#i thought jin might be part of the revenge but now i'm not so sure
invisiblegarters · 8 months
Man whenever shows dig into how bad things can get for the have nots vs the haves I get so impotently furious.
On the bright side I'm not going to be sad watching these asshole kids get picked off one by one. I hope next week we're back to the murders.
PS the gasp I let out when a wild Phee appeared!
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tangsakura · 24 days
Idk because of yuuji's soul origin and brother themes on him keep popping out (with todo, choso, twinning with sukuna in domain) how if sukuna's twin willingly let themselves be eaten by sukuna out of love..? Sacrificial love. That's what soul like yuuji would do. His father Jin (the twin reincarnation) seems like a very kind man, too. That's why sukuna hates him, but he himself never really sure why. I guess the sacrifice leads to sukuna born evil and 'fight hungry' because he thought he fought and defeated his twin and ate them, but that's not the case. Now sukuna's fighting yuuji and yuuji fights back and even eat him too (sukuna fingers), once sacrificial love turns into pity. Like reverse version and sukuna's true equal is yuuji (he can cage sukuna while born without CE and not die, their soul similiar to fushion). Well, jjk is ending soon. I kinda want to know more about sukuna's origin, so i think about this one 😑 I hope yuuji will survive, though, but to end them twins cycle, most likely both need to die 😞 or yuuji survive then 100 years later both reincarnated.
If you're interested in Sukuna Backstory Theories then you can my posts:
Sukuna Backstory #1
Sukuna and Angel Backstory
I never thought of Sukuna as evil in the beginning, but more like he was turned one because of society and the environment around him. He was the outcast of the outcasts and he was born in the golden age of jujutsu. No wonder he became evil, at least in our standards.
You know, I did have a thought that Jin was a victim and a nice person at first, but then I started to think - what if Jin was actually as unhinged as Sukuna?
In the chapter when Jin first appeared, he mentioned how babies can retain memories and remember them, which was weird because how tf did he come into that conclusion? If that was true, then he would've remembered the times when he was a baby, right?
Then I started thinking. What if Jin remembers when he was a fetus during Heian era and how he was 'devoured' by Sukuna? This line of think changed the way I looked at the page.
He might not be someone in denial of his wife's death or anything like that. In fact, he might've known that Kenjaku was inhabiting his dead wife and must've formed some sort of vow. You mentioned that Jin might've demonstrated sacrificial love, but it might be that Jin didn't have any agency in the matter of being devoured by Sukuna (this is something mentioned by someone I talked to on Twitter btw..... I think their username is LadyKenjaku or smthing), and a pact made with Kenjaku by him was a decision he made. A way to reclaim agency. Who knows if he was cooperating with Kenjaku as a revenge for what happened or if it was to help his twin despite everything?
I do also have a crazy theory that the reason Yuji could take control of his own body even though Sukuna had been inside of him was because Yuji was created with Jin's soul fragments. Sukuna's soul and power are so overwhelming that it just seems impossible for someone to be in control of their body once he is inside theirs, but Yuji can. So I think Yuji has something that can equal Sukuna's soul. What I thought of is that Yuji is made from Jin's soul fragments. Yuji's soul contains parts of Jin's soul in it, basically.
That's why Yuji has much potential as Sukuna and absorbed his CT quite easily without destroying Sukuna himself.
And yes, thank you for staying for this long yap.
I do hope Yuji dies, but gets revived as a way to be free from the cycle of curses with Sukuna. Like how Harry Potter did xD But who knows what Gege has in store for us.
I'm currently making a post about why Sukuna hates Yuji or smthing but idk when I'll have it completed bc I have too many ideas on what I wanna post xD
Anyways. See you all later for the leaks!
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raelle-writing · 8 months
I’ve seen some wild theories out there about how Phee and Jin are going to end. I personally think that either they are both killers and planned this out and get away with it scott free or they both sadly die.
White and Tee seems much more straightforward. Tee is marked for death (imo), it’s just a matter of how he dies. Will he still be selfish or self -sacrificing?
What are your theories/speculations about how the couples might end up?
I'm so glad you asked me nonnie because I have a lot of thoughts in no cohesive order and wasn't sure where to put them 😂
I don't know if I really have a theory or speculation more that I have a lot of pieces of a puzzle that don't quite make a picture yet. I've seen a lot of theories and speculation around Phee and Jin in particular as well and I'm not entirely sure if I can yet predict what direction the show is going to go in because we still have a lot of unanswered questions about them. So let me start with Tee and White.
I think there are 2 possibilities for Tee and White at this point. Either they both die, or they both live but they break up. And that's because White shows so much horror to any of Tee's even small suggestions of crime, and he defends Tee to Tan and Phee when they talk about thinking that the original crew did something to Non.
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If we take White at face value, he seems like a good kid and I think if he found out what Tee did to Non he wouldn't be able to conscience it and would have to break up, even if Tee genuinely loves him (and I believe Tee does).
There is always the possibility that White is more than he appears (you've all probably seen me speculate that White could be Non's brother New) but given what we know about him so far, that's what I can see happening, unless there's some reveal about his character that we haven't seen yet.
So, now for Phee and Jin.
I'll make it no secret that I really want them to end up together, so that is likely coloring my analysis of events. But as of right now I just... don't really have a prediction for how things will end between them. I've seen speculation ranging from Phee is using Jin for revenge and will kill him, to Phee is there to protect Jin from someone else seeking vengeance and truly, I don't have enough information to make a prediction. Here's what I can say about them tho.
I don't think that Jin is hiding some deep, manipulative streak. I was on the fence at first, but then a scene in episode 4 tipped me over the edge. And it's the one where Jin is with his friends, talking about how they'd won the film contest, and while he's there, he defends Non and credits him for their sucess.
