#i was struggling to do anything that evening so the aggie was a pretty great reason for me to actually draw something hhh xD
yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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aughgh i was busy all day but here are my doodles from @its-paperd's aggie!! thanks for hosting it you talented little gremlin<3333
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fruttymoment · 1 year
is Aggie like a mobile app or do you just doodle on the website on your phone
aren't you like afraid to lose your data because of tabbing out of your browser for a second
Aggie is a website, where i doodle more polished stuff compared to PENUP ! I used to use PENUP but it doesnt even have a stabilizer lol, and Ibis Paint never worked for me soo,
Your drawings doesnt get lose that easily, actually! For example, tabbing to another thing or straight up closing my Internet app never really lost my data! However, i do heavily suggest you open an account for it first. From what i understand, Aggie seems to save your work automatically the moment you stop drawing.
But, did i encountered some data loss at all? AH YES. YEP.
Aggie likes to glitch sometimes. Rarely, when i go back to my drawings the save system seems to not work on my recent doodles. So i sometimes saw that my work i completed is a bit back to being unfinished, only missing small stuff tho.
Aggie experience HEAVILY depends on your INTERNET. If your internet is great, strong signal, no pings, then your experience would be great! (There were some cases where aggie somehow disconnects EVEN if i had great internet, no idea why. But your overall experience should be fine with a good internet!)
If you have bad internet, low signal and sone pings, pray.
One thing i dont like about aggie is it usually DOESNT TELL YOU IF YOU ARE DISCONNECTED. When something goes wrong with the connection, our bro aggie doesnt even tell you usually and because of that you think there isnt no issue and continue drawing. Thankfully, aggie doesnt stay too long disconnected. Only for like 3-5 seconds i suppose. After several seconds, aggie suddenly stops and that horrific "Connecting..." message pops up in the top right.
I see that message in my nightmares.
When you encounter that "Connecting..." message, first of all, ANYTHING you draw in lets say 10 seconds recently probably has been completely fucked. If you are lucky, aggie immeditely tells you the message and disconnects you so you dont lose big stuff. But mostly, when it comes to ping or lagging, aggie struggles to tell you. Bro is shy and waits several seconds to tell me "um you are actually disxonnected something is wromg with th internet im so sorry im gonna reconnect you ok??? Oh and everything you drew in last 5 to 10 seconds are gone probably. Am so sorry"
You lose your data because you draw when aggie isnt even connected. And the problem is, like i said, aggie has some trouble to tell it.
The last type of error i witnessed is just straight up corrupted data.
Oh god.
I dont know why and how, but RARELY, your drawings suddenly gets fucked up. Like it looks like you accidently tapped on the screen and i dunno?? Here is an example;
Everything is What the fuck
finee :3 just happened
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This can happen either in your very own eyes, or when you are away and open aggie again. Now this glitch thing is pretty rare i experienced it only few, but its so annoying because you cant even get rid of it simply by pressing the "undo" button. It does not delete it that way and you have to delete whats wrong manually.
On some cases, some pieces of your work even may get erasee in this glitch aswell. Its like your cat smashed your drawing tablet or something, just completely random stuff happens and you cant even undo your way out of that one bruh.
..what was i talking about?
Aggie is a website :>
Data loss only happens if your internet bad, and sometimes, rarely, with strange glitches
Also important to note that the point of aggie.io is to draw with friends, aggie itself is not an professional drawing service i think. Its still neat tho!
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softieteez · 3 years
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warning: death, cancer, drinking, mental abuse, some physical abuse, cussing, crying, anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts, child neglect
genre: angst
summary: before ivy even got to her teen years, things were more difficult than most adults lives. from losing her dad, to experiencing neglect.
a/n: ivy’s story is pretty deep. feel free to skip this post if you are triggered by anything listed. also i’ll be using her birth name a lot throughout this story.
languages: normal = english. italic = korean
olivia min was born june 4, 2001 in michigan. she is the youngest of three siblings. miya, the oldest, was born february 20, 1997. and austin, the middle child, was born august 4, 1999.
growing up, olivia had an amazing relationship with her family members. her parents were always really supportive of anything she wanted to do. and her siblings, were annoying, but they all love each other so much. the family was pretty middle class, maybe more upper middle class. they had enough money to buy nice things and go on trips, which was nice and it gave the kids experiences they’d always remember.
when she was a baby, the families friend jax, had given her the nickname ‘ivy.’ the name stuck with him and eventually spread to friends at school. but her family members always called her olivia or jisoo, her korean name.
in school she was a social butterfly, running around recess practically collecting friends like they were collectors items. and because of her loving nature, no one could say no. she’s also very smart, she’s always had straight a’s and was usually willing to participate in class. teacher would say she was a sweet and smart little girl, and of course she could make the class burst into giggles at any second.
olivia started dancing at the young age of 4 when her parents enrolled her into dance classes. there, she met new friends and became one of the best youth dancers in their town.
her grandparents lived in ohio, which meant a lot of the times they would travel there for the holidays. olivia had a friend named aggy that lived there.
aggy lived next door to ivy’s grandparents. she was diagnosed with leukemia only five months before meeting the family, this was when ivy was maybe 7 years old.
through the years, ivy excelled in everything from piano lessons that she started when she was 5, to even cooking. she was a cheerful and happy little girl. until she reached age 9 when her dad was diagnosed with lung cancer.
this was a huge reality hit. she didn’t really understand it though, her dad was healthy. until he wasn’t. she remembers that day so clearly
“where’s mom and dad?” olivia asked walking into the kitchen and seeing her sister sitting next to their sleeping brother on the couch
“hospital, grandma and grandpa will be here in a few hours. for now our neighbors are gonna look after us”
“hospital? but why?” the little girl tilted her head
“i don’t know olivia. go back to sleep it’s early” miya did know, she saw her dad getting worse and worse as the months went on. but the last thing anyone wanted to do was worry anymore people. especially austin and olivia.
“okay…” she responded and went back toward her bedroom.
a few hours later she woke up to her grandma shaking her awake “wake up olivia. grandpa and i brought lunch.” the elderly woman spoke
olivia smiled at her grandmother as she sat up and stretched. the girl walked to the kitchen.
she still remembers all the yummy food her grandparents made, now knowing it was out of grief. later that night was when her parents revealed the truth to the kids.
and suddenly her whole world collapsed.
she would miss dance class and sometimes even school because her father would be in the hospital. because her mom and dad were always gone, she and her other siblings were expected to help around the house. occasionally with their grandparent by their side.
when she turned 10, she didn’t have much of a birthday blow out. and her present was some nail polish because that was all her family could afford at the time. when she turned 11, they spent her birthday in the hospital. her dads condition became so much worse that he wasn’t able to leave the hospital.
“i’m sorry you have to spend your birthday like this livvy” her dad held her had. his skin was paler than usual. colder too.
“it’s okay dad, i’m just happy we’re all here” she smiled as she held back tears. but her dad knew she wanted to cry.
“me and your mom got you something” he smiled and looked at his wife. the woman smiled sadly and reach in her purse to pull out a small purple box.
olivia grabbed the box from her mothers hand and opened it slowly. a beautiful butterfly necklace was revealed.
“it took a little while for us to find the perfect one” her moms sniffled. “we wanted you to love it”
thinking back on that moment. ivy now understood they wanted it to be special because it would be the last gift she would ever receive from her father.
“thank you mommy. thank you daddy” she whispered and pecked her dads forehead.
sadly, on june 29, her father passed away in the middle of the night. for some reason, her brain blocks this moment out. it’s all a blur.
her and her sister were sleeping on the little couch the nurses had set up and her brother was laying on the sleeping bag he had brought on the floor. it happened so suddenly. she woke up to her mom hysterically crying and weeping.
her brother and sister were frantic as nurses guided them three of them out of the room. but she does remember the last look she had at her dad.
he didn’t look real, more like a painting. or a sculpture maybe. his skin was practically white and his body was lifeless.
her whole family was in a depression, especially her mom. after losing her husband, she started drinking to numb the pain.
her grandparents left ohio and went back to korea completely unannounced. it was up to miya and austin to take care of themselves, each other, and of course olivia.
after a month of her fathers passing. the family had got a call from aggy’s mom informing them that aggy passed away july 25. so now she lost her dad and her best friend. along with that her mom isn’t stable enough to take care of her and her siblings, and her grandparents were m.i.a.
when she turned 12, that’s when her moms drinking got worse. she was living off of beer and tv dinners. she was also now mentally abusive toward her children.
austin became the child that started work. he would work late at night and then go to school all day. he was responsible for the families income at age 14.
miya was rarely ever home as well, but she was gone to escape their mom. she would rebel, hang out with her boyfriend, who ivy later found out was physically abusive.
then ivy was the kid that did the chores. she would also clean the neighbors houses to help pay her dance fees. the neighbors would always feel bad so they’d usually give her $30 for each chore she did. that was barely enough though.
and somehow, none of their friends ever noticed anything. except for austin’s, he’s always shut down plans to work and was overly tired all the time. but the friends did start noticing behavior changes
ivy became really depressed and spent most of her days just waiting for them to end.
the family got some income from the bank after the fathers passing. the kids were all in his will, earning $114k each. but they wouldn’t receive that until age 18.
around this time, ivy got into contact with her grandparent. begging day after day to move their and live out her dream of being an idol. her siblings would even call and beg the grandparents to let her, not wanting her to experience this life anymore.
after months of begging, her grandparents finally agreed to move her out to korea. she had already submitted audition videos to big companies like sm, jyp, yg, bighit etc.
she was 13 when she was officially moved into korea. she lived with her grandma and grandpa for a month before moving into the jyp dorms. she trained there for a year before being sent off to audition for produce 101.
during this time, she experienced great stress. her anxiety and depression led to suicidal thoughts and almost had to leave the show because of it. many fans who were supporting her throughout the show noticed her getting skinnier and skinnier by the episode.
somi, who became her best friend instantly, was also worried for her. ivy felt bad that she was worrying people. but she couldn’t help it, her mind controlled her. her thoughts were always telling her to do something. she would practice all the time and forget to eat.
somi would often watch after her to make sure she would at least eat a bagel and drink water everyday.
it wasn’t long before ivy would share her story, only parts of it publicly. her story reached american headlines, meaning her family and friends had seen it.
she was struggling for years. and it was only recently when she found inner happiness. she worked hard during produce, and didn’t win. and of course, she left jyp and moved to kq where she met her life long friends.
her boys have helped her so much, they were there to listen to her story, to hug her when she cried.
those are her boys, her family. her home.
