#i was gonna go to bed like an hour aho but i got so wrapped up in this BOOK
jessie-jem · 1 year
Cannot handle my love for this fuckin book and I'm gonna explode out my fuckin eyes because it's so fuckin good and dhsbaabsbbe my coworker is gonna hate me because this is all I will talk about tomorrow fnnsdbsbdhrbdhdbehd motherfucker I loveeeeeee mediaaaaaaaaaaaaa all hail the literatureeeeeeeeeee djfjdjssn
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nopucksgiven03 · 4 years
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A/n: Hi! I’m new to tumblr and was totally shocked at how little content there is on fishy. Anyway, this is my first ever imagine, sooo it might be a bit cringey 😬. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!😁
Sebastian Aho
Sepe drunkenly stumbled through the door of his apartment with (y/n) following closely behind to catch him in case he fell. They had both been at teuvo’s place for a small get together with a couple of the guys and let’s just say the drinks were in abundance. It didn’t help that Sebastian was a lightweight.
(y/n) closed and locked the door behind her and slipped out of her sneakers, planning on crashing sepe’s place tonight anyway. By now, he had wandered into the living room and was sprawled out on the couch with his legs twisted awkwardly off the side. (y/n) laughed softly and gently poked him, attempting to rouse him enough to get him to bed.
(y/n) and Sebastian had been friends for about three years now. She had been interning in public relations with the Canes organization as a business major in college and had done so well that she maintained a job with them even after she graduated. Even though her role was, for the most part, hidden from the public, she was very interactive with the players and coaching staff, which cultivated quick friendships.
And that was how (y/n) ended up at Sepe’s house trying to haul his drunk ass to bed.
“ Sepe, come get in bed, your hangovers gonna be worse if you crash on the couch.”
“Noooo come cuddle me” his accent thickened when he was drunk.
(y/n) obviously had a major crush on him , and his accent wasn’t helping. Honestly the feelings were mutual, but never acted upon by either of them.
“You need to go to bed.” (y/n) pulled two water bottles out of the fridge and an aspirin out of the kitchen junk drawer before turning to lead Seb to bed. Tucking the water under her arm, she wrapped her other arm around his waist and he slung an arm over her shoulders as she guided him clumsily up the staircase to his room.
“(y/nnnnnnnn) I want you to stayyyy...”
“I am Sepe. I’m crashing in the guest room.”(y/n) chuckled.
“No. With me! I wanna cuddle!” His whine turned into a hiccup and then a burst of giggles. (y/n) rolled her eyes as she deposited him onto his bed.
“Please!” He whispered, eyes pleading.
“Okay Sepe, but we have to get ready for bed.”
He huffed in compliance and let you lead him around the room to get ready for bed, from getting him clothes to drinking a water to brushing his teeth.
“I did what you said, now cuddle me!!” Seb whined again.
“Sepe you’re really drunk and it’s better if you just sleep.” (y/n) gently pushed him to his pillow and tugged the blanket at the end of the bed over him. Before she could move away, Sebastian pulled (y/n) on top of him and encased her in a hug. (y/n) sighed and situated herself to be little spoon, deciding to slip away as soon as Sepe was asleep.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, and I wish it could happen all the time.” Sepe whispered, almost to himself.
“What? Cuddling? Go to sleep Seb, you’re drunk.” (y/n) laughed, trying to brush it off. She thought it was the alcohol talking, even though she really wished it wasn’t. God, the butterflies she got when he said that.
Sebastian nuzzled his face into (y/n)’s hair and threw an arm around her waist as he curled around her smaller frame. He fell asleep quickly and (y/n) soon followed, plans of sneaking away forgotten.
Seb woke up to a pounding headache and was immediately grateful that he had drank water last night or the headache would’ve been much worse. He noticed the aspirin and second water bottle and downed both quickly before rolling out of bed. As he brushed his teeth he noticed one of (y/n)’s shirts next to the sink. Then last night’s events came flooding back to him. Even though he was alone, for the moment, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Part of Sebastian hoped that (y/n) had taken him seriously and that he could build from there, but he knew better.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon drifted up to his room and after brushing his teeth, he followed it down to the kitchen. (y/n) was pouring the coffee when Sepe appeared.
“Morning sleepyhead! How’s the hangover?”
(y/n) said with a grin.
“Better thanks to you.”
