#i wanna eat him alive
iggyguyy · 3 months
People of tumblr may I present the
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evillillad · 11 months
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tips my hat at fellow howdy enjoyers
saucy down bellow~~~
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srry no cock :o(
the bunny suit is the closest ull get from me
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kaizokuniichan · 8 months
Watching Law edits on TikTok and I’m gonna chew through the earth’s crust
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patrick-zweigs · 1 year
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chrisbangs · 10 months
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BANG CHAN — Special MC KCON LA DAY 3 (230821)
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dumbbullet · 1 year
There's a not insignificant part of me that wants to go "yeah yeah hozier is releasing music and going on tour, big deal. When do we get to see his mom's painting though?"
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
I am of the DPxDC belief/headcanon that any variation of Danny who grew up poor in Gotham during his formative years before moving to Amity Park would not be friends with Sam without friction at first. It makes things more interesting and imo allows for more exploration of different themes plus character growth for Sam that she doesn't really go through in canon.
(this doesn't only apply to a DPDC au where Danny grew up in Gotham poor, but it was the first thing that I thought of where this might happen considering my Childhood Friends au.)
Now Sam's a compassionate girl, it's one of her defining character traits, but so is her hypocrisy and judgy-ness. She's the Not Like Other Girls' girl. This is in part of the show's narrative framing that makes her out like this, unfortunately though its still showing how she is as a character since its consistent enough to be part of her character description. There are also times where the show's depiction of her activism makes it look like she's performative about it. All of this makes her dynamic with a Danny who grew up poor in Gotham very interesting.
Anyways, Sam is aware of her privilege to an extent, but still has her blindspots - glaring ones, in some cases. Her self-righteous attitude would not go over well with a crime alley kid Danny. He'd like her, at first, but then she'd do something to make him mad - personally I think her judging people for not being vegan would annoy him the most, or at least would be the breaking point for him, because it was only recently that his family started actually being able to consistently put food on the table at all, good food nonetheless. And being vegan is expensive.
Any other behavior he noticed from her he'd slowly stop tolerating - her judging conventionally attractive girls and automatically assuming they're vapid and shallow for being feminine. Her anti-capitalist beliefs start coming off as superficial at worst, and Danny would eventually figure out that Sam either came from a family that was well off, or that she wasn't aware if her family was experiencing financial struggle.
He would still be friends with Tucker, but since Tucker imo is still friends with Sam, they'd still run into each other often enough to butt heads. Sam's got a nasty habit of refusing to take responsibility when she's wrong, but when Danny is arguing with her, and counterpointing her with stuff she can't retort back at without compromising her own beliefs, then forces her to start reflecting on herself. Especially when Tucker eventually starts siding with Danny and agreeing with him.
Does sam genuinely care about her beliefs and philosophies? Survey says yes. However that doesn't mean she's not ignorant, and she definitely is at times throughout the show (like when she released the purpleback gorilla thinking it 'wanted out of its enclosure' despite the fact that it was endangered and in an urban area) and I think it'd be a real fascinating dynamic between Danny and Sam to explore.
This isn't Sam hate btw, nor am I trying to make her out like "the worst person ever" bc she's not, i wanna make that explicitly clear. Sam Manson has a lot of positive traits about her but she also has an equal amount of negative traits that I think should be explored, she is not immune to the character development.
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bloodfreak-boyking · 3 months
one of my absolute favorite wincest fic dynamics is when sam has been thinking about doing the nastiest, most wretched things to dean since like forever and has desired him carnally since he knew what that meant, and dean is just like "wow, never noticed how hot my brother is. shame i can't do anything about it bc we're brothers." meanwhile Sam is like locked in the bathroom licking the floor of the shower bc dean just got out. love it when sam is a freak ab his brother in a way that fucking blindsides dean <333
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deviouz · 2 months
do you guys think vere likes to be scratched under his chin and purrs like a cat. asking for a friend.
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photographic evidence of me and scud
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spookyprime · 1 year
kon coming home one day: yo who tf is that
tim: this is my new brother
9yo dick, sitting on Tim's lap, eating spam masubi: hi. want to kill tony zucco with me?
kon: ... sure?
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You know I had to google how big a 9 year old is and I still think I made dick too small but whatever lmao.
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iggyguyy · 11 months
I know you're all foaming at the mouth to get more Lips art but you're getting Mama instead
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MAMA!!!!!!! [ask me about him plsplsplsplsplspllspslpsp/j]
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
hear me out hear me out vampire!reader x gojo preferably a sweet dummy gojo who just stumbles into the castle and is a bit afraid but his curiosity just won't let him leave and the person who's living in this beautiful castle is just the nicest ever even though there are deep dark maroon stains on their collar and their fingertips are a little tainted and their eyes keep burning into him and they keep getting closer and closer to him almost purring in their ear cooing and comforting the lost man + i keep thinking about the "vampire" scene from saltburn too oh my god what am i doing to myself rn
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wooshofficial · 6 months
hello what are ur thoughts on the new hbomberguy video
OKOK SO I watched it from the hours of midnight to 4am, so I was kinda incoherent when posting that BUT I still do have thoughts.
