#i want to live in chennai:( i want to be surrounded by tamil people:( i want to fall in love with where I'm from instead of feeling like i
dykrophone · 10 months
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even spotify is taunting me for my life choices as a disgraceful degenerate who has never lived in my homestate fml
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writing south indian characters
[@/moonlit_sunflower_books on ig]
The primary Indian story that is told through modern literature and media is a very North-Indian focused narrative, and while there's nothing wrong with that, there's a massive lack of south Indian representation. Often we're sort of ostracised from other Indians as well, so i thought i'd make a post outlining how to write South Indian characters talking about the differences between our cultures :)
If you have anything to add or things to point out, please go ahead! This is all based on my own personal experience and knowledge.
how do you define "south indian"
"South Indian" is used as a very broad term and is also highly relative. Generally, it encompasses people from the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. The problem with grouping all these characters under one massive umbrella is that our cultures are all vastly different, the same way that someone from Assam and Punjab would have entirely different. I'm going to elaborate on this further as we go!
South Indian food, contrary to popular belief, does not consist of idli and dosa.
Some examples of more food are bisi bele bath, pongal and vathakuzhambu (i promise it's not that hard to pronounce), sambhar shadam (a type of rice and curry), rasam, coconut-based kormas, tamarind rice, chakkarai pongal (which is sweet), vadai (yes we pronounce it differently from North Indians), mysore pak, lime rice, our famous filter coffee (or "kaapi"), and so much more.
South Indian food is more rice-heavy than grain-heavy, and we don't really have a roti equivalent. There's also a lot of non-vegetarian food, but since I'm vegetarian, I don't know a whole lot about it :)
There's also obvious language differences: for example, in a Tamilian household, we would call curd rice "thayir shadam", which means the same thing. Which brings me to my next point...
There is a reason that there's a debate as to whether or not Hindi should be the national language. Spoiler alert: it should not.
South India is home to so many languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malyalam. Very often someone from North India will make the assumption that Indian people speak Hindi, whereas this is completely untrue - South Indians should not be expected to speak Hindi any more than North Indians should be expected to speak Tamil.
If you're writing about a South Indian character, make sure that they speak their native language and NOT Hindi at home! And if it's a South Indian character who lives in a different part of the country, like I do, they'll likely know the language of the part of the country they live in as well as their native language. (But this also depends - if a Telugu person has grown up in Delhi, they're likely to speak Hindi better than Telugu.)
Even characters that live abroad will have some connection to their language. As someone who spent many years outside India, I learnt quite a bit of random vocabulary in the form of food and short phrases like "look here", "what do you want", "what happened", and things like that.
The South Indian version of a lehenga is called a pavada or pavadai, and it's often what younger girls wear at any formal or festive event. Older women will often wear saris. Traditionally, Brahmins used to wear 9 yard saris that were tied differently, but in an attempt to eradicate the caste system, this largely isn't worn anymore.
Men wear veshtis, which is a type of cloth tied around the waist. Traditionally, this would have been worn without a shirt, but today it's not uncommon to see people walking around with a veshti and formal shirt.
Keep in mind, though, India has become really westernised, so many people will also jeans and shirts and things like that. Fusing ethnic and western wear, like jeans with kurta tops, is not uncommon.
It also varies a lot from region to region - in Chennai you're much more likely to see someone walking around casually in a sari than you are in Bangalore, simply because of the culture that surrounds the two cities.
South Indians stereotypically have much thicker, curlier hair and darker skin than North Indians. (But this obviously varies from person to person.)
Within South Indian names, it's fairly easy to tell where someone is from - and this is true of any micro-region, state, or culture within India.
Some examples of Tamil names could include "Srinivasan", "Iyer", or "Pillai". (Iyer and Iyengar are actually two sub-sects of Tamilian Brahmins who worship Shiva and Vishnu respectively, but I won't get into that.) Telugu surnames could include "Komati" or "Nayak".
But traditionally, South Indians never had surnames. There would be 2-3 initials that stood for one's village name and father's name, followed by your name. So, for example, C. V. Raman was his full name! Some people still use this system, but because it becomes difficult during documentation etc, most people have switched to the westernised version of the system.
general culture
Two of my personal favourite parts of South Indian culture are Carnatic Music and Bharatnatyam, both of which I have learnt. Carnatic music is a form of classical music where one sings varnams and shlokas and padams in different raagas and taalams. Bharatnatyam is a classical dance form from Tamilnadu with two main styles - Thanjavur and Kalakshetra.
Of course, there are millions of little aspects to South Indian culture, but I couldn't possibly fit them all here :)
being south indian
Being South Indian in other parts of India means that you're subject to a whole lot of racism.
I've had people say "how can you call yourself a real indian" and, like I said earlier, use words like "dosa" and "pongal" instead of my name. There's also language-based discrimination like I mentioned, because many people assume Hindi should be spoken across the country.
The caste system is also very prominent, and there are multiple movements to eradicate it across South India.
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thepandistory · 5 years
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I am sharing a reflection here from 2019 written by Yasietha Krishnakulasingam who relates the “Pandi” film to her own relationship with mental health struggles. She contacted me this year to let me know how the film had made an impact on her. Thank you Yasietha for sharing this deeply honest and bold piece!  - Saroja Ponnambalam
“I wrote this over a year ago. I didn’t feel like I could share this at the time. The path to addressing my mental health hasn’t been a straightforward one; it’s one that has seen momentum and lulls in equal measure, with both hurdles and, thankfully, help. I’m sharing this because I think watching this documentary helped push me to begin addressing my mental health and I am grateful for that. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the varying external factors that affect mental health; things like access to affordable housing, the reality of precarious employment, student debt and structural forms of discrimination, just  to name a few. I think part of our responsibility to one another is addressing these issues.
I recently attended a screening of the documentary Pandi, hosted by South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC) and Tangled Art + Disability. After the question and answer period I left the screening eager for the privacy to collect my thoughts and then proceeded to spend the drive home crying. I arrived home greeted by my resigned mother, pleading with me to tell her what was wrong. If you don’t tell me how will I understand? I think to some extent my mother does understand, despite lacking the formal language to create a conversation around mental health, I know my mother understands my loneliness, I know that in some ways we are a reflection of each other. I know that her desire to see me married is her misguided attempt to address it. We repeat history, inhaling the past and exhaling the only future we know.
I told myself that I wanted to write a review of this documentary—I think what I really wanted was to write.  I wanted to write to Pandi. I wanted to talk to him about his scripts. I wanted to stand alongside him as he burned money and tell him that I too am tired. I wanted to tell him that I see him and in seeing him I can no longer avoid looking at myself.
But I can’t tell him these things because he is dead.  Pandi killed himself.
