#i want to clarify i don't actually ship person it's just a crackship to me so please no one come after me about this
whatsitzface · 2 years
I'm so fucking mad with the pjo/hoo fandom. Percy and Jasons ship name is jercy when it could be person. PERSON COULD HAVE BEEN THE SHIP NAME-
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
The topic came up so let me clarify my position on shipping: I'm a canonshipper, and an exclusive canonshipper at that. You can multiship and use canon as your sandbox etc. etc. but that is mutually exclusive with my approach to fandom. The motivating factor of fandom to me is the canon, because without it I might as well be writing an original work. Fix-its are not interesting to me, AU's are only interesting to me insofar as they might reflect canon dynamics.
It took me a while to figure out what I liked and I don't really like when one certain approach (throw canon out and do whatever you want) is prized over another especially because in my experience it lessened my joy in fandom. I get that it's mostly said in a jocular fashion so it's not a joke I'm in on. I also know that I am probably of the variety politely described as a 'killjoy', though this is my version of fun lol.
My OTP like Knightfall is not a crackship to me, though it is a rarepair (the terminology is sometimes mixed in application, and at other times 'crackship' is just used as an insult), and I do not ship any 'competing' ships nor do I tolerate love triangle reconciliation through OT3's or whathaveyou. Then again I don't view Jaune/Pyrrha as all that narratively viable past what it serves the story, so it doesn't read as a coherent 'love triangle' to me to be solved by Jaune/Pyrrha/Cinder as has been described to me Pyre theory allows, or it's not a love triangle but it's not something I want to think about ever.
So I'm probably never going to be nice about non-canon ships (and non-OTP's), and I do talk about romances I don't personally ship because it interests me. I'm not really sure if this were necessary clarification, but it's come up enough times now it's worth saying again. Pretty much the only thing that sustains my interest is going to be canon - it's why I'm not interested in writing Reylo fanfic anymore, or reflective theory about it beyond fandom engagement/response - and that can be equally incompatible with other peoples' experiences. As much as I respect different approaches if it fundamentally breaks the reason I engage with fandom or a ship, it's not really something I want to spend time thinking about or give much consideration beyond actual canon viability.
I don't really know if I can tag for everything to filter your experience - I do tag for Jaune/Weiss and Jaune/Pyrrha, just because those are relatively well-accepted fanon positions that criticism of can come out of left field, although other team bicycle Jaune ships I don't tag for just because that gets exhausting quickly and I don't talk about them as often just because they don't... have much going for them sorry.
But I figure if you spend like five minutes on my blog you get a taste for what you're in for pretty quickly. Lol!
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