#i want to try writting something darker now how well this will go? idk
elisedonut · 7 months
I keep
thinking about this muggle au where Percy gets haunted by Regulus after either moving near to where he died or into the old Black home
But i keep freaking myself out because in my head this is not a nice sweet au
This is a "Regulus wants him to join him" type au
and typically includes like Percy drowning at the end you know among other ghost/stalker shenanigans
so i keep workshopping it in my head just to end up jumpy for the rest of the night lmao
like just walking past a room and having to look again
you know
just in case lmao
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Headcanons #3
Because I’m the worst at keeping up with asks.
do perhaps have any (n)sfw hcs about sua and siyeon, or yoohyeon and siyeon? or just general dynamics in dreamcatcher, if you're up for that 0
I’m feeling suayeon today, so we’ll go with that
Sua is Siyeon’s puppy, but she gets more than a bit bratty at times, so Siyeon is constantly having to punish her
Despite that, Sua feels that she should be repaying Siyeon for looking after her, so it’s not uncommon for Siyeon to get home after work to a hot meal and bath ready and waiting for her
If they have days off together (which isn’t that common) they go on dates around the city, from carnivals to festivals to movies, even just a day at the park
Siyeon - being very high up in her company - definitely makes more money than Sua - a waitress - but she never lets her feel bad about it
Siyeon lets Sua pay for anything, but she doesn’t flaunt it - instead she does something to distract Sua while she pays
Sua knows what she’s doing, and doesn’t like it, but at the same time, she appreciates it nonetheless
I was wondering if I could maybe request some Fromis_9? I have really been loving the dynamic between Hayoung and Megan? Do you happen to have any thoughts on them? I like how patient Hayoung manages to be when Megan is in one of her moods, and Megan shows her that same respect when some of the other members are very much over it and I think it's cute. Plus they are super tactile and both have wandering hands. Also Gyuri appa with Jisunnie is my second fav pairing. They are so cute 😍
Megan knew she was being ridiculous
That being said, she couldn’t exactly help it at the moment, and that was only making it worse
She felt suffocated, like she couldn’t get enough air
Despite how many times she had snapped at her, though, which had made everyone else leave, Hayoung was still there, gently rubbing her back and speaking quietly to her about whatever she could think of
As much as she hated it, she couldn’t deny that it was really helping
She was slowly beginning to calm down, but it would be a while before she was back to normal
Hayoung didn’t seem to care, ignoring pretty much everything as she did her best to help Megan, but it still made her feel so guilty
Later, when she finally calmed down, she hugged Hayoung softly, murmuring apologies
Hayoung just smiled, telling her it was alright
When the same thing happened to Hayoung a week later, Megan made sure to be the best friend she could, doing her best to comfort her just as Hayoung had comforted her
everytime I stop to think about how much wheesa know and trust each other I kinda warm up a little. do you have anything with that? maybe them moving to start being trainees, and finding out they're in the same group.
Wheein was nervous
Scratch that, she was full on terrified
She and Hyejin had been best friends for so longer, trainees for even longer, and now they would have to separate
To make it even worse, they were separating because Wheein was living out their dreams, and Hyejin wasn’t
She felt so guilty about it that she nearly turned it down, but she knew Hyejin would whoop her ass if she did so
Finally she worked up the courage, going to visit Hyejin like she had so many times before
“I have something to tell you,” Wheein says, her throat tight
She can’t look at Hwasa
Hwasa says, “So do I...you can go first…”
“I...I was selected to join the new group, so we won’t be able to hang out much anymore…”
It’s silent, for long enough for Wheein to finally look up
Hyejin has her hands over her mouth, tears in her eyes as she stares at Wheein, and it makes Wheein feel so guilty that she bursts into tears, trying to muffle herself as she sobs
Hyejin panics, pulling Wheein into a huge hug as she explains
“No, no, no, I’m not sad! I’m happy! I was chosen, too!”
