#i think shes like that super passive aggressive mom who gives you the most backhanded earth shattering compliments that send you to therapy
foileadeux · 2 years
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more hk gijinka babyyy! white lady jumpscare bc ive been sleeping on her. adapting her tree...things was interesting, and i wanted to give her face a doe kinda appearance. hope that came across. she looks detached since she's so enigmatic ingame. tell me more about her team cherry!!! + some extra pk
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How are the Org when visiting to meet their S/O's parents?
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I’m combining these two into one because they’re pretty much the same concept. Hope you all enjoy!
Families come in all shapes and sizes, so I tried to give a little variety!
I stayed home today because I’m ill so hopefully I’ll be able to get a few older headcanons done and posted. Then for a while I’ll be focusing on Halloween stuff!
Your mother likes him because he’s tall and handsome and regal and successful - exactly what she imagined for you. Your father, on the other hand, finds him suspicious. He answers all of their questions without batting an eye, and meets all of your dad’s passive aggressive comments with passive comments of his own.
They don’t like him. Both of your mothers knew your wild spirit and personality would make you bring home a guy who didn’t deserve you, but the cocky, eye-patch and leather-wearing, scarred, no-good asshole you brought home was overdoing it. But Xigbar takes it all in stride and tries not to feel offended - it won’t change how the two of you care about each other, so he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else’s opinions.
Is so stiff and honestly kind of terrified?? Asks like he’s a soldier, in the sense that he averts his eyes and stands with his shoulders back and fists clenched nervously against his side and doesn’t speak until he’s spoken to. He gets a little better once you grab his hand and give it a gentle squeeze, but you can still tell how tense he is. He doesn’t like answering their questions because he likes to keep your personal life between the two of you, but he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you by his side.
You couldn’t help but be a little anxious because… well, you know how Vexen can be, sometimes and you could tell that he was a little anxious, too, because he wanted your parents to like him. Both of your dads were scientists, though, and you followed in their footsteps (which is kind of how you met Vexen), so once the topic got onto work, he really managed to impress them both!
Your dad always wanted you to find someone who would treat you right and was strong enough to take care of you and, well. Lexaeus pretty much covers it. Lexaeus cares about you and your dad can tell that he’s genuine about his feelings, so it doesn’t take much convincing to say that Lexaeus is perfect for you. Even though it’s difficult for him, your dad can see that Lexaeus will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
It’s awkward but your parents try their best to make him feel welcome. He isn’t exactly a people-person, so it’s difficult for him to talk to anyone that he doesn’t know very well. He wants to make a good impression, but he doesn’t really know how. So worried about what they might think of him that he accidentally knocked over a bottle of wine onto the floor and broke one of the wine glasses in his 
Saix is a bit older than you so were concerned that your parents would see the age difference and immediately show disapproval and you were right. Your father seemed to be fine with him but your mother consistently made backhanded comments that rubbed you the wrong way. It was fine, though - Saix gave as well as he got, if not better.
Axel is completely at ease with strangers, which is something that you envy. He acts like your parents are old friends and they think he’s charming and that he treats you well. No one would ever come close to being good for you, but Axel comes pretty close!
He’s so cheerful and kind and his smile is so contagious that you can’t tell that he’s nervous! He doesn’t have any reason to be nervous, though!!! They were happy to have him over for the holidays, especially when he leads the family in a round of Christmas carols!
You thought it would be funny to invite Luxord over for family poker night and it went just as hilarious as you thought it would be. Your dad, a renowned poker player, and Luxord were locked in a head to head battle for most of the night while your other family members chatted above their heads. It may have been a little ridiculous, but Luxord’s good attitude and competitive streak made him pretty cool in your dad’s mind.
Marluxia is one of the most charming men you’ve ever met and both of your moms are not immune to his charms. He brings them both bouquets of flowers that he picked himself and manages to charm them both within minutes of meeting them. Both of them pull you aside at separate times to tell you that they think he’s a keeper, which is something he is super smug and excited to know.
You grew up in a single parent household and you were always hesitant about relationships because your mom never really dated much as a kid, but Larxene was hard to say no to and you found yourself bringing her home. To your surprise, your mom likes her and is extremely happy for you because she knows that you are happy!
Roxas was precious and it was impossible not to like him. Your parents thought he was the most adorable thing that they had ever seen and approve, despite how shy and awkward he was. He put up with their questions as best as he could and squeezed your hand under the kitchen table whenever he got too overwhelmed.
