#jamikali mention
greenapplebling · 8 months
So I was talking about one of my Jamil headcanons with my friend and these are some highlights I wanted to share:
Jamil is a catboy person:
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Kalim mention:
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So yeah, Jamikali is a golden retriever x black cat ship confirmed
Bonus bc lol:
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I swear that if I was a character on twst I would fight Jamil for the name
I would lose but it's the intention that matters (?)
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diodellet · 4 months
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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Could you do an ABO Headcanon of Alphas!Overblot Gang x Omega!Kalim, where Kalim is a boy who was sold for a ritual to summon the seven most powerful demons to be sacrificed, but at the time of the ritual, the demons ( who I imagine in their Overblots forms) are interested in Kalim and choose him as their omega/fiance, and despite their rude and irritated manner, they slowly show that they care and love Kalim
This took so long since I had to do so much research and by the time I nearly finished it it didn't save so I lost the whole thing so I'm rewriting this all over again so if you see double somehow, now you know!
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WARNING: This post will have the following;
Alpha/Beta/Omega Verse (A/B/O)
Attempted murder
Sex stuff
Is Hella Gay
If you no not like ANY of this stuff, the ships around it, or are not interested, then move along! Do not comment or engage at all if you dislike all this!
Now onto the post!
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Life of Kalim Al-Asim was always pleasant and sweet. He always relied on his family and close servants and lived in a beautiful home of a beautiful and thieving kingdom. Sure he's mostly isolated and not allowed outside the home's walls but that's for his protection!
He got along great with all his servants, his family adored him as much as he adored them. Though he does have one wish his heart aches many times over, the return of his best friend... Jamil disappeared in the two's younger years right when tests to determine who's an alpha, beta, or omega started. Nothing in his room was touched or packed which made it clear he didn't run away. Not like he would, thought Kalim... He promised...
Days have been counted down for Kalim's birthday, a large wide celebration everyone celebrates in many positive ways. And this birthday was extra special for Kalim since he was informed they will be holding a parade just for him to walk around and spread goods from the family in his honor! One the day of the his birthday, he was bathed in the nicest soaps and warmest water, dressed in the finest silks and softest fabrics and ate the most delicious food he ever taste before they swept him right to the soft and veiled palanquin waiting for him.
Btw if you wanna know what he wore, I pictured the Fairy Gala outfit
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Kalim was happy seeing everyone's cheerful faces as they move across the kingdom, everyone excited to see and celebrate with the well rumored beautiful child of the Asim family name, he tossed much gold coins and flowers to everyone as he waves and smiles bright and kind
As the parade drew to a close he leaned back into the soft cushions before he took notice they seem to be wandering farther away from the kingdom and more to the darker shade due to the nightfall land Before he could ask his father where they were going, the guards quickly grab onto Kalim and yank him out of the once comforting and protecting veiled hide away and into the sand
The parade was a ruse. The kindness he believed from the servants was a ruse. The lie that he was being held inside was a ruse. It was all a lie for everyone, Kalim, the kingdom...All lied to with the idea the world was unsafe for the son of such a wealthy family, but in reality he was hidden away for this very moment... With the moon at the right phase and at it's peak, as they drag the poor screaming and crying Kalim to the ruins and pin him down to the large alter. Ruby eyes widen when seeing the large seven statues of the most powerful demons in the universe... The Crimson Tyrant of Wrath The Scarred Rebel of Sloth The Enchanting Merchant of Greed The Viperous Tactician of Envy The Poisonous Oppressor of Pride The Fire Guardian of Tristitia And The Thorn Dragon of Melancholy
Kalim cried and pleaded to be let go, even more when his father explained it has to happen, that if they sacrifice once in a while the land would be blessed with great farming, water, riches, etc. and if they sacrifice such a golden soul they might be blessed with something greater.
Kalim cried and squirmed as he tried to escape from their tight grips as the kept going of the ritual. That's when he sees them... Seven figures appear from the shadows, from the Earth, from the skies, from the fires, from mere matter... Standing around him in a circle...
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Kalim woke up in a soft bed he doesn't recognize in a room he doesn't recall even more, sitting up he sees hanging up are a set of clothes seemingly fit for him to wear, black and red with glamourous golds to tie it all together...