Wheein doesn’t want to believe it, but at the same time, she hopes so desperately for it to be true
When they compare information and find out they’re going to be in the same group, they both start crying, too overwhelmed to keep their composure
i really love your writting¡¡ do you have any thoughts about red velvet x f(x), i know they didn't had enough interaction in cameras but maybe in the sm?? irene, seulgi & yeri trained with them so idk i want to know if you think of something ♡
They’re really not sure how it took so long to realize that Irene and Sulli shared a birthday
It was only when the two groups tried to book a practice room at the same time for birthday vlives that they found out
It very quickly became tradition for them to combine the parties, and they got pretty wild at times
Seulgi loved getting drunk, which was only encouraged by Amber, meaning Wendy had to chase the two around the entire time to try and limit the damage
Krystal spends the night teasing Yerin until she runs off to sulk, only to be forced to apologize by Victoria
Joy spends time with Luna, comparing pranks and jokes to play on the other members
They’re usually posted up in the corner, giggling maniacally, making all the others just a little nervous
Irene and Sulli spend the night watching the antics the others get up to, chatting quietly with each other
Even though none of them really eat cake, it somehow ends up gone before the night’s over
sanayeon and nayeons oral fixation <333
Sana first learned about Nayeon’s oral fixation early in their relationship, when Nayeon was on the verge of sleep and kept fussing until she somehow managed to get Sana’s fingers in her mouth, completely by accident
She calmed down immediately, making happy little noises as she drifted off
Sana found it the most adorable thing ever, and she used every chance she could to get Nayeon back into that position, curled up in her arms with Sana’s fingertips between her lips
Since their relationship is a secret to their friends (by Nayeon’s insistence - she hadn’t come out yet) it was a bit weird, the way Sana would tease her all day in any way she could
More than once she had been approached by the others, telling her to stop bullying Nayeon
Her favorite moment of “bullying” was when she pinned Nayeon to the wall in an abandoned hallway, shoving her fingers so far down Nayeon’s throat that tears were streaming down her face, clinging to Sana to stay upright
The best part of all of this - in Sana’s mind - was how utterly addicted Nayeon was
The one day Sana had to miss class, due to the flu, Nayeon showed up at her door by mid afternoon, on the verge of tears
She didn’t even say anything as she nearly collapsed on Sana, instinctively seeking out her hand and pulling it into her mouth
Can I request a babygirl!Tzuyu and sugarmommy!Jihyo please
Tzuyu originally met Jihyo at a party, where Tzuyu had managed to land a serving job
She spent the whole night doing her best not to look at the gorgeous woman - she really didn’t need to be distracted by that tiny black dress
Right before the party ended, Jihyo (who had had a few more drinks than she should have) cornered Tzuyu in a darker part of the hall, idly playing with Tzuyu’s hair as she admired her face
Tzuyu was panicking too much to really resist, too overwhelmed at having someone so pretty so close to her
“You’re so gorgeous, princess…” Jihyo murmurs. “Could I take you out sometime? Treat you the way you deserve to be treated?”
Amazed that she even has a chance with someone so pretty, Tzuyu agrees, and Jihyo leaves with her number, feeling pretty proud with herself
She doesn’t hesitate to call, either, contacting Tzuyu the next day and setting up a date
Jihyo takes Tzuyu to the best restaurant she knows, something that’s normally far out of Tzuyu’s price range
Tzuyu’s price range is pretty much convenience store ramen, so something like this was just out of this world for her
She’s wide eyed and amazed as Jihyo takes her to a private theater, then to the top of Namsan Tower to see the stars
It’s everything Tzuyu’s ever wanted in a first date, and she’s so sad that it won’t ever happen again once Jihyo sees how poor Tzuyu actually is and realizes how out of her league she is
At the end of the night, Jihyo drives Tzuyu home, seeing that the apartment she lives in barely qualifies as liveable
She wants desperately to just take Tzuyu home to spoil her properly, but everything she’s ever heard about people who aren’t well off tells her it wouldn’t go over well, and would probably drive Tzuyu away
Instead she calmly asks if she can see her again, ignoring the state of her home
Tzuyu’s shocked, to say the least, but agrees eagerly, so happy to know that Jihyo still likes her
Jihyo - over the course of several dates - slowly starts to spoil Tzuyu, buying her everything she could ever want
Tzuyu loves the attention, loves the pretty gifts, loves the way Jihyo makes her feel, like she’s the only person Jihyo sees
At first
She begins to realize how she’s not really contributing anything to the relationship, merely going along with Jihyo as she spends money on her
All Jihyo does is give, and all Tzuyu’s doing is taking
At least in her mind
She starts subconsciously avoiding Jihyo, taking longer shifts at work, doing everything she can to have an excuse not to be available
When Jihyo finally gets ahold of her, she thinks she did something to make Tzuyu hate her, and it takes a long time for things to clear up
Eventually Tzuyu moves in with Jihyo, letting go of all her worries about money
After all, Jihyo takes care of her now, and Jihyo’s baby doesn’t need to worry about such things
[AOA] It's been a long time since Jimin got laid. Seolhyun looks so sexy all the time, especially after she's filmed some commercials, that Jimin can barely stop herself from jumping her.
