#i was TEMPTED to plug these guys as an example that was good and clearly came from a place of fondness for the series
bookshelfpassageway · 8 months
I am once again asking people to consider the Ace Attorney playthrough by Save Data Team
Featuring: an actual lawyer, a group of 3 friends who genuinely like the game/story and at least one is playing blind, so many running jokes, my new headcanon Miles Edgeworth voice, unhinged questions from Ohio's bar exams, genuine interest in the context of the original Japanese version, increasingly absurd stream funding goals, canon Narumitsu, and much more
it starts off like a standard "that's not how law works!" series but do not be fooled. It's very good
Here's a fun highlight reel comp, or, this one from Case 5/Rise From the Ashes to see the gang in full swing of things
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viperbranium · 6 years
I know it's just a tag. But "Shut up viper no one cares" I say to myself YES I DO. We love you. We care. x
aklgjñkjdk this is why i miss this place and all of you so much when life forces me to take a step back from it for a while
anon you’re the sweetest ;^; i promise it’s just a tag, haha! it’s not even me being self-deprecating at this point, but this is still so nice of you and i’m crying, so here, have a super dumb thing
He’s still not used to the attention.
Before the serum he barely got any, the notable exception being bullies in back alleys – which wasn’t something Steve ever wanted to attract… and yet.
Now though, he’s hardly ever alone. Less so on days like these, when they just freed another village from HYDRA goons, and all everyone wants is to celebrate and drink and fuck until they can’t think straight.
Steve’s not opposed to any of that. Far from it, really. But he can’t really get drunk anymore, and as for the mindless fucking with some stranger… yes, it’s pragmatic in these times of war, and Steve’s quite familiar with it, but he likes to at least have a conversation first, and no one here looks sober enough for that anymore.
Which is why he’s been trying to leave the pub for the past 2 hours, only to be stopped every single time.
Apparently, celebrating that Captain America kicked Nazi ass requires that Captain America be present. Who would’ve thought.
Desperate for a breather but accepting the fact that he’s not going to be allowed to leave anytime soon, Steve opts for the restroom. He heads towards the small corridor at the far end of the bar, turns a corner… and walks straight into some guy’s chest.
Reaching out has quickly become conditioned response.
Most of the time Steve’s still not fully used to his new body, and not even that long ago he would’ve been sitting on his ass after bumping into some buff guy like this… but he’s already gotten used to that happening to whoever bumps into him now, what with him being a solid wall of muscle and all, so before he can even think of anything he’s reaching out to steady the guy.
Except this guy in particular doesn’t budge one inch upon colliding with him.
This guy, in fact, must be used to this very same thing happening to him as well, because he also reaches out instinctively to hold Steve in place.
This guy, Steve observes as they’re both left holding each other’s biceps kind of awkwardly, is also insanely attractive.
He’s only slightly shorter than him, and not super muscular, but well-built enough to justify him not stumbling back when Steve walked into him – and it’s not like Steve was about to barge into the restroom, really. He’s got dark hair, a clean-shaven, deliciously dimpled-chin, and a pair of icy-blue eyes so intense they make the hairs on Steve’s neck stand. His jawline is strong and sharp, and Steve has to keep himself from outright licking his lips at the sight of him.
He stares at Steve in confusion for a second, and then something seems to dawn on him. When he smiles, playful and sweet and slightly wicked all at once, it sends a shiver down Steve’s spine.
“Captain America…” the guy says, his voice slightly hoarse and as sinful and tempting as the rest of him. “I wasn’t sure you were real. Before tonight, I mean. Kinda hard to miss you tonight,” he adds, and winks at him.
Steve has to swallow around a lump in his throat to be able to articulate anything at all. His hands have dropped slightly, but they’re still resting on this guy’s forearms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you…” he says awkwardly.
The guy smiles. “Well, ain’t that disappointing,” he says, teasing.
