#i think this might be the first actual time i’ve like drawn chloe. wack
carpetbug · 8 months
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she is a mythic bitch!
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@lucallemant: @srodulv is making breakfast, send help
Shelter Chapter 7
Lucas decided he never wanted to leave that apartment. Not for anything. Not for his friends, not for his mom and definitely not to go back to his own home. He never wanted that moment with Eliott in the kitchen to end. Kissing him felt so right. Hearing Eliott pant and moan against Lucas felt so right in so many ways. And feeling a moan being pulled from himself as Eliott trailed kisses and bites down the side of his neck was just perfect. It felt like he was being sent to Heaven. Eliott had started backing them up towards the wall, which Lucas landed against with a thud. Lucas didn’t understand how Eliott was so seamless with his kisses and his touches, which roamed from his waist up to his neck, into his hair, back to his ass and lower back. It felt like he was going to explode.
“Wait-wait,” Lucas panted.
Eliott popped back up to eye level, and Lucas couldn’t help but stare. His lips were puffy and red, irises were blown out in arousal and his hair was a mess from Lucas running his hands through it. Lucas was sure he didn’t look any better. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Lucas calmed slightly as Eliott began to rub gentle circles around his shoulder blades, prompting Lucas to talk. He saw the Alpha glance at his lips a multitude of times, which almost had Lucas saying “nevermind, forget it, keep kissing me and take me to your bed to fuck me senseless.”
“No-nothings wrong,” Lucas managed, pulling himself from his thoughts. Eliott smirked in triumph, “everything’s perfect, really. I just...I think we should talk first.”
Eliott seemed a little taken aback by what Lucas had said, but nodded all the same. He peeled Lucas off the wall, holding his hand as he guided them back to the couch. Part of Lucas really wanted to go back into the kitchen and continue making out, but the other part (the more rational part) decided that this had to be done before anything escalated. So they sat there for a few minutes, Eliott simply waiting for Lucas to begin talking, which Lucas appreciated. He was struggling to find the words.
“Eliott,” Lucas finally said, making Eliott’s head snap up in surprise, “obviously I like you, I like you a fuck ton actually,” that made Eliott laugh happily, “but I’m...complicated. You shared with me your mental illness the very first time we saw each other face-to-face, and putain that made me so happy, that you were willing to talk to me about it. But I have issues, some issues that you may not want to deal with-” his voice caught in his throat.
Eliott reached out a hand and grabbed Lucas’s, “it’s okay,”
Lucas smiled as a silent thank you before taking a deep breath, “for starters, I’m still in the closet. I know I’m gay, I’ve known for a few years. But, I don’t know. It’s scary to think about what being gay means to me; if that makes sense? I mean, you met Chloe, she’s nice, sweet, attractive. But even though I’m not actively attracted to her, I’m using her and, fuck, that makes me hate myself. It’s not fair to me or to her.” Eliott started massaging the back of Lucas’s hand with his thumb, “but I’m so scared of my friends finding out the truth about my sexuality and-” Lucas had to pause, he had to, “I know it’s stupid, to think that my friends would reject me if they found out I was gay. Because I know they wouldn’t. But it’s just this thought that’s always present in the back of my mind.”
After a couple beats passed Eliott said, “it’s not stupid to think that, Lucas. It’s normal. I was petrified of coming out as pansexual to my family and friends, because you never know how people will react. And it’s scary because ‘coming out’ is something you will have to do for the rest of your life, but we’ll take it day by day. Minute by minute, even. Sure there will be assholes will give us crap about being ‘gay.’ And there will be people who will assume we’re just really really close friends who hold hands and show our deeply rooted affection for one another, because people are dumb,” that made Lucas laugh and Eliott snickered. “It’s true, they are. Just like you were stupid for not realizing how much I’ve been hitting on you since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Oh, I noticed.” Lucas laughed.
Eliott frowned playfully, “so, what, you were just dragging me along?”
“I let you kiss me didn’t I?”
Eliott leaned forward, making Lucas fall back on the couch. Eliott hovered over Lucas, a predatory look in his eyes. Lucas wasn’t entirely done with his confessions, he still had to explain about his dad and his suppressants and his whole thing with being an Omega. But he couldn’t bring himself to utter another word when Eliott was looking at him like that.
“You know, I didn’t see you for the first time in one of your music videos.” Eliott muttered as he slid his knee between Lucas’s legs.
