#both were ok! i am learning constantly!
boyswanna-be-her · 4 months
I've made 8 jim lahey-style no knead loaves of bread, and 2 kneaded pizza crusts. Did way better on the second crust. Finally got a dough hook to fit my mixer off of ebay and today I'm trying a brioche 😬 I hope it doesn't suck!
I also did a whole wheat loaf to take camping but it didn't rise correctly and ended up super dense and weird (though not dry somehow?). Bfr got indignant after I called it a fail loaf and insisted on eating as much of it as they could stomach and cradling it in their arms every time I threatened to throw it away. I finally trashed it after they stopped paying attention.
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elephantbitterhead · 2 months
Having finally been driven to blacklisting content, I'd like to take this moment to say that no annoying/overexposed/boring/formulaic/etc. musician will ever be as irritating to me as their fans and their haters are.
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sophies-junkyard · 9 months
NOBODY ASKED but… Obviously Simon’s arc in adventure time solidified the series as one of greatest of all time (and I’m so hyped for this ice king sadness renaissance) but now I’m thinking of OTHER Adventure Time moments that rewired my brain as a kid. In no particular order:
1. “Once the strong guys got it how they liked it they said ‘this is fair now. This is the law.’ Once they were winning they changed the rules”. They really had the cartoon dog say that on tv in 2014.
2. “People get built different. We don’t have to understand it, we just gotta respect it”
3. The entirety of All The Little People. That shit was absolutely nuts for a kids show but also like…. I can’t articulate the lesson I just know there was one and it haunted me. The danger of the human ego. Hubris. Irreverence. Don’t play god bro.
4. Lady and Peebles. When PB ripped Ricardio’s leg off and bashed his skull in with it. And it was so hardcore they edited it out of the episode. Bro. I remember watching that after school one day and how my jaw just DROPPED at a PRINCESS being so brutal. They let her be so fucking angry and that was a game changer.
5. [Finn, about a horrific memory] “that one’s going in the vault. Aaaaaaaaaandd. It’s gone.” I quote that CONSTANTLY. It’s a great way to bring levity to a bad situation, but also forces me to go “hey wait a sec that’s not gonna work forever”. Things don’t stay in the vault.
6. Puhoy. He lived an entire life in that pillow world. He had kids. And then it’s just gone like a dream.
7. The deer. It was probably my first real introduction to horror. The hand wiggle. You all know exactly what I’m referencing. Were the candy people stuck in that well for 6 months???
8. What Was Missing!! Obviously now because it foreshadowed (and confirmed past) Bubbline, but back then just because it was so good??? IMO, this is the episode that defined WHO our main cast was, and how their relationships needed to grow for them to be content. It set up the next 6 years of the show! Plus it gave us 2 absolute BANGERS. Ugh i rewatched that recording so many times it wasn’t even funny.
9. Ghost Princess. Really just for the line where he sounds like he’s gonna shit his pants remembering his death and then in a clear narrator voice he’s like “I was a broken man.”
10. The pajama war episode. Now I’m doing this from memory so I could be wrong, but I think this really marks the start of Finn growing up. “I’ve really enjoyed just… hanging out with you.” The ability to start over with someone you’ve got complicated history with. The kindness. The growth from both of them!! It’s a direct parallel of episode 1 but their tones couldn’t be more different and I love it.
11. The slow and horrifying realization that The Mushroom War was nuclear Armageddon. Mushroom clouds. That went so far over my head as a kid even though they reference it constantly. It finally clicked during “I remember you”. Which I am NOT gonna go into because holy fuck that’s like 18 posts on its own.
12. Goliad! A child mirroring EVERYTHING they see, for better or worse. Seeing Jake in a bad moment screaming at the kids and goliad absorbing that behavior. Seeing she can use fear to control people. Also PB was Fucking Crazy! Her line “I’m not gonna live forever… I would if I could” is even more unhinged when we learn (like years later) that she’s already 900 years old. But she does physically age so I guess there’s that. The Suitor also falls into this category of episodes.
Ok getting into some of the more talked about moments
1. OK I LIED I have to talk about I remember you. I was 11 years old. I turned on the new adventure time episode like usual. 10 minutes later I was grappling with a grief I had never imagined before. Absolutely BAWLING not just for Simon and Marceline (the PLOT), but for what it showed me. The reality that every kid tries not to think about: your loved ones will leave you someday, even if they don’t want to. It’s an episode that becomes more powerful with every year I get older. To get a bit personal, dementia has completely taken my grandparents from me. I’ve seen sides of my grandfather that should never have existed, and I must constantly forgive him for what he does… now that he doesn’t remember me. And someday it’ll be my parents. That’s just the way of the world, ya know? Anyways, I remember my mom got home right as the credits were rolling and we had a long talk about keeping people alive with memory, mortality, and how the future was far away and we should decide on dinner lmao.
2. The Hall of Egress. I was almost 15. Life was changing. I was changing, and it was strange and frightening. That feeling where you know you’re losing your childhood but you just want to cling to it. Follow the same old familiar path, stick with what’s comfortable. But life doesn’t work that way. It took me years to really understand this episode and it’s symbolism. Honestly I still don’t think I could fully explain it. It’s like. How do I put this. I was so glad to be in the target age group in that moment. I was so glad that something I was growing up with was assuring me “you’re changing, but we’re changing too”. And isn’t that the theme of adventure time? Everything stays, but it still changes.
3. The absolute horror of Ferns existence. He’s Finn, but he’s wrong and warped. All those memories of the people he loves and they can’t stand to be in the same room as him.
4. Susan Strong. The introduction of a RUNNING PLOT. The show up to that point had really been so goofy and so monster of the week. I think the only really plot heavy episode before this one was It Came From the Nightosphere? And then suddenly they call into question the fact that Finn really is the ONLY HUMAN in all of OOO. And then… is he? It was SUCH a departure from the usual tone. Ending that episode with him reaching below her hat and gasping in shock, but never telling the audience what he found. And then she’s just gone. Which leads us to Islands!
5. Min and Marty. Second saddest episode in the entirety of adventure time, made worse because you know exactly how this family is gonna end up. There’s SO MUCH to dissect about Martins behavior in the series. A reformed con artist receives a traumatic brain injury while attempting to save his son. They’re both lost at sea, and he never looks for him. Was it the emotional trauma? Was it the physical damage? Meanwhile a mother loses her husband and her child in a single night and never EVER learns why. Nobody but Martin knows what happened that night. Also Finns fear of the ocean from season 1 is finally explained. 7 years of ignoring Finns origins and then they throw you THIS??? Watching it live was unreal.
Anyways I’m sure I’ll think of more. I might add on to this later for my own sake lmao, but I’d love to hear other peoples formative moments, quotes, episodes, etc. I really just needed to dump this information out of my brain so I can get on with my week.
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harunovella · 2 years
who's your daddy? ; t.f.
synopsis: lone missions weren't new to you, having completed a dozen without losing a limb or your life... of course, that was due to a certain fushiguro man who couldn't seem to stay away when you were in the face of danger... and, of course, with every successful rescue came with a back breaking thank you
cw: fem!reader, aged up characters (18+), age gap (isn't really specified), very subtle mention of blood, bratty!reader (but we all know that's on purpose), mentions of handjobs/blowjobs (but nothing too descriptive, daddy kink, dilf!toji, exhibitionism, fingering, oral (m → f), spanking, slight name calling?, dom!toji/sub!reader, mating press, creampie, srry if i missed any! MDNI!
wc: 4.4k+
an: this is my first ever toji fic, i'm so hooked on eren it's hard to write any other man other than him (oops i just love my emo hobo rockstar), anyway i had sm fun writing this and plan to write more for him... esp now that he'll be animated??? also i wanna write for jjk men (potential gojo fic and... maybe choso fic... coming soon!) anyway enjoy everyone's fav dilf breaking your back! p.s. this fic was originally gonna be called big man with a gun based off of this song bc it literally is toji to a t but i'm saving it for another time bc this title fits better... p.s.s. i always confuse myself with the whole 1 grade/grade 1 so i went by what i hear sorry oops ok anyway enjoy!
Megumi never understood why Gojo had to send you on lone missions, even if you technically were perfectly fine to handle them on your own. However, Megumi always felt a sense of responsibility for you as he was the one who brought you to Jujutsu Tech. Much like Yuji, the way you met Megumi wasn't under normal circumstances... Instead, you were in the middle of protecting a pair of little boys from—what you eventually learned to be—a Grade 2 cursed spirit. You managed to handle it with sheer luck on your side (and what you also eventually learned to be your own cursed energy). Long story short, Gojo was very intrigued by you and was happy to take you under his wing, especially after you were labeled Grade 1.
Yes, you were a Grade 1. Yes, you could handle yourself. Yes, you've been on a handful of lone missions and you have come back safe. Still... it worried him, and he knew he couldn't do much about it. Especially when you did not like being coddled: something you constantly reminded Megumi of.
"What's gotcha panties in a bunch, Meg?" The sound of his father's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he trudged through the living room of his home. Toji watched from the kitchen as his son pinched the bridge of his nose. "Gojo did somethin'?"
"When doesn't he?" Megumi sighed before bringing up your name. "He sent her on another lone mission." Bringing his hand into his hair, he continued, "it's in that abandoned subway station where they always hold raves. I wanted to go—"
"Doesn't she hate when you babysit her?" Toji interrupted, earning a glare from his son.
"I have a bad feeling about this mission, alright? Gojo didn't want to listen and both Yuji and Nobara said I was being over the top—"
"You are—"
"Shut up, old man," Megumi snapped as he shot his father a deadly look. "I am being serious. Gojo said it was a Grade 3, but it isn't sitting right with me."
Sighing as he served himself and downed a glass of water, Toji settled it in the sink before speaking up, "she'll be fine. She's a Grade 1."
"I don't care—"
"Look, kid, you do plenty of missions on your own and you're a lower grade than her. You sexist?" Toji tilted his head, earning an eye roll from Megumi. "Relax, she'll be fine." Walking past his son as he patted his shoulder, Toji made his way to his bedroom.
In all honesty, Toji trusted his sons instincts. Megumi was almost always right about his gut and if he believed you to be in trouble, then there was a chance you could be.
Toji eyed a photo on his bedside table. It was Megumi's birthday last year and you had Nobara help you set up a small gathering with your small team (Gojo included, to Toji's dismay) and Toji himself. Megumi was at the center with a flat face and a party hat, Yuji had an arm around his shoulders with a peace sign, Nobara and Gojo stood behind him with wide grins as you took Megumi's other side. Your grin matched that of everyone else's in the photo, except that of the two Fushiguro men. Behind you stood Toji with his arms crossed and a subtle smirk on his lips. Neither Fushiguro were photogenic, but Toji kept the photo solely because you were in it. To everyone else who saw it? He just liked having a photo of his kid and the people who made him happy.
Deep in thought as he remembered that day, how you were in that cute little skirt and turtle neck, those stockings and how none of it did you justice for the cold weather in Tokyo, Toji heard the sound of Megumi's door slamming shut. His reminiscing was cut short, knowing very well if he didn't do something, you were going to be nothing but a memory.
"Fuck, this kid is going to be the death of me," Toji huffed as he walked out of his bedroom. Peeking over at his son's door, the man then walked past and grabbed his keys from the coffee table before walking right out. It wasn't like Megumi ever questioned what his father did or where he was going, he was always leaving the house at odd hours of the night and returning whenever he pleased. Either way, his son didn't need to know. Especially not now.
