#i tried to keep to 1 character per piece of media just to help spread it out some
altruistic-meme · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
hi dear!!! i definitely don't mind AT ALL i love getting questions!!!! i probably have answered this question before, but this is one of those things that's subject to change pretty often as i find new characters and they take over from older ones :] so i will probably never give the exact same answer twice dksvjsdfh
ok ok that said, let me see... in no particular order:
Damianos of Akielos (Book: Captive Prince trilogy) quite literally THE man of all time. THE man of my dreams. he is such a beautifully written character who is so complex and interesting to read!! he is so gentle and caring despite his size, and he has a confidence i can only aspire to.
Neil Josten (Book: All For The Game trilogy) unhinged maniac 🧡 no but genuinely he is such a good main character. everything about him and his narration pulls you in to the story. he is the most unreliable narrator. his perspective is so skewed. also my namesake!!
Nakahara Chuuya (Anime/Series: Bungo Stray Dogs) i may or may not have somewhat of an obsession with him right now. he is literally so pretty that i throw my phone. but also he is so unbearably human in an incredibly tragic way, and he is that way because he actively chooses to be. he is a high ranking member of the mafia and he loves dogs and he promised his dying friend that he would save someone else and he is so loyal and bright. i am going to stop while im ahead bc 90% of my thoughts right now are about Chuuya so i could genuinely go on forever.
Victor Nikiforov (Anime: Yuri!!! ON Ice) he is so sad
Hinata Shoyo (Anime: Haikyuu!!) he is just so fucking BRIGHT!!! unlike Victor, Hinata is the exact opposite of me in almost every sense. it is so hard for me to watch anyone else when he's on the screen. he is just joy and energy incarnate and i want to be his friend so bad.
Spiderman (TV Show/Movie/Comic) this is a cheat because it's just. every iteration of spiderman. i love him. just your friendly neighborhood spiderman!! i have such a soft spot for Miles Morales' spiderman in particular due to the spiderverse movies, but i also really loved all of the live action spiderman movies. and we can't forget the tv show!!!
Prince Wilhelm (Show: Young Royals) fucking babygirl. yet another sad wet cat of a character who i project onto immensely. he is just so complex and interesting and so real and flawed and just. listen. having the weight of the world rest on your shoulders as you struggle with trying to make friends and fight your anxiety and handle your mother all by yourself is something i have dealt with too. i can't put into words all my thoughts about him right now, but rest assured there are More.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (Book: How to Train Your Dragon series) don't get me wrong, i love the movie version of him as well, but they are such different characters. and the book version of Hiccup has an incredibly special place in my heart. httyd is such a comfort read for me, and it was huge for me getting to grow up with Hiccup. he is just a fucking little guy and he goes through so much. but he keeps going. he didn't deserve any of it and he fights so hard to make sure no one else has to go through it like he did. gods i love him.
Charlie Spring (Comic: Heartstopper) same as with Hiccup, i love him in the show as well but to me the characters are so different and i just relate so much more to the comic version of him! he is a mess and i love him and relate to him. i wish i had what he has. i am also so proud of how far he has come!! and he reminds me to be proud of myself, too. also see; sassy motherfucker.
Kenai (Movie: Brother Bear) a strange choice, maybe, but this movie means SO much to me. it is a huge comfort movie. and Kenai, by virtue of being the main character, clearly gets the leg up as the favorite. but it's so amazing seeing him grow as a person (or. well. bear). he's funny, he tries so hard, he wants so much. and he's just a kid!! he learns so much!!
there are definitely some patterns in my favorite characters that i am going to choose not to look too closely at :') i have so many characters i adore. this was so hard ;;;
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nextupnews · 4 years
Christopher Kemmett
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Christopher Kemmett
Christopher Patrick Kemmett
Born December 18th in 1989 in Winchester, Massachusetts.
Currently lives in Lake City, Florida.
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Early Life
I was born in Winchester, Massachusetts and spent my childhood in several cities throughout Volusia County, Florida. I spent grade school in gifted, advanced placement and international baccalaureate programs. I finished grade school at age 16.
I have thoroughly studied Finance, Business, Taxes, Investing and Entrepreneurship. I am an education lifer. I’ll never quit learning.
I enjoy Inventing, Writing, Learning, and Exploring. I have invented several small widgets, written unique computer programs and started several new businesses. I enjoy the meditation and mind clearing experience while writing lyrics, and have written over 100 songs. I enjoy the rush of researching and publishing news, creating visual and contextual content, and sharing it with the world. Ultimately, I am just a problem solver at heart.
