#i think the fashion flies storyline is so much more fun than the other two
capn-twitchery · 7 months
grace's fascinating grind haunts me but twitch's grind Did have their first exile & first FL moment that made me laugh out loud:
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pushing a rich woman in a bush and getting exiled on the spot
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sigmalied · 6 years
Sig’s Anthem Review
BioWare’s Anthem is a genuinely fun and engaging experience that sabotages itself with myriad design, balance, and technical oversights and issues. It is a delicious cake that has been prematurely removed from the developmental oven - full of potential but unfit for general consumption in this wobbly state. Anthem is not a messianic addition to the limited pantheon of looter shooters because it has somehow failed to learn from the well-publicized mistakes of its predecessors. 
Am I having fun playing Anthem? Absolutely. Does it deserve the industry’s lukewarm scores? Absolutely. But this is something of a special case. The live service model giveth and taketh away; we receive flexibility in exchange for certainty. Is Anthem going to be the same game six months from now? Its core DNA will always be the same, but we’ve already begun to see swift improvements that bode well for the future. 
Will my opinion matter to you? It depends. When I first got into looter shooters I was shocked at how much the genre clicked with me. They are a wonderful playground for theory crafters, min/maxers, and mathletes like myself who find incomparable joy in optimizing builds both conventional and experimental by pushing the limits of obtainable resources ad infinitum. The end game grind is long and at times challenging as you make the jump to Grandmaster 1+ difficulty in search of top-tier loot to perfect your build. This is what looter shooters are all about.
If you don’t like the sound of that, you’ll probably drop Anthem right after finishing its campaign. But if you do like the sound of that, you might find yourself playing this game for years.
TL;DR: This game is serious fun, but is also in need of some serious Game & UI Design 101. 
I wrote a lot more about individual aspects of the game beneath the read more, if you’re interested. I’ve decided not to give the game a score, I’m just here to discuss it after playing through the campaign and spending a few days grinding elder game activities. There are no spoilers here.
The Javelins are delightful. I’ve played all four of them extensively and despite identifying as a Colossus main I cannot definitively attach myself to one class of Javelin because they’re all so uniquely fun to play and master. Best of all, they’re miraculously balanced. I’ve been able to hold my own with every Javelin in Grandmaster 1+. Of course, some Javelins are harder to get the hang of than others. Storms don’t face the steep learning curve Interceptors do, but placed in the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing, both are equally as destructive on the battlefield. 
I love the combo system. It is viscerally satisfying to trigger a combo, hearing that sound effect ring, and seeing your enemy’s health bar melt. Gunplay finally gets fun and interesting when you start obtaining Masterworks, and from there, it’s like playing a whole new game. 
Mission objectives are fairly bland and repetitive, but the gameplay is so fun I don’t even mind. Collect this, find that, go here, whatever. I get to fly around and blow up enemies while doing it, and that’s what matters. Objectives could be better, certainly. Interesting objectives are vital in game design because they disguise the core repetitive gameplay loop as something fresh, but the loop on its own stays fresh long enough to break even, I feel.
The best part is build flexibility. Want to be a sniper build cutting boss health bars in half with one shot? I’ve seen it. Want to be a near-immortal Colossus wrecking ball who heals every time you mow down an enemy? You can. There are so many possibilities here. Every day I come across a new crazy idea someone’s come up with. This is an excellent game for build crafters. 
But... why in the world are there so few cosmetic choices? A single armor set for each Javelin outside the Vanity store? A core component of looter shooters has always been endgame fashion, and on this front, BioWare barely delivers and only evades the worst criticism by providing quality Javelin customization in the way of coloring, materials, and keeping power level and aesthetics divorced. We’re being drip-fed through the Vanity store, and while I like the Vanity store’s model, there should have been more things permanently available for purchase through the Forge. Everyone looks the same out there! Where’s the variety? 
Story, Characters, World
Anyone expecting a looter shooter like Anthem to feature a Mass Effect or Dragon Age -sized epic is out of their mind, but that doesn’t mean we have to judge the storytelling in a vacuum. This is BioWare after all. Even a campaign that flows more like a short story - as is the case with Anthem - should aspire to the quality of previous games from the studio. Unfortunately, it does not, but it comes close by merit of narrative ambience: the characters, the world’s lore, and their execution. 
