#i wanted to sinish this before the new year and i did!!
qalrey · 6 months
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so in folk-lore, fairies play in the hair of sleeping people. i also realy like the idea of koroks playing around Link when he's sleeping!!
bg+ sketch bellow!
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also a version without the foreground stuff. they're covering him with flowers!!
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devilinheadphones · 6 years
2017 Year In Review - Tumblr Edition
It’s really here, isn’t it, guys? 2017 is nearly over, 2018 is nearly here. I’ve wanted to make a post about this for a couple of weeks now, but this and that has happened and I finally have a little bit to really get this out there. I want to take this time to look back on people I’ve met and/or talked a lot with this year, ones who have really brightened things up when things have gone from bad to worse over 2017. I guess it’s more a callout “thank you” than a real year in review, but oh well. Also I’m typing this up on my laptop and I almost exclusively use Tumblr mobile so bear with the blandness of this. Let’s just jump right into it! Putting a read more cause this is kind of a long thingy
@galecsybuns - Where do I even begin? I know i didn’t meet you this year, but talking to you has certainly helped me out across all the crazy shit happening this year. I know it isn’t all too often, but I’m alright with that. You’re a good friend and I’m happy to have gotten to know you like I have. Maybe next year we can actually see each other! P.S. Your art is still rockin, don’t ever be afraid to spam me with what you’re working on; I’d love to see it and admire how cool it is! I’ve actually still got that drawing you made of me with my headphones and the “HECK” hoodie, it’s up with other important things that remind me of good friends. Here’s to another awesome year of friendship!
@sinish-tem - My guy, you’re certainly an interesting friend. It was kind of surprising to see someone ask me of all people about what Kingdom Hearts was, but I’m happy you did, because a great friendship blossomed from that question. Granted, when I was first answering, I was running on about two hours of sleep and pure excitement, but it seems to have worked out well enough. You’re not annoying or pushy or any of that stuff. You’re a good, loyal friend who has a lot to say and even more to ask, and that curiosity is what drew me to you. I may not always get back to you in a timely manner, but I promise I see everything you send and tag me in, you’re not ignored! I’ll probably end up doing a lot more videos and live streams this year, maybe if timing works out you could join me? I’ll have a lot of Kingdom Hearts content since KH3 is coming out, look forward to it!
@cutegirlmayra - I started talking with you waaayyyyyy in the beginning of this year, kinda crazy to think about because it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, but here we are! I know we haven’t talked much recently as when we first met, but that doesn’t mean I think of you as any less of a friend! It always warms my heart seeing your writing prompts or just general opinions you have of Sonic related things. Maybe we can talk some more soon? Miss you bestie~
@sweets-paradise - Also didn’t meet you in 2017 but I love when we talk about things we enjoy and when I see your art and generally just whenever you’re on my dash or in my notifications. I hope you’re doing well and that we can both get even more excited together for the Klonoa movie, whenever that does come out. You know I’ll be hitting you up here or on twitter! Hope things are going well for you, friend.
Next up, I wanted to use this part to mention some people I’ve followed this year who maybe I haven’t directly interacted with, but have helped me out indirectly for the content they post.
@markiplier​ - I just had to say it, buddy. This man somehow brings a smile to my face any time I watch one of his videos, and I definitely needed some smiles this year. Thanks a ton, Mark.
@speeps-highway​ - Sonic Adventure is my favorite video game of all time, so getting to learn more about it or seeing previously exclusive content makes me happy, like I’m finding a whole new layer of fun with the game. I’ve seen a couple of your videos on YouTube, keep up the awesome work.
@drawloverlala​ - If it isn’t obvious yet, I love Sonic the Hedgehog. This person here made one of, if not my top favorite AU for Sonic, and the art is simply stunning. I go back to it just to admire the style and detail put into it, and discovering that you were the artist this year made me jump with joy because I already loved your other pieces before that.
@momoppi​ - Also only talked a bit here and there, but the art you make is beautiful and gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever I see it. Thank you for creating what you do, you’ve helped out in more ways than you could think.
@miracletails​ - I found out you’re like best buddies with Ria, and seeing you guys interact on Twitter always manages to make me smile. Your art is also adorable and I just wanted to make sure I said that for the billionth time because y’all are great friends and I’m happy I found you through her. Hope your life is going well, friend.