Toji hated loud places, he found them rather obnoxious. The heavy beats pounding, vibrating against the floor beneath his feet. The smell of alcohol in the air, mixed with that of all the bodies grinding up against one another. The flashing lights. The obnoxious men flirting with tipsy women. If it wasn't a cursed spirit that was going to get you, it was going to be some drunken bastard.
Making his way through, using his height to his advantaged as he pushed through the crowd, Toji looked down at the abandoned track and turned his head towards the dark tunnel. He was sure you were down there, somewhere. "You better be in one piece," he huffed to himself before he hopped down onto the tracks, making his way over to the darkness.
"That wasn't so bad..." You breathed, sheathing your twin sai onto your thigh holsters before wiping your hands clean. For a Grade 3, the cursed spirit wasn't all that difficult. You wondered if the classification was right or maybe you were just having a good day. Either way, you weren't complaining. You completed your mission and you were ready to sink yourself into a bubble bath. Me time was a great reward for a successful mission! That's what you always told yourself.
Pulling out your phone from the pocket of your skirt, you unlocked it and scrolled through your contacts, tapping on Gojo Jojo. Placing the phone against your ear as your free hand settled on your hip, you patiently waited. "Yo!"
"Mission completed," you nodded, "curse has been exorcised and now the world can worry a little less about unwanted, negative energy."
"And Megumi was worried you couldn't complete your mission," Gojo let out a tsk on his end. "I knew you could do it! You are probably— student— had— from Okkotsu— know— tell—"
"Huh?" Furrowing your eyebrows as your phone was cutting in and out as static suddenly buzzed in your ear, you pulled your phone away to look at your screen before placing it back against your cheek, "hello? Gojo? You're breaking up, I can't hear what you're saying!"
"Hey— Hello?" Hearing his voice come in and out as he called your name, your eyebrows furrowed. Just as you were about to give up, your heart sank. Something in the air shifted and your body grew stiff. Goosebumps took over your body as you blinked. Lowering your hand as you turned in your spot, a subtle gasp left you.
It happened much more quicker than you perceived. One second, you were on your feet, ready to grab your weapons, the next, you were tossed across the way and slammed violently against one of the subway walls. A rough cough left you as the wind was knocked right out of you. Your body ached as you swore every bone within you snapped. Hearing clicking sounds in the distance, you lifted your blurred vision before pushing yourself off of the wall. A huff left you as you landed on your feet, clutching your side as you felt your own blood trickle down the side of your face. There before you, in its twisted and demonic ways, stood another cursed spirit.
And it clearly wasn't a Grade 3.
"I just wanted my bubble bath..." you mumbled to yourself, reaching for your twin sai, ready for a round two.
If someone asked you if you could stand against a Special Grade, you probably would have said "not alone, at least not for long." It wasn't like you had doubt in yourself... but Special Grade's were categorized as such for a reason. Most were handled by multiple sorcerers at once, unless you were that lucky 1% who could defeat one on your own (either without breaking a sweat or on the verge of bleeding to death). Either way, the former was near impossible.
At this rate, you definitely weren't in the lucky 1%.
The Special Grade was much more smarter than you had believed it to be. It was fast. It almost knew your moves before you even knew them, yourself. Instead of wearing it down, it was wearing you thin. You were littered in wounds, your uniform all torn up—your jacket now open, your blouse now with holes, your skirt looking mangled. Your stockings looked like they've been through better—and you didn't even want to get started with your hair. You've seen better days. But your appearance was the least of your concern when all you got was the arm of the Special Grade as it's about to take your life.
This was not how you wanted to go. Not like this. Definitely not in a place so revolting. How did Gojo—or anyone—not know about this anyway?! You were sure someone would've known and definitely wouldn't have sent you without a warning... or help!
With its various hands clinging onto you and lifting you in the air as you weakly struggled to escape, a sudden flash swooped past you as you fell to the ground. With a rough landing as you hissed, rubbing your back and trying to catch your breath, you looked up to see who or what it was that managed to get in between you and it.
Recognizing those godly movements that were much too fast for the human eye to easily catch, your racing heart only picked up its pace as your savior so violently—yet so calculatedly—attacked the Special Grade.
"You gonna keep sittin' there, kid? Or you gonna help?" Your savior—the one and only Toji Fushiguro—spoke as your eyes widened.
In its now weakened state, you watched as Toji managed to keep the Special Grade down before it could even retaliate. Reaching for your twin sai—that got tossed along the way—and embedding your cursed energy into it, you came in with the final and fatal blow.
Watching it disintegrate there before your eyes, you took in heavy breaths before turning to face the elder Fushiguro. "Why are you here?" You glared. "You always appear on my solo missions as if you're keeping tabs on me!"
"A thank you would suffice. You should be grateful," Toji clicked his tongue before he fed his weapon to the worm latched to him.
Rolling your eyes as you tightened your fists around your weapons, you shook your head, "stop treating me like some defenseless child every time I go on a lone mission! You're worse than Megumi! At least he doesn't just show up!" You huffed. "I am a Grade 1!"
A small laugh left Toji, almost condescendingly. "'m not even a curse user and I had to step in—" seeing you toss one of your twin sai his way, Toji swiftly caught it and easily fed it to the worm nuzzled against him, earning a gasp from you.
"H— Hey! Give it back!" You pointed with your now free hand, but just as you blinked, he appeared before you. With his hand clutching onto your chin, you glared at him, instinctively slapping him across the face.
A snicker left Toji as he shifted his jaw, his free hand moving up to rub his cheek at the subtle sting that almost felt like a child slapped him. "If you weren't my son's best friend I would've cut your fuckin' hands off, but then who'd give me those delightful handjobs?"
Gasping, you shoved him, hands pushing against his chest as you took a step back. As furious as you were, you couldn't deny the heat building up within you. The ache between your thighs each and every time the elder Fushiguro came to your rescue. It was ridiculous how often he went to save you but almost never for his own son when he was on his solo missions. "Why are you always interfering?" You asked as Toji stalked towards you, backing you into a wall.
"Why're you such a damn brat?" He countered. "Can't say thank you for shit, huh?" Tilting his head, he pressed his hands on either side of your head as he leaned in, his nose just barely touching yours.
"I don't need your help, old man," you seethed, looking him in the eyes. You hadn't realized it, but he had—your voice had grown softer. Your attacks, less aggressive. He was getting to you. He knew it. He always knew how to.
"This old man saves your life time and time again," Toji said, that infuriating smirk dressing his lips as your eyes flickered from the scar to the sudden fire in his eyes. He knew he had you, trapped with no way out. It always took one look and one touch—just one little gesture and you were instantly putty in his hands. Molding you in any shape or form he wanted.
"Why? I never asked you to," you frowned, eyebrows narrowing as you felt your chest rising and falling with each deep breath you took.
Rolling his yes, Toji sighed, "isn't it obvious?" Seeing you shake your head, Toji then leaned in to your left ear, lips grazing the skin as he whispered, "I'm not letting anything take away what's mine." With a gasp leaving your now parted lips, Toji's hands instantly latched onto your face, slamming his mouth against yours as an instant squeak left you.
Your heart skipped a beat as his tongue pried your lips apart, gliding and exploring the cavern of your mouth. He was hungry and desperate, it had been so long since he last tasted you. And, as always, these moments happened when you needed saving... just to reward your savior with your lips around his fat cock.
You could never forget the first encounter, when you were almost in the hands of death... how Toji swooped in and saved your life as if he were you knight in shining armor. Of course, he wasn't going to take a simple thank you. No way. Not when he had his eyes on you. He wanted a thank you gift in the shape of your pretty, little mouth, around his aching cock.
And, of course, you gave it to him. You did as told because you secretly were lusting over him, too. He fucked your throat and coated your face with his release as a sign of his gratitude. He swore he had never seen anything sexier than that. His pretty baby with her gentle face splattered in his seed. Probably why he got off so easily to the thought when he was alone, having taken a photo for personal use.
One of Toji's hands held the back of your neck, fingers entangling in your hair as he tugged on it, forcing your mouth to open more. A breathy moan left you as Toji sucked on your tongue before pulling you back into the kiss. His mouth slotted against yours, saliva spreading, lips moving sloppily. He parted for a moments worth, allowing you to catch your breath as a string of spit connected the two of you.
"You wanna be a good girl and give daddy what he wants?" Toji breathed as you let out a desperate moan, a subtle nod as you couldn't move your head much with the grip he had on your hair. "Yeah? Gonna let daddy fuck you dumb for being a little bratty, ungrateful, bitch?"
"Y— Yes!" You breathed out, tearing up from the sting of his grip on your hair. "Wh— What ever you wan'!"
Laughing, Toji's hand's moved to your jacket and blouse, using his sheer strength to rip them off your body, exposing your bra cladded chest. Lowering his lips to your neck, he left a trail of sloppy, open mouth kisses to your tits. In his wake, red marks were left behind as his teeth sank into your skin, biting deeply and earning squeals from you. Your hands pressed against his chest, trying to push away when he bit too roughly, but Toji shoved your hands away. Gripping onto your wrists with one hand and pinning them above your head, his free hand slid up your skirt and dipped beneath your stockings and panties.
Toji didn't know what patient meant, always too eager to get what he wanted, so the moment he felt your slick cunt, he was quick to tease your hole. "So fuckin' wet f' me already..." he grunted as you whimpered, wiggling your hips, wanting to feel his thick fingers in you.
"Please..." you begged, eyes squeezing shut as you took in deep breaths. "Toji—"
"Now you wanna behave? Wanna act like you weren't bein' a bitch a few moments ago? All because my fingers are teasing your tight pussy?" He said, forehead now pressed against yours as he slid his fingers along your folds, coating them with your juices. "Tell me..." he grinned, forefinger and middle pushing into you, "who's your daddy?"
And just like that, your mind went blank, body falling limp. His fingers fucked into you at an unforgiving pace, thumb pressing and circling your sensitive nub along the way of you chasing your orgasm. He panted with you, nearly getting off to the sound of your wet pussy and the desperate mewls that left your parted lips. With his knuckles deep in you as he curled his fingers and pressed into that spot that had your eyes nearly rolling back, Toji suddenly pulled away.
"N— No!" You cried out.
"Oh, baby girl, don't worry," he huffed, letting go of your wrists before kneeling and yanking down your tights and panties. He was aggressive and fast, tossing your shoes to a side and completely removing the two layers that separated him from your sopping pussy. "You can come all over my tongue."
A gasp left you as Toji lifted your legs over his shoulders, keeping you balanced and pressed against the wall as his hands pressed against your ass cheeks. Your bare pussy was now exposed before him, your chest heaving as your hands instantly flew into his hair. Toji's tongue pressed against your cunt, lapping up your essence as he licked a stripe from your entrance, to your nub. Repeating the process over and over as your heart raced faster and faster.
Your head fell back as his tongue fucked into you, moving between your hole and aching clit, causing your thighs to shake. You tried pressing them together, but Toji's hands were quick enough to keep them apart. His laughter was felt against your pussy, enjoying the way you came undone for him not too long after berating him for saving your damn life.
"T— Toji! Toji! Toji, please—" you begged and panted, fingers tugging and pulling on his hair as he practically made out with your pussy. The sounds that emitted from him made it seem like he were a starved man who hadn't eaten in days. The way his eyes were hooded, watching how you could hardly keep your own open. If it weren't for you being so focused on the feeling of his mouth on your cunt, you would've noticed the way he was practically humping the air.
Biting down as you gave his hair a particularly harsh tug, your toes curled as you came all over his tongue. Your eyebrows furrowed upward with the ecstasy that filled your veins, head falling as you tried catching your breath. If you didn't know Toji any better, you would've believed it was a one and done... but this man wasn't like any other. He didn't know when to stop. He only knew how to keep going until you practically passed out and he felt satisfied.