(For a long time I’ve had a theory that world building is what made the original Mass Effect great, not its critical storyline, which was basically a Star Trek movie at best. Fans fell in love because there were interesting people to talk to, complicated politics to grasp, and moral decisions to make along the way.)
While the main storyline of Anthem is lackluster and makes one roll their eyes at certain moments or bad lines, the world is immediately intriguing. Within Fort Tarsis, sophisticated technology is readily available while society simultaneously feels antiquated, echoing a temporal purgatory consistent with the Anthem’s ability to alter space-time. Outside the fort, massive pieces of ancient machinery are embedded within dense jungles in a way that suggests the mechanical predates nature itself. The theme of sound is everywhere. Silencing relics, cyphers hearing the Anthem, delivering echoes to giant subwoofers… It’s a fun world, it really is. 
As for the characters… they might be some of the best from BioWare. They feel like real people. Rarely are they caricatures of one defining trait, but people with complex motives and emotions. Some conversations were boring, but the vast majority of the time I found myself racing off to talk to NPCs as soon as I saw yellow speech bubbles on the map after a mission. And don’t even get me started on the performances. They are golden.
The biggest issue with the story is that it’s not well integrated with missions. At times it feels like you’re playing two separate games: Fort Tarsis Walking/Talking Simulator and Anthem Looter Shooter. And the sole threads keeping these halves stitched together during missions - radio chatter - takes a back seat if you’re playing with randoms who rush ahead and cause dialogue to skip, or with friends who won’t shut the hell up so you can listen or read subtitles without distraction. I found it ironic that I soloed most of the critical story missions in a game that heavily encourages team play.
Technical Aspects: UI & Design 
This is where Anthem has some major problems. God, this category alone is probably what gained the ire of most reviewers. The UI is terrible and confusing. There are extra menu tabs where they aren’t needed. The placement of Settings is for some inane reason not located under the Options button (PS4). Excuse me? It’s so difficult to navigate and find what you’re looking for. It’s ridiculously unintuitive.  
Weapon inscriptions (stat bonuses) are vague and I’ve even seen double negatives once or twice. They come off as though no one bothered to proofread or edit anything for clarity. Just a bad job here all around. And to make matters worse, there is no character stat sheet to help us demystify any of the bizarre stat descriptions. We are currently using goddamn spreadsheets like animals. Just awful. 
The list goes on. No waypoints in Freeplay. Countless crashes, rubber banding, audio cutouts, player characters being invisible in vital cutscenes, tethering warnings completely obscuring the flight overheat meter… Fucking yikes. Wading through this swamp of bugs and poor design has been grueling to say the least. 
And now for the loot issues. Dead inscriptions on gear; and by dead I mean dead, as in “this pistol does +25% shotgun damage” dead (this has been recently patched but I still cannot believe this sort of thing made it to release). The entire concept of the Luck stat (chance to drop higher quality loot) resulting in Luck builds who drop like flies in combat and become a burden for the rest of the team. Diminishing returns in Grandmaster 2 and 3; it takes so long to clear missions on these difficulties without significant loot improvement, making GM2 and GM3 pointless when you could be grinding GM1 missions twice as fast. 
At level 30, any loot quality below Epic is literal trash. Delete Commons, Uncommons, and most Rares as soon as you get them because they’re virtually useless. I have hundreds of Common and Uncommon embers and nothing to do with them. Why can’t we convert 5 embers into 1 of the next higher tier? Other looters have already done things like this to make progression omnipresent. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here, BioWare. It’s already been done for you. 
When you get a good roll on loot, the satisfaction is immense. But when you don’t, and you won’t 95% of the time, you’ll feel like you’ve wasted hours with nothing to show for it. We shouldn’t be spending so much time hunting for useful things, we should be trying to perfect what’s already useful.