“Ah, ouai?”
Eliott nodded slowly, rubbing his nose against Lucas’s, “yeah. I saw you the first time you ever performed. Out on the street corner with those bins scattered around you. You didn’t see me, because I blended in with the crowd. But, God, did I see you. You are so captivating, Lucas. It’s like all my senses are drawn to you,” Lucas moaned as Eliott’s soft stubble rubbed down his neck until he stopped to nibble at the skin just above the shirt.
The truth was stuck in Lucas’s throat as Eliott kept venturing downwards, hands trialing under his shirt. He knew he should tell Eliott before they kept going; he had to. The truth was bound to come out at some point. “Eliott, wait, hold on,”
Eliott groaned and slipped his hand out from under the sweatshirt to look back up at Lucas, “what’s wrong? Do you not want this? I don’t want to push you-”
“No, no, no, I...I definitely want this, Eliott,” Lucas said as he shifted back upwards and scooted closer so he could reach up and cup Eliott’s face in his hand. “I just...there’s another thing, um, it’s just that I’m an Omega.” Lucas said and closed his eyes tightly waiting for Eliott to yell or lash out or something. Instead a hand came up and wrapped around Lucas’s neck, massaging his scent gland just slightly. Just enough to make Lucas melt into the touch and open his eyes again.
Eliott paused, “I’m not going to say that I’m not surprised, but I’m definitely not angry.”
“Really?” Lucas asked incredulously.
Eliott smiled and leaned his forehead against Lucas’s, “of course not! But, how come you don’t smell like an Omega?”
Lucas felt his throat run dry, “well, I, um, have a prescription for suppressants.”
“Don’t be mad, okay?”
Lucas watched as Eliott turned away and tightened his jaw, just slightly, “I’m not...mad, because I don’t have a right to be. I mean it’s your body you can do whatever you want to it...but those can be dangerous, Lucas. I mean they can alter your whole reproductive system if taken too early.” Even if Eliott told him he wasn’t mad, there was still a shift in his scent. Something heading away from blissfulness and more towards annoyance.
“I know, that’s why I make sure it comes from a safe source, from a pharmacy. My dad signed off on the prescription.”
“Putain,” Eliott mumbled under his breath before turning back to Lucas, “but, wait, they are made for Omega’s who are already infertile and don’t need to have heats anymore. How do you handle...everything?”
Lucas swallowed before answering, “I trigger my heats by just not taking the suppressants for a couple days, and I make sure to have heats at most four times a year, as not to get too out of wack.”
“I get that you have it under control, and have a system in place, but maybe just check in with the doctor? Because you’re most likely still...fertile...but you don’t know what it could have done to your, uh, reproductive system.”
Lucas scoffed, “okay, Mr. Scientist.”
“Hey, c’mon, Lucas. I’m serious.”
Lucas sighed, “okay, yes, I will go talk to the doctor next friday.” He glanced over at Eliott who had a pout on his face, “what now?”
“Well, now I just hate suppressants because this whole time I’ve thought your just a scrawny Beta, but now I am just dying to be able to smell your natural scent.”
Lucas grinned and blushed at the comment, “fine, tomorrow morning I won’t take my suppressant right away so you can smell my scent. Happy?”
Eliott hummed as he leaned closer, “you’re spending the night?” Lucas simply flicked his eyebrows upward in response, which made him laugh, “what would make me even happier is if you didn’t take the suppressant at all.”
“Mm, I’ll do it for a price,” Lucas mumbled against Eliott’s lips.
“And what might that be?”
“I bet you’ll think of something,” Lucas trailed off as Eliott finally closed the miniscule distance between them for the third time that night.
Lucas determines that he will never get over kissing Eliott. Or the way he tilts his head in order to kiss Lucas just a little deeper, completely stealing all of Lucas’ breath away. Eliott slowly started leaning them back onto the couch and Lucas happily followed his lead. As soon as they were both lying down Eliott wasted no time in grinding down, eliciting a loud moan from Lucas. “Bed, bed,” Lucas gasped as he slung his hands around Eliott’s neck. His hands brushed against Eliott’s own scent gland, making the Alpha melt for just a second. Lucas would definitely have to pay that more attention, hopefully earlier than later.
“Put your legs around my waist,” Eliott whispered, as if any loud noise would break the moment.
