#i thought that ep was gonna be more fun idk why but instead i've just had this gaping hole in my stomach all week. man
willowparkfanclub · 2 years
the use of the 'never let me down again' in ep 6 was soooo brilliant it tore me to SHREDS. the fact that it was used right after joel first defends ellie, and is now being reused as ellie has to start defending him, after he's realized how much she means to him. the lyrics of that song are sooo so perfect for them whoever runs music for this show just know im giving u a kiss on the lips
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halliescomut · 2 months
Love Sea Ep 8 Post-Watch Thoughts
I was gonna post thoughts as I went, but forgot, so here's hoping I can remember everything that happened in the episode.
- General comment: I love the more playful air of the intimate scenes this episode. There's no "graphic" NC scenes this ep, and instead Mame basically opts for fade-to-black for the couple we see initiated, but there's a significant increase in the playfulness between Rak and Mut, which is a very subtle but lovely bit of storytelling in my opinion. It demonstrates that what's happening is about more than the contract or the sex, but that they're becoming comfortable with each other.
- The father legit still confuses the fuck out of me. Like....does he actually want something. Does he just want to punish Rak by making him live a life alone because Rak chose his mother? Because that's what it seems like, and yeah shitty people are often just shitty, no deeper meaning, but seriously how can this man think Rak would have done anything else after he was such a garbage husband and father? I feel like if he tried at all to look at the series of events from Rak's perspective at all he'd be like "You know what, that's fair. I probably would have made the same choice."
-I've said this several times, but I like seeing Mut do little things to take care of Rak. I think it's good for Rak, because it shows him what the potential future could be. I also really liked the bit of internal dialogue we got at the opening of the episode about how mundane daily tasks, done in repetition are a way of showing care to those we cherish. I think that's just a really lovely sentiment.
-While I'm still mad at P'Vi, because all of her anxiety over Mook not realizing she's being flirted with could have been avoided if she was just honest. She's pushing Rak so hard to admit his feelings to himself, and even teasing him, but she can't confess to her crush either, so does she really have a leg to stand on? I realize that a lot of these choices are kinda done for the drama, but I feel like there were other options that might land better and wouldn't rely on P'Vi playing a bunch of games. Really, her just repeatedly confessing to Mook and Mook just passing it off as her being silly or not serious would have been a good option.
-Issues with P'Vi's deplorable choices in regards to wooing Mook aside, I did really like her convo with Rak this episode. I really like their friendship and how honest they are with each other. It's an important part of friendship. And while they're very honest and even blunt, it never feels like they're being cruel. Both actors did really well conveying the level of familiarity they would have, and how well they know each other's boundaries. They push and tease, but don't cross the line.
-I feel bad for Meena. Poor lamb. As precocious as she is, she is still just a little kid and shouldn't have ever been pulled into the adult concerns happening. The fact that Rak's father is so willing to use her shows exactly what kind of man he is, truly.
-Mut and his handling of Meena and Rak's dad showed a level of seriousness and maturity that's not unexpected, but is a good counterweight to his more fun-loving casual demeanor most of the time. We love a man that can do both. (Also, idk if you noticed, but the jeans this episode were showcasing the tushy excellently.)
-I've got mixed feelings on the whole jealousy scene and the foreplay-esque fight. It feels just so vaguely ooc to me, but this is original IP, so it's basically canon, so it can't be ooc. It honestly just checks off my bingo box for "poorly considered D/s dynamics portrayed". Watching it it felt like they were a couple doing a scene, but we as the audience weren't present for the pre-game discussion, you know? Maybe part of why it felt so odd is that it seems like Mame is trying to portray consent in a healthier way while at the same time feeding into that 'No" Kink she has and so the scene feels incongruous...idk.
-Truly the only real issue I have with this episode is the continuity of Rak's iPhone. When his father surprises him we watch the phone drop and the screen shatter in slow motion, clearly to a level that would make it unusable, but then after their talk he walks away actively calling Mut on the phone and it's clearly functional. Like this is not a deal breaker for me, but it is such an obvious break in continuity that I'm kind of surprised.
Okay, that's all I can think of. Two episodes left. I'm excited and also a bit sad to see the story end. Sidenote, do any of y'all feel like this show has rewatch potential? I've rewatched LITA & DSN a bunch, and LBC and TT once, and WP none at all, since their original release, but I'm not sure how I'll feel about rewatching Love Sea.