The documentary Pandi, directed by his niece Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam, is an exploration of the life of this young filmmaker—a continuous struggle between creative expression and financial pragmatism that is compounded by deteriorating mental health.
As a new immigrant to Canada Pandi moves in with his brother Ponnu and his young family, father of director Maria-Saroja. Within 2 months, upon the insistence of his family, he is working odd jobs to make money. At one point he is working 80 hours a week with the goal of saving enough money to both finance his scripts and show the Canadian Government that he is stable enough to sponsor a fiancé when the time comes. Despite interventions with counselling and medication, Pandi’s mental health continues to worsen in Canada. Ponnu suggests he move back to India, informing his sister in Chennai that she should watch over him, with the instructions to make sure he take “all the  medications”.
In India Pandi continues to write, with the mounting pressure to fulfill his financial obligations, he talks openly about suicide. His nephew discusses how Pandi would write dates on chits of paper, asking him to choose his final date, alluding to the day he would kill himself.  One day Pandi is found dead hanging from the ceiling in his bedroom.
It is only years later uncovering Pandi’s old super 8 reels in Canada that Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam  begins questioning what happened to her sick uncle Pandi. How had Pandi become reduced to boxes and unspoken memories? Through home videos, animations of her uncles scripts and very personal interviews with family members, Maria-Saroja pieces together a picture of Pandi’s  life. Pandi keeps writing, keeps creating scripts even as life pressures him to conform to a more conventionally productive life. In one animation depicting a scene from one of Pandi’s scripts, Pandi exclaims to a lover Reena that “I am not a good person to marry”.
It is a common mistakenly held belief that people who talk about suicide do not actually commit the act. When Pandi discusses suicide with his family it is brushed aside as a means of seeking attention   During the Q/A session, Indu  Vashist, executive director of SAVAC, raised an important point, what is so wrong with giving someone attention?
Gomathi, Pandi’s sister, discusses this dilemma briefly in the film, stating that her family was able to give Pandi love and affection to an extent, but that as a grownup “he has to look after himself”. I found myself thinking about this, that maybe we have somehow conditioned ourselves and the people around us into profound loneliness. How do we create community when we are surrounded by the siloes created under the grand pretext of romantic love?
I think it is possible that we resent people who openly display their pain and ask for help because too many of us have been taught to suffer in silence. Some of us go on to ultimately wrap our pain in art —to create as a form of catharsis, a kind of inversion. I think there is something meaningful in that. But if someone writes a beautiful poem about how painful their existence is, can we respond in a way that amounts to more than a facebook like? Maybe if we can find compassion for others, we can extend some of that compassion to ourselves.  
Maria Saroja, reflecting on the film during the Q/A session believes she may have been too harsh on her family, recognizing that dealing with one’s own mental health and the mental health of family members is often a complicated process. We are not all mental health professionals—these people exist for a reason. However I am realizing more and more that we have a responsibility to one another, to reach out to one another without shame not only when we are suffering, but when we see that others are suffering too. Even as I write this I know how difficult it is, how difficult it is to breach the cocoon of our busy lives and reach out to others. I feel myself falling into a kind of commuter apathy, trying to get home through the path of least resistance. I look out the window of the train and know that I have become a passenger in my own life.
I know I am depressed. I know that sleeping away my time is a coping mechanism. I know I have dissociated from myself to get through day to day living. I know I prioritize making money over experiencing joy. I know I am finally trying to address some of these issues.
What happens when we do not have the language to address our mental health needs with our families? When the stigma shrouds conversations in shame? Mental health problems may not feel tangible, but their consequences are tangibly felt by those suffering. The film Pandi beautifully and honestly addresses mental health in a Tamil family, art that is cross-culturally accessible opens the possibility for conversations.
 As the film ends with shots of Pandi, an almost haunting panorama on a balcony in Toronto, there is a visceral awareness that his was a life that sought expression and ultimately witness. So I find myself unable to look away, grateful to his niece, film maker Maria Saroja Ponnambalam for piecing together fragments of his life.
Pandi turns the camera onto the viewer, focuses the lens and asks the question, what happens after you confront the truth?
How do we heal”
Yasietha Krishnakulasingam
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vinstamil · 3 years
Best IVF Center In Coimbatore/Best IVF Doctor in Coimbatore-Vinsfertility
IVF TREATMENT-In Vitro Fertilisation
 Sperm collection and processing are to be done with great care to avoid infection. Before this IVF Treatment is designed, the husband must have a trial preparation of sperm to see the integrity and biological nature of the sperm and their survival hours. Now after egg pick up the husband is asked to give the semen sample within 2 hours. If he thinks it might be a problem in these tense hours, he must have done it during earlier days, which could be cryopreserved. The same applies to husbands working abroad or undergoing surgery/radio, chemotherapy. The husband could be given a non-toxic condom if he is unable to produce the sample by masturbation. The specifically prepared sperms and the incubated eggs are combined in a test tube or petri dish in a prescribed number ratio and left for a few hours for them to unite. The culture dishes are kept in a modular chamber which holds the gaseous environment very strictly and these are kept in turn in a CO2 incubator. Our IVF lab utilizes a TRIGAS (O2, CO2, N2 mixture) incubator instead of CO2 alone since the presence of 5 % O2 improves the culture Conditions and integrity of embryos. After 18 hours, they are examined under a stereo zoom microscope for fertilization which is obvious if two pronuclei are seen clearly. Each pronucleus denotes the decondensation of a male and female nucleus (DNA). Once they are identified, fertilization is confirmed. This day could be accounted as Day 1. After 48 hours, properly growing embryos show 4 cells inside, and after 72 hours they show 8 cell divisions. Only then they are considered as good embryos. Once the cell division seems to be insufficient and the embryos have the odd number of cells and unequal cells they are considered to be “blocked” ones and they have meager chances to make blastocysts at the end of Day 5. Depending on the number of 8 cell stage embryos available on day 3, the type of embryo transfer and the day of embryo transfer are decided. The success rates are also determined according to the number of 8 cells staged, grade I embryos available in the culture system for that particular couple.
 Below is the list of IVF Centers in Coimbatore;
1, Sudha Hospitals Coimbatore
2, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital (Multi-Speciality)
3, Genesis Advanced Fertility Center
 1, Sudha Hospitals Coimbatore
 Sudha IVF is India's leading chain of fertility centers, providing world-class fertility treatments. We believe in evidence-based treatment and transparency in all interactions with patients. Sudha Hospitals Coimbatore has one of the best IVF centers in Coimbatore that aims at providing rapid solutions and result-oriented services to its patients. Ensuring genetic health care of all its patients, this hospital has treated over 150000 patients and continues to spread the joy of parenthood among people. The medical experts and team of researchers are thriving to move forward and improve the existing reproductive techniques to make it much easier and simpler for the patients. To provide the right guidance and treatment, they also offer counseling sessions with trained IVF experts and counselors that believe in honest report analysis. Sudha Hospitals is a leading chain of fertility centers in India, known for its commitment to excellence and patient-doctor transparency that provides the best IVF treatments with promising results. Parenthood is an astonishing stage in one’s life, and to make those dreams come true – the team here at Sudha Hospitals ensures to put their best foot forward.
