#i was playing around w my digital art program i barely use
avocadosharks · 1 year
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tfw ur crush doesnt notice ur mad dodgeball skills....
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1eos · 3 years
Ms kenda i want to ask do you have any vids you watch or your personal tips for painting shadows. I always find that my shadows are not enough so my art looks washed out with not enough contrast :'( i love how vibrant your art is <3
naurrrrrr i have no videos.........i find the yt art tips community to be..............................................................annoying..........i hate the way they talk like the shit they do is the absolute right thing to do when most all the popular ppl have the same uninspiring artstyle. but i digress. i DO have personal shading tips for shadows! i'm coloring something rn actually.
sooooooooooo i have 2 main tips. maybe 3. idk.
1. do two rounds of shadows. what i do is lay out my first layer of darks then blend them out and then come BACK on top of that with an even darker color to hit places that need contrast. usually under the chin, shadows under the hair, etc. not everyone can just jump in super dark right off the back so it helps to layer. do one layer of shadows, work some more then come back and push them even further. here's some examples!
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2. HIGHLIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it might just be me but i didn't focus on highlights in my original art for the longest but once i started putting them in i noticed my art looked a lot more dimensional. nd as my art teachers drilled into head: for your darkest dark there needs to be a lightest light to match it!
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here i added a bit of a highlight on the edge of the chin so that it pops against the dark shadow of the neck. playing around w contrast that way may be able to help
3. nd when in doubt use blending modes!!!!!!!!!! this is my favorite trick ever. if u ever wanna push your contrast to the extras if you're working digitally there are the blending modes. every art program will have them. you'll create a new layer on top nd make it a clipping layer so it will only affect where your flats are and then you can do all crazy things with them. that's how i got this effect!!!! but as always
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but ultimately the more u look at art u like nd the more u look at real life the more you'll be able to push your lights and darks! it truly is a matter of growing into it 😭 i used to do barely any shading at all nd now i'd like to think im p good at it. hope this helped at least a little 🥰
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peekychu · 5 years
The history of my fursonas! 🐱
I’m in an especially infodump-y mood at the moment and I watched a video about fursonas that inspired me (Shoutout to Pocari Roo’s channel!) so here we go ^o^ 
Click under the cut to read the whole enchilada! (It’s a long post, make sure you have the appetite for it first xD)
I first learned about the furry fandom in about 2013-14 from some friends at school! Granted, the two teenage boys I talked to a lot were more obsessed with the... sexual side of that xD I won’t go into that though because that would involve me talking about more uncomfortable stuff >.> I also had another friend that was such a huge influence to me and they’re a big reason that I still draw fuzzy animals to this day! Their fursona at the time was named Icy and I thought that character was the freakin’ coolest. I remember going home after talking to them, filled with inspiration and making my very first fursona!
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Her original name was Rogue Feather, but the name Scarlett came later and ultimately stuck way better! Her design was simple, a red fox with a purple bandana! Not much thought was put into her, I just put together what I thought a typical fursona would look like :P I didn’t draw her much since I was way more focused on MLP and my ponysona Starfruit, but I still enjoyed doodling her!
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Shortly after Scarlett, I created Citrus the cat! To be honest, she didn’t really represent me other than being a cat xD Her design was actually based off of a girl that I had a crush on at that time, but that’s a whole other story >.>
Also, it was coincidental that Twinkie has elements from both of these beginning characters, I just noticed that making this post! I learned that I loved cats from creating citrus, and I loved drawing Scarlett’s wings and bandanas so I suppose it was natural that my current fursona would have all of these traits :P
Well, months pass after posting the first drawings of Citrus and Scarlett on my Instagram, and at this point I decided to try taking up digital art! I downloaded FireAlpaca for free (still my program of choice x3) and worked really hard at drawing with only my mouse!
My friend that inspired me to draw more furry characters had changed their fursona over from a bright sparkledog-ish color scheme to another character with muted browns and oranges. Inspired once again, I designed another cat character to represent myself!
