#hostess au
yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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aughgh i was busy all day but here are my doodles from @its-paperd's aggie!! thanks for hosting it you talented little gremlin<3333
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youngbonescomic · 2 months
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cyptic-underground · 1 year
" You're Mine My Little Sixth "
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Took a long while but I'm finally done the comic for my au! (If you see a mistake no you don't-)
Much like in canon, Macaque works for the Lady Bone Demon. In this, however, he gives her predictions from what he can hear of the past, present, and future. Or at least what he can make of what he hears. This means there are a lot of nuances he might not always recognize since it depends on how he's able to interpret what he's hearing. Before meeting MK, Macaque was only able to distinguish Wukong and LBD in his predictions. Only later on after meeting MK, will he be able to understand and give a better interpretion (hence why he's surprised to make out MK's voice in the comic during making the latest predictions).
The lantern he uses was something he already had centuries before working for LBD. Like in the show, she needed it for her great plan but unlike it she knew from the start that Mac had it. She just allowed him to keep in hopes he'd give her a better reading. It didn't.
Predictions don't change, just how much Mac's ability to understand it. This means is even if you ask the same question but the times you're asking are years apart you'll get the same cards you just might know a little more than the first. LBD keeps asking the same question: will I finally rebuild the world the way I desire it? And gets mad when she gets the same response of no you won't.
The cards she gets are: The Death(past), The Devil(present), and The Tower(future) card. Some questions only need insight from the future but her past and present contribute to how her future ends up more specifically I'd say. The Death card talks of imprisonment, The Devil her brief moment of success, and The Tower when she's been defeated in the end. In retaliation of the prediction never turning out in her favor, she takes the lantern since it can be of better use than predictions in her eyes.
I don't what else to explain so feel free to send in asks and I'll try my best to answer them! :D
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honeysunai · 7 months
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part nine - Test of courage
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
Word Count : 4k
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arranged marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three.
You let out a long and bored sigh as you look at a blank paper in front of you. Tamaki assigned you to write ideas for the Halloween event the Host Club wants to host, but your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss and how eager Kyoya was and then returned to pretending you were just classmates. You were angry and yet… You only wanted him to kiss you all over again. 
It was infuriating. No. He was. 
“What about a cult of vampires thirsty for the blood of their guests.” Tamaki explodes as if he found the best idea of all time. Ew. Blood, no thanks. 
“This sounds too erotic even for us.” You chuckle. 
“Well, you haven’t written anything on that paper so I’m giving you some ideas to make that brain of yours work.” He chuckles while patting the top of your hair. 
The door busted open with the twins and Haruhi glued to their side. Kaoru spoke up first. “For the entire week, count us out.”
The mortifying expression on Tamaki’s face made you hold back a laugh. “What do you mean “us”? Why is Haruhi going with you?”
“We have a tournament on Halloween night, a test of courage.” She mumbles as if she thought it was the dumbest idea, it might as well be.
“And she is on our team.” Hikaru snickers. “She is in our class, afterall.” They both dramatically turn around and leave.
“Does this mean we cancel our event?” You ask quite eagerly for Tamaki’s response.
“This means we are going to participate in their little tournament.” His gaze never leaves the trio of second years. You grunt loudly. 
Tamaki’s genius plan was in preparation while you sat on a bench drinking tea with Mori. Your leg was bouncing rapidly out of anxiety.
“You seem tense.” Kyoya said, his eyes still focused on his computer screen. “I can smell the tension steaming.”
“Ew.” You scoff. “I'm not tense," you retorted.
“What's bothering you then? Are you scared?" Tamaki chuckled.
“No, I just don't see the point in scaring people," you mumbled.
Honey took a seat beside you and flashed a bright smile. “It's not just about that. You have a lot of candies too!"
“That's a valid point," you conceded. "While you two brilliant minds work on your plan, I'll make my exit. I've got some personal matters to attend to."
“Why's that?" Kyoya asked abruptly, turning his gaze towards you.
“It's not something you need to worry about," you replied with a quick smile before making your way out of the music room. In truth, you weren't busy at all; all your studies and homework were already completed. You simply wished to avoid the Halloween preparations. As you strolled through the school, you sought out an empty music room where you could indulge in a bit of cello before the next class.