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olivieraa · 7 months
I'm 5 eps into Avatar and I'm very... mixed
Now Avatar is one of my most precious shows. For the longest time, Avatar and Sex and the city were my only shows. And then Stranger Things and Barry entered my life and they all became my top 4 (would love a fifth but Lost and OITNB ended so terribly)
These are non-animes ofc
Let's just say my Avatar weekend was planned months ago, and been getting through a few a day
By the end of ep 3 I had thoughts, and by the end of ep 5 I had basically the same thoughts
My biggest con with the show, bc I cant, currently, understand the motives behind it, is... why are they showing season 2 scenes??? And characters??
Like... season 1 of the animated series has 20 eps that are 20 mins each, and season 1 of the live action has 8 hour long eps. There is enough content from season 1 of the animated series to fill your show, no???
Like Ozai's reveal is season 3, but we knew of Ozai's casting quite early, and idk, I dont mind them showing him. But Azula? And Mei and Ty Lee? Why??
And the Owl??? Why??????????? Is it to make Toph the only big reveal/new character in season 2 or something? I've no clue.
But anyway. The bulk of the changes I actually dont mind. I think they did it in a way that flows well. However, they kinda cause something that is truly essential to the story to like... not happen.
So in ep 3, they go to Omashu. Instead of it being like in the OG, they decide to combine the Jet episode and the Northern Air temple episode, INTO the Omashu episode so that the 3 main characters go off and do their own thing. Aang with the wheelchair kid Teo up the mountain (tho they didn't fight off any firebenders which is a fave scene of mine in the show), Sokka with the mechanist talking about the blimp (accurate enough), and Katara off with Jet (accurate enough but would have liked their hideout to be up in the trees, would have been awesome scenery and also made more sense, y'know, being a hideout).
So what this created was separation, and the characters had just gotten to know each other by this point. With the show being only 8 eps, I kinda need to see them connecting more lol this show has a heavy friendship and love theme. Aang and Katara have literally only talked about waterbending every time they've spoke (and Aang has not waterbended once even tho he was an immediate natural at it, but whatever about that).
Again, I didn't mind that they made all these stories happen at Omashu, instead of one of them being Omashu, one of them being at the Northern Air Temple, and the other being in a pretty forest. Missed out on great scenery but, again, wtv.
The most important thing to me is that I need these characters to build their bond first and foremost. Then those changes would matter less.
Even the ep after that, the ep that Omashu should have originally centred around, was Aang meeting Bumi without Sokka and Katara. And instead of Aang and Katara in the love tunnel (since they're basically implying Aang and Katara are not gonna be a thing), they show Sokka and Katara's sibling love as a mean's of escaping the tunnel.
So we're at ep 3 and 4 by this point and they've been separated from Aang the whole time.
Changes from what I can remember off the top of my head (that I want to assume, are for a reason, so I'm not going to say they're changes that I hate, I just, currently, don't get them):
Aang is mildly playful, but defo not Aang level of playful. I'm not expecting him to go penguin sledding or ride the elephant koi, but idk........... something. Anything. It would have been fun if they made him play airball at least. I'm glad there was at least a brief BRIEF scene of them using the mailing system in Omashu.
There's no room at the air temple that shows all the past Avatar statues, which glow when Aang goes into the Avatar state which basically alerts the world he's awakaned. People just kinda........... learn he has awakened. Somehow. But Kiyoshi's statue on Kiyoshi island glowed and it led to a cool scene.
Again, Aang not knowing any waterbending. I wanna believe they've a reason for this.
Zuko doesn't have any moment where he shows any sorta, idk... respect or fear of Aang? Like he hasn't witnessed Aang show power enough to impress him
Zhao and Zuko didn't fight, another fantastic scene to show Zuko's character
Currently no pirates or foretuneteller, but may happen in the next
Iroh's dialogue is a bit... well... its different...