They think she’s as cute as a button but she gets kind of uncomfortable with all of their questions. You reassure her that they mean well and they don’t mean to offend her, but she just doesn’t like the attention being focused on her. Overall, she has a good time and is happy that she has their approval.
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jazy3 · 6 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 15X12
I have extremely mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand I loved Catherine’s recovery storyline and the storyline about the patient Natasha and her fiancé Garrett. On the other hand I absolutely hated the storyline about Meredith and DeLuca and I did not like how Link got treated at all. Thankfully I’m not alone on this. This was the second serious episode in a row. Hopefully next week’s will be more upbeat. 
This episode starts off at Thanksgiving and moves into Christmas. None of the characters that are established to be coming for Christmas are mentioned or acknowledged which was super dumb. We didn’t get a single reference to Cristina, Nathan, or Megan. That was stupid. Meredith starts off the episode by giving Schmitt some terrifying but honest advice about the ICU. The theme of this episode is time and they do that really beautifully. 
I’m really liking Teddy and Koracick! They really start to develop their relationship this episode and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I first wanted them as friends, but now that they’re dating I really like it. Teddy deserves someone who treats her well and Koracick could use some joy in his life. Plus we know he’s great with kids so that works out well. 
Come Christmas time Alex Karev Interim Chief gives his employees cured ham! I love him. DeLuca starts off the episode by being an idiotic klutz and he only gets worse from there. How do you miss three people walking down a hallway towards you? DeLuca asks Meredith out for dinner. Jo is so not having it, but Meredith likes the idea. And then DeLuca shows how completely and utterly insensitive and clueless he is. It’s Christmas Eve and he asks Meredith, a mom with three kids, out to dinner thinking she’s available. Wow. But they decide to make plans soon. 
Jo hates the idea, speaking for all of us, but Alex is supportive because he’s an awesome best friend / person! Go Alex! I love him. Link shows up and is Santa for the hospital’s kids and he got Meredith cookies as a gift because he knows she hates baking, but her kids need cookies for Santa! Also he’s spending Christmas visiting kids in the cancer ward. I like him! I’m officially Team Link. Also why didn’t DeLuca get her a gift? His game is weak.
Jo says that Meredith is in a love triangle and Meredith responds with one of the best lines of the episode. “There is no love. There is no triangle. Unless the ham, the cookies, and I are in a triangle.” Jo and Alex disagree! Ben shows up at Bailey’s with presents for Tuck. I hate that they’ve split! We then cut to Christmas dinner at the Fox Webber household. 
They’re all looking very fashionable. I love Catherine and Maggie’s tops. Richard’s Christmas sweater is on point! Catherine’s struggle is so hard to watch. We learn that Nico celebrates Christmas and Schmitt is Jewish. They’re very cute together. And then Natasha wakes up! It’s a Christmas miracle! 
DeLuca is a real jerk and is angry at Meredith for showing an interest in Link. He claims she’s giving him false hope because he likes her and she doesn’t like him. To which Meredith responds, “Who says it’s false?” Echoing the thoughts of fans at that very moment. Meredith hasn’t gone a date with either Link or DeLuca nor has she promised exclusivity. She can like or do whatever she wants and no one person should get to tell her otherwise. DeLuca is being a controlling stupid asshole and she does not need that in her life. In fact no one does. Get the hell out DeLuca!
DeLuca continues being immature a trend we’ll see through this episode. He’s really arrogant in this episode and not in a hot way. Just because he’s infatuated with her doesn’t mean she likes him the same way back. Jeez. Also it’s super obvious. To pull off that kind of arrogance you need to be first class at what you do and know that the other person likes you back the same way. Neither of those things are true in this case. 
He’s being such an ass! How is that attractive? He makes a comment about being tired of not being with her in Italian as if she owes him something which she doesn’t. Also she’s his boss. At which point Meredith looks scared. He wants this more than she does. She doesn’t want a relationship. She wants to date. DeLuca just doesn’t get it. And then he has the audacity to call Meredith Freaking Grey a Coward. Like a true asshole. 
The minute he said that I though screw this guy! He needs to be killed off the show NOW! Meredith’s NOT a coward! She’s just not as into you as you are to her. TAKE. A. HINT. I was starting to like DeLuca and this episode is making me hate his guts. Who decided this storyline was a good idea? She agrees to go out with him, but she seems super reluctant in doing so. But she does smile a gorgeous smile at his fist pump as he walks away so maybe there’s hope.
