#but yea.. he keeps giving her a rabbit every year very caught in the past but also
astarlightmonbebe · 5 months
the atypical family is everything so far. they better do the father-daughter relationship justice.
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cedricssmile · 5 years
touch her again and i’ll kill you | carl grimes
summary: (set in season 7 ep 1) two weeks prior to the rest of the group meeting Negan, Y/n was taken by his group. Y/n was out on a run with Daryl, Rick, Tara and Glenn. They all got swarmed by a heard of walkers and all got separated, three of them made home one of them did not. (so instead of Daryl been taken by Negan, y/n does) pairing: carl grimes x fem! dixon reader | daryl dixon x daughter reader warnings: mentions of death and blood. swearing. word count: 1566 requested?: no one of my own
( MY GIF )
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“Y/N! Where the hell are you?” Daryl yelled throughout the abandoned whorehouse. “Y/N!” he yelled again “You gotta be quite man, walkers!” Glenn said shushing Daryl. “I don’t give a damn about the walkers, let’s find Y/n and get out of here.” Daryl said and walked away from Glenn, Rick and Tara. “Daryl we have to go now!” Rick whisper shouted not to gain even more attention from the passing walkers. “She walked off, well not walked. She ran off taking the walker’s attention away from us. I tried to get her to stop but she wouldn’t listen.” Tara said “He won’t go home till we find her though.” Glenn said back to Tara as they followed Daryl. “Well you got any ideas?” Glenn asked “Yeah I do.” Tara said as she held the average sized piece of timber that was in her hand, she walked up behind Daryl and whacked him on the back of the head. Nothing enough to hurt him, but just enough to knock him out for a few hours. Tara looked back at Glenn and Rick who were looking at each, then looked at Tara “Well. don’t just stand there help me get him into the back of the car.” ** Y/n was still running away from the walkers as fast as she could, killing one every so often as well. Around about now she was at least over twenty miles away from home and it would take over almost two days till she would get home. When she finally got away from all of the walkers it was nightfall, only thirty minutes of pure daylight left. Being Daryl’s daughter she learned how to hunt which was great for being out in the middle of nowhere and away from home. She caught the nearest rabbit that she could and cooked it upon the fire that she had built prior. Y/n sat up against the nearest tree near the fire with her gun in hand, slowly drifting in and out of sleep. The loud and obnoxious noise of horns been honked and guns been used is what woke y/n from her sleep, getting all of her things she was quick to her feet to move away from whoever is was. “You make one more move and you’re brains will be on the tree next to you.” y/n froze within her tracks as she heard the man take the safety off of his gun. “Now, turn and place the gun on the ground in front of you.” The man said again “But you told me not to move.” Y/n said back with a snigger “Do you think I’m playing? Turn around and put you’re goddamn gun on the ground!” The man said again, Y/n sighed and lifted her hands up in the air and turned around slowly. “Well I’ll be damn, you’re that Dixon girl.” The man said as he flashed the torch in y/n’s face. “I have no idea as to what you are talking about.” Y/n said, she was going to play dumb to keep her father an family safe. “I don’t know anybody by the name of Dixon.” Y/n said with confidence “Where did you get the scar from then?” The man asked as his finger grazed y/n cheek. “Get you’re hands off of me and you won’t lose them.” y/n said with a scoff and all of then men that surrounded her laughed. “Get her in the back of the Ute, but make sure to put something over her head. Don’t want her to know where we are.” “Get you’re hands off of me!” Y/n yelled as she pushed the people off of her, she got the first two off but was then punched in the face and got knocked out cold. * “What do you mean she’s not back?” Carl asked his dad Rick sighed at son sadly “The group got separated on the run, y/n tried to get the walkers away from everyone else which she did but she never made it back.” “S-she’s dead?” Carl asked and Ricked shook his head with a yeas slowly. “She can’t be though, I mean Daryl wouldn’t just leave her out there! She is his daughter.” Carl standing up from his seat. “Daryl. wouldn’t just leave her out there! How could you leave her there dad?” “We didn’t have a choice, Carl.” “I don’t believe that for one second.” Carl said then walked off from his dad * “Let’s meet the man.” Simon said as he knocked on the door of the RV he then walks away from the RV and looks over the group of people in front of him. The entire group were scared there was no denying that, but no matter what they all were together and that was the main thing. The RV door was kicked open and out comes a man whom they can just see within the darkness of the forest. This was Negan and they all wanted to kill him even though that they could not at this moment in time. “Pissin’ our pants yet?.” Negan pauses his sentence then walks further away from the RV with his baseball bat placed on his shoulder as he walked. “Boy, do I have a feeling we’re getting close.” He said with a wicked smile “Yeah it’s gonna pee-ppe pants city here real soon.” Negan said after he had taken a look of the group of miserable and sad people in front of him.  “Which one of you pricks is the leader?” Negan said pointing at the group there was silence for a moment until Simon pointed out Rick. “It’s this one, he’s the guy.” Negan turned his body around and looked down at Rick and sighed slightly, still with a smile on his face. “Hi, you’re Rick right? I’m Negan and I don’t not appreciate you killin’ my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool. Not cool.“ “ You have no idea how not cool that sh1t is. But I think you’re gonna be up to speed shortly.“ Negan turns his body slightly then looks back at Rick.  “You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes. Yes, you are. You see, Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don’t mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it’s really very simple. So, even if you’re stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it. You ready?“
