#i totally didnt base stelles cooking abilities off mine
kisskida · 27 days
-Gepard x Stelle comfort au Is breakfast not the most important meal of the day? In this household, breakfast is the most dangerous meal of the day, sleeping in past 5am has very noticeable and instantaneous consequences for the poor house...
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The smell of smoke certainly was a unique way to wake up, specifically the unforgettable smell of burnt toast. Though it may be a unique way, it certainly was common for Gepard to wake up to, the smell of burning toast was honestly the least concerning of all the things Stelle had tried to cook, whether it was breakfast or any other meal. He groaned as the smoke alarm started to go off and he heard a pitchy shriek, a crash and a series of inappropriate phrases shouted at, most likely, an inanimate object.
Yawning and running his hand through his hair, he trudged out to the kitchen, in no hurry to check on the situation, only doing so out of concern that Stelle might blow something up again. “Stelle what are you-” he rounded the corner of the dimly lit, dawn kissed hallway and paused, wide awake now as he saw his wife with her hands wrapped around the throat of another familiar face, throttling the life out of him. There were 3 frypans on the floor, a fork stuck in the plaster of the wall, 2 wall tiles shattered and an incredibly obvious scorch mark next to the toaster.
“Sampo! I told you to keep an eye on the toast” she continued to shake the living daylights out of him as Gepard reeled from the shock horror of the morning mess, this was probably the worst state he’d ever seen his kitchen in.
“Stelle! Forget the toast, that wasn’t even that bad, why did you need three pans?” Sampo was yelling back at her, dark hair a dishevelled mess and soot scattered throughout the tussled white highlights.
“Okay, both of you! Separate! Stelle, clean up the frypans and Sampo?! Why are you in my house at-” he looked at the clock on the wall, “6 in the morning?” He’d slept in for once, breaking his routine of waking up at 5am to make breakfast, specifically avoiding this exact scenario. Closing his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose, allowing an exasperated sigh to escape his lips. 
“Uh…good morning Captain?” Sampo chuckled nervously, slowly backing up and helping Stelle clean up, all while maintaining eye contact before he nervously broke his gaze and hurried helping clean up the broken tiles.
Pulling the fork out of the wall, Gepard turned the stove off, unplugged the toaster and, though he wanted to avoid it, he began to inspect the scorch mark on the marble countertop. “Enough, both of you get out, I’ll make breakfast. Stelle, get the bread, eggs and bacon out and Sampo, go home” he threw the pans in the sink and pulled out clean utensils with which to cook.
Soon enough the smell of incinerated bread and smoke had left the house, replaced with the mouth-watering smell of bacon, eggs and nicely cooked toast. Gepard could feel the sparkling glare of Stelle as she sat on top of the bench and the similar stare of Sampo as he sat on a stool at the bench. “Foods done, what do you two want to eat” he put down three plates with the food and handed the two their own plates which they could serve themselves with.
Stelle grinned cheekily “I could really do with a nice captain for breakfast, we could go back to bed, strip down and -” Gepard stopped her, putting a hand over her mouth as a bright pink blush donned his cheeks, he tugged self consciously on his form fitting shirt, trying to shake the dirty thoughts from his head as Sampo snickered quietly. He was unaware of just how far Stelle could open her mouth as she bit him, clamping her teeth down over his hand playfully. Her cheeky gold eyes locked with his own and his blush darkened to a deep crimson hue. “Just- just eat your breakfast Stelle” He pulled his hand away from her, fidgeting shyly with the gold wedding band on his finger.
“Fine…later” she pouted, piling a copious heap of bacon on her plate and devouring it before he could blink. In this time, Sampo had eaten an almost concerning amount of toast, where Gepard had cooked 10 slices, there were two left, one of which Stelle was reaching for.
After breakfast was finished, not a crumb left on the table Gepard took one look at the sink and sighed “Can you safely wash up while I get dressed Stelle?” she paused, pretending to consider.
“Maybe” dragging Sampo by the hair, she shuffled over to the sink and the two trouble-makers began their repentance, having their mess foisted back onto them.
The bedroom was cool on Gepards skin as he began tugging his shirt off, scanning the room for where his uniform might be, for where Stelle had thrown it last night before she practically devoured him. A heated blush rose on his skin as the memories from last night flashed to the forefront of his mind. “Looking sexy captain” Stelle wolf whistled at Gepard’s shirtless body, left standing only in boxers “Sampo can finish cleaning the kitchen, I however, am going to partake in one more meal” standing up on her toes, she met him in a hungry kiss, her arms hooked behind his neck. He wrapped his arms around her body, enjoying the warmth she provided.
“If there’s another mess in the kitchen when I go out again, you’ll face some serious consequences tonight” he whispered, their lips not even an inch apart, breaths mingling hot against each others skin
“Now I’m considering making some more mess, these consequences sound rather enticing” he was locked into another kiss, her hands roaming his body to more sensitive parts as her lust consumed her logical thoughts.
“I certainly didn’t marry you for your cooking ability-” he was forced to stop talking as she pushed him back onto the bed, finishing undressing him and beginning to strip her own clothes.
“Well, I’d hope not” that snarky grin was the last thing he saw before his rationality slipped down the drain and pleasure consumed him.
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