After a moment a ghostly servant of sorts come to him and tells him to get dressed and come follow him to the gardens where "they" are waiting for him
Nervous of what'll happen if he disagrees right now, he does as he is told and waited for the servant to leave the room to change to the new clothes and stepped out, he followed the ghost to the location of the large and hauntingly beautiful dark gardens of many plants
There seated in a table at the center of the garden are the seven demons.
Kalim carefully sat with them, scared to look at any of them but more scared to upset him so he answered when they talk to him, nodded at yes or no questions, but why are they treating him like this? To make it even more fun when he dies in their hands? He finally spoke, "What am I doing here? Are...Are you going to kil-" His words were forced to a stop when a servant place a plate before him, his favorite food from childhood... But how-
The eight men talked a bit more before they finally informed Kalim he'll stay with them from now on. "Why?" Kalim was unable to not blurt out. The men look at one another, a silent agreeance, before they speak, "We pick you to be our's."
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Days passed since that first meeting about Kalim's new living arrangements, and it's been doing alright.
Kalim started to get used to these demons, even more when he realize one of them was Jamil! As it turned out he was banished after he got back from the test he was an alpha and they assumed Kalim would be one and didn't want them to fight, not knowing until after the banishment that Kalim was actually an Omega... After the banishment, Jamil was fortunately found by a man who turns out was the previous demon of Envy and taught him the ways of ruling and magic. He also grew to understand that he has met every one of the other demons - Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, Idia, and Malleus - some time before they saved him from his attempted sacrifice ritual
Overtime since he began his new living arrangement, Kalim began to see the sides of these seven he never thought to see before. They may be seen as scary and intimidating, but they really are so different than what Kalim heard from the stories... He grew to adore Riddle's awe of the wildlife in the garden and how he loves games and his roses. He grew to like Leona's strong will of equal rights for everyone. He grew to admire hearing Azul's little rambles of paper work and how he can do so much in so little time. He grew to love Jamil's strong will and sharp tongue. He grew to like Vil's knowledge of nature and what it can give you in potion making. He grew to admire Idia's little rants and chill talks with him about his hobbies and interests. He grew to love Malleus' quirks and clingy methods of love and cuddles.
It didn't take much from wandering around the new home of his and going around the lands with them that he feel deeper and deeper in love with all of them. And like him, it didn't take much for them to make it clear they want him in a much deeper romantic sense
It was a whole six months since they saved him when the signs of gentle warmth and romance begun to show their heads to Kalim.
Riddle started to invite him to have sweets with him or a garden stroll
Leona naps a lot but now he's offering Kalim to nap with him or read beside him while he cuddles him
Azul began to offer travel plans to Kalim and spoiled him plenty with new clothes and items
Jamil began to cook more foods Kalim loves and helped him in dancing if wanted or needed
Vil started to do relaxing spa like methods for Kalim, setting up luxurious baths and spa facials, he also begun to give the boy his books if he so ask
Idia was starting to talk more with Kalim and they watched the stars together
And Malleus has invited him on many moonlit strolls across the gardens
It was after a while of all this did the seven sat Kalim down and asked him properly if they can all be lovers, that if he's okay being their omega. At this point, Kalim was not once uncomfortable by any of them and none of them tried anything to him without asking first. He agreed rather happily and thus the new romance begun!
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The eight began to live their lives comfortably as lovers, they had to get used yes but they worked
Over time with their help the lovers really begun to get used to each other thanks to the heats.
Now, for the first one, as they weren't lovers yet, they all made sure Kalim was locked in his room and fought tooth and nail of their temptations to mate with him. The sweet coconut and sand scent he was giving off while he stole the varies clothes and items of theirs's for his nest nearly drove them mad
So, luckily, by the time the next heat happened they were all together and ready for it
The first night was a long passionate one with them eagerly exploring each other and how much their sweet omega can take
Each time they took mental notes with anything that gave their Kalim pleasure
Kalim's poor skin is just covered in bites and marks
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amberitedragon · 1 year
I drew my persona in a Scarabia uniform cause I’m a proud Scarabian 💪💪💪
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Does this count as self insert? Idk lmao (I hope not so I don’t get bullied)
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Family reunion (not actually related lmao I call Kalim my son as a joke)
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Amber trying to get Kalim to confess to Jamil
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twistedsocials · 2 months
Yes I’m all for admitting Kalim is not as good as the fandom makes him out to be but for the love of Christ can we stop making it out that he’s idk the only one with no trauma?? Or that he’s the only one who’s privileged?