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If Jin was trying to manipulate Non or use him in any way, then why defend him in this moment when Non is nowhere around, and will never hear about it? To me that's a pretty huge sign that Jin is genuinely kind, because he risks upsetting his friends to defend a person who isn't even there.
There's always the possibility that Jin can betray Non, of course. I've also written a meta about how Jin calls himself a coward when he's talking to Phee, and I still wonder if part of the reason he views himself that way is because of whatever happened to Non before he disappeared. If he feels like he did something cowardly or abandoned Non, or should've stood up for him more, or something along those lines. But I can't see a deep, malicious, manipulative betrayal coming from him.
And that leads to Phee, who we all assume is seeking revenge. Though there's an equally likely plotline that he's there trying to figure out what happened to Non, we don't know yet. There's still so much about Phee that we don't know. Why he's been with the friend group for so long, what's his angle for approaching Jin, if he's a murderer or caught up in the mayhem somehow. But currently I don't think that Phee is trying to trick Jin only to betray him later, for one simple reason.
Because they were fuckbuddies.
That might sound like a stupid reason, but bear with me. If Phee was really trying to hurt Jin as revenge for whatever happened with Non, why would he keep Jin at arms length by saying they're "just friends" over and over?
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It would be significantly bigger of a betrayal for Phee to become Jin's boyfriend and then later betray and kill him. If that's what Phee was after, then why would he half-ass it that way? Why push him away?
I feel like there's gotta be something deeper there than simple revenge. Especially when compounded with the fact that we haven't seen Jin do anything nasty to Non.
I think my money is currently (and very tentatively) on Phee genuinely protecting Jin because Jin was good to Non and doesn't deserve the havoc being wreaked on the others, especially since Phee has gone out of his way to save Jin's life already.
As for their ending... I don't know yet. I think that if the writers really want to break our hearts they'll have Phee and Jin genuinely love each other and one will die trying to save the other. But it kind of depends, it's hard to say at this point in the show because we've only had one major character death so far. I don't know how far the writers are going to go in the end, if they intend to kill almost everyone or only the ones who "deserve it."
Thanks for the question nonnie, hopefully you don't mind the novel I left in reply for you! As the story unfolds I'm sure you'll get more character analyses and speculations from me but currently I'm a big fat ❓ over what is going to happen with Phee and Jin. And that's on purpose, of course. So we'll just have to see how it all plays out, I guess!
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Toga's quirk is emotionally driven--just like Touya's and Tomura's.
Thinking about how Toga was so sure that this was such a moment of clarity for herself.
"I'm going back to the League" and "My confusion is cleared away". One statement was a matter of fact, she was running back. The other was not, as she wasn't satisfied with the answer she got from someone she thought might listen and try to understand her, but then didn't. But at the time, she was sure she knew what she wanted and was going back to what she knew, was familiar with, and was convinced she wanted--for the time being.
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I think the above panel is being pulled into question here. All that confusion she thought was cleared away obviously wasn't.
Toga: I want to be more like the people I love
Also Toga: I can't become them even though I love them
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Her quirk--emotionally driven--is not allowing her to go full force. It's similar to when Tenko couldn't decay everything in sight before uncovering his memories. He was being held back, he didn't want to decay everything (he didn't know this though) and uncovering his memories, rather than leading to actual clarity, just led to a bunch of self-deprecating lies that enabled him to go full out with decay.
Toga--again, quirk emotionally driven--can't go full force with hers using Twice's, but also couldn't even do it with just her own when trying Touya and Tomura before the final battle.
Her heart is screaming at her that she doesn't want to be like them, even if she loves them. And that she also doesn't fully want to be like Jin either, even in her attempt to simulate bringing him back to life. For Toga this is devastating--because it's her being forced to face the fact that she's unhappy, evidenced by her not wanting to be like the friends she loves.
It's devastating because if she isn't happy with what she DOES have, then what can she do and what chance does she have at a happy life?
If she doesn't want to be anything like the friends she has, then what does that mean for how she feels about the situation she and her friends are all in? It's all very telling. She's unhappy, and she already knew this but she was trying to run away from that fact. But this is making it to where she can't anymore.
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"Why can't I become Jin?" Well, what is it about Jin that she was wanting in this moment? I think there are several answers to this but I've narrowed it down to two that make the most sense to me.
Jin loved the League, there is no doubt about that. She's confused because her love right now isn't enough to use her emotionally driven quirk the way she was able to for Ochacko, and for part of JIn's quirk. Perhaps she's wanting to be like the part of JIn who loved the League wholeheartedly and was happy with them. But the issue is, that was a one-sided feeling and Toga (and the everyone else) knows it. She loved Jin just as much, but she was not happy. She didn't share the sentiment of having a happy life just because of the League. None of them felt that way. Jin was the only member in their group truly motivated by love for his friends. The rest are motivated by anger, revenge, self-hatred, and unreliable self-narration, Toga included. But they are also motivated by wanting something better for themselves too, meanwhile Jin was not looking for anything more, anything better, because he was happy.
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That isn't the case for the rest of the LOV, hence why Toga can't fully become him, because even though he was happy, his happiness is not the happiness she wants.
The other thing I'm left to assume she strongly wanted was to basically try to bring him back. Now, Toga knows he's gone. But she is acting out of revenge, and using Twice's blood to enact revenge is her way of letting Twice take revenge for himself. Toga's grief left her broken and I can only assume this image means she wants to be him in order to bring him back—despite knowing it’s not possible.
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But even trying to bring him back, she is still being forced to realize what she really wants, which is why she can't use his power to the fullest extent.
Either option works, both options work. Either way, Toga can't run from her truth anymore.