Next Up News is a product of Business Developer App®, my business development company. I also operate several other online websites and applications.
Additionally, I own and operate a local and long distance moving company, Moving America®.
I am married to Michaelyn Kemmett, my beautiful and one and only. Father of three beautiful boys, Evan (born 2014), Christopher (born 2016) and Michael (born 2018). My parents and grandparents are passed away (may they all rest in peace). We had a very close family between my mother and maternal grandparents. My brother and best friend Robert Kemmett also passed away at age 18 (may we meet again).
I am working to build, create and innovate as much as possible for future generations to gain from and build on. I hope to leave behind advanced technologies and creations for my family, community and the world at large. I feel like making a difference in the world for the better matters most and continue working towards a better future for us all every day.
Favorite Quotes
Figure it out! – Christopher Kemmett
Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow…The important thing is not to stop questioning. – Albert Einstein
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. – John F. Kennedy
History in News
The Beginning of The Real Strategy and An Overview
The Real Strategy – Also Known As – TheRealStrategy.com was a news website I started with my good friend Cody King. We operated this website for about 3-4 years. We started with 0 followers and 0 visitors and grew the news organization to roughly 200 million aggregate followers and over 2-3 million visitors per month. The website was eventually abandoned due to financial strain on my part and my partners. We only made about $300 per day in early 2017 when we shut down the website. We started the project as an outlet to fight against fake news and biased media like CNN and MSNBC. We absolutely accomplished what we aimed to do.
The Real Strategy ended up being pinned against the wall by The Washington Post, the BBC, and others as the “main” site pushing fake news…how ironic. Democratic echo chambers still reverberate the idea that somehow we ran a “botnet” either funded by Russians or Trump to push fake news. The Washington Post is still writing articles about us as recent as October 2018. They wrote an entire article about us supporting Trump with fake news and named only one website…The Real Strategy. All of that animosity years later and still not a single example of fake news, great reporting Washington Post! Their most recent hit piece on us was regurgitated by the AP News of all people and they made claims that they reached out to us and got no response in their article. This is an absolute falsehood, I spoke to them on the phone. I was asked all kinds of questions regarding Russia for about 5 minutes and the conversation ended when they realized their narrative wasn’t going to fly.
The Alternative Media Ecosystem – The Kate Starbird Article
Kate Starbird, a professor at Stanford University, did some small study outlining how we were the largest voice pushing “alternative narratives” on Twitter in 2016. She claims we were so influential, she had to remove us from her graph, because we skewed her data so much. Or maybe her data just didn’t make sense without her removing some truth…once again. I still want to see the graph with us in it Kate.
Hilariously enough, the article she wrote pinning us as public enemy #1 was her most viewed article still to date, no other even comes close. I’m glad we could help you get some attention Kate! Hope you are doing well. Her article was echoed by the BBC, the Washington Post and others.
The only examples ever given by her or any other critics were that we published anti-hillary and pro-Trump content. Also, it is apparantly a crime to question official narratives now. I guess that made us fake news. Remember my favorite quote by Einstein, “…the important thing is not to stop questioning”, and I won’t. Kate Starbird still made sure she got that academic paper published by the University of Washington, without ever reaching out to me personally. It’s unfortunate that her and other so-called journalists call themselves academics and professionals, but can’t even pick up a phone to verify a fact. Others who do, lie about the facts when they don’t go their way.
We were also cited in alternative news studies by Cornell University and a partisinship, propaganda and disinformation study done by Harvard University. Harvard’s graphic put us right next to Real Clear Politics in content volume and political view, based on whatever scale they used.
The Real Strategy Made Worldwide Headlines For Speaking Truth
We were propped up by some outlets, but we were banned for the truth, both of these are true. Youtube took away our monetization rights in 2016 for showing the “Clown Mask” video where an inflamed citizen of Canada threatened jihadists in a video he uploaded, I guess ISIS can have a youtube account, but those that report on others who speak out against ISIS cannot. That one put The Real Strategy’s youtube channel on to the front of RT News.
RT News also shared our interest in the Podesta brothers similarity in the suspects of a child kidnapping and their involvement in the #pizzagate scandal. This story is still developing for those who think it is a complete conspiracy theory, the pizza shop has nothing to do with it, pizza is just a slang word used by pedophiles.
Snopes even tried to debunk one of my articles and it came out as “Mixture”. The only mistake in my article was that my featured image for the article was taken from the movie Splice, other than that the entire article was factual and accurate…crossbreeding animals and humans is and was approved for embryonic research as I outlined in my article.
