#i wanted to watch the wolves / henrik headcanons
beerecordings · 5 years
My masterlist!! This should be... pretty much all of it? It’s getting really long ahahaha. Hope you enjoy going through some of these! and if you want to see my casual headcanons, potentially funny bits, and angsty ideas, the tag to check is “bee posts” :) thanks for being here!
I don’t really write short fics so I think pretty much all of these are at 1000 words each, with even the “snippets” being a few thousand words long. My longest piece is my wip My Brothers, Corrupted, which is an ask blog more than 400,000 words and counting.
I recommend all the short stories and any aus you think are interesting, and then for the fics organized by year I starred my favorites with an asterisk.*
Some of these are old and some of these are new but I got a lil place in my bee heart for all of them. Watch the trigger warnings, okay? Thanks loves :)
My Brother’s Keeper
An AU where Jameson was stolen from his brothers the day he was created (wip).
(Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13 l Part 14 l Part 15 l Part 16 l Part 17 l Part 18 l Part 19 l Part 20 l Part 21 Part 22 l Part 23 l Part 24 l Part 25 l Part 26)
Bonus: Anti gives JJ a present.
Bonus: Jameson falls ill.
My Brothers, Corrupted
A story blog where Marvin, Chase, JJ, Henrik, and Jackie are trying to survive living as Anti’s puppets. It’s so big it gets a masterlist of its own.
(MBC Masterlist l Chapter Summaries)
MBC was completed as of November 2021 but the final chapter has not been compiled.
Short Stories
What We Have Left: At the end of the story, Anti has won, and Jackie is just trying to hold on to what little remains.
Punishment: Jackie used to go to Anti when he wanted to be hurt. Now he goes to his family.
The Newcomer: Surrounded by strangers, Eric Derekson just wants to know where he belongs. Bonus: the Jim twins think JJ’s name makes him the long foretold Jim Jim! Bonus: Google isn’t as much of a family man as Eric is.
The Missing Piece: Doktor has been Anti’s for months now. Doktor and all of his brothers. Except of course, the last missing piece. Jameson’s blue eyes call out to him, but he will not answer... he will not answer... he cannot answer...*
The Fish: Written in my experimental style, a short, descriptive piece about Henrik losing his job.*
Marvin’s Brothers: A snippet-by-snippet piece about Marvin hating all of his dumb-ass brothers - until he doesn’t.* (Plus a follow-up snippet)
Poison: Marvin is kidnapped by one of Jackie’s enemies and poisoned with strychnine. Jackie and the others try to save him before his time runs out - but in the meantime, they might just find an old enemy and a missing brother who’s in need of his own detox. (Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7)
Memory (wip on AO3) - a story about Henrik, Anti, and the surrender of memories.
Alternate Universes
ALTRVerse: As close to new canon as I get. How Higgins came to adopt the reckless magician trying to defeat the Magic Circle on his own.
Werewolf AU: Marvin and Jackie have been wolves their whole lives. Henrik and Chase just got turned by a stranger who assaulted and bit them against their will, a stranger who’s still running free. All four of them find themselves in a werewolf rehabilitation center run by Jackie’s old friend Sean, who is determined to help them all get through both their newfound lycanthropy and the issues they haven’t dealt with for years. (Chapter One l Chapter Two l Chapter Three l Chapter Four l Chapter Five l Chapter Six l Chapter Seven l Chapter Eight l Chapter Nine l Chapter Ten l Chapter Eleven l Chapter Twelve l Chapter Thirteen l Chapter Fourteen l Chapter Fifteen l Chapter Sixteen l Chapter Seventeen l Chapter Eighteen l Chapter Nineteen l Chapter Twenty l Chapter Twenty-One l Chapter Twenty-Two l Chapter Twenty-Three l Chapter Twenty-Four l Chapter Twenty-Five)
Mythology AU: Chase is a Selkie, Marvin’s a star spirit, Jameson’s fae but likes to look like a little black dog, Henrik’s the seventh son of a seventh son, and Jackie is Jackie! (One: Henrik didn’t know what happened when a Selkie lost their coat until today. Two: Selkie Chase comes home to find his wife and pups missing and races into the ocean after them.) (Three: Fae Jameson comforts Henrik through a panic attack.)
