#i want to believe one day i can make money doing somwthing i like but idk
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
i hope i go somewhere nice when i die
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joe9cool · 1 year
Collide- One Shot
A little somwthing off the top of my head inspired by Justin's extension.
"Helloooo million dollar baby." Sara sang as she answered the facetime call from her boyfriend. It was the first day of training camp, and the news just broke that he signed his extension. It made him the highest paid QB. She was proud, and relieved. It was the biggest monkey on their backs for this upcoming season.
She had been mostly kept somewhat in the dark when it came to money. Justin wanted to just play football, and he wanted to do that with the Chargers.
However in the world of sports, things could change. She knew somewhat dealing with her Brother in Law Brent. He played for Colorado one season, and wanted to stay. But the team only wanted to keep giving him one year contracts. With a family, that wasn't possible. So the Smith family had to go to St. Louis on a five year. However he was halfway through that
Justin rolled his eyes. "Stop it." She laughed. She always loved embarrassing him. "Congrats Honey, Seriously you deserve it. Everyone loves you and believes in you baby."
"Hopefully I can live up to the expectations." He muttered and looked away from the camera. "You will."
There was a pause. "I wish you could come home from camp. Cause I would suck the soul of you right now." Justin's eyes widened and his cheeks were tinted red. "Babe!"
"What?" Just say you forgot something and come back. "I'll make you finish quick. You know I can." She smirked and he groaned. He knew she was thinking of the first time she gave him a blowjob. He finished fast like a teen getting head for the first time.
"Fuck, you are excellent at them." He muttered, and she saw him shift on the hotel bed, most likely trying to adjust his erection.
Another moment of silence then Justin admitted. "It's just a couple of weeks, then I'll be home, and we can enjoy some time together." The month of July had been crazy for Sara, doing press for Oppenheimer, then going out to support the writers protesting. Filming for the show was on pause, and it would likely be for a while.
She was grateful she had a break to spend some time with the cats and just relax. "Did any of the guys see Oppenheimer?" She asked. "Yeah, most of the guys. They thought you were excellent. I told them to close their eyes during the scenes." Sara laughed. She knew Justin was a little uncomfortable with her showing her backside and sideboob. It was a little more than what she usually revealed but she was still not fully nude. "Hey I filmed this movie before I even met you."
He laughed. "I know. Just remember I only get to see your boobs, and your ass, and your pussy."
"I only want you to see them." They heard a knock at the door. "That's Mike, probably wants to discuss workouts."
She nodded. "Okay baby, I'll let you go. Just know I'm so proud of you and I love you."
"I love you more Sara."
A/N: Just a little something I wrote. Congrats to Justin though, baby boy is getting paid.
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gender-chaotic · 5 years
I don’t think I’ve hear anything about your Paranormal Investigator au?? Could you tell me/us about it?
Anon bless, thank you for giving me an exuse to info dump about my au. Also just a warning this is going to mix characters from all 3 canons and its gonna be pretty long. So this au takes place in pleasent pines Connecticut (based on peaceful pines from the show) that is a paranormal hotspot of sorts. Its seen as a town curse and while many of the townsfolk are vaugley aware of the cryptids,ghosts,monsters,ect. That are apart of the town they tend to turn a blind eye/ignore it. This also has to do with the witch trials that took place in Connecticut hundreds of years ago which raises the towns superstitions. Beej, adam, babs are paranormal investigators who live out of their van with lydia who doesnt live in the van with them but helps them hunt the paranormal Beetlejuice/bj/beej (Lawrence beetlejuice Shaggoth) (23) is one of the local paranormal investigator, at a young age he learned he could see ghosts due to the death of his father which was thought to be him leaving his family. After that beej started to see ghosts anywhere they were and tried to tell people around town and attempt to help ghosts as much as he could. This sparked beej's interest in becoming a paranormal investigator and he attempted for years to tell people and town and get them to pay attention but he ended up gaining the reputation as being the "crazy wierd kid who thinks he can see ghosts". Over the years as beej started to humant and investigate the paranormal more and more in town with the rest if the gang the town started to resent him more and he was also seen a making their "curse" worse not to mention breaking into buildings and generally "causing trouble" around town to do his job. Juno, mother to beej and his twin brother Donny hated this and for years tried to shut down his belief in the paranormal and discourage him from hunting ghosts. The fact that beej insists that he says he kept seeing his father as a ghost around made it worse. Juno is a successful buisness woman in town obsessed with her image and status in town and often pits donny and bj against eachother and cares more about they make her look than her own children. She made it clear all bj's life he was a disappointment and always insulted and berated him but favored donny, she even attempted to have beej institutionalized because of his ability to see ghosts and also undiagnosed mental illness she never took seriously, but since beej was always deemed "mentally healthy" it was never sucessful but gave him a fear of being institutionalized and asylums. When beej turned 18 she kicked him out of the house and beetlejuice dropped out of highschool, after this beetlejuice officially started his parnormal investigation buisness out of his van traveling around town and even out of town or out of state at times. Juno still lets him and the rest of the gang in the house at times or atleast let them sleep in the van in their driveway because donny begs her. Beetlejuice often steals food and supplies from his mom's place but