After leaving the music room, you headed down the corridor in search of an empty space to practice your cello. As you walked, you couldn't help but overhear snippets of excited chatter from various students discussing the Halloween preparations. It seemed that the Host Club's Halloween event was generating quite a buzz.
Finally, you found an empty and peaceful practice room. You entered and set up your cello, finding comfort in the familiar strains of the instrument. As you began to play, the hauntingly beautiful melody filled the room, creating a serene atmosphere that provided a stark contrast to the bustling excitement of Halloween preparations.
Unbeknownst to you, a familiar figure from the Host Club had been silently trailing you. Haruhi, who had been observing your interactions with the other members, had sensed your need for a break from the chaotic festivities. She had followed you discreetly, understanding that you preferred solitude.
Leaning against the doorframe, Haruhi listened to your enchanting music. The sound of the cello captivated her, and she was moved by the depth of emotion in your playing. She watched you with a soft smile, appreciating the chance to see a different side of you.
When you eventually finished your piece, you turned to find Haruhi standing there, a gentle and understanding look in her eyes. She didn't say anything, but her presence was enough to convey her support and empathy.
“Be ready, Tamaki is taking part in your Tournament.”
She smiles. “This means you will as well?”
“Obviously.” You snort. 
With that, the two of you spent a little more time chatting, and finding common ground amidst the chaos of the Host Club's Halloween preparations. It was a welcome and unexpected connection that brought a sense of calm to an otherwise hectic day.
On Halloween night
You entered the ball room and noticed the dark ambiance. In the middle you could see makeup and costumes ready to be worn. 
You sigh. “Did you really ask the occult club to help us?” 
“They are professionals afterall.” Tamaki says proudly. “Who else but the Occult Club to know what is scary or not?” He had a fair point. 
You were grabbed by two girls and forced to sit down on a chair. You couldn’t protest before their work started. They Had their makeup brushes ready with pink and white paint. “It’s too late to say no, right?” You ask anyone before the first stroke of white paint touches your skin. At the same time the other girl worked over your hair. Two pigtails wrapped in red ribbons. It felt like forever until you could see yourself in the mirror. You were going to be a creepy little creepy lolitta doll.
“Good god.” You scoff as you look at yourself with your regular uniform, you look silly. 
“Do you not like it?” Nekozawa asked in a grim tone. To be fair, you were a bit freaked out by him and so you lied.
“I love it. I’m just not used to it.” You smile as best as you can, but you look creepy nonetheless. 
“Good!” He smiles. Even if he was happy, his smile was creepy. “We got the perfect costume to fit with your marvelous character. “The cursed doll!” It was like thunder cracked at the same time he spoke those very words. 
You looked in the mirror and couldn't help but feel that you appeared terrifying – and not in a good way. The worn-out pink and white puffy dress you wore was splattered with fake blood in a chaotic pattern. You imagined your mother would have a heart attack if she saw you in this outfit.
Emerging from the dressing room, you joined your Host Club friends in the ballroom. Tamaki, in his dashing vampire costume, looked unfairly handsome. Mori and Honey, dressed as a pair of werewolves straight out of a telenovela, exuded a certain charm. Kyoya, on the other hand, had chosen not to dress up.
With a stoic expression, you couldn't help but voice your frustration. "I hate you guys."
"Don't you look terrifying?" Kyoya quipped with a barely suppressed laugh.
You glared at him. "And don't you guys look cute?"
"Do you think so?" Honey's smile was radiant.
"Why am I the only one overdressed?" You grumbled.
Tamaki, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, smiled as he explained, "You are the dessert to our coup."
"I don't think that's a saying," you retorted. He led you out of the ballroom and into a classroom tucked away in the far corner of the school.
"Stay here until Honey gives you the signal. Here's your script," Tamaki said, handing you a crumpled piece of paper before closing the door, leaving you alone in the dark room.
"Ugh, I hate them," you muttered to yourself, closing your eyes and reading the poorly written script. It lacked any real scare factor. Your best bet was to simply scream at anyone who entered the room or adopt a lifeless stare to unnerve them.
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As you sat in the dark room, dressed in your creepy Lolita costume, time seemed to crawl by at an agonizingly slow pace. The initial excitement of transforming into a terrifying character had given way to boredom and restlessness. Your once-eager anticipation for your role had faded into a growing sense of impatience.