Whilst Negan had his speech going he still had am evil smile plastered upon his face. Two weeks ago that was when they found Y/n, she had told them that she had no idea who Daryl and everyone else was. She did it for their own good. But Negan did not like that lie one single bit but he kept it to himself that he didn’t believe the 17 year old girl, instead he allowed his men to treat Y/n anyway that they wanted to and that was the worst part about the entire two weeks, not the fact that she hadn’t seen her own father or boyfriend for the past two weeks. It was the fact that they hurt her in ways that she never knew were possible. Negan paused his talking and looked up at Simon and nodded, Simon knew what that meant. That meant to go and get the fragile, broken and bruised girl. “Now I believe that one of you have a daughter?” Negan asked swinging his bat slightly. “Bring her in!” Negan yelled with the same evil smirk he has had on his face for the past thirty minutes. Y/n was thrown to the grown in the center of the circle, it was dark but you could see the dried blood upon her lip and right eyebrow, bruises dusted her body,underneath her torn clothes. “Now who’s prick of a kid is this?” Negan said as he grabbed the top of Y/n’s head pulled it back, having his bat Lucile at her neck. “I said who’s goddamn kid is this!” Negan said and y/n yelped out in pain. No one spoke but Y/n looked at her father with tears in her eye’s, Daryl looked like he was going to bust someone’s head open. “It’s Daryl’s.” Dwight said as he had Daryl’s own crossbow pointed at the back of his head. “So I was right the entire time?” Negan asked y/n, she didn’t move though “I was right then!” Negan yelled and y/n finally nodded her head. “See, if you had just told us the truth then you would’ve gotten hurt.” Negan said then punched the girl across the face. The entire time that Y/n was getting hurt Carl could not sit still, I mean Daryl has two men holding him down. “Touch her again, and I’ll kill you.” Everyone turned their heads to look at the teenage boy. “Carl.” Y/n said and got the attention of the boy, when she did she shook her head in a way to get him to stop talking. “Well, my my my this kid has some balls on him. Must be Rick’s kid. But if you talk to me like that again and I will kill this piece of meat right here.” Negan said and pointed back at y/n 
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Costume Face-off (NSFW)
Pairing: Bastien x Olivia; Liam x Ellie
Word count: 3,284
Warnings: smut, Bastien’s abs
Summary: Beaumont Bash Halloween party and a couples costume bet...
A/N: @stopforamoment sent me the bottom center picture last year and said Baslivia, I promised her and a year later I have fulfilled said promise. I played around with the “prompt” a little. Thanks to @sirbeepsalot for graping and prereading. This is set in the future, 15 months from the beginning, 11 months from opening up about their relationship. Pic # 3 belongs to @metalslimer and @sintwisted, all pictures found on google.
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“Ohmygod, look at that one!” Ellie exclaimed as she scrolled through Pinterest with Olivia.
Olivia rolled her emerald eyes. “That’s nothing.”
“Yea, Okay Liv, but we both know we’d never get the guys to agree to something like this. She kept scrolling through. “I mean they are fun, Mario and Princess Peach, Oh. My. God! Look at Jessica and Roger Rabbit!” She scrolled down further, blue eyes going wide. “I take it back! This Roger Rabbit and Jessica, look at her she’s freaking ripped! How the hell did these women talk these men into their costumes?!” Olivia arched her brow knowingly. “Ummm yea, that, but really that won’t here.” She pointed at a picture of seven guys all dressed as different Disney Princesses. “I mean…”
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“You underestimate yourself if you don’t think you could get Liam in one of these.”
“Okay Liv, you really could get Bastien to agree to something like this.”
“I could, and I guarantee it would blow anything you and Liam came up with out of the water.”
“Of course you would make it a bet.”
“Does that mean you don’t accept the challenge?”
“Oh no, you’re on, best gender swap costume wins, the loser has to wear the losing costume to brunch the next morning and pay.”
“You’re on, and so going down. A Nevrakis never loses.”
Olivia pulled her long crimson hair back into a low bun, her eyes trailing down the rest of her costume in the bathroom mirror. Perfect. She smirked at her reflection, as she gently brushed her hand over the small bump visible in her tight white v neck. She turned to look at the shirt she discarded, still hanging on the hanger. No more crop tops for now. She grabbed her belt, adding the final touch. “You might want to cover your ears, Papa isn’t gonna be thrilled when he sees his costume.” As if on cue she heard the door to their suite open and shut. Even retired, he refused to give up on security, always double checking to ensure everything was secure. “Your costume is on the bed.” She gave herself one last cursory glance, straightening her black vest, before exiting the en-suite.