Lucas did as he was told, and before he knew it Eliott was standing up, hands coming up to cup Lucas and keep him in place. Lucas couldn’t help but continue to nibble and kiss Eliott as he walked, making them stumble a couple times. Lucas smirked as his hand trailed back to the scent gland, massaging it just a little. He let out a fit of giggles when Eliott had to shove them against a wall to make sure they didn’t fall over as his knees gave out.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?”
Lucas nodded sporadically, “yeah.”
Eliott smiled as he leant in to give Lucas another kiss. It was all teeth and lips as they kissed, since they were just two idiots who couldn’t stop smiling. They finally it all the way to Eliott’s room, where the Alpha kicked open the door before laying Lucas down gently on the bed. Eliott turned back around to close the door, and when he looked back at the Omega, Lucas was pretty sure his heart stopped beating. Lucas knew he wasn’t ready to have sex with the Alpha, and he was pretty sure Eliott knew that. So when Eliott leaned back in, hands staying above the sweatshirt, Lucas remained calm.
“I never want you to take this off,” Eliott whispered as his lips transcended down to Lucas’s neck.
Lucas breathed a laugh, “I love smelling like you.”
He hadn’t expected that to pull a moan from Eliott, but couldn’t have been happier with the result, “well, I guess that settles it then, you are never allowed to leave my apartment. At least not until my scent is all over you.”
“I like the sound of that,” Lucas laughed as he pressed their foreheads together.
Eliott eased his hands into Lucas’s hair, supporting his head, before rolling them over onto their sides. Their legs naturally tangled together as their breathing steadied. Lucas leaned in and gave a peck onto the end of Eliott’s nose, causing smiles to erupt from both of them.
His eyes started to drift closed when Eliott began to slowly massage his scalp with one hand, the other one looped around his waist. The sunrise was just starting to peek over the Paris skyline, casting warm light over them. Lucas wasn’t even sure how long he had spent in the apartment, but couldn’t be any happier about it.
“Am I your first?” Eliott eventually asked.
Lucas paused, not really sure how to answer. He decided to send a glance at the Alpha, a glance which made Eliott laugh and lean in to steal a kiss. A few beats passed before Lucas asked “what about you?” Lucas could tell that Eliott wasn’t a virgin, not like Lucas. Eliott was way too good at everything he did, literally everything. The Alpha copied what Lucas had done moments before, sending him a look and flicking his eyebrows up. Lucas smirked, “ah, okay, I see.” That made Eliott chuckle and press a kiss to his cheek, sending Lucas back into a new realm of “high.”
“You should sleep, babe.” Eliott finally whispered.
Lucas hummed, “Lucas number 4623 can sleep, and actually go to school later today. I’m staying awake to keep kissing you.”
“Lucas number 4623?”
“Yeah, it’s my theory of parallel universes. Where every time I have to make a choice I know that some other Lucas has done it. So in all universes, I’ve done everything.” Eliott blinked at him, making Lucas chuckle, “what?”
“Nothing, I just don’t know if I believe it.”
Lucas hummed again, “well, you’re wrong. Because right now there is a really, really jacked Lucas surfing waves in Bali. Or a Lucas in New York signing a contract for millions. Or a Lucas who is in high school, meeting his Eliott right now.”
“Do you think every Lucas has an Eliott?”
The question made Lucas pause to think about it, “I think so. I think that...maybe it just takes some of them more time to meet than others. Like maybe there is a Lucas who hasn’t answered your message on Instagram, but maybe they went on to meet at a bus stop. Or maybe there are childhood friends Lucas and Eliott, who both grew up having feelings for each other but neither of them told the other. Or maybe there’s a Lucas who never took suppressants, and is able to make the first move on his Eliott.”
“You’ve convinced me,” Eliott said with a smile, “how many Lucas’s and Eliott’s are laying together right now?”
“Too many to count.”
Eliott leaned in for a final kiss before flopping back down. The tingling feeling of the kiss persisted as Lucas drifted off to sleep.
When Lucas woke up, the space in the bed next to him was empty and cold. He jerked awake when he felt his phone buzz nonstop in his pocket. God, that was fucking annoying. Lucas pulled it out, skimming through the messages. It was mainly messages from Le Gang, asking him why he was MIA yesterday in their group chat regarding the party being held at Chloe’s house. Lucas groaned and fell back onto the bed at the mention of Chloe. He really should contact her and tell her it’s over, but he decided to leave that for tomorrow’s duties.