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Meet Macchiato (or Mac for short)! They were made when I switched my focus from My Little Pony to furry characters, and I moved from Instagram to DeviantArt as my main art site. 
When I made Mac, I was close to beginning high school and I questioned a lot about my identity, mainly my gender and sexuality :P For a period of time, I pushed aside my adoration for ponies, Pokemon and colorful things in favor of things I thought were “cooler” and more boyish. A large part of this was my complicated relationship with my gender identity, but also because I thought I had to act more mature... so I expressed this by drawing myself as a cat? It was complicated xD
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Anyways, while I have a soft spot for Mac, they’re sort of my own Rex Dangervest if that makes sense :P I mean, they were my first expression of feeling neutral to gender which was a big deal for me, but when I look at their drab colors it sort of makes me sad that I didn’t have much fun designing them. (I did have a blast drawing that pixel reference though, I remember that xD)
I also created a few more furry characters just for the fun of it! I won’t post pictures of all of them for the sake of length, but they were Chamomile the fennec fox, Minx the cat, Caira the alien dog, Pfeffer the bunny, Flicker the bat (who I should draw again sometime >.>) Mitzi the dog and... Whatever animal Skyler was supposed to be xD I made all these characters before I attempted to make a fursona that I felt more connected with...
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Along came Clash the cat, an even more depressing character than Mac for me to look at xD I was considerably depressed at this point from the pressure of high school and my identity issues, the droopy eyelids and chaotic color scheme of him sort of reflect this. 
It’s a good thing you can’t read his description in that screenshot, Believe me, but I think I should quote a part of it because it greatly represents how I felt about myself during the time period when I made him.
“If you were to dissect his brain, you’d see something much like somebody’s tangled collection of thread and yarn. Colorful, unkept, and full of pushed aside potential.”
Well, after a period of depressing fursonas I played that one cat icon creator game that circulated on Tumblr for a while, and I made my favorite old fursona! I think that he had a lot in common with Twinkie and I used them more than everyone else beforepaw.
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Here’s Cetrada, my little Nickelodeon slime cat xD I named them after the Italian citron-flavored soda that my friend Francesca (Love ya buddy!) sent to me in the mail! That soda is actually spelled Cedrata, the misspelling of the name was not a creative choice but an actual dumb mistake xP 
I genuinely still love this character, I nicknamed them Limey since it’s simple and cutesy like them, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever use them again. Think of them as teenage Twinkie I guess xD I love ya Cetrada, you were a good kitty <3
Eventually Cetrada grew stale for me and I went through a couple of other fursonas. I don’t have much to say about them since they were pretty short lived, but I’ll post a single picture of each of them! I’m getting a bit tired of making mini collages of them anyways :P
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While Reese’s design and colors are a bit awkward, I genuinely adore their mini companion Mallow the bat :P They look like pistachio pudding, what a cutie!
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Ugh, this fursona stresses me out to look at too xD I mean arguably they’re the closest in design to Twinkie (yellow cat with angel wings and star knee markings) but they remind me of a rough time I suppose? I drew a couple pictures of them looking more sexualized and with a more slim body type when in reality I was overweight and scared of intimacy... they just remind me of an unhealthy period of my life @_@ I must have felt that too though, I dropped this fursona pretty quickly.
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I do actually like Kit even though I used him very briefly, I was starting to have WAY more fun with bright colors in my drawings! Sure he’s a bit too pastel 2015 Tumblr, but I do still like that pink and yellow combo ^w^
Eventually I grew sick of my DeviantArt and mostly just posted art on my main Tumblr where I got super into the kidcore scene! I had rediscovered my love of fun colors and sparkly eyes, kidcore sparked a new me! I wasn’t doing fantastic in life, but I developed more optimism and a genuine love for simple things which grounded me a lot. This was such a wild part of my life, through reblogging pictures of rainbows and Pokemon and slime I gained over 2,000 followers O.O Two of my closest friends told me that they found me by my influence in the kidcore Tumblr community back around 2016 and were intimidated to talk which is just nuts to me x’D
Anyways I’ll try not to go on a tangent about that anymore, but 2016-17 was wild! I should give a shoutout to my very first sparklesona Cosi, but he was made only barely before my true fursona...