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squishyteri · 7 months
My thoughts after episode 9
So, I had a little break and didn't post anything after episode 8 (she forgot). I was really busy (definitely forgot) and then I felt it was too late because everyone had already posted (she was lazy at that point).
But I'm posting on time for this one.
First, quick summary of my thoughts for the episode 8, since I didn't make a post about it. (regarding things we still don't know obviously).
First and foremost, that cut after Non was taken away by Top and Tee right onto the police questioning ... so sus. I'm sure something more happened there, but we will learn later, because it would spoil the fun for us.
Then Keng. Even his last scene felt ... suspicious. It's clear we should believe he's dead, but in situations like this, the good old rule of "he's not dead until I'm seeing his corpse" definitely applies. It's so suspicous that we don't see the end of both Keng and Non. Why that might be? (some thoughts about this will be later because it's regarding the 9th episode plot).
Now moving on to today's episode, that being episode 9.
(This whole post is now turning into one giant "I told you so" because most of the theories I had turned out to be correct in this episode, so please bear with me).
First of all, the big reveal, Tan is New. I've been onto this thought since we learned that New exists, so I can't say I was shocked, I was just excited that my theory was right.
Along with that comes the confirmation, that Tan (I'll be calling him Tan to not make it confusing) really wanted to get some little revenge there. And what more, Phee is on board with him (another win for me there btw).
Next thing, PheeJin. That was wild, I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't, I'm forever tainted by that view, thank you very much (not that I'm complaining about it). But what is important is the fact, that falling for Jin wasn't really on Phee's bucket list of this plan (I was right again, hehe!) and it definitely angers Tan (because he views it as cheating on Non). Which also explains Tan's angry gazes at Phee and Jin in the first ep. (wonder why Phee just didn't tell him that he and Non broke up after the situation with Keng, tho)
Also, not gonna lie, I loved how Tan told Phee, "You go and be best friend with him" and the next thing Phee does is fuck the guy raw and rough, as if that was part of process of becoming friends (or is it and I was doing the whole friendship thing the wrong way the whole time?) But it's also clear that Phee does like Jin and only cut him off to not upset Tan.
From the preview it seems that PheeJin will be cool the next ep, which makes me wonder what exactly is the truth Phee will tell Jin. If he really tells him everything, how can Jin accept it and be good with him? I think it's possible that Phee really says the truth, as well as telling him that he loves him, but was scared to date him because of Tan. It's still hard to believe Jin would accept that, so I'm thinking if our boy Phee won't change some details there. (I personally hope he won't, he's the only good person out there).
Also just a personal side note here... I love Phee, but did he really trust the randomly found water bottle? After all the shit that happened to them? Like I know he smelled it, but like ... there are things that are poisonous and don't have any smell. (I think coolant is one of those). I get that he wanted to help Jin, but I would rather tell him there is no water and that our best option is to go back to the house (they don't know about the shitstorm that's happening there).
Well, now back to our boy Tan. If someone has the perfect motive, it's him now. He has nothing to lose. BUT he mainly wants information. He wants to know what happened to Non. And obviously, we know that he prepared the drug (from now I'll be calling it absynth, because that's what we call it with some of my friends and honestly it's better than calling it green drug so-), but acording to Tan's own words, it was supposed to make them see their biggest fears in order for them to confess/say what they know. With that it's clear that for some time, Tan definitely NEEDS them alive. (also hallucinations, another win for me and my theories, yay!)
Which is why I think that at least Por's injury (and later the death) wasn't on his list of events. Especially since Por got injured so quickly, even before anyone had any hallucinations caused by the absynth. It would be stupid of Tan to plan to literally kill someone BEFORE they can tell him what he wants to know (we can assume that Por somehow surviving that long wasn't part of the plan, it literally only happened because of Fluke and that's something you can't plan) (and even if you could plan it, it would be so stupid to rely on to be doctor to keep the guy alive until you can interrogate him). And obviously there's the thing of all of them having alibi for Por's injury, including Tan. And if Fluke was right, Por had cuts on his arms caused by a knife and I doubt Por cut himself while chilling on the branch, waiting to be saved.
Which brings me to my theory of there being someone else with them. Someone who really wants to harm them. (and before we get any further, since Top was obviously drugged, I think that part was Tan's doing). I don't know if that's possible or even a thing, but there are hints of it. Por's injury, us seeing the ghost hand without any character being present for it to be just hallucinations, multiple different masks/killers being seen. The question is, who could it be. The first obvious answer is Non. But I sure hope it's not him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want him to be dead, but it would inevitably lead for Phee being forced to make an impossible choice: going back to Non or staying with Jin? And I honestly don't want that drama to happen.
Other option is understandably Keng. But not that I want to defend him, but I don't think he would go that far, even for Non. When he wanted to help him, he did so as legally as possible (he tried to expose the business). And I just do not think he would suddenly switch to killing a bunch of kids.
And for those two, if I'm being honest, I just think they're both dead. Not that I wish for it, but it would fit the narrative more than suddenly revealing they are alive.
I think the character of Perth is interesting though. We know nothing about him now (I mean except his lucrative job for Tee's uncle), but there might be something that could make him want to kill the boys. But hard to say until we have some backstory.
I would rather if it all was just the hallucinations, but personally, as you just read, there are some things that don't add up to that option.
The thing that left me thinking a lot after this ep, was how suddenly White just ... spawned there. No explanation, he was just there suddenly. The way this show is going, I refuse to believe that he's the only innocent person there. And honestly, seeing him suddenly switch from helpless cutiepie to evil grinning while ending someone would be so cool. But even if not that, I think there is something important about him. No one in that house is there just by pure coincidence and I don't think White is an exception.