As he rolled out of bed he checked the time, 13:16. Lucas groaned again, his last period is running right now; well, guess he won’t be going to campus today.
When he lifted himself off the bed, and was walking towards the door, he noticed a yellow sticky note resting on the pillow. Lucas stared at it for a few seconds before shuffling over to it. He picked it up, first taking note of the little drawing of a hedgehog under the sheets before going down to read the message written on it in messy handwriting.
“You look beautiful when you sleep. Eliott number 45 is very lucky.”
Lucas smiled as he flipped to the next page, “your scent is driving me crazy” it read, “you smell like a dream. Bisous.”
Lucas gripped the note close to his heart before turning back towards the door, stumbling out into the hallway. His nose was immediately assaulted with the worst smell in the world. He physically had to grip his nose shut as he walked to the kitchen. He peeked around the corner to find Eliott frantically trying to waft out the smoke filling the room. Lucas laughed and walked forward, looping his arms around Eliott’s middle without him noticing.
The Alpha physically jumped in surprise before turning around to gaze at Lucas, melting into the touch, “morning.” Eliott mumbled as he leaned down and Lucas lifted up till their lips met in a fleeting kiss. “I, um, tried to make breakfast for you.”
Lucas laughed, “key word: tried.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m not one for cooking. Though, my blueberry-bacon muffins are to die for.”
Lucas cringed, “I beg of you, refrain from baking them while we’re together.” Lucas said and slid his arms away before walking over to the fridge.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Eliott cock an eyebrow, “we are...‘together’?”
Shit. Lucas frantically turned back to Eliott, a deep blush creeping up on his face. “I mean, we don’t have to be, ya know? I mean, pfff, we spent a night together-er; not together, but as mutuals. We spent a mutual night in a bed, but that doesn’t mean that we-” before Lucas could sputter on any longer Eliott took the few strides separating them, cupped Lucas’s head in his hands, and crashed their lips together.
“I would want nothing more than to be together with you, Lucas.” Eliott spoke gently after their lips separated.
“Oh, thank God.” Lucas sighed and leaned into the touch, “me neither.”
Eliott smiled softly and pressed their foreheads together. The burnt breakfast long forgotten. “And, hey, don’t feel pressured to tell your friends about us, okay? Take it at your own pace. I’ll be here, ready and willing.”
“Thank you, Eliott.”
“Of course, baby. Now, uh, how about we go out to breakfast? I don’t think there’s any salvaging of whatever I tried to cook.”
Lucas laughed, “sure, babe.”
“Say it again,” Eliott prompted, pressing them even closer (if that was possible.)
Lucas hummed as he leaned upwards, “babe, we gotta get going.” He said it nearly mockingly, knowing exactly what was coming next.
Eliott’s lips were back on his, and just like that, Lucas was falling all over again.
They didn’t make it out of the apartment until well after noon. They had a difficult time finding pants that would fit Lucas and not just hang off his hips like a tarp.  Of course, that wasn’t the only thing holding them back. Because everytime Lucas tried on a different piece of clothing of Eliott’s, Eliott would give him this look and, pfff, Lucas didn’t have any self control, so they would just end up kissing for the next few minutes.
They finally decided to just let Lucas wear what he had come in the day before, because god knows how long the brutal cycle of trying stuff on and making out could have gone on for.  Lucas couldn’t help but poke fun at the Alpha, who was obviously upset about Lucas wearing his own clothes no matter how much he denied it.
As they walked into the empty elevator, Eliott didn’t waste any time in wrapping his arms around Lucas’s shoulders from behind. He leaned in just enough until his nose was brushing against his scent gland. Lucas smiled and tilted his head to the side to give Eliott more room to roam. Eliott took the opportunity wholeheartedly, dragging his lips across the expanse of skin, relishing in Lucas’s moans.
“You smell so good, Lucas,” Eliott mumbled against Lucas’s scent gland.
Lucas bit his lip, praying that the elevator doors wouldn’t suddenly open, “if you keep this up we might have to go back upstairs.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say no to that,” Eliott said laughing.
Lucas scoffed and turned around, not wasting any time in bringing his hands around Eliott’s neck. “No, no, you need to at least take me to lunch first, mister. I deserve that much for putting up with you for over a whole day.”