Marvin’s Cage AU: Marvin is the one keeping Jameson in the little puppet box so that Anti can’t use him to hurt his family. When Jackie finds out, he sets Jameson free and throws Marvin out of the house, cutting off all communication from him and leaving him to devolve into  hatred and magical corruption while the rest of his family grieves his betrayal. (One: Marvin doesn’t trust Jameson, so he acts in secret to eliminate the threat. Two: Marvin struggles under the weight of his guilt when Jameson reaches his breaking point. Three: Jackie knows something’s wrong. He just wishes Marvin would tell him what. Four: Marvin has an encounter with someone eager to watch his downfall. Five: Marvin’s birthday changes everything.)
Graceling AU: Based on Kristin Cashore’s Graceling books, this is a universe where Jameson is a child who’s been raised by Anti - a powerful Graceling and abuse survivor who’s come to believe that everyone is evil and wants to hurt him. The others, including the Graceling warrior Jackie and his Monster brother Marvin, catch news of the captive Prince Jameson and go to help him. (One: Anti gets bad news about the only person in the world he cares about. Two: Anti escapes his family home as a teenager and becomes an assassin in love with his guildsmaster. Three: the story of how Anti came to have Jameson in the first place. Four: the Monster Marvin is stolen away from his home. Five: Jameson wants to take care of his friend Marvin, but he’s just a little kid.)
Kidnapped Anti AU: Features a soft Anti who was kidnapped and abused for weeks only to be saved by Jackie and returned home. He’s known for being violent, wild, selfish, and reclusive, but he’s finding a way to get along with the family he ran away from months ago as he recovers from what he went through. (One: Jackie saves Anti from his abuser and brings him home to heal. Two: Anti hopes to save some of his own kind. Jameson waits in a cage.)
Favored Puppet AU: Anti is a supernatural creature who enjoys tormenting mortals - until he decides there’s one he might want for his own. (One: Anti realizes it might have become attached to the human man it’s been haunting for months now and decides to steal him for its own. Two: Months after his kidnapping, a typical day in the life of Chase and Anti turns out to be dangerous - and meaningful - for both of them. Three: Chase and Anti meet someone from Chase’s past. Part A l Part B l Part C)
Bartimaeus AU: Based on the Bartimaeus series, where sorcerers are able to summon shape-shifting demons from the Other Place to use as slaves, Mark and Jack are the only magicians they know who don’t believe that spirits should be mistreated. Jack, a researcher with an interest in demonology and a secret curse of his own, has found a way to befriend five familiar spirits, while Mark secretly keeps track of a long list of spirits who have been injured in the service of magicians to help protect them from further harm. (One: For the first time in his life, Jack might have found another sorcerer who’s on his side.) (Two: Dark is a broken, aching thing. Some days, in his confusion, he seeks comfort.)
Bastard Cats AU: my fluffiest au. Chase has five cats named Anti, Marvin, Jackie, JJ, and Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein, Ph.D, MD. (One - Chase is having a bad night when he finds a very sick kitten in the gutter. Two - Chase is struggling, but it would be worse without the cats.)
Snippets, Requests, and Impromptu Pieces (Aimless Writing, but still good) listed oldest to newest.
Chase is a fighter. He doesn’t want to die.
Chase and JJ eat too much sugar. They’re bonding, okay?
Anti is trapped.
Henrik’s scared to sleep, but JJ’s suffered at Anti’s hands too.
Chase and Marvin have a game of dice.
Marvin has plans in place, but Anti doesn’t intend to let him save anyone.
Jackie used to think he was condemned.
Anti loves to stare. JJ just holds still.
I wax poetic about what the egos look like and wear.
Marvin’s been taken, but he trusts his brother to save him.*
It hurt, losing Henrik. Chase just waits for the day he can see him again.
In an attempt to save Jack, Marvin is possessed instead.
Chase is forced to watch as Marvin is tortured by sleep deprivation.
Henrik would do anything to save his friend.
Chase and Jameson are on the run. They are the only ones left.
Blue can’t remember anything. There’s just him and the monster.
Things Antisepticeye Has Felt*
Anti tortures Jameson from within his own flesh.
Chase shows Anti what fear is.
It’s Jackie’s third birthday. He realizes he’s happy.
Jameson is badly injured. Jackie sits at his bedside, waiting to see him wake.
When one Anti dies, another rises to replace him.
Of course Marvin doesn’t purr. Don’t be silly. He definitely does not do that.