Lastly, something I noticed in the preview that left me thinking. Before the episode cut the end, we saw Tan giving us his evil grin. In the preview we see him shielding Fluke from Top. Which I find interesting. I guess it means he won't reveal his identity that fast, but even so, him going all the way to shield Fluke seems ... out of his character. In that situation, I think it wouldn't be weird if he just stood afar, protecting himself (especially since Fluke literally pointed gun at them all shortly before). I wonder what made him shield that guy. Was it automatic reaction to immediate danger? Or was it that something was not going as he planned to and he knew that at least for the sake of information, he needed Fluke alive?
I guess that's question for the next episode.
Thank you for reading all the way here. Have a lovely day!
See you after the next episode (hopefully).
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smeraldos · 2 years
happier [part 2]
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You weren’t picky, but you might be soon, given the way your dates turned out. The men you met were either as boring as a drive through the desert (cue the tumbleweeds) or charming until they ghosted (also cue the tumbleweeds). At this point, dating felt hopeless, and you were ready to call it quits.
Jin doesn’t exactly agree, chaotically good friend that he is. He’s determined to help you, and it starts like this…
genre: fluff, comedy, angst
pairings: seokjin/reader, jeongguk/reader
tags: jin the mischief-maker matchmaker, mutual pining, possibly unrequited love
the rest of the story: part 1. Jin (who you've fallen for, but let's forget about it, okay) sets you up with someone. He just won't tell you who. You take matters into your own hands and find, through Yoongi, that your date's contact name starts with a "Ki."
a/n: shout-out to the anon who left a message about loving these two! hope you enjoy.
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Kim’s 7/11
Ready when you are
What's her opinion…
The message disappears quicker than you can read it, but it isn’t the content you're interested in.
It's who it's from.
Kim's 7/11, though a funny nod to the Netflix show, starts with a "Ki." Whether or not he's your date…you’ll have to find out.
To take Jin's phone, you need to distract him, and attempt #1 involves tapping out a tarantella on your armrest. You hated playing the piece when you were younger, the tempo frantic and almost impossible to keep up with. Jin, however, is hardly bothered. He doesn’t spare you a glance.
Attempt #2 involves opening and closing the clasp on your purse, the clicking sound annoying even yourself, before letting go with a sigh. Still, no glance from Jin. At this point, it would take a kangaroo crossing the street to get his attention, and even then, his gaze wouldn't stray far from where his phone is propped, message unanswered.
There goes your chance of getting to it.
"What's up?" 
Or so you thought.
Jin is looking at you expectantly, so you paste on a look you hope says you're fine, but you're really not fine. "Nothing."
"Nice try," he quips. "Now, if you didn't let out the saddest sigh in the history of sighs, then maybe, maybe, I'd believe you."
"Oh, shut up. I'm just…" You stare out the window a moment, the view pristine without a Yoshi plushie in your way. Somehow, it looks a little bare. "Antsy."
"Not exactly."
"Well, whatever it is, you’re making me nervous with—" A triple honk startles you both, so he grits his teeth and resumes driving. "Quick, take my phone, pick a playlist, and stop fidgeting. Passcode is your mom's birthday. I'm gonna let the guy pass and give him a friendly honk or four."
"Are you crazy?" As much as your fingers itch to grasp his phone, you can't. The driver Jin wants to enact his revenge on could put you both through the wringer.
Jin rolls his eyes so hard you can feel it. "Oh, come on, I'm not actually going to do it," he says, much to your relief. "It just makes me feel better to say I am. But the passcode I'm serious about. Your sister seems to think my phone is free real estate."
You'd scold her on his behalf if you weren’t about to do the same thing. "Want me to switch it back?"
"Please. 041292. I'll change it later. And pick a playlist while you're at it."
Jin's phone unlocks easily, his screen giving way to an image of a little girl's cheeks pressed against a car window. She's making a silly face, no doubt copying him, and sure enough, you catch a reflection of Jin pouting on the side.
Seeing the two of them is enough to make you second-guess snooping. Then again, you wouldn't need to if he weren't intent on keeping your date a secret.
The message from Kim's 7/11 reads:
Ready when you are
What's her opinion on flowers?
A giddy rush of energy sweeps over you, one you try to tamp down as you type out your response:
no thx, she says. she wants to know your name.
Kim’s 7/11
I can't believe you still haven't told her. TELL HER
i'm the friend
Kim's 7/11
You have to bite your lip to keep from laughing.
Kim’s 7/11
Well-played 👏👏👏 And does this brilliant friend have a number?
You'd be wittier if you had the time. Instead, you send your number, reset Jin's passcode, and pick a playlist starting with "Teenage Dirtbag." Heart pounding, you put his phone back.
"Finally," Jin says, but he isn’t addressing you. The traffic is beginning to let up, and the few miles to your destination — also a surprise — go by without a hitch.
A rococo-style building comes into view, the print above the entrance reading Le festin. In high school, you took German, so festin could mean total dunce and you'd still think it's pretty. Either your date is pretentious or desperate to impress.
"Just your type, then," Jin quips when you joke about it. You have half a mind to throttle him.
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"Kim, for two," your date tells the hostess, and is promptly surprised when he hears you exclaim, "Wait, that's my reservation, too!"
The hostess takes your outburst in stride, motioning for a waiter to lead the two of you to your table. "Right this way," the waiter says, and you use the time to catch your breath, slowly feeling your flushed cheeks cool off. You can't bring yourself to talk to your date yet, and luckily, he hasn't started talking to you, either.
In fact, his face is unreadable as he rounds the table and takes the chair backed into a gilded column. Curiously, it's also the seat harder to get out of, and he'd done so without any indication from you.