You began to fidget in your chair, the minutes stretching into what felt like hours. The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the occasional distant laughter and muffled voices from the Halloween event outside. The worn-out pink and white dress seemed to constrict your movements, making you acutely aware of how uncomfortable and itchy it had become.
You sighed deeply, shifting your weight from side to side, trying to ease the discomfort of your costume. Your thoughts wandered, and you began to wonder if you were somehow forgotten or if the Host Club's plan had encountered an unexpected delay. The desire for some action or interaction had grown stronger with each passing minute.
Impulsively, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone, checking the time. It had been far longer than you'd expected, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of exasperation. To alleviate your boredom, you began scrolling through your phone, reading messages, and checking social media, all while anxiously waiting for Honey's signal to finally break the monotony of your solitary confinement.
The door creaked open and you looked at who it was not bothering to hide back your phone. 
“This is really not your shade.” Kyoya snickers as he enters the room.
“Laugh all you want.” You sigh. He looked at you as if to say “Oh, I am.”, “What are you doing here?”
“Keeping you from dying of boredom.” He took a seat next to you on the floor. 
“My phone was already doing your job.” You chuckle lightly. 
“You really don’t like Halloween, don’t you?”
"Not really, no," you began, reflecting on your past. "When I was a kid, my parents were so busy with their own lives and jobs that they never had time for Halloween, or even Christmas some years. By the time they started to be more present, I just didn't care that much anymore about the holidays."
Kyoya sighed deeply, and you could see his thoughtful expression as he absorbed the glimpse of your personal history.
As the seconds ticked by, you found yourself pondering why you had shared such a personal memory with Kyoya. It wasn't something you typically opened up about, especially not in the midst of a festive occasion like Halloween. Perhaps it was the quiet and the stillness of the room that had encouraged the spontaneous revelation. Or maybe it was Kyoya's ability to make you feel strangely comfortable discussing your past. Regardless of the reason, you couldn't help but wonder why you had chosen to reveal a part of yourself at that moment.
“Then let’s go.” He said as he grabbed your hand to help you out of your creepy chair.
“I’m going to show you what’s so fun about it.”
Kyoya led you out of the dimly lit room and into the corridor, your hand still in his firm grip. You followed him through the maze-like hallways of the school, unsure of what to expect.
As you moved stealthily through the school, you couldn't help but have reservations about this endeavor. The idea of scaring people had never really appealed to you, and you had doubts about whether it would be as fun as the others made it out to be. But you trusted Kyoya's judgment, and his air of confidence piqued your curiosity.
The two of you took positions in a dimly lit hallway, concealed behind a corner, waiting for your next victim. Your heart raced as you watched a student approaching, completely unaware of your presence.
In perfect coordination, you and Kyoya executed your plan. As the student drew nearer, you let out a spine-chilling, ghostly wail while Kyoya produced an eerie, spectral light using a concealed flashlight. The student, taken aback and startled, screamed in terror before realizing it was all a prank.
At first, you watched with mixed emotions, uncertain of how the student would react. But as the initial shock and fear gave way to laughter and amusement, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and satisfaction. Giggling uncontrollably, you and Kyoya shared in the joy of the moment.
You and Kyoya ventured further into the school, your Lolita doll costume taking on a new persona with each scare. The initial uncertainty you had felt had given way to a sense of exhilaration and a growing enthusiasm for the Halloween shenanigans.
As you reached a more crowded area of the school, you couldn't resist the temptation to continue your mischief. You spotted a group of students engrossed in conversation and laughter, unaware of your presence. Kyoya nodded at you, signaling that this was your next target.
You approached the group with a silent grace, the ruffled layers of your dress swaying as you moved. As you got closer, you unleashed a spine-tingling, ghostly whisper that seemed to echo through the corridor. Simultaneously, Kyoya, hidden in the shadows, conjured a ghostly blue glow that danced eerily around you.
The students, caught off guard by the sudden otherworldly presence, let out a collective gasp and huddled together in fear. A few of them even dropped their belongings in their fright.
You couldn't help but stifle a giggle as you watched their terrified reactions. Some clutched their hearts, while others playfully scolded each other for overreacting. The initial shock gave way to laughter, and you realized that this was the essence of Halloween – a blend of fear and fun.