Mainly I want to pummel James Somerton into the ground for multiple reasons, most of which H put more succinctly than I ever could.
It’s just so fucking disheartening to see someone like James Somerton be so successful off the hard work of people who have dedicated their lives to the stuff he’s ripping off of when those original authors are barely getting paid. It’s very hard to be an academic and watch this video because I know that if I were to write something academic about the queerness in media and publish it, which I plan to do out of college, there’s a very real possibility of James or someone like him finding the work, yoinking it and not giving me the credit, when I won’t get a fucking cent from the publication or him.
I hate that he’s getting away with it too, basically pulling the “I’m gay so I can’t be bad” card. That’s a fucking step BACK from the equal rights that LGBTQ people have been fighting for. By pulling this excuse, he separates the “gays” from the “straights”, putting each group under one black and white label- the straights are evil people who just want to put us gays down. That is a nasty idea right there. Follow that train far enough and you find yourself spouting homophobic rhetoric. Equal rights and seeing the LGBTQ community as equal to others means seeing them as human at ALL angles, the good and the bad. Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you can’t fuck up. Hell, I’m gay, and I’ve fucked up more times than I can count! It just makes me human, and it doesn’t make me less gay. James Somerton is touting himself as The Gay Person Who Knows Everything, which is blatantly untrue, discredits every queer person he’s ripped off of, and separates himself from the other LGBTQ people who make content as “better”- there’s that seed of homophobia again.
AND HE KEEPS DOING THIS! He’s biphobic and misogynistic! He routinely attacks “straight white women”—who could very well be bisexual, but because they’re women they MUST be straight according to Somerton logic—and discredits the work of bisexual authors (mainly bisexual women) who talk about the struggles of the LGBTQ community because “they like the opposite sex so they wouldn’t get it”. He dips himself into transphobia in order to give his biphobia and misogyny some weight, misgendering ND Stevenson (who has been on record about his struggle with coming out and gender identity) and Rebecca Sugar (who has done the same) on multiple occasions. And it’s really fucking disgusting. It really fucking is. When he copies off of work that mentions the words “trans” or “transgender”, he covers those words with generalizations, which takes the transgender community out of the queer experience. So on TOP of being misogynistic and biphobic, he’s ramming headfirst into transphobia too. Which holy fucking shit.
I just. H said not to send hate to James or his team or anyone else talked about in the video on his behalf. I agree and I don’t want to do that. But I sure hope this video is enough to make James Somerton stop being the utter fucking academic supervillain he is. He thinks he can get away with it because YouTube doesn’t count as academia, but there is so much goddamn evidence against him at this point he can’t possibly get off Scot free anymore. I hope YouTube staff sees that video and takes his channel down. I hope Nick, his co-writer that he threw under the bus, gets compensated and a better job. I hope every author and filmmaker Somerton ripped off makes enough money from the video to pay for rent. This can’t keep happening. It just can’t.
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redactedasset · 3 months
cyril headcanons ✷
i'm so sane about him i promise
✮ early cyril would bite his tongue whenever he sees dove, from academic jealousy ofc, but also at how annoyingly eye-catching they are
✮ dove wears some sort of jewelry to the institute everyday, and cyril just can't help but stare for at least 10 secs
✮ before the confrontation audio, cyril would have moments where he'd zone out and think of dove, and only dove. he wouldn't admit it but his subconscious knows he's in love
✮ he secretly enjoys cute-ish mainstream songs (sugarcoat - kiss of life; tip toe - hybs) but even the us government wouldn't be able to waterboard this information out of him
✮ cyril wears chain accessories made specifically for elf ears, they make little jingle (??) sounds erm yeah :3
✮ short king
✮ dove can go non-verbal when overwhelmed, that's when cyril's soft side comes out (like- really really soft iykyk)
cw: mildly suggestive under the cut, inspired by his faculty party audio wink wink ;)
⊹ he shudders at the touch of dove's cold hands under his shirt, while getting his hair pulled
⊹ he loves the concept of getting his collar on his SHIRT tugged
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aphrogeneias · 5 months
that's what old money!steve would look like dressed up at events w/you 👀
that's how he looks like when he insists in picking you up from your house, watching you come out in the dress he handpicked and gifted you, leaning against a vintage sports car. that's how he looks like when he takes off his sunglasses and squints as he takes you in and his eyes wrinkle when he smiles
he looks like he's going to kiss your hand and you're not gonna open any door or pull any chair all night i need to scream
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