Jimin could only groan, laying back on the couch with her arm over her eyes
She really didn’t want to be that person, but she hadn’t gotten laid in a while and she really needed to
There was only so much her fingers could do
So when Seolhyun walked in, smelling like beer and her favorite perfume, it was ridiculously difficult to not just jump her
Seolhyun let out a groan of her own, collapsing on the couch next to Jimin as soon as her heels were off, cuddling into Jimin with a happy little noise
Jimin has to bite her lip to stay in control of herself
Seolhyun whines out an ‘unnie’, complaining about all the annoyances she had had to deal with throughout the day
Jimin tried her best to deal with it and listen to Seolhyun’s troubles, but she had a perfect view down her shirt, and Seolhyun’s quiet, smooth voice was really getting her going
When Seolhyun stood up to stretch, thanking Jimin for listening and presenting her with her tight waist and pert rear directly in her face, Jimin couldn’t take it anymore
She pounced, bringing Seolhyun down in a cloud of pent up growls and excited giggled
[TWICE] No matter what anyone says, Tzuyu can't imagine losing her virginity to anyone other than Jihyo
Jihyo’s just...so soft with her
She takes such good care of Tzuyu, and Tzuyu knows that she would never hurt her, no matter what happened
Sure enough, the first time they have sex, it’s the most gentle thing Tzuyu’s ever experienced, and she couldn’t have asked for better
For the next few weeks, she clings to Jihyo, quietly basking in her presence
how do you feel about wenseulrene? i read somewhere about joohyun being topped by seuldy/wenseul when they pull the “unnie” card. while i usually don’t believe in joohyun being topped, it was a nice thought to entertain. what are your headcanons on the ship? both sfw and nsfw, if possible
Joohyun was having a long day
A really long day
So when she gets home to her babies, dead on her feet and ready to just drop into bed and sleep, she can’t bring herself to take care of them like she usually does
Her babies see the state she’s in and gently lead her to the bath, filling it with warm water and quietly stripping her down
They fill the silence with quiet ‘unnie’s, washing her with incredible care and precision
Once she’s clean they clean themselves, then start to pepper her body with kisses
This is normally the point where Joohyun takes over, helping her babies come, but it feels so good that she can't help but lay back and let them take care of her
They sit her on the edge of tub, out of the water, and Seulgi kneels between her legs
She gets to work on Joohyun's core, slowly eating her out with all the force of a feather, while Wendy tends to her chest, kissing all up and down her neck and peppering her breasts with little nips
Joohyun has a hand on each head, threaded through their hair, but not controlling in the slightest
She just lets it happen, letting herself be taken care for once
They end it with Joohyun quietly asking for them to make her come, which they do with great enthusiasm
any thoughts on yoohyeon and jiu? would love it if u wrote a hc^^ thank u legend
Yoohyeon is Jiu's good girl
After all the years they've been together, this is pretty much her entire being
She doesn't know how to not be Jiu's good girl, which isn't always a good thing, especially when it comes to Jiu's job
She doesn't have to travel often, but when she occasionally does, it's very difficult for Yoohyeon
She doesn't know how to live life on her own anymore
It leads to video chats every night Jiu's away, and texts throughout the days, asking her about pretty much everything
It doesn't bother Jiu, knowing that her good girl is so dependant on her
She knows exactly how to take care of her, and how to make sure Yoohyeon never gets hurts because of something that could have been avoided
She's become an expert at making sure none of her orders pose any risk
Wheein being Solars babygirl and Wheein being such a emotional baby hcs?