One of the students, a young girl, turned to you with a mixture of relief and amusement. "That was a good one! You really got us."
You gave a mischievous curtsy, your creepy Lolita persona adding to the theatrics of the moment. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
As you and Kyoya roamed the dimly lit corridors, you noticed a locked door at the end of a long hallway, illuminated only by the faint light of a flickering overhead bulb. It seemed like the perfect setting for a dramatic and hair-raising Halloween scare.
With a shared nod, you and Kyoya decided to orchestrate a chilling performance. You took your position near the door, hidden in the shadows, your Lolita doll costume transformed into a ghostly and eerie presence.
Kyoya, meanwhile, prepared to unleash his talents. With a quick flourish of his hand, he projected a series of ghostly images on the door, each one more terrifying than the last. The ghostly apparitions danced and flickered, accompanied by spine-tingling whispers that filled the air.
Unsuspecting students rounded the corner and came into view, their footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. As they approached the locked door, they spotted the ghostly figures and heard the haunting whispers. Panic washed over them, and they let out a chorus of terrified screams.
In their panic, the students stumbled over each other, desperately searching for an escape route. Some of them turned and ran back the way they came, while others frantically pounded on the locked door, pleading for it to open. The once-crowded hallway turned into a scene of chaotic terror.
You and Kyoya couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as the students fled in sheer panic, their fear evident in their eyes. It was the ultimate Halloween scare, and you had succeeded beyond your wildest expectations.
As the commotion gradually subsided and the corridor returned to a state of calm, you exchanged an exhilarated glance with Kyoya. The dramatic scare had left a lasting impression, and you both couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
You finally got what made this activity so enjoyable, and you couldn't help but share a knowing smile with Kyoya as you continued to haunt the hallways together.
As your Halloween night of spooking students continued, Kyoya approached you with an excited glint in his eyes. "How about a grand finale?" he suggested, a mischievous smile on his face. Curious and eager to embrace the festive spirit, you nodded in agreement. "What do you have in mind?" Kyoya explained his plan, which involved a grand scare that would target none other than the notorious twins with Haruhi. It was an enticing proposition, and you both set off to make it happen.
You ran around the school to find the trio and once you did they were walking to their next trap, you.
You began to move in a slow, puppet-like manner, as if controlled by unseen strings, your joints bending unnaturally, your movements otherworldly. You swayed with an eerie grace, creating an atmosphere of surreal horror.
At the same time, Kyoya cast an illusion of ghostly whispers and phantom shadows that danced around you. The effect was haunting and mesmerizing, and the corridor seemed to take on a life of its own.
The twins and Haruhi watched, transfixed by the chilling performance. Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged uneasy glances, and Haruhi clutched her heart in mock fear.
As the performance reached its climax, you let out another spine-chilling wail, your voice echoing through the corridor. The twins were quite uneasy with you as for Haruhi, she held back a laugh to not mess up your performance. They weren’t moving until you stopped abruptly before sprinting for them, making them run away from you leaving Haruhi alone with you. 
“Too bad I wasn’t convincing enough to scare you.” You laugh with Haruhi.
“I do not scare easily.” She says drying her tears of laughter. Kyoya came out of hiding and applauded you. 
“I didn’t think you’d enjoy yourself that much.” He smiles brightly. A first.
“All thanks to the brains behind the operation.” You applauded him as well.
Later that night as you were taking out your makeup with Renge and Haruhi’s help, the winners were announced by Nekozawa. You were declared the champion of the Tournament!
Gasps of astonishment filled the room as the Host Club members realized the outcome. Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged surprised glances.
"You weren't even participating!" Kaoru exclaimed.
You smirked, "You guys are just sore losers."
Hikaru chimed in, "You're not even a second-year!"
Kyoya, however, simply leaned against a wall with a wry smile. "All I hear is whining from two losers."
You couldn't help but giggle at the banter among your friends, sharing a victorious moment.
After finally shedding the uncomfortable Lolita costume and wiping away the last remnants of makeup, you found yourself alone in the cozy embrace of the music room. The echoes of the Halloween festivities still resonate in your mind, but the overwhelming discomfort of the costume had been left far behind.