It’s just baffling to think that Anthem had the luxury of watching the messy release of several other looter shooters during Anthem’s development, yet proceed to make the same mistakes, and some even worse. 
Nothing needs to be said about visuals. They are stunning, even from my perspective on a base PS4.
Sound design is the only other redeeming subcategory here. Sound design is amazing, like the OST. Traditional instrumentals meet alien synth seamlessly. Sarah Schachner is a seriously talented composer. 
I’m just relieved to see the development team hauling ass to make adjustments. They’ve really been on top of it - the speed and transparency of fixes has been top-notch. They’re even working on free DLC already! A new region, more performances from the actors... I’m excited and hopeful for the future. 
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stagmanparty · 6 years
So I finished watching MLP Season 8 and...
….it´s actually not bad.
Yeah, I´m the first to admit I have to eat my words and agree the show hasn´t really gone down as much as I thought after the movie. I still hate it but the show itself remains good. Yes, there are more than a few mediocre or outright horrible episodes there but the good ones more than compensate.
I do believe that Dubuc is kinda out of her element on ponies, which may explain her use for an entire new cast aside from hasbro´s orders. The friendship school thing is done better than I though tough I still think is kinda stupid at moments.
Overall the balance is...fine.
I was expecting worse but it was an okay season.
I do hate that they explicitly mention the events of the movie but they´re STILL refusing to acknowledge the Equestria Girls ones. Come on Mccarty, stop being embarrassed ot the BETTER story!
Below the cut is my personal opinions of each episode with a dose of sarcasm if u want to read them but for the season as a whole I´ll give a 7/10 it was regular to me.
701-702:  “Girls, I want you all to work on my new school!”
“We have lives, Twilight”
So this wasn´t bad. I though Twilight was gonna be more selfish but she actually makes some fair points and owns to her mistakes here. What´s funny is that she doesn't act this way the rest of the season…
I still think the students are kinda lame but I like how they interact with each other and the episode itself was well handled.
Still, Twilight isn't perfect either since she refuses to have zebras or buffaloes or talking cats on her school. Hell, there aren´t even crystal ponies so she´s almost as bad the racist snape guy.
Kinda standard but good episodes.
703: “So sis, when are you gonna leave?”
“The town?”
“The show…”
I said it once, I´ll said it again, Maud overstayed her welcome. She´s no longer funny and feels like a creator pet by now.
That said the episode itself is actually really good.
Confalone GETS pinkie and gives he an actual character and this was honestly better handled that with Twilight.
Hell for a second I thought Pinkie was gonna have to deal with her own since her meeting with the guy has all the elements of a meet cute scene =P
I could live without the stupid opening scene but it seems even Pinkie realized Maud was being offensive to her audience there…
A really fun Pinkie episode to add to the pile
804 “thank you for calling me, Rarity. I can surely help you with all my sewing knowledge”
“Oh for this episode I´ll need you to forget about all that, darling and be completely useless”
So yeah, this was a waste of time.
So the mane six can´t help Rarity with her store but have plenty of time to go yell at Fluttershy?
And if Rarity hates the ponies of Saddle Row so much why does she enve sells them clothes?
I actually hate how they´re all portrayed cause they´re feeding the stereotype that people into fashion are shallow and petty and the whole point of Rarity´s character was to subvert that!
I only laughed at one joke in the whole episode.
So yeah another terrible fluttershy episode to add to the pile
805 The real reason Rainbow flies so fast...to escape her gay for applejack thoughts.
So a perfectly okay episode.
In other seasons it would have gone unnoticed but in this one it stands out for having solid writing.
It was fun and rainbow was very likeable here since she honestly seemed more concern about the grannies than anything.
It feels a bit stretched out but this is normal for a pony episode.
I do hope she kicks Applejack's behind the second she came back to town though…
A fun Rainbow episode.
806 “Girls, while you wasted time trying to help that kid with divorced parents I acciBURPddentally destroyed a scared statue so we better run, you bastards!” then Twilight pulls a rick an actually leaves them behind =P
SO yeah a complete waste of time.
I understand the point but it doesn't work for me since it seems like they made the problem way too simple.
