallas and I. During elementary school we all had to go to the same one. Dallas and I often got mistaken for the other and it was the same with Ash and Dom. Dallas and I were forced to go to separate high schools though. I get better grades than Dallas without studying because I like to read the books and work ahead and we were often in separate classes, when he had a science test and was afraid he'd fail it we'd go to the bathroom and change clothes in the middle of class. I'd take his science test while he'd go to art for me since we had two electives. We didn't get caught until eighth grade. Mom came to drop something off for Dallas and in turn I had to go to the office. It almost went off smoothly had it been for Dallas' girlfriend. She was the only one who could tell the difference between us which was why he agreed to date her. They're still dating." he explained. "Our mom still gets us confused if we dress the same." he chuckled a bit. "I am lucky that Emi was taught both languages." he agreed and chuckled a bit as he nodded. "Yes, they're the shoes." he confirmed and thought for a moment. "Yes there's pizza in Japan, but to Emi it's a delicacy. Pizza there costs a little over one thousand yen, 10.50 for a medium pizza and at least 21.00 for a large pizza. Her dad got paid 888 yen per hour he worked and after taxes were taken out that pay period most of the money he got went to bills, gas, food, and new clothes so there wasn't much left over for them to save for things like pizza that they really didn't need so it was put into savings. That savings helped with their apartment here." he explained. "I like swimming, but I've never really played badminton." he smiled at her and shrugged when she mentioned Emi's mom. "Who knows. I mean she left, had a kid, came back, and abandoned said kid so no one really knows what's going on in her mind." he said honestly. "I still have yet to decide, but we still have a year left." he sighed and thought for a moment. "That would be exactly one year from now. Emi's mom left her on her birthday. Her exact words were she was going to get her a birthday cake and some balloons, Emi didn't see her since. I'm going to make her a birthday cake if she's here that way she won't have to worry about me leaving and never coming back." he said honestly. When the bell rang, he put his books away, put his book bag on his shoulder and smiled at Clare. "Yea, see you at fifth." he smirked and picked up Emi keeping her wrapped up in the blankets.
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