@sonicthehedgehog​ - What a crazy exciting year it’s been for the blue blur. Here’s to another 25 years of fast fun! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Whew, that’s quite a bit of people from this past year. And that’s only people I mostly interact with here on Tumblr! Sorry if I missed anyone, I’m very exhausted from this year and those were the only ones I could think of off the top of my head! If you wanna talk more, don’t be shy to hit me up on here! Or if you use other media instead, just drop a message with your name and preferred media choice and I’ll hit you up there! To everyone I’ve met through this site, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the best in 2018 with whatever you choose to do, so from me to you, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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dcfaniguess · 7 years
Tony’s daughter
Remember that I said that I liked the idea? Yeah? Well here it is, sorry if it something’s wrong, but I’m learning english.
Missing Story
After the Civil War, Tony fell into a great depression and the fact that the Arc Reactor was back in his chest was a constantly reminder about what had happened in Siberia; Rhodey, Pepper, Vision, Spiderman, a new friend called Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel were trying to help him feel better, but it wasn’t easy, at least it wasn’t for the adults, but Peter managed to destroy a little piece of that armour that covered Tony’s heart and win a place in it, Tony loved him so much that he decided to adopt him surprising everyone and giving a great happiness to the yung hero, who helped him cope his anxiety attacks and his PTSD.
The news about Tony’s new protégé appeared son, but they managed to keep his identity as a secret, because Tony spent a lot of time with other teenagers and making new super héroes partners.
Two years later, life seemed to smile at the members of the “Team Stark”, as they were now called, everything was perfect, at least until Tony received a pretty interesting new about some Hydra’s moves, so he started investigating with Vision’s help and after locating the barrack in wich those rats hid he went there.
The momento he reached the place he was attacked by several soldiers who shot down easily, but things went terribly dangerous when…
–Agent S-7, destroy the enemie! –Shout out a soldier who was running away from the place, Tony tried to follow him, but a little girl with brown ayes and hair blocked his way, the girl had a cold look and wore a latex suit with Hydra’s colors and shield.
–So, now those assholes use girls as weapons, sons of a bitch… girl, you don’t hace to fight me, ok? I came here to stop the bad guys and to take you out of here, so if you excuse me…
Tony was about to follow that soldier, but the girl neutrilized his suit with an electromagnetic pulse disc.
–There are no “bad guys” nor “good guys” –Said the girl while getting closer to him with two daggers –Just people who take decisions and do things, the fact that a majority think that something is good it does not make it right.
–Girl, I don’t want to fight you… What are you planning to do with those daggers?
–Oh, I will not kill you yet, I will take you out of that can, I want t osee your soul escape from your eyes when I finish with you.
–Right… F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Call someone…
–Someone in especial, sir?
–Call anyone, but do it now.
In that moment the girl pierced with her daggers his armour, somehow the sound waves melt the gold of the armour and whe he was finally out of the suit the girl move back to give him some space to stand up.
–Well, isn’t this normal? –Said Tony while standing up and trying to distractthe girl –What are they made of?
Unfortunatly is didn’t work, the girl kept quiet and attacked, even if she was really young she was fast and ruthless, her attacks were no game, but it seems that she didn’t like easy victories, becase she didn’t used her daggers.
Tony did not attacked back, he limited himself to dodge and receive attacks, because he didn’t want to hurt the kid; it was a great stroke of luck that Vision appeared just in time to help Tony, the girl was upset by this and tried to attack him with her daggers.
–Do not let her touch you with those things! –Warned Tony while recouvering his composture.
Vision kept himself away from the daggers and when the girl tried to throw him one Tony caught her from the back, Vision took advantage of this to disarm the girl and then they took the girl (Who didn’t stay still) to the compound that once belonged to the Avengers.
In the compound they were forced to handcuff the girl and take her to the nursing to make some test to know who the girl was and none of them knew how to react t osee the results.
–This can’t be happening…
–Mr. Stark, I believe that the young Parker will be really disgusted with this new –Said Vision.
–… So… Do you like tall women? –Asked the smallest one.
–Excuse me?
–I need to know how many probabilities I hace to keep growing.
That comment made Vision smile, but it seemed to annoyed Tony.
–It must be a mistake, I can’t be father, the only person whom I had a serious relation was Pepper.
–You were a playboy, you don’t need to have a serious relation to procreate a new life –Said the girl freeing herself from the handcuff and looking the tests in the computer –Try to contain your happiness father, if you keep like that your effusiveness may destroy the tower –Oh, ok, she was really sarcastic.
Some hours later, the Team Stark met in the tower, Tony had told them that he had something really important to tell them, so they were all confused and a littlel worried.
