#i want to study lyney under a microscope
yan-fairy · 9 months
just finished the fontaine archon quest and i have THOUGHTS
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skellytonsandstars · 11 months
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Why are her eyes so purple?
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Why is he not a cat person?
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I thought they were twins? Unless something is afoot here…
She’s totally a robot right?
That or I’m insane
Honestly both are plausible but hell Freminet looks more like Lyney’s twin and he’s supposed to be the younger brother!
And Genshin has a habit of making all siblings look practically identical to eachother even if they aren’t twins
Plus she “doesn’t talk much and zones out often” I mean!!!!!!! She also doesn’t emote, which could be nothing but still kindaaaaaa suspicious yk???
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euniveve · 6 months
Rate your moots?
let me be honest I'm rating all my moots a million/10 because they are all amazing and talented and amazing BUT i will give you some "describe the moot/appreciate the moot" content if you dont mind. also I'm sorry to all my moots in advance because I will tag you ANYHOW LETS MOVE TO IT
@ainescribe = my very very first follower and moot in my first and current blog- ABSOLUTE GOD at writing angst (known as the angst queen for a reason) amazing writing style (the poetic artistry hello?) very very nice and sweet, is my gateway to genshinblr <3333333
@meritamiau = this is my beta, i love my beta very much, THEY ARE A GODSEND FRFR also their writing hello??? love it, got that poetic artistry going on, check out their ao3 lucworld, it is awesome (i honestly cant believe this amazing writer is my beta, still blows my mind fr)
@yuellii = *chef's kiss* writing (you guys need to read it) veteran writer, super sweet and nice, VERY VERY PRETTY BLOG (shapes and colours entertain me), her writing is like a box of chocolate, there is one for everyone (she is an everyone kind of writer, i really recommend her blog if you are a beginner)
@rainswept = HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THEIR BLOG? LAWD HAVE MERCY IT MAKE ME WANNA STARE AT IT FOR HOURS, they are THE lyney simp, multitalented, basically a prodigy, i wanna put them under a microscope and study them (affectionately)
@localplaguenurse = one of the reasons why i got into writing in the first place, first fic was inspired by his magnum opus (everyone who likes TPHD please thank the predecessor because LAWD ALMIGHTY IS AS GOLD AS THE GINGKO TREES ONE OF THE LEGENDARY ZHONGLI X READER MASTERPIECES OF ALL TIME), we don't talk a lot but is definitely an amazing dude (i can tell frfr), honestly if you are in ao3 go check him out he is an amazing writer fr
@silentmoths = on god write one of the best smut on this damn platform (minors don't interact with them I am watching you guys) ) their writing makes me say "ffs/pos *reads more*" yk what i mean? honestly she is an all-around cool dude and very nice too, one of my Star Rail friends, a cutie pie very nice person (i think i said that twice but that's okay)
@meimeimeirin = listen listen, if you want a zhongli fic/drabble/oneshot, this is the writer for you, it just LAWD HER BLOG IS THE ZHONGLI HEAVEN I'm telling you, i can just stare at her blog and be content with my zhongli cravings, she is THE zhongli writer fr, also one of the reasons i got into writing, particularly writing drabble &oneshots, anyhow check out her blog if you are a zhongli simp like me
@otomempress =(if you are a minor, don't interact with her) VERY NICE VERY CUTE VERY SWEET, ALSO DRAGON SIMP (like me) AND WRITE AMAZING WORKS (if you love wrio &neuvi you are eating good at their account fr) very fun person overall
@i23kazu/@yinyinggie = this cutie pie is also amazing at writing, VERY VERY NICE PERSON LIKE EXTREMELY NICE LIKE VERY SWEET i would like to bite them and they would probably taste like marshmallow sweet, owner of two beloved communities that are very well-known, very creative with their blog (remember tevyat airlines era anyone?)
@ansy-tea = if you like yandere... this is the writer for you. they write GOD LEVEL YANDERE FICS FR (that statue fic will forever haunt me/pos) also from their rbs i could tell they are a funny person
@ryuryuryuyurboat = VERY VERY NICE PERSON AND AN AMAZING WRITER TOO (tumblr please let them out of shadowban jail pls lawd)
@mhiieee, @dumbificat = i don't talk to them a lot HOWEVER i can tell that they are amazing writers and everytime they post a work I EAT IT UP GOOD frfr
@tanspostsblog = this is the og TPHD & TLRA fan, was their with me every step of the way, is there in every update, super supportive about everything LAWD IM GRATEFUL TO BE MOOTS WITH YOU TANS MUAH MUAH MUAH
notice how all my moots are amazing writers? yeah they are amazing writers, give them love everyone they deserve it muah muah muah
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