#i was determined to quit getting loled at
browngonzo888 · 1 year
I hope I’m finally a comic pro
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atopearth · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Part 3 - Yves Kloss Route
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Yves is so adorable to hide behind a pillar waiting for the heroine to appear, and then say he's going to watch over her to make sure she's impartial in her choice of the king🤣 How is he going to do that, what if she just thinks Leon is hot or something and makes up a bunch of reasons for it🤣 Maybe he's good at detecting lies🥲 Anyway, I never really thought about it, but if the previous king only loved the Belle at that time (Jin's mother), and turned into a shell of himself once they were torn apart, and only cared for women out of "obligation" after that, then all the guys excluding Jin were basically born because the kingdom needed more heirs or something. So then none of them were loved, and I'm not sure Jin even got to feel the love he was supposed to have since his parents didn't have a "happy ending". It’s kinda sad to think that none of the princes ever really got to receive the love they should have received. Anyway, I'm going to laugh my ass off at them when they both fall in love with each other. Their bet is quite interesting though, like the other person can have all of them for all time?? Not sure if I wanted that if I didn't like the other person haha. I guess it's for using them like a servant but loll.
I actually really appreciate Yves guiding her and helping her get to know the princes better, because in Leon and Chevalier's routes, the heroine spent most of her time with the LI themselves so of course she would choose them haha. Also cute to see an LI that isn't good at fighting! I honestly loled when Luke picked Yves up off the ground when the dog tackled him, I can imagine how cute Yves looked😂 Aww Yves has notorious bad luck? I would love to see him slip on banana peels😂 I feel so mean but that sounds so funny😂 Anyway, I didn't realise Luke has only been here for a week! No wonder why he feels like such a normal person lol. It's kinda funny, but it seems that everyone treats Yves like their "little brother" because of how short and innocent he is? Hahaha, I guess he's just so genuinely kind and even though he thinks Nokto is frivolous, he also sees the good stuff about Nokto, and I think that makes them have a soft spot for Yves. I really love how the heroine composed herself and tried to talk to Chevalier again the next day (after she got scared seeing blood all over him). I think that's really brave of her, and you can really see her determination to know all the princes. I find it so cute how Yves was hiding behind a pillar checking if the heroine was okay after talking to Chevalier and Clavis, he's so sweet🤣 I love how they're going on a date for her to get to know him better! And I loved how he styled her hair for her because he thought it was such a waste not to when she looked so pretty in her new outfit! He really noticed her efforts to dress up and I think that's sweet. I never really thought about how much of an effect Yves being half-Obsidianite would be considering he's a prince, but to think that the townspeople so openly talk about him and avoid him like the plague is just crazy. Even when he saves them, they run away from him and think he's dangerous??? How could they do that to this cinnamon roll?!😭 He must be so hurt even if he doesn't show it. It's like he doesn't even belong here. It's sad that Yves’ mother married the king for political reasons and then died giving birth to Yves without ever receiving the love of the king. It's pretty terrible that Yves was abandoned by Obsidian whilst the servants that came here were able to go back, that's quite saddening...
Awww Yves is so adorable to try and protect her whilst indirectly telling her that she's pretty and then running away back to his room or something lmaooo. Okay, Yves' real reason for watching over the heroine is so sweet!! He saw how anxious she looked and knew how it feels to be somewhere foreign and feel like you don't belong, so he decided to help her, that's just so kind and sweet of him😭 I felt so bad for Yves that he had to stress eat in the middle of the night to cope with the pain and hurt from how the townspeople treated him. I wonder how often he does this, it's so sad to see tbh. It was so cute how Leon and them got Yves to make sweets for them haha, they know how soft and kind Yves is🤣 It's honestly so sweet how hard Yves tries his best even when people don't like him, it's so saddening but sweet at the same time. I love how the heroine pushed him to play the violin in the plaza with the townspeople in the territory he governs. I especially loved how she told him to focus on her only and not let the voices of others bother him. She's really helping these people see other sides of him and I think that's nice, since no matter how he says it, Yves really wants these people to like him just as much as he likes them. The heroine and Yves hugging each other in their sleep is so adorable hahaha.
Yves realising that he probably likes the heroine and blushing at everything she does and says to him is the most adorable thing ever. He is so cute and innocent, I love him. I have to agree with Yves that when you dress yourself up, it makes you feel more confident in myself and helps to overcome that weak little voice inside you. It's so sad to see Yves so distraught over how he can't fight against the Obsidianite people, and how his indecision and "weakness" caused Licht to get hurt. I really liked how Rio cheered the heroine up and encouraged her to try and talk to Yves again. I liked how he told her that even if you're beside someone everyday, you still can't know everything about them, and that the desire to understand the other person is what binds them together. I still don't agree with them listening to Obsidian and letting Yves go back to them because it's a crappy situation either way, and they might as well protect Yves in that case. But I guess Yves decided to go himself so you can't stop him, sigh. I'm glad the heroine was able to properly tell him her feelings and even give him her diary showing how sincere her feelings were and how they just continued to pile up and deepen as they got to know each other. Honestly, I was pretty surprised the heroine chose Yves to be king hahahha. I guess each route will have the heroine choose the guy as her lover as well as the king? Like, I guess it makes sense but at the same, it's so dodgy lmao. Anyway, I guess each guy has their good qualities that will make them a good king even if they're not as openly loved and filled with conviction for it as Chevalier and Leon. It's pretty cute how the heroine and Yves spend their days together haha, so silly but cute.
Overall, I liked Yves route but I do think the ending was a bit weird imo, maybe the dramatic ending is better? Anyway, I really enjoyed how kind Yves was, and how the heroine kept slowly discovering little things Yves did that made her realise how truly kind-hearted he was, and how much he cared about the people around him, to the point that everyone else's feelings were always a priority over his own. He's such a cinnamon roll you want to protect all the time, and I always felt like my heart hurt for him whenever it showed how much disdain he got just for having half Obsidianite blood in him. I really enjoyed seeing the heroine and him encourage each other and be there for each other as equals trying their best to "fit in" and try their best to make the other happy, it was pretty sweet, but I still prefer Leon and Chevalier haha.
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