I also dislike the hippogriffs on principle since i find I them really lame characters so…
Oh and this episode has the WORST song in the entire show. Hell is not even a song, is just words with music behind it.
So yeah, pretty lame episode.
807 “See Twilight, Sunset would have just told me things straight to my face! Then try to stab me in the back but the point remains…”
I already talked about this back when it aired and yeah, my opinion hasn't changed.
This isn´t a Celestia episode, is another of Twilight´s poorly made panic attacks ones.
We learned absolutely nothing about Celestia, she learns nothing at all and we wasted twenty minutes of our lives.
For a fan of the character, waiting nine years for this is nothing but an insult.
The saddest thing is knowing that the show will end without having a proper celestia episode.
So yeah, a total waste of time with only the adorable sunbutt to save some face
808 “You noticed all the wanted posters for you on the way here, Starlight?”
“No, actually not”
“yeah me neither, good thing you´re friends with a princess…”
Really, how come Starlight is NOT a wanted criminal? The episode could have dealt with her hometown disowning her but nope, is just a kinda lame sitcom situation.
Hell, it would have been better if we´re told the parents hooked up and now Starlight and Sunburst feel all kind of awkard but nope.
i suppose there´s like a moral lesson in here but the episode was so dull I don't even remember it.
It could have been a better story but it amounts to nothing.
809 “And to think this all started over a parking lot…”
“you don´t even need the parking lot, Rainbow!”
THAT would have been a better premise…
So yeah, remember season 1? Cool ,cause this is the exact same episode. Nothing new added and nothing interesting happens.
Go watch the leaf episode instead, is way better.
810 “Wait, Big Mac has a what now? How come nopony told me? Do I look like a jealous sister or something?”
“the shotgun isn't helping, AJ…”
Have they really interacted these two? I mean, don´t want a repeat of the same storyline. Infact, showing that Applejack and Sugar whatever get along well will be an interesting episode.
Far more interesting than this for sure.
I was bored the entire time and shut up, sweetie Belle. You'll be lucky to have Snips…
Another time waster.
811 “Spike, can´t you just masturbate like a regular teenager? I mean you have your own room now so it won´t be weird for me anymore…”
Again, remember season 2? Go watch that instead.
It even made more sense back then but now spike not knowing “how to dragon” has become a huge plot hole cause there´s absolutely no reason for him not to know these things so this entire conflict is pointless.
Oh and him having wings is something I don't really like.
Explain how he didn't have those during season 2 when he grew, hasbro! ANother lame Spike episode to the bad spike episodes pile.
812 “Girls, you rather go to a school where you dont´do any homework, play games all day, het to eat delicious food..actually I´m leaving too, school closed!”
So yeah do they do anything at Twilight school other than waste time? No wonder the CMC want to go there! Wasting time is their entire MO nowadays since they have their marks!
Prety standard episode, is honestly just to introduce the villain.
The only really fun thing is the “your mom” bit, I would have approved her out of that alone.
It´s okay, sadly can´t say more.
813 “Evil clones, what was I thinking? Dinosaurs, that´s a proper supervillain plan!”
MEH I mean it´s an okay episode but when you get to it is just repeating stuff from the first discord episode, nothing new. nothing gained.
That should be the motto of this season.
814 “Discord, what part of go to hell don´t you get?”
“The part where you forgot to tell me to stay there”
This episode is horrible!
What´s the moral lesson, be an asshole and get away with everything?
WHy the hell does Starlight apologizes? Why is HER problem that Discord feels bad? The idiot should take it on Twilight and she ahs a perfect reason not to let him in the school..Discord is an asshole! As this episode demonstrated!
Can he just...leave, please?
Worst episode of the season.
815 “Twilight, shouldn't we invite Zecora one of these days?”
“You wanna explain Kwanzaa to the viewers, Rainbow?”
Oh what? Oh yeah this episode.
Look I get the point and being objective there's nothing wrong with this episode but my god, tiw as boring!
Just the same bit repeated over and over and over and over…
Whatever, technically there's nothing wrong with it but I didn't like it.
816 “So mono means one and rail menas...no wait, wrong scam. Calls dismissed!”