Sitting in the dimly lit room, you reflected on the night, your thoughts filled with gratitude for Kyoya. His unexpected and thrilling proposal to embrace the Halloween spirit had transformed a dull evening into a genuinely enjoyable one. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered how he had dragged you into the world of scares and pranks, and in doing so, had shared a unique and memorable experience with you.
The Halloween night had been a perfect blend of fright and fun, of camaraderie and laughter, and it was all thanks to Kyoya's initiative. As you sat in the peaceful music room, you realized that sometimes, the most unexpected and unconventional plans could lead to the best and most cherished memories.
"All hail the champion," a voice echoed in the empty room, and there stood Kyoya, the unexpected partner in your Halloween scare victory.
You couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Only a bow and some praise will do for your champion."
He walked over, the atmosphere filled with a mix of playful competition and genuine camaraderie. His smile was cocky as he leaned against the side of the column.
"So, do I get a prize for helping you win?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a playful challenge.
You responded with a smug grin, "It's my name they announced, not yours, so I'm afraid you don't get anything."
Kyoya leaned in closer, his smile seeming somewhat wistful. "I did help you win, though. I should get something."
With a soft laugh, you placed a hand on his arm and said, "You get the honor of witnessing your fiancé's majestic victory."
The two of you shared a moment of contentment and affection, the playful banter masking the fondness you felt for each other. It was a celebration of your Halloween success and the unique bond you shared.
“I want something else as my prize.” He smirks.
He acted on his impulses, seizing you by the waist and pressing you firmly against the column. His lips met yours with a passionate intensity, a bruising kiss that left you breathless, and you gasped in surprise at the sudden, fervent connection.
His tongue tantalizing teased your bottom lip, seeking entry, and you willingly granted it. Your heads tilted in unison, and one of his hands found its way to the back of your neck, gently bending it to deepen the kiss. A throaty moan escaped your lips as his other hand on your hip squeezed you possessively.
For a brief moment, he pulled back, his breath hot against your skin, and he whispered with a mixture of desire and frustration, "You always manage to pick the worst timing to drive me so, so eager for you."
His lips trailed a scorching path down your cheek, following the delicate curve of your jawline. Each touch was an electric shock of sensation, sending shivers down your spine as the world around you seemed to blur, consumed by the fervent desire shared in this stolen moment.
“Don’t I?” You chuckled briefly. “It just means I’m winning.”
“How so?” He asks not to bother to stop his lips from connecting to your skin. 
“You want to hear my master plan?”
“Do enlighten me.” His soft laugh lights a fire inside your stomach. 
“The more you resist me, the more you want me… Have you noticed how close we’ve become in the last few days?” He stops himself in his tracks to look at you in the eyes with intrigue. “I am winning.”
“Must everything be a competition between the two of us?”
“To get what we both deeply want, it is not an option.”
“And what is it I want?” He smirks as if he could read you all too well. 
“You don’t want to marry me for love and some other reason you refuse to talk about and I don’t want to get married at all, but duty is duty. But you do want me, which makes things complicated for us.” You breathe heavily when his teeth graze the skin of your neck. “So let’s meet in the middle. We can either keep denying each other’s needs and go our separate ways to college hoping to find better matches for us so we both marry for love, duty and what not, or we can give in and have our fun until college and then we find better matches. So you don’t have to marry me and you’ll be out of my hair. Two simple choices, one clearly more fun than the other, but riskier.”
He chuckles when he faces you again. “How so?”
“You’ll fall in love.” No, you would.
“With you?” He chuckles. “You’re pretty to look at, sure, but you get on my nerves too much for me to fall in love.” 
“I gave you our options, it’s your choice. In a way I am not replacing you like you asked.” He crashed his lips to yours, his very own way to seal their deal.
“I won’t lose to you, y/n.” He whispered before his lips met yours once more. 
“Neither will I.” You moan against his lips before you were picked up and carried on one of the pink velvet couches. He pried your pants off gently as his lips were still glued to yours. It was happening… You’d finally have Kyoya the way you wanted him ever since last time he kissed you. 
He moved between your thighs and took his sweet time to kiss and nimble on both of them. 
“You always assume I have better self control than I actually do.” He whispers before taking your underwear off. “I’m no better than any other man when it comes to you.” He smirks before dipping his head between your thighs. You huffed out a loud moan when he licked a stripe up your folds, before plunging his tongue right into your dripping heat. You snatched at his head, pulling his hair as your hips shifted against him— his nose nudging your clit.