donny replaces it for him and attempts to help beej out financially but of course beej is too stubborn to take it. Barbara(21) lived on a farm her whole life with a deeply religious family and was homeschooled, she often went into town to read books at the library where she learned about witchcraft and immediately took a liking to it, secretly practicing at home. Her parents unfortunatly found out multiple times and each and everytime threw out or destroyed any altars, books, herbs, ect. She had anything she had to do with witchcraft. When she was 18 a monster/crpytid started hunting down and killing local farm animals. Baraba who is an animal lover and also a very young witch secised to try and bring the animals back but failed and while doing so was kicked out of their home, blamed for the murders of those farm animals even after she insisted and begged it wasnt hrler and that it was somwthing else out there but none of her family believes her instead she is called the devil and various other insults. After this she moves in with adam for the time being who's parents reluctantly take her in temporarily. Adam (21) used to go to school with beej and donny back in middle/high school. For a long time he kind of saw beej how everyone else saw beetlejuice, and thought he was a crazy trouble making wierdo not wanting anything to do with him until one day barbara brings beetlejuice around telling adam they should help him hunt the paranormal, withadam being the tech guy since his love for fixing and building things carries over into more modern tech in this au. Adam doesnt believe beej at first but on their first job that quickly changes and the 3 of them eventually become paranormal investigation team, barbara being their witch/mystic and adam ad their tech/research/ and camera guy. Adam's parents eventually kick adam and barbara out because they don't approve of Barbara's witchcraft but also that both of them are working with the "town menace" beetlejuice so after that they live with beej out of the van. Often struggling to turn a profit or make ends meet . all of them become infamous around town and ans are mostly hated especially since they're rivaling otho. Otho(early to mid 30's) is the town's medium,exorcist ,paranormal investigator and rival of our mystery gang. Most of the town looks up to him and he's seen as the savior of pleasant pines when he's actually a fraud. He rarely actually solves any actually problems or finds a cheap/half assed way of doing it while pretending to this all powerful mystic. He also tends to just straight up exorsize ghosts even low level ones that arent demons or poltergeists when beetle juice tries to help these spirits and they down need to be exorsized. Otho is assisted by vanessa (She is the magician's assistant from the film)(24/25) his loyal assistant who enjoys having power in town and living ontop working for otho uaually willing to do whatever he says to help them rise to power of course she is very independent and will speak her mind, still often doing what she wants. They both along with otho's other followers want the mystery gang gone. Delia (early to mis 30's) is one of the the many deticated followers to otho in town, being one of his closest friends and wants to help in anyway she can. Delia is also a witch or a witch in training under otho but very new to witchcraft and since she is taken under otho's wing she doesn't really know alot of proper witchcraft. Delia is more naive and thinks otho is actually helping, wanting to assist him and the town in anyway possible. Lydia (13), Charles' daughter and delia's stepdaughter is fascinated with the paranormal and runs a blog "pleasant pines paranormal" documenting all things weird in town. Lydia is also obsessed with the mystery gang and desperately wishes to join them despite being so young and a job like this will put her in alot of danger. She eventually convinces them to hire them because of her father's connections to certain buildings and lands around town since charles has a job in real estate and is pretty successful/well off giving them leads ahead of otho. With her step mother's close friendship with him this also gives them a chance to one up him. Lydia can see ghosts loke beej but keeps it mostly a secret to not be ostracized even more by the town like beej is, and eventually learns witcraft under barbara. Through out the story lydia is also trying to look for emily's ghost around town or find her in some kind of after life. Charles (late 30's) as mentioned works in real estate in town inadvertently helping the gang with leads and investigation. Charles is more neutral toward otho and the mystery gang, he doesnt really see otho as a great saviour of the town like everyone else but luts up with all the otho stuff because of delia. He also doesn't hate the mystery gang just see's them as a bunch of kids making money the same way otho is although he isnt thrilled his daughter is following them around. This is the main cast and story for now, there are more characters like: tina (miss argentina) (24) who is childhood friends with beej and donny she like charles is more neuteral toward bith parties although since she ia friends with beetle juice she is more on their side, often trying to help them with food, essentials, somwetimes lets them sleep in her apartment and use her shower. She unfortunatly doeant areally believe that beej can see ghosts like the town and thinks its "delusions" which puts a strain in their friendship especially since tina thinks they should find a real job, this isnt malicious she's just worried about her friends and hates seeing them struggle. Tina Secretary/assistant to juno in this au and the ex girlfriend to vanessa. Tina doesnt really like otho and broke up with vanessa after she became closer and more loyal to him. Claire (13) lydia's classmate (and crush) like in the cartoon bullies lydia for being "weird" and helping the mystery gang, claire's parents are rich followers of otho. Sometimes acts as a spy/informant for otho to prove her loyalty to him and her parents. I think this is all the basic info and main cast stuff for the au im probably missing some stuff tho. Theres also alot of things i have developed already and alot more world building i want to do so if y'all wanna hear more about this au hmu in asks, I'll probably even draw some stuff for this au.