That’s right babey, the one... The only!!!
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HE’S FINALLY HERE! Twinkie, the fursona I truly felt a personal connection with. I mean, he’s everything I love bundled into one! Pikachu has been my hugest comfort ever since I was four years old so naturally I would have to incorporate it into my fursona somehow! I also gave him a bandana, my favorite accessory to draw on furry characters, and wings! Of course I love rainbows too so I gave him rainbow wings..... But I tweaked his design since the colored wings made him more bird-like. Nothing against birds of course, but I thought plain white angel wings were simpler and more iconic for him! I did give him a touch of rainbow later with his tag design! I also scrapped his red dot eyebrows and his tail bandana, but overall I loved the character I made! I was thrilled to have a fun cartoon kitty that I could use to express myself :3
Before him my only true-feeling ‘sona was Starfruit the pegasus, it was fulfilling because I feel like when I made Twinkie, I started to find myself! 
Twinkie did go through a couple redesigns including a semi-drastic color change sometime in early 2018, but I really do feel content with the way he looks right now! In Twinkie I see friendliness, optimism, and a caring heart which is what I strive for! He represents the journeys I took to be more comfortable with myself and he radiates the confidence that I hope to achieve one day as well >:3 I mean it is possible I could change him for a new fursona or even flat out drop him in the future, but after 3 strong years I think Twinkie will stay a part of me for a while ^w^
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Anyways, if you’ve read all of this, THANK YOU!! This was a really personal post and I think it’s fascinating to look at my own self progression this way, I hope somebody gained something from this but if it was just for me that’s okay too xD
If anyone read all of this looong post and wants to make a similar post, PLEASE tag me! I’ve been so interested in fursonas and how people see/represent themselves through cartoon animals, isn’t it a wild phenomenon?? 
If you don’t feel like making a big post like I did though, you should reply with some cool facts about your fursona or count how many you’ve made in the past xD That would be rad <3
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kashmiresims · 7 years
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Brother’s Keeper
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He could imagine that anyone else would find the task of manually sorting a musical library as dull as watching paint dry but Cypress had taken it upon himself to re-arrange and catalog all of the station's music. He'd already imported all songs from old albums into a digital format into the computer system. Re-filed all songs and made sure they had correct titles, artists, and genre attributes. Now he was just finding a way to put away all the albums in the studio's collection to protect them instead of always seeing them piled on the tables and spread out in a scene of disarray. This to him, was actually enjoyable. It was more engaging than college lectures and coursework at least.  
This musical project he had undertaken had been a long road. He'd started at the station last year, but as a radio broadcast assistant—someone who kept quiet and behind the scenes, helping any producers run a show that didn't overlap with his class schedule. It also, annoyingly, consisted of him making runs downstairs to the café to pick up coffee for the DJs and musical guests. However, that changed this year when he was granted a later time slot where he could present and produce his own two hours of air time.  
He finished filing away albums by artist V through W and took a moment to stand as he'd been crouching for a while. His calves ached and the left one had even fallen asleep. He stood and hopped a bit as all his weight shifted to his right leg to avoid the needle-like sensation in the other one.
It was about time for a smoke break anyway.
Since no one was at the station, or at least he hadn't seen anyone else around-– it was a holiday weekend and even the café was closed—he took the narrow stairwell to the roof to light up.
He liked the view from the station roof anyway—he could see all the campus buildings--across the quad and toward the library and the gym. He could even see the place he lived a few blocks down on the other side of some apartments.
He fished out a cigarette from the pack in his back pocket and lit it, shielding it from the wind so the flame would take.  
He kept telling himself he'd stop but had yet to find the will to ignore the craving.Maybe I'll quit next week, he leaned against the roof's edging and thought, 
Suddenly the door to the roof exit swung open and a woman came walking through it, nearly strutting her way over next to Cypress as she said, "What the hell are you doing here on a Sunday?"