Lowering you from his shoulders and turning you around, Toji pressed your face against the wall as he pulled your hips towards him. Undoing his pants before pulling his aching, leaking length out, Toji's hands grabbed your ass cheeks before giving them a harsh spank. Watching your ass jiggle as he did it again and again with a sinister laugh, you looked over and felt your heart race faster than it already was. You nearly forgot how big he was, remembering your fast time with him leaving you practically bone and brainless afterwards. A sensation only he gave you. A sensation you missed...
Pulling your cheeks apart as you stayed with your back arched for him, Toji pushed his cock into you, groaning and hissing at your tightness. Incoherent words left you as you tried adjusting to his size, only to gasp as he pulled back where just the tip was in, only to slam back into you. Toji didn't know what being gentle was like, thrusting into you as if he planned to break you in hard... and, in all reality, you wanted him to. As much as he annoyed you when he constantly came to your rescue (which wasn't true, you really owed him your life), you enjoyed these moments the most. And, sometimes, you behaved the way you did so he would fuck you ruthlessly. After all, you knew how to push his buttons.
"Fuck— Fuck— Fuck—" you panted as the sound of skin slapping and Toji's heavy breathing echoed in your ears. His was fucking you at a deadly pace, so fast and rough you were sure you were starting to see stars. So deep that you were sure he was going to burst right through you. "Toji— Toji— Toji—" Feeling tears slip down your cheeks as you nearly drooled, lips parted with heavy moans and desperate cries of pleasure, Toji threw his head back as he let out a hefty laugh.
"Always... so fucking... tight! Fuck— I missed this... pussy!" Panting as he roughly pressed his fingers into your hips, slamming himself into you as your cunt sucked him in, you desperately moaned. "Sounding like a fuckin' whore... bet no one fucks you this good, huh?" Slamming his dick into you with a hiss, Toji took in sharp breaths, fingertips digging deeper into your hips, leaving red marks behind. "Bet you.. don't even.. let anyone else.. fuck this... fuck— tight—"
Shaking your head as you felt yourself climaxing, you cried out, "T— Toji—! I—"
"Not yet, baby," he grunted, leaning over you and whispering in your ear, "that was one helluva special grade you had me save you from. You think... I'll let you off... that easily?"
"P— Please... Toji..." you begged, hips aching from his grip as your knees nearly gave out. You tried reaching back, but Toji suddenly pulled out and pushed you down. You let out a whine at the lack of him, but Toji was quick to get on his knees, grabbing the back of your own before pushing them into you. Leaning in and spitting on your fluttering hole, Toji filled you again with a lengthy moan, balls deep in you as you clung onto his shoulders. Digging your nails into his skin, Toji pulled his hips back and rammed into you, picking up his previous pace and making a mess out of you.
The way your tears spilled, how you were weeping and looking like a fucked out mess had his stomach clenching. Your palms slammed against his shoulders as he fucked you throughly, balls slapping your ass as his hair began to stick to his forehead. Leaning in and slamming his lips against yours, practically breathing into your mouth with open kisses, Toji then sucked your bottom lip before kissing your chin and cheek. Licking up your tears as you whimpered and whined beneath him, Toji pulled out again and flipped you on your stomach.
"Toji— I can't— I can't take it—"
"Oh, I know you can," he nodded as he lifted your hips, filling you up once against before spanking your right ass cheek once, twice... multiple times until there was a print of his hand left behind. In seconds you were creaming around his cock. Your drool pooled beneath you as your face was pressed into the filthy ground below. Toji kept your hands pulled back behind you before he lifted you up.
Wrapping a hand around your neck as his other slid between your thighs and gave your clit a pinch, you yelped. He rubbed at it, fast circles, anticipating your third orgasm. It didn't take long for him to get what he wanted, after all, this was your punishment for being an ungrateful brat. Fucking into you deeply, Toji soon found himself filling you to the brim. You felt like pure jelly, truly being fucked dumb as you couldn't think straight.
Feeling him pull out as you whimpered, your body nearly fell forward before Toji caught you. Falling onto the balls of his feet as he turned you enough to face him, Toji held your chin before leaning in to kiss you, tongue slipping past your lips lazily. Kissing you deeply and slowly, Toji nibbled on your jaw as he pulled away before whispering in your ear, "say thank you to your daddy."
Taking in deep, shallow breaths as your eyes could barely stay open, you mumbled, "thank you... daddy..."
Grinning, he licked your neck before biting your earlobe, "now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"What's up with all the bruises on your neck?" Yuji asked as you sat before him, besides Nobara and across Megumi.
An instant blush crept on your cheeks as you lifted the collar of your jacket, trying to hide what was already seen. Now gathered together for your morning meet up, Gojo tilted his head as he eyed you. "Are those hickeys?"
"No way," Nobara gasped as she leaned in with squinted eyes, causing you to lean away. "Did Mr. Fushiguro save the day again?"
"Again?" Megumi asked before stiffening in his seat. Looking at you with wide eyes as you mirrored his expression, the younger Fushiguro then exclaimed, "that fucking old man!"
an: okay popping in to say that ending was sm fun, idk if I'll be willing to write a part two or to just let your minds wander... also i will make a masterlist eventually as this is my third one shot xo
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fr-likes-chocolate · 6 months
Hehe back with bird siblings :)
Today I talk about why Phil is separated from his siblings and what the watchers actually want from the siblings .
A disclaimer because I need to read the friggin wiki: I am new to hermitcraft, life series, and all other SMPs and series related to Martyn, Solidarity, Grian, and Pearlescentmoon. Information may be slightly inaccurate, and I welcome someone informing me about my mistakes :)
Ok!! Now let’s start with why Phil isn’t with Martyn, Grian, Pearl, and Solidary. So as I have mentioned, Phil and Martyn are twins who used to be the gods of death and life respectively. And this does lead to arguments when they were gods, it basically boiled down to this:
Martyn: Stop killing my guyssssssss
Phil: *evil laughter as he kills another*
Most arguments are harmless, they work it out in the end, after all, death is a part of life, and they are still brothers.
When they got demoted to human, their emotions got complex, and suddenly they couldn’t see eye to eye most of the time, Jimmy, Grian, and Pearl had to constantly calm the two down and reason with them.
After about 200 years, all five siblings were a little sick of each other, and soon a huge argument broke out, it ended with Phil storming off, and the other four decided that they all needed a little space, so they decided to each take a portion of what they had and leave in a different direction, leaving a fifth for Phil.
When Phil came back after cooling off, he found a deserted home, no note, only a fifth of their belongings. He was understandably upset, and he took what was there, and left a note explaining where he was going and that he had taken his portion, hoping at least one of his siblings would know where he was.
So while Grian, Pearl, Solidarity, and Martyn stayed around mortals, making friends and living happily, Phil went into total isolation in a hardcore world, preferring to commune with the lesser gods of that land, as well as connecting with Kristen, the new goddess of death.
Eventually, Martyn, Jimmy, Pearl, and Grian find each other, as each of them recived a note to a mysterious event, which would eventually be dubbed the Life Series.
When Grian won the life series, he met the Watchers, who bestowed a fraction of his previous power back to him in return for keeping his power and the Watchers a secret. Then they won their game, and Martyn and Pearl were both offered the same deal, with Scott being forcefully sworn to secrecy by the other three about their true identity.
When Phil won purgatory, he also received a fraction of his power, but the federation managed to bury it, they could barely deal with Phil without that power, they feared what he could do with it.
So why are the watchers doing this? Well, they want to grant the siblings their godhood, all they need is Solidary to win, and then all 5 will ascend to godhood again. As to why they want them to ascend? Well, no one aside from the Watchers themselves know.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about or want to learn more, links to other posts are here and here
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hoebiirama · 10 months
✑ Anonymous sent : "Hey, Anli! I hope you're doing well <3 if ok with you, can I request some hcs for Madara and Tobirama with a fem friend who has Kamado Tanjiro's personality (from Kimetsu no Yaiba tho if you haven't watch it yet then someone who's just really kind, innocent in some way and respectful) some friendship hcs would be interesting. Thank you in advance if you accept my request! Take care 💙" ✑ Anli's useless comment : I am indeed unfamiliar with Kimetsu no Yaiba so I went off of the description you gave me, so I apologize if I didn't go in depth enough ! 😭😖 Thank you so much for requesting though 💚
Masterpost | Rules | Send a request | Works in Progress
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うちはマダラ • Uchiha Madara
↳ Madara would be concerned for you. I don't think he sees all types of kindness as weakness (showing mercy to your opponent is the type of "kindness" he considers weak), but in your case, it's different. The fact that you always assume the best in people deeply unsettles him, and he's always worried that someone will take advantage of you one day because you're too friendly. Your willingness to help others is both your strongest and weakest asset. He doesn't like that.
↳ I feel like he would scold you like a strict dad. A lot. Because he grew up being told to constantly hide his emotions, he never learned how to properly express them, so it often comes out as anger or frustration. Is the scolding annoying ? Yes. Do you understand why he's like this ? Also yes. You wouldn't have a problem telling him off, but this man invented the concept of being stubborn, so your words would have virtually no effect on him.
↳ It's a different story entirely when that kindness is directed towards him. Madara is used to people feeling extremely intimidated by him, never looking him in the eye, never approaching him unless it's absolutely necessary, and being overly polite out of cautiousness and fear of summoning his wrath. And I feel like your kindness and positive attitude towards life would both feel like a breath of fresh air and very unnerving (definitely at first). He probably wouldn't know how to deal with that.
↳ But that's also the reason he came to care about you, because no matter how much of an asshole he was to you at first, you never reciprocated the sentiment. You were always nice to him. You never took anything he said personally because you understood why he was so guarded all the time and that alone was enough to make you special in his eyes. Madara has never received any form of empathy from someone other than his brother.
↳ Your kindness is pure, and he would feel it. You're not nice to him out of caution. You don't show him respect because you fear him. It's genuine. It's something you can't fake. And while he'd definitely be thrown off at first, he'd warm up to you and eventually come to deeply care about you, even if he has strange ways of showing it.
↳ What I'm saying is, Madara is biased. Showing him kindness and openness is fine. Encouraged, even. But towards others ? Hell no. That won't pass. And yes, it is partly due to his possessiveness. Because if you think that's just something he'd display with his s/o, you'd be deadly wrong. Whether you're his friend or his lover, you're still his, period. He'd be able to put up with it without too much complaining if it's with Hashirama, but with strangers and Tobirama especially, he won't stop himself from making some kind of comment about how they (read : Tobirama) don't deserve you being nice to them.
↳ Pro tip : a good way to shut him up if he starts lecturing you again is to tease him a little and tell him "well, I have you to protect me, don't I ? Why should I worry about these things when you're there ?" and his brain might just stop working for a hot minute, lol.
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千住扉間 • Senju Tobirama
↳ I feel like Tobirama would share some similarities with Madara, but not even nearly to the same degree. He'd also be a lot more comfortable expressing his feelings through words, so he wouldn't get frustrated the way Madara would. It's just that sometimes he thinks you're being too trusting with people you should absolutely be wary of, or going too soft on people who don't deserve it.
↳ Thankfully, Tobirama is always ready to defend you from anyone who tries to imply that you're naive or easy to manipulate, because he knows it's far from the truth. You're no pushover; unfortunately, in the world you live in, it is often seen as a bad thing to be kind. Tobirama would have no qualms telling people off for you if need be, and by that I mean that even if you can stand up for yourself, you're not as harsh on people as he thinks is necessary, so he takes it upon himself to finish the job, lol.
