#i want ina to fight it out with her dad already just say what's on your mind !!! let's communicate!
astarlightmonbebe · 5 months
the atypical family is everything so far. they better do the father-daughter relationship justice.
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deathsmallcaps · 4 years
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@boopboopboopbadoop it’s not finished yet (I’d like to pen it and then add some color and background) but the Zukos* are coming out nicely and I’m excited to finally be working on it.
(I don’t remember if I told you what happened in this comic/we developed it together but basically Izumi does some stupid dangerous kid shit while Sokka is away and Zuko is tired and acted angrily out of fear. This scares her and Zuko realizes that he was being scary and he doesn’t want to be a scary dad, so he decides to give her some space. He writes Azula (who is now half cool-wine aunt and half the government on Ember Island**) to ask her if she can take the kid away for an emotional break. Azula is like sure and kidnaps Izumi, forgetting to plan it out with Zuko. Azula takes the kid out for fun things like ice cream and makes sure there wasn’t an Ozai incident repeat**. Then they talk about a good, fun way to get back at Zuko, and Azula sets the girl up so she’ll feel comfortable talking with her Dad. When they get home, Sokka has just made it back and Izumi says fuck right to their faces as the prank. Then Zuko and Izumi have a good cry and Zuko apologizes to her. Meanwhile, Sokka and Azula sort-of play fight in the background, to the point that he thinks he accidentally killed her by pushing her out the window. The last panel is them waving good by to Azula leaving in her hot air balloon.)
(The two original panels from the comic that inspired it will be stuck in. I already got permission from the original creator)
***Azula is a highly competent controlling person, so Zuko steered her towards a place she can relax while also boss around ina positive way. Like most tourist areas, I hc there is a big wage disparity and not enough workers rights. So Zuko challenged her to fix that. I can’t imagine her not doing her damndest to fix the issue. Plus, she still gets to boss around rich people, which is fun.
**As much as Azula trusts Zuko, seeing your Dad burn your brother’s face off will probably leave a lot of fears inside your head, rational and irrational. But you already know this stuff.
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Anam Cara (Chapter 3)
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
Luna was sat with Solis, enjoying the breeze that was sweeping through her hair and the sun kissing her face.
“Luna...it’s time to go back now.” Solis said softly as she cradled Luna’s face in her hands.
“I don’t want to go.” Luna protested sadly.
“You need to, they need you.” She explained.
Before Luna had a chance to argue she suddenly woke up with a start. Every inch of her body hurt and she noticed she was in someone’s bed. She remembered being attacked and then hearing a few guys who were helping her, but it was a little blurry. She sat up slowly, wincing at the stitches in her side pulling, and walked to the door. She could make out voices on the other side and decided to listen to assess the situation and decide what to do. She couldn’t deny she was nervous after what happened. She pressed her ear to the door but frowned when she couldn’t understand what they were saying.
“Cad é atá muid ag dul a insint di? (What are we going to tell her?)” Murphy asked in Gaelic.
“Ar dtús, rud ar bith. Táimid i dont iarraidh a scanradh an cailín. Ní mór dúinn chun rudaí mall ghlacadh. (At first, nothing. We don't want to scare the girl. We need to take things slow.)” Connor replied firmly.
“Níl mé ag iarraidh a luí di. (I don't want to lie to her.)” Murphy admitted.
“Nach bhfuil muid ina luí, táimid Shiarchoinneálach ach eolas. Táimid ag i dont iarraidh a scanradh an cailín bocht. (We aren't lying, we are just withholding information. we don't want to scare the poor girl.)” Connor replied.
“For fuck sakes guys, you know I hate it when you do that shit. I can’t understand what the fuck you’re saying!” Romeo complained, earning laughter from the twins. There was silence, multiple footsteps and then a door closing, Luna breathed a sigh of relief, feeling more comfortable to explore her surroundings without people there. To be safe she waited another few minutes trying to gather herself before she left the safety of this nice room. She took this time to peek around the room and noticed the bed wasn’t really a bed, but two double mattresses pushed side by side. There were a few cupboards but apart from that the room was quite bare. With just her panties and a large t shirt, she cracked the door open and peered out. She couldn't see the full room from where she was but she could see a pool table and some random bits of furniture, and some other doors on the other side. She slipped out of the door and was startled by the man sat on one of the sofas watching t.v.
“Oh hey, you’re awake! I'm Romeo.” He smiled. Luna smiled back awkwardly and tugged the bottom of the t shirt down shyly.
“I'm Luna. Um...do you know where my clothes are?” She asked quietly feeling awkward.