 2, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital (Multi-Speciality)
 Sri Ramakrishna Hospital treats thousands upon thousands of patients each year. The most advanced oncological procedures to treatments for everyday ailments, we bring relief to patients from all walks of life. We use state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge surgical and medical techniques to deliver outstanding outcomes. The original hospital is an imposing 1000-bed edifice where top-flight consultants and expertly trained staff offer advanced treatments and procedures ranging from advanced neurosurgery to chemotherapy to stem cell transplantation to organ transplants and so on. Here, driven by our founding motive of providing accessible healthcare to society, patients receive the very best of care at virtually nominal costs. With a host of ‘firsts’ to our credit over the years, we have consistently stood at the edge of medicine in the nation. We are the rare exception to the rule – a private hospital driven by motives of empathy, service to society, and excellence. At our new 230-bed super-specialty block, world-class physicians and surgeons treat patients from across the globe in more luxuriously appointed surroundings. With a high staff-patient ratio, individual attention is at its highest. Equipped with space-age medical technology and exceeding global standards, the super-specialty block outshines many of the more celebrated ‘chain hospitals’ of the metros. We’d go as far as to say it has redefined ‘corporate’ healthcare.
 3, Genesis Advanced Fertility Center 
Genesis IVF is an extremely distinguished medical clinic for Infertility with all facilities under one roof. It has come a long way since its inception as a pioneering institute in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in 1996. It has taken giant steps to become a center of excellence in all facets of infertility and IVF treatment options, which are offered at an affordable cost for the public. The success story of Genesis IVF & MMCH in infertility treatment is largely due to the support of an extremely dedicated and experienced IVF team led by Dr.Nirmala Sadasivam, who has invaluable experience due to pieces of training she had at various world-class institutes overseas, since 1991, and has pioneered in Blastocyst Culture technique since 1998. She was recognized by the National Academy of Medical Science and offered MNAMS – membership. With their vast knowledge and experience in Blastocyst culture technique, she has utilized the data of more than 4000 infertile couples treated in her center. She could do a Ph.D. in the same specialty. This institution was endorsed in its nascent stage at the National ``Art” Registry of India and is now a prestigious senior member of ISAR, India. Another feather in their cap is the inclusion of the center as one among the esteemed early participants at ASPIRE – Asia Pacific Initiation of Reproductive Endocrinology, Hong Kong, in their academic events. This institute is accredited to ICMR through the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction.
 Best IVF Doctor In Coimbatore
1, Dr. S. Dhanabagyam (MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
2, Dr. S Pradeepa Sudhakar (MBBS, DGO, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology)
3, Dr. Nirmala Sadasivam (MD. DGO.)
1, Dr. S. Dhanabagyam(MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Dr. S. Dhanabagyam says "To establish a Woman Care & Infertility center and to provide world-class treatment at an affordable cost to all levels of people was my long-cherished dream and when I look back on the achievement of Sudha Test Tube Baby Center I am very comfortable and feel my dream come true. First Tube baby in Erode district at the time quality infertility treatment was available only in Chennai like a metropolitan city, was no mean achievement and when we cross the milestone of 10000 Test Tube Babies I am extremely rejoiced. I thank god, my family, colleagues, my staff, and well-wishers who have helped us to achieve this. I commit myself for the rest of my life to help this society as much as possible to overcome the stigma of infertility.
2, Dr. S Pradeepa Sudhakar (MBBS, DGO, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Dr. S Pradeepa Sudhakar is a Gynecologist, Obstetrician, and Infertility Specialist in Purasawalkam, Chennai, and has 19 years of experience in these fields. Dr. S Pradeepa Sudhakar practices at Sudha Hospitals - Women, Child Care & Fertility Centre in Purasawalkam, Chennai and Sudha Hospitals - Women, Child Care And Fertility Centre in Siddhapudur, Coimbatore. She completed MBBS from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU) in 2002, DGO from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU) in 2006, and DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology from National Board of Examination, India in 2009.Some of the services provided by the doctor are Vaginal Hysterectomy, Female Infertility Treatment, Antenatal, and Postnatal Exercise/ Physiotherapy, Gynae Laparoscopy, and Male Sexual Problems, etc.
 3, Dr. Nirmala Sadasivam (MD. DGO.)
Dr. Nirmala Sadasivam The success story of Genesis IVF in infertility treatment is achieved by the IVF team led by gynecologist Dr. Nirmala Sadasivam. MD. DGO., who is trained at various world-class institutes overseas, since 1991, has pioneered in the BLASTOCYST CULTURE technique since 1998. Dr. Nirmala Sadasivam’s vast experience and consistent willingness to treat high-risk Infertility treatments, history of high success rate in a healthy pregnancy, and healthy relationship with patients have made Genesis IVF the highest choice of preference for Infertility treatments in South India.Infertility though, not life-threatening, causes intense mental agony and trauma that can only be best described by infertile couples themselves. At some point in their lives at least one in six couples will experience some degree of infertility. Established in 1996, Genesis IVF is one of the world’s leading, most experienced, and most successful fertility care institutes.
If you want to have any information related to IVF Centres and IVF Specialists, Raipur, contact us;
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kangacav69 · 3 years
Home Garden Ideas In Tamil
Home design 13 elegant terrace garden ideas tamil. According to them, it is a sustainable method of living, when you grow what you eat.
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Gardening Tips For Beginners Flowers within Home Gardening
See all fairy garden ideas here.
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Home garden ideas in tamil. Grow spinach at home/keerai valarpu murai tamil/home vegetable garden ideas tamil/varieties spinach. 3 your family to be better nourished A chance to make some money if we start a vegetable garden, we can grow, prepare and eat our own fruits and vegetables.
The cultural capital of tamil nadu has 20+ plant houses. Terrace vegetable garden ideas in tamil is very useful for share many videos to whatsapp, facebook, instagram, e mail, telegram etc. Garden idea for home in tamil // vegetable garden // organic garden / terrace garden / roof garden.
Remember that less is more. Terrace garden ideas in tamil pdf. Here you can get growing fruit trees on terrace in tamil etc.