Changes I thought were fine:
Aang can sorta fly
Their discovery of Appa not being as dramatic was fine to me. Classic OG series moment of Sokka realising Appa could fly but I didn't mind them just getting straight to it
Aang not revealing he's the avatar but Gran-gran doing it instead
Aang already having the bison whistle given to him by kid!Bumi
The air temple backstory and Gyatso's speech to Aang not being in a flashback but in the spirit world
Zuko has a briefly important journal
The scroll being given to Katara by her gran instead of stealing it from pirates
Idk why Suki has a mother, she's not really relevant, but its fine
Azula shoots arrows, which is cool
Azula's reveal was half-cool and half-bad. I liked her in the scene, everyone else was an idiot. Did they think it would be that easy?
Aang and Iroh have had two scenes involving a prison together
Koh the face stealer was introduced early instead of during the North Pole eps where he tells Aang who the moon and ocean spirits are, which means he's going to find that out some other way in those eps.
Kioshi giving Aang wisdom before Roku
Katara and Sokka dont come down with a random illness which results in Aang looking for frogs and getting captured by Zhao and saved by Zuko
Scenes I really wish they'd kept:
Okay, this one was really important to me, bc it was the exact moment I fell in love with the show in 2005. Aangs first Avatar state moment.
In order, Aang playfully escapes some firebenders with some slick moves. An alert is made that he's escaped. Him and Zuko have a brief fight (Agni Kai music heck yeah), Aang escapes and attempts to jump off the boat with his glider, Zuko stops him and attacks Aang and then he falls into the ocean. Katara calls his name, he awakens his Avatar state and knocks out Zuko and the firebenders and then Sokka and Katara save him. And then Zuko and Iroh attack Appa and Aang redirects it.
Instead, Aang fights absolutely nobody. There's no alert that he's escaped but Zuko somehow knows?? Aang jumps off and successfully uses his glider and gets onto Appa. Zuko attacks and Katara uses BIG waterbending to save everyone.
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That moment adapted well could have sold this show for me.
In addition to that:
The "Avatar" test that proved to the Air Nomads that Aang was the Avatar. Instead they just kinda showed that he was more gifted than everyone else so that's how they knew.
The big change I think most people were a fan of:
Kiyoshi's appearance. Bad. Ass.
What I like:
Sokka and Zuko. I think the casting is fantastic for these two.
Appa and Momo.
People actually being burned alive. Idk, it shows the brutality more in this version
Azula has potential
What I h a t e:
Okay. Ep 1 31:38. This scene kinda shows a few things at once. Its just so… strangely written and acted by everyone except Sokka. Aang overacts (throughout the show), Katara underacts (throughout the show). The way Aang plays with the kids is odd. The way he doesn't even have any sort of reaction to seeing Katara for the first time sucks. Katara looks depressed most of the time and she just stands around a lot without a word to say. Tbh she doesn't even really know how to stand without looking awkward.
Katara did not give Aang her motivational and heartwarming speech at the air temple which basically told Aang that the three of them are now family. He just sorta… calmed himself down. All she did was call his name
Again, the lack of relationship these two have
Ozai continuously praising Zuko and Azula being insecure? So so SO early???
The season 2 stuff. There's enough to gather from season 1 so this makes no sense to me. They've basically shown the swamp ep already. And the swamp ep is where Aang first see's Toph, y'know, super important fan favourite character. Which means she's going to get a different introduction.
Uh, that's all I can remember off the top of my head (I just went to check that one timestamp, but other than that, this is all from memory).
I've one ep left and then the last two will be in the North Pole eps.
I know the one ep left before those two will feature Roku's appearance (hopefully on a dragon but prob not) and Zuko as the Blue Spirit as a combo ep, which I think is also combining the Sokka and Katara sick episode but instead of them being sick, they're about to be eaten by Koh (which makes him more menacing, something the OG show didn't do so I'm fine with this). I just hate that these characters are separated so much.
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ashcadence · 6 months
Um heyy! Pretty long time mutual here but I kinda realized I dont know much about your interests? Im gonna be honest I kinda forgot why I followed you(im so sorry)
So please take this as an invite to info dump/talk about your interests!!!
This is probably going to be very rambly 'cuz I just had a drink and I'm starting to feel the effects of the alcohol lol
You probably followed me because I posted a lot about Moriarty the Patriot a year ago before I started using Tumblr as basically my diary. I kinda feel bad for the people who followed me for Moriarty the Patriot then ended up with me using main as a diary lol. I still follow a lot of people who primarily post about Moriarty the Patriot because I still love that series, I just don't have many thoughts about it anymore.
