#i want to quit my job so bad. so so so so badddd
cryolyst · 2 years
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Smile-- Roger Taylor x Reader (requested)
Request; "Could you to a fanfic based on the song Smile by Lily Allen? hehehe I’d love that. Lil bit of angst but reader feeling like a badddd bitch ✌🏼"
Warnings; language, bit of angst but not too much
Word Count; 2.5k
Notes; Hope you don’t mind I wrote this for Roger! There wasn’t a specification, but after listening to the song, this is what I came up with :P
You had met the infamous Roger Taylor in a moment of chaos, which is quite fitting if you think about it. You had slept in and was trying to rush to class before you were late. The professor was incredibly strict and would lock the doors at exactly 8:00, not allowing anyone into the lecture hall if they didn't show up on time. You literally rolled out of bed, grabbed your backpack, and dashed out the door. You didn't have time to worry about your appearance. You were adjusting your pajama shirt in an attempt to make yourself look a bit more presentable. You were hardly paying attention to where you were going and managed to somehow trip on air. All of your belongings spilled out of your backpack, and you shouted swears into the air. Someone nearby laughed. You whirled around to face them, annoyance clearly displayed across your features. "I hope you realize it's rude to laugh at someone's misfortune. You could at least help me out a little here," you huffed. The guy knelt down, helping you gather your scattered papers.
"Sorry 'bout that. Just couldn't help myself. You look like you've had a rough morning." He flashed you a bright smile. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, that's one way to put it." He handed you a stack of papers, and you mumbled your thanks.
"Well then, (Y/N), hope your day gets better, and try not to bust your arse again," he teased with a wink. You knitted your brows together. As you opened your mouth to speak, he pointed at the papers in your hands. "Your name was on those." A light laugh shook your shoulders. The corner of his lips twitched upward in a smirk. "I'm Roger, by the way." You shook his hand.
"Roger, thanks again for helping me, though you should work on your manners. Maybe next time I fall you should help me up before you laugh at me." Roger snorted, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, alright. You got me there." The two of you stood in awkward silence for a moment. Roger cleared his throat. "Suppose I'll see you around, Klutz." You rolled your eyes at the nickname, bidding him goodbye.
The two of you started running into each other more often. Sometimes accidentally, but most often on purpose. It wasn't long before Roger asked you out. One date turned into two, and sure enough you two settled into a serious relationship. You knew of his reputation for being a 'bad boy' who was always having flings with random girls. You brushed it off. You trusted Roger. He supported you while you finished your degree and went on the hunt for a job, and you supported him when Smile turned into Queen. You were always there for him, even when he took the world by storm.
You thought you had Roger all figured out. You could tell when he was about to lash out and would try to calm his temper before it got out of hand. You became a sort of mediator for the band. Whenever Roger's blood started to boil, someone would call you up, and you would diffuse the situation. He wasn't always the one to show his emotions. He would always try to bottle them up, but you learned what his ticks were. You figured out how to tell when he was upset and would quietly do things to make him lighten up a little until he was ready to talk to you. On your fourth anniversary, Roger proposed to you. It was right before they were supposed to go on tour, and he said that he wanted the comfort of knowing you would be waiting for him. Of course, you said yes. Why wouldn't you? You thought that the two of you were a match made in heaven.
When you first left me I was wanting more But you were fucking that girl next door What'd you do that for?
They were supposed to be performing near London, and you decided to surprise Roger. You phoned the boys and told them your plans. They had everything arranged for you. It had been months since you had last seen your fiancé, and you were giddy with excitement. You kept running it through your mind. You pictured yourself running into his arms, and you thought that he would be as happy to see you as you were to see him. A fond smile crossed your features as you twisted the engagement ring around your finger.
