#i wanna do an asiago loaf and bagels and foccacia and challah and cinnamon rolls
boyswanna-be-her · 7 months
I've made 8 jim lahey-style no knead loaves of bread, and 2 kneaded pizza crusts. Did way better on the second crust. Finally got a dough hook to fit my mixer off of ebay and today I'm trying a brioche 😬 I hope it doesn't suck!
I also did a whole wheat loaf to take camping but it didn't rise correctly and ended up super dense and weird (though not dry somehow?). Bfr got indignant after I called it a fail loaf and insisted on eating as much of it as they could stomach and cradling it in their arms every time I threatened to throw it away. I finally trashed it after they stopped paying attention.
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