In this app we show how to get fruit trees for home garden tamil. 7 mistakes i made growing things in my basement. Terrace garden chennai roof kitchen gardenning how to grow vegetables in a container or pots on the terrace tips for setting an organic vegetable garden on the terrace agriculture terrace garden in tamil ம ட த terrace garden chennai july 2017 you.
But even then, you can choose varieties that are bred to grow in small spaces. Design the garden the same way you would design the floor plan for your home. Having a home garden means having:
News 7 tamil television part of alliance broadcasting private limited is rapidly growing into a. தோட்ட பராமரிப்பு, உள் அலங்காரம் குறித்த. Roof garden ideas in tamil.
In the garden of henrietta courtauld's 1850s london terraced house, yew balls surround the main bed, which is planted with vegetables, melianthus major and hydrangea arborescens 'annabelle'.among the small but thriving vegetable garden is room for a small shed which works as a studio space. “i would advise not to water the garden in rains and even one day after the rain as excess water drains all the nutrition away from the soil,” dr. This video was done with the motive to involve kids into gardening.
The velvety petals of the lotus are a joy to look at! Newest 27+ traditional tamil house plan.no room is quite as multifunctional as traditional house. Tips for kids on growing their own kitchen garden, techniques to make them connect with nature and grow their own plants.
See more tire garden ideas here. We can make a terrarium setup easily within 30 minutes. If you must have a giant beefsteak tomato or a row of sweet corn, the space for growing other vegetables in your small vegetable garden will be limited.
Like page,free home design ideas daily Anything with the words patio, pixie, tiny, baby, or dwarf in the name is a good bet. Home vegetable garden ideas in tamil.
Whats people lookup in this blog: The two friends want to propagate and popularise the terrace garden function in tamil nadu. In addition to offering plants for sale, these nurseries also provide lawn care, maintenance, and.
Canna lily (keli / devkel) tamil name: Daily you can see the best trees for rooftop gardens in india. Roses offer an exclusive combination of color, size, and fragrance.
Home vegetable garden ideas in tamil 7 starting tips | small raised bed vegetable garden (improve your gardening skills in no. The founders of the indra terrace garden believe rooftop farming to be a sustainable and viable method.
This video gives a step by step procedure on how to grow a vertical garden using minimal things and that is easily available in everyone home. In winters you can just press the soil with the back of your hand to check the moisture and water accordingly. Home vegetable garden ideas in tamil.
Garden idea for home in tamil // vegetable garden // organic garden / terrace garden / roof garden. With a usual opening time of 8:30 am to 6:30 pm, these plant nurseries in madurai sells all kinds of edible, ornamental, and medicinal plants at fair prices. The gardens not only serve as a place of recreation, it also serves as a place for education by the way of establishing a home garden or botanical gardens.
See more ideas about christmas, christmas decorations, christmas holidays. We have prepared a list of 7 best plant nurseries in madurai for your convenience. Hello viewers, i explained how to setup a terrarium garden (indoor garden ideas) in this video.
Garden is an embellished area with plants. Limit garden decoration and accessorizing. The vegetable garden will help.
Our traditional house ideas and tools, which tackle everything from small spaces to innovative design layouts, can help you choose the traditional house that best suits your home.traditional house. Plus, browse garden pictures full of creative ideas & solutions. Decide how you want to live and entertain in your garden, and be sure your pathways, terraces, and furniture layouts reflect this.
Beyond this vegetable patch is a communal garden that has been a labour of love for henrietta who is one. And beneath these roofs, so much of human resources in the form of housewives, senior citizens and others go underutilised. The hub of the home, this space has evolved from a strictly utilitarian unit into a versatile room to prepare food, entertain guests and share meals.
It adds a tropical accent in the garden with its warm yellow and orange colors with contrasting splotches. You simply buy or create fairy structures and figurines and arrange them into little scenes. A basic cedar planter, garden soil, and seeds should run you approximately $50 to start.
Plastic bottles beautiful vegetable garden ideas using plastic bottles. This wonder greens are nature’s gift… Terrace garden services in chennai id 3745976312 terrace garden chennai roof kitchen gardenning service balcony garden ideas transform your to a picturesque green patch most searched s times of india terrace garden chennai roof kitchen gardenning service.
New 43+ traditional house names in tamil.planning a brand new traditional house or even updating an existing one can feel a little daunting at the beginning.but it doesnt have to be. Food all year long 3. Get ideas for creating an amazing garden, including planting tips & gardening trends.
Get tips & ideas about real estate, gardening, interior decoration, interior designing and garden maintenance at the hindu Hi gg very very interesting and informative post and has kind of waken me up from my slumber on the topic of setting up a drip for my garden. Published on sept 24,2019 friends why not try growing spinach in your home garden.
The importance of gardening has been well understood by every individual. All you need for a successful window box garden is a window box or hanging box (to hang off your deck), garden soil, seeds, and water. Hortitech services aims to make chennai a kitchen garden city and talks about its benefits.
Just because a plant is bred to be small doesn't mean the. Home gardening tips in tamil tamil boldsky home garden section you will get all that you need to know about interior exterior gardening ideas home gardening tips on maintainenance suggested plants so on in tamil. 13 home garden design in tamilnadu is there a way i can.
In summers, your garden requires watering twice a day.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Firstpost podcast: Govt must address misconceptions over burial, cremation of COVID-19 victims, says public health expert Dr Aiswarya Rao
To be a doctor working on the COVID-19 frontlines, only to have your dignity stripped in death with no proper burial is the saddest thing to come out of this pandemic.
In episode nine, Dr Aiswarya takes on burials and cremations in times of coronavirus. With the violence surrounding the burial of doctors in Chennai, it's high time the conversation shifts from handwashing and social distancing to the stigma related to burial/cremation of COVID-19 victims.
Edited script of Episode 9:
I am Dr Aiswarya Rao, and I am a paediatrician and public health consultant. Today on my show, Dr Aiswarya Explains, we are looking at a couple of really heart-wrenching incidents that occurred in Chennai, surrounding the death of two doctors that shook the public and the medical community over the past one week.
Today as we enter Day 28 of the national lockdown which is a preventive measure for the containment of the coronavirus pandemic in India, we have exceeded 17,000 positive cases and 560 deaths. We are nowhere near the peak, let alone flattening of the transmission curve. More healthcare workers and frontline workers are susceptible to the infection and like in other countries, we are going to have our fair share too, in spite of our best efforts.
We are looking at a long period of transmission ahead of us, along with a host of measures for its containment. It’s a daily evolving and dynamic process and the Centre as well as state governments are doing as best as they can with the resources available and the existing health infrastructure. The key component here is the cooperation of the public at every step of the strategy utilised for outbreak control.