"Can I start you two off with any drinks?" The waiter asks, and because you’re sitting closer to him, his question is directed at you. So maybe this isn't a good spot. You chance a glance at your date, who looks completely at ease reading his menu and ignoring you.
Helpless, you skim the page until you land on a drink you recognize. "I'll have a Merlot, please."
"Excellent," the waiter says, jotting it down. "And you, sir?"
"Just water would be fine."
"Alright, I'll be back with your drinks shortly."
Your date smiles, folding his menu while you study yours for what must be the tenth time. Appetizers you can wing, but if you choose the wrong main course, you'd waste a majority of your dinner. That, and you need a minute to think. You have a feeling your date wouldn't warm up to your icebreakers, and if Jin weren't on a date himself, you'd ask him how in the world he thought you'd click with the man sitting before you.
For one, Kim's 7/11 — Taehyung — is not someone you'd see catching the train to Manhattan. He's someone you'd see on a show catching the train to Manhattan, if that.
With his tailored suit jacket and unbuttoned collar, he looks more at home in the backseat of an S-class. Preferably one with high mileage, and one he could drive if he wanted, a veined hand steering the wheel while the lights played off his strong profile, much as they were doing here. The candlelight, upon last glance, dipped his skin in honey-gold. And while being a looker is a definite plus in your book, he isn't as approachable as he'd been over text.
“I hope you don’t mind.”
You look up to meet his gaze, wide and sincere in a way you didn't expect. “I'll switch seats with you if you'd like,” he explains, then stage-whispers, “but between you and me, yours is the comfier one. I wouldn't complain if you want me to take it.”
A grin plays at the corners of his lips, his eyes sparkling with warmth and mischief. There's something to be said about dates who make you feel at home and just how rare it is. "Thank you," you say with a smile, "though I'll take your word for it. If I didn't know any better, I’d think you wanted my seat."
"Then it's a good thing we're about to know each other," he says smoothly. "I'm Jeongguk, by the way."
Your reply comes a second too late. "Jeongguk?"
"Yeah," he says, now confused. "Is something wrong?"
Kim's 7/11 told you his name was Taehyung. That's what you'd saved his contact name as, and the two of you confirmed your reservation was the same.
"Shoot," you mutter, pulling on your purse and preparing to stand. "I'm so sorry, I don't think I was meant to be your date. It was nice meet—"
He interrupts with your name. "That's who I was supposed to meet tonight. I'm guessing that isn't you?"
"No, that is me," you say slowly. "I'm just…hold on a minute. If you'll excuse me."
You extract your phone, dead set on wringing the truth out of Jin when you see a new message. A few new messages, in fact:
And Jeongguk is your date. I'll let him introduce himself, but if you need the dirt on him...🫡
jin from orientation
btw your fate is Jeongguk Jeon
nvm fate kinda has a nice ring to it 💍
you're welcome
You slip your phone back into your purse, choosing to respond to Taehyung later (Jin, you'll ignore). "So," you say to Jeongguk, who has done some quick validation of his own, based on the phone he looks up from, "I have some good news and I have some bad news."
Jeongguk doesn't hesitate. "What's the bad news?"
"I don't know French cuisine."
"And the good news?"
"I'm your date."
"Ah," he says, a hint of a smile gracing his face, "I know a great spot for jjajangmyun. Want to go?"
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erenaeoth · 2 years
Hey have you finished Tekken Bloodline? I have a lot of thoughts about it and I'd love to hear yours
I have, yeah! I confess to binging it yesterday morning and am part way through a second watching now.
I'll put thoughts under a spoiler for those who haven't finished it yet.
I'm pretty pleased with Tekken Bloodline! It's closest we've ever gotten to a faithful adaptation of any Tekken material, and whilst there are some alterations, inaccuracies, and artistic liberties taken, I'm really pleased to finally have something that loves its source material and enjoys telling the original story.
There are obviously lots of things I would have done differently, but it has met and exceeded my expectations. There is a lot of careful attention to detail, from using TK6 SC Mishima Estate to model the estate on, to even dreamscape scenes like in the final episode taking place on Tekken stages like Infinite Azure and its nightime counterpart.
The closest I came to being irritated was some of the devil gene descriptions, which are all introduced too early, since Heihachi's more serious research into it is because of Jin, not before. That being said, I really loved the idea they fronted that actually the Devil Gene isn't evil - it is a power to be controlled like any other, and that with self-control and an absence of hate, it can be used for good. It turns the Devil Gene into something much more like the Force - a natural, neutral phenomenon that is only a tool in the hands of a moral agent. This does a lot to remove the 'genetic defect makes you evil' that some later Tekken risks slipping into. It also gives Kazuya a more full agency over his evil actions, which has always been important to me. The choice to focus on violence being what breaks Jin and forces him into increasing hatred and loss of control was a really nice one, and something I've always thought is really important and overlooked in Tekken. I think it is in Talon's fic you fear for my life (i fear for yours) that Hwoarang is disturbed by Jin's single minded desire to kill Ogre for revenge. Jin's overcommitment to violent ends begins as his undoing (in so far as his own choices are to blame for where he ends up), and we see that carried through in his thoughtlessness and cruelty later.
I do think though that with this more neutral angle on the Devil Gene, they might struggle to convey its parasitic aspect, which, whilst not excusing Jin or Kazuya's actions, also shouldn't be downplayed. Even the existence of a full-fledged Devil within them is a testament to trauma, without which a devil cannot arise. It is clear from places like Tekken 4 and 5 Jin intros, that Devil preys on the mind and eats into one's thoughts, filling them with violence and hatred. So whilst I like the take that the TV series has on the gene, I'm not sure how successfully this concept would carry over to a second series.