Somebody drugged Chase. He’s hoping one of his brothers comes to save him.
Jackie’s brothers try to help him recover from sensory deprivation.
JJ wishes he could tell you that all these hedgehogs were making things better.
Marvin has a chance at escaping Anti, and he summons all his magic.*
Chase is sick. His family looks after him.*
JJ did not dress well for this weather.
Henrik looks after Marvin when he’s been hurt.*
Jack asked Jackie to protect his brothers, so he does - no matter the cost.
Anti puts a muzzle on him, but Chase is still fighting.
JJ, Marvin, and Chase are stuck in a strange room. Something is wrong.*
Jackie’s being possessed. His brothers don’t notice fast enough.*
Birthdays are scary for Jameson, but his brothers are trying to help.*
Jameson and Marvin used too much magic. Now they’re just trying to survive it.
Jackie really doesn’t want Henrik to move out.*
Marvin is sorry for all the ways he’s failed his brothers.*
Non JSE - my original short story horror journal about bringing back someone you love
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paidtheprice-blog1 · 4 years
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HENRIK MIKAELSON who looks exactly like ALEX HØGH ANDERSEN has been spotted in the heart of new orleans. I heard the PANSEXUAL, 23/23 -year-old, WITCH is one of the RETURNED FROM THE DEAD that has found their way to new orleans and you will find them working at the IDA MAE’S as an APPRAISER.
How long has your character been in new orleans? Do they like new orleans? What brought them here? Are they planning to stay?
Henrik relocated to New Orleans about a year and a half ago, right after graduating from the University of Oslo. His feelings regarding the city are mixed. On one hand, its seemingly limitless resources regarding all things supernatural are very attractive to the young witch, as he is constantly on a mission to hone and develop his witchy powers. On the other hand, New Orleans’ large wolf population forces him to live in a constant state of apprehension ( for obvious reasons ) + avoiding the Mikaelsons in this particular city is quite challenging ( will explain this in-depth later ). For now, he’s staying, but he hasn’t ruled out the possibility of leaving either.
Are they one of the returned dead, if so how long have they been alive for?
Henrik is one of the people who have returned from dead. He was resurrected in 2044, so he’s been alive for 10 years now.
Is your character connected with any of the groups in new orleans? The witch coven, the werewolf pack or the mikaelson academy?
His status as one of the Mikaelsons connects him to numerous groups. However, he’s lived with a different name since basically the moment he was resurrected + he looks different from the boy his siblings remember, so no one has connected the dots just yet. Although he’s stayed under the radar mostly, his study of witchcraft has probably lead him to mingle at least with the witch coven.
Anything we should know about your character, the way you play them? Headcanons? 
As we all know, this baby boy is the reason a lot of the characters in this group even exist lmao. The youngest son of Esther and Mikael, an untapped witch, adored by the rest of the family. Henrik was a quiet kid; or, at least in comparison to his older brothers, his personality wasn’t as strong / demanding. Despite his modest demeanour, he did have a reckless and curious streak to him — one that, in a true Mikaelson fashion, came with devastating consequences. When he was 13 years of age, he snuck out with Niklaus to watch werewolves transform, and the next thing he knows? He’s dead.
As a spirit, his only source of comfort was following the lives of his family members. However, that soon turned into an endless pit of anguish and torment. Henrik knew it was because of him that his family were turned into vampires. Therefore, he couldn’t help but feel responsible for each and every life that his family took, couldn’t help but blame himself for all the atrocities they repeatedly committed. He watched in horror as they turned from loving individuals into creatures seemingly beyond salvation. Eventually the guilt became too overwhelming to bear and, with a heavy heart, Henrik turned away from them. He couldn’t completely escape, for the spirits informed him of their horrifying deeds, but he tried.
Cue 2044. One minute he was still on the other side; a blink later he was back in the real world. It was confusing and overwhelming for the young boy. Here he was, an ancient human in the body of a 13-year-old boy. Henrik ended up in the system and, at 14, found himself adopted by a Norwegian couple and that ( Norway ) is where he moved too. He took on the name Henry Olsen and pretended he was just a regular kid. He spoke not a single word of his true identity, though he did tap into his witch powers in silence & honed his craft in silence. 
Aside from inevitable mentions in the supernatural history books, Henrik has not followed the lives of his siblings. They hardly resemble the people he knew and he doesn’t wish to partake in their violent lifestyle. He just wants to live his life in peace / doesn’t want to get involved in the messes of others, though he fears that is a mere dream considering he should be dead. 