On Sunday, Dr Simon Hercules, a neurosurgeon, died of COVID-19 infection in Chennai. A mob attacked the hearse carrying his body and stopped the burial. A week earlier, an orthopaedic surgeon from Nellore who was treated at a Chennai city hospital also succumbed to the virus. Local residents had protested the cremation of his body in a city crematorium fearing the virus may spread.
Both incidents turned ugly very quickly, especially, the one that took place on Sunday night.
The local residents resorted to violence, attacked the drivers of the ambulance which was carrying the dead body of the neurosurgeon. The body had to be abandoned in the middle of the road while the people accompanying it fled for their life.
Later, a colleague of the deceased doctor came and drove the ambulance to another site of burial with police protection. He describes digging the pit himself with one shovel, with the help of another policeman, because the JCB that was prepared for the digging of the pit was abandoned by the its operator fearing public fury.
Follow LIVE updates on the coronavirus outbreak here
Much of Monday, news and on social media was filled with outrage by the medical fraternity and the general public at large for the lack of dignity accorded to the dead doctors in their death. And rightly so. The fury is understandable because the doctors acquired their infection during the discharge of their duties and in a sense sacrificed their life while trying to heal their patients. Similarly, several cases have been reported, of healthcare workers and police personnel on COVID-19 duty being attacked by angry mobs in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengaluru.
I was immediately reminded of a similar incident from the frontline of the war against the HIV virus in which I was involved for nearly 15 years. In the early days of the epidemic, I have experienced hostility from neighbourhoods whenever there was an AIDS-related death. Often, we had to intervene in the middle of the night whenever there was a death to avert mob violence.
I remember one of my patients, a young woman with HIV who committed suicide. This was in 2002. The post-mortem took a long time and the body was handed over late to us. By then, the neighbourhood of the TP Chatram burial ground created a ruckus. This is the very same burial ground which was the scene of the violence when Dr Hercules’ body was first taken on Sunday.
Thankfully, in 2002, it started raining heavily (it was the month of November) and the crowd dispersed much to our relief. So we buried the girl in the pouring rain in the dark of the night with my car headlights providing the light. We didn't want to put the other lights on in the ground fearing it would attract a mob. The memory of the incident is deeply ingrained in me.
I also distinctly remember another incident (one of several) where an elderly Catholic nun running a community care centre in a village in Theni district of Tamil Nadu had to bury a man who died of AIDS. She dug the pit herself with a shovel and spade, because the villagers refused to assist.
Of course, much of the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV has decreased today, and such incidents declined as treatment became more accessible and people with HIV began to live normal and productive lives.
Coming back to the current situation in which the doctors were denied dignity in their death, in a tough note, the centre urged the states to take tough action against the mob attacking healthcare workers. The Chennai Police responded to the incident at the burial ground by arresting 20 persons who were allegedly part of the mob that attacked the ambulance. But is that enough?
The 10 page FAQ — the frequently asked questions — by the MOHFW on their now much-visited website covers a variety of myths and misconceptions with facts and explanations, but there is nothing on death of a person with COVID infection and the subsequent risk of infection spread at the time of burial or cremation, or following that.
There are six posters displayed on the website but none are addressing this issue. Also scanning the numerous public service messages that are circulating all over the television, radio, print and social media, there is nothing in India that addresses this specific fear.
The manual on Outbreak Communication published by the World Health Organisation in 2005 outlines the best practices for effective communication with the public during an outbreak with the least possible disruption to economies and society. This is evidence-based, field-tested communication guidance and it has strategies that promote the public health goal of rapid outbreak control. The role of public communication during the pandemic cannot be understated. The five tenets of the communication are to build trust, announce early, be transparent, respect public concerns, and plan in advance. This communication strategy was put together largely drawing from the experiences culled from all the previous pandemics such as HIV, SARS, MERS, Anthrax and Bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreaks to name a few. These were real lessons that were learnt from the field and applied scientifically.
We must acknowledge that the public have concerns that are diverse and legitimate, especially in this day of 24x7 news coverage where everyone is bombarded with dreaded news about the pandemic and the havoc it is causing not only socially but also economically. Public health officials need to understand the fear of the public regardless of how unscientific or unfounded they may seem.
The information developing arm of the Health Department both at the Centre and the state governments need to engage in a dialogue in which those responsible for issuing information respect public concerns as legitimate, seek to understand their foundation, and then give out messages accordingly that are simple, clear and full of facts. This risk communication is a two-way conversation.
We cannot deny that there has been a failure of the government on providing timely messages to the public to allay their anxiety and concerns. The first cremation was obstructed one week back and the same was repeated on Sunday with even more violence. There is a recurring pattern here. Clearly, the messages continue to be about wash hands and social distancing only, even 2.5 months after the first case was reported in India, while there is a huge gap in the information provided to prevent tragedies like what happened on Sunday at a burial ground in Chennai.
The interim guidelines issued by the WHO in late March (the Government of India too issued directive on 15 March) this year, on Infection prevention and control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID 19 is quite simple and clear.
Dead bodies do not transmit disease. A dead person cannot sneeze or cough or breathe. So, the common ways of spreading the infection end the moment a person dies. Viral replication also stops. The skin may contain viral particles, and therefore, the body has to be neatly wrapped in a cloth, and no need for a body bag. Only the healthcare workers preparing the dead body and the mortuary staff need to wear PPE. So long as there is no touch, there is zero percent chance of spread of infection. Both burning or burying a dead body are absolutely safe. The virus cannot climb up from the 8 feet deep pit. Neither can it survive the 4,000 degrees centigrade fire in the crematorium. Fumes don't carry the virus.
These simple messages, if communicated properly to the public, could have averted indignities to both the doctors, who laid their lives while caring for their patients. The need of the hour is timely and simple information to the public, and not police action and punishment. That never works.
I am Dr Aiswarya Rao, and this is me signing off, until I can meet you again with my next podcast. Thanks for listening.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3eC6Ret
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dydturktek · 5 years
Nem Kurutma | Nem Alma | Rutubet Kurutma | DYD 444 0 719
Sudha Chandran: Biography and even Profile
Sudha Chandran: Biography and even Profile
Sudha Chandran
About January 31 th , 1984, Sudha Chandran stood guiding the curtain, staring at the exact crowd nervously and anticipating the crowd to settle all the way down. It had been a little while since she had danced on the stage. The accident had not only left your girlfriend dejected but will also left your ex fans sceptical about your ex ability to come back to the religious dance floor. How can a single-legged person flow Bharatnatyam, essentially the most intricate Indian dances?