Solar has to screen every movie they watch, knowing how sensitive Wheein is
Sometimes she forgets to, leading to an inconsolable Wheein, bawling on the couch over a tragic scene
Solar knows what to do at this point, since they've been together for so long
She pulled Wheein into her embrace, letting her focus on Solar's even breathing and heartbeat to calm down
She'll still sniffle for hours, though, leading Solar to swaddling her in the softest blankets and making her hot chocolate, letting her curl up in her lap until she's tuckered out and sleepy
Solar puts her to bed with soft kisses and quiet whispers, rubbing her back until she was truly asleep
She rubs her forehead in the hall, cursing herself for her laziness ahain
i cant really think about a plot rn so can you just write a hc of aoa mina being a brat please? sorry for being,, useless i just love mina and i barely can find fanfics about/with her :/
Yuna was starting to get angry
She was usually pretty calm, and while she did get annoyed, angering her was pretty difficult
However, Mina was managing it, and pretty easily at that
She had spent the night ignoring Yuna, brushing her off and flirting with pretty much everything with a pulse
It got to the point where Yuna was so angry that she nearly shattered the glass in her hand
By the end of the night, she was so pissed that it didn't even show, completely submerged in an icy rage
The group piled into the van to get back to the dorm, and Mina tried to cuddle up with her, thinking she had only annoyed Yuna, only for Yuna to shove her away with a scowl
She ignored Mina the entire drive back, stalking into her room and slamming the door, locking it
She put on her headphones, blasting music until she falls asleep
Mina doesn't sleep that night, too consumed with guilt to even close her eyes
She has only meant to make Yuna jealous, not piss her off so badly
By the time morning came around, she had made an enormous breakfast, filled with only Yuna's favorites
Despite that, Yuna barely eats, deliberately only taking a few pieces of toast, and Mina wants to cry
The others give her pitying looks
It takes the entirety of the day for Yuna to calm down enough to actually talk with her
“Do you know what you did wrong?”
Mina nods frantically, wanting nothing more than to be forgiven
“Get on your bed,” she orders. “Your punishment is three hours.”
Mina is tied to the bed, a Hitachi strapped to her thigh and pressed firmly against her clit
Its turned on at max capacity, and even though she wants to complain, she can't
She deserves this
Yuna sits in the corner, glaring at her throughout the whole thing
Hey man how are you doing? Food poisoning is some shit, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.   I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Lovelyz? I love Yein's interactions with Kei and honestly I just love Kei in general. Babysoul is also one of my favorite Mommy dom idols
Although I'm severely late in responding to this, I think you for your concern. At the time I received this ask, I was definitely starting to feel better, and I'm happy to report I'm feeling a hundred percent, now. But yeah, it was horrible.