TL;DR: henrik mikaelson is the kid that was killed by the wolves and the reason why vampires were created. watched his siblings be horrible people for over a thousand years. now awake, tapped into his witch powers. goes by the name of henry olsen now. doing his best to stay out of the family + other drama. not to be underestimated, though, because a powerful witch + he does have that mikaelson temperament ! 
Wanted connections / plots & canons:
man i’m rly not good @ plots and connections and that stuff, but obvs i want all of the mikaelsons because family drama !!! plus all the werewolf characters, canon or not, because they make henrik anxious ( + i want that angst / drama ). friends and enemies pls !!! someone be nice to him and someone pls piss him off !!!.
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mangaien · 4 years
—— henrik headcanon :
a more detailed version of the events before henrik’s death and how he triggered his magic 
a note first of all my idea is that henrik and klaus got split up that night...how that happened is something i am still trying to decide and will change later on but this is what followed after they were separated. my reasnoning why they got split up is because no one knowing about henrik 
even without his brother henrik plan was to watch the wolves and he wasn’t going to change that. his chosen spot that night was from a tree. where they couldn’t reach him but henrik had made the mistake of taking with him a little wooden carving he was working on with him to just have something to do as they waited. it was one he had been working on for so long and was so proud of and it was in the shape of a little wolf.
when it was starting to happen something and henrik even heard some howls..he went to put away the little figure and it slipped form his hands and fell from the tree he was sitting in and onto the ground. despite hearing some howls only seconds ago henrik didn’t want to leave the little wooden figure on the ground where it was wet due to it having rained that day. so he quickly climbed down the tree and went to get it, but when he had picked it up suddenly he heard a growl behind him. 
behind him was a wolf and it was slowly moving towards him, henrik didn’t realize at the moment that it might just have been out of couristy that the werewolf had neared but the boy was terrified. every story his father had told him of these beasts struck his heart and he only saw a predator. 
his hands were thrown out in front of him and despite the fact that his hands didn’t touch the wolf....the huge beast was thrown into the air and right into a huge stone. the sounds of bones breaking were followed by a gut wrenching howl. henrik stared in horror at the wolf before him, before looking down on his own hands. henrik knew enough about magic due to his mother to know what he had just done. henrik although in his stake of shock neared the crying wolf although was stopped by another growl . 
everything that followed happened so fast henrik couldn’t even react. the werewolf who probably had heard the sound of his friend or family’s cries stumbled onto the scene and acted on pure instinct and attacked henrik before he could get any closer to the hurt wolf. 
and now it was henrik’s turn to cry out in pain as the werewolves claws tore into his chest and he was starting to bleed heavily. what happened to the wolves after that henrik didn’t know as his sight was starting to go....he didn’t know how long it had past before he heard the cries of his brother nearing. yelling his name over and over again. telling him to wake up and not to die....and henrik tired to....he really did but he never was able to keep his eyes open long enough for niklaus to reach the village. 
and as he had triggered his magic the moments before his death he was no longer just a normal human and any afterlife he might have gone to was now barred form him so he ended up going to the other side instead. 
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icebluecyanide · 6 years
Klaus Mikaelson
A thousand years ago Klaus carried his dying brother home to the village.
Afterwards everyone blames Klaus, even the ones who forgive him right away. It’s not unreasonable, it was well known that Klaus had been interested in the wolves. There are still little wooden wolves hidden away in corners of the hut, where Niklaus had kept his half-finished projects away from his father’s glare. It’s logical to assume that it was Niklaus who dragged his youngest brother out of the safety of the caves into the forest, to his death.
Klaus never corrects them.
But the painful truth is it was Henrik who wanted to sneak out that night to watch the men turn into beasts. It was Henrik who convinced his brother, who said come on, Nik, don’t you want to see? 
No one has to know we left, he’d said, begging his big brother until he gave in and out they went.
(Klaus never tells anyone the full story. In the end the details hardly matter. He leads his brother to his death all the same.)
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
HENRIK HEADCANON - how he feels about Klaus and Mikael
under cut for length (cw for familial abuse and child death)
Henrik was fond of his father when he was too young to know any better. A lot of his very early life, he was the type of child who didn’t like being put down and wanted to be held constantly. Didn’t matter who it was in his family who held him, he just wanted to be close to someone. As he got a little bit older, he started picking up more and more on maybe my father is not a good person. 