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shiningstraykitten · 6 years
park jihoon scenario: passion
Requested?: Can i request a scenario for Wanna One Jihoon please? The plot is what if he was a boxer who lose his will to fight because of the injury that make him all cold and gloomy, while she was a reporter who just sneaking around looking somwthing spicy till she uselessly fallen in love with how sad his face staring at the boxing glove, she try to cheer him up but he kept pushing her away after that is up to you hehehe thank you, hope my plot doesnt confuse you
Member(s): Park Jihoon (Wanna One)
Format?: Bulletpoint scenario (+female reader)
note: because it was specified in the ask, (y/n) is a girl
third person pronouns will be used here
the story begins with a boy named park jihoon
for a long time, he never knew what he would grow up to do
people around him would have ideas and at least a little certainty about their futures, which made his teachers and people around him almost worried about him
it wasn't until his first year in university that he started to take up boxing, at least as a hobby
one day, jihoon’s childhood best friend daniel asked him to try boxing classes at a nearby gym with him
at first, jihoon was hesitant, but after a bit of convincing from daniel and a promise that if he didn't like it, he didn't have to go again
jihoon, being a softie for daniel, agreed
and it was then, learning how to fight and pull himself towards victory, that he truly found his calling
and after more lessons, he took up boxing on his own time, with daniel as a sparring partner
boxing became his passion, what he never had when he was younger
so jihoon went pro later in his university years
and he loved the high after every victory, and strived to do better and accepted defeat with open arms
jihoon couldn't be happier
until one match against a known champion
by then, jihoon was starting to make a name for himself
so he was considered a formidable opponent to many
the match started off fine enough, with jihoon getting control of the fight for quite a while
but he could never foresee getting a hard hit on his arm, severely injuring it to the point that he could not continue the match, and it landed him in the hospital
according to his manager and his doctor, he wouldn't be able to box for the foreseeable future until his arm heals up
it may never be the same again
anyone who ever knew jihoon could tell that the familiar fire in his eyes has been extinguished; he looks cold, empty
his passion, his drive to continue, has been stolen from him before his very eyes
this is when we learn of an intern at a news publisher: (y/n) (l/n)
from when she first learned how to write, she wanted to go into journalism
she desired to be able to give the news that she finds important, to be able to let people know what's going on in the world
her dream finally began at an internship at seoul weekly, a major magazine
she couldn't wait to bring her ideas to the table, to write her own sections
but for a while, she was basically an unpaid assistant, getting things for the higher ups
it almost unmotivated her; she believed that her dream of her story on the screen was too far beyond her
until one day, she had a meeting with one of the editors
he had read her notes she made from previous meetings and he believed that she could write a story
well, one he found as ‘relevant’ and 'entertaining’
so basically, a juicy story
(y/n) knew that that was a big responsibility; she would be representing the whole magazine
she accepted, understanding that this could be the key to unlocking her dream
so (y/n) observed people around her, looking far and wide for a story
it was harder than she thought; she submitted about three ideas already and all of them got turned down
until she passed by a familiar gym
a very close friend of hers frequented this place, and meeting him there made her very much acquainted with it
so she was looking in, looking for her friend, when she locked eyes with a very familiar face
she saw him practicing fighting at the gym, and back then, she saw the fire he had, the passion for his sport
she regretted not being able to meet him back then, his passion helped rekindle hers
but when she revisited, something was definitely off
not only was he sporting a large cast, evidently a large injury
but the way he looked at his gloves, at the ring
it was a profound longing, like he was searching for a lost puzzle piece, or trying to bring back a lost part of him
(y/n) was captivated then and there
she wanted to know exactly who the boxer at the gym was, what his story was
(y/n) was on a mission: learn more about that boy
at first, she spent an excessive amount of time searching up recent pro boxers online
she guessed he went pro, because the last time she saw him, he was ridiculously good
she learned his name was park jihoon, and that he was rising from a rookie to a known champ, but recently had a major injury
at first, (y/n) thought that all of that was enough
but after pitching it, she was told that she needed to dig in deeper to have a true story
(y/n) really didn't know what else to do
so she asked some of the senior writers on the team about it, and was told to get closer to him to get more key info
(y/n)’s conscience screamed that it was a bad idea, but the seniors wouldn't let up
they told her that if she couldn't investigate a serious matter, how could she bring anything to the table?