He moaned against your cunt— the vibrations making that coil in your stomach tighten. He squeezed your thighs, running his tongue up your folds and swirling it around your clit, repeating this action a few times. You felt like you were in a dream, Kyoya pleasing you as a reward for your victory... or for his own pleasure. It didn't matter, he had accepted your deal and you were more than happy to give in to the tension between the two of you.
You felt yourself drawing tight, a thin sheen of sweat gathering across your bare skin. “Kyoya—” You came with a moan of his name, your hips stuttering against his face. You felt him groan beneath you, tongue working you through your orgasm.
After a long moment, Kyoya hovered over you. You smiled hazily at him. He hummed, pressing his mouth to yours. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
You could taste yourself on his lips, his tongue. You hummed a response, too busy stroking his cheek, feeling your own arousal sticky on your fingers. He pulled back briefly. “I won’t lose to you.” He repeated like it was an oath and you believed him for a split second.
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sea-lanterns · 5 months
no but now i'm not sure which girls would wear the maid uniform and which would wear the butler uniform D:
They can wear both! Who said the genshin girls had to stick to just one kind of clothing? They can swap around outfits depending on how they feel :D
Imagine Beidou in a maid dress while Ningguang is in a suit. Beidou’s maid outfit allows her to show off her muscular calves, while Ningguang’s tight suit allows her to show off her slim, endowed figure 😍
I like both outfits tbh…they’d look good on any genshin woman!
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lazypiechi · 2 months
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Вышло странновато х)?? У меня нет сил это доделывать :____
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violetsmokes · 9 months
Macaque has trained Bai He to sass Wukong. Example:
SWK: They charged me for being to cool.
Bai He: The charges were dropped do to insufficient evidences.
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pinklikeroses · 2 years
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Forgot to post these here earlier!
An au where Macaque finds an abandoned LBD hostess as a baby and she’s his daughter now💗
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"orange suits you better than black Mr. Monkey king!"
"of course it doesn't, black is Macaque's color."
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youngbonescomic · 8 days
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CHAPTER 5 | Oil in the Furnace pg.9
I got carried away heuhue
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honeysunai · 2 years
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part seven -  The Fantasy Ball
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Word count : 4K
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arranged marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three.
Monday finally arrived and you were on a mission– Renge was on a mission to find you a prince charming of a boyfriend. In a medieval gown, it will be quite hard to do so, but worth the shot. Tamaki insisted on wearing medieval attire to fit this week’s theme and you took way too much time to prepare in the school’s bathroom because now you are late for the club activities. You tripped a few times on your red gown making your way to the club. 
The door was already wide open and you heard snickers from the inside then two voices spoke up. The Zuka Club’s main members, Hinagiku, Suzuran… Why on earth are they at Ouran Academy? You can clearly hear your former classmates trash talk in their fancy way the Host Club. It’s then you hear that suave voice, you could recognize it from everywhere. Benibara… You were her former flame, the first person she ever loved and tried to pursue senselessly. You liked her praises and her affection towards you but it wouldn’t ever work out between the two of you.
“— The notorious Host Club.” That made your blood boil. That’s why it would’ve never worked out between the two of you, she’s so full of herself and her Zuka Club. She loved women, but she loved her club and theater so much more.
“Beni that’s enough.” You finally made your entrance into the ballroom. 
“Ma chérie.” She’s holding Haruhi into her arms, but never leaves my gaze. 
“The theater is on the east wing of our school… On the first floor. You must’ve missed the map by the main entrance.”
“Perhaps.” Her laugh is dry. “We were leaving with our newest member, Haruhi.” The boys behind you loudly gasp, you exhale angrily. 
“Excuse you?” 
“She’s been mistreated by the lot of you in the Host Club, we the Lobelia Girls, will take care of her at once.” 
“Beni, you can’t just take our students.”
“Haruhi will be treated better at our school.” With that she grabs the other girl in the Host Club and exits the room.
As they all leave the room with your club’s secret member, Tamaki loudly gasps and yells for them to come back. 
“What are we going to do?” He’s frantic. “We need to save her from those Lobelia girls!”