A slightly awkward silence followed as (y/n) loaded two plates with the bacon and toast she had made.
“You have practice in about an hour sep.”
“I know. I didn’t make you uncomfortable last night, did I?” He asked quietly.
“No sepe. Honestly, I enjoyed it.”
More silence. (y/n) turned to her plate.
“I think that after last night,” sepe started,”I ought to tell you...” the last part was nearly inaudible.
“I like you.”
It took (y/n) a minute just to process what he said whilst staring at him like he had three heads. Sepe blushed deeply and moved to retreat to his room .
“I like you too! You gotta give me a minute because I’ve liked you for like three years and it’s a lot to take in! I REALLY like you!”
It was his turn to stare at her.
“What took so fucking long for us to tell each other?” He laughed as he pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair.
“Can I kiss you?” Sebastian whispered, pulling away slightly from the hug. (y/n) slid her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her lips. His hands brushed up her sides and came up to caress her face. The kiss turned into a makeout and suddenly was interrupted when sepe’s phone rang. The two pulled apart hesitantly and sepe picked up the call while (y/n) busied herself cleaning up the breakfast mess.
“Teukka is coming to get me for practice in ten minutes.” Said sepe as he hugged her from behind. “Do you want to get dinner tonight? Maybe chipotle?” (y/n) laughed.
“I would love to! How’s eight?”
“That’s good. I’ve gotta go, Teuvo will be here any minute.”
“Alright love, see you later.”
Sepe snatched up his hockey bag by the door, grinning from ear to ear.
“See you later love.”
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writingknb · 7 years
Can I request late night convos and snuggles with aomine and midorima please? Thank you!!
Here you go! 🌸
Thank you for requesting! 💋
“Why are you here again?” Aomine yawned, his eyes closed as he asked the question. (Name) perked up in irritation.
“Because.. I’m spending the night with you? You know my parents never allow me alone in the house.” she replied, glaring at the blue head.
“Alright.” he shrugged, sitting up from his bed, grabbing some magazine on top of his bedside table, then laid down again and started reading.
“You’re one hell of a hospitable boyfriend.” she snorted, then pulled out her phone and started playing some games.
“God, this is so boring!” she complained, but it’s not like Aomine minded much. In fact, despite hearing her, he continued to read.
She cursed under her breath, kicking off her shoes and pulled the pillow from under Aomine’s head. “Oi, if you’re going to ignore me, I might as well be at home.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea!” he defended. Then, a fun idea popped inside (Name)’s mind. Smirking, she whacked him with the pillow, before running off into the bathroom and locking the door.
Aomine sat up quickly, a hand on his forehead as he stared at her. “Oh, you’re getting it now.” he grabbed a pillow from his bed and rested his hand and weight on the other side of the door.
“Oi, come out now. This is your fault you know.” Aomine warned. (Name) giggled, but didn’t unlock the door.
“As if! It was your fault for being such a snob!” she shot back. Aomine rolled his eyes.
“How long are you going to stay there? I mean, if you want to sleep there then fine.” the tanned man shrugged with a smirk.
“I’m not going to sleep here, aho!” she answered, her mind wandering off to how she’s going to escape from the beast.
They stayed like that for a while, until (Name) finally got bored and sighed. “Fine. I’m coming out. But promise me you won’t do anything! We’re even!”
Aomine shrugged. “Alright. We’re even.”
Slowly, she unlocked the door and pulled it open. And before her mind could even process it, Aomine picked her up and threw her on the bed.
She squealed and laughed as Aomine started to hit the pillow on her, but not too hard. She rolled to the side with a laugh and covered herself with the pillow.
“I’m so tired! Stop!” she said between her giggles. Aomine laid down beside her.
“I can’t believe you stayed inside the bathroom for over an hour.” he said, making her glance at the wall clock.
11:34 PM
She turned so she was facing him. “Say.. Daiki, do you think.. we’re still going to be as happy in the future?”
Aomine scoffed. “Of course we are. Stop worrying so much. When we graduate, we’ll be happier.”
She shrugged. “I hope.”
“By the way, can you help me out with that lesson I didn’t get last week?” he asked cheekily. She scoffed.
“Only.. if you buy me (favourite food).” she grinned. Aomine pouted but wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
She giggled, and he couldn’t help but smile too. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Go to sleep. You made me tired.”
“But you don’t even get tired from-“
“I’m asleep, I can’t hear you.”
