#i typed vores there haha . sorry had to let you know
plan-3-tmars · 9 months
the size pool is a bit small but it seems like, for now, kazui's innocent vote is back on the 'increasing by atleast .10%' grind which is just. EEEEEE YIPEEEEE!!
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tomurasprincess · 3 years
Good lord everyone is thirsty for DoL again.
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Hmm, are you playing on mobile or desktop? Or with the downloaded version? I’ve been playing on desktop with the regular version, and here is how the save screen looks
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You should just be able to hit the save button and it’ll save your file.
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The hand stabby bit had me doing this too 👀 Whatever it says about you, it says it about me too dlksjfasdfdsf
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Every day I learn more about Robin and realize that I need to play his fucking route, finally. He has a lemonade stand? Why is that so damned adorable to me? And I’ll have to remember that, my promiscuity needs majorly raised so I can get some more events.
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My MC is a massive asshhole too because she never does anything to help the poor orphans. I haven’t even gotten to the point where you can offer to pay for poor Robin’s debt. He keeps getting taken away, poor Robin. I am sorry I don’t have the money yet to pay for you.
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SOUP KITCHEN? Holy fuck I keep learning more and more about this game, I didn’t even know that was an option. More proof that my MC is pure evil.
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She let one of the centaurs fuck you? That kinda sounds amazing, to be perfectly honest. I’ve never been recaptured before and now I might just need to. Although it sounds like it’ll be even harder to get away the second time around. And OMG, missing Halloween is the worst. Those were all such fun events from what I played, although I only did Whitney and Kylar.
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I’ve left the tower once but I didn’t go far at all, and you have the option to wait for him to pick you back up. You’re right though, I’d be afraid of Remy’s farm as well. Stockholm syndrome has definitely kicked in because I’m thinking “he’d be so sad if you didn’t come back to the nest, I can’t risk that.” 😂
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Oh god yeah I’ve done that before, and the Olde English that the book was written in had me cracking up. I felt bad for my poor MC feeling jealous afterwards though.
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LMAO, RIP your free time. I would say that I’m sorry, but I’m really not 
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Someone else was having a problem with that too! I don’t play on mobile so I can’t really say too much about it, I don’t have an issue on desktop.
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It really does start out hard! Once I raised my hands skill and started working at the massage parlor, things got easier, but before that happened it was really difficult to make enough money. And that’s even without trying to help Robin pay the rent as well.
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I just chose the “move quickly deeper into the moors option” with the regular move option thrown in occasionally. I eventually got the notice that I was being hunted, and he ended up just swooping down to snatch me up and take me into his tower.
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AHHH, hi and welcome back! I know the pain of life fucking you in the ass, I can fully relate and hope you’re doing better now. I forgot that I had vore turned on and got eaten by some sort of snake as well, and I was briefly horrified. Have fun with the trick or treating event, it’s a lot of fun! I chose the witch costume and looked adorable.
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Ahh, I’m sorry but I don’t think it is! Or at least I don’t know of a way to do it. That’s not weird at all, I like both as well but I generally play with all men too. 
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So do I! I miss Whitney all the time when school isn’t in session, and it sucks that you can find Kylar outside of school but seemingly can’t find Whitney. Maybe do that and he’ll get jealous and show up, lmao dslf;jsdafsdf
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You are so valid, anon. I pretty much do the same.
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Haha, no problem at all! I do believe there’s something you can buy at the Forest Hut that lets you keep your transformations for good, at least I know there’s one with cow and I believe cat transformation. You should go there and see if you can find something! The MC losing their clothes all the time is the bane of my existence though, I hate having to buy new clothes all the time. Honestly though, living in the woods as a wolf girl doesn’t sound too bad.
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I have no idea how I’ve managed to avoid it, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve gotten the body writing and such, and a few tattoos at Remy’s farm, but nothing from Whitney. He clearly needs to love me enough to give me tattoos, damnit.
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Hi there, glad to have you! You’re right, it’s a ton of fun and I’m glad so many people are enjoying it. Check the first ask of this post and I included a screenshot of the save system. Hopefully it helps.
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You might need to redownload the version here, if you downloaded the game to begin with. If you’re using the online web browser link, it updates automatically.