I am glad though that they introduced and demonstrated how unreliable Heihachi is as a source of facts. I was dismayed momentarily by the thought that they were really fielding the idea that Ogre awoke because of Jin fighting and came looking for him. In fact Heihachi had already told us Ogre was seeking out strong opponents (ie. Jun, not Jin) and to have Julia confirm that Heihachi awoke Ogre is a relief. It was a nice touch actually, to show off how manipulative Heihachi can be. Jin was getting more cocky and disobedient in that scene until Heihachi made him feel racked with guilt over his own possible inolvement in his mother's death. He instantly becomes malleable to his grandfather's whims and smaller as soon as he believes this to be true. Very Heihachi. Nice.
Talking of very Heihachi, I loved that we got a nice window into how messed up Kazuya's life must have been under him. We have Heihachi constantly berating Jin for essentially not being enough like his father, offset with Heihachi saying that Kazuya is pure evil. Why aren't you more brutal like your pure evil father, Jin? hurry up, be more like him. Oh, now you are, guess I'll shoot you. Good old Heihachi business.
I'm also chuffed that Xiao and Hwoarang got bigger roles in this, though sad we could have had either of those first meetings outside of a montage. I think all the characterisation in this was really nice actually. Every character was recognisably themselves, and I think the writer really understood Jin and Hwoarang's rivalry, which comes out of Hwoarang's endings really. I also loved Heihachi slamming Jin's emo behaviour and bigging up Xiaoyu. Another peak moment.
I think I could keep writing about this all day. I watched it in Japanese and am watching it in English now. I don't love Heihachi's English VA... but I think his Japanese VA did a really good job, and sounds a lot like Heihachi's deceased actor. I loved the time and energy put into studying the characters moves - all the recognisable stances and moves that have not only been choreographed well into a fight, but also done to convey character. I think unless you have choreographed a fight for a story in some capacity, you might not realise what a difficult task that is to do - you not only need to convey the fighting style well, get it to gel in an interesting way on screen to tell a story - you also want to let those movements still show off the character's personality. For example the playful way Xiaoyu's Phoenix stance is used, and the way Hwoarang is taunting during flamingo, using that very functional stance to act all cocky. There's just a lot of time and love gone into this animation.
I don't really have time to go into much more - I'll mention that I think the choice to put Leroy in in order showcase someone else who's been personally injured by Heihachi is a good one that makes a lot of sense. In fact, I think Leroy, all things being equal, would have made most sense as a Tekken 1 character, given his story, but moving him forward into a Tekken 3 plot did neaten the story they wanted to tell, and provide good strong evidence against Heihachi's lies about his own self image.
Stuff I was less keen on - the implication that Jin's brand is just a cool flame tattoo (we only see it when his new bad boy flame gi is shown off); the implication that Jin wasn't born on Yakushima and that his mother isn't from there; never discussing the Mishima Zaibatsu or just how loaded Heihachi is; setting the whole tournament in Peru? I thought flying there meant that they were going to have stages all over the world that contestants flew too, but no... just all set there, okay.
But anyway, enough of my rambling. Please feel free to chime in with your own thoughts and whether you enjoyed the show. If there was a second season, what would you like to see in it?
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anischa22 · 3 years
Meet the Prince! Luke Randolph 🐻
After Jin, here's the next route :
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The 8th Prince of Rhodolite Kingdom, yes he's the youngest and just joined the royal family
Arm of Coat : Bear
First impression of him : a lazy one? ... Hmm let's see, can i like him? Thought he's kinda cute (his bear charm i mean lol)
His voice actor is Shion Yoshitaka
He has given you the aura of a lazy man, but his smile is the sweetest smile you can get, together with Leon UwU Even though his the youngest, his body is bigger than the other princes. Really makes him look more like a bear. Even Yves is just like a doll when compared to Luke 😂 But with an appearance like that one might think Luke is one of the court guards lol
Luke had just become a prince, 2 or 3 months before the MC's arrival. Because he lived in the city, Luke became good friends with the MC because only with him, MC could communicate normally. Or Luke considers MC as his younger sister, even though MC is actually older than him.
Actually Luke isn't officially a prince yet, so before the official ceremony he has to learn court etiquette and adapt to his new life, but Luke doesn't want to do it at all. He's just lazing around, escaped from Sariel and then fell asleep in the garden. He also refuses all social activities even though the faction Luke belongs to is the faction that is required to socialize more. Not completely lazy though, sometimes he does what Chevalier ask like buy books in town, it's just as long as you give him honey. Yes, honey is only his motivation. Then when Mc asks "if you don't want to do all this (not interested in the throne), why are you still here?", Luke's expression darkens.
Maybe he looks like he doesn't care about anything, but he's actually a kind and caring person. Especially toward MC. On the other hand, he's quite mysterious. No one knows, Luke holds a huge grudge against the royal family, so big that taking revenge was the only reason Luke survived until now. This reason really just got discovered on his route. Honestly, I already anticipating what drama might happen on his route, but it still surprises me. Bc on the other route, Luke is really acting normal! I get scared thinking about the possibility that the kindness Luke showed in front of the other princes was just an act Ó╭╮Ò
Sooooo the interesting part of this route, as usual, is how MC can change Luke? For some people, forgiving someone you hate because that person has snatched someone you love is not an easy matter. Moreover, you live only for revenge. I really like the drama in Luke's route bc i can understand his feeling, it feels more realistic. At least, his problem is not a light problem. I'd say Luke's story is more darker, but Idk with Clavis, Sariel or Rio later
For reading Luke's route, you should probably read Jin's route first because their stories are very related. I was just thinking, that Jin and Luke, which has a resemblance from childhood and some things, have a big difference in seeing what has happened to them. If Jin can forgive, then Luke can't. Jin focused to the future, but Luke trapped in past, will do anything to get his revenge. But that's makes Jin is the most suitable person to be close with Luke. He can guide and help him in many ways. Btw Luke's story is the first story which gives clues about new characters and more detailed about 'traitor in court' which is often mentioned in previous routes.