You stood in the wings, watching their performance. They seemed to get better and better every time you heard them play. You found yourself watching Roger for a majority of the time. His motions were almost fluid, and he would get a big grin every time the crowd roared. When the concert finally ended, the first one to greet you was Freddie. He practically sprinted off the stage to hug you. "Darling, it's been too long!" he shouted. You laughed, patting his back.
"It has, but, Fred, you're crushing me." Freddie let you go, his smile never faltering. Brian then approached, giving you a hug as well. "Have you seen Rog?" You asked the two of them. Freddie shrugged and said something about him exiting the stage in the other direction. Brian, being the tallest, gave the backstage a quick glance. His face fell when he spotted Roger, who was in a corner with another girl. The two were flirting, and he was obviously into it. "Bri, you okay?" You started to turn to see what he was looking at, but he looped an arm around your shoulders.
"No, no, I'm fine! Maybe Roger went back to the tour bus. I'll go with you to look for him." Brian flashed you a smile. Freddie turned around and got a glimpse of the scene Brian saw. He quickly spun to face the two of you again.
"Yes, Brian, I think you're right. Darling, go check out the bus, then we can get something to drink after." You bit your lip. Something was going on, but you couldn't exactly put your finger on it. You nodded, agreeing to follow Brian outside. He let out a shaky sigh of relief. As he led you through the crowd of people buzzing around backstage, you caught sight of a familiar head of blonde hair in the distance. A bright smile crossed your face.
"There he is!" You pulled yourself away from Brian, despite his protests. You quickly weaved through the crowd. When you finally got close enough to see Roger clearly, you froze. Your throat tightened, and your eyes burned as tears threatened to form. There he was. Your fiancé. Pinning a girl to the wall and feeling her up. You clenched your fists, and your blood was beyond boiling. Anger and hurt flooded your system at the sight in front of you. "Roger Taylor, what the hell is going on here?" He pulled away from the girl. His eyes went wide, and he quickly wiped his mouth.
"What're you doing here?"
"Yeah, we were in the middle of something," the girl scoffed, clearly annoyed that you interrupted their make-out session.
"No, you don't get to talk right now," you snapped at her. You crossed your arms, staring at Roger. "I came here to surprise you! I hadn't seen you for months, and forgive me for missing my fiancé." You spat the last word venomously. The girl's eyes went wide as she gaped at Roger.
"You said you two broke up a year ago!" Your jaw dropped at her accusation. Roger looked panicked. He couldn't think of a way to save the situation.
"Listen, love, I just-"
"No, Roger! I don't want to hear any of your bullshit excuses." The dam broke. You couldn't hold it back any longer. A choked sob escaped your lips. "I trusted you. I defended you to my family and friends. They all told me that it would end this way, but I refused to believe it. God, I was so stupid." Roger's shoulders sank. He put a hand on your arm, but you swatted him away. "Don't fucking touch me!" You looked down at the ring on your finger. You started to pull it off, disgusted by the sight of it.
"Love, don't! We can fix things. We-"
"You can't just fix trust, Roger. It's not one of your beloved cars. No, we're done. I'm not putting myself through any more of this." You dropped the ring at his feet. You turned on your heel, only to discover that the two of you had drawn quite a crowd. Your face heated, and you kept your head low as you pushed through the crowd. You were humiliated.
John had stayed inside in an attempt to diffuse the situation with Roger. Brian and Freddie found you outside, sitting on the sidewalk. Your shoulders shook with silent sobs. They sat down next to you, whispering words of encouragement.
When you first left me I didn't know what to say I'd never been on my own that way Just sat by myself all day
They still had a couple of stops left in their tour before they could go home. You couldn't bear to be in the apartment you shared with Roger. In a moment of anger, you snatched up all the photographs of the two of you and threw them into the trashcan. You refused to sleep in the bedroom. Instead, you slept on the couch. You packed away all your belongings but had no clue where to go. Of course, you could always move back in with your parents. But then again, there was a sense of pride that kept you from doing so. You didn't want to seem desperate. Also, you weren't in a place where you could handle them going on and on about how they told you so and how you should've listened to them. You started spending as little time in the apartment as you could. Whether that meant you stayed in a cafe, at the library, the park, or even at a bar, you avoided the place like the plague, only returning when you needed to sleep.