“Oh, how convenient.” she snorted.
“You’re gonna lose, Shin-chan.” she said confidently, shifting in her place and sitting cross legged on the bed, smirking.
Midorima pushed up his glasses and sat in front of her of the same position. “As if.”
“Well then!” she snapped her fingers and moved her head closer to the megane. “Let’s start!”
She rested her chin on her palm and locked eyes with Midorima. You guessed it- a staring contest. It was kinda funny when you think about it, but it was a long story.
“Alright, so here’s the deal.” she started, grinning widely. “If I win..” an idea popped in her mind, making her giggle. “Kiss me and tell me you love me. And you better mean it!”
Midorima didn’t blink, but narrowed his eyes. “H-Hey, that’s too much for a staring contest, nanodayo.”
She snorted. “Yeah right. Just how many times do you that, anyways? Once every 10 months?”
Midorima cursed under his breath but gave in. “Fine. But if I win, delete everything you shared on your social media related to my older posts.”
She laughed, but nodded. “It’s a deal.”
For 3 minutes, they’ve been staring at each other’s eyes intensely. It was kinda getting boring, so (Name) started to think of something to make her win easier.
“Say, Shintarou,” she started, using his first name without any honorifics, which was the first time she actually did it. Midorima’s face flushed, but he didn’t blink. “When did you get so handsome?” she raised her and trailed her fingers across his jawline.
Midorima blinked, blushing madly and moving his face away. She laughed, holding her stomach as the green head complained. “That.. that was unfair, nanodayo!”
“It wasn’t.” she defended, trying to catch her breath and sitting up, smirking. “The deal, Shin-chan.”
He looked away, then glanced back at her with an uneasy look on his face. And then he sighed. “Fine. Just don’t tell it to anyone.”
She raised a finger. “Hey, that wasn’t part of the-“
She was cut off with a pair of lips planted on top of hers. Surprisingly, it was longer than any of the previous kiss they had. She ran her fingers through his hair and after a few moments, Midorima pulled away, panting.
“I love you..” he murmured, and this time, she was the one blushing madly. She looked away, trying to cover her blush.
“I love you too.” she said, her hand finding it’s way to intertwine it with his.
When she looked at him, his face was still red, and he grabbed a tissue from his bedside table, dabbing the blood that trailed down his nose.
“Speaking about the past..” she trailed off, now intertwining two of their hands together and started swaying it gently, Midorima didn’t even yank his hands away and would swing it too.
They were still sitting cross-legged on the bed, talking about random stuff. “I think I remember something about you being ticklish.”
The megane’s eyes widened. “Y-Yeah, but let me tell you.. it wasn’t real, nodayo.”
“Really?” a playful smirk played on her lips as she lets go of his hands. She started tickling his sides, and he sat stiff, obviously trying to hold back his laugh.
When he started laughing, she was so astonished, she stopped her actions and smiled genuinely, her heart faltering.
“Y-You laughed!” she stuttered, an irresistible smile crawling it’s way up to her lips.
Midorima cleared his throat, then tried to act like nothing happened. He took off his glasses and placed it on his bedside table.
He then laid down and turned his back from her, obviously a bit too embarrassed. She sighed, laying down beside him and staring up at the ceiling.
“God, you’re such a tsundere.” she puffed out her cheeks, pouting. “Because really..”
“You have no idea how happy I become when I see you smile or hear you laugh..”
Midorima stiffened at her words. And a bit guilty, he turned so he could be facing her.
“But really..” she trailed off, laying on her side and smiling brightly at him. “I love you for you..”
He stayed quiet.
She laughed softly. “Say.. Shin-chan.. will you still be with me in the future?”
Midorima sighed. “Who knows?” he replied. “Fate has it’s ways..”
She smiled and started to admire his bare face. With no glasses or anything much like that.
“But..” he added. “If everything goes my way.. I’ll still be with you… I guess…” he flushed.
“Well..” she grinned, softly pinching his cheeks. “I’ll always be here too. Even if you’re one obsessed guy.”
For a short moment, his lips twitched to a small smile. Then he raised his arm. A dark tint of pink powdered her cheeks as she looked up at him.
Midorima looked away. “I mean.. if you get too cold, nanodayo.”
She smiled widely, moving closer so Midorima could wrap his arms around her. He kissed her forehead, which made everything okay.
“I.. love you..” she whispered. “So much.”
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