#i want to draw the whole cast and i dont have the patience to wait till september so im starting now
skeletorsbiceps · 2 years
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midnigtartist · 6 years
6. The super long kiss that wasn’t intended
He knows he should be watching the treeline. Sat beside Nott at the front of the cart, Molly knows that he ought to be scanning the tree line for any potential threats to their merry band as they weave their way through the valley. But he just can’t seem to get himself to focus on the slow passing trees as Nein marches southward. His gaze keeps slipping from the road, as he glanced over his shoulder at the wizard curled up in the back of the cart.
As to be expected, he’s got a book propped up in his lap. One of the spellbook he keeps strapped to his side, Molly notes, as he carefully and meticulously sifts through their recent spoils. The faint hum of arcane energy hangs in the air around him. It pricks at the back of Molly’s neck, making the hair there stand on edge and that’s why he’s been so distracted, and certainly not because Caleb looks so darling and content with his task, a small smile curling at the corner of his lips.
No, Molly thinks wryly to himself, it’s certainly nothing to do with that. Not at all.
He swings his legs over the side of the cart bench, earning and disgruntled yelp from Nott as she’s jostled by the movement. Molly ignores this, instead watching Caleb’s, dare he says, giddy smile as the pearl clasped tight in his hand dulls, and he picks up the bracelet he’s been inspecting. Sliding off the bench, Mollymauk seats himself cross legged at the perimeter of Caleb’s pile of spoils, resting his cheek to his fist.
“Anything interesting?”
Caleb starters, but only a little, his head jolting up and eyes blinking as he takes in the new addition to his ring of shiny things. Molly offers him a curling, close mouth smile in lue of a proper greeting.
Caleb nods, pulling at his beard. “Ja, this-” he gestured vaguely over the lot of stuff, a crooked grin on his face. “This ist gut. There is a lot a usefully things here.”
“Almost finished then?” Molly asks.
“Oh yah, I just have to look over these rings for Jester, you know, and then that will be all of it but ahhhh- you have come over here? Is- is there something you need?” the thrill the magic gives him, seems to bear wearing off and Molly can see Caleb slowly receding back into his shell. And that simply won’t do.
He shrugs “Not particularly. This is fascinating, by the way.”
Caleb lowers his gaze to his spellbook. He twiddles and twists the pearl between his fingers and Molly tracks the movement because that’s fascinating too. Caleb’s long fingers rolling the small bead between them is truly something and he can feel the slight flush crawling up his neck.
“You have seen me identify objects before,,,” Caleb mutters.
“And I find it thrilling every time!” he says. He leans forward so his elbows are pressed into his knees. “I think it’s just wonderful, that. How you can learn all of that stuff just from looking at it for a few minutes. It’s very impressive!”
Caleb shrugs, but Molly spies a phantom of a smile touching the corner of his mouth and he finds himself beaming all the wider for it.
“Well you know, there is a bit more to it then that but it is ahhh,, nerd shit.”
“What I’ve learned from traveling with the lot of you terrible people is that nerd shit tends to be the shit that keeps us alive. It’s very useful shit. Don’t sell your shit short Caleb, it’s very good shit! Quality, even.” he says. Somewhere to the right of him, he can hear Jester cackling. He keeps his eyes and his smile trained on Caleb, who’s actually turned a bit to face him.
“Ha ha.” it’s not a laugh, not really. It more just the noise, but it’s so endearing that Molly’s insides squirm with delight at the sound. “I suppose you are right- about that at least.”
“You’d be surprised by how much I’m right about, actually.” Molly says.
This time Caleb does laugh, even if all it is a huff of air. “Mister Mollymauk.”
“Mister Caleb”
The pearl rolls between his thumb and forefinger. “Would you like learn a magic trick? I, you know, I have tried teaching Jester before, and umm, Beauregard but, they don’t, well, they really do not have the patience for this sort of thing.”
He cocks his head to the side. “And you think I do?”
“I have seen you mend your coat.” Caleb says, actually leveling his clear blue gaze on Molly, effectively pinning him in place. “That embroidery is your handy work, hmm? Something like that takes a lot of time.”
Molly draws back so that he’s sitting up straight. “Well as flattering as it is to know you keep eye on me.” Caleb flushes. “-I don’t think I’m quite clever enough to do what it is you do dear.”
Magic, at least, the magic Caleb does, seems to require a lot of reading, and reading has never really agreed with Mollymauk Tealeaf. It makes his eyes hurt and his whole brain revolt against him, can even give him a terrible headache if he forces himself to work at it for too long.
Caleb’s brows draw together, forming deep creases between his eyes. “It is not that hard.” he says.