She stifled a chuckle as she saw him standing at the end of the bed holding the thin maroon material in his hand. She knew this wasn’t what he was expecting when she suggested they go as Han Solo and Slave Leia, she was certain of that by the way he had said yes before the entire suggestion left her lips. She was sure he had visions of her dressed in the barely there bikini, while he was a dashing Han Solo. Think again, I have a bet to win.
Bastien turned, a perplexed look on his face. “What’s this?”
“Your costume, like I said.”
“Livvy, you can’t actually expect me to wear this.” He looked up, eyes slowly trailing up her body. He took in her black knee high boots, skin tight blue jeans, white v neck, black vest. She isn’t kidding. “I can’t wear this.” He shook his head in dismay. There isn’t enough fabric to cover me.
She smirked as she crossed the room to him. “Sure you can.” She unbuttoned his dress shirt. “You certainly have the body for it.” She traced her hands down his firm chest and impressive twelve pack for emphasis.
He shivered under her touch. Don’t give in. “This won’t conceal much, if anything.” He held up the sheer maroon loin cloth.
“Relax, I got you a banana hammock.” She gestured to the small flesh colored material on the bed, sitting next to his collar and chain.
He looked at the barely there undergarment that more resembled dental floss than actual underwear with a grimace. Banana hammock? It’s a g-string! He knew she was only calling the flesh colored scrap of fabric by that name as a means to tease him for his dislike of bananas.
She teased her finger along the waistband of his pants, smiling as he sucked in a sharp breath. “I don’t beg...” Her fingers undid his buckle. “...but I’d be willing to get on my knees.” She winked, pulling down his zipper. She sank to the floor, settling on her knees before she pulled his pants and boxer briefs down, releasing his half hard cock.
He groaned as she wrapped her hand around his length, pumping it in slow, smooth strokes. She smiled as she watched him react to her ministrations, his cock becoming fully hard in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be the hottest Leia they’ve ever seen.” She continued to slide her slender hand up and down his thick shaft, feeling heat pool in her core. Later. “You have such a spectacular body; it would be a shame to not show it off.”
“You’re just saying that to get me to…” His words trailed off as she wrapped her plush red lips around his swollen head. His hand gripped the back of her head, steely eyes locked on emerald as he gently bucked into her mouth. “Fuck Livvy.”
She bobbed her head up and down his length, her tongue swirling around his shaft. She gripped his firm buttock with her other hand, giving it a hard squeeze.
He moaned, one of the things he fell in love with was her ability to take charge. He watched as his thick length disappeared into her mouth again and again. His mind swirled; he knew the second he saw his costume he didn’t really have a choice. She doesn’t play fair.
God she’s a goddess with her mouth. He felt his balls tighten and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Livvy.”
She nodded her head, her hand cupping his balls, rolling them in her hand. She hollowed her cheeks, creating suction as she increased her pace.
He fisted her bun as he bucked into her mouth. His eyes remained locked on hers as he came with a groan, spilling down her throat. He softened the hold on her hair as he watched her swallow every drop.
Olivia eased up her pace, gently licking his softening cock clean before releasing it from her mouth. She rose to her feet, wiping the corners of her mouth. “I still think you can pull it off.”
“It was never a question of could… it was more should.”
“You should always show off your impressive physique.”
Bastien laughed shaking his head. God I love this woman.
“So you’ll wear it?”
He looked at the costume in question, knowing it was too late to change costumes. “It’s not like I have another option.”
“Very true.”
“You know you didn’t have to…”
“I know.” She smiled trailing her hand down his bare chest. “I could help you make sure everything is put away.” She licked her lips suggestively.
He forced himself to focus on anything other than her soft hands ‘helping’ him conceal himself in the small undergarment. He knew what would happen the instant her hands were on his body again. God she’s more insatiable than ever. “Thank you for the offer, but we both know that we’ll never leave the room if you do.”
She bit her lip as she hummed her agreement. “You’re absolutely correct.” Her heated gaze scanned his chest, taking in the toned tanned muscle covered in dark chest hair. She felt the heat in her grow. “Go get dressed before I change my mind about going to the party.”
He chuckled as he picked up the small pieces of his costume. He’d much rather stay in the room all night wrapped in her arms, but if he knew one thing about his wife, it was she chose this costume for a reason, one he wouldn’t find out if they were a tangle of sweaty limbs all night. I’ll just have to persuade her to come back early.
Olivia nervously toyed with her rings with the pad of her thumb. Large cushion cut emerald and simple platinum band, the perfect mix of him and her, past and present. She smiled as he squeezed her right hand in his, his ability to understand her only growing over the course of their relationship.
“Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m a Nevrakis, we don’t get nervous.” Her voice falling flat, belying her feelings. She turned to look at him. “So few know…” Her hand grazed her visible bump.
“No one will notice, they will be stunned speechless by my costume.”
Olivia chuckled. “Blinded by your impressive abs.” She’d picked the costume before finding out, now she was even more glad she went so extreme to show Ellie and Liam up. Her emerald eyes scanned the front room as they descended the grand staircase. Now where are Ellie and Liam so we can win this bet?
She slipped her hand from his, sliding it around to his backside giving it a hard squeeze as they weaved through the crowd. He removed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. “If you keep that up, we will have a wardrobe malfunction on our hands.”
“I’d rather not make Adelaide’s night, I’ll behave.” For now.
Adelaide bit her lip as Bastien caught her eye. She allowed her gaze to shamelessly roam his exposed form, her eyes slowly raked down his sculpted chest and abs. What I wouldn’t give to lick them. She shivered slightly as she allowed herself to imagine his chest hair brushing against her erect nipples as she ravished him. Why do all the young men of Cordonia believe a woman wants a smooth chest? A real woman wants a real man; rugged, buff, with hair on his chest. She tilted her head slightly to the side as she reached the sheer maroon fabric. Covered, what a pity. She licked her thin lips as she allowed her mind to wander. She could tell by the barely concealed bulge that he would be a sight to behold. Is it all length or does he have girth too? A shiver ran down her spine as she allowed herself to imagine his large hands manhandling her. She shook her head sadly before draining her glass of champagne. Another opportunity missed. She turned going off in search of another glass of champagne, there was no point in trying to speak to him, she knew Olivia had her claws in far too deep to let him venture off alone looking like that.
Drake’s chestnut eyes went wide and he quickly averted his gaze as Bastien and Olivia joined them. He nervously cleared his throat as he struggled to erase the image of Bastien from his mind. “I love you Bas, but I didn’t need to see so much of you.”
“Admit it Walker, you're just jealous you won't look this good in a decade.” Olivia looked Drake up and down, fighting back a chortle at his stay puff marshmallow costume. “Or ever.”
Drake went to run his hand through his hair forgetting the ridiculous hat on his head. Stupid costume! Next time I’m not letting Ellie pick what I dress as.
"Drake, it's no different than when we do laps."
"Really Bas? It’s a huge difference. I mean that's a speedo. This is…” His words trailed off as he reluctantly looked over Bastien’s costume. “I don't know what it is, but it’s not a speedo!"
“Drake, it really is no different.” Ellie stated. “I’m impressed Liv, getting Bas to show off his impressive form, he will be the talk of court for weeks to come.”
“Excuse me my queen?” Liam asked looping his arm around her waist.
“Relax Li, I’m just saying he has an impressive body and I’ve noticed several party goers checking him out as well.”
Olivia smiled, Ellie and Liam’s costume was so perfectly them, but she and Bastien had clearly won. Ellie wore a royal blue waistcoat, cut low almost like a corset and trimmed in gold. Her black locks were mostly down with two pigtails at the front of her head twisted to form horns, she wore minimal face paint, just a nose and a bit of lines to give the appearance of fur, but not too much as to conceal her identity. She nearly laughed at Liam’s long wavy wig. Instead of a dress he’d opted for a gold tailcoat and matching pants, complete with ruffles at the sleeves and collar. Both costumes were well made, clearly professionally made just for the royal couple, yet the idea wasn’t inventive enough. “Liam, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about, your queen only has eyes for you. But I just need to know, what do you think of Bastien’s costume?”
Liam easily slipped into his kingly persona. “Your concept is certainly... forward thinking”
Ellie and Olivia snorted at his polite answer. Even among friends he found it hard to be harsh.
Maxwell danced up to his friends, Olivia lost it at the sight of his gold lamé parachute pants, airbrushed tee and red, white, and blue jacket, topped off with thick gold chain. “Dare I ask who you’re supposed to be Maxwell?”
Maxwell clutched his hand to his chest as he feigned hurt. “Olivia, how could you not recognize Vanilla Ice?” She raised her brow in question. “He’s a rapper, you know ‘ice ice baby. He’s from the nineties...” He trailed off as his brilliant blue eyes fell on Bastien. “Be honest, do you think I could pull that off? I think I could pull it off.” Maxwell rambled to himself. “OMG WE CAN BE TWINS NEXT TIME!" He screamed excitedly.
The group erupted in laughter.
“It’s not that funny guys.” Maxwell pouted deflating ever so slightly.
“Lord Maxwell, I wanted to thank you for implementing the no mask or full face paint rule for costumes.” Bastien said, glancing at the nearby faces.
Maxwell nodded, he’d originally been upset by Bastien suggestion. He soon remembered how badly he’d taken finding out Justin wasn’t who he thought, especially after getting in trouble with Ellie for the cronut incident.
“Bas, you no longer have to use formalities, we are all friends here.” Liam stated.
