#i was scared i wouldnt be able to come wit a ship idea for this prompt but then i remembered pinkcho's frog costume
mixtercandy · 1 year
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omg guys... these two r actually really cute together...
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yamagache · 5 years
Season 4 episode 4: Mindful Education is the reason why Connie hasn’t shown up in Steven Universe Future.
And when she does it’s just going to be downhill from there for Steven.
Let’s be real, when Connie does eventually show up there are only a few possible outcomes that can occur, knowing what we know now. (As of ep 10 of SUF)
1. Connie will come down to take a break from studying, or just wants to hang out with her best pal and Steven’s heart isn’t going to be in it. He’ll be overthinking the entire time. After everything that’s been going on lately. The last thing he hasn’t messed up is his friendship with Connie. But then that underlining fear of losing her too will begin to creep as they spend the day together. Which will make him anxious as to not let it happen. But overthinking his worries will lead to him wondering if he’s any good for her in the first place. She’s going to leave anyway, like everyone else, why prolong the inevitable. And there’ll be a good chance we see him lash out at her Pink™️ Style unprovoked and uncharacteristically. As his way to distance himself from her. He doesn’t want to get hurt anymore so he’ll do the hurting to protect his already fragile heart.
2. Steven goes full Jasper and spends the entire episode uncomfortably trying to pursway Connie into Fusion. It’ll start small. “We could win that carnival game if we fuse.” “Nah, it’s more fun if we lose together.” “Let’s fuse. Stevonnie would be able to reach that.” “Alri-oh! How about we ask those gems for help?” If he can just get her to fuse with him he can keep her close. She won’t leave.. “let’s find Pearl and we can train as Stevonnie. Don’t want to get complacent.” “I’m pretty sure Pearl is going to be busy all day... we don’t need to fuse for fighting anymore Steven, the war is over. Why are you acting so weird today.” He can’t say it. He can’t admit that he’s so afraid of losing the last bit of normalcy. The one person who hasn’t left him yet. The fear will drive him to do the unspeakable. He’s going to grab her hand and try to force a fusion while anxiously laughing that they’ll have a better time as Stevonnie. In the sudden surprise and discomfort. Connie will say no. Being rejected won’t fly well for Steven and he’ll go Pink™️. I fear Connie may retaliate the only way she knows how. With a slap to the face.
3. Steven will resent Connie for who she’s become. It all starts the same with the episode having them interact for some reason or other. But this time, when he sees her, somethings different. The way she holds her posture, or the way she talks with such confidence. How she enters the room with an aura that reads: “I’ve figured my shit out.” He’s jelous. Her attitude will mimic a softer version of Garnet and Amathyst, she’ll know things she didn’t before but the wisdom will be beyond Stevens comprehension. Which makes sense after everything she and him have been through. But he won’t see it that way. She’s got her life planned out and she knows who she’s going to become. Because that’s how her parents raised her. But Steven is just going to resent her more for being more put together then him. It’ll end with her giving genuine advice on something because she truly cares and Steven will go pink™️ in agrevation. Because how dare she tell him how to live. She has know idea what he’s going through! How can someone his own age possibly know better than him?! Must be so nice to have everything figured out. Get to put on this act of superiority and shove there unwarranted “advice” around like some kinda saint! Hit with all his frustrations, Connie won’t yell back. She won’t counter his arguments. She’ll just wait and listen as the dam that is Stevens mental health opens the flood and he finally pours out everything he’s been feeling that he could never say in front of the Crystal Gems. It’ll end with Connie explaining that she’s just as lost as he is in life but she’s just not letting the fear of failing stop her. How she wakes up in the middle of the night wondering anxiously if she’s made the right choices. But knows she’s got a support system of people she can rely on. “It’s ok to not be ok, remember? Your not alone. You need to believe that Steven. I’m not going anywhere.”
Or 4. They do fuse but it’s not the fun times they’re used to and it’s just a rehash of Mindful Education but with the knob turned up to 10! The entire episode is Connie having to witness Steven forced into confronting everything he’s been worried about. All the anxieties. All the fear. Not being needed. Not living up to standards he’s placed on himself through years of a messed up upbringing. More complicated feeling towards his mother and the anger at the fact he hasn’t figured his shit out on the subject. Feeling inadequate cause he can’t pick a career path to his life. Why is everyone leaving him and why he hates himself for being so selfish. Scared of his own powers and there raw power to hurt people because of course the only birthright he’d be given by his mom would be a negative thing. Because he’s JUST A PLACEHOLDER TO THE REAL THING. HES ONLY HERE SO SHE WOULDNT HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS SHE MADE!... he’s here only cause she didn’t want to be. And then Steven will completly break mentally. And then maybe big wormy boi?