↳ This one is obvious but I still have to say it : he'd also absolutely hate seeing you being friendly with Madara. I feel like all of the concerns Madara has in general would apply to Tobirama in this specific scenario. He'd be worried sick that the man would end up hurting you in one way or another (he feels the same way about Hashirama's friendship with Madara). Tobirama knows better than to straight up just tell you to stop talking to him, but if he catches you with Madara, he'd probably find any excuse to pull you away from him.
↳ Your friendliness and kindness also reminds him of his brother, and he'd definitely have a soft spot for it. I feel like he'd ask you a lot of questions to try and figure out why you're this way and how the world you live in hasn't seemed to completely ruin your innocence. It would be such a wild concept to him, and as the curious mind he is, he'd definitely try to understand your point of view.
↳ He would definitely come to you for personal advice if you're close enough. You'd be easier to trust than most people and not as biased as Hashirama would be (and, let's face it, if Tobirama comes to you with a personal problem, 99% of the time Hashirama is somehow involved in it), and you'd likely be one of the few people who could make him genuinely laugh. (Making him smile is easy enough. Just look at any picture of him with his students when they were children. Or how he was looking at Sasuke while fighting alongside him during the war. Man's not as stoic as people think he is — but you have a better chance at beating him in a footrace than you have at making him laugh.)
↳ Tobirama would love having you around, tbh. You're not as blindly optimistic as his brother is, but you're still the kind of positive presence he desperately needs in his life. He wouldn't fear negative judgement from you, and he knows you always mean well. You're probably the only person he can talk to about his students who'll get just as hyped as he is and not make some comment about how it's "unlike him to be so soft" and ruin the moment.
↳ 12/10 friendship, would recommend. For his sake. Please. The poor man desperately needs a friend.
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paprikko-lol · 1 year
new au time. i am insane. thoughts under the cut!
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street racing au time!! i know i said i would talk more about children of the storm but i couldn’t help myself ok?? i call this the 'ninja go fast au' hkjefhjks
THIS AU!! LIVES RENT-FREE!! IN MY BRAIN!! heres the stitch: within the depths of ninjago city, there are two rival street racing groups (gangs? troops? whatever) who are constantly trying to one-up each other. the first group is ‘the wu-crew’ (jay came up with the name), which consists of kai (co-leader), nya (co-leader), cole, jay, and zane. they are ‘managed’ by wu (codeword for he pays for everything and manages the garage), who used to be the co-leader of another well-known street racing crew with his brother, who he barely speaks about for reasons unknown. speaking of who! garmadon manages the wu-crew’s rival team: the garmadorks. this team consists of lloyd (co-leader), morro (co-leader), harumi, akita and brad. I genuinely think these guys would make a killer group together, the shenanigans that would ensue of them being in the same room would be INCREDIBLE. 
moving on! to clarify some of the world-building, there are no elemental powers or dark magic or whatever the heck. this au is set in a modern au, except maybe a few years into the future so that everyone is a bit older in this au.
ok! time for some important character stuff (I will not be covering all 10 main characters cuz I wanna keep this a bit short! you can always send an ask my way if you wanna know smth abt a specific character :D).
zane is still a nindroid in this au, except he’s called a ‘droid-racer’. he was created by doctor julien and wu as an experiment and they eventually got pretty attached to him emotionally. 
lloyd and brad met early on in this au,, they met in their old boarding school, and continued to keep in touch after they graduated (YES lloyd graduates darkley’s in this au! I think that’d be funny af).
nya and kai grew up in a very racing-centred environment because their parents were racers themselves! they learned to drive before they turned of legal age, but only got into street racing when they were 19-21. 
I made nya and kai the co-leaders because this is primarily a kai-centric au (if you couldn’t tell), and I think it’d be interesting to see how they would work together to manage a team.
jay grows up with his birth parents in this au! I couldn’t leave ed and edna though so they can be like his aunt and uncle or something. because cliff gordon is a famous actor, his family is very well off, but still pretty close. I just thought it’d be funny if he was a nervous wreck when he first joined the team cuz he doesn’t want his parents to find out their baby boy is in danger.
morro and lloyd are COUSINS!! of course they are! morro can have some angsty beef with his adoptive father wu for PLOT REASONS!! he ran away from home and met harumi on the streets, who had also run away from home. he invited her to join him as he searched for his uncle garmadon, and they both joined the garamdon family :)
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inthememetime · 2 years
Uncle Vlad AU
AU where Vlad actually gets along with the adults in the Fenton household pretty well. The Problem is the Teachers. (And ghosts. But mostly the teachers).
He and Maddie have been flirting awkwardly since they were 10 years old because it was funny when adults did it, and never stopped. Neither means anything by it.
Yes, Mr. Lancer, Jack does know that.
No, we do not need you to send Danny home with the Scarlet Letter. There is no affair. You know what, if you spent this much time protecting my kids from bullies, we-
Good mom, ok? She is! Sure, she gets distracted by work a lot, but she's not intentionally negligent, and she does her best. She just isn't able to connect with Danny the way she can with Jazz.
Thinks the awkward flirting is hilarious. Regularly eggs on both his wife and BFF. Hides out at Vlad's to watch football games.
ADHD solidarity with Vlad. Two bros chillin' on a Packers couch, oi, asshole, did you just fumble in the first kickoff! Yeah, he did, which reminds me,did you want to come by for-
Jack was supposed to be there to ask Vlad for help on the portal. They have watched the Bears beat the Vikings, made plans for the weekend, managed to cook an entire meal, and it's not until 2 days later that Jack remembers. (Am I projecting my ADHD? You better bet )
Like Maddie, he isn't intentionally negligent, he just gets distracted super easily. He does his best, but often fails. A true himbo: strong of body, giant of heart, dumb of ass.
Died 20 years ago, but also recognizes that putting his face into a portal to another dimension wasn't a great idea.
Reiterates lab safety constantly despite consistently breaking the rules.
"Remember, children, do not eat or drink in the lab."
"Um. You're drinking ectoplasm right now, though."
"And I'm dead! I can get away with it!"
Despite this, neither Jack or Maddie know he's dead. Plasmius? "Cool costume!" Loses a hand that grows back in a day? "How'd you get that illusion to work?" Jokes about being dead? "Ha ha, yes, we get it. You're dead inside and like grim humor."
Neither Danny or Jazz- who do know- are allowed to tell their parents, because, "come on, guys, don't ruin a 20 year experiment for me! I wanna know how long it takes!"
Vlad is "independently wealthy". As in, he robbed a bunch of billionaires, and has blackmail on twice as many.
So as not to draw too much suspicion, he's a writer. Mostly trashy romance novels or technical manuals. There is no in-between.
Dies. Immediately joins Vlad in death jokes. Jazz: You NEED TO talk about it! Danny: IDK, Jazz, I'm still pretty shocked. Get it?
Vlad: Hey, I gotta go visit dead family for the holidays, wanna come with?
Danny: Is that where you go every year? What do you do?
Jazz: Please don't make a ghost joke, please don't make a-
Vlad: Yeah, well, we go haunting, play games, decorate the cemetery, you know. Just get into the holiday spirit, and have a damned good time.
Jazz: I'm calling the Ghostbusters.
Starts learning how to fight ghosts- Uncle Vlad helps, of course, and- DANIEL PHANTOM, WHY are you HERE, and not in math class?! GO.
Nobody knows why Vlad's so chill about the death thing until his family comes to visit- turns out, his mother's maiden name was Addams. Yes, those Addams'.
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bnuuys-writing · 8 months
Meet my Yuusona!
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This is Jenny, but she goes by Jen. More information down below! <3
No one knows where Jenny has come from, but they all know she is able to wield magic without a pen. She also has all these strange markings on her body that she keeps hidden that occasionally glow when she is feeling certain strong emotions such as the ones of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Jenny is a caregiver, a empath who knows who is crying the next room over without even looking up from the book she is reading. She is able to diffuse fights before they even start either by fighting and winning herself or talking everyone out of it. She is someone you can rely on and trust if you're having a hard time with something either in school or emotionally. She will mom you, in short.
Fun Facts about Jenny! She actually had come from Devildom to here, and to avoid making connections with everyone, she gave out a fake name in hopes of being able to go home with no strings involved. Her name is actually Ophelia. Lia for short. She was learning how to wield magic by Solomon at first and the pacts she made with the brothers, angels, and the Butler and Prince of Devildom themselves only spur her magic on. She is more able to cast healing spells that fighting spells, so she summoned a familiar which was a brown rabbit! Yet, in the transport to Twisted Wonderland, their same magic merged them together to where Jenny now has a fluffy rabbit tail and large floppy ears!
Relationship Dynamics!
Leona: Absolutely a hater of this man. ONLY because she knows his worth could be so much more and he just doesn't put any effort into showing that he could be a good mage. It absolutely infuriates her. They constantly get into fights that either end up with both of them in the infirmary or both of them getting heated in a vocal argument.
Sebek: Love Interest #1. When Jen first came to NRC and met Sebek, she immediately did NOT like him. Both of them getting into silly little arguments that would go "So, Beastman-" "I'm actually a human. I just merged forms with my rabbit familiar." "DO NOT INTERUPT ME WHILE I AM TELLING YOU ABOUT LORD MALLEUS!!" "ok, bye." Yet after getting to know him better and better and actually taking time to see past everything, she saw him for who he truly is and just fell heads over heels with him. Yet, he doesn't need to know that.
Silver: Good friend, was a possible love interest and she had a small crush on him but after she fell in love with Sebek, they both just stayed close friends. Silver was one of the first few people to actually greet her into NRC. Sometimes Silver will find himself waking up with his head in Jen's lap as she reads away. They could make a cute couple but they respect each other a lot to not meddle with each other's love life.
Vil: Imagine; Malleus with Sebek. But now its Jenny and Vil. If anyone disrespects her housewarden, they will get thrown. Epel is impressed by this but Vil just taught her how to hurt people with words and how to make it sting. Jenny doesn't really hurt people without a good cause. But she heavily admires Vil due to the fact that he seriously reminds her of Asmodeus.
Azul: This is her boss. Was love interest #3 but after working for him constantly as either a waitress with the Tweels on the weekday and Singing for Monstro Lounge on the Weekend, that dwindled down fast. They both seriously respect each other and Azul has made the comment of making a deal about her voice once or twice in which she has denied more than plenty.
Ace and Deuce: These two are her best friends and Ride or Die's. Especially Deuce. She makes sure that they are all caught up and studied on homework before they can go ask Azul for tutoring papers all over again. Rewards them with baked goods that were helped made by Trey just to make sure that they keep their grades above a C-. C's get degrees!
Grim: She doesn't really interact with Grim all that much even though she is Housewarden of Ramshackle, but is an honorary member of Pomefiore. Its all because she is severely allergic to cats. But if you mess with her baby? You are so fried. Prepare to meet the actual full power of Wrath.
Crowley: Does not like him. She has thrown a chair at him. They do not interact unless absolutely necessary and she is finding her own way back home.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
The Morally Grey Ch 5: Make Me Feel ~Peggy Carter xFem Scientist!Reader
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Peggy and Reader go out on a proper date, to dinner. And then you drive her home… What on earth could happen…?
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, teasing, kissing, mommy kink, drinking, etc.
Enjoy (:
This was the first time you’d been on an actual date date in a long time… You’d gotten all dressed up and everything— dress, heels, makeup, and all.
You took a deep breath and entered the restaurant. You spotted Peggy after we second. She had beaten you there, and your jaw dropped once you saw her. She looked stunning…
You walked up to the reserved table for the two of you, and you sat down across from the brunette.