Hot take but most of nrc is privileged. Also another hot take (I can’t believe it’s a hot take), Kalim does have trauma.
If we’re going off of Kalim just being a rich heir and that’s why he’s privileged (which is he), then we have to remember that some house wardens and students are privileged too.
Riddle’s parents are both successful mages I believe and his mother is a successful doctor
I believe Cater’s dad is a banker and bankers do make a hefty amount of money
Leona is a prince
Azul’s stepdad is a lawyer and his mother runs a successful restaurant. Azul himself makes a bunch of money too, he’s literally a millionaire if we think about it
Jade and Floyd’s parents are implied (heavily implied) to be mob bosses, and it’s canon that they were spoiled during parties.
Vil’s dad being an actor and Vil herself (personal hc) being an actor and model
Rook’s family owning multiple villas
Idia/Ortho’s family is literally just as rich as the Asims, it’s mentioned in book 6
Malleus is a literal heir. That says enough.
That’s not even all of
Also if you’re gonna say Kalim has no trauma/has a perfect life, I’d have to remind you there’s been multiple attempts to kill him in his past (poisoned multiple times. That’s why he refuses to eat unless it’s Jamil’s cooking.), his dad is a literal piece of shit who’s neglected him, and to quote his VA, he’s living everyday as if it’s his last because there’s a chance it could be.
Also he’s had to deal with the betrayal of someone he thought he could trust, only to learn that person hates him. He saw Jamil as a brother, thought he could trust him, so when he learned the truth in Book 4, that’s like a fucking blow to the head for him.
Now I’m not saying that Jamil is worse than Kalim, I believe that they’re both equally as bad. This is not a Jamikali post either (I hate Jamikali with a passion.). I’m just saying we have to stop acting like Kalim has it all perfect.
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
(Idk if I send a lot of asks but)
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Leoruggie and jamikali. It's a tie.
Leona is 20+. Ruggie is 17. Ruggie is in a servant role and far less privileged than Leona, who is a prince. This ship just frustrates me so much, and so many fics involve Leona treating Ruggie even worse than he does in game so it's just... bleh.
Jamil is the Asim family's slave. He is a slave. "Servant", "caretaker", "bodyguard", etc are are all nice ways of putting it. Jamil's entire being revolves around Kalim. He cannot exist outside of Kalim. He takes the subjects Kalim takes, thinks of Kalik at all times, and can never truly enjoy himself. His life from the start is deemed as lesser than Kalim's, as he's his poison tester as well. He resents Kalim for this.
Kalim essentially owns Jamil. He is a kind boy but so awfully unaware of the harm he himself is causing Jamil. In his vignettes, in the events, etc, whenever he's faced with a problem or wants something done, he tells people, "Jamil will handle it!" And carries on with no regard to Jamil's feelings or if it's even possible to do such things.
When Jamil tells him to stop doing something, or that he can't get this thing done in time, Kalim ignores him and says "I can count on you Jamil!" Why? Because Kalim is spoiled and even he is sweet, doesn't really understand the word no. Obviously, he's not doing this maliciously, but it's still very harmful and does nothing but contribute to Jamil's stress and suffering.
Idk, this whole ship doesn't sit right with me because it just feels like romance is a bandaid slapped onto a gaping chasm of a problem. Not to mention, no matter how kind Kalim is, it's very toxic and dangerous for Jamil to be dating someone with complete and unquestionable control over his autonomy like Kalim.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Azul beats out the tweels by 0.0000000001% so...
People either make him too much of a soft hearted crybaby, or too much of an evil capitalist.
Azul was hurt deeply as a child. The emotional scars left will take a very long time to fade. To cope he strived to make himself better, stronger, more desirable, and so on. In doing so, he's hardened his heart and it's a lot more difficult to get him now. It's literally stated in game that he hasn't cried in years. So no, reader giving him some affection won't make him burst into tears. He's not emotionless, but he's not going to turn into Season 1 Deku 2.0.