so she decided to only pry a little; to not let it get the best of her, and to get jihoon”s consent to make an article about him
(y/n) first met jihoon through a newer friend of hers, ong seungwoo
he had been recently visiting the gym because his stepbrother, kang daniel (who he recently reunited with) worked there
so when she decided to come with seungwoo one day, jihoon was there sitting next to the ring, watching someone else training
after talking with seungwoo and meeting daniel, they noticed (y/n) looking over at the boy under the ring
she was told it was jihoon, and she learned that he’s daniel’s longtime best friend
and that he really needed cheering up, because of the injury
so (y/n) made it her goal to get closer to him and put a smile on his face
but it was easier said than done
at first, she thought that he was just very grumpy, because he was not willing to let her take one step towards him
but that made her more determined to break his shell
she would get him stuff, try her best to have conversation
it was to the point that she realized she was really falling for jihoon, and not his story
and it was then that she started to see a new side of him
he would start to smile ever so often, to have full conversation with her
she discovered he was a boy with a new grasp of a passion, someone who tried his best to make it happen
he was a boy with dreams that were crushed right in front of him
and (y/n) didn't know what to do
so she tried her best to light up his life, so he could find hope
(it was then that she asked daniel, the closest to jihoon, “how do you bring light to someone who lost all hope?”)
(little did she know, this statement was why daniel came to trust her)
later, (y/n) came across her preliminary notes, and it dawned on her that she originally intended on a story
but now? she couldn't write one if she tried
so she deleted every trace of her original work, and went to the writers
of course, they gawked at her
she just threw away a major chance to write for a popular platform
but she wouldn't relent, jihoon was way too important to her, she didn't want him to believe that she didn't care about him
she cared so so much
but the writers were determined to get something out of her, to remind her that this was what she had to do to advance
so they fabricated new drafts, and slipped them into her bag while she was doing some errands
(y/n), unaware of this, picked up her bag and made her way to the café she was supposed to meet jihoon at
jihoon had been looking like he'd been feeling better lately, so she was very much looking forward to seeing him again
and unbeknownst to her, jihoon had been longing to be with (y/n) for more time, as she became one of the most important parts of his life
so jihoon invited her out to go get a coffee and then go to a movie
(y/n) came a little earlier than jihoon, so she, either out of habit or of a feeling of uneasiness, looked through her bag to make sure she had her things and her money
but she came across a folder
she left all her other notes from meetings at home or submitted them to her editor
she opened it to find notes about a boxer, and it dawned on her that it was about park jihoon
and it made her furious
she did mention to another intern that she was meeting jihoon that day
she threw that story away so that she wouldn't hurt jihoon, but her seniors planted new evidence
did they expect her to not notice? so that jihoon would find out the wrong way?
when she was about to throw them out, jihoon arrived, looking around for a table
because even when (y/n)'s unhappy, jihoon is a priority, she still waved him to the table, greeting him
but he could tell something was off, she seemed stressed
so he asked about it when the two got their drinks
and (y/n), being tired of hiding things from people she loved, spilled everything
her initial interest, her feelings for him, the article, the writers, the drafts in front of him
at the beginning of her spiel, she could see jihoon was worried that (y/n) was admitting to not caring about him
but by the end, the relief, the knowledge that (y/n) put him before her potential career at seoul weekly was almost palpable
and (y/n) firmly believed that jihoon looking happy was absolutely and utterly ethereal
and she was also in for a surprise when jihoon told her that he was realising that she helped him get out of his miserable state when he got hurt, and that he would never regret getting closer to her
so the two of them left the café with a clear conscience and full hearts
jihoon’s friend thanked (y/n) for what she done for jihoon later, and jihoon and (y/n) decided that they'd really suit being together in a relationship
and jihoon helped (y/n) find a new platform that would appreciate her writing, and production 101 became (y/n)'s second home
her first home is jihoon, no matter how much he gets flustered hearing that
and currently, they are waiting on the doctor's opinion for when jihoon can return to boxing
all in all, the two found their passions and found each other as well
thanks for requesting, I really enjoyed writing this!!!
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