He almost swallowed his cigarette at the abrupt invasion, his eyes grew wide—she was the station's director.
Instead of swallowing the cigarette, he'd inhaled a lot of the smoke he had been trying to initially exhale and started coughing. She swung her purse onto the roof ledge and seemed satisfied at his unexpected response, "Mind if I join you?"
Cypress was still coughing but managed to shake his head, no—as he swallowed gulps of fresher air.
She dug through her purse and produced her own pack of cigarettes. She extracted one and pushed it between her lips and mumbled, "My question still stands, Cypress," before she lit it.
"I was filling in the gaps of the station's music library," he finally answered.
"You know it's a holiday weekend right? You aren't getting paid for extra hours."
Gabriella Lavillos had only been the station's director for a few months, being promoted after the previous director retired. Before that, she had been the assistant director and Cypress used to get her coffee along with the rest of the other upper management. She was the one who had granted him his current position as a Thursday night DJ. He hoped that his project would be the thing that would get him onto be a midday producer so he'd have to stop talking to the public but yet still could create programs for a wider audience.
"I know—it's just—I really wanted to get my project done." Cypress explained and then narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "Why are you here on a holiday weekend?"
"My family is all too busy to do anything together so I figured I'd catch up on some paperwork. Didn't realize I wasn't the only workaholic in this place," she answered, took a drag and released a puff of smoke while eyeing him.
"The same could be said for me too," Cypress flicked some ash off the end of his cig over the edge of the roof. His parents surely would be working and his brother probably had plans with friends.
"You're a good-looking guy; you don't have any dates lined up?" She wondered.
Cypress gave a small, amused laugh, "No, not really the dating type."
"So, a one-night-stand type then," she teased and took another drag.
He shook his head and then swiped some of his loose, dark hair back behind his ear, growing a bit uncomfortable with the topic of his non-existent love life, especially discussing it with his boss. It had never been a priority and never would be. Though most people acted as though it should.
"Your family—what are they so busy with?" Cypress asked to change the subject. His own parents barely had time to spend with him as a child and his poor brother had the same fate—though Cypress had been there for Cedar, practically raising him.
"My mother said she was entering a quilting competition, and my brother threw me over to go to Kashmire Point with some frat buddies," Gabriella lamented and tossed her hair with a huff.
"You have a little brother too?"  
She made a wistful half smile,"Yeah, though he's taller than me now so I guess not so little anymore."
Cedar had yet to reach Cypress's height, although he was growing fast. It had been at least a month since Cypress had last seen his brother, so who knows how tall the kid was now?
Cypress tossed his cig to the ground and stepped on the tip with his toe to put it out. Gabriella did the same and then picked it up carefully between her two fingers as she grabbed her purse. He followed her lead and also snatched up his, figuring it was technically littering if he left it on the roof though he usually threw it off the building and into the bushes below after it was extinguished.
"How did you know I was here?" Cypress asked as they made their way back into the building.
"I heard you stomping on the roof," she stated as she unlocked her office door, walked in, and threw her cigarette butt in the trash. 
"Come on, I wasn't stomping," he protested as he threw in his after though he didn’t follow her all the way inside.
"Well I heard you from down here so let's just chalk it up to your heavy footsteps."
Her office was very cool. It was modern and fun, dressed in mostly slick whites with pops of color. She had a large pop-art canvas on one of her walls that looked like it could have been one giant album cover, hanging plants, and a sort of bean bag chair to relax in.
"By the way I wanted to ask you about something," Gabriella said as she took a seat at her desk and wiggled her mouse to wake up her computer.  Cypress remained near the doorway, unsure of what she wanted exactly.
"We've been getting calls since Thursday of people requesting some song I have never heard of before. I've looked it up in our system but can't find it. I did some digging and found out that you aired it during your last shift."
Cypress crossed his arms, knowing he'd been caught—he'd have to explain where it came from, and the fact was that he'd had people hanging around at the station after hours that weren't scheduled guests.