Yein and Kei are the baby girls of Lovelyz, and no one could say differently
In any other group, having two baby girls would usually cause jealousy and fighting, but most of the time they were too busy playing with each other to worry about such things
Although they could all be mommies, Babysoul is the one that looks after them most often
She makes sure they're being safe, makes sure they're not hungry, makes sure she's always nearby, just in case something goes wrong
In comparison, Mijoo is like the wild mom
She does the same things as Babysoul, because she loves their babies just as much, but she also gets their help pulling a ton of pranks on the other members
spare jaisy nsfw hc  preferably alpha jane and omega daisy
The dorms at Daisy's university were a bit strange, but effective
Omegas bunked together, typically in groups of four
Since alphas couldn't room together (too much aggression and anger meant too much for the school to deal with) an alpha was typically paired with a beta
When Daisy applied for housing, she applied as a beta, since she hadn't had a rut or a heat, and she was well past the age for even late bloomers
Her roommate was named Jane, and she was one of the prettiest girls Daisy had ever seen, but since she was an alpha, there was zero chance of her ever looking twice at Daisy
Two months into the year, Daisy went into heat
Jane was amazingly supportive through it all, never once touching her, even with Daisy's fevered begging
When it was over, they decided to keep her new status a secret, since they were really good friends and didn't want to be forced to live with someone new
It worked well for a while, with Jane regularly sneaking in suppressants, until Daisy realized how madly in love with Jane she was
Looking back, it started pretty subtly
She would look forward to Jane coming home, perking up when she heard her key in the lock, running to the door to greet her
She'd make Jane little snacks, feeling incredibly happy when she liked them
She found herself thinking about Jane more and more, wanting to make her happy
Finally, she realized that she wanted to be Jane's, even though she wasn't sure if Jane even saw her that way
She planned out the confession to be between heats, just to make sure Jane didn't think she was speaking from lust, because she’s said such things before
When Daisy asks Jane to mark her, Jane misunderstands
She thinks that Daisy just wants her help through heats, more like friends with benefits than lovers
She agrees, even though it hurts, because she's so madly in love with Daisy that the thought of her finding someone else to help her through heats makes Jane want to die
The way Daisy looks so happy when she gets home, the way she makes her food, the way Daisy fits so perfectly under her arm
It makes her yearn for her
Daisy doesn't realize the miscommunication at first, too embarrassed from the confession, and doesn't have the courage to correct it
It tears them both up inside, but nothing changes until Jane's friend Jooe finds her trying to destroy a punching bag
She goads Jane until she's seeing red, then sends her home, a whirling mass of possessiveness and anger
Daisy meets her at the door like usual, her greeting interrupted by Jane slamming her into the wall, biting into her neck with a throaty “you're mine”
Daisy figuratively rolls over, going submissive in an instant as she lets Jane have her way
Jane spends the entire time growling ‘mine’s to Daisy and shaking her until she could gasp out a ‘yours’
It’s only after they’re done (wearing nothing and panting on the living room floor) that Jane realizes Jooe managed to trigger her rut, as she feels herself getting riled up again
She rolls over Daisy to start again, only to hear her whimper in pain
The second the sound registers, she’s on her feet across the room, horrified to have ever hurt her baby
She locks herself in her room, determined to ride out the rest of her rut by herself
The next day, Daisy gets home after classes, drained and worried  wanting to reassure Jane but not wanting to encroach on her privacy, only to find Jane sitting at the table, staring silently at a cold cup of coffee
“We can’t keep doing this,” Jane says, tears filling her eyes. “I can’t keep hurting you like this. I...I can’t handle it.”
Daisy feels like crying, but all she can do is stand there and feel numb
“Will you please be my girlfriend? I can’t stand the uncertainty any more. Please...please be mine?”
Daisy bursts into tears as she rushes into Jane’s arms, doing her best to drown in her alpha’s scent
“Please mark me, unnie!” she cries, “Please make me yours!”
could you write solji/hyelin edging with mommy kink?
Hyelin is the biggest babygirl, wanting nothing more than to have her mommy nearby and to be spoiled
Solji usually has no issue spoiling her, especially with how obedient and pretty her baby is, but sometimes she has to remind her that she’s the one in charge, not Hyelin, despite how lenient she usually is
In those cases, she makes sure to have fun with it
She’ll tie Hyelin in a suspended harness, letting her dangle in midair for Solji to do with as she wished
She’ll spend hours teasing her, bringing her to the brink over and over,but never letting her actually be satisfied
When Solji feels she’s had enough, she’ll untie Hyelin, gather her in her arms and bring her to bed, quietly stroking her back to calm her down
She’ll slowly feed Hyelin, making sure she has lots of water
At no point does she actually let her come - she has to earn that, and being good for her mommy isn’t enough
She finally earns it three days later by perfecting their latest choreo, amd when Solji finally lets her come, she nearly passes out, so overwhelmed by how good she feels that she has to cling to Solji just to retain some sense of self
Any soft moonsun headcanons you have in mind? Oh and I love your blog; your writing is well done^^ 🌙💞
Thank you!
