#i usually try to answer asks as soon as i see em buuuuut
hetabee · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!! :D
1. Spending quality time w/ da besties 💓
2. Making another new OC
3. Discovering new favorite songs
4. Arranging items by category (think like by color, item type, brand, size, etc,)
5. Favorite foods in my favorite color (pink lemonade, bubblegum ice cream, ham 😂😂)
and besides, tagging you (@j-ellyfish), @ill-add-dashes-to-urls-if-i-want, @crispyliza and @lyra-swan back, anyone else can do it if they see this ~ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 5
Ask: hello! not sure if you’re planning on writing another part for the farmer’s daughter series buuuuut i was thinking if you’ll be writing it could you please maybe make them sneak out on a horse ride and later they end up skinny dipping in a lake and stuff because after the bath arthur wants to show her how it’s done without all the luxury things she’s used too? what do you think? i absolutely love the series and your writing you’re so good at it! keep doing what you’re doing love you!
Warning: Cursing, sexual themes.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: Took me longer than expected to finish this! Sorry on the wait. Hope you like it though!
Arthur was gone when you woke up, which was expected. What wasn’t expected was seeing him so soon after. Usually, he’d visit every couple of days or if luck was on your side every other day. So you were caught off guard when you saw him out in your blueberry garden.
“Oh!” You gasped, dropping your basket full of berries.
“I wasn’t even trying to be quiet.” Arthur laughed as he walked over to you and bent down to pick up the berries.
“It’s not like I didn’t hear you, big feet.” You teased as you picked up your mess. “I just thought it was one of the gardeners, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”
Arthur shrugged. “Well, I’m not needed at work today. Figured I’d spend it with you.”
Your eyes lit up and you lost all interest in the fruit. “Really? That’s wonderful! My folks won’t be home until late so we can do whatever we want!”
Arthur stood up with you and raised an eyebrow. “What’ve you got in mind?”
“Let’s go riding somewhere. I’ve been wanting to ride your horse.” Ever since you saw Arthur ride up your road on his pretty white horse you’d imagined how cool you’d look riding it. Your (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin would be almost too perfectly matched with the stark white of her coat.
“Alright. But we gotta stay off road in case we run into your folks.” He said before calling his horse over.
You knew that probably wouldn’t happen but it was better to be safe than sorry. “Okay.”
When his horse reached you he explained that she was a little skittish but made up for it in speed. “Go slow though, alright? When I say she’s fast I mean it now.” He lifted you up on and you swung your leg across the saddle.
“I like how she’s thin, I don’t feel like my legs are going to split.” You said as Arthur climbed on behind you. “All my father’s horses are usually huge working breeds.”
Arthur liked how much you talked. If it was anyone else he would probably get annoyed real quick, but your voice was so sweet to him he could listen to you talk about nothing for hours. “Yeah?” He responded and reached around you to grab the reins. “I’m guessing you know how to ride.”
“Course I do!” You took the reins from him and gave the horse a gentle tap. She jolted forward and you fell back against Arthur’s chest from the sudden motion. “Wow! You weren’t joking!”
Arthur looked over his shoulder at his hat on the ground and sighed. “You sure you can handle her?”
“As long as you can hold on!” You teased. Before he could respond you tapped the horse again and she bolted towards the back road out of your property. Arthur sure wasn’t lying, that horse could fly. You ended up by the lake faster than you expected.
“This is my favorite horse!” You exclaimed as you slid off the horse with the help of Arthur. Your hair was a fucking mess, your eyes had watered a bit and your face was slightly red from the harsh wind.
When you turned to face Arthur you burst out into laughter. Hir hair was blown back in a way that was hilarious and sexy at the same time. Like sex hair, but worse.
“What?” Arthur looked down at himself to find the source of your amusement. “Do I have something in my teeth?”
“No, I was just thinking of something funny.”
Arthur gave you a look that showed he didn’t buy it. “Well, now that you’ve taken her on a ride, anything else you wanna do?”
You chewed your lip in thought and turned to face the lake. “I don’t know. What do you usually do?”
He chuckled at the question. There was no way he was telling you what he actually did. That would end up chasing you off and he’d never see you again. “I fish, hunt, uh…” He trailed off and tried to make something up. “Sometimes I break wild horses and sell ‘em to the stables in Rhodes.”
“Can we-”
“No, no, we cannot.” He already knew you meant breaking horses.
You sighed and crossed your arms. “Then what are we gonna do?”
