#i want to see Rick hate himself for the descions he keeps making
twocorvids · 2 years
I wanna see this decision bite Rick in the ass. I wanna see Rick grabble with the concept that there isn’t really anyone to keep him in check anymore, not truly, not how morty did. i want to see an awkward pause in their conversations, because Rick automatically expects morty to pipe up with some criticisms. i want to see Rick stare forlornly whenever morty meekly follows ricks instructions. i want to see Rick bring up how he should “have more of a backbone” mockingly, when really, internally, it’s a plead for morty to just be himself again. I want to see Rick shake his head whenever the past comes up, and morty apologizes for things that were never his fault. I was to see Rick miss morty. I want to see a grandpa yearn for his grandson to find himself again. I wanna see Rick yearn for the part of himself that knew how to properly love his family.
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