She established everyone wrong. Her grooving left typically the audience spellbound . Sudha was known to have this unique captivating impression since early days. The adolescent Sudha was obviously a plethora connected with talent. The lady was born on September twenty one port st lucie , 1964 in Mumbai. She is truly the only child for K. G. Chandran plus Mrs. Thangam. Her mummy was a remarkably good caricaturer and their father appeared to be an art lover. They instilled in your ex the love to get singing as well as dancing. Sudha started moving at the sensitive age of several. Seeing the way well Sudha was boogie on her individual, her biological father took your ex to the renowned dance the school of Mumbai, ‘Kala Sadan’.
The principal within the school rejected to confess Sudha while she ended up being below the age-limit. Her papa pleaded considering the principal to at least see Sudha dance and then make the decision. Truly, the principal has been mesmerised utilizing Sudha’s dance and promptly admitted their in the institution. Here, the girl talent was basically nurtured in the guidance for her course instructors. By the associated with 17, the woman had already performed 70 stage illustrates and accumulated popularity on her effortless and also graceful dance.
Her parents were the girl support system. They were highly particular concerning her studies and needed her like a best in whatsoever she have. Her new mother left him / her job and stayed at your home so that Sudha’s upbringing was not compromised. This girl made sure the fact that Sudha went along to school, concluded her research, went for typically the dance group, ate healthy and slept on time. There is no breadth of deficiency of discipline around Sudha’s living. Life hasn’t been always unexciting for her. The woman was generally full of life and https://www.letusdothehomework.com/ made life-long friends during their college days or weeks. They went along to watch movies together and have road-side food.
Daily life took an abrupt turn on a few th May, 81. She had been travelling overnight for a pilgrimage with her mothers and fathers when the bus collided with a vehicle resulting in the immediate death belonging to the driver together with severe accidents to the people. Sudha’s legs were caught in the wreckage. She had been admitted with a government the hospital in Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Initially, the main doctors idea that the woman had a fracture plus treated the exact leg by just putting a plaster on it. It turned out to be to be a large mistake. When she went for a check-up to a infirmary in Chennai, then Madras, the clinical doctors found out that the wound wasn’t cleaned thoroughly and, with all the plaster with, it had designed gangrene . Whenever gangrene develops in your body, the body piece has to be amputated to save the particular person’s everyday life. Sudha’s leg was amputated in order to save him / her life.
The item left Sudha’s heart full of sadness together with her body system without a limb. For a professional dancer, especially connected with her la mecanique , it was a major drawback. As your lover couldn’t dance anymore this lady put all your ex efforts together with energy within studies. She had undoubtedly finished the woman B. Certain amount and was basically pursuing the woman M. Your in Economics from Mithibai College, Mumbai. The family has been heartbroken. The woman family experienced dreamt massive for their solely daughter. Nonetheless , no one highlighted Sudha every pity. They can have been injuring inside, however when they posed together they might talk as if nothing got happened. This unique helped to avoid any breadth of empathy and pity for her impairment. It was a tremendous attempt to address her similar to a person without disability. By these trying times , her leading source of motivation was your ex father. The person never confirmed any hint of bad on her princess and still wanted her to possess a good daily life. She learnt to sketch strength coming from her serious pain. She tried to walk with the assistance of the crutches as the girl refused to utilize a wheelchair. 6 months after the alteration she came across an article which usually changed her life along with staged the exact rebirth associated with an outstanding ballerina.
Dr . Sethi was earning worldwide level of popularity for producing artificial legs known as the exact ‘Jaipur Foot’. She may well manage to get an appointment along with Dr . Sethi, but just after a few days because of his busy schedule. Subsequently, she persuaded her mothers and fathers and set away from for Jaipur. Dr . Sethi was dazed by your ex determination. Your woman refused to leave regarding Mumbai without having a bottom. He listened intently and even understood your ex requirements. On account of many roles of the foot while carrying out Bharatnatyam, this girl needed a very flexible feet than there was clearly. Dr . Sethi created the 12 inches with many nuts and nuts so that it may be bent performed position. Any time Dr . Sethi presented the girl with one of the many kind base, Sudha inquired him if she may well dance once again. Dr . Sethi wore the exact foot together with did a pair of dance tips to demonstrate what the foot might do. Sudha knew that this foot would give her, your girlfriend life rear.
She exercised dance, being dressed in the manufactured foot, for a few hours each day. At times, this would be unbearable and often it would bleed, especially when the movements of the ankle became quickly. But , that will didn’t end Sudha in making her ideal a reality; once again. She was basically surrounded by those who believed in her, especially Doctor Sethi plus her mothers and fathers. Dr . Sethi believed in your girlfriend and your girlfriend strength to face up to any adversity . When using the support with her family members and Dr . Sethi, the woman confidence together with desire to accomplish on the stage started to gain.
On 31 th January, 1984, after 2 yrs of flow practice with all the ‘Jaipur Foot’, she executed on the phase at the ‘South India Wellbeing Society’ about Mumbai. Want Sudha finished her outstanding performance, the entire market stood as much as see the art of determination. They could never imagine that anyone with an man made limb could perform these types of delicate and also fast-moving ways. According to Sudha, ‘Once I had been on cycle, I didn’t remember about my favorite artificial foot. I could basically remember that I was performing after the long time and this I had to provide my ideal. The audience’s energy acquired transformed into very own energy. ’
Her existence inspires individuals from many walks of life. Ramoji Rao, some sort of Telgu maker approached their with a script titled, ‘Mayuri’ which was wobbly based on Sudha’s life. The woman agreed to have fun with the steer actress together with overnight your woman became any star following the release on the film around 1984. Your lover was presented with a special give ‘Silver Lotus’ and a sum amount of quite a few, 000/- on her role within the film ‘Mayuri’ at the thirty three rd National Roll film Festival. In year 1986, Ramoji Rao made some Hindi release of the video and termed it ‘Nache Mayuri’. The main film ended up being enjoyed from the audiences all over the globe, leading to her acceptance. Through ‘Mayuri’, her heartening story surely could reach out to many people across the globe. Your lover believes which everything develops for a explanation. She would not let one setback in life ruin the woman future, “The accident must have been a blessing on disguise because without it I would are actually just like scores of other ballet dancers. But , dancing with the Jaipur foot helps make me personal. ”
Progressively, she going concentrating more on her drama career. The lady became portion of the small tv screen and roll film songs. Within the shooting of 1 of their films, this girl met Ravi Dang, some sort of assistant director back then. Consequently, they have been unido. They each provided emotionally charged support to one another. Ravi Dang now deals with her dance academy known as Natya Mayuri Sudhachandran Flow Academy which is certainly in Patrie Parle, Mumbai. She has also established himself as an ingenue in both to the small tv screen and in the exact films. Your girlfriend name are normally synonymous using courage plus dedication. In cases where one thing can be learnt with her everyday life, it is not to ever give up.