“N-No! I meant just now,” Steve explains, and gestures towards the mirrored end of the corridor. It’s angled in a way that anyone walking towards the restroom should be able to see if someone’s stepping out even before they turn the corner, but Steve was so desperate to get away from all the attention that he somehow hadn’t. He goes on, “I mean, yeah, I haven’t seen you around either, but–”
The man’s soft chuckle thankfully cuts him off. “Don’t worry, I’m just fucking with you,” he says. Steve has to stop himself from licking his lips at the guy’s choice of words. God, he wishes. “I know everyone was keeping you busy. I was actually waiting ‘til they left you alone to come say hi.”
“You should’ve done so anyway,” Steve replies, perhaps a bit too eagerly, but this man’s body language is open and inviting, and, well, Steve can only hope he’s heard the rumors about Captain America and men.
Some of them, Steve’s even started himself. The serum means he rarely gets enough release these days, and he’s never been that great at flirting, so it’s as good a way as any to find out who’d be down for a quick fuck right upon meeting them. Practical and uncomplicated.
Based on the way the guy’s eyes drop to Steve’s lips almost unconsciously, Steve’s willing to bet he probably has heard… and that he’s not entirely opposed.
The guy shrugs. “Figured you were probably a bit overwhelmed. That why you’re running away, right?”
And he’s obviously joking, but Steve still blushes a bit, called out. “Yeah,” he tells him, smiling self-deprecatingly and scratching the back of his neck. “But I love seeing everyone this happy. And,” he adds, letting his gaze roam over the man’s body. Go big or go home. “maybe I wouldn’t be running away if you had dropped by to have a drink with me.”
”That so?” Insanely attractive guy asks, big smirk on his face. Steve takes it as a promising sign. “Well in that case, I guess we should go have that drink. You know, just to keep you company ‘til these guys let you leave. Unless you wanna try fitting that ridiculous chest of yours through the restroom window…” he adds, poking Steve’s pec and biting his lower lip playfully.
Steve laughs and shakes his head. “No, I think I’d rather stick around for a while longer.”
Insanely attractive guy’s name is Bucky, and he’s not only attractive but also funny and quick-witted and charming, and with a certain wild air to him that Steve can’t quite explain but that’s driving him completely crazy.
He’s also been leaning right into his space so Steve could hear him over the noise around them – Steve wasn’t about to mention that he has super hearing –, his breath ghosting over Steve’s skin enticingly with every word, and Steve’s about ready to shove him into some wall and kiss him senseless.
It’s 4 drinks before they’re allowed to leave the pub at last.
Bucky’s thigh has been pressed right against Steve’s for the past 40 minutes, and he smells amazingly and Steve wants him. He can’t even remember the last time he wanted someone this much.
When they step outside and Steve asks Bucky if he wants to come with – being Captain America pays off sometimes: Steve has a whole house for himself –, the guy just licks his lips and nods. Steve has to stop himself from dropping to his knees right there.
The sex is every bit as good as Steve had anticipated.
Bucky’s mouth is on his the moment the door closes behind them, hot and greedy and claiming, and from that moment, he just doesn’t stop kissing him.
He pushes all of Steve’s buttons in a way that clearly shows he knows what he’s doing, but then writhes under Steve’s touch and begs and moans with a neediness that almost clashes with his obvious expertise.
It feels similar to what the serum does to Steve himself, actually. To how it makes him overly sensitive, but also practically insatiable. And oh, Bucky is insatiable.
Since he got the serum, Steve’s never met anyone with enough stamina to match his own – he wasn’t even sure it was humanly possible –, but Bucky comes after just 5 minutes with his cock in Steve’s mouth, and only moment later he’s hard again and fucking Steve’s brains out, and shortly after, as he rides Steve’s dick, he comes for the third time in under half an hour.
And the night is just starting.
In the morning, Steve feels sated in a way he’s never felt before.
His whole body aches, but it’s a pleasant kind of feeling, and he knows it’ll be gone soon enough anyway, as will be the bruises on his neck and chest and the inside of his thighs.
Bucky’s not lying next to him anymore, but Steve was sort of expecting that. This is war, and they’re both men. It would’ve been foolish to expect anything to come out of an encounter such as this one. He briefly laments the fact that there’s not going to be a morning fuck, and buries his face in the pillows to breathe in Bucky’s fading scent as he wraps his fingers around his hardening cock.