“I… you look… stunning…” you stammered, your face getting hotter by the second.
Peggy blushed and smiled at your words.
“Thank you, love… You look so beautiful.” The woman sighed in delight.
Now it was your turn to blush even harder.
“So, how did you grow up?” You asked, trying to pivot and make some light conversation.
“England.” Peggy hummed, “One brother, and we had our bouts of fun. Always being told to reign it in…” she chuckled lightly.
You chuckled lightly along with her.
“I know the line… ‘That is no way for a young lady to be behaving!’” You mocked the adults in your childhood, giggling at your own raised voice.
“Goodness, Yesss!” Peggy hissed with laughter, “That tone is spot on!!”
You both laughed each other out, until the waiter came to take your drink orders. After which, you continued your conversation.
“What about your childhood…?” The brunette asked.
“Hmmmm… I was the weird, outcast just growing up, interested in science and pants…” you hummed with a light chuckle.
Peggy hummed and nodded along with a smile.
“Ever been in love?” You threw it out there.
“Yes…” the woman sighed, “Twice. Both died.”
“Oh my…” you gasped lightly, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, Love. They’re both in past chapters of my life” Peggy reassured you.
You two continued to talk about last relationships. She informed you of her situationship with Sousa, whom you had met. You talked about some of your past partners, especially the ones with funny stories. And you both talked about discovering your sexualities, when, where, who, how, etc. Then your conversation turned to work.
“Ok, so how did you end up at the SSR…?” You asked curiously.
“Ahhh Well… I was a code breaker at one point, loved the work, but hated being undermined constantly. Then my brother got me a job offer at the SOE; a job that led me into working in the SSR during the war with Dr. Erskine. And I just stuck around after, thinking it would be the same… it wasn’t…” she chuckled lightly at her ignorance and arrogance back then,
“But I stayed. And I make it better day by day. And in the end, I love my work.” She resolved with a sigh.
“That’s nice.” You sighed, empathizing with her love of her work, but frustration in colleagues.
“What about you? How did you end up an extremely well funded scientist/inventor…?” Peggy posed you the same question, as your wines arrived.
You paused to order your meals, before you continued.
“Well, I was always interested in the sciences since I was a young girl. My parents came from old money but my mother died at childbirth and my dad when I was early-young woman, so I got all their assets early on. Determined, I started my career as a scientist and researcher. People always have something to say, but I learned to ignore them, and that’s how I’ve gotten where I am today…” you told your story.
“So you have mommy issues…?” Peggy hummed, while you were taking a sip of your red wine.
You nearly chocked at her words, your whole face going best red. The brunette took a sip of her wine.
“I’m just joking, Darling…” She reassured you, when she realized that she had completely paralyzed you.
Her words thawed you back into reality.
“Oh um sorry… Y-yes, I have what one might call mommy issues…” you stammered.
Peggy’s eyes widened at you actually answering her theoretical question. Her mouth dropped slightly in shock. But she quickly came back to her regular self.
“Well, I’ll be sure to remember that…” the woman teased, winking while she spoke.
Your breath caught in your throat. You thought you couldn’t get any more red in the face. You were wrong.
Overall, the dinner went really well. You talked about it all it seemed, about past relationships, your jobs, your childhoods, and much more. You found your heart get all warm every time you made the woman laugh. And that she blushed every time you complimented her. You two bounced off of each other extremely well all night long.
You two are your meals and drank your wine, truly enjoying each others company. You prolonged your night having dessert and then another glass of red wine… Neither of you wanted the night to end.
But alas, the restaurant had to close… You both sighed in contentment as well as longing. You collects your things and walked out with the brunette. She was about to hail a cab, but you insisted that you give her ride home, as it would be safer.
“I insist, Peggy please.” You told the brunette, squeezing her arm lightly to show her you were being serious.
“Oh alright, but you really are too kind, Darling…” Peggy finally relented with a smile and a blush.
“It’s just down the block” you mused aloud, indicating to where the car was parked.
“Lead the way then” the brunette hummed, linking her arm to yours.
You nodded and led Peggy down the street and to your car. You two got in the back and your driver started the drive to Peggy’s apartment. The drive was pleasant and mostly silent for most of the drive. That was until your eyes met the brunette’s once more, and before you knew it, your lips were on hers, and her lips were on yours. The kiss was a bit more heated and passionate than last time, most likely on account of the alcohol.
But before you could take it anywhere else, the car had reached Peggy’s apartment. And that left the two of you in a bit of an awkward silence. Eventually, you broke it.
“Thank you… For tonight, it was lovely…” you spoke softly with a smile.
“I had a marvelous time…” Peggy agreed, smiling back, but something on her lips was unsaid.
You looked at her in light puzzlement.
What was she—?
“Come home with me”
Your whole throat, mouth, and lips ran dry in that moment. Your eyes went wide and you were almost speechless. Peggy now understood you better, and knew that this was you processing her words, so she let you have your time. After a minute or so, you finally managed to string a coherent through together.
“We’re both intoxicated…” you whispered nervously.
Peggy pursed her lips and nodded.
“I understand. Perhaps another time…?” She gently asked.
“Yes, I’d very much like that…” you said with hope filling your eyes now.
The same hope came across Peggy as you spoke.
“Alright. I look forward to it, Darling.” She breathlessly confessed, before kissing you one last time and then leaving the car.
Peggy Carter Masterlist
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flamingo-writes · 9 months
Hello Flamingo!!! how are you? I hope ok.
This is an idea that came to my head a few weeks ago, if you'd like to write it, it's up to you! I hope you like it💕
Reader who was generating a great addiction to the medications that were prescribed for his anxiety and depression, adding other types of addictions such as cigarettes or alcohol, meets Hobie/Spider-Punk and helps they with this problem, empathizing with their situation, Hobie would visit Reader from time to time to ask how things are going or develop some kind of relationship with they.
I think it's an essence of Hobie that you don't often see and I think it's something he would do quite often.
I am finally replying to this! Jesus, I am so SORRY for the delay!
I absolutely loved this request! And I learned so much about addictions during my research. And got google constantly concerned offering me hotlines every google search.
Flirting With An Addiction — Hobie x GN!Reader
Title based of the song Particles by Nothing But Thieves. Love this band, love this song, helped me set the mood for the angsty parts. Especially any live or acoustic version 😭
A/N: i have to clear some stuff first, because some of you are too quick to feel victimised. I do not specify colour nor gender of the reader. I do mention the reader looks pale at some point. Now, because it happened to me once, that someone tried to get sassy with me because dark skin can’t get pale, yes, yes it can. If you have a heartbeat you can get pale, period. Pale is not only a synonym for white, paleness is a medical term used to describe the loss of normal colour in skin or membranes. Pale is a way to describe someone who presents paleness. If you have dark skin, you can still get pale when you’re sick.
Warnings: drug consumption, needles, depictions of several withdrawals symptoms like stomach issues (emetophobia), depression, anxiety,
Word count: 2.7K
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Hearing from your parents first hand that you had gone missing was the worst that could have happened to Hobie Brown. You were his favourite person, his best friend, his go to confidant, his partner in crime. And hearing you had gone missing felt like the ground on his feet started crumpling down. His lungs ran out of breath as he mouthed:
And your mother explained, drowning in her own tears. And even as she did, he couldn’t understand what was coming out of her mouth, as a horrendous buzz was drilling his brain. He simply heard: "drugs" "weed" "ecstasy" "used needle" "gone". His stomach turned, making him feel nauseous as he couldn’t find anything to say to your parents other than:
"I’m so sorry" he said. "I could’ve helped them" he said. "I wasn’t there for them," he said. And with that, he was gone. Somewhere along the line, he put his mask back on and took off.
Pav and Gwen were there with him when it happened. What started as an innocent hangout at his place, turned into a search party. When Hobie thought of inviting you over as well and realising you weren’t picking up the phone in your house, he decided to look for you. You weren’t at your place, you weren’t at his, your coworkers said you hadn’t showed up for work in three days, and that’s when he went to your mother.
"They’ve been gone for the last five days…" were the last things he heard before that painful buzz started echoing in his head.
He took off. And he’d never swung so fast in his entire life. Pav and Gwen didn’t even have the chance to exchange glances when both of them were running after him. "Running". Between not being familiarised with Old York’s building distribution, nor being familiarised with the streets, they had absolutely no clue where Hobie was heading. They simply guessed Hobie knew where you were.
Boy, we’re they wrong.
Hobie had not the faintest clue where you were. He had a notion of where you could be. But with every fibre in his body he wished he was wrong. "Used needle" was perhaps his best clue, and possibly the one that terrified him the most.
He had a pretty decent notion of where the most famous crack houses were. He’d grown in the streets, of course he knew. More than once he’d been in them, not to make business, but because he was looking for something or someone, or doing Spider-Man duties. And truth was, the very last person he thought he’d ever go looking into a crack house was you.
As he arrived to the first one and kicked the door open, the few junkies there flinched, expecting to see a copper. But instead they saw Spider-Man. He looked around. Pushers, burnouts, and crunched junkies passed out on the floor. Some, Hobie wasn’t even sure they were still alive. He walked around looking for you.
Pav and Gwen caught up with him, and soon realised what was going on. Hobie did not know where you were, he was looking for you. Gwen didn’t have much experience with the darker side of her New York, she was creeped out. Pav, on the other hand, was the youngest of the gang. And he’d been Spider-Man for so little, he hadn’t had the misfortune to end up in the lower parts of Mumbattan. Pav was terrified.
"Hobie?” Gwen asked as he quickly walked out of the flat.
"Not ‘ere" He mumbled, more to himself and took off again.
It went on like that for the next few hours. Crack house after crack house. Desperately looking for you, whether you were baked out of your mind, or simply OD. But the fact that with every place he went to, his chances of finding you grew narrower and narrower, he didn’t know what he preferred. To find you dead on the floor of one of those nasty places, or not finding you at all. With each location, Hobie’s anxiety grew, his movements became clumsier, rougher, even more aggressive.
"Hobie, wait—" Pav yelled after the fifth crack house.
But Hobie didn’t stop. He listened, but his mind was rushing with adrenaline, hyper focusing on his task at hand: finding you.
The guilt accumulated in his chest, weighting more and more with every passing minute. Why was he even feeling guilty for? It’s not like he’d given you the drugs, and forced a needle up your arm. But he knew you had problems with loneliness, he knew about your consuming anxiety and your seasonal depression. He knew you had a strange relationship with your medication. He knew you were picking up a liking for recreational drugs. Harmless stuff like weed and shrooms. Acid at most. He should’ve imagined you’d eventually try to stray into the drugs you swore never to mess with. Ice, dust, junk…He should’ve guessed something like this was going to happen. But he was busy. He was busy being Spider-Man, he was busy jumping between universes. He was busy helping others, but not helping you. Not when he knew you had it rough. That guilt consumed him. He was busy helping everyone else, but you. He was busy helping people from another universe, but not that one person who he considered his family, his world. And boy, that guilt was drowning him.
Was it good luck or bad luck when he found you? He couldn’t tell. He felt his blood turn cold the moment he saw you.
Despite the pale look on your face, and the dark circles under your eyes, but you looked so peaceful. Lying on a dirty mattress, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, relaxed face. You looked so beautiful in the most disturbing way. Thinner than what Hobie remembered. And so terrifyingly still. Were you alive and lost in some euphoric dream? Or were you dead? It was hard to tell. You didn’t seem to be breathing.