“Look, one thing I learned about her is that she’s capable. She will find a way to get out of Benibara’s grasp. “She’s not as helpless as you make her feel.” You brush off Tamaki’s angry gaze. “Right Renge?” 
“She’s right! Haruhi will be fine, besides she has the final say in the school transfer and her father too. Without both agreements, she won’t go anywhere.” You were surprised at how accurate she was. 
“We can’t stay here and do nothing!” The blond teen passed around the room at an incredible speed. 
“If that’s all me and my dear y/n are going boyfriend hunting for the day!” Renge’s grip on your shoulders was hard and urgent. “If we see Haruhi, we will sweep her off her feet and send her back here.” It wasn’t a promise, but it reassured Tamaki as we left the room. You didn’t even care to glance back at Kyoya to see if he was watching you leave, you felt his cold stare right into the back of your head.
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The garden next to the soccer field wasn’t too crowded, so you and Renge sat down on the grass to look at the boys on the team. 
“Number 5 is rather handsome. His father is Pierre Beaulieux, a French lawyer who works for your father in his France firm.”
“Nope! No one who’s close to my parents.” 
“Number 26 is studying business because both of his parents are real estate agents.” What is the catch with this one? “But he maybe wants to quit the family business.” There it was. “So that’s a no.”
“How do you know so much about the boys at our school?” You laugh.
“I have ears everywhere my friend.” She giggles.
“What about this one?” You looked over at one boy reading on the bench in the garden. 
“That is Sasaki Koichi, he wants to be an author. His mother is a  big time celebrity agent. He’s handsome, but not my type. He’s very well spoken and is single.” Perfect! “He’s perfect!” You stood up and carefully made your way towards the very handsome boy. 
“Babel : Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution, I heard it’s a great book.” You smoothly (at least tried) start the conversation. “It’s on my ‘to read list’.” He finally looks up and smiles. 
“Can I help you?” He seemed confused as to why you were talking to him. 
“It’s kind of my way to get the courage to come talk to you, sharing the same love for books. Because you’re cute and smart.” You wanted to die at this very instant. He nods and chuckles.
“That’s the first time someone’s honest with me like that.” He scoots a bit and lets you take a seat next to him. “I’m Sasaki Koichi.” He smiles.
“Y/n L/n. I’m not that forward usually.”
“It’s cool, I like it.” He chuckles. “I like your boldness.” 
“Well then, I think you looked really handsome while you were reading.” You added.
“You were pretty cute too, laughing with your friend over there in the grass.” He admits.
“So I wasn’t the only one looking?” 
“I guess not.” He smirks and you shiver. He was really charming. He was perfect, truly. He made easy conversation and listened carefully to what you had to say. It’s like you were seen when you spoke about books you liked. You talked until the school bell rang for your next class. 
“Do you want to hang out next lunch break?” He says as he’s packing his stuff in his backpack.
“I can't, I  have club activities.” You groan remembering you’ll have to see Kyoya and Tamaki being frantic over Haruhi getting kidnaped by Benibara. 
“I can come see you.” He smiles with his full teeth. 
“I’d like that. It’s in music room number 3.”
“I’ll see you then!” And with that he leaves you to return to Renge who’s already squealing like a pig.
“See! Day one and you found yourself a future boyfriend.” You blush and punch her arm lightly.
“He’s coming to the club tomorrow.”
“Even more perfect!” She hugs you and proceeds to tell you all about tomorrow's plan.
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The day after, Haruhi is still safe and sound as an Ouran student just as you predicted, but Benibara and her harpies are still hanging around the campus because of their week-long show in your school.
“You look prettier than usual… What’s going on?” Hikaru asks skeptically as he takes in all of you. 
“True. She even put some new gloss on her lips… Strawberry.” Kaoru snickers as he pulls out the tube of gloss in your bag.
“You idiots!” You scowl both of them. “Don’t touch my stuff!”
“A pretty boy caught your eyes.” Kaoru kept going and his brother followed his steps. 
“Or a pretty girl?”
“Good god…” You groan. “Oh my pretty flower’s got a crush!” Tamaki chants in and you want to die at this very moment. “I wonder who he or she is? He’s going to have to go through mommy and daddy first!” He says proudly and you can’t help but burst into laughter.
“Who’s who and who?” You 
“He refers to me as mommy and he’s daddy.” Kyoya snorts. “Usually used when he speaks about Haruhi.”