Then there's the other end of the scale. Some of ya'll make Azul way worse than he actually is. No, he's not going to force someone to date him. No, he's not going to make a potion to fucking... drug the reader??? Idk so many fics make him so overbearing and aggressive it's just... not like him.
And, let's not forget, he's a restaurateur's son and is literally just... a guy who owns a restaurant and wants to expand it. Sometimes people treat him like he's going to be the next CEO of Amazon or something. Azul is not ever going to be as viciously awful as most if not all CEOs are. Remember those guys are also sexist, homophobic, and racist and often fund bigoted organisations. Which... Azul would not do?
I know Azul can be a difficult character to write. It's hard to get a good balance when he's so morally grey. He's not an angel, but he's definitely not a complete monster either.
Sorry this is so long Elena, I got excited 😭
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ryuichirou · 1 year
first of all, i love your works, i recently followed you for your azuide artwork then i saw the other ones, they're all gorgeous but i have a question about your sultan au. does jamil have any romantic feelings for kalim?
Anonymous asked:
Sultan AU Jamil is so good. Like, this might be strange but I think he’s hilarious. You just know his “Kalim you Fool!” Is going to bite him in the butt. The man is probably already sort of in love with Kalim, and he’s just DEEP in denial. the denial is so deep he’d justify to himself sleeping with Kalim because it keeps Kalim’s attention on him and thus gives him access to the power & influence of the Asim.
so tell me, what’s it gonna take for Jamil to actual acknowledge those feelings as being genuine & mutual between him and Kalim? Because Sultan Kalim is just ready to marry Jamil already.
Anonymous asked:
Can you tell me more about your Sultan AU. The last comic with Kalim and Jamil got me intrigued and I love how you draw Jamil’s evil expression
selenacrest asked:
How exactly is the story of JamiKali in Sultan AU? Because after what I saw in the third comic I didn't understand anything
Anonymous asked:
Evil Royal Vizier Jamil! :) Any info of why he is the way he is?
Anonymous asked:
In the Sultan AU it looks like Jamil is sliding down the villain slope. I hope he uses Kalim’s feelings to manipulate him 😈😈😈😈
Anonymous asked:
Kalim will be horrified to learn he was used by Jamil in the sultan au.
Thank you so much for giving this comic and this AU in general so much love! I am super happy we finally posted it and that you liked it and have so many questions about it + the AU itself.  I really really enjoyed drawing this side of Jamil, because he is a scheming snake, and we should appreciate and love him for it lol
When it comes to this AU, there isn’t actually much lore to talk about: it’s pretty much a continuation of their canon story (based on how we see it, of course). So, it’s the canon timeline but ~5 years in the future.
I’ve mentioned it in several replies but I’ll say it again: I have a feeling these two are going to have a difficult relationship for their entire lives, because, even after the events of ch4, all of Jamil’s grudges towards Kalim are still intact. There has been some changes in the way they interact, plus Kalim learned about Jamil’s struggles and true feelings about him, but these changes aren’t really enough to change anything, especially considering how easy it is for people to unintentionally get right back to status quo. And this is exactly what would happen to these two.
So, Kalim is the head of his family now, and Jamil is his official adviser, not some servant. Kalim definitely sees them as equals, and tries his best to be a good ruler/good boss, but still relies on Jamil quite a lot. And for Jamil, he feels like he does everything he’s used to + even more now. So even though he is much more powerful now than he used to be, this feeling of him being squeezed inside of Kalim’s fist is stronger than ever.
But with Kalim being in love with him? It’s the ultimate power, something that can never be taken from him, as long as this idiot is infatuated. So he’ll definitely use this to his advantage, amused by how easy it is to manipulate Kalim and how easy he is to fool: one gentle gesture, one soft smile, and Kalim is absolutely helpless. And if Jamil takes things further…
Now, does Jamil have romantic feelings toward Kalim? Well, one thing about Jamil is, like one of the Anons mentioned, karma always bites him in the ass. He is kind of a loser frankly lol, whenever he tries to outsmart Kalim, he succeeds, but then something happens and makes his life miserable. So this whole thing is definitely going to backfire too.