I pray for our lil Pink jacket, black haired angel son and ship the poor guy with some gods damn therapy. Lord knows the kid could really use it. All in all I don’t know what will happen when she does finally show up, but I do know Steven isn’t done working through the trauma that is his life.
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latinalesbi · 8 years
Stefs hair is awesome I mean she looks so butch and it's so hot I love how they have styled it this half of the season
I love the style. I knew it was longer, so I feared it wouldn’t look good. But the stylist is on point, we don’t need to worry if Teri’s delayed in getting it trimmed. Stef is so hot, I just love looking at her.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Of Stef and Lena had been where they are now when the whole monte thing started do you think that kiss would have happened or if it had had happened Lena wouldn't have kept it from Stef?
No, not at all. I mean Lena liked the attention because Stef wasn’t giving it to her. One of the first things that happens when things start to change is that Stef cries on Lena’s shoulder. And she says, I just wanted to see you. I think one of the most important parts of being in a relationship is feeling needed. You have to feel like your partner will turn to you for support. It’s so important. In short, no Monte would not have been able to get that close.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I always think that Stef would top Lena. With her being more butch and that but seeing Lena top Stef in 0410 and in 0203 is hot stuff             
Yep, that’s why I don’t write it with one always on top. I think for them, it’s dynamic and depends on the circumstances.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Do you think Lena knew Stef was a cop right away?             
I imagine she knew fairly quickly. The position she was at school would sort of lend itself to that knowledge. So if she didn’t find out the first day, she found out fairly quickly.
Anonymous said:                                                                      The twins actually wouldn't have been in foster care long. We know their last Christmas was with their Mom when they were 5. Lena said they fost-adopted the twins when they were 5 and Brandon told Court that they adopted the twins when they were 6 and he was 7. Now, they've screwed with the timeline a lot but they seem to have settled on the twins being with them when they were 5. I don't think it was until the Christmas episode until we found out the twins with with Ana until they were 5 too.             
We don’t really know. We know they were with her for Christmas but do we really know they weren’t moved around before that? (And I could be wrong because I never really rewatch anything but Stef and Lena). I know they came right out of a foster home when Stef met them. I have heard nothing to believe that they left Stef and Lena’s home after they arrived.
My experience with foster care is that they don’t take them away permanently at first. So I would imagine that they had been taken away from Ana before and returned. We literally don’t know. Here’s what we do know, they weren’t being raised. They were neglected in god knows what ways before that. And we know Ana was excommunicated from her home before the twins arrived. So they were exposed to her family’s culture.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Callie hugged Stef two times this half season but not Lena :(
You can’t be surprised by this. The fandom as a whole prefers that relationship. I like it when they mix it up. I still think Callie needs Lena.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I don't know what it is but there's seems to be something so off when it comes to Sherri and Kamar. He gives off such a weird vibe to me. I saw them on OLTL so it's not Teri that's messing up their vibe for me & this is a thought completely unrelated to her.  Their relationship just feels platonic & not couply. & he gives off an extremely self-centered vibe. Not in a narcissistic way but he definitely thinks very highly of himself. Just my opinion though. What do you think?
I don’t know Kamar, so basically all I know of him comes from their social media and from press photos. When he’s posing pictures with her, he doesn’t come off as a very warm person. He seems to be more about himself and the publicity. I have only seen one clip of them from OLTL (really only to get a comparison for Sherri’s style of kissing). The social media stuff, he seems focused on the boys. However, they’ve been married a long time so they must be real close or they’re focused on their family. Hollywood makes for volatile relationships.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I'm worried that Robert getting custody of Callie will happen. Like I won't be surprised if they do it like that because they want Brandon and Callie to hook up again (yikes)          
Look, Callie and the moms are the angsty relationship of the show, will they, won’t they. Robert is an external threat being wielded again. I wish they wouldn’t. I fear a cliffhanger but I don’t have a single doubt that this show ends up with Callie as their daughter.  They have brought up Robert’s money and privilege, and I don’t see the writers letting that win. I don’t.