Out of all his siblings, he was drawn to Klaus most of all. For as long as he can remember, possibly even earlier, he’s looked up to Klaus. Whenever possible, he could be found trailing after his older brother. He even mimicked his behavior and words at times - they say imitation is the highest form of flattery. He wanted to be like him. He wanted to be as fun as he thought his brother was.
And then he witnessed firsthand how his father treated his brother, and it shook his entire worldview. From that point on, he saw his father as a monster. Some part of his attachment to his brother is a deep down desire to protect him, even though he doesn’t require the protection of his far younger little brother (in fact, it’s more likely the other way around, that Henrik is the one who needs Klaus’s protection). It doesn’t matter. He wanted to defend him, wanted to stand up for him.
But he couldn’t. He was so small, and so very scared of their father. He wanted to be rebellious, scream at and fight his father for the abuse he dealt towards Henrik’s siblings, but whenever he was near, Henrik found it hard to move or breathe. He sank into the shadows, turned his head, panicked. He’s ashamed of this behavior.
Henrik himself never really suffered his father’s abuse, at least not nearly as much as his siblings. It’s likely that Henrik was considered the favorite, most well-behaved son in Mikael’s eyes, but that was only because Henrik was too scared to defy him or draw his attention at all.
The first time he ever really worked up the courage to be rebellious, a sort of middle-finger towards his father in a way, was when he asked Klaus to see the wolves. They weren’t supposed to leave the cave until the morning; the thought of being disobedient for once in his life was a thrilling idea. He asked Klaus specifically because he was fondest of him, and thought he might want to defy their father as well.
He never would have asked if he’d known what would become of it.
Henrik doesn’t blame Klaus for what happened. He doesn’t think it was Klaus who got him killed. Henrik blames no one for his death but himself. He was the one who asked. Klaus never would have gone with him if he hadn’t. He won’t ever forgive Klaus because there’s nothing to forgive.
In the present, Henrik’s feelings towards Klaus have not changed in the slightest, despite the person Klaus has become. The reason Henrik can excuse the actions and behaviors of his siblings is because he never stops seeing them as who he remembered them as growing up, and Klaus is no exception. He has a secret desire to make himself an Original, or at least a vampire, partly because he dreads what would happen to them if he died again, and partly because he still wants to be just like them, especially Klaus. 
He’s even more scared of Mikael now, though. The thought of that man with same abilities as his siblings is perhaps his greatest fear of all, more so than even seeing another pair of glowing eyes and snarling teeth headed straight for his throat again.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
when henrik’s annoyed, he never tells you. he just gets passive aggressive. if he was annoyed with any of his siblings he’d walk around the home wearing a garbage bag as a t-shirt and pretend that he’s not. because he thinks their ideas and opinions at that given moment in time are trash.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
Henrik’s default opinions of his parents and siblings (subject to change per portrayals of these muses)
This is Henrik’s opinions of who they were as he remembered them, and who they’ve become. He did not see how they got from point A to point B, and therefore has no opinions on that, tho ngl he will deliberately shrug at past bad deeds of siblings he’s fond of if told of them.
Prior to his first death: terrified of him. Henrik avoided attracting Mikael’s attention whenever possible, and secretly wanted nothing more than to rebel against him. He hated him and silently burned with anger whenever he saw him.
Now: even more terror. There’s no more anger. Not because he’s forgiven, but because the idea of him being as strong if not stronger than his siblings scares him so much that any thought of rebellion is gone.
Prior to his first death: Henrik was something of a Mama’s Boy growing up (though not nearly as much as Finn), but gradually became less so as he got older. He found her compliance towards their father infuriating.
Now: he’s gonna side with his siblings no matter what, and if Esther wants them dead she can choke for all he cares. (In his body jumped verse he’s once again a Mama’s Boy. He thinks she’s repentant of how she never helped them when it came to Mikael given her plan does not involve him, and forgives her.)
Prior to his first death: Henrik has no opinions. He didn’t know who she was. I doubt he even knew her name, and he was probably only vaguely aware of her existence at all.
Now: he’s pretty welcoming of her into the family, understanding of the concept of being stripped from the family as a child and missing 1000 years of their lives. Also, as someone who only recently tapped into his powers, he’s eager to learn should she decide to teach him.
