#i think xe was turned in xyr early 20s
grapecaseschoices · 7 months
I would love to know more about your thicker than mcs, if you feel like sharing! I would love to know your thoughts on the game so far too, I've been pondering on whether to play it or not and we seem to have relatively similar taste on ifs from what I've seen so far, so I trust your recs. ❤️❤️
i like it! i haven't played all the sections [like i haven't had much interaction with Freya in either of my PTs and one of my MCs has yet to interact with Lady Penrose; and I love that!] but I am enjoying where I am at and have seen. I love how all the characters - well the ones I've interacted with - have clear agendas, there are shadows even for the least machiavellian of the lot, but they're allso so charming in various ways. Like in the sense there is something that appeals and draws you in. I love how some choices lock you out of the story. It isn't like everyone gets pleased and MC gets all the want, actions lead to impactful consequences. I like how they can also reveal something about MC and the other characters. Insight.
So far, I have two MCs. I'll give you the rambles I wrote to sort of differentiate them in my head and keep them consistent as I play. Because I'm not allowing myself to pressure myself to get wild about it.
Skyler: Careful. Intention is to survive,  so mindful of doing what xe can/needs to not to stir things. BUT doesn't like being challenged -- or rather  underestimated in certain respects. Shares to make connections, but doesn't trust. But knows they're not strong enough yet. i think skyler doesn'tt trust people but,  maybe because of oliver, there are lines they wont cross -- there is mercy in them.
Posey: Hopeful/Optimistic. Seemingly obedient. Maybe genuinely trusting. But also impulsive and reckless. Knows how to mask. She's had to bite her tongue but also her daring is what got her as a doctor, not quitting despite her age.
I feel, I'm still trying to ponder the differences in approach and reaction though I've got like intent ironed out [mostly], Sky and Pose approach certain situations in the same way ... or like they might choose the same option but their intention is different [the reason why I pick it is different].
Like Posey SEEMS like she is seem meek and obedient, but she has such a wild streak I think. I think something arrogant and potentially dangerous. But in a way she is naive -- not in a clueless way but in a trusting way. I haven't entirely figured if it is genuine or because she just wants/needs/is used to the rose colored glasses. I will say Posey approaches as a way to keep herself protected. The game doesn't let me have that nuance [[at least not yet]] but it is fun headcanoning it. Is she being good and nice because that's how she feel and that's who she is, or because she feels it will endear you to her.
I think the difference maybe is that Posey is something wild in a rabbit's skin/behind a rabbit's mask. Skyler is the rabbit but people underestimate that rabbits are wily prey, that some rabbits are very very aggressive [especially when cornered] and they bite. People EXPECT the bite of the snake, but not of the rabbit.
So that's how I come at it. Posey has a bit of a 'yolo' in her and can be foolish but she's also ruthless. And selfish, I think. Skyler is naturally precautions but gets indignant when you under estimate xem.
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whitelieswebweaver · 1 year
March 27, 2023
Clover woke me up with a kiss and a surprise- xe had gotten up early and made me breakfast, sweet thing. Xe hates waking up first thing in the morning (unlike yours truly, I love it!) but wouldn't you know, xe beat me to it and treated me to breakfast in bed. Even spoonfed me when I asked- I love being treated like a king in my own castle ♥︎
Despite it being the most important date in history thus far known to mankind, I still had work today. I can't complain too much; the wains (I call them that, but they're all 20 somethings--- still wains, really) wished me a happy birthday when I walked into class this morning which was nice. To celebrate, I gave them all a pop quiz and pushed off the due date for their homework from last class because frankly, I can't be bothered to grade papers on my own birthday. It just isn't on.
After work, I arrived home a bit earlier than Tex so I spent my time having a wee kip on the sofa and by the time I woke up, xe walked in the door with a smile on xyr face the moment xe saw me. Xe ran a bath for me after that, scrubbed my hair, hummed to me... it was delightful. Afterwards, we headed to a nice little hole in the wall Italian place and had a lovely dinner- made even lovelier when Clover told one of the waitstaff it was my birthday- I don't know why people get embarrassed over being sang to in public for their birthdays, I think it's fun and exactly the kind of attention I deserve on my big day!
When we returned home, Clover gave me my gift; it was a big box full of my favorite chocolates, my watch that had needed a new battery now working again, a new button up, something special I won't list here (but safe to say I'm enjoying seeing Clover in it 🤭), and a new biro. It's a tad bit late now, and we've both work again tomorrow, so we're turning in soon; funny, how relatively dull it was but you know what? I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you Clover for making my day that much more special. Love you ♥︎
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