“Yeah the doc had to cut them off to patch you up. But the guys have just gone to grab some food and something for you to wear.” He explained kindly. There was a slightly awkward silence until he spoke again.
“You should take these, doctors orders.” He smiled as he handed Luna the painkillers and antibiotics with a glass of water and she took them gratefully. They stood in an uncomfortable silence for around another ten minutes not really knowing what to say. Luna could feel Romeos anxiety as he awaited his friends and she was struggling to stay calm herself.
“Thanks for saving me by the way.” She smiled gratefully.
“Was nothing, wasn’t really me, thank the guys when they get back.” He explained with a small smile.
Luna picked her water back up and as she took another sip of water the door burst open. The boys came bounding in with bags in their arms, pushing and shoving each other whilst laughing about something. Luna gasped and dropped the glass in shock, making it shatter across the floor. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as she saw her boys stood there looking at her. They were the ones to save her, of all the people it could have been. Her hands were trembling and she just stood there. Murphy glanced at Connor looking worried.
Do ye t’ink we scared her?
I’m not sure Murph.
“Ye alright t'ere lass?” Connor asked carefully as he and Murphy slowly approached her. Luna snapped out of her daze feeling stupid, she must look crazy she thought to herself.
“Um...yeah, sorry. I’m Luna.” She smiled awkwardly, still pulling the top down to cover herself.
“Beautiful name fer a beautiful girl.” Murphy smiled making Luna blush.
“T-thanks. Thanks for saving me too, I don’t want to think what would have happened if you hadn't found me.” She admitted looking at the brothers.
“T’was nothin’ lass. I see ye already met Romeo, I’m-“ Connor started before he was cut off by Luna.
“Connor and Murphy, The Saints, I know.” She blurted out and instantly cringed and wanted to smack herself in the head, how the fuck would she explain that one. They looked at her pretty confused.
“¿Cómo diablos sabe ella que ustedes son? (How the hell does she know who you guys are?)” Romeo asked slightly panicked. They didn’t need to get caught right now, he hoped bringing this girl back wasn’t a mistake.
“No puta idea. (I don’t fucking know.)” Connor replied.
“How do ye know t'at love?” Murphy asked softly, he didn’t want to scare Luna.
“I um...you’ll think I’m fucking crazy.” Luna admitted as she bit her lip and looked at the floor.
“Try us lass, ye’ll find we're quite open minded.” Connor winked, trying to put her at ease.
Luna sat down on the sofa with Murphy next to her, Romeo and Connor were on the sofa opposite them. They got the pizza out they had bought and placed it on the coffee table, so everyone could help themselves.
“Its a really long story, and quite fucking depressing to be honest. But the short version is, when I was five my dad killed my twin sister and tried to kill me. Ever since I nearly died, I have been...different.” She explained. Connor and Murphy looked at each other feeling a little sick.
She lost her fuckin’ twin.
I know, I can’t even imagine losin’ ye.
“O’ course ye’ll be different love, losin’ ye sister like t'at's bound to change ye.” Murphy said softly.
“I mean different as in...weird. I started seeing things, I can feel people’s energy and their feelings, and I started having premonitions in my dreams.” She paused to try to gauge their reactions and see if they thought she was crazy yet but they seemed fine so far.
“When I was 18 I had a premonition of The Saints, years before you even became The Saints. You were sleeping in a police cell and had a dream with your calling from God.” She bit her lip a looked at them, they were now looking a little shocked. She knew she had a reign it in a little, she couldn’t tell them she dreamt of them all the time and how much she cared about them.
“I’ve had a few premonitions since, like before your friend Rocco died. You guys were bound to chairs and he was shot, and Murphy, you begged Connor to break your hand to get out of the cuffs. And your dad was there at the end. That one was pretty intense.” She said sadly.
“Well fuck, this is fucking crazy.” Romeo sighed.
“Debemos decirle. (We should tell her.)” Murphy pushed staring at Connor.
“Todavía no hermano, tomar con calma. (Not yet brother, take it slow.)” Connor said firmly.
Luna sat there patiently whilst they conversed among themselves in what she thought was Spanish, no doubt about how fucking crazy she is and how to ditch her somewhere.
“Look, I don’t know why I have these dreams about you, why we are connected, but I swear I’m not crazy.” She explained.
“We don't t’ink ye are lass, don’t worry.” Connor smiled warmly at her, she smiled back feeling somewhat relieved.
“What can ye tell us about t' pricks t'at attacked ye?” Murphy asked as he placed a comforting hand on her knee, earning a pointed glare from Connor.
Deartháir mall. (Slow brother.)
Focáil leat. (Fuck off.)