"So, that song was played live by one of my friends..."
Gabriella's gaze snapped sharply to him with surprise. She had told him before not to have extra people hanging around during his time slot!
"...Sorry! It's just that he's a really good musician and no one ever gives him enough credit."
"Come here and see something," she demanded in a stern tone and Cypress shuffled around the desk, and leaned on the top of it waiting to see whatever she wanted to show him. She nodded at her computer screen where there was a form of logged song requests and whether or not they had been played. If they were, the cell would highlight green and if not, it would be red.  
There was a lot of red on the log, and mostly associated with a song titled 'unidentified jackass love song'
She sat back and crossed her arms, "We can't meet standards if you air songs we don't have in our library."
Cypress bit his lip with regret, but then smiled at realizing he shouldn’t have any, "But it could be."
The station director grinned, anticipating his solution. Cypress didn't always follow the rule book but he made up for it in his passion, knowledge, and ingenuity when it came to music. Cypress motioned for Gabriella to follow him as he went across the hallway and into the tiny technical studio where he worked. He pulled out the chair for her to sit on and then handed her a pair of headphones.
She put them on without question and Cypress flipped a switch on the board.
A pretty acoustic melody floated out and into her ears.
"This is it?"
"I recorded it," Cypress said proudly and leaned back against the table.
"Can you add it to our library so we can keep on playing it?"
Cypress nodded enthusiastically. He didn't add it originally because it was proof of his misconduct but if the station director wanted Orion's song to play, Cypress would happily let her play it. Orion should be credited as the great musician that he was.
It's just a pity his break was with a love song about Cain Nova.
"Great!" Gabriella smiled and continued to listen to the song, bobbing her head from side to side. When it was over she took off the headphones, stood, and patted Cypress on his shoulder--"No more unscheduled folks in the studio during your shift though—I'm not going to ask again—and I'd hate to have to fire you before your next promotion."
"My next promotion...?" Cypress was befuddled and his gaze followed her as she stepped back into the hallway.
She didn't elaborate but gave him a wink before disappearing. She wasn't playing when she said she would fire him for another breach of conduct, and he was only slightly unsure if she was dangling the hint of a promotion next semester as truth or as a means to keep him in line.  
She popped her head back inside the studio and said, "Also, get out of my radio station."
He openly laughed because the way she said it was playful but the way she meant it was serious, "I will, just let me finish adding the song to the digital library and put away these albums."
She raised a quizzical brow, "How long will that take?"
"Like five more minutes, tops."
She held out her hand with all of her fingers extended and said pointedly, "Five. Minutes."
"I promise," Cypress assured. He quickly woke the studio's main computer up, and then transferred Orion's song from the sound board's recording storage. He still didn't know what Orion had meant to call it so typed in:
In Love with a Raging Jackass  By Orion Loche
He applied it to the library, then quickly maneuvered to the other side of the room to finish filing the albums. What would he even do the rest of the day if he wasn't finishing his project here? He thought he remembered Orion saying he was running errands, if so then Orion wouldn't be home. Nick was all over the place lately, ever since he got that email from the finance office.
Something Gabriella had said struck Cypress about her brother being too busy to spend time with her. He had been waiting around for Cedar to call him and reach out but maybe Cedar was the one waiting for him to be available. He placed the last album of the pile into the crate and pushed it under the table with the rest. He locked up the studio and waved goodbye to Gabriella so she would he had left.
While he was walking back to his place, he decided to call Cedar and see what he was up to. Cypress assumed he had plans, after all his brother was a social, teenage boy and had a three-day weekend.  
"Hey bro," he heard Cedar greet him after a few rings.
"Hey kid, what are you doing?"
"Just sitting around and binge-watching TV shows, why?" Cedar responded, his voice sounded strangely far away.
"Do you have me on speaker phone?"
"This is the cool way to answer phones now. Jeez, get with the times old man," Cedar taunted.
"Anyway, you don't have any plans then?"