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Writing Challenge - Into the Haunted House
This is with the OC Aggie Christie, 31 days of prompts (and I’ve kind of decided to squish a few together into 25 days)
3 & 4 - Just a Peek/Dare You
A maid had brought dinner up to their rooms, bringing in both Jane’s and Agatha’s meals.  Agatha’s back tightened anxiously wondering why James would pass up the opportunity to sit next to Jane and tell her more about different places he’s owned.  She also mildly wondered about where Jeremy had disappeared to.  While they had promised not to come in without invitation she hardly expected him to keep his word.  It just wasn’t like him.  There were scuffs on her windowsill back home as a testament to how little he and Jack cared about her personal space.  
“So… about Jeremy.”  At Jane’s tone and smile Agatha sat straight up, fearing what was to come.
“There’s nothing ‘about Jeremy’.”  
“You know he likes you, right?”  Jane carefully pushed her covered tray away and turned to face Agatha.  “Like, he ‘like likes’ you.”
“Jane, darling, sugarpop, he likes every girl.”
Jane groaned and flopped backwards on Agatha’s bed.  “Would you even believe him if he said something?”
Agatha shook her head, this was ridiculous.  Jeremy liked every girl, it was like flirting was second nature to him.  There was no other motives behind his sappy behavior, not that she could see, besides the occasional slipping notes into pockets or lifting of already warned about jewelry.  Not that Jane could ever know.  
“How do you feel about him?”  
“What.”  Agatha’s face contorted and she recoiled from the question.
“You seem at ease with him.  Do you like Jeremy?”
Agatha chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about how to word her response.  It would have to be careful, and not hint at all about any extra curricular activities.  “Well, I-”
“Boo!”  Jeremy burst into the room, letting the door fly open and slam against the wall next to it.  Quickly he ducked down, barely avoiding the tray cover that was flying at his head the moment he shouted.  
“What the fuck!”  Agatha screamed, still breathing heavily from the rush of adrenaline.  
“Pardon, I just wanted to see how your beautiful faces would look startled.  I didn’t mean to scare you.”  Jeremy held his hands up in a gesture that was supposed to have meant he was harmless.  
Jane chuckled nervously, another perfectly rational response to fear as Agatha reminded herself.  “I’m glad Aggie didn’t hurt you Jeremy.”  
“As am I! But speaking of being scared, would either you lovely ladies want to go exploring the haunted house Jaque set up? Ames told me he would prefer for us to leave it for later as to not ruin the surprise and to focus on the dance floor, but I am suffering of curiosity, plus who knows what kind of ideas we may be able to suggest to assist him.
“Oh!  Um…”  Jane started, her eyes shifting from Agatha to Jeremy, and Agatha’s stomach tightened knowing what she was most likely thinking.  “I think I’m going to head to bed early actually.  Maybe read a few scripts that Simon wanted me to go over.”  She faked a pretty realistic yawn, but it was a little more exaggerated than usual.  “You two go have fun!”  
“Jane-”  Agatha reached out for her.
“Good night!”  Jane skipped away and back across the hall.  Jeremy shut the door behind her leaving the two of them alone.  
“Really?”  She crossed her arms, waiting for his explanation.
“Sorry, your door was open just a crack and I couldn’t stand the thought of hearing you confess your longing for me to another person when,” he sat down next to her, leaning in close, “you could do it looking lovingly into my eyes.”
“Bullshit.” Agatha smiled and pushed him a little.  “Thanks for the save though.”
“I am still offering to take you out to the haunted house that Jack built.  You never know what might be lurking in there.”  He stood up and offered his hand.  “Plus it sounds like the room extend to cover a lot of the rooms on that floor.  Making it a lot bigger than it initially looks like. Might find something interesting on that floor.”
“I heard his father’s study was on that floor.”  
“I see, and what do you think his father might have hidden away?”  
“I don’t know, but how could they possibly get a warning about something I don’t know about yet.”  
“Or you could just use this as a vacation and relax instead of working.”
“Do you consider what you do for ‘side jobs’ as work?”  Jeremy’s grin widened as Agatha scowled at him.  But she knew what he was talking about.  “Plus aren’t you a little curious to see Jack’s handiwork ahead of time?  Might give you an edge.”
“And ruin the surprise?”  Her mind flashed to the adrenaline of walking through the streets at night, uncertain of where ‘danger’ might be lurking.  
“And ruin James’s fun.”  
Agatha stood up and grabbed her shoes.  “I’m in.”
Neither of them missed the way Jane’s door seemed to sway a little as they left Agatha’s room.  Agatha smiled and cut back the chuckle as she imagined Jane pressed to the other side of the door trying to spy on the two of them, just as she imagined Jeremy had been spying on them before.  They were farther down the hallway when she finally joked, “everyone seems to be spying on me.”  
“Well, I can’t say for Jane, as she is just a concerned friend.  But I know I struggle not to sneak just a little peek.” Jeremy said seriously.  
Agatha bumped her shoulder against his, “ha ha.”  The short trip seemed to be filled with Jeremy making a few more flirtatious remarks that had Agatha rolling her eyes.  Even in the heart of Moriarty’s estate he was the same as the first day she met him.  Passing by one of the windows she could see that the sun was settling early and she wondered for a moment, if she should’ve brought some of her supplies with.  Though should anything happen Jane knew how to use the tools.  
“Distracted?”  Jeremy caught her wrist, stopping her from running into a beam.
“A little, I’m kind of hoping to catch some ghosts tonight.”
“Ah of course.  If there is any way I can help let me know.”  Jeremy waved his hand to a door just to the right of them.  “This room is apart of the haunted house.”
“How would you know?”  Perhaps he had already memorized the layout?
“I may have gone looking around before coming to get you.”  He shrugged with an easy smile, “don’t worry, it’s not locked anymore.”
“‘Anymore’.”  Agatha snorted.  She pushed the door open and found a wall of black plastic just a few feet ahead of her.  
“Hey, want to play a little game?”  Jeremy murmured.
“I’m thinking, I’ll blindfold you, lead you in, and then you need to get back here through backtracking.  If you get scared in there, you lose.  If you get lost, you lose.  You’ll have 15 minutes.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Helps with keeping track of where you’ve been even when your eyes aren’t there to help you navigate.  Are you telling me you’ve never been kidnapped and blindfolded?”  Jeremy pulled a black sash out of his pocket.  “Though if you need my help I’ll also consider if an honour to help the great Ms. Christie.”
“I’ll pass.”
“Even if I dare you?”  He grinned.
“Nope.”  Agatha crossed her arms.
Jeremy whipped out his phone and pointed the camera at her.
“What are you doing?”
“Just recording you chickening out, thinking of sending this to your brothers.  I can think of at least one who would be very disappointed in you.”
“They wouldn’t be disappointed.”  He stared into the camera for a moment feeling her face get warm and thinking about the jokes that would come up the next time she visited home.  “Fine.”  She groaned.  
“Trust me, it’ll be fun!”  Jeremy stepped behind her and wrapped the sash over her eyes.
“Is there where I get handed a stick so I can beat up a Moriarty shaped pinata?”  She teased, only to get a sharp flick to the back of her neck.
“Focus.”  Jeremy leaned close to whisper in her ear.  “I’m going to place my hands on your shoulders and guide you through.”  Agatha sighed her agreement, but still almost jumped into a defense pose when she felt his warm hands land on her shoulders.  “Relax, you need to pay more attention to the angle of your body, any hints the rooms can give you.  Smells, slope of the floor, anything.”  
He started pushing her, and it was more nerve wracking that someone leading the way.  Though he had already stopped her from smashing her face into something once that evening, she could probably trust him to do it again.  Probably.  “My it’s dark in here.”  Agatha droned out.
Jeremy hushed her but she could hear his chuckle.  “Alright, just about…”  It felt like they had walked in circles for a good while.  Finally he stopped, spun her in a slight angle.  She heard his trying to hold back a laugh as he spoke.  “Now count to 30 and then remove the blindfold.  Out loud.”  Agatha started counting, hearing Jeremy retreating somewhere behind her.  Her voice seemed to be hitting something in front of her, so she took a careful step back just in case.  30 seconds later she could finally take it off, her eyes didn’t immediately adjust to the low light, but the sight in front of her had Agatha bite her tongue as she cut off a surprised shriek. 
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/college-football-picks-schedule-predictions-against-the-spread-odds-for-key-top-25-games-in-week-5/
College football picks, schedule: Predictions against the spread, odds for key top 25 games in Week 5
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The 2020 college football season has been anything but normal so far, and that includes in the SEC, which was the defending national champions upset last week as it began play. Now entering Week 5 of the overall season, the SEC truly takes centerstage with the two biggest games of the day.