Byulyi’s hard days end one of two ways
She either runs herself a bath, rubbing herself down with soft scented oils and polishing off a bottle of wine
Or she’ll go to Solar’s place, and let herself shut down
On those nights, Solar becomes her world, the only thing she’ll actually notice of the real world
Solar babies her, quietly taking of her and doing her best to make her feel safe and protected
The things they do vary on the day and Byulyi’s mood, but it reminds Solar of taking care of her little cousins
“Moonie” - as she calls herself - likes to watch cartoons, but only if she’s sitting on Solar’s lap with Solar’s hands on her tummy
Sometimes she’ll draw Solar pictures, which are surprisingly good, despite her state of mind
The only way she’ll eat is if Solar feeds her, which usually leads to the tenderest moments of Solar wiping Byulyi’s lips while Byulyi stares at her with wide, innocent eyes
lowkey that was like really good wth wow such quality content
I’m not entirely sure what this is referring to, but thank you! It’s always nice to hear feedback, especially positive stuff!”
Can you write a wonha smut? I dont really know what about but it would be nice to read them. There’s barley anything of them. :( Thank you for writing!!
In what world is wonha rare? Just go on ao3 or aff. It’ll probably be listed under galaxywish, though. Anyways, here you go.
Eunbi knows this is against the rules, but really, who could blame her when it felt this good?
She's just glad they're at the back of the hall, so there's less chance of getting caught, even though she's positive the students nearest them know what's going on
After all, there's not much else to look at during study period
The prefect passes nearby, and instead of stopping, Sojung's fingers go deeper, making Eunbi's eyes roll back
The prefect actually smirks at them when she's close enough, offering Sojung a quiet high five
Sojung fingers her until the end of the period, finally withdrawing and licking her fingers clean as they start to pack up
Eunbi's trembling and dripping all over herself, and she only realizes there's a damp spot on the back of her skirt when Sojung ties her sweater around Eunbi's waist
They walk sedately back to their dorm, with Eunbi tucked under Sojung's arm to try and prevent her from collapsing
When they're in the elevator, away from the cameras and prying eyes, Sojung pins Eunbi to the wall, tugging down her collar to mark up her chest with angry red marks
By the time they get to the dorm, Eunbi's on her last legs, having come more than a few times over the afternoon
The door barely has enough time to close before Eunbi's on the floor, her clothes being wrestled off by an over enthusiastic Sojung
She feels like a doll as Sojung manhandles her, and she couldn't be happier
Finally she's naked, and Sojung's pounding into her with the strap that was hidden under her own skirt
Eunbi's eyes are unfocused and hazy, and she's drooling all over the place
Once she's come a couple more times, and she's nearly catatonic, Sojung lifts her up, bringing her over to the couch so she can curl in Sojung's lap, the strap still buried in her overly sensitive pussy
Sojung strokes her hair and kisses her softly, praising her for taking her so well
On the verge of passing out, Eunbi's never felt so proud
could you possibly write about dodaeng omegaverse with possessive alpha doyeon and oblivious omega yoojung
Yoojung is needy, there’s no denying that
That being said, she’s also weirdly dense, never really understanding when someone is hitting on her
Doyeon is quite aware of it, and since she knows that Yoojung won’t ever discourage people when she doesn’t know it’s happening, she takes it upon herself to make sure everyone knows who her omega belongs to
Whenever Yoojung’s talking to someone new, you can bet that Doyeon will be right by her side, her glare challenging the other person to try anything
Usually she has at least one hand in Yoojung’s back pocket, quietly squeezing her tiny ass
The rare few times someone actually decides to challenge Doyeon’s claim on her, they learn just how strong she actually is as she throws them across the room, picking Yoojung up and leaving with her over her shoulder
When Yoojung goes into heat, Doyeon goes into ultra possessive mode, nesting Yoojung in their apartment and refusing to let anyone get near her
Even though she doesn’t quite know why Doyeon acts like that sometimes, Yoojung loves it, feeling safe and taken care of whenever she does
Even with how possessive Doyeon gets during Yoojung’s heat, it’s nothing compared to Doyeon’s ruts
She does everything but tie Yoojung to her, and sometimes, even that
Yoojung isn’t allowed to get even five feet from her, even if she has to use the bathroom, because Doyeon goes mad if Yoojung’s not touching her
The longest time they’ve ever been apart was when Yoojung went to visit her family for a week, and it was utter hell for the both of them
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