“Sorry sir, force of habit.” Bastien replied to a chorus of new laughter.
Savannah rolled her eyes as Bastien and Olivia joined their group. Could she have picked a tackier costume? “Olivia, for a woman who was born into nobility and raised in the palace, you sure lack taste.” She wrinkled her nose at Bastien’s costume. “As Duke and Duchess shouldn’t you have less revealing costumes?” If you could call it that. I’ve seen more fabric on Penelope’s poodles.
“I have more taste in my pinky finger than you have in your entire body. You’re just jealous that your husband couldn’t pull this costume off in a hundred years.”
Savannah eyed Olivia up and down, eyes widening slightly as she opened her mouth to speak.
Oh no bitch, you don’t get to announce it. “You want to talk about taste and class, yet we both know you have none. Why else would you run off to another country when the father of your child turned you down?”
Savannah gaped at Olivia, stunned speechless by her words.
“You may have married a Duke and gained a title, but I assure you, you’ll never be worthy of the title you bear. I mean, all it took was a ring and you forgot everyone who was there for you.”
Savannah felt steam leave her ears. “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means your guest list seemed to be missing a key person in your life growing up. But I guess since you take after your mother that’s to be expected.”
“I seem to remember your own guest list forgetting a house.”
Olivia feigned a frown. She didn’t forget, maybe it was petty but she knew Savannah would feel slighted the way Bastien had. “I distinctly remember extending an invitation to every house. I even believe I sent two separate invitations to Ramsford.”
Savannah seethed, her hands curled into fists. “Lord and Duke of Ramsford, what about the Duchess?”
“Oh dear, must have slipped my mind like a certain invitation slipped yours. Not that it stopped you from showing. Bertrand really does need to revisit etiquette lessons with you; it’s very rude to show up to an event uninvited.”
“It’s not like you didn’t have enough food.”
“That’s because a good hostess is always prepared, even for the uninvited guest that may show up.” Olivia smirked at Savannah’s obvious anger. “But really I’m not sure what Bertrand was thinking when he married you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Savannah growled, she was sick of Olivia’s attitude towards her, she’d put up with it all her life, not anymore.
“I mean, after the stunt you pulled leaving the country with his child, taking money from his house, that the last thing he should have given you was a ring and a title. If it had been me I would have taken custody of the child.”
Savannah took a step forward. She’d spent her entire life trying to live up to the other nobles, now she was one, she refused to allow Olivia to disrespect her in her own house.
“Savannah!” Bertrand grabbed Savannah by the wrist, pulling her back to his side. “You will not attack a member of one of the oldest houses and tarnish the House of Beaumont.”
Savannah let out an annoyed scream. Of course he’s more worried about the status of the family than his own wife. “Fine.” She straightened, hands brushing the sides of her plain blue regency inspired costume. She spun before she stalked off, steam leaving her ears.
Neville felt his face grow hot with rage. The indignity! He straightened the jacket of his perfect recreation of his ancestral costume, the very first Earl of Cormery Isle, a man to be feared and respected. He’d stood idly by long enough watching nobles of so called higher houses make a mockery of his country by choosing so called love over duty to country and picking commoners.
He stalked up to the small group, his dark eyes alight with anger. “Duchess Olivia.” He sneered. “You and your husband,” the word fell from his tongue like acid, “are making a mockery of this party.”
Of course he would find himself important enough to interrupt his betters. “There are horses inside, I guarantee you this party was a ‘mockery’ well before it started.” Olivia turned her back towards Neville, signifying she was done speaking to him.
Bastien wrapped his arm around her back. “She means no offense Maxwell.”
Maxwell bounced on the balls of his feet like a small excitable child. “It wouldn’t be a Beaumont Bash if it weren’t a mockery.” He turned to the party, raising his hands in the air. “Let the revelry continue!”
Olivia rolled her eyes as Maxwell danced away being swallowed into the screaming crowd. She turned to Bastien, standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she ran her hand up and down his arm, her hot breath fanning against his neck as she spoke. “We’ve been thoroughly seen and you’ve been ogled by more than half the people here. Let’s get back to our room.”
He took her hand in his, eager to  get out of the costume. He still had one question, one that he had hoped to have had answered over the course of the night. “Why this costume?”
“There may have been a bet but, don’t worry, we won.”
A bet?! His eyes went wide at her admission. “You soo owe me.”
“Don’t worry, there might be a small gold bikini waiting for you in Lythikos…”
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Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m just borrowing them from PB.
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endoftheroad1983 · 6 years
Down the rabbit hole...
Down the rabbit hole.
Poe Dameron x reader
Chapter one
The hissing of the metal door sliding open brought a streak of bright light into the room. Your eyes closed from the brighteness and you let out a hiss of your own. You had been serverly beaten. You also had no idea where you were or how long you had been there. A couple of boots can storming in. They made no movement until the door was shut again. It made the room pitch black once more.