“Slow down bro, so who´s the princess of friendship then?”
“The one with the eyepatch!”
So...a perfectly normal episode.
Again, this show always suffers from not having a b plot going on so the conflict get  a bit stretched but as an episode, it was well done.
Hey snape is right that Friendship IS a weapon in this universe, glad someone finally mentioned it.
There´s actually a good moral lesson about how no matter if the lessons are good if the methods are fraudulent which coming from Hasbro is the ultimate irony.
Flim Flam are kinda overdone at this point but it still works.
817 “Remember that time you left me in the desert with pinkie?”
“Oh sure, everything looks bad when you remember it…”
Actually a pretty good episode.
I mean the premise relies on twilight´s students being borderline sociopaths (guys, is not that complex of an idea, friends can disagree on things) but the episode itself it was really fun and the Raridash wa adorable.
I honestly liked it.
818 “I mean we could have get you a teacher and encouraged to get better through a montage but insulting you and hurting your feelings seemed like a better idea, pinkie”
Way to handle a problem, girls!
What part of this is supportive” pinkie? Your friends were assholes to you that made you feel bad so you stop bothering them and then come looking for you because is a problem for THEM?
There´s a better lesson about admitting you may not have the talent for something, which is a lesson that kids DO need to learn but since the problem is solved with a “who cares?” the moral lesson doesnt´work and nobody really learns anything here.
Who approved of this crap?
819 “I say someone must have  said a funny because your mother is in stitches hahaha! I´ll leave you to your grief, Starlight.”
Finally a good episode!
Actually an excellent one. Coupled with a catchy song and really good dialogue, my man Haber can make a really good episode when he wants.
I have zero complains this was the best episode of the season.
820 “That´s it I´m taking you to your parents or in its defect your lesbian aunts that cannot be seen in the show due to television censorship policies!”
I´m sorry but cootalo was a brat the entire episode in need of a good spanking.
Rainbow did absolutely nothing wrong and that gid set gogin around here is full of lies.
If anything she was a bit rash over the fact that yeah, the little girl she sees a sister suddenly is throwing her away...again, cause she did it with the maredowell thing also. Funny they didn´t mention it, probably to appease the fandom.
As an episode is nothing bad, Rainbow actually comes out great here so yeah, Scootaloo, you're grounded..as in put in a hole in the ground.
Good episode
821 “All me friend are long dead…”
“Yeah yeah, lovely. Fill this form here, big guy…”
What's wrong with Twilight this episode? Why is she such an insensitive idiot?
It was pretty clear the obvious solution was just giving him a classroom with no walls and guess what, that´s what she does alter on so what gives?
And why are SPike and SMoulder allowed to burns the school every day?
An dhow come Rockhoof has no job in “modern equestria”? there used to be plenty of things wanting to eat the ponies every week, did they disappear in between seasons or what?
Really stupid episode that only works by everybody bieng assholes to an actually nice guy.
822 “Look at the bright side Rainbow. We got replaced by a new cast but at least we didn't die horrible on the movie like the transformers did…”
grumble grumble this is actually a really good episode.
I mean I could argue they have already dome similar stuff but it make sense here. The tree of harmony finally gets some light on it and this actually helps make the students look less lame by giving them character so...yeah, it´s actually really good.
823 “Oh shoot we forgot to invite them to the school!”
“It's okay, Twilight forgot to invite like half of the country as well…”
grumble grumble another really good episode!
I honestly though this episode was gonna suck but it turns out to be one of the best.
It´s obviously a previously unaired episode that they managed to shove into here but is actually a really good so I have zero complains about it.
The kirin is actually really cute and I liked the song so…
824 “So kid have you seen stuart little?”
“Then this whole thing is gonna be new for you…”
So yeah...as an episode is okay but I´l argue that even the target audience could saw this coming a mile away.
My only real problem is that Spike barely apologizes to TWilight despite hurting her so much. Why is he such a brat? Twilight is nothing but a loving and supportive sister to him, look at that opening scene, si so lovely an touching!