Amelia visits Betty in rehab. It looks brutal and Betty looks miserable. She wants to give them custody of Leo and pretend none of this ever happened. My heart ached for her. It’s now New Year’s Eve. Alex and Jo are throwing a lavish party! Jo wears a blue sequin dress that is straight fire! The party features elaborate balloon sculptures in the background. No real party ever looks this good. 
I like that Maggie’s there to support Jackson in her own quirky way. I actually liked her this episode. I like that they’ve reignited Teddy and Bailey’s friendship as well. Alex and Jo put on light up New Year’s Eve glasses and it’s totally adorable. Back in the ICU Natasha knows what’s up. She says Garrett has nicknamed Link and DeLuca Abercrombie and Stitch! Which is hilarious and also speaks volumes about DeLuca’s maturity level. 
Natasha tells Meredith she should kiss the one who turns back time for her. Unfortunately, that would be Derek and Derek is dead. Poor Meredith. Alex and Jo’s apartment has apparently grown in size and there is now a bar here. Meredith stands both Link and DeLuca up in order to be with Natasha. They both got stood up. Except Link actually takes it well and DeLuca’s behaves like a pouting man child. Ugh. 
Next we see that Natasha is up and walking. Yeah! And she wants tacos because this woman has her priorities straight. DeLuca and Meredith run into each other and DeLuca is pissed at her for standing him up. Rightly so, but he communicates that by asking her if she’s ever been stood up. Um she’s twice your age. Of course she has. Loser. Although he does make a good point. She could have called or texted and it has been several days. That is pretty rude.
To which he replies that, “I’m a good guy Meredith.” If you have to say it you probably aren’t. Then he proceeds to throw shade at his friend Link. What a disloyal asshole. He’s not a doormat either. We’re back to Catherine and her physiotherapists is being super patronizing. Then we cut to Owen being a jerk to Teddy. What else is new? Teddy deserves better. Then Bailey tries to talk to Ben and asks him to come home. Ben makes some excellent points as leaving the way she did was really low of Bailey. Some important things are said and Ben leaves to go back to work. 
We find out that Natasha’s conditioned has worsened and there’s a really cute scene between Teddy and Koracick. Meredith is wearing a green scrub cap today and they operate on Natasha. Her and Jo give Schmitt backhanded compliments about his improved performance. DeLuca then decides this is the appropriate time, while a patient is open on the table and Schmitt is bearing his soul, to be a passive aggressive asshole just because he didn’t get what he wanted boo hoo. Can someone please explain why I’m supposed to like this guy?
He then accuses her of not fighting for love. Meredith has fought for love. She fought for Derek. She fights when it matters. DeLuca just doesn’t matter that much to her. He needs to take a hint. Also they’re aren’t in love. They’ve never even dated. What is this guy’s problem? Back at rehab Betty drops a bomb on Owen and Amelia. Her name’s not Betty it’s Brittany and her parents don’t know she’s here! 
She ran away when she found she was pregnant and her parents don’t know about Leo and she’s scared to tell them. Also if she’s scared they’ll take Leo they can’t be very good parents or people. It’s now Valentine’s Day. Back at the hospital Garrett has a meltdown because Natasha is getting worse saying that if she dies he dies. Meredith comforts him and gets him to turn it around because she’s been where he’s been. First, when Derek was shot and then when Derek actually died. She speaks from experience. 
You can tell how hard this is for her. We then watch Catherine go through more hardships on her road to recovery which is painful to watch. We cut to Owen and Amelia fighting about Betty/Brittany and Owen is a complete asshole. He literally describes the symptoms of addiction that Betty has and then rhetorically asks when those things became symptoms of addiction. Um since always? That’s literally what addiction is and those are some of the symptoms.
Owen is in a relationship (and was married to) an addict and he still has no idea what addiction is or what it means. God he is such a jerk! Why do women date him? You can tell how much that really hurts Amelia. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s come so far. Also he appears to have forgotten that’s she’s an addict herself. Amelia calls him out on it and he apologizes saying he was way out of line. To which she replies, “You don’t even see the line!” He doesn’t which is why she needs to get out of this relationship.