Anonymous said:                                                                      What Lena and Stef outfits are your favorite?
I made a whole post about this. Let me link you:
First Stef, then scroll for Lena
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Do you think Frankie's death was necessary to the plot of the show?
No, I never think death is necessary on a show. I know they didn’t want a baby on set all the time, so they did what they had to do. I still hate that Ana has a baby and Lena doesn’t. Life isn’t fucking fair.
Anonymous said:                                                                      what does ur url mean             
hell yeah adamfoster. When I started my blog, there was a hellyeahstefandlena account and I kinda copied them when the few active fans decided adamsfoster would be a good tag for the ship.
Here comes all the OT questions, I deleted a few: 
  Anonymous said:                                                                      How do we know that Brandon's ex Cortney is white though? Like the actress is mexican so her character could be a WoC, from what I know they never stated Cortney's ethnicity so we shouldn't just assume she's white.             
The actress has nothing to with character. The fosters is not shy about race and so we don’t have to guess, even about ethnicity. For instance, with one small comment we know Emma is Jewish. If they wanted us to think Cortney was Latina, we would know and same for the following question.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Mike is clearly a person of color, so why wouldnt his biological son be half of whatever Mike is?             
Whatever in the fuck? Mike is a white man. I know another fandom has had a meltdown over an Italian playing a Latina, so let me tell you, it’s not the same thing at all. Just because a man is dark doesn’t mean he’s a man of color. Anyway, just as the above, if the show wanted us to think that, they would tell us. One time, a witness who ID’ed Mike mentioned he looked Mexican or Italian. That’s where many have gotten that idea, but he’s not.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      what's with all this silly debate about B's ethnicity? he is entitled because of his upbringing, not because of his race. B has always been in a stable (barring mike's alcoholism) and loving household. cal and jude, however, have not, and were profoundly abused emotionally, physically, and sexually while in the system. cal and jude are white. all this white privilege "it's cause he's white" rhetoric makes the fandom sound racist.             
While true, both things influence Brandon. His white race has kept him from encountering the same problems as someone like AJ. There’s a difference. So he doesn’t know how nice he has it. He has had stability at home and in society.
Interesting that you bring up Callie and Jude. Jude has a more nuanced experience because he’s gay and a foster kid. He still has white privilege. Someone pointed out that in the premiere we see a cop wanting to make sure that Jesus is interviewed for assaulting Nick, yet two white boys are seen breaking and entering into a boat to smoke weed and make out and yet they get to run away laughing and giggling as if nothing happened. Do you think if Jude had been black he would have even been allowed near the boat? Do you think the cops would have been looking for him if he had gotten to the boat itself? I think the situation would have been very different.
Callie supposedly meets a version of herself, introduced to her through Stef. I think she’s played by a black girl, and it will be interesting if she sees someone who has had it worse than her and has a positive attitude. I am interested in the parallels. Callie’s problems are often her own doing and she loves throwing pity parties. And maybe she does it because she knows she has 2 moms that will fight for her and a rich white daddy who will come to her rescue.
And people can be prejudiced against white people but not racist. Racism requires institutional power which people of color do not have.
Anonymous said:                                                                      how do you feel about jude's relatiomship with noah? i think hes problematic but he makes him very happy so im condflicted
Don’t like Noah, don’t like Jude with Noah.
 Anonymous said:                                                                      i really like emma and jesus as a couple as noah playing jesus. i feel like she and jake didnt have as much onscreen chemistry
I am not in love with new Jesus. I liked it better when he was more latino (-Gabe) and played by a latino. By that token, I liked Lexi and OldJesus much better than anything I’ve seen on that front.
Anonymous said:                                                                      How do you feel about Ana and Isabella moving in with Mike?             
Train wreck. But you shippers feel safe, I am sure the writers think it’s cute. I think it’s creepy. He wanted to kill her and she framed him for murder. Yeah, people grow and all but I’d like for them to talk about that. Strike that, I don’t want them talking because I don’t want them taking up air time.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I really hope Callie tells someone about what happen with that guard. I prefer it to be one of the moms or AJ. I'm sure she wad scared but had to stay strong and calm at the moment.
Who knows? Police corruption is a theme this season. However, at this point, I will take this as a plot device for Callie to want to fight this all the way to trial. Much like that time they put in her in foster care for a night as a plot device to get her to look for her father.
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