Jamil has always had fondness for Kalim, but every warm feeling gets cruelly suppressed. But now that this “door” of the romantic closeness and intimacy with Kalim is open, Jamil can expect his biggest karma-ass-bite yet. What a fun surprise it’s going to be lol
Oh, and don’t worry about Kalim’s feelings. We all know how forgiving he could be lol
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anzynai · 3 months
For the alphabet ask, M,N, P, V, and X for Ruggie Bucchie or Jamil Viper! (Or both of you’re up for it)
hiii thanks for sending in the ask :) these were pretty fun letters u chose!! ill do both of them! hope u enjoy <3
side note: i mention leona and kalim a bit. i don’t ship jamikali and i don’t ship leoruggie. the circumstances are completely platonic.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
i feel like both of them get pretty tickle-friendly in the mornings! as lers at least! jamil uses it to get kalim out of bed. it works 99% of the time. ruggie does the same for leona.. it works about 60% of the time.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
hmm this is a tough one tbh! i feel like, for jamil, this would only occur if he had a partner. i feel like gentle tickles would help him fall asleep, feeling light and comfortable.
this can sometimes be similar for ruggie, but he tends to be more playful during the night. sometimes, he enjoys getting into tickle fights with his friends (when he’s not exhausted at the end of the day) but it also helps him sleep:)
P: Partner in Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
jamil would pick kalim, just because kalim is ALWAYS up for it. plus, since they have always been together, they can kinda synchronize when it comes to tickling so it always works out well when theyre tickling someone.
ruggie, in my opinion, would probably either go solo tickle-monster (lmao) or whoever is with him at the moment. not a specific person! he kinda just flocks around sometimes so situations just.. happen. and whoever else is there joins in and helps like,, half the time.
also i think they would enjoy having the other as a tickle partner as well<3
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
dhbjhajaah ahhh im,, in an azujami world, azul definitely would be (just because jamil would like azul all flustered and stuff) but thats just my hc. IN A NORMAL WORLD, i dont think he would have a favorite lee because he gets nervous about tickling anyone but kalim.
as for ruggie, i think it would be jack! i imagine he would just like seeing the normally tough guy get super embarrassed over tickling and would love teasing him abt it!
X: X-over | In a crossover AU, what other opponent would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
ehmm, a REALLY tough one… ruggie and gorou from genshin bc they can “bond” over having ticklish ears and tails. HELPP no but theyre both pretty ticklish and have similar weaknesses when it comes to tickling so i think it could be interesting!
uhm. this is kinda a reach but i cant really think of anything else for jamil so im picking hanta sero from mha. this is cuz i just feel like they would be ticklish around the same amount and idk r both, esp sero in my mind, more than meets in the eye so they’ve got those techniques and stuff yk! i just feel like it would be a close win for whoever DOES win.
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onegianthotmess · 2 months
oh, so i forgot to warn you when we were talking twst ships, but i guess i should now. the fandom isn't very chill with some ships, so to say. it can get ..tricky if you're interacting with the non-chill folks (which there isn't a lot). So I would mostly not mention these ships while with them because they, for one reason or another, don't really like:
florid, they for some reason HATE florid
mallerolo, they also strangely hate this ship
jamikali, i sort of get this one, servent and basically prince and all
any ship with Sebek and Lilia's kids, i guess they really hate childhood best friends?
one i get because it makes me uncomfortable too is leona and ruggie, 20 and 17 yo and again servant & prince
and i think that’s it? If you come across one of those fans, you should probably not waste any time on them. I just block them lmao
I’m aware that in every fandom there’s gonna be crazies who aren’t okay with a lot of stuff, but thank you for the heads up!!!
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maythearo · 1 year
Hi, I saw your drawings of JamiKali Spider-Man AU, and I LOVED IT!!
How is this AU? And what do you think of JamiKali's Shipp?
OH you just reminded me to add the tag for this AU on other previous posts where I was chatting about it with ppl who sent me asks! The general tag for my blog is ".twst into the spider verse" if you want to check mine and other people's ideas on it in more detail over there!
Second question first: I'm not really into shipping im general, so idk, I don't think about JamiKali much tbh skdndwknd 🏃
And for the first question I'll take this ask as an opportunity to sum up some hcs I have for this AU 👍 but some important notes first:
I personally rather imagine this AU as a magicless/not-so-magic-central kinda world just for simplicity sake, but the rest of twst og lore pretty much remains the same.
I just talk abt scarabia here bcs they are my faves!