“I know I was fucking stupid going down that alley at night, even my gut told me not to, but I still fucking did anyway like a dick. There was three of them, they came out of nowhere and one of them grabbed me and hit my head on the wall. It made me feel sick and I couldn’t focus properly, couldn't really fight back at first. The fucking assholes didn’t even want to rob me, they just wanted sex, and when I told them to go fuck themselves they didn’t appreciate it. That’s when they started beating the shit out of me. Then one was being look out whilst the others pinned me down. When the asshole who was pinning my legs down stopped to undo his pants I kicked him in the nuts, that’s what earned me my lovely stab wound.” She explained.
“For a pretty little lady, you sure say fuck alot.” Romeo mused.
“Seriously, out o’ everythin’ she just fuckin’ said, t'at’s what ye focus on?” Connor asked with a small amused smile. Luna just chuckled.
“Can ye describe t’em love? Anythin’ t'at makes t'em stand out?” Murphy asked remaining serious.
“Well there wasn’t before but there is now.” Luna smirked making the men look at her quizzically.
“I may have managed to grab the knife before they got away and stabbed the main rapey asshole in the shoulder...and sliced his face.” She admitted with a proud smile.
“Well shit.” Murphy smiled in amusement as he proudly patted her on the back.
“Good work lass. It’ll make findin’ t'em a little easier.” Connor said with a smile.
“Well I sure as shit wasn’t going to let them rape me, I’d fucking die before that would happen.” She told them. The twins smirked at each other.
Our girls got balls brother.
Damn right she fuckin’ has.
“You know I can feel it when you guys do that.” Luna stated as she looked at the twins.
“Do what?” Connor asked.
“The telepathy thing. I mean I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying to each other, but the atmosphere changes. It’s like there’s this electric current, I can feel it.” She admitted. The boys looked at each other amazed.
“We'll keep t'at in mind.” Connor winked at her, making her blush.
“Oh yeah, we got some clothes fer ye, we checked t' size o' yer dress so t'ey should fit.” Murphy smiled as he handed her a bag, she took it gratefully.
“And we’d prefer it if ye stayed here wit' us at least ‘til yer stitches get removed.” Connor told her.
“I really don’t know how to thank you guys.” She grinned as she looked in the bag, they’d got her a dress similar to the one she had, some jeans, a few tops and a shorts and tank pyjama set.
“Ye don’t have to t'ank us love.” Murphy smiled.
“Would it be ok if I showered? I feel like shit.” Luna admitted sheepishly.
“O’ course lass, ‘til yer healed, t'is is yer home too. We'll show ye where it is.” Connor grinned as he and Murphy both stood up. Luna followed them with the bag of clothes into the bathroom.
“Ye gonna need to wrap up yer wound so it doesn’t get wet.” Murphy told her as he quickly left the room. He returned a minute later with a plastic bag and some tape.
“Would you guys be able to do it for me? I can’t twist my side without pulling my stitches.” She asked sweetly.
The boys nodded and smiled so Luna carefully removed the top she was wearing, she wasn’t sure who’s it was but it smelt heavenly. She blushed as she stood there in just her underwear in front of them. They tried not to look at her but their eyes couldn’t help but sneak peaks at her.
Jesus Christ she’s fuckin’ perfect.
Lord’s fuckin’ name...she is perfect t'ough
The twins smirked at each other as they got to work, Connor placing the bag over the wound, and Murphy taping it off. When they were done they left Luna in peace to shower. She relished the water as it washed away the trauma of the day, but she couldn’t help smiling. As horrible as it was, if she wasn’t attacked she wouldn’t have met the twins. After she showered she put on her panties and pyjamas, foregoing her bra as it was pushing on her bruised ribs. You could see her nipple bars poking through her tank top but she didn’t care. She left the room and padded barefoot into the lounge where the men were all laughing and joking. She plopped herself down on the sofa next to Connor. She noticed Romeo had gone quiet and looked over to see him staring at her breasts.
“Eyes are up here Romeo.” She smirked as his gazed snapped upwards and he looked slightly embarrassed.
“Were ye just lookin’ at her fuckin’ tits?” Murphy asked with narrowed eyes.
“Well...Yeah. But its hard not to, she has her fucking nipples pierced.” He smiled as he gestured towards her. She then noticed the brothers eyes now on her chest too and blushed as she crossed her arms to stop them looking.
“Any ot'er piercings love?” Murphy smirked with a wink.
“Holy shit.” She laughed as she covered her now blushing face.
“I t’ink t'at’s a yes brot'er.” Connor chuckled as playfully nudged her shoulder.
“You guys are assholes, you’re lucky your The Saints. “ She laughed as she did a fake pout.
“We're only messing wit' ye lass.” Connor smiled.