Luke is not recommended to anyone who doesn't like lazy guy. Well sometimes i like this type, but I'm thinking twice about Luke. He's nice guy and his laziness has a reason, but his reluctance in carrying out the duties of a prince is quite annoying to me😅. There's a moment that's make me .... Umm like "wwwhhhyyyy?? Don't do that!". But yeah back to the first, i understand that Luke doesn't want to be a prince, i'm just disappointed a little bit ಠ,_」ಠ
Honey, is something Luke loves more than anything. Where there is honey, there is Luke! Just imagine, you put honey as a trap, then soon a 'bear' named Luke appears 😂 and Jin often uses that to lure his younger bro. Plus he can cook any honey themed food. Honestly, Luke is very talented and smart, proof that he is indeed the son of the king. He just went a little bit wrong using that ability😅
One proof of his ability is the bear charm that he often carries, bc he made it himself!
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Can I get one too, sir? (つ✧ω✧)つ
Bonus! In his route we often meet Jin ... And Clavis! Surely, Clavis has been an important character lately lol. With personality like that he really can't be ignored 😂
Bonus! We already know Luke close with Jin. Is there anyone else close to him? Yes, it's Rio. They're partner in crime commoner buddies, thought I see LukexJin more often than LukexRio. They happen to both like sweet food, both are young, come from the city, quite mysterious especially their fighting skills (has 2 sides which may be surprising) and both really pay attention to MC.
The other princes? Well, he get along well with other prince in Leonist faction. In his own faction, they are not close and very rarely gather in office or be at the same event. Just imagining them getting together is already giving you a weird feeling. 2 prince will bullying teasing you, will the youngest trying to protect and the oldest just silence, lucky if the Cheva doesn't speak sharply to you! (Eh but his silence is already intimidating😅). This faction is very ... Unique ... Ah, I'm just remembered! Have you ever wondered why Luke joined this faction and why Chevalier kept this lazy man in the faction?😉
That's quite long! Next, will be the chaos lover-prince, Clavis!
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 2
Since so many of you wanted this, I just had to write it. Can't keep my readers waiting so here it is. Part Two. And I'll definitely be writing more parts to this. Consider it a series. Let's get it!
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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This was another curve ball that life had decided to throw in Taehyung's way. And so far, this was the most unpleasant one. Being a mafia boss, Taehyung had dealt with all kinds of obstacles. He had been threatened, he had been shot, he had been betrayed, he had almost been caught by the police but none of it compared to what he was dealing with, currently.
Hoseok wrapped up all his medical instruments and stood up, frowning at you in sympathy. You were finally asleep after struggling and resisting with whatever energy you had left. It was mainly due to the benzodiazepine running through your veins but you were asleep, that's the only thing that mattered.
With a defeated sigh, he left the room to inform Taehyung who was eagerly waiting to see you.
Taehyung would have been in the room with you if you weren't scared of him. Surprisingly, Taehyung was the one you were scared of the most. You kept screaming at him to leave you alone, as if he was the one who tortured you.
"She's asleep for now." Hoseok announced, watching as Taehyung jolted up on hearing his voice.
With a curt nod, Taehyung rushed towards the room, not being able to wait anymore. The love of his life had come back to him, what else was he gonna do?
As soon as Taehyung wrapped his fingers around the doorknob, Hoseok stopped him by taking hold of his arm. Taehyung frowned and looked down at Hoseok's hand, wondering why he was being held back.
"There's something we need to talk about first." Hoseok mumbled, unable to look into taehyung's eyes. He already knew how red and puffy Taehyung's eyes must be because of all the crying he had done. But Hoseok couldn't bring himself to see the brokenness in them. He couldn't see his younger brother so damaged.
"What is it?" Taehyung asked, his tone holding the weight of an impatient man. Without a word, Hoseok dragged him back to the couch, making him sit on it as he sat in front of him.
The others stared at Hoseok with a curious look, trying to come up with different reasons for the upcoming conversation.
"She has been brainwashed...."
Taehyung's eyes stayed the same, not reacting to hoseok's words because he already knew this. You didn't remember him, for godsake. You didn't remember that one guy who loved you and gave you all he had.
"....beyond repair."
Now that made Taehyung's breath hitch. His heart was in his throat and all hope that he had for you to remember him had been shattered. There had to be someway. What was he gonna do?
"There has to something we can do, right?" Jimin asked, making Hoseok glance at him. Hoseok sighed and rubbed his forehead before answering the question.
"We need to know what Castillo did to her. I can't say anything until then."
Taehyung sat unmoving, his fists clenching and unclenching as he thought about all the possibilities of you having any memory of him. All he knew was that he had little to no hope left but he couldn't give up. Not yet. Not after he had got you back.
"Fine. Let's go talk to him."
"Finally here to kill me, huh?" A gruff voice filled the warehouse as Taehyung stepped inside along with the rest of the members. His eyes turned stone cold and he glared at the beaten man with a ferocious intensity.
Castillo was standing with his hands chained up to the ceiling, his clothes torn and bloody along with his skin which was splattered with his own blood. This wasn't a surprising sight for anyone who knew Kim Taehyung, things could have been worse. If anything, Castillo was being shown mercy.
"Oh trust me. You don't know the things that I have planned for you." Taehyung stated, the emotionless void in his voice was spine tingling.
Castillo chuckled, spitting blood on the floor before glancing at Taehyung with challenging eyes.