No. 2 Alabama hosts No. 13 Texas A&M in the SEC on CBS Game of the Week as Jimbo Fisher — in Year 3 with the Aggies — looks to become the first Nick Saban assistant ever to topple his boss. The Crimson Tide are heavily favored in the contest, but in this wild season it seems like anything can happen in a given game. There is also the first top-10 showdown of the season in the evening as No. 4 Georgia hosts No. 7 Auburn in one of the SEC’s biggest rivalry games. Will the Bulldogs have their quarterback situation worked out, or will the Tigers pull off the upset as a near-touchdown underdog?
Elsewhere on the schedule, No. 1 Clemson, No. 3 Florida and No. 9 Texas all face conference foes in key early-season matchups ahead of bigger games on their slate. The Gators and Longhorns are in action early in the day, while the Tigers will serve as Saturday’s nightcap.
Let’s take a look at the biggest games on the schedule Saturday along with our picks and predictions for what will transpire in those contests. Our CBS Sports college football experts have picked every game both straight up and against the spread, giving you ample opportunity to decide how to make your picks ahead of kickoff.
Odds via William Hill Sportsbook | All times Eastern
South Carolina at No. 3 Florida (-17.5) — Noon on ESPN: The Gamecocks are just 1-3 against the Gators in Will Muschamp’s tenure, but their average margin of defeat in those three losses is just 9.3 points. South Carolina scored 27 against Florida last season and 31 in 2018. Given how vulnerable Florida’s defense looked against Ole Miss, it’s a safe bet that South Carolina will reach at least 20 points. And with some veterans in the secondary, South Carolina should be able to keep Florida from turning this into a complete blowout. Pick: South Carolina +17.5 — David Cobb
TCU at No. 9 Texas (-13) — Noon on FOX: Given Texas’ struggles against the pass, TCU could hold its own in this game. The Horned Frogs had nice ball distribution against Iowa State with nine guys catching at least two passes. However, I’m worried about their pass protection. Additionally, Sam Ehlinger has to be a playmaker and he showed he can lead a comeback if he’s called upon. I think he makes enough plays for Texas to get the home W, but I’m not loving the defense to make the necessary stops to win by two full touchdowns. Pick: TCU +13 — Ben Kercheval
No. 13 Texas A&M at No. 2 Alabama (-17) — 3:30 p.m. on CBS: I’ve always had a pretty solid rule of thumb when picking Alabama games in the SEC. Generally, when Alabama is at home, you want to bet against it. It does a much better job of covering the spread when on the road. But when we look closer at the results, the Crimson Tide performs better at home with larger spreads. In 26 SEC games under Nick Saban when they’ve been favored by 17 points or more — like they are here — they’ve gone 16-10 ATS. When I see that trend and combine it with how soundly Alabama has beaten the Aggies recently, it’s hard to go any other way here. Pick: Alabama (-17) — Tom Fornelli
Which college football picks can you make with confidence in Week 5, and which SEC team will pull off a shocking upset? Visit SportsLine to see which teams will win and cover the spread — all from a proven computer model that has returned over $4,000 in profit over the past four-plus seasons — and find out.
No. 18 Oklahoma (-7) at Iowa State — 7:30 p.m. on ABC: Home-field advantage isn’t a thing like it used to be, in part because of COVID-19’s effects on stadium capacity. Still, the Cyclones shouldn’t have any problem bringing their own juice for this one. This is a rare opportunity to not only reinsert yourself back into the Big 12 Championship Game conversation but give the Sooners rare back-to-back losses while fully exposing them as a vulnerable team. Iowa State can punch plays up, and the offense sprinkles in some big plays, so give me the Cyclones to keep it at least within a touchdown. But we’ll find out if Iowa State’s passing game has enough to pull the outright upset. Pick: Iowa State +7.5 — Ben Kercheval
No. 7 Auburn at No. 4 Georgia (-6.5) — 7:30 p.m. on ESPN: Georgia’s quarterback situation is an absolute mess. JT Daniels got medically cleared this week, but just how healthy is he? Is he capable of playing at the level he was at before injuring his knee in the season-opener last season? These are valid questions — especially considering it took so long for him to get cleared by doctors. Whether it’s Daniels or Stetson Bennett, Auburn’s defense will bring the heat early and often, forcing multiple mistakes from the Georgia offense. Yes, Georgia’s defense is great. Maybe the best in the country. But all Auburn has to do is find a way to get to 20 points in this one to not only cover but get the win outright. Pick: Auburn +6.5 — Barrett Sallee
Virginia at No. 1 Clemson (-28) — 8 p.m. on ACC Network: To me, this pick — not the game, but the pick — comes down to Virginia’s offensive line. That group has come a long way since it was a glaring weakness at times for the Wahoos offense, where Bryce Perkins’ athleticism and escapability was not only a feature but a necessity for success. They are an experienced group in 2020, and the success they had against Duke suggests it’s improved in a way that makes running the offense a little bit easier for new starter Brennan Armstrong. But Duke’s defensive line is not Clemson’s defensive line, and if Myles Murphy, Bryan Bresee and the rest of that group dominate like they did against Wake Forest, it will be difficult to get any kind of rhythm going on offense or extend drives to keep the ball out of Trevor Lawrence’s hands. It might not be another 42-point win, but I feel pretty good about Clemson winning that position battle, Lawrence having 3-4 total touchdowns, and the Tigers winning by at least 30. Pick: Clemson (-28)
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports
We don’t even have all the facts yet, but that’s never stopped us.
The 2019 season isn’t even cold yet, there’s still football to be played as bowl season comes to a close, and we’re looking ahead to what the Auburn Tigers have to negotiate for next year. While sentiment heading into the offseason may have been much different based on what could have happened two days ago, there’s still a need to break some trends in 2020 if Gus Malzahn doesn’t want to waste the goodwill he engendered from November’s Iron Bowl win.
Thankfully, the schedule sets up pretty nicely. Yeah, the even year gets us road tilts in Athens and Tuscaloosa, and there will be storylines galore in some of the other games, but it’ll be a longshot for us to play six eleven-win teams again. The schedule should be easier. I think.
Is Steve McNair suiting up? No? Okay. Auburn should be able to work on the new offensive line and ease into the Chad Morris offense with a seasoned Bo Nix at quarterback. Big win, it’ll be hard to tell anything from this game at all.
Chance to win: 99.9999999999999999%
Thankfully we get the big non-conference game after a warmup, but OF COURSE the team we play will get a ton of hype during the offseason. The Tar Heels will likely be a top fifteen team based on Sam Howell’s bowl performance and UNC’s near-upset of Clemson. They’ll be hailed as a division favorite and they’ll definitely make noise in the ACC. We should - should - be the more talented team, but there will be some question as to how we handle a P5 team with new faces across both lines.
Chance to win: 70%
SEPTEMBER 19th - at OLE MISS (Oxford, MS)
If we stub our toe against the Tar Heels, you can bet that Lane Kiffin is going to throw everything he has into this game. He’ll probably do that anyway. Ole Miss will be better and more dangerous on offense. After a close game earlier this year, I really don’t know what to think about this one. The Rebels will be close to an unknown quantity under Kiffin, but they could very well be the spoiler the SEC West doesn’t want to see. John Rhys Plumlee ran for more than 1,000 yards, and Kiffin’s influence could make him a supremely scary guy to gameplan against. Still, Ole Miss won’t have a whole lot else around him.
Chance to win: 69%
We played a close game with these guys in 2018, but they’ll always be a complete talent level below Auburn. If we take a loss in the first three games and then struggle with the Golden Eagles, it won’t be good. I don’t think that’ll happen. Auburn wins easily.
Chance to win: 95%
Get ready for the buildup to this one. Joey Gatewood (if he gets that waiver) is going to roll back into Jordan-Hare Stadium wearing royal blue instead of navy and he’ll be leading a confident Kentucky team. The Wildcats will likely be 3-1 heading into this game with EMU, Florida, Kent State, and South Carolina on the slate before Auburn. If they spring an upset in Gainesville, then we’ll be nervous about this one. I don’t think Auburn’s defense will be susceptible to what Kentucky’s going to want to run, and we definitely know Gatewood, but he also knows us. This game could turn out to be the biggest game in the conference that weekend, depending on how Ole Miss is doing. The Rebs host Alabama that weekend.
Chance to win: 64%
OCTOBER 10th - at GEORGIA (Athens, GA)
Ready to feel weird? Auburn plays Georgia in Athens in October. The last time that these two met before November was 1936, when the Tigers got a 24-13 win over the Dawgs in Columbus on October 24th. The back to back at Georgia and at Alabama was difficult to manage, and now it’ll be much easier. What’s even better is that we can hope that Georgia isn’t settled at all by this point. The NFL Draft took a toll on the Bulldogs — no Jake Fromm, the entire offensive line gone, no running backs, and only one returning receiver. The defense will be great. Still, Athens is tough no matter when you visit. If CBS still has the TV rights, we’ll be part of a doubleheader on this day with LSU @ Florida also on the docket.
Chance to win: 40%
OCTOBER 17th - TEXAS A&M (Auburn, AL)
I dunno, man. Is Jimbo good? He’s definitely not worth the $75 million unless he wins the next couple of national titles in a row. Although, A&M finally got a little of what we all thought Kellen Mond might be in the Texas Bowl, when he ran through Oklahoma State for the game-winning touchdown from 67 yards out. He should be pretty solid next season, but despite good recruiting, everyone’s still waiting for the Aggies to truly put it together. Traditionally, this game would have been an automatic loss since it’s in Auburn, but the Tigers have won three straight in the series. Bo Nix was steady in his first real road start, and I think he’ll have plenty for the A&M defense in this one.