Molly flashes him a tight smile. “Yes, but I’m not that smart.”
The wizard shuts his spellbook with a forceful snap that makes Molly’s tail jump and curl up behind him. “Come here, Mollymauk.” Caleb says, commands really, Molly thinks with a shiver. “I will not force you, if you do not wish, but do not withhold just because you think that you might not be clever enough. I will be the judge of that.”
“Well when you put it so nicely,,,” Molly says, praying to the Weaver that he sound relatively unaffected by whatever that was. He slides over so that he’s sitting next to Caleb, instead of across from him. “So, what will I be learning then?”
Caleb hesitates, but only for a moment before he opens his book back up, and shuffles over so that Molly can see the pages, balancing it on his knee.
“Something simple, I think.”
“Oh goody.”
Even the creak of the branches in the wind sounds ominous, which Molly thinks is rather ridiculous and painfully cliche. His blade, glowing with a warm, white light, is wrapped up in the tails of his coat to dull it’s radiance as Molly creeps along low in the brush. The Nein had decided, against Molly’s better judgement, decided to travel a few hours past sunset.
“The next town isn’t that far, guys.” Jester had told them, brandishing the map with the same ferocity with which she handles her sickle. “We’ve been on the road for daaaaaaaaaaays and my feet are getting all tired and gross from walking so much and I just want to sleep in a bed and not in the grass and wake up with like, bugs in my hair and stuff.”
So they’d marched on, and now they’re paying the price because not only is it a good couple of hour past sunset, but they’d been assaulted by some ruffians. Taking advantage of the exhausted state of the party, they’d managed to stop them, rob them, and make off with Jester’s haversack of holding. With so much of their valuable shit in that bag, they’d decided to give chase, and had gotten spread pretty thin in the processes. Which, isn’t such a bad thing, Molly’d been able to pick off a few of the bandits, spread thin themselves, quickly and quietly. But he’s worried about everyone else. If they were unlucky enough to run into more of the bastards then they could handle alone, with Jester possible very, very far away. That could make things a bit more sticky.
Of course, they’re all pretty capable, decently strong. And yet,,, Molly’s worried about some, specifically squishy members of their party.
He’ll- they’ll be fine.
He marches on deeper into the woods.
A bit of time later, the sound of muffled voices hit Molly’s ears. Not long after does he spy the flicker of firelight through the leaves, painting speckled shadows along forest floor.
Molly pauses a moment, tucking himself against a rotting old tree trunk. Peeking over the top of it he can just barely make out a group of darkened figured, hooting and hollering like idiots around a makeshift camp. Why do petty thieves always do that? Make a whole fucking ton of noise that gives away their position. Every single band of thieves he’s ever run into does it. It’s just not smart. Though, if they were smart enough to understand that they probably wouldn’t be out here robbing well seasoned mercenary groups, he thinks. He counts the shadows, or at least he tries to. The back lighting from the fire is fucking up his night vision but he thinks he sees four or five distinct individuals. Too many to take out alone.
Reaching into his pocket with his free hand, he pulls out a little piece of wire. Its difficult, harder with only one hand, but he manages to wrap the bit of copper around his finger and brings it up to his lips. He points out into the woods in the general direction he thinks he saw people running. “Found a group of them. Looks like five maybe? North. Just past that one rock that looks remarkably like a penis. Oh ! and you can reply to this message” he whispers into his fist.
Molly does this eight more time, hoping that if he casts a wide enough net he’ll be able to get in touch with at least some of the Nein. Between not knowing exactly where everyone is and the, frankly concerning, fizzle of the spell against his lips he not sure how many of them got the message. On the fourth time, he hears Jester’s cackling rattling around in his skull. It’s a horrible bizarre feeling that makes his skin tingle,and not even in the fun way.  On the sixth one he hears Beau’s exasperated “real fucking mature, man” and has to stifle a chuckle. On the last one, it’s Caleb’s voice ringing around in his skull.
“I see the rock you are talking about. oh- ja it does look like a dick.” He says. “I am making my way over to you now.”
Molly waits, one eye on the trees around him, one on the group of bandits, watching for any strange movement. Maybe one of them will come over here to take a piss. He could take them out nice and quite, and that would be one less shit head to deal with.
The bushes to his right rustle and Molly tightens his grip on his sword. Caleb comes sprinting out of the underbrush towards him, crouched low to the ground to avoid being spotted. Molly can’t even even get a word of greeting out before Caleb is suddenly upon him, hands reaching to curl around the lapel of his coat.