Yes, it would’ve been foolish to have any expectations beyond a night of mind-blowing sex, but if every now and then he pleasures himself to the thought of Bucky, well… no one can really blame him.
The future is, overall, not that awful.
Sure, it takes some adjusting, and there’s definitely a lot of areas in which humanity hasn’t made much progress, but there’s also some pretty great things about the 21st Century.
Sex toys, for example. Sex toys are fucking spectacular, especially when you’re Steve Rogers and even the most amazing one-night-stands only help quench maybe 30% of your thirst.
Steve lets out a shaky sigh and squirms a bit, trying to get comfortable on his bike seat and already thinking about grabbing his favorite multi-rotating vibrator as soon as he gets home and shoving it inside him as far as it’ll go. Damn, he really should’ve worn that plug.
He adjusts the rear view mirrors, starts the engine… and he hasn’t even moved it completely out of the parking spot when he bumps into something.
Something that lets out a pained noise and then falls to the floor with a thud. Color drains from Steve’s face as he quickly turns the engine off and gets off to help and make sure that the person’s all right.
“Oh my god,” he exclaims, crouching down next to the guy and helping him untangle from his jacket. “I’m so fucking sorry, I didn’t see you, oh god, are you okay?”
The guy grunts a bit as he moves to a sitting position, but seems to be mostly in one piece.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry. No big deal,” he says with a hint of resignation in his voice, like he’s somehow used to this happening. Steve goes to protest and to offer taking him to the nearest ER, when the guy throws his head back and runs his hand through his long hair to brush it of his face.
The name is out of his lips before logic can even tell him it’s not possible. “Bucky!?” he asks, and he knows it can’t be him, but the guy looks up at the name, stares right at Steve, and his questioning look quickly morphs into bewilderment.
“Oh… ” he says, recognizing Steve’s face. “Well, fuck.”
“Say it again,” Steve asks, still not quite believing any of this is possible.
Bucky, sitting on Steve’s couch and sipping at a cup of Steve’s coffee, lets out a tired sigh and says, “I’m a vampire.”
“Okay,” Steve tells him, trying his damnedest not to freak out. “Okay, so I didn’t hear that wrong. How is that even possible?”
Bucky shrugs. “Got turned a few years before the war,” he explains. “It’s not that big a deal anyway, most of what pop culture says about vampires is wrong. Well, except the not aging part, obviously. And the not being reflected in mirrors. ‘S why you ran me over with your bike.”
“I didn’t run you over,” Steve protests, and then cuts himself off because, yeah, not the point. “You are a vampire!” he repeats.
“Yep,” Bucky says. He looks halfway between miffed and amused. “I don’t know why you’re having so much trouble wrapping your head around this, honestly. You’re not exactly normal yourself.”
Steve wants to argue, but Bucky’s got a point. “Okay, fair.”
At least this explains why Bucky is so inhumanly gorgeous. His hair is longer now, and he looks a bit more rugged and is broader everywhere, but he’s still every single bit as breathtaking as he was in 1945.
It also explains why he’s alive, of course, but Steve’s having trouble focusing on anything beyond how fucking good Bucky looks. Bucky sits back against the couch and spreads his legs just a tad, and memories of their night together come rushing right back into Steve’s mind.
Steve, it turns out, still wants him just as much as he did all those years ago. It’s not as pathetic as it sounds when it’s only been a couple years for you, not over seventy.
“Y’know,” Bucky says after a few minutes, “when they found you in the ice, I was sure that was a PR stunt,” he licks his lips and then gives Steve a pointed look. “If I’d known it was you, I would’ve tried to find you. I would’ve said something.”
Steve perks up. “Yeah?” he asks, and okay, maybe it really isn’t that pathetic. Maybe Bucky finds it just as hard to get a good, satisfying fuck as Steve does. Bucky just grins in response, so Steve lets his gaze fall pointedly to Bucky’s lips and scoots a bit closer on the couch. He says, “I was thinking maybe you didn’t wanna see me… You did leave before morning back in ‘45.”
“The morning light hurts my skin,” Bucky tells him as he moves to straddle Steve’s lap.
“I have very good blinds,” Steve informs, resting his hands on Bucky’s hips.
Bucky smiles impishly and kisses him.
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