Since what inspired me to ramble about this AU was across the spider-verse, I do make a brief mention canon events and a bit of multiverse stuff
Also there is major character death here 🧍
Scarabia into the spider-verse, headcanons under the cut!
Earth 2506 - Kalim as the spider-man of his dimension. Can also be referred to as the desert-spider!
uhh (making up an origin story on the spot right now) considering he comes from a family of influential merchants, maybe they got a great deal to partner up with some sort of scientific corporation, to deal with the business side of their new technologies. Kalim was for the first time invited to one of the meetings, as the heir to the family business, it was about time for him to check in person how things worked on this field. In short, it did not end well. As they walked around the corporation's main labs, one spider subject went loose, and Kalim stood right under its web.
he's very fitting to be a spidey, considering his happy-go-lucky personality, he'd be the type of spider-man to mess around and have a lot of fun playing the role of a hero
(Fight goes silent)
Kalim: well! that was another easy adventure for spider ma-
(Big explosion)
Jamil is the first one to know about this secret identity of course. He covers up any potential slips, as to not reveal this secret to anyone else
One notable thing about spider-man!Kalim is that he can afford whatever hero gadgets he needs. Gotta fix his web shooters? Want a nice improvement on his hero constume? No problem. He got a fair share of contacts from people who'd easily do all of these for him. Even though it is Jamil the one who usually runs after this stuff in his place...
Canon event stuff being losing a best friend? Jamil in this universe actually becomes Venom (maybe he found a symbiote from the same lab the spider came from) and yeah they had to fight. Jamil probably snapped for the same reasons he got his overblot. And this is the part where Kalim learns that with great powers comes great responsibility...
What would happen next? Does he move on eventually after the fight? Will there be other villains for spider-man to stop? How will he keep the secret identity now that Jamil's gone? Well, these are great questions, because- (runs away)
Earth 1209 - Jamil as the spider-man of his dimension. Idk if he'd go by any other variant of a spider-man name
Now that I think about it, his own universe is probably an accidental breach from Kalim's. As in "what if Kalim didn't get bitten at the lab, and instead brought the radioactive spider back home by accident?" then when Jamil took Kalim's backpack he was the one to get bitten instead
Ace happened to be the first one to find out about Jamil's powers after an incident on a basketball game. Their dynamic is funny. It's not like Ace wants to be the "guy in the chair" but if Jamil's secret identity is ever at risk, he'd volunteer to help, no questions asked. And aside from him, Najma is the only other person who knows about this as well. The very moment spider-man made his first appearance in public she knew! She says it's a "sister instinct", or something like that. She'd even offer to help him and make him a proper hero uniform... but ONLY if he agrees to do all the house chores for her for a month.
Najma: you gotta say it first :)
Jamil: (sigh) callforbackup
Najma: what? :)
Jamil: .......callforbackup
Najma: come onn :)
Jamil: PLEASE just call for-
Najma: yeah I already called it :)
Perhaps spider-man!Jamil has a puppeteer-like skill that he can use to control a small number of people with his webs!
Leona could be a mentor type of character in this universe. Like Jamil already kinda looks up to him in canon, but this time they are a little nicer to each other loll and I only bring this up because there is no "uncle Ben" for Jamil to lose, but Leona is the closest thing he could have to one, so...... canon event. That also ties up to that spider-man story trope of the hero finding himself in the wrong place wrong time, by the side of the person they just lost, only for a third party to walk in and assume it was spider-man the one who killed them. Having people assume this masked man to have killed a person as prestigious as Leona immediately makes spider-man public enemy #1
And edit: just remembered the point abouve could be Kalim alternatively. Which would be even more tragic to think both Jamil and Kalim lose each other in their respective universes
But what do we do after that? How does Jamil redeem himself after this misunderstanding? What if he just gives up being spider-man? Well, uhhh these are also good questions.... look over there! (runs away again)
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dr3am-ph0enix · 10 months
In honor of TBOSBAS
JamiKali as Everlark: It works really well with Kalim being better off financially than Jamil, Jamil being cutthroat and observant, not to mention Najma being prim and Jamil volunteering for her (in this case, the two tributes can be of any gender, two girls, two guys, ect.). Kalim confessing that he's had a crush on Jamil for ages and Jamil immediately slamming him into the wall after the interview, asking him why he put himself out there, Kalim saying all of Peeta's lines (angsty and all), + Floyd as Finnick, Riddle as Annie, Ruggie as Johanna lol, and Vil as Cinna, and Crowley as Haymitch (who lost Sam (the other tribute) in the arena because y'nkow the axe in the head with the forcefield), with crewel being Effie, and just for fun, Trein as Snow bc why not (I might do a spin off post once I read TBOSBAS bc I want to read it before the movie comes out, and yes, I've read all the books and I might reread them and update this post if I find any errors)
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greenapplebling · 4 months
*talking about fictional crushes part 2*
Cater, smugly: I can't help but notice that you guys keep mentioning redheads. I can't help but notice~
Ace: Listen, I didn't realize before but I'm looking at my list-
Kalim: Cater, they said smart and redheaded
Cater: *snorts* Damn, Kalim...