Pale yellow ceiling light came fluttering on. Has that light always been there? You asked yourself. You ingore your guests as they were doing the same to you. One of the white armor men move around your cell as though they were looking for something.
“I don't understand. This is where the weapon is?”  A man's voice spoke up after putting his weapon down. The other one was still searching the room, they gave up, and question the other. Horrible memories of your beating sparked from that word.
“That's what the intel...” But you cut the other off by kicking the legs out of the white armor man that was the closet. Then you were quick on your feet to bull charge the other one against the door.
“I'm not a weapon!” You hiss as you tried to find the opening of the door.  But it was futile. A pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders from behind and pulled you away from the door. You ingore the pain that they were causing. Under the long sleeve shirt, your arms were covered in bruises. You bit your tongue to keep from speaking.
“Hey! Whoa slow down, We are not here to hurt you!” The one you had charge into spoke up as he was getting up off the ground. He  held up his hands and then slowly pulled his helmet off. His very dark skin bounce off the metal door with ease. And to prove that his friend was right, the pair of hands dropped away from you.
“We are with the Resistence. We got intel that said that Hux and Ren are holding a special weapon in this cell.” Again your skin began to prickle with anger. Resistence? This wasn't making any sense to you. Your head was now spinning and your malnourished body was giving away. You turn to face both of them.
“I am not a weapon for no one.” You choke out the words even though your vision already gave away. Soon you slipped  back into  the black void that you were all to familiar with.
What did you do wrong that day?
How did you fall so far down?
Why are you still not listening?
“The murder rate has gone of 9 percent, Y/N!, just this year.” Your mother was rambling on again about the horrible parts about New York. You shake your head and prayed thankfully that you two were on the phone. She would have snapped at the fix grin on  your face. It was 2018 what did she expect the crime to start vanishing by now?
“Mom, I’m going for a three day con. I'm not moving here. Besides I'm staying at B/F/N the whole time. So I’m not going to be alone.” You have used this speech every year at the same time for the last ten years. How was this going to any different?
“I worry about you. I don't think you'll ever listen to me?” She sighed in the phone. I bit back a retort and instead anwsered with,
“I'll send you pics throughout the day? Will that help you?” She hummed her approval as she knew she couldn't talk me out of it.
“Ok, with that settled, I really got to go now. Bye, I love you.” And with that you ended the call as you begain gathering your luggage and artwork into your arms as the bus roared to a stop.
Fresh air brought you back from your pass out. Your eyes flutter open but your vision was blurr with tears. But a second later you snapped out of it. You were being dragged by the two armor guys. You don't recognised where they were taking you.
“Easy, just keep your head down. Your doing fine, Sweetheart.” It was the one that had grabbed you from behind that spoke. You slowly dropped your head back down and closed your eyes.
“That's a girl.” He priase you again. Your heart was beating so loud in your chest you were sure you were going to get caught. And with that thought it made your heart beat faster. It was a never ending loop.  You could start to feel your arms beginng to throb in pain. That's when you realise that they were not holding you tightly. You fought the gulp of air that tried to escape from a horrible thought. What if they were taking you somewhere far worse then this? You should've listen. Your mind scolded you for the thousandth time.
“Poe!” The other one harsh whispered him. You felt your body turn in a different direction and hissing of a door. They had lead you to a larger room, you could feel the cold difference. The surrounding area was getting darker.
“Finn! Over here.” He order and that was when you felt them releasing you. You were gently set on the floor up against metal crates. You took the chance and scan the area. As you did you saw that the two males were stripping off the white armor.  They tossed them inside a nearby crate.
“It look's like we will be clear to take off without a problem, What about that one, Poe? Will that fit all of us?” You couldn't see where he was pointing at. The hope of getting out of here was starting to break the grim energy that had taken you over.
“We can make do with that. Just make sure you ready for any action.” One again you felt arms wrap under your legs and waist. You were being crandle in the mans arm's with ease.
“Finn, take her and stay here. On my signal, you'll hand her off to me and get into position. Ok?”
“Yea.” His voice was shaky as you were passed to him. You could feel his heart beating faster but then again was it yours?
No time past, at least in your mind it didn't. But you could feel your body being jousted as the man ran to where he was suppose to be.
“Here, you can give her to me now.” The deep voice guide him.
“Are you going to be able to pilot with her on your lap?” He asked hesitantly. Which you would have reacted to if you were so near your deathbed.
“I can.” He said with an arrogant grunt.
You found yourself in the driver's lap. You were barely managing to stay awake but everything you were seeing was making you very alert. You found yourself in a cock pit that held a variety of buttons.
“What kind of car is this?” You asked. You hadn't made verbel contact with them since you passed out. You still couldn't fully focus on your surroundings but you knew that there was something was very off.
“What's a car?” He asked but then changed his mind, “Nevermind, Shhh we are almost safe.” He began to hit random buttons and the vehicle sprung to life. You jerk a bit and grab onto his shirt that was the closest to you. Where the hell where you? But you remain silent.