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Weblistposting
New Post has been published on https://weblistposting.com/matchmaking-wins-over-relationship-apps/
Matchmaking wins over relationship apps
Online conventional matchmaking portals are desired despite the appearance of relationship apps which might be placed as a preliminary step to matrimony, consistent with J Murugavel, founder and Chief Govt Officer, Matrimony.Com, an online matchmaking website.
Talking to BusinessLine, Murugavel said notwithstanding the advent of courting apps, On-line matrimony segment is developing every year as India’s socio-economic structure has not yet taken to courting. Matrimony.Com had launched a relationship app ‘Matchify’, two years ago, however, became shut down a yr later.
“We launched the app as we did no longer need to overlook out on the disruption relationship apps had been inflicting. We invested close to thirteen crore ($2 million),” he said.
But many women signed up on the platform. “We also felt it became now not serving the cause with which it changed into started, facilitating meetings with the goal of marriage. So I decided to exchange back to our center enterprise, which is On-line matchmaking,” he said.
A wide variety of profiles in Matrimony.Com grew 20 percent closing economic and at any factor of time, there are three million lively users. Murugavel said, “We also noticed that over eighty consistent with a cent of the profiles have been created via people rather than mother and father.”
Indian wedding ceremony marketplace is growing on the charge of 25-30 in line with the cent and predicted at $fifty-four billion in India, except for the jewelry enterprise. Around 12 million marriages manifest throughout India yearly.
Matrimony.Com has a marketplace share of 60 according to cent in On-line marriage offerings in India. “We do approximately 50,000 wedding ceremony per month. The corporation is scaling up its images and marriage services like catering and marriage hall bookings from Chennai, Madurai, Trichy, and Coimbatore to different districts of Tamil Nadu. but these services are restricted to folks that find fits through the platform.
The enterprise has partnered with over three,000 carriers for distinctive offerings, which are available at a subsidized fee. but each presenting has a provider fee of ₹500. “but there is a warranty of 10 in step with cent discount in ordinary wedding services thru our platform,” he stated.
Online fit-making accounts for about 90 in keeping with a cent of enterprise’s revenue and the relaxation from marriage services, which the corporation objectives to push in coming years.
“We are now trying to reinforce North and West marketplace,” Murugavel said. Murugavel said there are plans to do initial public imparting by way of March 2018.
What Can Product Managers Analyze From relationship Apps?
I can most effective communicate for myself, however for the duration of the course of my profession I have been the product supervisor for a number of very dull packages. You already know, business-to-business stuff. lower back in the day as I labored on my product development definition, how I dreamed of being responsible for a product that had hundreds of thousands of users and was associated with something that turned into greater interesting. It turns out that this dream has now come actually for a huge Range of product managers available: they may be accountable for dating apps. This marketplace is developing and making your app a hit has to end up very hard to do!
The dating App marketplace Is very, Very Big
The coolest information approximately being a product manager who’s liable for a relationship program is that the market for your product is presently very, very big. dating websites are expected to usher in US$12.7B this 12 months and relationship applications are expected to herald US$628.8M. Get this right and you’ll absolutely have something to feature to your product supervisor resume. That would all be tremendous information if it were no longer for the truth that Apple’s iTunes app store currently has over 500 unique dating programs in it.
Relationship software product managers are going through very large and really actual problems. The first of those troubles is that their customers are very fickle. What this indicates is that they regularly join multiple dating software programs on the equal time and feel no actual responsibility to use simply one. Moreover, when a relationship program is a success and suits one in all their customers with just the proper person, that person stops courting. Which means that they no longer want the app and they end up just going away.
Not one of the corporations that provide that relationship software is absolute all that massive. simply to make life a chunk extra difficult for product managers, loads of these groups are always in search of different organizations that they can both buy or merge with. The uncontested leader in this area is an agency referred to as IAC / Interactive Corp. They currently personal some of the relationship apps that you probably recognize OkCupid.Com, in shape.Com, and Tinder. It’s miles estimated that they own more or less 22% of the marketplace.
It is difficult To stand Out inside the relationship App market
If a product supervisor wants his or her relationship app to be successful, they may be going to need to take steps with a purpose to make it stand out. extraordinary product managers are taking special procedures to creating their merchandise be successful. Some take a mass marketplace method in which they try to appeal to everybody who is dating. courting apps including match.Com and eHarmony are examples of this approach. Others are seeking to nook niches in the marketplace. Grinder and Her are for gays and lesbians; Ashley Madison is for those who want to have an affair, and GlutenFree Singles speaks for itself.
The greatest unmarried rate that these product managers are looking to address is the value of advertising. every the sort of websites is free to enroll in. Most apps are generating sales in one in all two one-of-a-kind ways. The first is by means of displaying ads to site visitors to their site. The second is by offering paid capabilities to their existing customers. those features are designed to assist them in locating the proper character so far quicker.
One new tactic that relationship apps have started out to use includes seeking to get their users to apply them exclusively. The way that this works is that the relationship app asks that a user conforms to delete their debts on different dating apps. They may then get a boost from the web page’s algorithmic recommendation engine and they will get first get entry to the profiles of new individuals. We’ll just need to see how a hit this new approach turns out to be.
What All Of this means For You
Being a product supervisor who is answerable for a courting app would be a superb process. But, the marketplace is crowded and the users are pretty fickle. This isn’t going to be a clean task!
The market for courting apps is quite large with over 500 competitors all trying to seize the eye of folks that are dating. Product managers ought to address the challenge that clients probably use a couple of dating programs at the equal time. Moreover, while a dating app correctly fits a consumer with a life partner, They may then go away the app for all time. Getting your courting app To face out is an undertaking. Your biggest rate is going to be advertising and marketing. You could need to try and bribe your customers to best use your relationship app.
The coolest news approximately being the product supervisor of a dating app is that your product supervisor job description will tell you that you will have to get right of entry to a genuinely limitless marketplace: there will continually be extra folks that are starting thus far. The stigma that used to surround this type of app has begun to fade and now an increasing number of people are the usage of them. Play your cards right and you simply may discover that you are dealing with a courting app that everyone loves!