Chance to win: 65%
OCTOBER 31st - at MISSISSIPPI STATE (Starkville, MS)
Oh, great. We play these clowns on Halloween and now they’ve got the Mad Pirate running the show? Thankfully, the Bulldogs shouldn’t be very good under Mike Leach since they have, uh, no quarterback, no receivers, and not a whole lot coming back from the 2019 team. Kylin Hill will be returning at running back, but there’s really not much that I can see MSU putting on the field that we won’t be able to handle, especially after a bye.
Chance to win: 77%
Like Ole Miss and Mississippi State, the Piggies will be breaking in a new coach. Unlike those two, it’s a guy that 99% of college football fans have never heard of. Georgia offensive line coach Sam Pittman made the move to go lead Arkansas, and while his recruiting has been fantastic, that won’t help anyone in year one. Chad Morris clearly wasn’t cut out to be a head coach, and with his departure, the cupboard is as bare as it gets. Pittman will take his lumps for at least a couple years before he starts to get the ball rolling (if he’s given that much time).
Chance to win: 90%
NOVEMBER 14th - UMASS (Auburn, AL)
Is Marcus Camby playing? No? I see.
Chance to win: 99.999999999999999%
NOVEMBER 21st - LSU (Auburn, AL)
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Meet the new Amen Corner, same as the old Amen Corner. Instead of Georgia, we get LSU. The benefit is that there’s no longer two away games in a row. We get to split the home and away matchups, which will even things out without changing the caliber of the opponent.
Obviously, LSU just wrapped up one of the greatest seasons in college football history, but let’s give you a list of what will be different in 2020 for the Bayou Bengals —
Heisman Trophy winner Joe Burrow
Running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire
Offensive tackle Saahdiq Charles
Wide receiver Justin Jefferson
Safety Grant Delpit
Center Lloyd Cushenberry
Linebacker Jacob Phillips
Linebacker Patrick Queen
And that’s just the juniors plus Burrow. LSU will also lose a handful of seniors, and there are still some decisions to be made from guys like K’Lavon Chaisson. However, that might not be the biggest loss from Ed Orgeron’s group. He’ll have to replace both coordinators in 2020, as Joe Brady made the move to run the offense with the Panthers, and Dave Aranda is now leading Baylor. It’s no secret that the reason that LSU took off this year was largely thanks to Brady’s offensive influence, and now the playmakers plus the chess players are gone. It’s going to be a completely different team in 2020, and now Auburn gets them at home. With the game in November, they’ll certainly be in more of a rhythm, but there’s no way that Myles Brennan replicates Burrow’s performance, especially with a new guy running the show.
Chance to win: 50%
NOVEMBER 28th - at ALABAMA (Tuscaloosa, AL)
In similar fashion to what’s happening at LSU, Alabama lost a ton as well, but I don’t think they’ll feel the sting quite the way they will in Baton Rouge. Tua’s gone, but I’ve said before that he wasn’t the most important player on that team by far. What’s a little more pressing is the fact that Jerry Jeudy and Henry Ruggs have departed as well. Now, you don’t have to stick your third best cover guy on Devonta Smith, and your fourth best on Jaylen Waddle. Unfortunately, Alabama will still be solid. Mac Jones is good enough to utilize the talent, especially with Najee Harris returning (can’t take that paycut by going pro). While the offensive line may take a bit of a hit with Jedrick Wills leaving, Alex Leatherwood is back, along with Landon Dickerson.
Defensively, don’t be surprised if Alabama is good again. This year was hilarious, watching them trip all over themselves, and at times, their offense even had a poor scoring defense. Dylan Moses returns after missing all of last year, and all of those freshmen they played are now experienced. Losing Xavier McKinney is probably a positive, and Trevon Diggs made a ton of highlight reels for Jamar Chase, so there are probably some Bama fans excited to see the backups.
Look, anyone saying that Bama is going to fall on hard times has to know that a 10-2 regular season is likely the floor for them every year. Only with an absolute murderer’s row of injuries and the rare year when they play a real schedule would they hit three regular season losses. This year, they get Georgia... after the Dawgs lose everyone, and it’s early in the year. Watch out for the stretch in October — at Tennessee, bye, at LSU. We have to go to Bryant-Denny, so...
Chance to win: 30%
We’ve still got a few NFL decisions left to be made, but at this point we know roughly how everyone will look roster-wise in 2020. It’s not nearly the schedule we had last year, but it is always going to be difficult with Alabama, Georgia, and LSU on the slate year after year. Let’s see what you’ve got, Gus.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/1/16/21048359/2020-football-schedule-way-too-early-outlook
0 notes
placetobenation · 5 years
We’re Back!!!! The 2019 College Football Season is upon us, and your humble correspondents have returned. Yes, Scott Criscuolo & Logan Crosland will give you a recap of the previous week’s games and look ahead to the big games the following week. Clemson is your defending National Champion, and they’re likely going to be back in the Playoff this year, along with Alabama. Will we see yet ANOTHER championship game between the Tigers & the Tide. Will former Bama QB Jalen Hurts spoil things and get Oklahoma back to the Playoff. Can Notre Dame get back and perhaps actually WIN a playoff game? We begin here. Let’s get started with the Week 1 takes.
SEC Struggles to Open Year: One of the big things that stood out to me on opening weekend, is that outside of maybe 3 teams the superpower that is the SEC struggled mightily. Even teams who ended up winning like Florida, Alabama, Mississippi State, and Kentucky struggled through at least portions of their respective games and though they might’ve won it was ugly at times. Then their are the teams that lost to what was perceived to be lesser competition such as Ole Miss, Missouri, Tennessee, and South Carolina. South Carolina is the most excusable one of those as North Carolina is a power conference team, so they were at least a little stiffer competition. Tennessee on the other hand met, lost, and pretty much got dominated by lowly Georgia State, while Ole Miss and Mississippi lost to Memphis and Wyoming respectively. While most of the struggles can be attributed first week jitters, the conference better kick things into gear if it wants to continue its dominance.
Auburn Wins a Thriller Behind Freshman QB: In what was probably the best game of the first weekend, the Auburn Tigers took on the Oregon Ducks. A lot of the hype coming into this game was surrounding the QB matchup between projected early first round pick Justin Herbert and true freshman Bo Nix. While it looked like the experienced Ducks and Herbert were going to run away with this game, it was young Bo who was able to lead his team back late from the brink of defeat. The defense for these Tigers are going to be able to win them a lot of games, but if Bo can show the poise he did in this game they could be dangerous. The Ducks on the other hand, while this doesn’t completely sink their season, the room for error has shrunk significantly.
Iowa State Escapes in Triple OT: The Cyclones come into this season with much more hype than usual and have expectations of contending for the Big 12 title with the likes of Oklahoma and Texas. With Northern Iowa coming to Ames, I won’t say they were expecting a walkover but definitely weren’t prepared for fight they ended up getting. Northern Iowa hung around and even led most of this game. Iowa State made a late field goal to force overtime. During the third overtime Northern Iowa had a chance to win the game when Iowa St RB Sheldon Croney fumbled at the goal line, before QB Brock Purdy dove on the ball to save the game for his team. Croney would make up for his mistake and score the game winning touchdown on the very next play. The Cyclones were able to avoid disaster this week but will need to clean things up if they want to be players in the Big 12.
Oklahoma…Heisman 3 Peat?: Before I say anything else I am not beginning to say anyone is a Heisman front runner one week into the season. With that out of the way, Jalen Hurts in his first game for the Sooners, that neither of their consecutive Heisman winners Baker Mayfield or Kyler Murray did. That feat was scoring 6 total touchdowns in just 3 quarters of play. With his experience in big games and talent, if he continues to put up numbers like these he’ll be in the mix for that coveted trophy and could give Oklahoma their third consecutive winner.
Boise State Pulls One Out: Ever since Boise State emerged on the scene in the early 2000s, they have been a dangerous team for anyone power program that schedules them. While in more recent years they haven’t pulled as many upsets as they may have at one time, they are always very well coached and a hard out. This weekend’s game against Florida State was originally scheduled to be played in Jacksonville but was moved to Tallahassee due to weather. So for Boise this went from being a neutral site game to being a true road game, which puts them at a little bit more of a disadvantage. Add on top of that, they started a true freshman at QB. They were able to overcome both of those odds, as well as a rough first half, to pull of the huge road win against the Seminoles 36-31.
Easy opener for the Champs: Travis Etienne spent all offseason trying to ignore the national attention headed his way. Well after last Thursday he won’t be hard to find. The reigning ACC player of the year rushed for a career-high 205 yards and three touchdowns, including one from 90 yards out, as Clemson overpowered Georgia Tech 52-14 to open defense of their championship. Trevor Lawrence was average in this one, going 13 of 23 for 168 yards, but honestly it didn’t matter. The defense played great and everything clicked. It will have to click next week, because Jimbo Fisher’s Texas A&M Aggies aren’t Georgia Tech.
Typical ND…start awful, finish strong: As usual with Notre Dame in an opening night prime time game, they start lousy and finish strong. The crowd at Louisville was pumped and ready for the Scott Satterfield Era. The offense was hot and the intensity was there and with 2 minutes to go in the half it was 14-14, but a turnover led to a late ND touchdown and the defense held firm in the second half. The Irish win 35-17 and Ian Book threw and ran for a TD. He struggled early as he wasn’t comfortable in the pocket and his throws were all over the place. But Brian Kelly settled him down and he was fine after that. A bye this week, then the home opener next week against New Mexico.