I've only been on Tumblr for a year and there's been a sharp change in interests during that time. When I first started on here I wrote a lot of Moriarty the Patriot meta and was really into fiction writing. I'm not really into writing as much anymore though.
I don't really have interests as much as I do hobbies if that makes sense.
Recently, I've rediscovered my old passion for music, specifically singing. I'm slowly working on some original songs, recording some covers, and hopefully releasing an EP by the end of the year. I've gotten really into musical theater, and I'm trying to learn how to sing that more classical style and it's been certainly going lol
Idk if this counts as an interest, but I'm also a voice actor semi-professionally. I do get paid gigs here and there but most of what I do is just stuff for fun! It's a hobby that I occasionally get paid for. I like seeing what I can stretch my voice to do!
Ooooo! I really REALLY love birds! I love all birds but I specifically like learning about extinct birds. I can info-dump about extinct birds all day. If we're talking about birds that aren't extinct I know waayyy to much about North American ducks. I have a bucket list of ducks I want to see before I die.
I'm also very passionate about traditional art and I can talk about different drawing and painting techniques for hours. I don't delve into digital art that much as technology is the bane of my existence.
As far as media I've been really enjoying Hazbin Hotel recently. I'd probably be posting more about it on Tumblr, but I have friends irl who are also into the show so I tend to talk to them about it instead of posting about it on Tumblr.
That's the highlights I guess. I'm kind of one of those people who don't really have one specific interest that trumps them all. It's kind of a jack-of-all-trades kind of deal
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kjclfaller · 4 years
I have 5 episodes of ATSP left which concludes to 5 hours and I REALLY REALLY want to return to the start with this one
#ive forgotten most of the fics lmao#especially since i dont really look at the episode titles when listening#all i remember is awsten wrote the otto napkin fic and travis wrote the water park fic#Awsten's was in ep 2 of season 1 and Travis's is ep 1 of season 2 i think#I've only managed to remember fics by the guest on the podcast#also everything is gradually getting worse now so going back to the start where everything is tame would be nice#also im wondering whats the s3 finale fic gonna be since the finales for s1 and s2 were ..... horrifying#i also know that some fics i didn't pay much attention to at the time because i was busy#i mean I'm still busy rn but I've gone through it once so i might remember more#also man i want to listen to the patreon content so bad but i feel like it won't be a good decision#i dont listen to the podcast a lot nowadays unless I've made sure i wont be moving around a lot#but their patreon content ... i just wanna see their faces when they're reading fics#also idk if there's an episode of this on Spotify but i saw a video of awsten reading the fic with autotune on#it's from that video where it's all the moments of awsten singing the entourage song#please dont tell me they cut out some of those scenes#I'm pretty sure they at least got rid off a whole episode because their guest at the time was revealed to be a shady person#it confused me why in elijah's episode they kept mentioning kellin bc i thought they meant Kellin Quinn instead of Kellen Schneider?#idk what he did honestly but im not about to ask#i just hope the fun autotune bits and entourage scenes weren't there#because that would mean they're cut from spotify and patreon entirely#ah whatever I'll enjoy the last bits of podcast and see what i do next#kjcl talking
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🌊 Aish hairstyles 🌊
Literally oh my fucking god the designers can't think of more than three fucking hairstyles for Aisha, if I never see her with twin puffs again it will be too soon. Put her in a unique fucking hairstyle you assholes. This anger at the complete lack of interesting hair for Aisha is what sparked me to do this series in the first place. Just so I can show how fucking cool her hair could be if they weren't fucking cowards about it. Unsurprisingly this one took me the longest, with all the braids I had to line and color (tho it didn't take as much time as expected), but it was a lot of fun to do. I was easily the most excited to this one for obvious reasons. She looks great. I went a little ham on the gold jewelry but Aisha deserves it ok?? Her hairstyles in the show are so dull, she needs some fun
Side note, Aisha has the second longest hair out of the Winx, longest naturally, but it isn't visible due to how coily Aisha's hair is. My hair goes from barely toucing my shoulders to below my sternum, and my hair is curly as where I draw it Aisha's the 4 range. So yeah, her hair gets like at least 6 inches when straighten, going all the way to her butt. I also challenged myself to style her edges differently with every drawing djsjs which you can probably tell
Anyways on to the individual styles
Classic Aisha: this is the hairstyle I've started to usually draw Aisha in. Sporty and practical meet fun and feminine! I also gave her a nose piercing bc she, Musa, and Tecna have the vibes, and to fit the slight vibe of Andros. Aisha's hair in canon usually looks like it's on the low side of curly, and the reason why is made p clear by the miss magix ep and s8/WOW, so I decided to give her tight coily hair. Btw yeah that's her s2 camping outfit