Prior to his first death: he respected him far more than he did their parents, and looked up to him as the one he recognized as the oldest. He did find Finn irritating at times though.
Now: he’s conflicted. On the one hand it would be nice to have them all back together, but on the other hand the idea of Finn working with their mother to kill off the rest of their siblings is something that pisses Henrik the hell off. Even so, he doesn’t think he deserves to die for actions like that.
Prior to his first death: Henrik adored Elijah. Henrik considered Elijah the most trustworthy of them all and he was likely Henrik’s first choice of sibling whenever he had any questions or concerns about something.
Now: his opinions of Elijah for the most part have not changed. He finds him only slightly more intimidating with how casually he can wipe blood from his hands, both literally and figuratively speaking.
Prior to his first death: honestly Klaus was perhaps Henrik’s best friend. Henrik idolized him from day one, and a lot of his fear of Mikael is not necessarily because of how he himself was treated, but more so his sympathy/empathy towards Klaus. Henrik’s mischievous streak and impulsiveness is primarily influenced by imitating Klaus when he was small.
Now: like with Elijah, not much has changed. He doesn’t really care about what all he’s done, as long as he’s even kinda the same person towards Henrik. However, Henrik is terrified of werewolves now, and died before anyone knew Klaus’s biological father, and therefore himself, was one. Therefore, he’s likely to be very frightened of him upon finding out that information. At least for a little while.
Prior to his first death: Henrik was fascinated by what he could do. Think the baby sibling who just loses their mind with a :O face at something you consider basic. Henrik was excited about finally tapping into his own powers because he wanted to do what Kol could. Unfortunately, he died shortly after.
Now: little bit scared of him. He actually finds Kol the most intimidating of them. To Henrik, his change over the past 1000 years has been the most drastic, and he’s just a bit shocked by his tendency towards violence (which is a bit hypocritical of Henrik given how willing he is to shrug it off for Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah).
Prior to his first death: as the second youngest sibling next to himself, Henrik probably spent the most time with her, and he loved her dearly. Henrik’s compassionate side is primarily influenced by his love for her.
Now: she’s still the same Rebekah and no one can convince him otherwise. In instances where Rebekah is daggered, he’s likely to grow angry at whoever did it, even if it’s Klaus and will try to undagger her immediately.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
Kol was never the brother Henrik was closest to, but had Henrik never asked to see the wolves, had he not died, had he been allowed to grow up in that village of theirs, he would have grown closer to him. 
Henrik adored Kol’s magic and was excited about tapping into his own powers because he couldn’t wait to be like him. Had he not died, he would have trailed after his big brother wanting to learn from him, because he liked his brother way more than he liked their mother.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
Henrik headcanon - werewolves
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Long story short, he’s scared of them. Petrified, in fact. I could leave it at that but I’m gonna elaborate anyway.
Henrik’s only experience with werewolves is when he died. The first time he got anywhere near one, he was viciously mauled and it killed him. He was a child. Barely into his teens and having only just tapped into his powers. It was traumatic, he was traumatized, and he will freak out and book it to get away if he’s reminded of the event in any way.
But it’s not so much werewolves themselves that scares him, only the wolf form. He’s perfectly fine around someone while they’re human. He might be uneasy around someone if he finds out they’re a wolf, but only for a little bit, unless how he finds out is he sees them turn, then he’s likely to be scared of them for a while. He’ll eventually get over it tho if the other wants to be his friend (Henrik will befriend anyone, regardless of how they feel about any of his siblings).
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
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Henrik tag dump / starter call
also?? edited icons maybe??
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nahthekidlived · 3 years
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Rik would wear an actual trash bag as a shirt around his siblings and say nothing about it just to passive aggressively let them know they’ve pissed him off somehow.
Shut him down when he comes up with a reckless plan? Tell him off when he does something reckless that nearly gets himself killed?
Trash bag shirt time.
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nahthekidlived · 3 years
Headcanon | Rik (Original)
While still fiercely loyal to his older siblings, remnant of him looking up to all of them before he was made immortal by their mother, he’s far less defensive of them in this verse than he is in his main verse. In his main verse, it’s like he’s willfully ignorant of their atrocities, refusing to see them as who they’ve become rather than who he remembers them as, since to him 1000 years in the past is far more recent memories and who they all became is, for the most part, too jarring a transition for him to wrap his head around. He much rather prefers to see them as the best versions of them.