–Do you have any idea what is this all about, Peter? –Asked Pepper.
–No, mr. St… dad didn’t want to tell me what was heppening, he told me that he will explain when we were all together.
–Tony sounded really nervous on the pone –Strange told them.
–Hey, calm down, we are talking about Tones, What could he has done? He has being more responsible latel-
–Guys, I have a daughter –Said the genious entering in the room with the girl.
–Forget what I just said, this is not responsible at all –Said Rhodes looking both Starks not knowing if he should be worried, happy or mad.
–Tony… How did this happened? –Asked Pepper.
–Well… you see… when you’re playboy you do some things with women and-
While the adults started an argument in the living room, Peter decided to talk with the girl, so he came closer to her.
–So… Are you seriously Tony’s daughter?
–That is what the tests say –She answered –And you are Peter Parker, his adoptive son, right?... Don’t you have parents of your own? –The question may have sound a rough, but the girl seemed to know nothing about feelings and that, somehow, made Peter smile.
At the begining, the coexistence with the younger one was complicated, she prefered to spent time with her father and with Peter, she even forced them to train with her without their suits; when she wasn’t training then she was reading books that Rhodes gave her, learning to run a bussines with Pepper, talking with Vision, learning medicine from Strange, learning hero’s stuff with Peter or helping her father in the lab. Leaving aside her stubborn attitude, her arrogance, sometimes apathetic, cynical, a little cruel, sharp and bad mood she fit in the team perfectly well, and even if the girl was insufferable, they al lloved her (Specially Tony and Peter).
–Princess! –Called Tony, it had already been three months since she had came here and nobody would call her by her name: S-7 –I’ve got you a surprise.
–Will you start calling me by my name? –Asked the girl in a sarcastical way without leaving aside the draw she had been working on.
–That’s right! –Ok, she did NOT expected that, so she leave her draw and look up to him raising an eyebrow, at that momento Tony gave her some papers –It was really difficult to get them, people think that heroes can’t tke care of their children.
She saw the papers and found a birth certificate… her birth certificate… whe she lived in Hydra she did not know he mother, she did not know when she was born, she did not knoe her own name, but now, in those papers was her father’s name, the date when she came to the compound (May 30, but subtracting eight years to the year they were in) and the best of all… her name… it was not a letter and a number, it was…
–Mary Stark…
–Do you like it?
–Damn it… How am I supposed to…? What am I supposed to…?
–You didn’t like it? I can change it if you want me to –Offered the oldest with some nervousness.
–It’s not… When I came here… damn! I let you capture me, alright? I was supposed to kill you all when I gain your trust, but now… How am I supposed to sinish my misión when all of you have been nothing but kind with me?
A smile crossed Tony’s face when he Heard that, her daughter was meant to kill him, she had to kill him, but she didn’t, she doesn’t want to do it… maybe he’s not a bad dad after all.
–Welcome to the family, you don’t have to go back with Hydra if you don’t wanto to, now that we have your papers we can announce that you are my daughter and we will go out more often, just you, Peter and I, How does it sound like?
–Parker heps you fight villains… Remember what I said when we met?
–That “There’s no good guys nor bad guys, just people doing things” thing?
–Exactly, prove me wrong, let me help you too –Tony was about to deny that, but Mary kept talking –If you don’t, then I’ll do i ton my own.
And she was capable of doing it, after all, she was a Stark, and she was a lot like him.
Tony decided that the best he could do was accept the girl, at the begining his team refused to accept it, but they couldn’t keep protesting; Mary was as good spy as Natasha, agile as Spiderman, Smart as her father, strong as few, damn it, that girl was something from other world.
Mary needed a name for when she put on her new suit (Which was made of latex, but black and gold, a silver belt with lots of articles and functions, the drawing of an Arc Reactor on her back and a helmet similar to the ones that appeared in the movie “Tron” because she was a fan of that movie and she decided to recreate a helmet with the same style, but one that can remove itself as a hoodie) and she decided that Missing would be just perfect, because before she came to the tower she felt lost in the world, she was alone, she had no one, she only had a misión, but now she has a family.
–So, will you tell me what are your daggers made of? –Asked Tony while having breakfast with his children.
–Antartic Vibranium, Hydra wanted me to have weapons that made Captain America’s shield look ridiculous –Answered the young girl making Peter and Tony smile.
–Too bad he doesn’t has his shield anymore, right? –Said Peter.
–It is a shame –Tony agreed.
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