Scott Frost’s new slate: Scott Frost is going to do his best to try and get Nebraska back to the top of the heap and not be a doormat like they’ve been pretty much since they left the Big 12. Well the jury is still out after Week 1. Yes they defeated South Alabama 35-21, but it was only 14-7 at the half and the offense was sluggish throughout. Not quite sure of the Black Shirts defense has returned but they did play very well and forced five turnovers. But the Huskers turned the ball over three times themselves. Adrian Martinez didn’t sparkle and has more to prove. They hit the road this week to face Colorado in an old Big 8 rivalry.
79 points????: For the first time ever, two conferences teams score over 70 points in the same week. Penn State destroyed Idaho 79-7, while Maryland crushed Howard 79-0. I…just wanted to point that out.
Academies Update: As in past years, Scott will update how the three Service Academies do on a week-by-week basis. Army won the CID trophy for the second straight year in 2018, and opened the year with a lackluster 14-7 win over Rice. Navy struggled last year, but opened Saturday with a 45-7 win over Holy Cross. Air Force also opens with a win, 48-7 over Colgate. This week Army is at Michigan, while both Navy and Air Force has byes.
No rankings yet, as the CFP poll won’t be for another month or so. Let’s just dive into this week’s schedule and take a look at the biggest games:
3:30pm: #12 Texas A&M at #1 Clemson
7:30pm: #6 LSU at #9 Texas
10:30pm: #23 Stanford at USC
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Will Texas and Texas A&M play again? The post-breakup tracker
Realignment broke up one of college football's greatest hate-relationships, but the two won't stop eying each other. Let's keep track as they work their way to meeting up again. Last updated Oct. 26.
Texas and Texas A&M. It's a relationship that goes way back, but after an ugly conference realignment breakup, the two just can't seem to get back on the same page.
Here's a timeline of their trials and tribulations since splitting apart.
Oct. 25, 2017
The governor wants to get involved.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: "My next goal as governor is to reunite the Texas-Texas A&M rivalry. Hook 'em Horns."
— Brian Davis (@BDavisAAS) October 25, 2017
THE HEAT SCALE, rating the flirtatious energy between Texas and A&M: 2, because the governor isn’t in charge here. Just because an ex-couple’s parents badly want them to get back together doesn’t mean the kids will go along with it.
July 17, 2017
Texas' new head coach is on board!
Tom Herman on scheduling: "We don't play a rival at home ever. I don't know why we can't play A&M as our marquee non-conference opponent."
— Brian Davis (@BDavisAAS) July 18, 2017
THE HEAT SCALE: 4. Texas' old head coach was also on board, and look where that got us.
June 28, 2017
"Their AD (DeLoss Dodds) at the time came out and said we will never play Texas A&M again, and they worked along with Baylor and the conference to have no one in the (Big 12) schedule us," former A&M AD Greg Byrne said. "There were other forces at work to make sure we didn't play."
THE HEAT SCALE: 4. That story has a bunch of disheartening stuff on this rivalry and Kansas-Missouri, but that particular quote is at least hot.
June 16, 2017
"Me, personally? I think over the course of time that's going to happen," A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin said when asked, while also talking about how well he knows new Horns coach Tom Herman. "With our move to the SEC, scheduling has become a real issue."
THE HEAT SCALE: 3. Sumlin's been predicting a reunion for years now, not that we don't appreciate him doing so.
June 10, 2016
"They're trying to work something out right now where we're going to play the Aggies," Charlie Strong said at an event. A Texas spokesman said no specifics have been discussed, but we didn't even hear any of the words in this second sentence.
THE HEAT SCALE: 8. Do it.Texas and Texas A&M. It's a relationship that goes way back, but after an ugly conference realignment breakup, the two just can't seem to get back on the same page.
April 14, 2016
A&M athletic director Scott Woodward, via DailyTrib.com in Texas:
Will the Aggies play the University of Texas in football again?
"We have to really assess what is our best path to winning the (Southeastern Conference) West," Woodward said. "I don't foresee anything happening in the near future. There are a lot of opinions well above my pay grade. Rivalries, I think, are healthy for the game.
"It'll be something we'll consider," he added. "It'll be a discussion I'll have to have. I have no objection to it. It's something that has to work for us and for folks."
March 19, 2016
The two nearly played again in March Madness, but Texas had to go and lose to Northern Iowa on a buzzer beater. Aggies everywhere were torn between laughing at rivals and lamenting the chance to square off, but the likely A&M starting QB had the definitive opinion:
lol http://pic.twitter.com/S95xNzXEfi
— Jake Hubenak (@hubenak_j) March 19, 2016
HEAT SCALE: Unchanged. Laughing at your fallen rival is standard human behavior.
September 30, 2015
Texas A&M regent Tony Buzbee in a Facebook post, via the Austin American-Statesman:
I am going to advocate that the Aggies play Texas again in the near future. Because of our brutal SEC West schedule [...], the Aggies need some cupcake games to rest and heal. In my view, Texas is just as weak if not weaker than the non-conference games we play, so we may as well play them.
HEAT SCALE: 5. Buzbee is, as he mentions, only one regent, and regents aren't athletic directors, but eating pastries is often an enjoyable date activity.
June 18, 2015
Texas A&M chancellor John Sharp is quoted as saying this in response to Texas selling beer at games now:
A&M chancellor Sharp on alcohol at events: "Our athletic program has not reached the point where we require the numbing effects of alcohol."
— Gabe Bock (@GabeBock) June 18, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 3. These rivals can neither imbibe nor abstain without thinking of each other, but we already knew that.
May 8, 2015
A&M chancellor John Sharp took swipes at the Longhorn Network and Texas' recent on-field struggles in an interview.
We're hopeful that sometime in the future there will be a bowl game that we're able to play in, you know, if [Texas] gets there. But the great thing about playing us is that you can get on real TV if you play us.
HEAT SCALE: 2. Sharp ended with "of course I'm just joking about all of this." Stick to your guns, John!
April 16, 2015
When asked about renewing the rivalry, Strong joked that he wasn't pushing too hard for it yet because he wanted to win some games first. Specifically, he said "I don't know if I want to go walking into College Station right now."
That has caught on at A&M, including with incoming five-star defensive tackle Daylon Mack, who signed with the Aggies over Texas.
— THEE MACK TRUCK (@DaylonMack) April 16, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 7. Twitter banter's usually a 2, but that shirt's a 5 by itself.
April 14, 2015
Oh my:
Texas' Charlie Strong and Texas A&M's Kevin Sumlin both in the last week expressed to ESPN.com a desire to resume playing the longstanding rivalry after a three-year hiatus that coincided with the Aggies leaving the Big 12 and joining the SEC in 2012.
July 23, 2014
Texas coach Charlie Strong on playing Texas A&M: “You would like to see us play each other"
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) July 23, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 7. We're cookin' now.
May 27, 2014
Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin on future games w/Texas: “Eventually I think it will happen"
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) May 27, 2014
May 26, 2014
Texas and Texas A&M are playing again! In baseball. Postseason baseball, meaning they had no choice.
HEAT SCALE: 3. Baseball.
April 25, 2014
UT AD Steve Patterson told us ``unless there is a compelling reason,'' the football series between Texas and Texas A&M is dead.
— Paul Finebaum (@finebaum) April 25, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 2. There's no reason in love.
April 1, 2014
Texas AD Steve Patterson: Playing A&M "not at the top of my list."
HEAT SCALE: 3. /Patterson throws Strong into a cold shower
March 7, 2014
New Texas head coach Charlie Strong, sharing his thoughts on resuming the rivalry: "I'd love to play it."
HEAT SCALE: 11. Whoa, take it easy, Charlie. You can't come on so strong, that's just going to creep them out
Nov. 20, 2013
A&M president Loftin: "There's no reason why we shouldn't play each other, if we want to. I think (Texas) will at some point in time feel like it's the right thing to do as well, and we'll get there."
Nov. 6, 2013
After Texas hires Steve Patterson as AD, Texas A&M senior associate AD Jason Cook says the Aggies are not looking to renew the annual rivalry: "We hope to play them again in a BCS bowl or Playoff game at some point."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "I mean, if we run into 'em at a bar or something and they wanna hook up, we're totally down. But we ain't looking for a long-term thing. Just wanna keep it casual, ya know?"
Sept. 11, 2013
Texas A&M DB Toney Hurd Jr. takes to Twitter, proclaiming, "Texas A&M is the university of Texas." Then-Longhorns head coach Mack Brown responds to the media: "We are the university in this state, regardless of what some kid tweets."
HEAT SCALE: 2. They just can't let each other go, but man, it's getting nasty.
May 31, 2013
Texas A&M president R. Bowen Loftin: "It's not relevant to us anymore, that's the whole point. It's not an important issue."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "Who? Yeah, I think I remember someone by that name."
April 1, 2013
HEAT SCALE: 0. Wait. Awww dammit, April Fools' got us again.
March 18, 2013
Texas AD Dodds: "They're the ones that decided not to play us. We get to decide when we play again. I think that's fair."
HEAT SCALE: 6. It's not gonna be that easy, baby.
Jan. 29, 2013
Texas State Rep. Ryan Guillen proposes law forcing A&M and Texas to play.
HEAT SCALE: 0. Will you two give it a rest and get back together already. You're all each other talks about, and we're tired of seeing you like this. Jeez.
Nov. 19, 2012
Texas DE Alex Okafor, in the buildup to the Longhorns' new year-end game against TCU: "I feel sorry for A&M. We still have a big-time game on Thanksgiving. They're missing out."