"I plan to finish season 5 of Fashionista Fury," Cedar sounded determined, and his answer made Cypress laugh. “I’m serious, they made a bomb ass dress out of literal trash.”
"You mind if I come over?"
"Not at all. I mean, it's kind of your home too, right? Mom and Dad are working though, so it's just us."
"I figured. Okay cool, I'll be there in like a half hour."
"You should stay over too since there's no school tomorrow."
Cypress agreed and smiled after he hung up because unlike poor Gabriella, his little brother actually still wanted to hang out with him.
It was even more evident that Cedar had missed having his older brother around because before Cypress even walked through the front door to his parents' house, Cedar busted out and grabbed Cypress into a tight hug which momentarily startled him.
"Hey there, miss me much?" Cypress chuckled in question and patted Cedar's shoulder.
"You need to come around more often, it gets pretty lonely," Cedar told him before letting go.
"Don't you ever have friends over?" Cypress wondered. He remembered Cedar to have quite a social circle--enough that Cypress couldn't keep their names straight when Cedar came home from school and told him about his day as a child.
"Yeah but that's not the same—they come and go. We're bros for life," Cedar said and Cypress felt uncommonly emotional at hearing that. He'd made countless bowls of Mac and Cheese to satisfy Cedar's hunger, spent countless hours playing drums for Cedar's entertainment, had told Cedar a countless number of times to go to bed by 9:00 and had their parents come home a countless number of times to the sight of both boys jumping on the sofa because Cypress figured that was the quickest way to expend his little brother’s energy.
Cypress followed Cedar into the living room, and Cedar picked up a controller to the video game system, "I got this new game. Watch me play and then you can try to challenge me when you see what it’s all about!"
“What about Fashionista Fury?”
“That can wait,” Cedar began to flip through the screen options, choose a character and begin the game.
Cypress was decent at video games—that was always more of his cousin's hobby but Cypress had learned a lot from watching Nick as they grew up. He was actually glad now that the director had told him to leave the radio station—because hanging out with Cedar was long overdue and Cypress realized he had missed his brother too.
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prismanedesign · 5 years
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The first research in my concept period of Hypercraft. *I do not own any of the pictures, sources below*
5 brands and artists that I take interest in. The way they work, the products they make and their use of technology.
The first brand/company is called “vollebak” and made a jacket using a laser to distribute tiny charts of glass into a resin layer on top of an outwear jacket. The glass pieces reflect light and mimic the outside of a squid. I love the way the brand used new materials (resin) and the help of a laser to incorporate glass, which in fashion can sometimes be a bit of a cliché, into an existing garment.
The second picture is from the art collective “teamLab” In an old bathhouse in Japan the collective let huge glass pillars from the ground. The pillars project artworks that are rendered in real time by a computer program. The renders are so unique that no scene or picture taken can ever be fully the same as a next one. The flowers and water featured on the artwork are also a staple of the ever-changing state of nature and humankind.
The third artist named “Zhanna Kadyrova” is a Ukrainian based artist working with the relation between architecture and mosaic. She wants to remember and bring it to the light the architectural memories of communities of the past. Her latest “collection” is made from old tiles from a hotel in Ukraine. I find the mix between the realism and surrealism in het shapes vs the material interesting. This also applies to the tension between the glossy smooth tiles and hard concrete stone surroundings.
The fourth artist “Sigalit Landau” is a sculptor and installation artist from Israel. Because her birth town is Jerusalem, the dead sea has always been a huge inspiration for her. In the exhibition “Salty Years” she exhibits clothing, objects and other personal belongings that have been immerged in the dead sea, coating the in a salt crystal layer that makes them look like they froze in time and got stripped to their bare shape. Also, with this exhibition, the contrast between materials and shapes and the way the natural elements helped created her pieces are fascinating to me. How can we look at natures progresses and let them inspire us to innovate alongside nature?
