#i think this fits SasuNaru best tbh
long ask and kinda random but- wouldn't it be so funny if two characters are shown throughout a story, not together just yet but it is confirmed they know each other. They talk about each other constantly, and you wouldn't notice it at first glance but man its there once you notice it.
Character A is the type that is very friendly and casual, suddenly becomes polite, maybe even a bit too polite and almost distant talking about them (in a way thats obviously them restraining themselves) to the point u can't quite tell if they do genuinely care but they do know a lot about the other. Meanwhile, Character B has been cursed with a resting bitch face and makes talking about anyone sound like theyre insulting them. Their very short way of speech does not help especially out of context and without proper explanation (think; "I would chain them down to a chair if i could." But they meant that as in out of worry since A is so fucking reckless. Its maddening.) Anyways, other people think A is suddenly polite (out of apprehension?? being wary?? noone knows) but otherwise willing to talk about them (B) nicely. While people think B whose normally calm and relaxed, is always very pissed at A (yes and also no.)
The first time their on screen together basically amounts to a huge explosion on both ends with Character A nervous and unsure how to introduce them but reluctantly settles with simply. "Oh. their a good friend of mine." but B who is normally pretty quiet, just. absolutely goes off. "friend?? FRIEND??? We did not go through the shit we did, and survived together for the shit we went through for you to just call me a good friend."
listen its till death do us part in this household, i am your comrade in arms, your ride or die when you plan on overthrowing the government. I may only know maybe 2/5 of your hobbies but i know what you look like in near terror at the thought of ur loved ones being threatened and rising up in the flames of fury to protect them, and then a sobbing mess when you finally break down. Friend is fine but also man you could do to hype me up more over here-
I just need two emotionally contipated besties on opposite sides of the spectrum is that so much to ask- (also loudmouth and friendly but distant x quiet and stern but also ball of emotion ready to explode, is 💞)
Oh, this is a dynamic i’d actually love to see more of. The ‘are they friends or do they hate each other? I’m getting mixed signals here’ but then you see them in a room together and realize ‘oh, ‘friends’ doesn’t even BEGIN to describe what they two are’
No one has a definitive answer
They’ll kill for each other but also be the first to stop each other from killing
They’ll bite anyone who insults the other, but character B always seems ready to insult character A at a moment’s notice yet never does.
These two are thicker than theives. They’re the best of friends yet so much more. The very concept of their bond is too difficult for any mere moral to understand. Even the gods don’t understand what the heck is going on with these two.
I can think of a few pairings that sort of match this but also, this is so very specific and perfect i wouldn’t want to try and assign it to any character because it’s just…
Easily the best pairing ever. Thank you anon your brain is SO BIG.
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 5 years
Why I dislike SS
I’m pro-Sakura
In all honesty, I never understood Sakura’s ‘love’ for Sasuke, never did I hate Sasuke for not returning her feelings as he was never obligated to. Though I love Sakura’s character, I would be ignorant to say that her or any character is without their faults. There were a few things that I thought that Sakura was flawed.
Sakura is not at fault for not understanding Sasuke to the core as he never shares anything deep with her. He keeps it all to himself, hidden from all except Naruto who experienced something similar and sees. (even though Naruto has guilt tripped Sasuke as well before). Sasuke does not OWE anyone anything. He is not responsible for Sakura’s or Naruto’s ,or anyone else’s for that matter, hurt feelings.
1) The orphan comment. :The comment of Naruto not knowing how to behave because he had no parents is what people like to quote the most, completely disregarding her change in behavior afterwards to Naruto, in how she was always supporting him afterwards. No matter what sparked it, verbal affirmation/support is always best and Sakura has already shown that she is very...very vocal.
2) Her guilt tripping Sasuke:https://www.wattpad.com/362846413-anti-sasusaku-anti-sakura-moments/page/2
(Sakura hitting Naruto in the manga are all for legitimate reasons and in the anime it is still pretty legitimate or used for slapstick comedy to bank on the Tsundere description.) So no, I don’t count this as legitamate.
It’s classic emotional abuse. Like how people say that “I can’tlive without you” whenever someone tries to break up or “i’ll kill myself”. Basically it is forcing Sakura’s feelings to be at the frontfold of Sasuke’s actions. Meaning he has to take responsibility for HER feelings. Even when sasuke says he doesn’t like her and has no reason to and doesnt understand her fantasy of being with him.
..well really that’s it tbh.
But other reasons I don’t understand SS are literally in these links:
https://www.wattpad.com/345702556-anti-sasusaku-rant-5-most-abusive-relationship (this blog besides the annoying anti sakura commentators has a lot of good points)
Sakura to me went from an annoyance to a close teammate of Sasuke’s then back to a nonfactor then back to a teammate. Nothing about them showed romance in the slightest.
People say that Sasuke blushed (Sasuke blushed a couple of times. and?) and winked to her when really he was being nice so she wouldnt let her insecurities affect the team. Add on to that, Sasuke can be a decent person.
My whole thought is this, if Sasuke truly needed to kill the one he loves to get stronger, then why is he so focused on killing Naruto? If Sakura went the most to him, why is he constantly calling Naruto his one true this or that. Sakura in Sasuke’s mind is never thought of in her lonesome in his memories, whenever she shows up in his memories it is with the rest of the team, not just by herself. Naruto in Sasuke’s memories is on his lonesome. Sasuke is singling Naruto out from the team as being the most important. Sakura is not even on his radar. He tries to kill her only as a reaction to her trying to kill him.
Even during the war arc, Sasuke not only did he put her under a genjutsu (no this is not evidence of love but just to keep her out of the way. Sasuke’s intent is no longer to kill everyone, he wants to rule the village. No one else is either near them to stop it, has the energy to or would  even dare interfere in Sasuke’s fight with Naruto but Sakura. So he makes her a nonfactor. To Sasuke, the only way to rule the village/shinobi world is to be rid of the one obstacle he faces: Naruto.
I used to hate Sasuke at a certain point to be honest, but then I grew to understand him. I like Sakura as well. Like I said each character has their flaws because not only is that what makes them relatable, but perfect charcaters are boring. I just simply cannot understand SS nor NH (but this one is for a different post). :)
Like Sakura and Sasuke are together but it’s crazy that their so called “bond’ as couple still feels weaker than Naruto and Sasuke’s bond as friends/brothers. Naruto and Sasuke are literally the main focus of the manga. (even though I think SNS is legit, beyond all characters in the series, Sasuke and Naruto’s bond is undeniably the strongest, there’s no way to pass them off as just brothers).
I’m heavily pro NS and SNS (I just from the beginning doubted that a shounen manga would make SNS canon no matter how popular Yaoi is in Japan, so I never got overly angry at them not ending up together, even though the baiting is still wrong).
I maintain that ShikaTema, NaruSaku, and SasuNaru are the ONLY ships that make sense in the series. The ONLY. (There’s not an extensive amount of material for SasuKarin, but they also fit the bill of making sense).
I’m sorry for cross-tagging if you’re offended, I wanted to open up this discussion to all of the ships I support.
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