Hobie rushed to your side, and he quickly checked your pulse. He called your name, almost in a desperate cry as his eyes quickly teared up behind his mask with the most suffocating feeling of powerlessness and incompetence that he’d ever felt washed over him. You groaned in response, unable to form coherent words and simply stuck to noises, your mind was far too dissolved, drowned in heroine, trapping you in a haze.
He checked your pulse. He checked your breathing. Your eyes of course were almost completely black due to the high. And you had a couple of marks on your arms from needles. Hobie didn’t even dare to count them, the less he knew about your newfound addiction the better for him, or so he thought. He looked around and next to the mattress there were various classic heroine use paraphernalia, making Hobie’s throat close.
"No, no, no, no baby…" Hobie whispered as he stared at you as you lied there, relaxed and heavy in his arms. He pulled his mask off to better look at you. For you to look at him if you were there by any chance. "Not heroine, why heroine…" He whispered as he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. "You knew heroine wasn’t to be messed with, one time is fine, two makes you an addict, sweet’eart…" He purred with his lips pressed against your skin.
"Hobie…" Gwen said gently touching his shoulder.
"We have to go," Hobie said at once as he carried you.
Once in his boathouse, Hobie gently set you down on his bed as he sat on the edge and stared at you attentively. His eyes looking miserable, as he caressed your cheek delicately.
"Hobie?” Pav said, slowly walking inside his room. "We’re very sorry…"
"I am too…" He murmured in response.
"Can we help?” Gwen asked softly.
Hobie was ready to tell them to leave him alone for a while, when he actually thought of something.
He then gave them a short shopping list with food and over the counter painkillers and some medication for stomach issues. It seemed very random to them, but in that moment Hobie thought he’d keep you in his boat and help you through your detox. At least as long as he could. A week or two, to start, and from then, he’d improvise along the way.
His impulsive and spontaneous thought of keeping you there over the period of detox didn’t really prepare him for the absolute torture it turned out to be.
To him, it was terribly, awfully, agonisingly painful. Watching you suffer like that. The way you whined and curled up on his bed, crying in silence from the pain, dealing with the tummy issues. The nausea, the not being able to leave the bathroom, looking weak, constantly upset, the shivering, and awful ups and downs in your anxiety and your mood.
Everything hurt, your head, your limbs, every muscle in your body, your stomach, even organs you couldn’t exactly pin point where they were, now you could because of the sharp pain. Even the smell of food made you excruciatingly nauseous, and puke green bile across the room, even feeling nausea was painful. It was hell. You were dying, you were sure your entire body was shutting down and you were going to die in this aching hell. Too anxious to sleep, to weak to move, too nauseous to do as much as roll over on the bed, too shaky to even be able to hold things in your hands. Sometimes you didn’t even feel your limbs at all for hours.
He could only imagine how it was like for you. How it was going inside your head. But sitting and watching was awful for him. He wanted to help, and from an objective point of view he knew he was helping, but he didn’t want you to hurt. He wished time and time again that he was able to take that pain away from you. The first three days were the peak of your suffering. And there was nothing Hobie could do other than keep an eye on you and get you what you needed.
When the physical symptoms started to subside, when you were able to keep food in your stomach, and when you stopped complaining about everything hurting, the psychological symptoms began. The consuming guilt and anxiety, the fear of showing up at work or at your parents’ house, the fear of the disappointment. Pitying yourself, pulling yourself down into that depressive hole you’d been digging.
Crying every night before going to bed became a recurrent event. You crying your heart out as Hobie held you tightly in his arms, comforted you until you’d fall asleep. You cried several times a day, but the one before bed was always the worst.
And soon, it became a recurrent event. Hobie keeping you all in one piece, as you cried and your heart broke all over again. His long yet strong and warm arms managed to hold you together every single night. Soon, sleeping together became a habit. And more than a habit, soon, Hobie’s company became a better painkiller than the pills you took. His scent managed to soothe the nausea which was thankfully decreasing with every day. His warmth seemed to help you control the shivers and the goosebumps. His voice quieted down the mean anxious thoughts in your brain. His company drifted you to sleep for several hours without waking up with tachycardia and short breath.
Falling asleep in his arms became just the right medication, although the long term effects were still there. But they were much bearable. The mornings were the best time of the day. First thing in the morning, drowned in the aftermath of that sleepy haze, you’d always find yourself staring at Hobie.
He didn't like mornings, he wasn’t a morning person. But something about seeing him sleep, his face relaxed, thick lips slightly parted, and the dim sunlight hitting his face, making him look absolutely gorgeous. Had he always been this attractive? Easy, yes; he had always been an attractive lad. But had you always felt that feeling in your heart? That was new. And you were sure it was not the usual tachycardia you’d get from the drugs, but something Hobie did unconsciously.
"You know it’s real creepy that you stare at people while they sleep…” He whispered softly as he woke up slowly, opening his eyes slowly and seeing you staring at him with a subtle and sweet smile on your lips.
"Shut up" You chuckled.
"How are you feeling?" His voice was low and raspy, still creeping with sleep.
"Better…although that might change in a couple of hours" You sighed, already getting mentally ready for the awful up and downs in your mood and anxiety.
"I’m sorry"
"That my life now, I guess"
"It’ll get better…it’s been getting better hasn’t it?" He immediately added as he looked at you, slightly more awake, taking in the details of your face, as you were snuggled next to him, most of your body touching his, sharing the same comforting heat.
"Yeah I think so" You purred.
"Hey, I’ve got you, okay? Not letting you fall again into that dark place"He whispered, leaning forward, bumping his forehead against yours, as one of his hands caressed you cheek, making your heart skip a beat.
"Thank you" You closed you eyes, as you savoured this sweet intimate moment with Hobie.
"Don’t mention it, luv"
"But I mean it…" You whispered. "You’ve been basically the entire time here…keeping an eye on me…ignoring your Spider-Man duties…I’ve heard you argue with that Miguel guy over your watch…"
"He can fuck off," He said with a cheerful whisper and a chuckle "he’s got another hundreds of spider-people at his service, he doesn’t miss me, he just likes to be patronising…"
"I still appreciate it very much…" Your eyes opened slowly with your statement as you stared into his eyes, and he seemed to immediately get lost in yours.
"No problem…I’d do anything for you…"
You both stared into each other’s eyes. And something about his eyes was slightly different. The eyes you grew up looking at, those eyes you knew how to read perfectly, almost being able to read his thoughts, now had something slightly different about them. Something that made your heart race and your cheeks grow hot. Something Hobie saw reflected in your own.
And you both read each other’s minds. And you both leaned forward without having to be told. Closing your eyes, you felt your breath leave your lungs when you felt his warm lips against yours.
Hobie wasn’t by any means a slow tender guy, he was the passionate dude who knew how to use his tongue. Not this time. This time he felt the world stop, time stop, and all there was, was you. And he wanted to savour it. He kissed you slower than he was used to. The kiss was gentler than what he was used to. He was used to kissing strangers, perhaps someone he shared chemistry with, but never really someone he cared for as much as you. This felt far more special, far more unique. This felt like something he could get addicted to, and something he wanted to relive often.
As he broke the kiss slowly, catching his breath, he opened his eyes and stared at you as you remained with your eyes closed, still processing what you’d felt. He smiled and bumped his forehead against yours.
"I promise you, you’ll be alright, okay? I’ll make sure you’re safe and sound…even if it kills me" He reassured you.
"Please don’t say that," You murmured.
"What?" He chuckled.
"Anything that’s in some way related to you dying," Hobie chuckled, thinking your concerns were very cute, although very understandable as well.
"Fine…" He replied "I’ll make sure you’re safe and sound even if…it’s a near death experience…better?"
“No, not really…" You chuckled, "but I appreciate the effort
"Hey, you mean so much to me, you know that?"
"You mean mean so much to me too…"
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
can my poly heart get poly hcs for the ol boys? 🥺 like if one mc dated all three boys... hcs for that.
Oops, I did too much lol, but I hope you like it!
-- Ok so there are a couple of different ways this could get started, I think the most likely would be that you live with Cove in Step 4 to start. If you and Cove are dating, then you have Derek's epilogue, he moves in with you and Cove and it goes from there. Alternately, you and Cove are living together as friends, Derek confesses his love and moves in as your boyfriend, then Cove comes on in. So I think either of those, and it would be easy because Cove and Derek are already best buds and know each other really well.
Derek when he met Cove when they were 13: Oh man this boy is cute, am I in trouble or what?
Derek when Cove introduced him to MC a little while later: Double trouble.
-- Then I feel like, and I don't think this is exactly what you asked for but I want to work it out lol, MC dated Baxter in Step 3 and had a lot of feelings for him. Then he left, heart broken and so on, but then MC met him again for Jude and Scott's wedding, which would have been like a month or two after things with Derek and Cove started.
-- So maybe you're constantly calling Derek and Cove during Baxter's epilogue, like "This man is the devil but also nnnnngh still very attractive," and they're like "Aww baby, we'll be there soon." Cove is invited to the wedding, Derek didn't know Miranda and Jude like that so he can be Cove's plus one. So that's where they meet up with Baxter again.
-- And MAYBE Cove was outwardly disapproving of Baxter during Step 3 because he was so forward, but maybe he secretly liked him BECAUSE he was so forward. Cove gets so worked up over things that Baxter just breezes over like it's nothing, and that's really cool, you know?
-- I do realize this has gone off the rails, but please stick with me and we'll do the thing in just a minute.
-- Ok, so Derek hadn't met Baxter yet, or if he did it was in passing when you dated him, and he doesn't like that he hurt you, but after meeting him, like he gets it. I think Baxter's whole thing is something people would either fall for hard, like "let me fix you, pretty weirdo," or just totally dislike. But Derek gets it!
-- We'll fast forward this part, but basically Baxter has his heart to heart with you, learns about you being poly, and Cove and Derek are like "feel free to explore this." And so you do, and Baxter starts coming around, and it doesn't take much convincing from your other boys that he's a good egg. And so here we are.
-- I think you have an apartment at first before moving into a house later so you have room for activities. Either way, Baxter is decorating. You can help or he can do it himself, either is fine with him. Cove and Derek can sit back and let it happen.
-- If you're near the beach, Cove is going to track in sand and not care about it -- if you're not, he's still going to be a slob. But not on Derek's watch!
-- Speaking of things being on Derek's watch, the weekly trip to the grocery store is something everyone looks forward to. You have to schedule it so that all four of you can go together. If one person gets out, that's going to be a big bummer.
-- Cove is finally the one who gets Baxter to swim in the ocean. It's a touching moment.
-- Derek and Baxter are both emotional messes because they're actually happy? In a relationship?! Never thought it could happen for them.
-- There are a few things I've talked about in other posts but they fit in well here so sorry if you've heard it lol but Baxter just thinks Derek is an angel. Derek will open the car door for him, pull out his chair, that kind of thing -- he does it for all of you, he's just that kind of guy -- but Baxter has never experienced this before and he loves it so much.
-- Derek has also never experienced the kind of super direct flirting that Baxter does, so he gets flustered with him too.
-- You and Cove high five every time you catch Baxter and Derek having A Moment.
-- Derek is going to be the mother hen -- did you eat enough? Have you been drinking plenty of water? Put on sunscreen before you leave the house.
-- You all get to take turns naming Cove's fish, but Baxter better not take advantage of the opportunity.
-- Liz's jokes are going to be absolutely relentless. Cove might end up crying.
-- But your parents are all happy! Because if you are happy, they are happy. Except Baxter's parents, but nobody cares about them.
-- Besides, Baxter has six new parents anyway, so who needs the old awful ones?
-- Kyra has FOUR BABIES now! Love that for her.
