#i try to put Some kind of substance on my wips instead of leaving them blank with only a title
diodellet · 26 days
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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namazunomegami · 23 days
gosh i really love your geto stuff and i'm super glad i followed you bc then you put??? the heatwave fic on my dash?? and i???
like that's IT that's the VIBE that is MY BRAND that is my absolute favorite kind of yandere/dark relationship trope ever. so many people writing yandere!geto are locked into this exact frequency and i LOVE IIIT
so much compassion and affection and understanding. geto who knows you like the back of his own hand, knows how you tick, how to get any kind of reaction he wants out of you.
does he use this for good? for evil? YES!! all the genuinely well-meant gestures still come with a dose of condescending mother-knows-best and it's WORSE because the fact that he knows you so well, can tell you what you're thinking and how you're feeling, it lends all the more credence to the idea that he really is RIGHT.
you are his obsession. his little bug trapped in a terrarium and he is just so excited to see how you'll grow. you won't outgrow him; he controls your entire world, he will become your entire world.
the best cage is one that you don't want to escape. if you're trying to leave, he's doing it wrong! and he'll fix it right away but the dark terrible foundation will still be there.
augh. absolutely delicious. it makes for so much intensity and investment from the characters. even ordinary reactions leave you at the edge of your seat because both people in the relationship are hyperfixated and overanalyzing every last gesture, and they're RIGHT to!! it really DOES mean something because the other person is crazy obsessed, too!
like your fic where the reader runs away and geto just silently takes them back and you're just waiting for the hammer to fall... waiting. and that's exactly what geto is doing to the reader in the fic. absolute PEAK fiction. love this stuff!!! every word of it!!!
You have absolutely no idea how I just teared up reading all that! Honestly it means so much to me. Come here, let me give you a kith, mwah, mwah 💕
I suppose the heatwave fic is Mélange? Whatever, I'm glad you liked it and I plan to write more aphrodisiac/sex pollen fics in the future because I LOVE this trope so much. You can basically give me any character and I can come up with a plot where the character gets sex pollened lmao.
(Funny thing is, I didn't really read aphrodisiac fics before I started writing Mélange, it was my best friend who told me that I kinda subverted the trope because in most cases it's the reader who's affected by some horny substance. But I'm gonna keep my fics that way because the characters I simp for are a bit repressed emotionally and it's entertaining to write them feral.)
I think I mentioned this before, but I'm not deliberately writing Geto as a yandere. It just sorta happens. I finish a fic, reread the whole thing and "whoops, he's a yandere". But Geto cares a lot about others, sorcerers in general, Gojo, Shoko, Nanami, the twins, his makeshift family, he just wants to keep them safe but the execution of that... a bit radical, a bit absolutist, let's just say it's not the healthiest. But this aspect of his personality makes it easy to write him as a yandere.
I have some other wips where I try my best to tone it down but then the reader is the obsessive one in the dynamic lol. Like in my egyptian mythology au, he's just a guy (well, a solar deity), he's just there and tries to unravel reader's conflicting love-hate feelings towards him. And the dilf!Geto fic... oh boy, reader is borderline crazy.
In fact, I love everything you mentioned and let me add, reader and Geto in Into the Void + Atonement has a very detailed lore, enough to write a whole prequel fic but instead, I use certain elements and scenes I came up with in other fics. If I would've included the whole story it just hinders the buildup, disturbs the plot etc. But I share some important details with you 💕
Ofc, the reason they know each other on such an intimate level is because well... they know each other for at least 12 years if we look at the canon events and timeline. Reader is obviously not amongst the heavy hitters, their cursed technique is basically just tracking cursed energy. They're like a walking GPS, a locator app and... idk, I think they call them sniffdogs? Scent tracking dogs? Whatever... basically just give reader any kind of residual and they can track the source of it.
You may ask... why isn't reader using their cursed technique when they try to get away from Geto in order to know his exact location? The answer is plot convenience.
I can see several instances where reader was kinda mocked by others for being useless in battle (maybe by Gojo himself because at that time he has zero social awareness) and Geto had to intervene in order to explain that such a technique is actually quite valuable because it saves a lot of time and effort to locate a curse or a curse user. But that means that the heavy hitters must keep reader safe or at least very far from the battlefield.
Reader's parents are also non-sorcerers. So they had at least one thing they can get connected over. And in both fics I refer to that reader's parents were quite abusive and neglectful. It resulted in reader being starved for connection (hence the cursed technique's nature itself), a kind of inability to trust in others, receive and accept comfort and they’re very hyperaware of their surroundings. And Geto, who cares so much about his fellow students might have tried to change their perspective or offer some comfort and reader could have noticed when he was spiraling and do the same thing for him.
And then it just makes sense for me that reader was sent to track down Geto when he massacred the village to save the twins. And in that moment, reader is just head over heels, they view this whole mass murder as a sacrifice, revenge, a pay back for all the abuse that the twins have been through and instead of despising him, they find it comforting and even just. And then just dips with him and the girls.
So I guess their relationship had a promising start, but I believe that none of the sorcerers are capable to maintain a healthy relationship and it all boils down to the "hurt people hurt people" thing. And doing this whole cult thing makes them overmystifying each other, they no longer view themselves as regular people, more like ideas, mythological characters and such. The whole setting just twists them.
I know that culturally it would be more fitting to use characters from buddhism but there’s no such yearning and glorified suffering than in christianity.
And let me tell you, I like putting Geto into situations where he must fight for control with the reader. Like even in these fics, even during the smut they just want to control the other and willing to use anything for achieving it.
Btw, sorry for all the rambling. I just love seeing people trying to interpret my works and I like sharing some hidden details so you can come here anytime if you want to talk about them or my wips 💗 Hopefully I can start working on some wips soon, but currently I have to deal with a lot of personal issues and finals and all that kinda stuff so I'm just tired all the time. Big thank u for leaving this in my inbox, hope you have a wonderful day 💗
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