The fifth and final artist I found on Instagram. Marc Tudisco (@mvrc.t on Instagram) is a German based 3D artist and art director. He creates and shows weird and sometimes confusing video’s and pictures created in 3D programs. He plays around with human faces and the natural and digital textures found on those faces. The weird and sometimes creepy style really appeals to me. We consider the digital world as really polished, futuristic and clean most of the time. But throwing something so weird into the ‘digital image’ can create a fascinating tension. It is like those Balenciaga ad’s only on a whole other level.
Picture Credit: Designboom (designboom.com) teamLab (https://www.teamlab.art/w/megaliths_bathhouse/) Marc Tudisco (https://www.behance.net/bymarctudisco)
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hip-indeed · 7 years
was tagged by the great mighty @dogjpeg​ so i gotta comply.....
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag: 
(i have a bag?  uh)
a 3ds and one of those thingies that hold like 50 ds/3ds games
a cell ........... phone.....w/ high quality earbuds
a little sketchpad w/ a lead pencil in the spine that i’ll Probably never Use but always intend to at some point
probably at least 1 cute little bauble of some kind of pokemon or other charming or nostalgic game character to give me Strength
a tiny zen garden you can keep in a little box
5 Things In My Bedroom:
(well my bedroom really pretty much just has my bed itself so im adding my ‘media room’, most this stuff would’ve also been squeezed into my bedroom in the past somehow anyway)
big ol tv w/ tons of consoles i barely play in shelving underneath it
big ol L-shaped computer desk w/ the computer im always on at it, as well as art supplies i dont use enough and a journal and lots of other stuff on it
big ol shelf loaded with books, most of which are either goofy video game / cartoon art books or comic compilations or strategy guides, or normal books that i’ve mostly yet to start or finish oops
lots of weird lil pieces of modern art like a tangled up blue glassblown... thing, a weird little giraffe-shaped mirror with an orange backdrop, or my friend @mekellioz ‘s own very 90s pop art lookin’ futurescape thing that i love 
a wall covered in perlers made by my brother and lil cousin (mostly of NES sprites)
5 Things On My To-Do List:
also digital music stuff
also programming stuff / messing around more with that Game Maker Studio copy you got for cheap a few months ago...
also keep up more and better with the rest of your laundry list of daily healthy habits like journal-writing, mindfulness meditation, exercise and chore-doing..
finish playing all these GOT DAM games you get in the middle of and leave, like breath of the wild, night in the woods and Literally Every Single Pokemon Game After Gen 2 (speaking of which, start that draw-a-pokemon-a-day blog already...)
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i was diagnosed with ADHD in 2nd grade and after years of ritalin seemed to make me more and MORE hyper i stopped taking it and figured ADHD was the least likely psychiatric thing i had... now i’m 30 and trying adderall and it seems to be working better by a long shot than any other psychiatric medication ever has :|
i was actually in the gifted kids program throughout school up until highschool, everyone thought i’d be a major scientist or something, whoops
my distance vision is so poor even with glasses that i cannot drive, which actually makes me legally blind apparently but i’m nowhere near bad enough to need a seeing-eye dog or anything like that.  it’s quite a spectrum i guess. also hooray for uber
i got into a really really nice art school somehow that i always wanted to go to and everyone has only good things to say about and i hated absolutely everything about it so badly that i quit within a week (i won’t say the school was bad, just that it really wasn’t for me like i’d thought -- and yes, for many reasons beyond just having anxiety)
i’ve met and at least had one small conversation with... *thousands* of people online over the years, and that’s not an exaggeration.  at least once a week or so on average for the last ~17 years I’ve either logged onto a chat or forum or social network or game and tried talking to someone new, or just tried hitting someone up that seemed cool.  Despite having overwhelming, downright *crippling* social anxiety in real life, online I’m like a version of Johnny Bravo that’s targeting anyone rather than just girls, and for friendship rather than love interest (well, usually).
Also: did you know I give way too much thought to the replies of these?
tagging @mekellioz since i already did anyway, @manicrodent @ zapdos23590  @kawaiichiimera B) and anyone else who feeels like it
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