Why does the show keep treating Twilight caring for her sibling and treating him like an equal as a bad thing? She even offers to let him go and learn more about his culture, she is supporting and loving why do they keep treating her like she´s doing a bad thing? and again kind of a big plothole nowdays  with dragons going around Equestria with no problems.
Other than that is a fine episode.
825-826 “Since we´re stuck here where the little filly´s room?”
“There is no little filly´s room in tartarus…”
Really, who built this prison Barry allen? Give them a bucket at least .
Again...actually really good episodes.
The action was good,the stakes were high, while that poor manticore shouldn't be there I still like the good detail than monsters have been kept her since past seasons and than the mane six honestly don´t hold a grudge against them, hope there´s an actual redemption arc down the line and they don't just forget about them like with the other villains,
Speaking of that, Cozy is probably the best vilian on the entire show.Hell, she´s better than Thanos cause she doesn't have an stupid justification, she just want s POWAAAAA! And she´s damn adorable and effective, she almost won.
Still They missed a chance to say that the missing magic was going to the human world to tie things up with Equestria girls for once and who the hell delivers letters to tartarus anyways?
The finally more than makes up and gives almost everyone a chance to shine so I like it. The mane six were treated with a LOT more respect than in the damn movie that's for sure.
Good solid episodes.
So that´s season 8, is not that bad honestly.. Had they had a better focus it would be better. Continuity is still a bit of a mess and just saying past stuff doesn't count but hey they´re trying.
Now I have like 40 Equestria Girls episodes to catch up though…
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ifthenslashers · 7 years
[Archive] If/Then: People Making the Places
[Inside Theater/Projection, Lights and Staging News; July 10, 2014]
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The vibrant new musical If/Then, created by the Next to Normal team of composer Tom Kitt and lyricist/book writer Brian Yorkey, is an ambitious production that follows two parallel storylines. They are the two different paths that newly divorced urban planner named Elizabeth (Idina Menzel) could take in her life depending upon a key choice she makes. One storyline involves her dating a politically conscious college friend named Lucas (Anthony Rapp) and the other with a newly discharged Army doctor named Josh (James Snyder). As scenes unfold in different locales, they generally shift from one storyline to the next, exploring many of the same themes in different contexts.
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A Work in Progress
Tony nominated scenic designer Mark Wendland had a lot to chew on as he worked out set pieces that could help move the story along without encumbering it with bulky props and scenery. “The biggest challenge, really, was the script because it’s a new work,” he tells PLSN. “It’s not based on anything else. It was Tom and Brian’s idea, and we all went into it knowing that there would be lots of revisions. I think the biggest challenge was keeping the design fluid enough that we would never be weighted down with something that either wasn’t needed or got in the way once the script changed. I think it was always in our minds to try to think of how to make a world where it seems like the characters are always making it and you never knew what was coming next. That’s why we have pieces that could roll around and fit together in any kind of configuration to make a world that the characters were creating, and then, when scenes changed and new locales came up, it was easy to figure out how to use the toys in a different way.”
The story of If/Then unfolds in numerous locations, including offices, apartments, a rooftop, a subway car, and Madison Square Park. In order to keep the pace going, many of the spaces are partially implied, through the use of staging and blocking around some significant set pieces like desks, beds, seats, and a catwalk/fire escape unit that cuts across the stage and is raised or lowered depending upon the need in each scene. The stair units are also flown in from above.
“The catwalk has the ability to fly, so for certain scenes it creates a frame at the top of the picture,” notes Wendland. “It disappears when we need it to, but it’s always in view. For park scenes where we want a more open feeling, we fly it all the way up.”
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Outside, Inside, Underground
The show opens and closes in Madison Square Park, which is adorned with umbrellas and tables. A bedroom set piece takes center stage for a couple of scenes, while other spaces are more open than implied, as in many musicals. “It’s a fast-paced show with lots of scenes back to back to back to back, so it was helpful to have those rolling wood frames,” says Wendland. “Sometimes they hold props, and sometimes they create doorways. They help it to be as fluid as possible. It was always the hope to use those rolling frame units to play a lot with the perception of space. One of my favorite things was having a big, open park scene as the first scene, then going down to this tight, closed off subway scene — it was a nice contrast.”