The wizard is positively beaming at him, his face cracked with a wide smile Molly has only ever seen him give Nott. His eyes are practically glowing, wide and excited and full of pride. He’s on Molly in an instant huddled against the rotten log alongside him and Molly is stunned.
“You cast message!” Caleb says, barely able to keep his voice to a stage whisper for the excitement. His hands come up, cupping Molly’s face between them and immediately the teifling feels himself start to color. Thumbs rub over his cheeks, Caleb squishing his face between his calloused palms “You cast the spell, you did the thing that I showed you! Oh! I am so proud! I am so proud of you! You are brilliant Mollymauk. I could kiss you!”
Well, that makes Molly’s heart do all sorts of ill advised and complicated gymnastics in his chest.
He puts a shaking hand on Caleb’s knee. “Don’t say thing you don’t intent to follow through on, Mister Caleb.”
Brain seeming to have caught up with his mouth, Caleb pales, then flushes a deep scarlet. His hand stay cupped around Molly’s cheeks, though they do lessen they’re squeezing a bit. His gaze falls past Molly’s right shoulder. “I ahh- right. I was- well I got a little excited I suppose,,,”
“Happens to the best of us.” he gives Caleb leg a friendly jiggle “Your secret’s safe with me”
Caleb chuckles.
They don’t move. They’re still dreadfully, painfully close. Annoyingly, not close enough. He watches as Caleb’s gaze flickers back over to his face. Watches the way his sharp, ever curious blue eyes trace the curve of his palm where it’s pressed into Molly cheek, all the way down to the corner of his mouth. He leans in.
The center of gravity suddenly shifts and Mollymauk Tealeaf finds himself crashing against Caleb’s warm mouth. Its quick, but it’s everything.
Caleb presses his lips firmly to Mollymauk’s for a brief moment, pulling him in with the fingers still curved around his jaw. Molly gasps, fingers tightening around the fabric of Caleb’s pant leg. He lets his eyes flutter shut. And then the warmth is gone and Molly opens his eyes to see the wizard staring at him, wide eyed and flushed. Still his hands don’t move from Molly’s face.
“I should not have done that. I-”
Molly brings his other hand up to the back of Caleb’s neck and pulls him forward. Their lips meet again and Molly can taste the crackle of arcane power that lingers on them. It shoots a thrill down his spine. The hand on Caleb’s knee tangles into the coarse fur lining of his coat and Molly sigh, deep and wanting against the other man’s mouth.
To his glorious surprise, Caleb responds in kind. His hands begin to move, one sliding down his face to rest at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, those long, scholarly fingers spanning across his throat, making Molly shiver. The other tangles into the short curls at the back of his neck, drawing Molly even closer.
Molly breaths through the kiss, eyes shut tight as he focuses on the feeling. Of dry and ragged ruined lips against his own. On the slight scratch of stubble against his chin and the rough pads of Caleb’s fingers on his skin. He feels exactly like he looks, coarse and rough around the edges. Nothing like the soft, sweet smelling hired company that Molly’s used to. He finds he likes this much better. The earthy smell that clings to weather battered skin, mixed in with faint hints of whatever spell components line Caleb’s pockets. Licorice and molasses.
Caleb sighs against him, tilting his head for a better angle.  Molly puts all other thoughts out of his head. Forgets about the bandits at his back, and his friends stomping through the underbrush. Even forgets about their stole bag of good. He put his facilities to better use, memorizing the shape and heat of Caleb’s lips against his own
Molly parts his lips and prods at Caleb’s lower lip with the twin prongs of his forked tongue, makes a soft sound of pleasure as Caleb’s fingers tighten in his hair. Caleb jumps under his hands, pulling away. He desperately wants to follow, but Molly let him go, keeping fingers folded against the lapels of his coat, half  to keep himself grounded, half to keep Caleb from bolting before he can find his voice again.
“Don’t you dare apologize for that.” He crooks out after a moment.
Caleb stares at him with blown out blue eyes. He swallows, runs a hand across his jaw. His fingers linger against his lips. “Ja- okay,,, That was ahhh-”
“That was good.” Molly assures him, stroking fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
Caleb nods, looking a little unsure. “Gut, ja. You know, uhh maybe we should- should, you know- maybe we could do that again, sometime. But I think we should probably take care of those bandits first.”
A smile splits Molly’s face. “Think we can take them, just the two of us?
“No.” Caleb hands come back around to cup his cheeks, then slip down, coming  to rest against the front of Molly’s coat “We are pretty tough, but you said that there were at least five of them. I do not want us taking any unnecessary risks.” he starts fidgeting with Molly’s coat, adjusting it on his shoulder and smoothing out the silk with his hands. “Clever boy.” Molly says, fondness laced into his words.