HEAT SCALE: 8. "OH. OH OK YOU FOUND SOMEONE NEW? WELL WE FOUND SOMEONE NEW TOO AND WE'RE DOING JUST FINE." /Texas quickly puts its arm around the first school it can find, which happens to be TCU
May 30, 2012
Texas A&M and LSU agree to become annual end-of-season rivals.
HEAT SCALE: 6. A&M is moving on with its new life in a new place, but one has to think it's hoping Texas will notice the Aggies' sexy new companion.
Nov. 25, 2011
In the final scheduled meeting, Texas defeats A&M, 27-25, on a game-winning field goal as time expires.
HEAT SCALE: 10. Texas just came over to get that last box of t-shirts and CDs, and of course it turned into a raucous night of love-making, just like the old times. A&M was pretty mad when the Longhorns left an upper-decker before running out laughing, though.
Oct. 15, 2011
Texas AD DeLoss Dodds: "What we have right now is a full schedule."
HEAT SCALE: 1. "I can't on Friday. Saturday's no good, either. Neither is next week. Or next month."
Sept. 26, 2011
Someone creates a "Keep the Texas vs. Texas A&M Rivalry Game Tradition Alive - Drama Free" Facebook page. It garnered only 89 likes and, as we all know, didn't get the pair back together.
HEAT SCALE: 1. This isn't really a spark between the 'Horns and Ags. It's a desperate plea from their friends to give it another shot.
Sadness scale: 10. :-(
Aug. 29, 2011
Report surfaces Texas A&M is set to announce its departure from the Big 12.
HEAT SCALE: 1. It has been a long road together, but after one last big fight over A&M wanting its own space, the Longhorns and Aggies agree that they just don't have anything in common anymore, and it's best to go their separate ways.
Any more?
We'll update this as more of these arrive over time (and they certainly will). Did we miss any from the past?
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Will Texas and Texas A&M play again? The post-breakup tracker
Realignment broke up one of college football's greatest hate-relationships, but the two won't stop eying each other. Let's keep track as they work their way to meeting up again. [Updated July 18.]
Texas and Texas A&M. It's a relationship that goes way back, but after an ugly conference realignment breakup, the two just can't seem to get back on the same page.
Here's a timeline of their trials and tribulations since splitting apart.
July 17, 2017
Texas' new head coach is on board!
Tom Herman on scheduling: "We don't play a rival at home ever. I don't know why we can't play A&M as our marquee non-conference opponent."
— Brian Davis (@BDavisAAS) July 18, 2017
THE HEAT SCALE, rating the flirtatious energy between Texas and A&M: 4. Texas' old head coach was also on board, and look where that got us.
June 28, 2017
"Their AD (DeLoss Dodds) at the time came out and said we will never play Texas A&M again, and they worked along with Baylor and the conference to have no one in the (Big 12) schedule us," former A&M AD Greg Byrne said. "There were other forces at work to make sure we didn't play."
THE HEAT SCALE: 4. That story has a bunch of disheartening stuff on this rivalry and Kansas-Missouri, but that particular quote is at least hot.
June 16, 2017
"Me, personally? I think over the course of time that's going to happen," A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin said when asked, while also talking about how well he knows new Horns coach Tom Herman. "With our move to the SEC, scheduling has become a real issue."
THE HEAT SCALE: 3. Sumlin's been predicting a reunion for years now, not that we don't appreciate him doing so.
June 10, 2016
"They're trying to work something out right now where we're going to play the Aggies," Charlie Strong said at an event. A Texas spokesman said no specifics have been discussed, but we didn't even hear any of the words in this second sentence.
April 14, 2016
A&M athletic director Scott Woodward, via DailyTrib.com in Texas:
Will the Aggies play the University of Texas in football again?
"We have to really assess what is our best path to winning the (Southeastern Conference) West," Woodward said. "I don't foresee anything happening in the near future. There are a lot of opinions well above my pay grade. Rivalries, I think, are healthy for the game.
"It'll be something we'll consider," he added. "It'll be a discussion I'll have to have. I have no objection to it. It's something that has to work for us and for folks."
March 19, 2016
The two nearly played again in March Madness, but Texas had to go and lose to Northern Iowa on a buzzer beater. Aggies everywhere were torn between laughing at rivals and lamenting the chance to square off, but the likely A&M starting QB had the definitive opinion:
lol http://pic.twitter.com/S95xNzXEfi
— Jake Hubenak (@hubenak_j) March 19, 2016
HEAT SCALE: Unchanged. Laughing at your fallen rival is standard human behavior.
September 30, 2015
Texas A&M regent Tony Buzbee in a Facebook post, via the Austin American-Statesman:
I am going to advocate that the Aggies play Texas again in the near future. Because of our brutal SEC West schedule [...], the Aggies need some cupcake games to rest and heal. In my view, Texas is just as weak if not weaker than the non-conference games we play, so we may as well play them.
HEAT SCALE: 5. Buzbee is, as he mentions, only one regent, and regents aren't athletic directors, but eating pastries is often an enjoyable date activity.
June 18, 2015
Texas A&M chancellor John Sharp is quoted as saying this in response to Texas selling beer at games now:
A&M chancellor Sharp on alcohol at events: "Our athletic program has not reached the point where we require the numbing effects of alcohol."
— Gabe Bock (@GabeBock) June 18, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 3. These rivals can neither imbibe nor abstain without thinking of each other, but we already knew that.
May 8, 2015
A&M chancellor John Sharp took swipes at the Longhorn Network and Texas' recent on-field struggles in an interview.
We're hopeful that sometime in the future there will be a bowl game that we're able to play in, you know, if [Texas] gets there. But the great thing about playing us is that you can get on real TV if you play us.
HEAT SCALE: 2. Sharp ended with "of course I'm just joking about all of this." Stick to your guns, John!
April 16, 2015
When asked about renewing the rivalry, Strong joked that he wasn't pushing too hard for it yet because he wanted to win some games first. Specifically, he said "I don't know if I want to go walking into College Station right now."
That has caught on at A&M, including with incoming five-star defensive tackle Daylon Mack, who signed with the Aggies over Texas.
— THEE MACK TRUCK (@DaylonMack) April 16, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 7. Twitter banter's usually a 2, but that shirt's a 5 by itself.
April 14, 2015
Oh my:
Texas' Charlie Strong and Texas A&M's Kevin Sumlin both in the last week expressed to ESPN.com a desire to resume playing the longstanding rivalry after a three-year hiatus that coincided with the Aggies leaving the Big 12 and joining the SEC in 2012.
July 23, 2014
Texas coach Charlie Strong on playing Texas A&M: "You would like to see us play each other"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) July 23, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 7. We're cookin' now.
May 27, 2014
Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin on future games w/Texas: "Eventually I think it will happen"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) May 27, 2014
May 26, 2014
Texas and Texas A&M are playing again! In baseball. Postseason baseball, meaning they had no choice.
HEAT SCALE: 3. Baseball.
April 25, 2014
UT AD Steve Patterson told us ``unless there is a compelling reason,'' the football series between Texas and Texas A&M is dead.
— Paul Finebaum (@finebaum) April 25, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 2. There's no reason in love.
April 1, 2014
Texas AD Steve Patterson: Playing A&M "not at the top of my list."
HEAT SCALE: 3. /Patterson throws Strong into a cold shower
March 7, 2014
New Texas head coach Charlie Strong, sharing his thoughts on resuming the rivalry: "I'd love to play it."
HEAT SCALE: 11. Whoa, take it easy, Charlie. You can't come on so strong, that's just going to creep them out.
Nov. 20, 2013
A&M president Loftin: "There's no reason why we shouldn't play each other, if we want to. I think (Texas) will at some point in time feel like it's the right thing to do as well, and we'll get there."
Nov. 6, 2013
After Texas hires Steve Patterson as AD, Texas A&M senior associate AD Jason Cook says the Aggies are not looking to renew the annual rivalry: "We hope to play them again in a BCS bowl or Playoff game at some point."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "I mean, if we run into 'em at a bar or something and they wanna hook up, we're totally down. But we ain't looking for a long-term thing. Just wanna keep it casual, ya know?"
Sept. 11, 2013
Texas A&M DB Toney Hurd Jr. takes to Twitter, proclaiming, "Texas A&M is the university of Texas." Then-Longhorns head coach Mack Brown responds to the media: "We are the university in this state, regardless of what some kid tweets."
HEAT SCALE: 2. They just can't let each other go, but man, it's getting nasty.
May 31, 2013
Texas A&M president R. Bowen Loftin: "It's not relevant to us anymore, that's the whole point. It's not an important issue."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "Who? Yeah, I think I remember someone by that name."
April 1, 2013
HEAT SCALE: 0. Wait. Awww dammit, April Fools' got us again.
March 18, 2013
Texas AD Dodds: "They're the ones that decided not to play us. We get to decide when we play again. I think that's fair."
HEAT SCALE: 6. It's not gonna be that easy, baby.
Jan. 29, 2013
Texas State Rep. Ryan Guillen proposes law forcing A&M and Texas to play.
HEAT SCALE: 0. Will you two give it a rest and get back together already. You're all each other talks about, and we're tired of seeing you like this. Jeez.
Nov. 19, 2012
Texas DE Alex Okafor, in the buildup to the Longhorns' new year-end game against TCU: "I feel sorry for A&M. We still have a big-time game on Thanksgiving. They're missing out."
HEAT SCALE: 8. "OH. OH OK YOU FOUND SOMEONE NEW? WELL WE FOUND SOMEONE NEW TOO AND WE'RE DOING JUST FINE." /Texas quickly puts its arm around the first school it can find, which happens to be TCU
May 30, 2012
Texas A&M and LSU reportedly agree to become annual end-of-season rivals.