-- Derek keeps a planner with everyone's schedules.
-- Ugh, Baxter taking Cove and Derek shopping for suits (and you too if you want a suit!) because every man should have a proper suit. He picks out colors for them, finds good ties. Gives them so many compliments they're both just blushing their faces off.
-- I think Cove is always going to be extra clingy with you because he's been working on that since he was 8, but eventually he'll get more attached like that to the other guys. And it's going to be so sweet whenever someone (probably Liz) catches it.
-- You have to have at the very least one annual Derek's Day. Take him to the boardwalk and fight over who gets to sit next to him on the rollercoaster, he will feel so special.
-- You always get the Ferris wheel though, that's your thing <3
-- Sometimes Baxter just lays across one/two/all three of you like a cat. Just scratch his back or something and he'll get off eventually.
-- Derek can dance too. Not as well as Baxter, but he can certainly hold his own with a formal dance. Cove cannot, but it's sweet to watch him try. Three new dance partners for Baxter, hooray!
-- You all go to your moms' house for dinner or something one night and Cove notices the fireflies outside. He looks at you, like "should we?" and if you want, then you can all catch fireflies together :)
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horrorknife · 2 months
handing you the microphone. tell me more about hoffheight.
oh Man. you dont even know what u have done........
ok so um . i think that there are a myriad of interesting ways for them to Meet each other but i think their relationship for the most part stays consistent. i've done a lot of thinking and Rp Writing for this because i am . Insane LOL
at first i just thought they'd have interesting interactions but the more i thought about it the more i realized that they are both a) the Most prey animal of the jigsquad (i count adam by proxy because. he has to be in order for my nefarious deeds to work. but that's a whole other topic i can't get into here lol) and b) the same type of defensive and angry person who is really just terrified at the world around them.
adam's strongest (onscreen) bond is lawrence (altho i am tempted 2 say he is the deepest bond he has. genuinely. lol cant get into that here either tho) and mark's is angelina. both of them are forcefully ripped away from them, and both of them deal w it by turning to Anger. (no one lets adam be fucking mad enough. well enough i say. im here to fix the softboy fandomification of this guy.) i think they could find a good common ground after getting to know each other.
at first i think adam really enjoys trying to poke at hoffman to get reactions, and hoffman is so annoyed but also intrigued because he does Not get this guy. so they treat each other like culture samples in petri dishes for a while. at first its just like smoke breaks or adam (who is actually p adept at engineering after learning some of it) helping mark fix things on his prototypes. they just chat idly or enjoy the silence, and both of them are constantly internally like This Is So Weird But I Actually Kind Of Like Being Around You
i like to think their relationship isn't really romantic but it's not platonic either. if they were NORMAL people it would be a qpr but they're fucking crazy people so it's just a weird situationship. they love and care for each other a LOT a lot a lot. i like to think adam is hoffman's little pet cat and he's always giving him pepper spray and new knives and shit for self defense bc he's incredibly protective of him. i don't think he'd like the idea of lawrence coming around and interacting w adam again because he had to see adam struggle and help him recover from the emotional damage lawrence did to him.
i also think that while adam does round hoffman's sharp edges out just a little, it's much more interesting to explore how mark's influence makes adam More violent (bc hes already predisposed to violence and i think mark could absolutely capitalize on that)
i could say so much more about them adkjfngjkfn but ummmm. to tie this post off have this hoffheight hoffman doodle i did for a warmup last night
edit: oh and i should really mention that they are constantly up and down w each other, those 2 men have such short tempers that they would absolutely fight and argue and yell at each other. theyre explicitly toxic for each other as all saw ships should be. this is necessary.
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loonybun · 28 days
ok screw it oc introduction be upon ye
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hi guys this is Rosé!!! I do have an in depth thing regarding his relationship with Adonis (another character of mine) and his whole transformation on my other blog so if you’d like to read that in more detail it’s right here.
CONTAINS: Cults/religion/sacrilege (evangelical nature), religious trauma and guilt, shunning, old timey homophobia and religion-based intersexphobia, historic stuff and some fun facts about the 1920’s, verbal abuse, manipulation, coercion, power dynamic (god and mortal), a really shitty partner and a shitter relationship, body horror, chronic illness, attempted suicide (multiple times multiple methods including overdose), rot and decay of the body, and love potions but for all the wrong reasons.
Rosé, formerly known as Roe Labat, was born in 1898 and raised in an evangelical cult. Ironically enough this has actually nothing to do with the wings and whatnot. That’ll come later. Being both intersex and albino, he was never truly accepted by the people around him. Some were kinder than others, sure, but it was all out of pity. In their eyes, he was already damned to an eternity in hell for the simple sin of existing.
He was a very docile and quiet child, rarely ever stepping out of line regardless of circumstances. He lived inside of the church, as his parents didn’t want responsibility of him. From an early age Roe understood that he was not something worthy of love, as even God had forsaken him. He was cared for out of obligation rather than actual genuine love, having religion almost constantly drilled into him.
When he was 18 (1916), he ran away from the cult’s village. He figured that he’d never make anything out of himself within it, and never be able to prove himself. Roe was also sick of being a burden. He had never been able to make friends due to the constant ostracism, and even though the people he was around changed to be a lot more open-minded, this remained a constant throughout his life. He started living in New Orleans and often frequented various parades and bars. Also he learned that he was queer and that messed him up for a bit. Despite being forsaken, he still tried his best to be a good follower given his circumstances, but the more he learned about the world around him, the looser his faith became.
Roe took an eventual interest in the “pansy performers” (drag queens in the 1920’s), though felt a lot of guilt and shame regarding considering the concept as a career. The more he thought about it though, he realized he didn’t have much else to lose.
He was a natural performer, able to say and do just the right things in just the right ways to provoke a positive reaction from the audience. Considering the more niche community at the time, he never really drew in big crowds, but what he had was enough for him to live off of in a nice 3 room apartment. He was able to afford relatively nice clothes for his performances when they weren’t provided, and quickly became skilled at makeup and wig styling. He also began dying his hair (yes hair dye was a thing in the 1920’s) and using mascara and heavier makeup in order to conceal his albinism, just because it drew some unwanted attention here and there. While he rarely encountered any trouble with the law, he had a few close calls given what he was doing was pretty illegal at the time. homophobia am i right…
Around when he was 24-25, he met “Don”, who claimed to be a cab driver, yet was almost always dressed to the nines in stylish and at times anachronistic clothing. They hit it off very quickly, relating over the strange feeling of being isolated from their peers. They started going out together soon after. It was Roe’s first real relationship, especially with another man, so to say he was a bit nervous would be putting it lightly. Regardless, Don was always very kind to him and patient with him. He was a bit suspicious of Don though since he was always very dodgy about his home life and really any personal details, however he just assumed they came from similar situations. Roe did theorize where his money was coming from and thought him to either be a bootlegger or a member of the mafia, though he never brought it up because in full honesty he didn’t care too much. He was already head over heels and a little illegal activity wouldn’t stop that.
The last thing he was expecting was Don— or rather, Adonis, to claim he was actually a god. And really really wasn’t supposed to be talking with Roe but just couldn’t help himself. Roe was shocked to say the least, and a little incredulous, but Adonis was very quickly able to prove he was telling the truth. Roe, despite having his entire worldview and years of his life shattered by this one man, decided to try and make things work between them. And it did, for a while. The gaps in Adonis’s visits made more sense now, since he couldn’t be away for too long without the other gods getting suspicious. And it was nice to not have secrets. Roe was able to open up to him about his childhood as well, and Adonis provided sympathy for him.
But good things can’t last forever. As time passed, their relationship grew progressively worse. Adonis got upset over increasingly small things, and while Roe understood his perspective and tried to accommodate him, it didn’t mean he was exactly pleased about it. Adonis began to grow concerned over the prospect of something happening to Roe. After all, he was mortal. Frail. Weak.
His solution to this? Well, get rid of the mortality. Roe wasn’t exactly on board with the idea, considering he quite enjoyed being able to perform and live in the city, and accepting Adonis’s offer would make that nearly impossible. Adonis was persistent though, bringing up the idea at any time despite how many times Roe tried to gently shoot it down. Roe eventually grew tired of this cycle and hesitantly accepted. Adonis claimed that this would make things easier— They could see each other more often, they wouldn’t have to hide, the chances of his whole relationship with a mortal being found out by the one person who could end his existence from breaking the rules moved close to 0, no real drawbacks! for him.
this is where the stuff in the post i mentioned earlier comes in. if you’ve already read it, yeah it gets bad. if you haven’t, here’s the brief explanation.
given the fact that mortal bodies aren’t exactly capable of handling literal godly essence, Roe’s body began to decay and break down. At first, it mimicked some sort of disease. His skin became dry and flaky, and his body felt oddly hot and uncomfortable. Painful sensations overtook his body and became almost constant. By the time things started melting and his organs began to fail, he already knew it was too late to reverse any of this. Any hope of continuing his career or life normally vanished completely. Adonis, however, was very happy about this new development! It had worked! yippee! so so much fun. Of course, he obviously remained as sympathetic towards Roe as possible, regardless of any underlying excitement.
Roe became agitated and frustrated because of the amount of pain he was in and how much he had lost. He wasn’t able to leave the house anymore. He began to snap and lash out at Adonis, picking a fight or making a snide remark whenever possible. Adonis hadn’t exactly seen this coming, but he still kept trying to de-escalate things, often in the form of telling Roe that he was acting unreasonable or hysterical (smart move!). Despite all of this, they stayed in their relationship. Roe was too terrified to be alone, knowing that whatever was happening to him would completely destroy any semblance of respect people had for him, and Don because he wanted to see it through.
Their fights got worse until Adonis finally snapped back, calling Roe an “ungrateful cunt” for not appreciating the love and support he’d oh so generously provided. He made it clear to Roe that nobody would recognize him as human anymore. Nobody would love or care about him. He’d be a freak to anyone other than him, so he’d better stop complaining or he’d lose him too.
This got through to Roe, and he stopped shouting. In fact, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. It hurt too much to speak, to move, to breathe. Every step was agony. His body had contorted beyond recognition. Was it even worth it to continue like this? Would this be what the rest of his existence was like? Did he really want to live if it meant being in constant, unbearable agony?
Even if the answer was no, he hardly had much of a choice. He tried more humane methods at first. Overdose, drowning in the bathtub, smashing his head against the wall— Nothing worked. He was still alive. He was still alive. Why was he still alive? Was he alive? Was this what it meant to live?
He got more desperate. Stabbing at his stomach, burning his flesh, only it would only leave little splotchy marks that quickly faded. Or so he thought.
The area around the wound he’d made on his stomach began to rot, eating away at any organs or skin or muscle in its path. Eventually, his entire torso from the bottom of his spine to the top of his pelvis was gone save for his spine and a few bits of spare viscera.
When Adonis returned, he wasn’t happy to see what Roe had tried to do. He became incredibly upset with him for trying to leave the relationship in the only way he possibly could. Still, as long as Roe promised to stop, he’d forgive him. Roe obliged.
The fact that Roe wouldn’t talk to him became a source of frustration for Adonis. It felt intentional, spiteful. And it hurt. Every single question was met with a dulled response, as if he barely heard him. As if he hardly cared. It became a bit like spending time with a rock when he stopped responding all together. No matter what Adonis tried, he couldn’t seem to get Roe to react. It was at that point he realized that both physically and mentally, the person he’d fallen for was gone. Far, far deep down, he knew it was his fault. But still, there was hardly any point in staying. Roe would probably rot there forever, and what good would it do to watch over that?