Caleb doesn’t meet his gaze, but he does smile.
The sound of twigs snapping catch their attention and moments later Beau comes slinking out of the bushes, a new bruise swelling up over her eye. Caleb hands fall away. Molly keeps fingers pressed lightly against the side of his knee.
“That’s a good look on you.” he says, once Beau is close enough.
“Thanks asshole.” Beau wedges her way between the two of them, elbowing Molly in the stomach as she does.  
He whizzes out a pained laugh.
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homestuck-betakids · 7 years
BetakidsWeek2 Full Rules
Hello guys!!! Finally got some time to proper sit down and write this SO
GENERAL RULES: This is a friendly appreciation week, open for everyone to enjoy the wonderful babies that are the Beta Kids, so the general rules are pretty simple
Do NOT harass for ANY reason another user
Be kind with the others
Have some patience with me, I’m a dumb dumb and I’m doing this all by myself, so it can happen I mess something up.
The tags system will be kept on the blog during the whole event
Enjoy it!!!
What is it ok to make?
Any media accepted! Digital, Traditional, Cosplay, FanFiction, Playlist, feel free to go wild!!!
Any headcanon is welcome
Single character will be accepted aswell
Other characters are accepted also! feel free to add any other HS character if you feel like!
Blood and sadstuck it’s allowed as long it’s kept to a minimim
Please, check Shipping Day Rule for extra
What is not?
No Incest
No Phedophilia
No excessive blood/gore
No visual content that may disturbs (vomit and such)
Please, check Shipping Day Rule for extra
The tag for the week is #betakidsweek2, Everything under that tag will be reblogged here and tagged
You can also @ the blog in the description of your work
Submit button is also an option!
DAY1 Cosplay: It’s time for a full day at a Con! Will the kids have some serious cosplays? or memes? well crafted or last minute? Some shopping or full cosplay-day mode? up to you!!! Any fandom is welcome to be cosplayed for this day but I’m kindly asking you to name it in the description, so other people may look up for it!
DAY2 Swap: Hussie casted Scrambleverse and now everything got messed up! How will the kids reacts? be chill about or freak out? Any kind of swap it’s ok, kidswap, clothes, class-aspect, gender, trolls or whatever it comes to your mind! 
DAY4 Favourite Canon Moment: Homestuck is a LONG webcomic, we can’t deny that! Choose your favourite part/event with one of the kids and redraw it! Since we had really little of them being all togheter (still sad for that), so singles characters and events are encouraged here! Also, you dont have to just redraw the panel if you don’t want, feel free to reinterpretate is as you wish!
DAY5 Free Spot / AU: Simple as it sounds, draw whatever you feel like! If you’ve got no ideas you can draw the kids from your favourite AU! Get wild guys!!!
DAY6 Earth C: Credits have rolled, but we know life on Earth C continues! How are the kids going on with ther life? Are they being good ruler of their kingdom? Show us what you think they’re up to!
DAY7 Strife: Time to grab your weapon and fight! Set up an enemy, a battleground and let the kids face it! Will they join forces? Or one of them will play the hero and try to take the foe down alone?  hint hint: fraymotifs are a thing!!!
These specific rules will be posted and reblogged at the beginning of the week and before the ship day prompt start.
As you may know, I’ve got a list of ships wich I got asked not to reblog (or to reblog to a minimum) for this specific blog and I’ve been strictly following the list
Every ship will be PROPERLY TAGGED so no worries for that. -> FEEL FREE TO ASK ME FOR SPECIFIC TAGS!!! <-
NO Incest NO Pedophilia NO Abusive Relationship NO Toxic Relationship NO NSFW Do NOT Harass/Insult an user if he/she/they’ve done a ship you don’t like Do NOT ship-hate BE KIND WITH THE OTHERS As long those rules are followed -> ANY ship is allowed! If you’d like to stay between the Beta Kids it’s perfect! Here’s a quick sums up of all the possible ships between the kids that will be ok to submit: John/Dave  -  John/Rose  - Dave/Jade  -  Rose/Jade But if you want you can also ship any of the beta kids with another HS character! How sweet is that? Share some love!!!
About the Beta OT4: 
Beta OT4 is totally welcome!!! (if not mh, adviced :P ) And as I have already said here It doesn’t have to be a fully romantic relationship, you can easily have all of them togheter in different quadrants! It will of course follow all the rules above, especially regarding the incest. Any work with John/Jade Dave/Rose acting something more than sibligs will NOT be reblogged
That being said, I’m always avaiable for questions/suggestions/complains and such.
See you in a few weeks guys! Can’t wait to see all of your works <3
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