HEAT SCALE: 6. A&M is moving on with its new life in a new place, but one has to think it's hoping Texas will notice the Aggies' sexy new companion.
Nov. 25, 2011
In the final scheduled meeting, Texas defeats A&M, 27-25, on a game-winning field goal as time expires.
HEAT SCALE: 10. Texas just came over to get that last box of t-shirts and CDs, and of course it turned into a raucous night of love-making, just like the old times. A&M was pretty mad when the Longhorns left an upper-decker before running out laughing, though.
Oct. 15, 2011
Texas AD DeLoss Dodds: "What we have right now is a full schedule."
HEAT SCALE: 1. "I can't on Friday. Saturday's no good, either. Neither is next week. Or next month."
Sept. 26, 2011
Someone creates a "Keep the Texas vs. Texas A&M Rivalry Game Tradition Alive - Drama Free" Facebook page. It garnered only 89 likes and, as we all know, didn't get the pair back together.
HEAT SCALE: 1. This isn't really a spark between the 'Horns and Ags. It's a desperate plea from their friends to give it another shot.
Sadness scale: 10. :-(
Aug. 29, 2011
Report surfaces Texas A&M is set to announce its departure from the Big 12.
HEAT SCALE: 1. It has been a long road together, but after one last big fight over A&M wanting its own space, the Longhorns and Aggies agree that they just don't have anything in common anymore, and it's best to go their separate ways.
Any more?
We'll update this as more of these arrive over time (and they certainly will). Did we miss any from the past?
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Will Texas and Texas A&M play again? The post-breakup tracker
Realignment broke up one of college football's greatest hate-relationships, but the two won't stop eying each other. Let's keep track as they work their way to meeting up again. [Updated June 20.]
Texas and Texas A&M. It's a relationship that goes way back, but after an ugly conference realignment breakup, the two just can't seem to get back on the same page.
Here's a timeline of their trials and tribulations since splitting apart.
June 28, 2017
"Their AD (DeLoss Dodds) at the time came out and said we will never play Texas A&M again, and they worked along with Baylor and the conference to have no one in the (Big 12) schedule us," former A&M AD Greg Byrne said. "There were other forces at work to make sure we didn't play."
THE HEAT SCALE, rating the flirtatious energy between Texas and A&M: 4. That story has a bunch of disheartening stuff on this rivalry and Kansas-Missouri, but that particular quote is at least hot.
June 16, 2017
"Me, personally? I think over the course of time that's going to happen," A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin said when asked, while also talking about how well he knows new Horns coach Tom Herman. "With our move to the SEC, scheduling has become a real issue."
THE HEAT SCALE: 3. Sumlin's been predicting a reunion for years now, not that we don't appreciate him doing so.
June 10, 2016
"They're trying to work something out right now where we're going to play the Aggies," Charlie Strong said at an event. A Texas spokesman said no specifics have been discussed, but we didn't even hear any of the words in this second sentence.
April 14, 2016
A&M athletic director Scott Woodward, via DailyTrib.com in Texas:
Will the Aggies play the University of Texas in football again?
"We have to really assess what is our best path to winning the (Southeastern Conference) West," Woodward said. "I don't foresee anything happening in the near future. There are a lot of opinions well above my pay grade. Rivalries, I think, are healthy for the game.
"It'll be something we'll consider," he added. "It'll be a discussion I'll have to have. I have no objection to it. It's something that has to work for us and for folks."
March 19, 2016
The two nearly played again in March Madness, but Texas had to go and lose to Northern Iowa on a buzzer beater. Aggies everywhere were torn between laughing at rivals and lamenting the chance to square off, but the likely A&M starting QB had the definitive opinion:
lol http://pic.twitter.com/S95xNzXEfi
— Jake Hubenak (@hubenak_j) March 19, 2016
HEAT SCALE: Unchanged. Laughing at your fallen rival is standard human behavior.
September 30, 2015
Texas A&M regent Tony Buzbee in a Facebook post, via the Austin American-Statesman:
I am going to advocate that the Aggies play Texas again in the near future. Because of our brutal SEC West schedule [...], the Aggies need some cupcake games to rest and heal. In my view, Texas is just as weak if not weaker than the non-conference games we play, so we may as well play them.
HEAT SCALE: 5. Buzbee is, as he mentions, only one regent, and regents aren't athletic directors, but eating pastries is often an enjoyable date activity.
June 18, 2015
Texas A&M chancellor John Sharp is quoted as saying this in response to Texas selling beer at games now:
A&M chancellor Sharp on alcohol at events: "Our athletic program has not reached the point where we require the numbing effects of alcohol."
— Gabe Bock (@GabeBock) June 18, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 3. These rivals can neither imbibe nor abstain without thinking of each other, but we already knew that.
May 8, 2015
A&M chancellor John Sharp took swipes at the Longhorn Network and Texas' recent on-field struggles in an interview.
We're hopeful that sometime in the future there will be a bowl game that we're able to play in, you know, if [Texas] gets there. But the great thing about playing us is that you can get on real TV if you play us.
HEAT SCALE: 2. Sharp ended with "of course I'm just joking about all of this." Stick to your guns, John!
April 16, 2015
When asked about renewing the rivalry, Strong joked that he wasn't pushing too hard for it yet because he wanted to win some games first. Specifically, he said "I don't know if I want to go walking into College Station right now."
That has caught on at A&M, including with incoming five-star defensive tackle Daylon Mack, who signed with the Aggies over Texas.
— THEE MACK TRUCK (@DaylonMack) April 16, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 7. Twitter banter's usually a 2, but that shirt's a 5 by itself.
April 14, 2015
Oh my:
Texas' Charlie Strong and Texas A&M's Kevin Sumlin both in the last week expressed to ESPN.com a desire to resume playing the longstanding rivalry after a three-year hiatus that coincided with the Aggies leaving the Big 12 and joining the SEC in 2012.
July 23, 2014
Texas coach Charlie Strong on playing Texas A&M: "You would like to see us play each other"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) July 23, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 7. We're cookin' now.
May 27, 2014
Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin on future games w/Texas: "Eventually I think it will happen"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) May 27, 2014
May 26, 2014
Texas and Texas A&M are playing again! In baseball. Postseason baseball, meaning they had no choice.
HEAT SCALE: 3. Baseball.
April 25, 2014
UT AD Steve Patterson told us ``unless there is a compelling reason,'' the football series between Texas and Texas A&M is dead.
— Paul Finebaum (@finebaum) April 25, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 2. There's no reason in love.
April 1, 2014
Texas AD Steve Patterson: Playing A&M "not at the top of my list."
HEAT SCALE: 3. /Patterson throws Strong into a cold shower
March 7, 2014
New Texas head coach Charlie Strong, sharing his thoughts on resuming the rivalry: "I'd love to play it."
HEAT SCALE: 11. Whoa, take it easy, Charlie. You can't come on so strong, that's just going to creep them out.
Nov. 20, 2013
A&M president Loftin: "There's no reason why we shouldn't play each other, if we want to. I think (Texas) will at some point in time feel like it's the right thing to do as well, and we'll get there."
Nov. 6, 2013
After Texas hires Steve Patterson as AD, Texas A&M senior associate AD Jason Cook says the Aggies are not looking to renew the annual rivalry: "We hope to play them again in a BCS bowl or Playoff game at some point."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "I mean, if we run into 'em at a bar or something and they wanna hook up, we're totally down. But we ain't looking for a long-term thing. Just wanna keep it casual, ya know?"
Sept. 11, 2013
Texas A&M DB Toney Hurd Jr. takes to Twitter, proclaiming, "Texas A&M is the university of Texas." Then-Longhorns head coach Mack Brown responds to the media: "We are the university in this state, regardless of what some kid tweets."
HEAT SCALE: 2. They just can't let each other go, but man, it's getting nasty.
May 31, 2013
Texas A&M president R. Bowen Loftin: "It's not relevant to us anymore, that's the whole point. It's not an important issue."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "Who? Yeah, I think I remember someone by that name."
April 1, 2013
HEAT SCALE: 0. Wait. Awww dammit, April Fools' got us again.
March 18, 2013
Texas AD Dodds: "They're the ones that decided not to play us. We get to decide when we play again. I think that's fair."
HEAT SCALE: 6. It's not gonna be that easy, baby.
Jan. 29, 2013
Texas State Rep. Ryan Guillen proposes law forcing A&M and Texas to play.
HEAT SCALE: 0. Will you two give it a rest and get back together already. You're all each other talks about, and we're tired of seeing you like this. Jeez.
Nov. 19, 2012
Texas DE Alex Okafor, in the buildup to the Longhorns' new year-end game against TCU: "I feel sorry for A&M. We still have a big-time game on Thanksgiving. They're missing out."
HEAT SCALE: 8. "OH. OH OK YOU FOUND SOMEONE NEW? WELL WE FOUND SOMEONE NEW TOO AND WE'RE DOING JUST FINE." /Texas quickly puts its arm around the first school it can find, which happens to be TCU
May 30, 2012
Texas A&M and LSU reportedly agree to become annual end-of-season rivals.
HEAT SCALE: 6. A&M is moving on with its new life in a new place, but one has to think it's hoping Texas will notice the Aggies' sexy new companion.
Nov. 25, 2011
In the final scheduled meeting, Texas defeats A&M, 27-25, on a game-winning field goal as time expires.
HEAT SCALE: 10. Texas just came over to get that last box of t-shirts and CDs, and of course it turned into a raucous night of love-making, just like the old times. A&M was pretty mad when the Longhorns left an upper-decker before running out laughing, though.
Oct. 15, 2011
Texas AD DeLoss Dodds: "What we have right now is a full schedule."