Ace: Did you guys watch Ben 10?
Trey: Gwen?
Ace: Yeah! Again, smart, redhead, can kick my ass-
Cater: Wow, masochist much?
Ace: I like them feisty, man. I love someone that hates me...
Everyone: ...
Cater: Riddle-
Ace: I'ma stop you right there
Ace: *coughing* Anyway, like Gwen, I usually like the smart ones
Kalim: Is it bc they balance you out?
Ace: Coming from the airhead?!!
Jamil: The pot calling the kettle black?
Ace: A dumb bitch calling another dumb bitch dumb bitch?!
Trey: The fire is coming from inside the house...
Kalim: So mean...
Trey: Wait- Kalim, are you into goth boys?
Kalim, panicking: Nonono, listen-
Cater: You've been making fun of him for liking big tiddy goth gfs and now he's getting back at you
Kalim: LISTEN, listen! I'm not into goth boys, I'm actually into a very specific hairstyle... Okay, like, bangs? Bangs, bangs, bangs make me feel some sort of way...
Cater: *nods* That feels on brand with you
Kalim: ??
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
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I see you in the dark— at the dawn of something new; I see you—yes, I see you...
Please don't repost. Image credits: x + o
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mngrsh · 2 years
in jamil’s jasmine silk personal story, when he mentioned having a few middle school friends who he could be “free” around...i liked that so much!! he was able to live like a normal silly guy for once!! and you know why? because kalim was homeschooled. so jamil had literally no one to limit what he can and can not do in middle school (well, other than his grades and how “good” he can get to not outshine kalim). i think that way of thinking is what caused the most part of damage to jamikali’s relationship, after jamil’s parents obviously. once you get a taste of what you could have had, you start loathing what you currently have, even more so than before.
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amberitedragon · 1 year
Kalim and Jamil are kinda like Aladdin and Jasmine...
So. Did you know. That the og Aladdin from 1992, has 2 sequels? I didn't know either until resently. So I had the BRIGHT IDEA to watch them all. SO. I rewatched Aladdin 1992, then it's sequels, Return of Jafar, and King of Thieves. While in this ''marathon'' I noticed something, that our favorite Scarabia duo resemble some of the characters and no I'm not talking about Jafar and the Sultan. I'll admit they're some resemblences obvi but I'll get into later. So here I am talking about how Jamil and Kalim remind me of Jasmine and Aladdin because I'm having a JamiKali brainrot and this is how I'm getting over it.
Also Spoiler Warning for all 3 movies (Plus book 4)! Go watch them if you want but spoiler alert Return of Jafar and King of Thieves both look AWFUL compared to the original I'm not kidding the budget went down SUFFIENTLY. Quick google search told me this:
Aladdin: 28 million USD
Return of Jafar: 5 million USD
King of Thieves: 3.5 million USD
Anyways with that small vent outta the way let's get into it.
-Jamil and Jasmine:
Look at me comparing the servent with the princess, the irony imma right? Anyway. So it is true that Jamil and Jafar have more similarities then Jamil and Jasmine but I don't really like resonating Jamil with Jafar cause Jafar (warning mention of gross shit) KISSED AND SEXUALISED A MINOR BY MAKING HER WEAR THIS?!?!
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And now whenver I think of Jafar I think of this. Disgusting. I'm not putting Jamil at his level NOPE. Moving on from that shit.
