#i told myself id write romaguda but what am i doing
mako-neexu · 1 year
“Y’know what? Someone really ought to stop Master. Because at this point? They’ll suffer somethin’ far worse than death.”
The Servants look at the young gunshooter with mixed expressions. Raised brows, tired faces, condescending smiles--
“And you don’t think her hundreds of Servants know that? Even Heracles once stopped Master from going out to train before pointing to her bed to rest a little more.” Hundred faces responds from the shadows, their outline barely visible against the dark corner.
“Of course I know.” The blond young man rolls his eyes as he watches their Master’s form clutching her hand with the command seals, screaming her Servants’ names as she lost them to the creature that advanced with terrifying speed.
What a mess. 
Even without thorough knowledge of magic, everyone could practically see that Fujimaru Ritsuka’s nervous system is barely supported by the hundreds and hundreds of blessings inside her body. 
At the same time, the lethal curses and poison inflicted by her own Servants just marginally fought back the impurities that do not belong to her body. 
What of her mental state? Billy catches sight of black flames rounding the corner, followed by a pair of bright butterfly wings.
Shit really is fucked if incomplete people, ghosts- weapons like them want to chain this human down to a bed and have them get a good eight-hours worth of rest. Vacation time outside of their bullshit shenanigans that cause the Master serious headache too.
Geronimo pursed his lips as he looks sadly at the Master who was crying yet growling out orders of attack, never letting her knees touch the ground with the Zemlupus boy protecting them from stray debris and onslaught, “All that we can do is support her no matter what. For that is her will, we must obey.” 
And as Servants with a contract, they are influenced by their Master to stand by her side even as something inside them keeps screaming to not let the single human who understood them like a mirror die.
“Billy the Kid, Geronimo, Kiyohime! You guys are up! Please head to the deck ASAP!” Da Vinci’s voice rang out from the intercom. Both Billy and Geronimo nodded to each other, before looking at the female berserker that donned a sad smile.
“In the entire time I’ve been here, not once did Master lie to me about anything.” She raises a hand to her heart, her amber eyes holding a kind of hurt they knew all too well, “Yet when I ask about her feelings and her thoughts, all she did was smile.”
And everyone in the room understood.
With a profound fondness for their friend, contractor, and Master, comes with a hatred that could rival the flames of hell itself. Hatred for her fate, for all the things she was forced to do, for all the things she was forced to become. The only thing they can do is grit their teeth and support their Master to the very end of her life.
Cursed to this kind of life, the only salvation they could think of for her is—
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