“Uhh, Poe?” The other voice spoke up. You had forgtten that there was another guy with you guys,”uhh Four Stormtroopers just enter the hanger. They are armed.” The guy didn't try leaving the tension out of his voice. “I think they are looking for her.”
“It's fine just stay still til I can punch it into overdrive!” He answer. You jerked your head up from his chest.
“Overdrive?” You whimpered. The man dark eyes lit up with curisoty at the words you just repeated to him. He let one of his arms go as they wrapped around your waist pulling you back into his chest.
“Shhh, just stay still, please.” He begged as he was scared you were going to give you all away. You obey knowing that your life was in the balance as well. So instead of questioning all the werid beeping nosies, you focus on your staggering breathes. You use this technique to slow down your heartbeat. You watched to many horror movies to let yourself be captured again because you couldn't control your heavy breathing. And soon you found yourself drifting off in your own mind.
It wasn't until the intense stopping that woke you up. The force had thrown you forward toward the controls. Quickly a arm snake around your wraist and stop you from the impacted.
“Nice work Buddy!” He praised happily to the man in back.
“Your one hellva pilot Poe!” He beamed back. What did you miss? Poe chest was bounce up and down in excitement bring you to the realisation that you were in his lap. You slowly began to sit up.
“Easy now.” He directed you. That's when you feel a gash in the side of your head. It was the main source of the throbbing pain in your head.
“What's happening?” You couldn't tell if you spoke outloud or not.
“We escaped the base and are now heading back to our outpost.” You relaxed for a moment after hearing that you were away from that evil place. You let out a happy prayer.
“We'll be there any moment. Try and relax, you got a nasty head wound. I already have a med team waiting for our arrived.” As he was speaking you finally gain enough courage to look out the windows.
Nothing but blackness was out there. You couldn't contain the gulping in your throat. Your back stiffen and you were frozen in place. All you could do was stare out the window gawking at the veiw in front of you.
“Are we in space?” you finally whispered.
“Poe, I think she more disillusion then we thought. She not making any sense.” the other man spoke up. You nod your head in agreement. Something was diffenetly up.
As on cue, your head began pounding again and you had to cover your eyes. It was getting worse by the moment. Bright white light was taking over your vision as your ears were overcome by a painful pounding sound.
“Don't let her sleep...”
“Hey, Hey you heard him. I need to stay awake for a few minutes longer.”
Rough jearking of the ship you were in had you crying in pain and suddenly everything stopped. The cock pit door, hissed open letting in freash cold air.
“Medic! Medic now!” And then you were out again.
That was three days ago. You had woken up in a make shift hospital. A young nurse looked over you and began asking questions. You remain quiet as you were trying to wrap up everything in your head.
“Do you remember what happen to you?” The young nurse asked. Now that it was mention. You had no idea what had happen in the last 48 hours.
“That's alright, you seemed to be in shock when they brought you in.” She looked over the file again and was going to ask another one when a doctor enters the room.
“That's enough Tilly, I can take over now.” The young girl nodded as she quickly exit the room. The Doctor look over a clear tablet. She took over the chair that the nurse was sitting in.
“How are you feeling?” She asked as she poured a cup of water of you.
“Really confused and I feel drained of my energy.” You answered weakly after drinking the whole cup. Without any questions, the doctor filled the cup again.
“Yes. Well you had a five inch gash over on your right side forehead and several broken ribs.” You moan at that infromation. They will pay, you silently vowed.  
“How long have a been out?” You moved your legs and felt how stiff they were.
“Three days?” Your eyes widen in shock. It only felt as though you slept over night.
“Yes, we are amazed at that as well. You should at lease have another week for the bruises to fully heal and another three weeks for the ribs.” The doctor continue going over the report.
Your mouth hung open as your hand wonder over your stomach and ribs. Nothing was hurting.  With a quick pulse you threw the covers off you and jumped out of the bed. The sudden movement made the doctor cry out.  You stopped when you found a mirror to look into. The gash on your head look as though a it was made by a cat.
“H h how?” You stutter at your image, “I felt a bigger gash. I felt the blood.” You pushed yourself away from your reflecation and slowly wonder back into the bed. That was when you realise that there was a guard in the room as well. The doctor held her hand up to him stay where he was. Did you miss something? Your eyes wonder back and forth from the two.
“She just startled me, you may leave.” The guard nodded to her and then gave a small nod to you.
“I'm sorry.” You whisper your apologies. You didn't realise what your actions has cause.
“No need to apologies. It's Base life.” The Doctor made the joke as if you would get it as well.
“Base Life?” The doctor again looked over you. She hummed for a minute. Before she pulled the see through tablet out again.
“Ok, I think you may have amnesia, Would you condone in a small verbal test for me?” You nodded your agreement.
“Ok we will start with the basics. What is your name?”