HEAT SCALE: 1. "I can't on Friday. Saturday's no good, either. Neither is next week. Or next month."
Sept. 26, 2011
Someone creates a "Keep the Texas vs. Texas A&M Rivalry Game Tradition Alive - Drama Free" Facebook page. It garnered only 89 likes and, as we all know, didn't get the pair back together.
HEAT SCALE: 1. This isn't really a spark between the 'Horns and Ags. It's a desperate plea from their friends to give it another shot.
Sadness scale: 10. :-(
Aug. 29, 2011
Report surfaces Texas A&M is set to announce its departure from the Big 12.
HEAT SCALE: 1. It has been a long road together, but after one last big fight over A&M wanting its own space, the Longhorns and Aggies agree that they just don't have anything in common anymore, and it's best to go their separate ways.
Any more?
We'll update this as more of these arrive over time (and they certainly will). Did we miss any from the past?
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Will Texas and Texas A&M play again? The post-breakup tracker
Realignment broke up one of college football's greatest hate-relationships, but the two won't stop eying each other. Let's keep track as they work their way to meeting up again. [Updated June 20.]
Texas and Texas A&M. It's a relationship that goes way back, but after an ugly conference realignment breakup, the two just can't seem to get back on the same page.
Here's a timeline of their trials and tribulations since splitting apart.
June 16, 2017
"Me, personally? I think over the course of time that's going to happen," A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin said when asked, while also talking about how well he knows new Horns coach Tom Herman. "With our move to the SEC, scheduling has become a real issue."
THE HEAT SCALE, rating the flirtatious energy between Texas and A&M: 3. Sumlin's been predicting a reunion for years now, not that we don't appreciate him doing so.
June 10, 2016
"They're trying to work something out right now where we're going to play the Aggies," Charlie Strong said at an event. A Texas spokesman said no specifics have been discussed, but we didn't even hear any of the words in this second sentence.
April 14, 2016
A&M athletic director Scott Woodward, via DailyTrib.com in Texas:
Will the Aggies play the University of Texas in football again?
"We have to really assess what is our best path to winning the (Southeastern Conference) West," Woodward said. "I don't foresee anything happening in the near future. There are a lot of opinions well above my pay grade. Rivalries, I think, are healthy for the game.
"It'll be something we'll consider," he added. "It'll be a discussion I'll have to have. I have no objection to it. It's something that has to work for us and for folks."
March 19, 2016
The two nearly played again in March Madness, but Texas had to go and lose to Northern Iowa on a buzzer beater. Aggies everywhere were torn between laughing at rivals and lamenting the chance to square off, but the likely A&M starting QB had the definitive opinion:
lol http://pic.twitter.com/S95xNzXEfi
— Jake Hubenak (@hubenak_j) March 19, 2016
HEAT SCALE: Unchanged. Laughing at your fallen rival is standard human behavior.
September 30, 2015
Texas A&M regent Tony Buzbee in a Facebook post, via the Austin American-Statesman:
I am going to advocate that the Aggies play Texas again in the near future. Because of our brutal SEC West schedule [...], the Aggies need some cupcake games to rest and heal. In my view, Texas is just as weak if not weaker than the non-conference games we play, so we may as well play them.
HEAT SCALE: 5. Buzbee is, as he mentions, only one regent, and regents aren't athletic directors, but eating pastries is often an enjoyable date activity.
June 18, 2015
Texas A&M chancellor John Sharp is quoted as saying this in response to Texas selling beer at games now:
A&M chancellor Sharp on alcohol at events: "Our athletic program has not reached the point where we require the numbing effects of alcohol."
— Gabe Bock (@GabeBock) June 18, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 3. These rivals can neither imbibe nor abstain without thinking of each other, but we already knew that.
May 8, 2015
A&M chancellor John Sharp took swipes at the Longhorn Network and Texas' recent on-field struggles in an interview.
We're hopeful that sometime in the future there will be a bowl game that we're able to play in, you know, if [Texas] gets there. But the great thing about playing us is that you can get on real TV if you play us.
HEAT SCALE: 2. Sharp ended with "of course I'm just joking about all of this." Stick to your guns, John!
April 16, 2015
When asked about renewing the rivalry, Strong joked that he wasn't pushing too hard for it yet because he wanted to win some games first. Specifically, he said "I don't know if I want to go walking into College Station right now."
That has caught on at A&M, including with incoming five-star defensive tackle Daylon Mack, who signed with the Aggies over Texas.
— THEE MACK TRUCK (@DaylonMack) April 16, 2015
HEAT SCALE: 7. Twitter banter's usually a 2, but that shirt's a 5 by itself.
April 14, 2015
Oh my:
Texas' Charlie Strong and Texas A&M's Kevin Sumlin both in the last week expressed to ESPN.com a desire to resume playing the longstanding rivalry after a three-year hiatus that coincided with the Aggies leaving the Big 12 and joining the SEC in 2012.
July 23, 2014
Texas coach Charlie Strong on playing Texas A&M: "You would like to see us play each other"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) July 23, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 7. We're cookin' now.
May 27, 2014
Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin on future games w/Texas: "Eventually I think it will happen"
— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) May 27, 2014
May 26, 2014
Texas and Texas A&M are playing again! In baseball. Postseason baseball, meaning they had no choice.
HEAT SCALE: 3. Baseball.
April 25, 2014
UT AD Steve Patterson told us ``unless there is a compelling reason,'' the football series between Texas and Texas A&M is dead.
— Paul Finebaum (@finebaum) April 25, 2014
HEAT SCALE: 2. There's no reason in love.
April 1, 2014
Texas AD Steve Patterson: Playing A&M "not at the top of my list."
HEAT SCALE: 3. /Patterson throws Strong into a cold shower
March 7, 2014
New Texas head coach Charlie Strong, sharing his thoughts on resuming the rivalry: "I'd love to play it."
HEAT SCALE: 11. Whoa, take it easy, Charlie. You can't come on so strong, that's just going to creep them out.
Nov. 20, 2013
A&M president Loftin: "There's no reason why we shouldn't play each other, if we want to. I think (Texas) will at some point in time feel like it's the right thing to do as well, and we'll get there."
Nov. 6, 2013
After Texas hires Steve Patterson as AD, Texas A&M senior associate AD Jason Cook says the Aggies are not looking to renew the annual rivalry: "We hope to play them again in a BCS bowl or Playoff game at some point."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "I mean, if we run into 'em at a bar or something and they wanna hook up, we're totally down. But we ain't looking for a long-term thing. Just wanna keep it casual, ya know?"
Sept. 11, 2013
Texas A&M DB Toney Hurd Jr. takes to Twitter, proclaiming, "Texas A&M is the university of Texas." Then-Longhorns head coach Mack Brown responds to the media: "We are the university in this state, regardless of what some kid tweets."
HEAT SCALE: 2. They just can't let each other go, but man, it's getting nasty.
May 31, 2013
Texas A&M president R. Bowen Loftin: "It's not relevant to us anymore, that's the whole point. It's not an important issue."
HEAT SCALE: 3. "Who? Yeah, I think I remember someone by that name."
April 1, 2013
HEAT SCALE: 0. Wait. Awww dammit, April Fools' got us again.
March 18, 2013
Texas AD Dodds: "They're the ones that decided not to play us. We get to decide when we play again. I think that's fair."
HEAT SCALE: 6. It's not gonna be that easy, baby.
Jan. 29, 2013
Texas State Rep. Ryan Guillen proposes law forcing A&M and Texas to play.
HEAT SCALE: 0. Will you two give it a rest and get back together already. You're all each other talks about, and we're tired of seeing you like this. Jeez.
Nov. 19, 2012
Texas DE Alex Okafor, in the buildup to the Longhorns' new year-end game against TCU: "I feel sorry for A&M. We still have a big-time game on Thanksgiving. They're missing out."
HEAT SCALE: 8. "OH. OH OK YOU FOUND SOMEONE NEW? WELL WE FOUND SOMEONE NEW TOO AND WE'RE DOING JUST FINE." /Texas quickly puts its arm around the first school it can find, which happens to be TCU
May 30, 2012
Texas A&M and LSU reportedly agree to become annual end-of-season rivals.
HEAT SCALE: 6. A&M is moving on with its new life in a new place, but one has to think it's hoping Texas will notice the Aggies' sexy new companion.
Nov. 25, 2011
In the final scheduled meeting, Texas defeats A&M, 27-25, on a game-winning field goal as time expires.
HEAT SCALE: 10. Texas just came over to get that last box of t-shirts and CDs, and of course it turned into a raucous night of love-making, just like the old times. A&M was pretty mad when the Longhorns left an upper-decker before running out laughing, though.
Oct. 15, 2011
Texas AD DeLoss Dodds: "What we have right now is a full schedule."
HEAT SCALE: 1. "I can't on Friday. Saturday's no good, either. Neither is next week. Or next month."
Sept. 26, 2011
Someone creates a "Keep the Texas vs. Texas A&M Rivalry Game Tradition Alive - Drama Free" Facebook page. It garnered only 89 likes and, as we all know, didn't get the pair back together.
HEAT SCALE: 1. This isn't really a spark between the 'Horns and Ags. It's a desperate plea from their friends to give it another shot.
Sadness scale: 10. :-(
Aug. 29, 2011
Report surfaces Texas A&M is set to announce its departure from the Big 12.
HEAT SCALE: 1. It has been a long road together, but after one last big fight over A&M wanting its own space, the Longhorns and Aggies agree that they just don't have anything in common anymore, and it's best to go their separate ways.
Any more?
We'll update this as more of these arrive over time (and they certainly will). Did we miss any from the past?
0 notes