Twists Aisha: this was my first foray into drawing this hairstyle, I usually draw dreads and box braids in this area, so it doesn't look super good but hey I tried jdnsjs. I wanted to stylized them so I'd didn't spend years trying to finish them, and you can visibly see me give up on that with the next drawing, but I think if I were doing a comic or quick doodles this is what I would go with. Anyways, I did this one because it really makes me think of Aisha athletic nature. Idk they just look super athletic to me, and I gave her a little extra ponytail for the fashion of it. Sporty chic
Mermaid-y: When I first drew these braids with the flat bottoms, they kinda looked like Mermaid tails to me?? So my brain was like, Aisha in her mermaid era <33. So my heart is set on her having this hair during s5, mermaid season, mermaid hair. It's literally perfect. Also I thought this top was super cute. This is where I really went overboard with the gold, but she's in her mermaid era, princess, guardian fairy, and dame. She can have a little (lottle) gold, as a treat. She deserves it, she's been though a lot lately with her family and Nabu being in a COMA. Some fun hair is good for the soul
Date night: light rage. They put Aisha's hair into pigtails for every causal event that happens and it inches across my last nerve like you wouldn't believe. Much like how that uniform outfit ruined one of Musa's hairstyles, pigtails feel ruined for Aisha, but making the. Apart of a braid really lessoned the blow. Half of me wishes I did a head wrap instead, but I can't just not include them. The outfit is super cute tho. She's going on a date!!! Yess!!! So pretty. I'm so happy with her earrings and dress. She and Nabu are gonna go have a picnic together, it's gonna be great
Box braids: I just got my braids taken out this Friday, which was fun (it hurt a lot, especially taking the small ones out ;-;) and I think it's a really good hairstyle for Aisha. I used to think that they'd be super impractical due to being so long, but because they're so heavy they're not actually annoying to deal with at all. They don't move all that much and they don't really get in the way. These would work perfectly for Aisha. Giving her the long hair, and the practicality. Absolute win! Of course I had to go for her outfit from her date with Musa. These kinds of braids always make me think someone has an important event coming up or they're trying to look cute, and a first date is a perfect occasion. I had so much fun with the earrings and braid decorations
Work out: I wanted to go for something simple, less fancy, and that doesn't require braiding, for of her hairstyles to just like her hair be itself and vibe. Here it is in a classic half up half down look, completely unbraided and vibing. Outfit slightly inspired by Serena Williams's entire aesthetic, including the headband. I didn't wanna put her hair over her shoulders, which admittedly looks a little weird but I wanted the high low part to be clear fjsjdnd
Poodle puffs: Personally I think Poodle puffs are really hard to styles, because it's hard to get the size of the puffs right without going too far in either direction. I think I got it right here? I think four is a good number of puffs. This is probably one of my favorite looks, mostly because of how warm and royal it looks. I'm a sucker for shiney jewelry and warm colors. I think this one came out especially well, I love the earrings, and the dress looks really good! I was worried it was gonna look silly but thankfully it doesn't
Bantu knots: She just looks gorgeous here. It adds so much to her orginal red carpet energy. Her hair is now all done up and fancy. Her nose ring also adds to the energy. I really like the earring, despite how lopsided it is lol, but I do wonder if it was a little too much for such a elegant outfit? Idk. Either way I didn't do anything to this look because I love it and she looks amazing. Not thoughts, head empty, bantu knots pretty
Princess Aisha: Hehe this one is probably my favorite out of all the hair. Not the outfit top XD. I don't like poofy European dresses rip. I got to go as fancy as I want!! I feel like Aisha usually tries to stay away from super fancy and complicated one event only hairstyles (which is why she usually goes for protective hairstyles she can wear for a while with low maintenance before needing to change it), but she's making a formal appreances, which means I can loop a gem into her hair. I also got to put big gems on her outfit and earrings which was super fun. This perticualr hairstyle always looked super royal to me and I had to include some proper beads on the look too. They match the gem she's wearing. Extra royal look. Her headgear as a child did something similar, but now that she's older she can just get proper braids put that do what the head gear was doing but better. Also can you tell that I was worried about getting too close to the edge of the page XD
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tuiyla · 2 years
Okay honestlyyy I don't see how people can claim to love like Quinn or Santana and yet claim to hate Kitty like ??? Kitty is literally their daughter lmao. Most of her insults make me cringe (but it's the same for all cheerios ig) but she's still super funny like idk Becca's line delivery and facial expressions are just top tier so she's still fun to watch
But I also love Becca's more serious acting like she can make me feel so much for Kitty, especially in eps that don't really have much else going for them lmao. Like The Hurt Locker p2 and Previously Unaired Christmas. Like idk she can just steal the show with one well placed emotional scene and I'm here for it!