“Y/N  L/N” You answer with great ease. The doctor typed in down.
“Are are you in any pain?”
“No, not anymore.”
“Ok Y/N, Where are you from?”
“Athens, Ohio.” This cause the doctor to stumble for a second.
“And where is that?”
“In the United States of America.” Again the words just slipped form your mouth. The doctor again was stun by the answer.
“I'm sorry, I have been a doctor in the Resistence for many years now. We have been through-out the galaxy and I haven't heard of that before. What planet is that?” It was now your turn to be confused. Galaxy?
“Earth,” This can't be happening? Your mind was panicing.
“Earth?” She typed the infromation into her tablet and stood up.
“Ok Y/N, I want you stay and rest for the remainder of the night. I will back tomorrow morning to check on you. If you need anything Nurse Tilly will be on duty.” She began to turn away when she must of seen the look on your face. “We will all figure this out tomorrow. So please rest, you are safe here.” The doctor was nice and sincere.  A  refreshing feeling sprung from it as you were only use to the cold, short, Doctors of your time. Am I really in Wonderland? Your mind wonder as you snuggle down into the bed. Even the detrgent that they use was completely different.  It didn't take you long to fall alseep. You were lying ealier when you said that you had no energy. The wonders of what was going to happen in the morning where your last thoughts before sleep took over you.
The sounds of feet walking back and forth outside your door had woken you from your sleep. The room was dark as you notice that the windows were dimmed down. The Nurse must have done that while you were sleeping. You sat up and watched the movements under the door until a knocking rose from it.
Nurse Tully came in with tan and brown clothes in her hands. She smiled brightly to you as you brought the clothes to a dresser.
“Good Morning,” She greeted, “How are you feeling today?” With a second of thinking about it you were feeling as though nothing had happen to you at all.
“Better, thank you.” You decided to keep that tidbit to yourself.
“Excellent to hear. If you would like to try, There is a Refresher in that room there.” She pointed to another door that you seem to have not noticed.
“When you are done, General Organa wishes to have a word with you.” Your froze at the news. Were you in a war zone? You were quick to rinse and clothes. The tan shirt and brown pants where a little tight but it was better then a flimsy nightgown. And soon found yourself waiting for the nurse to come back. But she didn't instead it was the Doctor from the night before.
“Hello Y/N,  Are you ready to go?” She smile as you hopped off the bed.
You were lead down a corriador of hallways, turn after turn a ping of familiar lit in your stomach. But you couldn't place it. Finally the Doctor lead you to a doorway. A loud hiss interrupted the silence of the hallway. You enter the room to see a  round table  in the middle of bright lit room. There were only two other people in the room. A larger male with a black beard in orange overalls sat at the table. The other was a  older women with her grey hair pulled into a bun. She wore a welcoming smile as you appraoch the table. You were seated with the table in between you and the table and the guy by your side. Probably for security, you hummed to yourself.
“Hello, Y/N L/N. My name is Leia Oragana and this is Captain Wexley of Blue Squadron.” You turn your head and gave a polite nodded and smile and then return your eyes on General Organa. You could only wonder what this was about.
“I have heard that you are far from home?” She asked that as a question but the warm twinkle in her eyes told you a different story.
“Yes.” Your voice was very strong for a one worded answer. The Smile on the General never faded.
“And can you tell us anything about your time on the Basekiller? Anything you can think of?” That was when confusion melted with panic began to expand in your chest.
“Basekiller?” You question her with any question.
“Yes, I  asume that's where you gotten injured from?” Memoeries of what had happen was flooding your brain now. Along with the images came the full emotion damage as well and a sharp pain explode in your head.
“Easy, Easy.” You were coach to breathe, “General, I think she's been in shock not Amnsia. Give her a few days of rest and then maybe she can talk.” General Organa hummed her agreement.
After a minute the pain cease and I was able to look up at them again.
“If I in shock then it really means that you guys don't know where I'm from? Does Earth even exsist here?” You asked in low voice. Both the Captain and General both looked at each other.
“Let's take it one step at a time, shall we?” She smiled brightly at you.
You were sent back to the med room for another night. The quickness of healing of the gash still amased everyone at the base includeing the doctor. But she made it loud and clear that with the little supplies  that there was no way of telling what was happening in the brain. She wanted you under watch for the night.
It was a little over an hour you've been in your room when the door openned and a guard walked in.
“Good Evening. I was sent here to delviery this to you.” She quickly nodded and handed you this folder. Have a nice night night Ma'am.” She was quick on her heels to leave.
You open the folder to see a schule was made out. Not just one for you but of Captain Wexley and General Organa's as well. A simple handwritten note was attach to the paper. It read for her to met up with the two everyday and different times. It was a way for them to know you as well as you to get to know them.  Well that doesn't sound to bad, maybe they can help me find my way home, You daydream as you ready yourself for bed. But you just didn't know how much of a rollor coaster of a ride that you were really in store for.
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