So back to Jasmine and Jamil the main similarity inbetween the 2 I see is they both have a similar goal.
They both wish to be free.
Jasmine's main conflict in this movie is her not wanting to be a part of the steriotypical princess life. Her father wants her to marry a prince and sends suitors her way all the time, despite her rejecting all of them. She says herself that she doesn't want to marry some self-absorbed prince who only cares about money and sees her as an object of marriage. She wants to marry for love. Not only that she also just wants to be able to leave the palace for once as she never has, she wants to make real friends, as she never had one. This is what leads up to the desicion of running away. She escaped the palace and was planning on not returning, but then, she meets Aladdin who is captured by some guards because of Jafar's orders and to save him, reveals herself as the princess, forcing her to go back to the palace.
Jamil is in a similar boat. The main reason for his overblot in Book 4 is that he is fed up with having to dim himself down just for Kalim's sake. Always being second best cause he needs to let Kalim shine. He also wants to be able to make his own desicions. He wants to not have to listen to his parents who presured him into this in the first place. He doesn't want to have to do everything Kalim wants/says. He wants to travel around and see a Whole New World (hehehhehehehe). While their goals are somewhat different, they both collided into the same general concept. Wanting to be free.
And then there's a ''A Whole New World''. A song about basically just following your heart, leaving your confinments, and experiencing a ''whole new world'', aka a life of freedom and being able to decide/make choices for yourself. For Jamil, leaving his status as servant and traveling all over the world, and for Jasmine, marrying someone for love and not being seen as an object. (There is also ''Speechless'' from the live action but we aren't talking about that one so-)
-Kalim and Aladdin:
So for these's two there is less but something none the less. For Kalim and the Sultan, the main similarities I see are them both being oblivious go happy people and terrible judges of character despite saying otherwise!/hj (But fr they both share the same line of ,''I'm an incredible judge of character!'', at some point in their stories)
Now moving on to Aladdin the man himself. The main thing I could find in relation with these 2 were their generally kind hearts.
In the end of Aladdin (1992), Aladdin has the right for one final wish and Genie encouranges him to use it on making him a prince again so he can marry Jasmine. Stating that he will ''Never find another girl like her'', and Genie is ready to be sealed away again back in lamp. But Aladdin decides to wish for Genie's freedom instead (also since he promised him at the beginning of the movie when he first found him). Genie is overjoyed and hugs all of them. This also makes the Sultan reliese how good of a person Aladdin is despite lying for half this movie and gets rid of the rule that a princess must marry a prince (And makes me wonder why he didn't do this before but whatever).
There is also the beginning of Return of Jafar where Aladdin finds some thieves trying to steal some treasure from a temple. Aladdin defeats them and takes the gold himself. But instead of keeping it he gives it to all the poor people in Agrabah who need it more then him.
Now go ahead and tell me Kalim isn't as kindhearted as Aladdin if not MORE. Go ahead I'll wait.
Kalim helps everyone around him. No matter who they may be or their status. A good example of this is in his sport vignette.
Kalim sees Ortho all by himself. When he asks what's wrong, Ortho says Idia promised to play with him but got busy cause his game got an event update and he is in hardcore gamer mode. Kalim agrees to play with Ortho instead despite starving from coming out of PE.
And that made me smile like an idiot so here :)
I totally didn't spend an hour writing this ahahahahahahahahah (pls don't flop)-
Thank you for coming to my TED talk if you made it this far you are a trooper. I might write a fanfic about this but who knows (it would be my first non oneshot thing and idk if I'd ever finish it-)
Also I'm not provereading this cause I'm lazy-
I hope you enjoyed my brainrot vent sesion! BYEEEEEEE
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Have them :)
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twistedsocials · 4 months
🔥🔥🔥hey hey its me again, just woke up and I saw that you saw jamikali as toxic and you asked for no toxic ships to rate so i'm sorry for mentioning them!! 😞😞 I know a bunch of people who ship em online and irl so sometimes I forget there are people who don't necessarily agree with that ship and find it to be toxic so that ones on me!! sorry man won't mention them again after this🫡🫡
No no it’s fine I just get worried to express my opinion on it cause I don’t wanna hurt anyone or get into a fight about how I’m “illiterate”, besides it’s not like you knew so I don’t blame you
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