#i wanna draw that especially 😭😭
skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
Having the most deranged convo with @sweatyflytrap where I'm like this, convincing her how those GQ flower pics of Fernando are so Smithscore and that I will eventually draw deranged fanart of him referencing off Smiths photoshoots
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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I was talking more about my s/i and Charles in their college years with a friend and I'm obsessed with them 😭🙏
I've got more stuff I wanna draw but for now take a little sketch of what I imagine to be their first kiss, a heat of the moment thing after he wins a fencing match, and a little comparison of my take on 20 year old Charles vs. 40 something year old Charles 😂 his youth and whimsy? GONE!!
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nafohcnis · 3 months
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im jus messin aroudn rn but later im gonna remake this better….
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fuzzy-w0rms · 6 months
sooo i recently started teaching my parents how to play dungeons and dragons, and they let me draw their characters
(this is a wip, i’ll post the finished version soon)
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character infodump below the cut!
paxan (right) is played by my mother. he’s a blue dragonborn barbarian who ran away from his clan because of their obsession with violence and war. despite his gruff appearance, he is very kind and gentle, and only fights to protect those whom he loves, and frequently finds himself finishing fights skorpa started.
skorpa (left) is played by my stepdad. he’s a tabaxi bard who plays in a death metal band and loves insulting people. his quick wits and sly nature often lead him into trouble that he can’t resolve on his own, thus relying on paxan for protection.
i’m going to be dm’ing a one-shot with them soon!! this is my first time dm’ing and im so nervous lmao but i’m sure it’ll be fine :)
if anyone has some tips for how to help new players enjoy the game more i would greatly appreciate it!!
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jils-things · 4 months
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WHEN I TELL YOU @4rachnophilia UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT I MEAN IT 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🥹🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹💚🥹💚🥹💚💚💚🥹🥹🥺🥹🥺🥹💚🥹💚🥹💚💚💚💚💚🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹💚💚🥹🥺🥺🥹💚💚💚💚🥹🥺
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symbiotic-slime · 2 months
would you guys be interested in venom/the magnus archives crossover fan art
#I wanna draw the guys as avatars#also I think it would be a fun challenge to try to make Venom visibly an avatar of the hunt#because they already look like that#but I have ideas for the others :3#venom#venom comics#venom movies#the magnus archives#I’m going to elaborate in the tags because I can#so Eddie is 100% an avatar of the corruption#and is also the type of guy who willingly became an avatar#he’s so deranged he would be enthralled by the wasp nest in his attic#he would be a victim of the lonely though#like especially comics!Eddie#because his bond with the symbiote is so deep that like. being singular sends him into a depressive spiral#flash is an avatar of the slaughter#but he’s not deranged like Eddie his was more of a result of his situation#like being a bully and then joining the military#very slaughter coded#and yes he’s made up for the bullying so I’m not sure how that would play in?? but he still does have some anger issues#he’s a victim of the web#like one the alcoholism is classic web#and two being manipulated. like the whole agent venom arc where he was essentially being blackmailed by jack olantern#venom is a manifestation of the corruption#an avatar of the hunt#and probably also a victim of the lonely#like I think the idea of being alone as a being who’s whole purpose is to bond and connect with a host would be devastating#recently I think they could probably also be a victim of the desolation given that everyone important to them keeps fucking dying lmao#I’m kinda second guessing myself with flash because he’s just so damn normal like he doesn’t revel in war but I also want to give him one#do any of my followers know both of these. if so please help me out I’m struggling with flash 😭
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sunnibits · 25 days
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sometimes I debate giving dimitri his og hair design back…
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skunkes · 7 months
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rainbowpufflez · 5 months
The fact that I headcanon Lysandre to have the most amount of Internalized Homophobia™️ a human being can have, but then would actively call someone homophobic if it was to his advantage amuses me to no end
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reikunrei · 2 months
i’m so glad i did that other henry drawing before this new one bc i really think it helped dust off the cobwebs omg. i was worried it would be a mistake bc it would hurt my hand and i wouldn’t be able to do the new one at all. but tbh it’s made the process for the new one Way Less frustrating than it might otherwise be. it’s almost like warming up is good or smthn idk
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milkywaytreats · 3 months
Trying to gain weight but my constant anxiety and stress has been making me lose it even though I’m eating loads agh (frustrated)
Also having so many tummy art ideas for ocs but not being able to completely get them out is also a doozy
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
I'm so bad, I'm like "okay catie you just drew for the entire weekend, that was a lot. Maybe it's time to break and yknow, focus on school?????" And now I have a free day and I just absolutely cannot think abt school at all and I'm just itching to start smth again 🫠
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destructix · 7 months
i need to stop spending half an hour drawing the sleeve of a character's furisode/tomesode
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princekirijo · 9 months
Man I've been so sleepy
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
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been having artblock and finally managed to draw the sillies </3
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cherrysnax · 1 year
actually one last thing. when I was like 16-20 I thought I was soooo cool for being able to draw faces without guidelines and it’s like. Bud. Buddy. Broski. the characters eyes are so far apart you couldn’t even tell they’re on the same face
#makes since I love code lyoko as a kid and the proportions on that show were wild#but they were pretty much consistent because the artists knew the fundamentals#they were able to have short hands because they did the work#im admittedly a lazy artist mostly because of my chronic fatigue#so shorthand’s r very important to me especially when it comes to comics n deadlines#however. one big thing abt me n my art that’s glaringly bad is#that until like last year I didn’t understand shapes and forms#I still have trouble drawing boxes#you can’t do shorthand’s that mostly require fudging with shapes and form#if u can’t do that 😭#at least for me#everyones art style has an end goal#I wanna draw comic/cartoony art with relatively realistic proportions#all of my main inspo actually comes from animated adaptions of comics#static shock btas jlu etc spiderverse does it the best but I can’t get Bruce timms style outta mine#also naruto. naruto was such a big influence for me#code lyoko for better or worse#x-men evolution probably has one of the biggest besides spiderverse#Fuck that one YouTuber kiwibyrd? I tried so hard to copy their style as a kid it never took#but now after doing fundamentals#my artstyle can kinda resemble theirs when they were the age I was when I started watching them#that was a hard sentence. my fault 😭#hell even Steven universe for its use of shapes and shit inspires mine#idk what I’m rambling abt now#but yeah so many different influences. all of these come from ppl studying and understanding fundamentals in someway#when I was younger my main fear of fundies was because I thought I was gonna lose my style. styles change#styles change. draw the fucking turnaround and consistency gets easier on god 😭
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