And so he left. Roe realized that it was permanent maybe only a week or so later. Initially, he blamed himself. If he had put in a little more effort, he could have tried to respond, but the pain was too much to bear… The pain— The pain that had begun to fade now. Maybe a month after Adonis left, Roe began to regain his mobility, his strength, and while he was still in pain, it was no longer unbearable. It seemed more like a dull nagging now. The fog that the loneliness and agony had inflicted upon him began to lift as well, and all of that guilt quickly shifted and simmered into pure hatred.
Hatred that the new immortal would begin to inflict upon the world and the ones surrounding it. That would continue to build for years with only the set goal of revenge against the man that had wronged him. And while it cooled over time into a tepid resentment, it never truly faded. He was able to continue with life, though hardly on the same plane, confining himself to a dimension that only certain desperate souls could access. Souls desperate to save their relationships, souls desperate to have their so-called beloveds fall for them, wretched, vile souls. And he’d help them regardless. After all, what’s a worse offense to a love god than bastardizing the craft? Who cares if a few… Hundred lives get ruined? It’s fun to watch. It’s not his turn to suffer anymore. And he won’t be made a victim again.
ANYWAYS more extra info i DONT think i put on the other post but dont rlly wanna check:
Adonis is the god of Lust, Beauty, and Vanity
Roe took on his stage name Rosé after his transformation to distance himself from his past
Rosé has been collecting magic. For what purpose? Let’s not worry about that.
Rosé has the abilities to siphon magic and the life force from people. He doesn’t do this often unless something catches his eye that he wants to harness. It does mean he’s incredibly powerful though.
Rosé’s main abilities he gained directly from Adonis’s essence or whatever include being able to alter the emotions of others (he can force people to think certain ways and even do certain things), pocket dimension stuff, and object conjuring.
Rosé has a lot of side hobbies but his favorite is cooking. He really likes savory dishes, but he also likes sweet things.
Rosé is able to travel between different dimensions and such, and only exists as a “god” in (this) one.
Rosé has built up a reputation among a lot of magical creatures. None of them are quite sure what he is or how he seems to defy certain laws of existence but most see him as a relatively trustworthy supplier for love potions.
Every so often Rosé gets bored and chooses to single people out to mess with. Maybe he should stop doing that.
Rosé is VERY prone to breakdowns, and while he’s mostly able to stay professional, if someone’s around him for a prolonged period of time and something causes him to spiral he regresses into an incredibly different and much more desperate person.
Rosé (name aside) considers himself a liquor connoisseur (RED FLA) and does collect rare alcohols. he does have a tendency to drink heavily but considering his body can’t really process food or drinks it sort of just magically disappears. he is a talkative and very mopey drunk though. like will start full on venting about his life story.
He’s friends with Aisling!!! Friends is a very strong word!!!! Maybe the wrong word!!! But they they hang out sometimes and Aisling seems to enjoy his company a lot even if he can’t really understand why he keeps coming back if not out of fear or trying to use him so he keeps his distance. Aisling is honestly just worried about him and has sort of been able to slowly break down that Rosé maybe isn’t as absolutely terrifying as he first thought and is indeed just very. very lonely and maybe even a bit pathetic
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omegalomania · 2 years
no ok like. like i have to break this down i am actually losing my mind. whenever i visited my grandparents on my dads side as a kid theyd put on field of dreams like, constantly. it would just be running in the background, sometimes multiple times per day. the background radiation of that movie is just kinda in my dna and it awoke something in me today.
field of dreams is about faith. it's a guy who had a strained relationship with his late father because they were both BIG baseball buffs, but the main character's personal hero was shoeless joe jackson, a chicago white sox player who was mostly known for his participation in the black sox scandal despite being an incredibly gifted batter. mc and his father disagreed heavily about jackson, with his father calling him a criminal but the main character idolizing him as a hero.
a little while after his father passes away, main character gets these voices telling him if you build it, he will come. he decides to mow down a huge chunk of his cornfield and build a baseball field in its place, which basically everyone in his life considers a really fucking terrible move since that means he's massively dropped the sale value of his property and also is gonna lose all the money he shouldve gotten from corn. but he did this all on faith - building it, so he will come.
the field gets inhabited by numerous ghostly players from the past, all of them legends, and among them is shoeless joe jackson. there's almost this expectation that he is who was supposed to come - the main characters personal hero. but by the end of the film, he learns that one of the players on the field is actually his late father. he will come. the one defining relationship in his life that the main character was never able to reconcile.
in the final scene, he asks his father if he wants to play a game of catch. and as they pass the ball back and forth, we pull back and see that a line of cars has started to form. people are coming to see the game between father and son. people are gathering around to watch them play.
its a movie about faith. tear down your whole life and build a baseball field. build it, and he will come. build it, and they will come. in the emptiness of some random cornfield, there is magic, and there is a way to reach back into the past.
and people will watch you do it. people will gather around from all over the world to see this small, intimate window between two people they don't actually know.
its a movie about faith. i will defend the faith, going down swinging. and fob had to have such faith in us for this to work, didnt they? they planted a single, cryptic ad in a newspaper in chicago. no media hype, no socials, nothing. just one ad, in one newspaper, in chicago.
but thats the thing. it worked. we spread it like wildfire regardless. we all latched onto it. they did this small thing on the faith that we would know what to do with it and it fucking worked.
because crowds are won and lost and won again. but our hearts beat for the diehards.
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
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A self aware take on Boyfriends, including Harry and boyfriends of those he cares for. The lyric video features a lone swan, a symbol of commitment. Harry was with a swan in every image for his May 20 2019 Gucci Campaign, released the week Boyfriends was first written. Harry and Taylor were pictured with a Swan on her birthday when they went to The Lakes. Harry who has spoken about the song with pride and deference. Let's start with the gorgeous first take:
Harry said to Zane Lowe it was written at the end of Fine Line:
"There was an extra week where we wrote some stuff, wrote Adore you, TPWK and we were recording Lights Up. [...] At the end of that session everyone left and I started writing Boyfriends and it almost felt like OK there is a version where we get this ready to put on this album, and I think there was something about it where it felt like it's going to have it's time. [...] I am learning so much by saying it [...] It is both acknowledging my own behaviour, looking at behaviour I have witnessed and looking at I grew up with a sister, so it's like watching her date people and watching friends date people and you know people don't treat each other nicely sometimes. And it turned out about boyfriends because I started paying it and saying boyfriends. [...]Just say what you think of boyfriends.
Harry was in the studio from 15 May 2019, the Swan Gucci Campaign was released on he and Taylors anniversary that week. It was also 2 weeks after Me! Was released. When speaking about Boyfriends Harry constantly mentions these other songs. They have a common theme about the impact of the behaviour of others on his relationships and self, true his nature it is subtle and gentle:
Adore you's video asks fans to respect the partner(s) of his choosing, in contrast to fan reaction who he dates.
TPWK, as the title says, Harry told Rolling Stone " It made me uncomfortable at first, [...] I feel like that song opened something that’s been in my core.”
Lights Up - to Rolling Stone Harry spoke about stepping out from 1D on his own, the lyrics of "I'm not ever going back" and "All the lights couldn't put out the dark running through my heart", link the experience of the band and fandom to mental health and knowing who he is, rather than who others want him to be.
To me, coming at the end of that session adds to Harry taking ownership his role in failed relationships in that time by being unaware of the impact his 1D persona. fan treatment of his partner(s) and emotional unavailability. Taylor has also described her anxiety dating him in Slut! and Gold Rush. However, as Harry said, it is not limited to himself. On its release at Coachella, (3 years after it was written) "To Boyfriends Everywhere, F*** you". This was weeks after Taylor wrote You're Losing Me about Joe. His face to the end of this is everything:
Setlist and Tracklisting
Harry placed Boyfriends on HH between Satellite and LOML. Harry stopped playing Boyfriends after November 15 2022, when he played it live with Ben Harper at the end of the L.A. Forum residency. It was only played once in 2023, at Wembley June 16. The next night was the only time he played Sweet Creature since 2018. When it was on the setlist it proceeded LOML or Lights Up.
Ben Harper
To Variety Ben Harper said: "It was a wonderful recording session — one of the most memorable and most musical I’ve ever been a part of. [...] Harry invited me to stick around because he wanted to finish the song right then and there. To get to watch Harry in his process was eye-opening, and I learned a lot. [...] Yeah, I mean, he orchestrated the vocal harmonies like a classical composer, spot on, note for note. He just stacked them perfectly in pitch, one better than the next, and it was really eye-opening to see somebody step on the mic and have the parts orchestrated in his head. I’ve never seen anything like it actually."
Hoo Niaga ti ta kcab er'uoy, loof Boyfriends They think you're so easy They take you for granted They don't know they're just misunderstanding you You, you're back at it again
The opening is Backwards 'Ooh Fool, you’re back at it again'. Sunflower Vol 6 also opens with 'Sunflower' backwards. I think of this as about a backwards life, success followed by a normal life.
The first verse describes how boyfriends take their partner for granted and misunderstand.
Weakened When you get deep in He starts secretly drinking It gets hard to know what he's thinking You love a fool who knows just how to get under your skin You, you, you still open the door
The second verse describes where partner has met their guard down some boyfriends withdraw, and start drinking. Harry has sung of this before in Half the world away “I’ve started drinking”. Harry has mentioned drinking in other songs, but HTWA has a similar meaning, of drinking in secret to cope.
Harry touches on common themes in his discography:
Not communicating, similar to MMIH “we don’t talk about it”
Not getting over this person - Getting under you skin is a reference to Taylor’s The Lakes: “What should be over burrowed under my skin in heart-stopping waves of hurt” and IWYW “You always knew how to push my buttons”
Doors - here Harry's muse is opening the door, Harry has 7 songs that refer to knocking, opening or not opening doors. Taylor also has 13 songs about Harry and doors.
You're no closer to him Now you're halfway home Only calling you when Don't wanna be alone Oh, and you go Why? You don't know
While the first 2 verses the Boyfriend was uncommunicative, emotionally unavailable and didn't consider their partner. In the third verse the boyfriend and partner are learning from failed relationships, but still no closer. Now the boyfriend is only calling when they want company, rather than to be there for their partner.
Halfway home: The X Account 'I am Halfway Home' was started to promote HH. The term could have several meanings:
a Halfway house is a place to reintegrate into society from an institution.
The song is a play on words of having no more emotional closeness despite being physically halfway home, and
Halfway home is the name of a documentary about the toll war takes on veterans and their families.
Home is an important theme to Harry's work, Home meaning being with the right person rather than a physical place. To me, this lyric is Harry is saying that despite his growth since leaving the band and break down of this relationship they are still not emotionally closer.
Boyfriends Are they just pretending? They don't tell you where it's heading And you know the game's never ending You, you lay with him as you stay in the daydream You feel a fool You're back at it again
The closing of the song is a sense that the boyfriend is being a player, not communicating.
But Harry's muse gives in, wanting to stay in a dream. Slut! has a similar idea of choosing to stay in a love haze when you know it's not going to last "Got lovestruck, went straight to my head / Got lovesick, all over my bed / Love to think you'll never forget / Handprints in wet cement". Harry also says this in Daydreaming: "Livin' in a daydream"
Harry and Taylor have both used 'fool' in reference to their relationship before (in Fools Gold, Cardigan, Illicit Affairs, Joker and the Queen and in Long Pond Taylor said it 7 times about James in Betty.)
Finally, it refers to the cyclical nature of their relationship with 'back at it again' as OOTW 'built to fall apart and back together' and Style "when we go crashing down we come back every time' and many other songs.
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