Also like we don't get to know a lot about her so I love coming up with hcs for her family life and things like that. It's fun to speculate on her life and figure out why she's Like That asfjdslk
And it's just nice to see her growth like how she starts out as this mean conniving little bitch who's out to ruin everyone's lives to genuinely caring about and making connections with the other s4 newbies and making amends for how she acted and trying to do and be better. And we get to see how much the club meant to her bc we see how hurt she was in s6 bc of it breaking up the way it did
And I like her relationships with the older characters even if they're mostly in my mind shh like Kurt and Blaine and Rachel and especially Tina lmao. I'm Titty shipper number one idk why I like them so much but they're like my top 5 fave ships lmao
Anyway yeah I just really love Kitty and I think she's wonderful and she's like my seventh favorite character tbh so like good for her. So there's some gushing for you lmao you invited this so xx
Okay I'm not gonna sit on this because !! Yes, my poor little meow meow, beloved evil bitch
I know right that's what I've been saying, she's a Quinntana love child! I hate those surface level takes where she's Quinn 2.0 cause like hell she is, if anything she's more like Santana.
And just Becca Tobin,,, god, this woman does not get enough for her work on Glee. She carried. Her line delivery was the definition of elevating the source material. The way she did the first scene of Swan Song, being a scared little girl instead of doubling down on her evil ways or getting defensive. Like, I get why people can't get over the ED mess but there's so much more to her and even in these early episode Becca carried. "In French it means kill women"??? I'm in love with her.
And you're so right her dramatic acting was something to behold too. She grounded the entirety of PUC with her storyline and reading into Kitty lines is super fascinating but also heartbreaking. I mean, "more like Mary Magdalene"? God, why is she so good. And she does have so much growth even just in the second half of s4 where she slowly integrates into the team until she takes a much bigger role in s5 and that's why it's so interesting to have her back in s6 where her trust was shattered. And to watch her interact with Rachel! A really underrated dynamic. Kitty and Rachel are one of my favourite friendships that could have been. Of course they were, a bit, but it wasn't enough. Kitty is genuinely heartbroken about being left behind and who would have thought that at the beginning of s4.
She contains such multitudes, and yes I'm digging with a shovel to get there but the little crumbs connect so well to make her a compelling character. Intrigued by your HCs for her please go on! I don't HC that much, I think, I just wildly extrapolate from what we get in canon. But I'm so interested because there's so much ground to cover with her. For example, religion starts out as this satire thing with her, like haha she's ultra conservative and close-minded, but it actually seems like she is genuinely deeply religious? Not in the Quinn way where it felt more like external pressure and something she had a complicated relationship with. Kitty is genuinely bummed about the Nativity thing and doesn't feel worthy of playing the Virgin Mary, That's interesting stuff. And when she reaches out to Ryder, even though it's never brought up again it's such an insight into her character.
I loove Kitty gushing by all means please go on, and spread the Kittina agenda too! I never really considered it so I'd love to hear more. All in all people wake up and stop sleeping on Kitty.