“Yeah and its not our fault t'at yer so beautiful.” Murphy smirked, making her blush again. These boys were going to drive her crazy, she just knew it.
“So do you have any spare blankets for the sofa for me?” She asked them.
“Yer not sleepin’ on t' fuckin’ sofa. We're gentlemen lass, and our ma would fuckin’ kill us.” Connor said firmly.
“I’ll be fine, you’ve already done so much for me, I’m not taking your bed too.” She argued.
“Are ye insane? Yer fuckin’ injured. T'ere’s no way I’m lettin’ ye sleep on t' sofa. And if ye try I’ll just sleep on t' floor anyway so t' bed will be empty fer nothin’.” Murphy scolded.
“Fine, but why don’t you sleep in the middle of the mattresses and I’ll stick to the side? I don't want you to be uncomfortable for me. You won't even know I’m there.” She smiled. Once the sleeping arrangements were settled they all decided to go to bed, Romeo going to the small spare room he had claimed and Luna and the twins going to their room.
“Which side is yours Murph?” She asked as she walked in.
“T' left love.” He smiled as he and Connor stripped their t shirts and jeans off, making Luna blush and look away as she climbed onto the surprisingly comfy mattress. The blankets and pillow smelt like the top and she realised it was probably Murphy's top she had worn. She got settled in when Connor turned the light off, she felt the mattress dip down near her and heard Connor get in his side. Before long she was fast asleep worrying she was going to wake up and it would all have been a dream.
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The Mayor of NYC just announced about the closing of the school year and how they tried to bridge the,gap for inequality for 6 years
I'm being honest and I'm not talking shit about him or any administration
I'm talking shit about people
This happens all the time. In elementary schools I shit you Not it happened in a 5th grade class room at La Promosa when I was substituting.
Fights and arguments were more common in high schools
In the middle school in 2016 the first month of classes there was 338 fights before classes started. And teachers trying to break it up got hit.
Im not kidding you. I don't live in the ghetto. I live ina community where they pride themselves on being the best and one of the most upper in all ways of the entire state. Where the government and schools work hard for this. They have won all kinds of awards that had absolutely nothing to do with me
I don't do that kind of system. As you see i do equality for police i do earning by deserving by showing workmanship.
But i don't do favor awards because of where i live. I was against Facebook coming to Los Lunas because we don't have a good traffic system. We have extra bad rush hour traffic that can take 3 hours to go 2 miles. So i was against Facebook coming and causing more traffic through town.
But they came and that had absolutely nothing to do with me. No shame. I don't work in the government. And they're only using solar electricity. So im not gonna bitch about it. It is good for the jobs and so on.
I'm just saying i was against it.
Because the point no matter how hard we try for our community or our schools
There's people that will fight for no reason.
So Mayor Bill while you find it painful, you may be saving some people some pain. Children being bullied. Fights such as these being hidden in school bathrooms. And so much more.
Schools were initially designed to be a safe place
But they aren't any more.
So i just wanted to explain that to all of you.
Seriously the middle school in 2016 had in the 2016 to 2017 school year, 74225 fights/arguments of high intensity that caused disruption in the hearts.
My primary school before i became unable to walk was the middle school. But it was heartbreaking.
What I saw was children coming from a home environment with one teacher and a playground.
Now our elementary schools do a block to prepare them for middle school because the change is so disruptive. So starting in 4th to 6th they change classes for certain subjects. But its only about 4 teachers per grade. So and if one is sick or has a sub or something or the teachers decide they don't want to for special projects they stay in their regular class.
Every thing else they had their whole life. Music and art and PE teachers.
Then thrown into 7 different teachers. No play ground. No desks to keep their things. No lockers. Every one new including the school grounds. They have to carry all their stuff all day in book bags.
It is the most inhumane treatment in the world.
And to make matters worse it's when they go through puberty.
I went to that school over all the schools in the district because i knew they needed me. Because they broke my heart. Because they had a constant cloud of darkness over their school.
Because they were in Hell.
Things were so used to. Things we survived. That we dont have the time to take to realize how much trouble the future of our children are in.
Just the way the school system is organized. Elementary. Middle/Intermediate/Jr High. High school.
I saw memes about zombies wanted in this WWIII
Look into the eyes of a child in Jr high. You'll see the walking dead.
I'm not kidding yoh. They tore my soul apart and broke my heart.
Every day i had to go Just to be there. Just to absorb the air. To make it cleaner for another day for them.
Turn out one set of lights. Open the blinds for the sun to come in. Do what i could to allow their brains to receive oxygen
And not neon fluorescent tube light's radiation.
Let their lungs expand and breathe so they could learn.