Eliott laughed again, “you’re right. My apologies, babe.”
Lucas smiled as he pressed himself closer to Eliott’s chest, “I like that.”
“You know what.” “Mm, no sorry I don’t think I do. Mind elaborating?” Eliott smirked.
Lucas pouted, he’s really going to make him say it, “the pet name, Eliott.”
“Oh! Babe?” Eliott asked incredulously, pretending to be clueless. Lucas nodded anyways, “oh, I see. Any other pet names? Honey bear, sweetums, sweetie pie, baby, honey…”
Lucas pressed his head into Eliott’s chest, a blush creeping onto his face, “if you keep going I think I might explode.” Lucas mumbled. He was a helpless romantic.
Eliott laughed, “well we can’t have that can we...babe.”
Lucas hit him on the chest playfully before separating them just enough to not look suspicious as the elevator doors opened. He could feel Eliott’s hesitation as if he was going to reach out to touch Lucas again. Lucas wasn’t sure if he was relieved or sad that Eliott kept his hands to himself. As they walked out of the building they began having a heated debate on whether or not it is normal to have a nap in the car. They only finished the conversation once they were at the restaurant, Lucas had won it by a long shot. Eliott had pouted about it, saying that he was still right. Lucas, however, said “well, hate to break it to you but now that you’re with me, you don’t get to win anymore!”
That made Eliott laugh as they walked to the last open table outside. It was such a beautiful day, and it seriously seemed like a dream. As they opened their menus Lucas wanted nothing more than to reach out at touch Eliott’s right hand that was left upwards and open on their table. A meer seven inches from his own. But something inside wouldn’t let him.
“What are you getting?” Eliott finally asks.
Lucas smiles up at his...partner. Should he call Eliott his boyfriend? They only talked about it for a minute this morning. They had agreed they were together, but Lucas isn’t entirely sure what ‘together’ meant for Eliott. Is he the type to be in a long-term relationship? All these worries flooded over Lucas, slowly sucking the smile off Lucas’s face.
Lucas barely registers the crease between Eliott’s eyebrows form before he’s reaching across the table and running a soothing thumb over Lucas’s palm. “Lulu, you okay?”
He snaps his eyes up to meet Eliott’s, “yeah, sorry. Got lost in thought.” Lucas clears his throat to look back at his menu, but Eliott’s concerned look doesn’t fade away, “I don’t know what I’ll get.” Lucas finally looks down at the prices and his eyes shoot open. “Holy shit this place is expensive! I can’t afford this, Eliott!”
Eliott laughs and leans back, pulling his hand away as well. “Don’t worry about that. Just get whatever you want.” He leans forward again, just long enough to whisper the next part, “I’ll do anything for my Omega.”
Lucas melts at the comment, he practically purrs, and he has to do everything in his power not to jump over the table to kiss Eliott that moment. Eliott cocks an eyebrow, purses his lips forward just a bit, daring Lucas to kiss him. Two can play at that game, Lucas thinks. He knows he has the best “kiss-me-right-now-or-I-might-die” look and he uses it to his full advantage. Lucas leans forward a bit, mirroring where Eliott had been just a second ago, gazes upwards, eyelids hooded, hands holding his face in position. He can pinpoint the exact moment Eliott’s pupils dilate and mouth parts open. Before Lucas knows it, a menu shields both of them from the street as Eliott leans in and presses a chaste kiss to Lucas’s lips. As Eliott moves away Lucas nearly follows, searching for more. But then the menu is moved and Lucas feels revealed all over again.
“Lucas?” a high-pitched voice asks somewhere behind him.
He sees Eliott staring at someone over his shoulder and he follows his gaze, “oh,” Lucas nearly whispers to himself, “hey, Chloe.”
Before he can even protest Chloe is placing her purse on the back of the chair beside Lucas and taking a seat, “I haven’t seen you since you abandoned me at that party.”
Lucas feels his mouth go dry, “yeah, I meant to talk to you about that…”
“No, it’s okay! I accept your apology,” she smiles as him and places a soft kiss on his lips. The lips Eliott had marked as his not even a minute ago. “Anyways,” she chirps, “what are we getting?”
While Chloe is looking at the menu, Lucas builds up the courage to look over at Eliott. He looks like he’s about ready to rip her limb from limb.
Well, this is going to be a blast.
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