#i wanna clarify this is not kaeluc
sleepyscara · 2 years
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sleepy ?? is writing something ??? even if its slow progress ???? who the fuck is this
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necklace-of-sin · 3 years
4, 14 and 15 for the proship ask meme! :0
Thank youuu! :'3
4. A ship you think is fairly healthy and unproblematic but the fandom has decided to hate?
Kaeluc (hope I spelled that right oops 🙈) from Genshin Impact. I want to clarify that I haven't played Genshin, but from everything I've seen on Twitter Kaeluc looks... So normal? But the hate it gets is MASSIVE. The biggest complaint I've seen is since one character's family took the other in when they were children, that makes them brothers? And that if you ship them you're saying adopted siblings aren't real family?? Idk, guys. That just seems like a big fucking stretch o_o some people just wanna see the fictional pretty boys kiss and be soft together, calm down.
14. Favorite "unproblematic" ship?
Percico :3 my first ship, the actual OTP of all my OTPs, my beloved himbo and cranky lil old man emo trapped in a teenaged body. I love them so much.
15. Something cool about the last thing you watched/read/listened to?
I recently rewatched Hannibal, and idk if this counts for this question; but Bryan Fuller is an absolute doll and I love how supportive he is of fanworks and fandom spaces in general T_T he's so sweet
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