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
To be a doctor working on the COVID-19 frontlines, only to have your dignity stripped in death with no proper burial is the saddest thing to come out of this pandemic. In episode nine, Dr Aiswarya takes on burials and cremations in times of coronavirus. With the violence surrounding the burial of doctors in Chennai, it's high time the conversation shifts from handwashing and social distancing to the stigma related to burial/cremation of COVID-19 victims. Edited script of Episode 9: I am Dr Aiswarya Rao, and I am a paediatrician and public health consultant. Today on my show, Dr Aiswarya Explains, we are looking at a couple of really heart-wrenching incidents that occurred in Chennai, surrounding the death of two doctors that shook the public and the medical community over the past one week. Today as we enter Day 28 of the national lockdown which is a preventive measure for the containment of the coronavirus pandemic in India, we have exceeded 17,000 positive cases and 560 deaths. We are nowhere near the peak, let alone flattening of the transmission curve. More healthcare workers and frontline workers are susceptible to the infection and like in other countries, we are going to have our fair share too, in spite of our best efforts. We are looking at a long period of transmission ahead of us, along with a host of measures for its containment. It’s a daily evolving and dynamic process and the Centre as well as state governments are doing as best as they can with the resources available and the existing health infrastructure. The key component here is the cooperation of the public at every step of the strategy utilised for outbreak control. On Sunday, Dr Simon Hercules, a neurosurgeon, died of COVID-19 infection in Chennai. A mob attacked the hearse carrying his body and stopped the burial. A week earlier, an orthopaedic surgeon from Nellore who was treated at a Chennai city hospital also succumbed to the virus. Local residents had protested the cremation of his body in a city crematorium fearing the virus may spread. Both incidents turned ugly very quickly, especially, the one that took place on Sunday night. The local residents resorted to violence, attacked the drivers of the ambulance which was carrying the dead body of the neurosurgeon. The body had to be abandoned in the middle of the road while the people accompanying it fled for their life. Later, a colleague of the deceased doctor came and drove the ambulance to another site of burial with police protection. He describes digging the pit himself with one shovel, with the help of another policeman, because the JCB that was prepared for the digging of the pit was abandoned by the its operator fearing public fury. Follow LIVE updates on the coronavirus outbreak here Much of Monday, news and on social media was filled with outrage by the medical fraternity and the general public at large for the lack of dignity accorded to the dead doctors in their death. And rightly so. The fury is understandable because the doctors acquired their infection during the discharge of their duties and in a sense sacrificed their life while trying to heal their patients. Similarly, several cases have been reported, of healthcare workers and police personnel on COVID-19 duty being attacked by angry mobs in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengaluru. I was immediately reminded of a similar incident from the frontline of the war against the HIV virus in which I was involved for nearly 15 years. In the early days of the epidemic, I have experienced hostility from neighbourhoods whenever there was an AIDS-related death. Often, we had to intervene in the middle of the night whenever there was a death to avert mob violence. I remember one of my patients, a young woman with HIV who committed suicide. This was in 2002. The post-mortem took a long time and the body was handed over late to us. By then, the neighbourhood of the TP Chatram burial ground created a ruckus. This is the very same burial ground which was the scene of the violence when Dr Hercules’ body was first taken on Sunday. Thankfully, in 2002, it started raining heavily (it was the month of November) and the crowd dispersed much to our relief. So we buried the girl in the pouring rain in the dark of the night with my car headlights providing the light. We didn't want to put the other lights on in the ground fearing it would attract a mob. The memory of the incident is deeply ingrained in me. I also distinctly remember another incident (one of several) where an elderly Catholic nun running a community care centre in a village in Theni district of Tamil Nadu had to bury a man who died of AIDS. She dug the pit herself with a shovel and spade, because the villagers refused to assist. Of course, much of the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV has decreased today, and such incidents declined as treatment became more accessible and people with HIV began to live normal and productive lives. Coming back to the current situation in which the doctors were denied dignity in their death, in a tough note, the centre urged the states to take tough action against the mob attacking healthcare workers. The Chennai Police responded to the incident at the burial ground by arresting 20 persons who were allegedly part of the mob that attacked the ambulance. But is that enough? The 10 page FAQ — the frequently asked questions — by the MOHFW on their now much-visited website covers a variety of myths and misconceptions with facts and explanations, but there is nothing on death of a person with COVID infection and the subsequent risk of infection spread at the time of burial or cremation, or following that. There are six posters displayed on the website but none are addressing this issue. Also scanning the numerous public service messages that are circulating all over the television, radio, print and social media, there is nothing in India that addresses this specific fear. The manual on Outbreak Communication published by the World Health Organisation in 2005 outlines the best practices for effective communication with the public during an outbreak with the least possible disruption to economies and society. This is evidence-based, field-tested communication guidance and it has strategies that promote the public health goal of rapid outbreak control. The role of public communication during the pandemic cannot be understated. The five tenets of the communication are to build trust, announce early, be transparent, respect public concerns, and plan in advance. This communication strategy was put together largely drawing from the experiences culled from all the previous pandemics such as HIV, SARS, MERS, Anthrax and Bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreaks to name a few. These were real lessons that were learnt from the field and applied scientifically. We must acknowledge that the public have concerns that are diverse and legitimate, especially in this day of 24x7 news coverage where everyone is bombarded with dreaded news about the pandemic and the havoc it is causing not only socially but also economically. Public health officials need to understand the fear of the public regardless of how unscientific or unfounded they may seem. The information developing arm of the Health Department both at the Centre and the state governments need to engage in a dialogue in which those responsible for issuing information respect public concerns as legitimate, seek to understand their foundation, and then give out messages accordingly that are simple, clear and full of facts. This risk communication is a two-way conversation. We cannot deny that there has been a failure of the government on providing timely messages to the public to allay their anxiety and concerns. The first cremation was obstructed one week back and the same was repeated on Sunday with even more violence. There is a recurring pattern here. Clearly, the messages continue to be about wash hands and social distancing only, even 2.5 months after the first case was reported in India, while there is a huge gap in the information provided to prevent tragedies like what happened on Sunday at a burial ground in Chennai. The interim guidelines issued by the WHO in late March (the Government of India too issued directive on 15 March) this year, on Infection prevention and control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID 19 is quite simple and clear. Dead bodies do not transmit disease. A dead person cannot sneeze or cough or breathe. So, the common ways of spreading the infection end the moment a person dies. Viral replication also stops. The skin may contain viral particles, and therefore, the body has to be neatly wrapped in a cloth, and no need for a body bag. Only the healthcare workers preparing the dead body and the mortuary staff need to wear PPE. So long as there is no touch, there is zero percent chance of spread of infection. Both burning or burying a dead body are absolutely safe. The virus cannot climb up from the 8 feet deep pit. Neither can it survive the 4,000 degrees centigrade fire in the crematorium. Fumes don't carry the virus. These simple messages, if communicated properly to the public, could have averted indignities to both the doctors, who laid their lives while caring for their patients. The need of the hour is timely and simple information to the public, and not police action and punishment. That never works. I am Dr Aiswarya Rao, and this is me signing off, until I can meet you again with my next podcast. Thanks for listening.
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