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The eternal mystery. Everyone else progresses pretty quickly (except Avery in my game, for some reason) but Whitney tends to be slower for me. PLEASE JUST LOVE ME, WHITNEY.
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Hahah, I love that little scenario. Isn’t that the one you can also push him down on the bed and flirt with him? Because I’m not a dominant type but that was still so much fun to do.
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I love my Stabby Boyfriend, you cannot change my mind.  He really is adorable and he tries so hard for poor MC. Even protects her with pepper spray refills, which is truly a gentleman stalker type of thing. He’s even attacked someone attacking me before.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
M/M Original Mafia RP & Mafia 2 (the game)
THE MAFIA FANATIC IS BACK YA’LL! CLASSES ARE OVER AND ITS COLD AS HELL SO I RATHER SIT INSIDE AND WRITE!! Time zone: Pacific Time. If RPing smut, are you of legal age in your country?: Yes, 23 What characters do you have/play?: A 24 male character. What characters would you like to play against?: Another original older male character who’s in their 30’s, to early 50’s. (Who is protective over his younger partner? I love this dynamic of “No one messes with that kid on my watch”.). They done have to be in the same branch of familia, mafia if you don’t choose them to be. Hell they could even be an undercover cop, or a rival enforcer I haven’t don’t those one before! I would like a partner with experience, (and usually someone 20+ age). This is heavy more in depth writing, so if your more on the lighter side. This may not be for you. Preferred rp medium: Email, and only Email since it is what I am most comfortable with, I can access it on my phone and reply much easily. Contact information: [email protected] I have written this with more than a couple partners but it still remains unfinished or abandoned stories for this RP since it’s created prompt. They either disappeared into the void or some times loss of interest happens over time. Eh, no big deal just keep moving forward haha! In all honestly I just want to finish and finally bury this story! Plot: A 24-year-old marine, a victim of human trafficking as past high-class prostitute is the new recruit in the Italian Mafia. He’s on the run from his pervious owner, needs protection, money and his freedom from his owner trying to reclaim him. Luckily the Don of the Italian mafia sees he’s useful. Even if the new kid will never become a made man in the family because he’s Spanish, the Don can see greatness in this young man who has the potential to rise in the ranks quickly. The new guy gets paired with an old hand, who meet each other again after a near deadly one night stand. The marine finds himself a bit smitten and enraptured with the older man who’s a living legend in the family. They work well together, and have saves one another’s ass more than once. The old pro doesn’t want to admit the kids got an unbreakable will to survive and good with a gun, better with a knife but instead just secretly becomes very possessive, if not a little infatuated over his young charge.  There’s a tenacity to new guy that the older man can’t help but admire. How someone can go through so much yet still rise to one’s feet the way the kid does and still keep fighting. He’ll make sure nobody else forces the kid to relive the past from which he’s escaped. Now things have a chance to change for good with each other at their back. While the new guy works on his own secret motives hiding something he knows from the rest of the family that could give the Don an advantage that could shake the crime world. *Important: You do get a bit burnt out or frustrated when partners only give back two paragraphs compared to your eight-ten paragraph reply. (I’ve learn to lessen my length of replies and dial it back haha). Mafia 2 What characters do you have/play?: A male OC or Vito Scaletta What characters would you like to play against?: Vito Scaletta or an another male oc. I’ll just be so happy someone else wants to do a Mafia 2 RP! I’m undecided which one of us will play Vito Scaletta but that can be decided when we talk. As well as the other characters from the game or original characters you would like to add in also.  Plot will be following the game of course, or if you’d like even post game dealing with the aftermath. (spoilers) I want to see a sad Vito crushed by the loss of Joe, trying to not resent against Leo Galante.  Additional notes: - This mafia RP will be dark and gritty/dark as FUCK with all that beautiful crime world fucked up goodness with dangerous and powerful criminals. - I want a long term partner! (PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE THE TYPE TO DISAPPEAR WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD). At least say goodbye! -Good character chemistry between our character’s ALSO THE BEAUTIFUL power struggle! -I am looking for M/M for the main paring for this RP. With other multi-pairings on the side. We can definitely double and have other relationships in the background. -I stick to 3rd person, past tense, in paragraph/novella style.