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gracefulweather · 3 years
i finally found some time to answer u properly !! 😅 why does it always take me like 5 days alfjalfhwl
omg !! did ur album arrive alr? :O mine shipped but all it says is: arriving by december 10 so my guess is it'll get here then :")
oohhh 😳😳😳 my new smau is like .. its ... it has fake dating... and its a uni au..and i am incapable of writing summaries bc i always want to spoil everything lmao 😅
im always thankful that you're so supportive of my works, truly 🥺 esp the ateez smau ! i'll prob b posting more when im done w finals
THE WORLD TOUR AHHHHH i can't believe they're having it !! i'm so excited to see what they perform ! also ateez comeback soon?!?! it was so sudden i thought i was seeing something wrong 😭 but omg u had tickets from 2020??? (but i agree :( i see so many artists having concerts but crowds... and covid...🥲)
PLEASE 😭 i loved ur fic sm i think abt it constantly 😊
i haven't seen hellbound ! i've heard some things abt it, but im not sure if i wanna watch 🤔 did u watch it then?
oof i actually have no idea which tbz series are where 💀 but i have seen that it keeps getting taken down :( wish we could just have the content
yes omg i love the maverick series so much ! it was so fun to watch :D did u watch both eps?
akfhaldskjf thats a v good question 😬 for me, i usually only write for my ult groups so like (atz, tbz, txt, skz) and i find it easier to write for my biases or bias wreckers which is kinda unfair when i only have fics/series for specific members but it just feels more natural (?) to write about them? idk man
wbu??? how do u decide which members to write abt? & is there a group you haven't written abt that u want to?
oohh !! i saw that too ! i think it was kev? but now im so excited to see what they end up performing ! DRINK IT SUPREMACY I LOVE THAT SONG 😍 also saw that hyunjae said he'll do a vlive w sunwoo after the fancon 👀
i think it would b so cool if they did like a movie version where it was just story 👀
i always feel like tbz's promo periods are way shorter than other groups :( maybe they are idk but i also really really want them to rest
wbu? do u like the shorter promo periods?
(also i do love the sea of hyunjae on ur blog 😍)
hope ur taking care of yourself !! sending u lots of love ❤❤❤
OK OK SO U PULLED SUNWOO BUT who else!!! i got jacob id card and poster, eric qr code thingy, then for pcs: sangyeon <3333, kevin, and the bbangnyu for the unit one!! vaguely surprised there's no jumil in any form but my luck has never been great :') wbu!!!
ooOOH fake dating?? 😍 but omg the way you said anyone could be endgame.... are u gonna pull a massive plot twist on us hmmm 👀 OK BUT when y/n said "a whole hour before your wakeup time" to kyu I FELT THAT 🤡🤡🤡 y/n working at a museum tho that's so interesting :O ok u know what i'll just save the feedback for ur inbox instead LMAO
omg both the ateez comeback and world tour dates are rushed HAHA what is kq doing.... i'm still on the fence about going to the concert tho ugH 😭 but thoughts on turbulence?!?? such a pretty but sad mv tho :')
i watched hellbound bc the concept was intriguing, like people are being summoned to hell via these supernatural beings? i expected the characters to investigate everything that was going on but there was a focus on violence without actually solving anything 😭 maybe bc netflix wants to drag it out into s2 tho idkk
ohh for tbz shows i've been using this spreadsheet!! omg bless those admins 🥺 not sure if dnd is still up bc they were saying it was taken down but timeout works!! and YEAHH loved the maverick series it was so much fun, i wish it was longer LOL
oooh i agree it's definitely easier and more natural to write about ur biases or bias wreckers!! although i barely have anything for sangyeon yet oops i sometimes come up with a plot first then figure out which member fits the role best but other times i start with the member then build the plot. hmm as for groups i wanna write for, i was thinking maybe golcha or skz!! maybe when my tbz obsession dies down a little HAHA
OH YEAH the fancon!! hyunjae and younghoon's new hair colours 😍 did u see all the fancams and stuff?! they're so cute i'm glad they got to see fans again ♥ no drink it but we got kingdom come omggg 😭😭😭 actually feel like there's a good chance they'll do kingdom come for year end award shows 👀
hmm i think it's just become a trend to do really short promo periods now? deffs see it in other groups too at least compared to second gen, but i feel like tbz has a short teaser period too LOL. i do think it's a little too short but they're always so busy with other stuff so :')
(we don't speak of the hyunjae there is too much hyunjae on here how did this even happen omg)
but yeahh hope ur doing well!! esp if exam season is coming up for u 😭 stay healthy, don't stress too much <33
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