Five wood frames were rolled onstage to create subway cars for that pivotal scene after the opening sequence. “They were [outfitted with] individual chairs organized as if they were benches. The poles were just those wooden beams, so it was pretty abstract. It’s funny; it’s one of those things where your mind fills in the picture. I love when that happens so you’re not hitting the audience over the head with the image, but you’re allowing them to be a little more active in the show and fill in what they’re not seeing. When you hear the sound of the subway car, you get immediately where you are, and to me that’s more fun than putting a literal subway car on the stage.”
A key scenic element that helps with transitions and sets different moods through color changes is the back wall, which is surprisingly not a video wall. “It’s the genius of [lighting designer] Ken Posner,” declares Wendland. “It’s a bounce drop, and he only had about two and a half feet upstage and couldn’t backlight it because of the size of the turntable. It’s all front lit, and he was a genius at figuring out how to make it seem as if it is a video wall. We were always looking at Mark Rothko paintings for ideas of how to compose that space, and Ken certainly did an amazing job at getting those looks.”
The two designers worked closely together during the creation of If/Then. Wendland points out that the show is so tightly packed that they could not do anything without talking to each other. With about only 32 feet of stage depth in the Richard Rodgers Theatre, it was a challenge for them to pack everything in, and determining the lighting positions was another big challenge. “I couldn’t finalize anything without first making sure Ken was happy and could do what he needed to do,” affirms Wendland.
The color transitions along the bounce drop helped to signify transitions along with changes in the blocking and the dialogue. “It was just to try to get you to know that you are moving from place to place without literally saying it. You’re getting information from the characters and letting the words do the job. Especially for a musical, where we’re so used to being spoon-fed everything, it’s more interesting to let the audience be a little more active in the process and put two and two together themselves.”
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A Magical Mirror Effect
The most prominent set piece is a large reflective surface about 32 feet wide by 24 feet tall that is made up of two-by-four-foot tiles that looks like a giant mirror. Wendland says it is made of a Mylar-like product that was picked because it is lightweight. PRG, who built the set, recommended the material for that reason.
“It’s on a pivoting gantry, so it can play in any number of positions,” explains Wendland. “In the show, we probably use it in four or five different positions.” The mirror is mostly used in various vertical positions to reflect objects on and LEDs in the floor, but at the beginning of the show it is preset in a horizontal position so that its initial appearance surprises the audience. When it is used in a fully vertical position, it is about nine feet off the deck and reflecting back set pieces to add depth or make something like a fire escape appear to be multiplied rather than having extra set pieces.
Wendland says he was never worried about the reflective surface catching the audience at all. “For a show about contemporary New York City, I always thought it would be cool to see the audience,” he says. “I actually advocated trying some things where we played around with that, but in the positions we use it in you don’t really see the audience much. In the scenes where it is vertical, you are aware of the aisle lights and the balcony, but I thought that was cool because it looks like New York City lights. You aren’t quite sure what you are seeing.”
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The mirror also reflects LED lights that are placed in the floor that are used both to create a starry sky, such as during romantic scenes with Liz and Josh, and a subway map configuration also fashioned from LEDs.
“What ended up being the most satisfying [aspect] is we found a bunch of ways of using the mirror that, to me, were very magical,” explains Wendland. “You see it for what it is in the first several scenes, and you embrace [the fact] that it’s allowing us to have a bird’s eye view of what’s happening to this woman on the streets of New York. That was the starting point for the idea of the mirror, but what became magical to me as the show progressed is when we moved it into different positions. It allowed you to see space inside the theater in ways that to me were really unusual, unique, and a surprise. There is something about theater space that to me can sometimes be airless. In a traditional musical, when the back wall flies in and the sidewall wagons on from the side and the coach is on a palette, it pushes me away a little bit. I think the fun thing about the mirror is that I would be seeing things happen in space that I wasn’t quite sure how it was happening, and it drew me in. It made me a little bit more curious and a little bit more of an active viewer of the show.”
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