He says he’s scared about losing Leo, but that still doesn’t justify what you said asshole. Back at the hospital DeLuca decides to vie for the title of biggest asshole this episode and accuses Meredith of not fighting for love in the most passive aggressive way possible. Meredith HAS fought for love. She fought for Derek and she was clearly talking about him when talking to the patient’s fiancé. HOW does DeLuca not get this? He knows her husband’s dead. What a complete asshole! 
Also how are him and Meredith in love? They’ve never even gone out on a date. They barely now each other and she’s super reluctant. DeLuca’s in love with the idea of being in love. He’s in love with the idea of Meredith and being in love with her. None of that has anything to do with reality. Meredith has been there done that. There’s no reason for her to go back. And then she gives him the same excuse she gave to Riggs. That can’t be a coincidence!
It’s also the excuse she uses when anyone she doesn’t already know gets too close especially romantically. The fact that they’re intentionally using that line again makes me think DeLuca won’t be on the show for very long (here’s hoping). He literally accuses her of acting like scared little kid when she has three little kids. Also he’s terrible with kids. The last kid he was in charge of escaped and fell down a manhole and almost died. I wouldn’t trust him to water my cactus let alone leave him in charge of my kids. Heck no. 
Also it’s already been established that her kids don’t like him (especially Zola). Ugh I hate him. Make him go away! Annnd here comes Link. And just to proves she’s open to love (and because Link’s actually been nice to her) she asks him out on a date! On Valentine’s Day no less! I like him! So both Link and DeLuca have been chasing her and now that she’s said yes to Link he doesn’t know what to do about it. It’s as if he never expected her to say yes. But he does say yes!
We cut to Bailey getting home to find that Ben is building her a treehouse! They decide to get back together. My heart! Then we’re back at the hospital and we find out that Natasha’s choosing to discontinue her care because she’s lost her quality of life and it’s only getting worse. I’m so glad her fiancé supported her. Everyone deserves someone like that in their lives. Poor Natasha!
Alex decides to give them the wedding under the stars that they wanted! My heart! He’s such a softie underneath his hard exterior. Like a cooked marshmallow. He’s such a romantic. Owen shows up at the Neuro Lab with flowers for Amelia. Well at least Owen can admit he’s been an ass. That’s something I guess. Then Teddy shows up for her date with Koracick. The look on their faces! As if Teddy’s not supposed to date. Also Owen looks jealous and Amelia noticed.
Richard and Catherine have a romantic Valentine’s Day by the fire! I love them. Catherine gets her sexy back! Yes! You go Catherine Fox! You go! Back at the hospital Meredith reads Natasha’s vows and Garrett thank her for marrying him making us all cry. DeLuca then asks Meredith to come with him and she does sadly and reluctantly. 
He then brings her to roof for some champagne on ice. To which she responds that she’s supposed to be on a date right now and he replies that she already is. So he has her stand Link up for him? After yelling at her for it earlier? What an asshole! He’s also a terrible friend! Ugh! She’s also super not into this. Not even close. Meredith just looks sad. 
We then cut to Koracick’s date with Teddy which is very sweet. She deserves someone who treats her well! Also Ben and Bailey are officially back together! We find out that because of DeLuca, Meredith left Link waiting at a fancy restaurant on Valentine’s Day. He did not deserve that. God I hate DeLuca. He’s such an asshole. Meredith looks miserable and all she’s does is sigh loudly. How am I supposed to buy into this?
It seems like she kisses him just because he’s there and she’s sad. Which is terrible. This is George all over again and we all saw how well that turned out. It’s also a terrible way to start any kind of relationship. This is incredibly not sexy. It just looks awkward and weird. What the hell? 
Now let’s look ahead for what’s in store for next week. Oh God. According to the promo she actually goes out with DeLuca next episode. Spare me. Oh great now he’s distracting her at work like an asshole. Remind me again why I’m supposed to like this guy? Ugh. Oh and Betty’s parents show up! Poor Amelia and Owen. It looks like they’re going with the perennially stupid ‘they share blood so they should get custody’ BS storyline.
I hate that people think blood relation matters in real life and on TV. It’s so stupid. If Betty was so afraid to tell them she ran away and lied why should they get custody? Owen doesn’t deserve to lose Leo because Betty lied. Her parents suck based on the promo. Next week’s episode looks awful. I’m super not excited for it. But I’ll watch anyway so I can form my own opinion. 
That’s all for now folks.
Till next time! 
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