"Go on. Ask me what I did to her. I might tell you."
Taehyung gritted his teeth and prepared to lunge at him, only to be held back by his gang members.
Yoongi stepped in front of Taehyung, walking towards the tied up man with slow steps.
"Tell us what you did and we might spare you." He said, tilting his head with a threatening gaze.
Another breathy laugh escaped Castillo's mouth as he shook his head.
"We all know that's not gonna happen so I'll just tell you...."
Taehyung stopped struggling as the others dropped their hold on him, their attention turning to the man who was gonna die very soon.
"I drugged her....."
Taehyung clenched his jaw, trying his hardest to keep his temper in check.
"...again and again..."
His breathing became erratic as the others glanced at him, knowing very well what was gonna happen.
"...and I tortured her. I stuck needles in her arm. I carved her soft skin with a butcher knife. I starved her. Her screams were so delightful and sweet. Made me wanna keep hurting her. And you know what I told her?"
Taehyung took a step forward, ready to throw himself at the disgusting man in front of him.
"I told her that you asked me to hurt her. I told her that you wanted her dead."
A sharp punch landed on Castillo's jaw, blood spewing out of his mouth and dripping down his chin. Everyone stood calmly as they let Taehyung do what he wanted to do. His yells and curses rang through the room followed by Castillo's horrifying screams of pain. He deserved it.
He deserved it all.
"Now I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna bring in my hounds who are gonna feast on you. Alive and Breathing. And I'll stand outside to listen to your screams. Won't that be so delightful?"
Taehyung grinned maliciously before landing a final punch to Castillo's cheek and turning around to leave. He informed the guards to bring in his hounds and let them feed on the pathetic man's flesh.
"But don't let him die. Take them away before he stops breathing and fucking burn him alive."
The guards gulped and nodded, knowing better than to not listen to Kim Taehyung. As they all sat in the car, the show begin and Castillo's screams could be heard from outside the warehouse.
Taehyung smirked in satisfaction as a tear slipped down his cheek. He had taken his revenge for you. He had made sure to bring your kidnapper as much pain as you had endured. Unfortunately, you didn't remember anything enough to appreciate Taehyung. He loved you with his everything and all he wanted was for you to remember something. Anything.
"She needs to be around someone she remembers." Hoseok stated, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.
"And she remembers none of us."
Taehyung clasped his hands in front of him, staring at the floor as he drowned in his own spiral of thoughts. He couldn't even begin to fathom how his life had gone so wrong.
If only he hadn't left you alone in the club that night...
"Who does she remember then?" Namjoon asked, wracking his brain for anyone who knew you before you met Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes widened momentarily before he sat up straight.
Hoseok nodded and stood up, glancing at everyone with a knowing look.
"Y/N kept calling her name before falling asleep. She remembers her. We need to call Yoona."
"But-but Yoona hates us. She'll probably do something to make sure that Y/N never remembers Taehyung!" Jungkook protested, staring at Hoseok in disbelief.
Hoseok frowned sadly and looked at Taehyung, finding the younger male looking very distracted.
"It's Taehyung's call." Jin announced, waiting for Taehyung to give a verdict.
Ignoring everyone, Taehyung stood up and walked to your room, quietly entering it and closing the door behind him.
You were still asleep.
A number of bandages covered your body as your chest rose and fell rhythmically. It broke Taehyung to see you like this, knowing it was all because of him. But at least he hadn't lost you completely.
He could hear everyone's murmurs from the living room, catching bits of their conversation. Cautiously, he sat down beside you and gently held your hand in his, bringing the back of it to his lips.
He softly kissed it and rubbed circles onto it with his thumb, taking his time to look at you properly. He still couldn't believe the fact that you were here, in front of him. That he was breathing the same air as you.
But moreover, he couldn't believe that you didn't know him. That all the happy times spent beside him, had been erased from your mind.
And the thought of sending you away to live with Yoona was killing him.
Because Jungkook was right.
Yoona had been your best friend and you used to live with her before Taehyung saw you. Yoona also ran a gang but she kept that a secret from you, kept you in the dark until one day Taehyung kidnapped you. But he didn't mean you any harm. He took care of you very well. All he wanted was for Yoona to pay back all the debts that her brother owed to Taehyung.
Her brother, Minho, had been relentlessly borrowing money and drugs from Taehyung's dealers, only paying back with empty promises. It had become important to get back the money since Taehyung's reputation as a mafia leader was at stake. He didn't let people get away with things like these anyway. So why must that one guy be treated any differently?
He kept you with him as leverage, promising you that he'd let you go back as soon as Yoona paid him back. And the day came very soon.
It was a rather memorable day since you refused to go back with Yoona. Because she had lied to you. She never told you what she did, playing around with you like you were a fool. Yoona was mad at Taehyung and she blamed him for all this. She begged for your forgiveness but you had already made up your mind.
But that wasn't all.
You had also inevitably fallen for Kim Taehyung. You had accepted all his flaws and you had decided to stand by him, as long as you were kept out of his work. Unfortunately, things went wrong one day and Taehyung failed to protect you.
"Will you ever remember me?" Taehyung whispered to you, caressing your hair and taking in their softness. You were so strong for having gone through everything, only to come out alive. Taehyung was proud of you. Very proud of you.
He kissed your head and stood up, letting go of your hand as he headed out of the room. Despite everything going on, he believed in the love you both shared. He believed that someday you would truly come back home to him. He was willing to wait all his life, if that's what it took.
"Call Yoona. Tell her everything."
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @annoyinglyunabashedangel @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @unppleased @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx
Just tagging people who I thought would want to read this. Let me know if you wanna be tagged though. Or removed from the taglist. Anything works!
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