That is just is a basic.
It didn't help long term. Just a basic band aid.
Then allow them a voice. Allow them to speak on their own.
So, my choice to pay governments to shut down schools of 5 Billion dollars NYC will get...
It is for a reason.
My choice to have children at home worldwide
Is because i saw the suicidal desire in children's eyes. Because just of the change of the ways school systems are established.
Those children need to be home to recover.
They need more help than you will ever know.
They need more hugs and love and home cooked suppers and Happy Meals than you can imagine.
I care about those kids. I care about their parents and guardians. I care if they're homeless and on their own.
I worked plenty of special ed as well as regular education. Special ed was my favorite because they tried to blow through that black cloud every day and they also did it for the people around them
While they're termed stupid and dumb because of their lack of reading or math ability, most are the strongest of all the schools to bring light into the lives of others.
I remember this girl. She looked so dead inside. She walked up to me slow and in pain. "Idk what to do today I can't concentrate. I just don't feel right"
I looked around the room..
"Do you need the nurse?"
"Well I think you're not going to be okay take your things and go sit over my John. So I don't have to keep yelling at him for talking. Tell him I said to talk to you. He's the kid in the back from here against the wall three seats or rows back however you call them"
At that time i didn't know he was in reading special ed. I had not done his class period yet.
But i felt the most positive energy coming from his area of the room and he looked like the leader of that zone. I worried it was a mistake. That he could lead her astray.
I saw the darkness deepen "i said for her to go over there" the cloud prevented their brains from hearing and processing "HEY! YOU WANNA TALK? TALK TO HER! BECAUSE I SAID OR ILL SEND YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL. OR HEY COME HERE AND ILL EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU"
So he came up "what? Im trying to be good. And she told me i had to talk to her"
"Am i here every day? No I'm not. There's something wrong with her. Its probably something at home that has nothing to do with you. Or maybe her and her friends got into a fight. Whatever. But what i do know is you like being the center of attention and talking a lot. So what i need you to do is talk to her. Not solely but include her in your group. Can you look st her please? Tell me what you see."
"Like she wants to die or some one to take her out and shoot her in the street"
My tears prevented me from saying more "then i think you know how to handle her without doing that. Do you play a lot of video games?"
"I used to. But my mom and dad kept taking it away for me being bad in school. I have it now though i just haven't played in years"
"Well i tell you, John, i think you should start playing more as a reward from me for helping her. And you should tell your parents you're doing well socially. And she should change her seat"
"What do you think has happened to her? Something bad or...?"
"I think she's just alone. Maybe just this class or. What this is right after lunch? She may just being of a social anxiety for leaving her friends from the cafeteria"
His eyes light up "I've been in special ed all my life!! I know exactly what that is!! I can help!! Thank you Miss Teach!!"
I never saw that girl again. She ceased to exist. That class never existed again. It transformed completely into a smiling sunny happy class room. It didn't matter if all the lights were off.
Each and every single child in that room shone with brightness...
It wasn't over night. It took Team Work.
But they worked it. And it worked.
Im not talking shit about the teachers. The teacher gave them work i didn't need to teach. Just work they already knew how. Which gave me the opportunity to look and view the students in a way she didn't have the time or freedom of mind to. A lot of time she just gave them a "catch up day" catch up on old assignments and homework they hadn't turned in. She gave them one every 2 weeks so she didn't have to fail them. So she just added one in or switched it from the regular day. And she had extra credit worksheets for them to do when they finished.
So no matter what you do. There's always gonna be a problem.
Our problem for Quarentine is Essiential workers. They can't stay home. They can't give nor receive the special attention their family and friends deserve.
This is why worldwide people are saluting and applauding and thanking and doing charity for them.
This is why we set aside special vacations and money for them and their families.
Yes you, too, my store workers. Including Wal-Mart. I got shamed yesterday by one of my stout workers i always see in Wal-Mart that goes the extra mile. "What about us. Ain't no one said shit especially you"
He didn't say the word shit but... You know what i mean. It's what i heard.
Which is funny cause the last time i saw him he was stocking toilet paper.
So understand why shutting down the schools is so essiential. Why communities are being paid so much. No community school district is being paid less than $6 million to shut down for the school year.
I want you to understand why.
Because its out of control. Its dangerous. And it is damaging our humans and aliens. And it is damaging our future on Earth to be successful.
So you stressed out moms.. Chill the fuck out.
Please. Please for the love of God.
Assualt your child with a hug. Just grab them and say "i didn't know. I'm here for all those moments you felt alone. Just come and find me and ask to do something together"
Assault them with love.
This is World War 3 people. Get into action!!!
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