Brian had known you since their Smile days and always saw you as a sister. Freddie thought you had an amazing personality, and the two of you quickly became good friends. Freddie and Brian were worried about you. They would often call, but you didn't always answer. When you did, you were often moping around. Freddie finally said enough is enough. He offered for you to stay at his place, which you gratefully accepted. He hired someone to go by and help you move your stuff out of the apartment.
I was so lost back then But with a little help from my friends I found the light in the tunnel at the end
"How was the rest of the tour? Everything that went down with Roger didn't ruin it, did it?" Worry was laced into your features as you sat on the edge of the couch. Brian shook his head, and Freddie gave a dramatic flourish of his hand.
"Darling, don't worry about him. He royally fucked up, and he lost the most outstanding woman on the planet," Freddie stated as he handed you a cup of tea. "Besides, we wouldn't let him fuck up the band."
"How have you been holding up?" Brian asked carefully. You hummed before sipping your tea.
"I've... been on a bit of a rollercoaster, but it's getting better-- thanks to you two."
"Of course, darling! You're our friend. We couldn't let you go through this alone." Freddie paused, his lips quirking into a grin. "You should've seen the look on his face when he heard you were moving here."
"I thought he was gonna knock your teeth straight, Fred." You snorted at Brian's comment.
Now you're calling me up on the phone So you can have a little whine and a moan And it's only because you're feeling alone
At first when I see you cry It makes me smile Yeah, it makes me smile At worst I feel bad for a while But then I just smile I go ahead and smile
It had been a little over a month since you last talked to Roger, and the phone had been ringing nonstop. Freddie told you that Roger was practically interrogating him about you every time he saw him. You rolled your eyes. Roger was being dramatic and only wanted to make things up because he was lonely.
Someone was banging on the door. Freddie had gone out for the evening, so it was just you and the cats. You considered just ignoring whoever it was, but they were persistent. You groaned and finally got up. There would be no peace in your future if you continued to ignore the person at the door. When you swung open the door, your breath nearly got caught in your throat. Roger was standing on the doorstep. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had dark bags under his eyes. "You look like shit." He barked a laugh.
"Well, hello to you too, Klutz." You scoffed at the old nickname. Crossing your arms, you leaned against the doorframe.
"What do you want, Roger?"
"I want everything to go back to the way they used to be. I want you to come back home. I want you to be with me. Please, love, just give me another chance."
Whenever you see me You say that you want me back And I tell you it don't mean jack No, it don't mean jack
You laughed. Part of you felt bad for laughing in his face, but you just couldn't help it. Here was Roger Taylor, on your doorstep like a lost puppy. You shook your head, a teasing smile on your lips. "No, Roger. That ship has already sailed, and you know that. We're over, and there's nothing you can do that'll change that."
"I'll do better. I promise! I just..." You raised a brow at him. "I miss you," he mumbled. You pat his shoulder, and Roger gave you a hopeful look. You shook your head.
"No, Rog. You can't change what happened. I hate how things have ended up, but... it's just the way that it is." You shrugged. You could tell that the gears in his mind were turning. You took a step backward and started to close the door. "Goodnight, Roger. Take care of yourself, okay?" As you started to close the door, his eyes widened.
"Wait, (Y/N), don't go!" You closed the door and locked it. You leaned your forehead against the doorframe for a moment. He was still out there, shouting at you to open the door and talk to him. It didn't take long before you dissolved into giggles at the ridiculousness of the situation. You felt something nudge against your ankle. You glanced down to see one of Freddie's many cats, Oscar. You picked up the orange tabby and cradled him in your arms.
"Come on, Oscar. We've got a date with some cookie dough and Monty Python."
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