(I once had someone ask me what “Paragraph writing” was…I couldn’t answer them because I felt that my brain broken in half) - I love well rounded characters and their development, Please have a character with a personality! - I really like to use face claims or don’t mind it if you want to include a picture with your character. Just for the love of god don’t send me anime character references! -I love talking in OOC, its fun to pitch ideas back and forth as well as brainstorm with my partners. -I am highly responsive when it comes to letting partners know if I need more time to work on my replies or if I’ll be busy. I also just love discussing characters and plot outside of the story! Brainstorming creative ideas is something of a talent haha. - I’m the type to give equal effort or even more so for my partners. I will write even 20-something long replies if you give me long and detailed responses in return. I will always be creative with my writing and try to make it very interactive for your character(s). So I expect the same effort back. -let the characters grow and develop, never let them stagnate or never learn from anything, Let them evolve. So none of that plot convince, it’s so boring.  -I won’t nitpick grammar, basic spelling and sentences will do just fine, I’m not a perfectionist and am here to have fun writing. -I love writing smut, if the setting is appropriate. But plot will be the main focus. ALTHOUGH I LOVE ME SOME SEXUAL TENSION AND POWER STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE TWO! - No limits to violence/language/etc. Since this is going to be in the world of a gritty mafia so expect dark themes. What I don’t want: - Half-assed writing.I’ve been RPing more than five years, I work on and edit a lot of stories for scripts classes so I can tell when something is rushed. Please come with at least some standard of your writing.  - THE LACK OF CHEMISTRY BETWEEN OUR CHARACTERS, JESUS DONT FORCE THINGS IF THE FLOW DOESNT WORK. Not everyone can be friends and that’s okay! - Supernatural elements randomly thrown into the story because I did not sign up for that shit. (Also honestly, not too big of a fan on it sorry!!). -A Boring RP with no effort. -All smut - SEME/UKE or Submissive/Dominate stereotypical pairings, (get that away from me).  - To be the one holding up my end of the RP Please for the love of god, GIVE THE STORY PLOT TWISTS!!! - Unimaginative plot lines - The “emotionless” character trait. Its boring, uninteresting, and not at all fun to interact with.  -Sending 4 lines of mostly dialog after I send you 5 to 10 paragraphs, Come on now…Have some depth or details to your writing. Show not tell! Kinks/what I’m okay with: Suit & tie, uniform, light bondage, toys, edging, dubcon, noncon, legal age gap, Spanking, voyeurism, praising. (Maybe a daddy-kink if you fancy it and A/B/O, but if your not one for it then that’s fine. (ask away if you want to include things). Limits: Scat, vore, vomit, bathroom stuff (not into the water sports), underage (no brainer), furries, feet, fisting, talking animals (this isn’t a disney movie), sounding and diaper/infantile. Just please don’t message me with; “Heeeeey do you want to RP???” No? I’m here looking for baking recipes Duh. Hahaha! Or “Hey I saw your ad and think we should be friends!”. No??? Who are you? I don’t know you, and coming at me like that makes me anxious to respond. It just feels so awkward on my end.  And finally if you come asking about this RP and your under 18 but your hoping for a chance because you REALLy like the prompt, my answer isnope!  Your name, introduction about yourself is simple and perfect! :) Along with the character you have to play and plot ideas you might have in mind is just fine! Also include which RP you wish to write for since I’ve posted a lot of ads on here and it gets confusing for me keeping track. I don’t know what someone is referring to when they messaged me; “I liked your RP plot!”…THAT’S GREAT! WHICH ONE?! BECAUSE I HAVE NO CLUES TO THE ONE YOU WANNA DO FRIEND!  I know my ad sounds and looks intimidating or has a serious tone, I’m just trying to put into words what I’m looking for in a writing partner and type of RP I’d enjoy having. I’m really quiet the opposite haha. I’m a really goofy person who gets over excited about stories and get over eager with plot ideas. So if it sounds Interesting or want to talk more about plot and characters, please message me!  P.S. If any of you are non-english speakers or bilingual please do not hesitate to shoot me a reply. I’ve had plenty of partners who were non-native english speakers! :D
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