However, in his verse where he was made immortal alongside them, no such ignorance exists. He watched it happen firsthand. He himself is no innocent saint, either, though he’s not as deliberately brutal and cruel as they can be; his biggest flaw instead is a lack of control when he’s hungry, which he almost always is, and that leads to casualties all around him despite his efforts to minimize the damage.
He will not vehemently despise and lash out at anyone who attacks his siblings unless they pose a genuine threat to one, ie they are of extraordinary power or in possession of something that could kill/harm them. Most instances he finds the hatred to be a mere annoyance. He will, however, jump to their aid without hesitation should they require it of him, and try to act as a peacekeeper during squabbles.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
Henrik had only just barely tapped into his magic when he asked to see the wolves. It hadn’t even been a full month, and was closer to half that.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
obvious content warning for, you guessed it: death.
Rik grew up in a Viking household. Well, perhaps he wasn’t raised entirely like a Viking, given how his mother was most likely Saxon, but I guarantee you that Viking values and traditions were far more prominent. As such, Henrik as a child had a dream of dying in battle one day and entering Valhalla.
This also plays into how much he beats himself up over not standing up for Klaus and their other siblings any. There was all this pent up urgency to fight back against his father, and he often imagined himself challenging him to duel at some point. And yet whenever their father was near, he’d freeze and find it hard to breathe at all. He feels ashamed of that. Even in present day.
He didn’t run from the wolf that killed him. In the back of his mind, he told himself that if he fought it for even a second before it killed him, he could get into Valhalla, and that’s exactly what he tried to do. Except it killed him before he could even react at all.
He knew right away he wasn’t in Valhalla. He didn’t know where he was. For the longest time, he thought maybe he was being punished by the gods for being a coward, doomed to forever trail after those he failed to fight for, unseen and unheard by any of them no matter how hard he screamed.
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
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Realistically a newly resurrected Rik would only speak and understand Old Norse, unless he retains any memories and information gained during the centuries he spent on the Other Side, gradually learning new languages through exposure as time progressed and left now-dead ones behind.
For the sake of RP, I'm gonna go with the explanation that regardless of what plot-based reason behind his returning from the dead, from nefarious necromancy spells to hijacking Anchor!Bonnie’s rescue mission, that he at least on a subconscious level retains certain skills like learned language, not knowing that he speaks whatever his siblings can until someone talks to him in said language.
In any case, Henrik’s first language is Old Norse. (He also still worships the Norse pantheon - though perhaps not quite devoutly as he’s a child with ADHD not particularly interested in things like religion in general.)
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nahthekidlived · 4 years
HENRIK HEADCANON - how witnessing (and potentially experiencing) Mikael’s abuse shaped his character
obviously, CW for familial abuse
This headcanon is similar to this one, but going further in depth about a specific part of it. It’s also similar to this one, and this one.
It’s unclear if Henrik was a recipient of his father’s abuse. If he was, it was comparably minimal. However, he certainly witnessed a majority of what happened under that roof once he was old enough to understand what was happening - and given how frequently it happened, that was likely very early on in his life.
Witnessing stuff like that for as long as you can remember is bound to have a long lasting, deeply ingrained psychological effect. In particular he witnessed Klaus’s treatment, both because he was closest to Klaus, and Klaus in particular was a target for the abuse.
Mikael is a monster in Henrik’s eyes. His father is the boogeyman outside the window or under the bed, the pile of clothes in the corner of your room that turn into a demon in the darkness. The very sight of the man inspires a deep, cold terror in his youngest child, the kind that freezes you down to your bones and your lungs. Henrik was considered a very quiet, well-behaved child. But the politeness and obedience was not born of respect, but of fear. He was terrified of drawing his attention at all and did everything in his power to avoid making him angry and directing it towards Henrik.
As a child, Henrik is shy, scared of confrontation, and bottles up his emotions until they explode. He gets better at this with age, spending his later teens and onward in a world where his father isn’t around every corner. What doesn’t go away is a competitiveness with himself. He has a tendency of pushing himself more than he probably should and not slowing down enough to give himself time to breathe. He’s reckless and impulsive and self-depreciative, covering it up with snark and humor. He’s been scared of his father and the idea of himself being a recipient of the abuse he witnessed against his beloved siblings for as long as he can remember.
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