“Whatever you want.”
You grinned and put your hands on your hips playfully. “Well, since my parents are gone… they won’t be home to hear us in their bath.”
Suddenly Arthur sucked in a breath as he remembered something. “I’m glad you said that. Last night I was thinking about how you’d never bathed in a lake. And today would be the perfect day to change that.”
Your heart dropped and you looked visibly disappointed. “A lake? Where anyone can see us? And where bugs and germs and other nasty things can-”
Arthur cut you off with a loud and annoyed groan. “Oh, come on fancy pants. Stop worrying so much about things like that. Life’s too short to worry about someone seeing you naked.”
“Oh my god. Okay. Fine.”
Arthur smiled proudly and pulled his horse over. “There’s a place downstream we can go. There’s normally no one there since there’s no fish, not much wildlife either besides birds.”
Good, no fish. You didn’t want to have one brush up against you. “Let’s go then.”
“It doesn’t look as gross as I thought it would.” You said while dipping your bare foot into the lake. The water was completely transparent and the rocks on the bottom made it look like the fountain in your backyard.
“See? Not that bad. No fish, no bugs, just water.” Arthur took off his shirt and laid it on a large boulder. “No one in sight either.”
“And if someone rides up?” You watched him take his belt off.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Before you could suck in a breath to make your displeasure known he laughed. “I’m just kiddin. If someone comes I’ll just throw this on you,” He held up his large button up shirt. “Then get them to leave.”
“And what if they don’t?”
“Do I look like the kind of man someone would argue with?” Arthur asked as he dropped his pants and began unbuttoning his union suit.
“Maybe when you’re naked.”
“I’ve got two shotguns, two rifles, a pistol and a revolver that say otherwise.”
“Why do you have so many guns anyway?” You asked and watched as he stripped completely naked.
“Uh…” He shrugged and started walking in the water. “You know, I hunt a lot.”
You furrowed your brows as he continued walking in until he was waist deep. Hunting with a shotgun seemed inefficient but you didn’t ask any more questions, it seemed he didn’t like answering them.
Once the water was up to his chest he turned around. “You comin’?” He called out and you looked down to your feet.
“Yeah, give me a minute. And turn around!”
Arthur laughed, looking confused as if you had to be joking. “What? Are you serious! Did you forget what we did last night?”
“This is different!”
“Just turn around!”
Arthur sighed, rolling his eyes. “Alright, alright.” He turned around and faced the other direction.
You took off your jewelry first, putting them in your socks. After that, you took your sundress off and undergarments. The water was cool, which felt amazing because the sun was on its yearly mission to bake everything under it.
Once you were up to your knees you paused, considering how dirty the water could be. What if it gave you some kind of infection? If you got home quick enough you could clean yourself and get rid of the germs.
You sighed and continued towards Arthur. When the water was over your chest you told him he could turn around.
Arthur turned and smiled widely with a beaming expression. “Look at you! You did it!” He swam over to you and pulled you towards him. “Now, not so bad, ain’t it?”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I guess so.”
He chuckled and pulled you into his arms bridal style. You left one arm around his neck and let the other dangle in the water. You weren’t going to tell him but the lake felt amazing, the water was so cool and refreshing against your hot skin.
The two of you swam for a while, you had so much fun playing around in the water you didn’t even notice it was getting late. When you saw a lightning bug you pointed it out to him, only to gasp when you realized what time it was.
“You’ve got to take me back, right now. Right now.” You fell off his shoulders into the water and swam like your life depended on it.
“Son of a bitch!” Arthur cursed when he remembered your parents would be home soon.
You both dressed so quickly you almost forgot your jewelry. The ride back was so fast it completely dried your hair and clothes, which was a good thing so if your parents were home and they saw you it would be one less thing you’d have to explain.
“Are they back?” Arthur whispered as the two of you slowly crept up to the back of the house.
You didn’t see their wagon anywhere. “I don’t think so.” You tried to calm your breathing and turned to face him. “Okay, I’m going to go inside. Get the hell out of here, quick. In case they are.”
Arthur nodded and kissed you quickly. “Okay. Sorry for keeping you out so late.”
“It’s fine. You can make it up to me later.” You winked, still panting like you’d just run a mile. Arthur smiled and kissed you again. “Okay, okay!” You laughed and pushed him away. “Go!”
He smiled and chuckled a little before shaking his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? Nevermind, just go.”
He finally left and you made your way inside, finding that no one was even home yet.
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