We were constantly having back and forths with larger companies. Monsanto didn’t like the studies that tied their products to the Zika Virus, which we reported on, they wrote articles about us in return.
Other companies like Nestle Water, had problems of their own to deal with like rioting and petitioning locals who wanted to keep their local water rights. We were on the sides of the locals, which they also didn’t like…
Still, other companies like WeAreChange.org also cited us in activism articles. Infowars.com and Paul Joseph Watson also spread some of our stories against police corruption; this article was completely re-posted under creative commons (another financial mistake).
I admit I made several mistakes with that site because we were new to the industry and learning as we went. But as far as facts go, we focused on what we could prove with video, audio, document or similar evidence. This is unlike most of the media conglomerates out there who have so many “anonymous sources” or “sources close to the White House”, etc… We fought for the rights and freedoms of the American people and when you do that, you make enemies. We expected it. Most of the mistakes we made were just part of a learning curve, and financial in nature, which was not at the top of our priority list.
The truth is we just exposed corruption on a constant basis and with Hillary Clinton there was a lot to talk about. I mean the first article I published about Trump was titled, “Trump Thinks Miss America Looks Good On Her Knees”, which is hardly a pro-Trump article. I did eventually vote for Trump and am proud to have him as my president. I do not however endorse him as a person or even claim to know who he is as a person, nor do I know any politicians and couldn’t vouch for any of their character traits. I believe politics should remain focused on community issues and we should all vote independent of party lines.
It wasn’t uncommon to see an article on The Real Strategy that outlined Hillary’s clear medical issues and we held the top Google search results for several keyword searches like “Hillary Twitching” etc… She had no business running for president, which we clearly understood as did many Americans. Of course we had our own opinions mixed into our actions as every journalist does when they choose what to report on and what not to. We always aimed to provide more facts than every other outlet and include the entire story not just small parts piece by piece. We always had to go further with our research on single pieces due to the fact that we didn’t have millions of dollars in ad revenue to pay teams of reporters. This meant that the articles we did publish were stronger and generally more interesting than the competitions version.
The Botnet That Took Over Twitter in 2016
Our website grew very fast and our following got extremely large due to some technical innovations I came up with along with my partner. We learned a lot on the marketing side of things because we ran every aspect of our business together, without outsourcing a single process or project. Eventually, we had over 5,000 people sharing our articles automatically on several different platforms through public automation tools we made available to our users.
Every website generally has a CTA or “Call to Action”, ours was focused on building a networking army. In other words, our so-called “botnet” was actually a huge network of real people who wanted to share our news and signed up to do so.
How Did The Real Strategy End?
We used IFTTT for the bulk of our public automation, which suddenly became a paid feature costing over $2,000 per month. IFTTT deactivated our public recipes for the free service we used, removing our ability to reach millions. At the same time they made a deal with the New York Times, allowing them to publish their new recipes into their public library! Laughably, the NYT’s still doesn’t even have half of the user base signed up to share their content as we had, and its been 4 years! A couple weeks after the IFTTT shutdown a NYT reporter came at me with a lawsuit for using one of his images in an article on a riot. I paid him off and removed the image, which was clearly fair-use, and newsworthy, but nevertheless, I didn’t have the money to fight back. I was clearly being targeted by a million dollar corporation and had zero interest in fighting them.
After the followers of our site began to dwindle, the money we made followed, which was not much to begin with. So, the decision was made to abandon ship and move forward. I personally, had my first baby on the way and had just purchased my first home making money extremely vital in the short term. All of this, along with the unfortunate event of my grandfather and mother passing away, I inherited some financially burdening assets, etc.. and needed money fast. So I started a moving company, this is an industry where I have had a lot of experience in since I was about 14 years old, and it has become a very successful brand here in North, FL.
Looking Forward With Next Up News
Overall, we conquered our enemies in 2016 and we accomplished our goals with The Real Strategy. We have since moved on to bigger and better things in life. I will bring all of my experiences from those times with me to Next Up News and build something much more concrete and unshakable. I learned a lot from those 4 years of growing from nothing to public enemy #1 in the far left’s eyes online.
Next Up News will aim to develop a closer relationship to its viewers and provide as much value as possible. I will be starting a youtube channel as soon as possible and will be creating as many free tools and free downloadable applications as possible for our readers. There will be ads, affiliate links, etc.. worked into our site, but only those that actually are quality products. Of course anyone with adblocker will be able to disable the ads and we won’t be charging for access to news ever. Information deserves to be free for everyone. This remains a core belief of mine. I hope all who read this have a better understanding of my past and where I am heading with this project. Wish me luck and have a great day.
Happy Moving! – Chris
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