“I definitely see more Tamaki as a mommy and you as the daddy,” You start with a hint of flirting in your tone. “but then again looks can be deceiving.” It was a low blow even for you he huffs. Mori comes over to pat you on the head and smiles.
“You do look pretty today.” He simply says and you blush. The rare words he spoke, especially to you, were kind and most of the time referring to your beauty, but you blushed everytime like it was the first time.
“Okay hosts!” Renge’s theatrical voice rings from everywhere in the room, yet she’s nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and a stage slowly lowered from the ceiling. ‘What the fuck?’ You thought.
“That was hidden there this whole time?” You asked Mori and he shrugs. 
“Today’s theme is the Fantasy ball.” The stage finally is settled and a whole wardrobe of epic fantasy clothes are shown. “In our school, the amount of high fantasy books that are read through the library has spiked through the roof by 80% from last year's data.” She starts. “We will host a ball in honor of the Faerie Queen, y/n.” She points at you and you gulp in fear as if you haven’t heard all about it yesterday. “You will all be loyal servants to the Queen and serve her hosts.” She proceeds to state their roles. Hikaru and Kaoru the romantic bards. Honey and Mori as the charming archers. Tamaki and Kyoya as the queen’s mysterious knights. Haruhi was a beautiful prince from far away lands. 
The whole plan was to get Haruhi more popular so she could pay her debt faster and keep the most popular hosts in reserve while you were the center of all the attention. 
“That’s…” Tamaki starts and you're afraid he’s going to refuse as if you had time to change the theme. The guests are about to arrive. “Fantastic! I love the idea, why haven’t I thought about that before?” He slaps the top of his head in annoyance. “Everyone get ready!” We all rushed to the wardrobe and picked our outfits that Renge chose for us. You got a beautiful long crimson red silk dress that hugged your curves in a loving manner, gold threads embroidered in the laced long sleeves. It was a revealing dress, showing a little more cleavage than school rules. Renge finally puts the golden crown that looks like stag antlers on top of your head and walks you over to your throne. 
“You didn’t even have 24 hours to do this, how did you do it?” You were in awe at the stage she had put up, with the wardrobe and everything.
“Just say thank you.” She smiled and went over to the ballroom door. “Are you all ready?” She practically yells. Your two knights stood beside you and you swore under your breath. They both looked so hot in their red armor. She opened the doors and it was like a tsunami, hundreds of students entered at the same time into the ballroom. Music that felt like you were in a real fantasy started to play and you felt oddly at ease. “I welcome you to the Queen’s ball.” Renge announced before presenting our characters. 
“May I help you ser Ootori?” You glance up at Kyoya who already had his eyes on you. 
“You look nice.” He smirks before gazing in the distance. “Your highness.” He adds and it makes your heart skip a beat. 
“I know.” You reply foolishly, making Tamaki snort. 
You saw deep in the crowd Haruhi dancing away with multiple ladies. Your plan was working so far, now you just need to wait for Koichi. You were really eager to see him, you thought it clicked between the two of you. The large doors opened once more and it was him! He was in awe from all the theatrics of your club, how could he not? It wasn’t long until he noticed you, you were indeed the Belle of the ball, the main event! He was escorted by Renge herself to the stage where he giggled when he finally got in front of you.
“I didn’t think the next time I’d see you, you’d be the faerie queen of the music room number three.” He chuckles and so do you. 
“I promise it’s not as extravagant as this all the time.” Tamaki coughs next to you. “Scratch that, it is always this fancy, I’m just not the main event.” You hid your face behind the fancy feather fan Renge literally tossed at you earlier. 
“May I ask the Queen to dance, then?” He politely bows before you and you blush at his manners.
“She is to remain on her throne.” Kyoya’s tone is dry and sharp. “You may ask another partner in the crowd.” Your head snapped towards Kyoya because you were shocked about his reaction.
“I’ll dance with you.” You tell Koichi, standing up by yourself and taking the hand he held towards you.  As he led you to the dancefloor, you looked back and pulled your tongue out to Kyoya. Tamaki’s head snapped to his friend in shock as if he knew… As if it finally snapped in place.
Koichi carefully places one of his hands on your hips and the other gently holding your hand. He then takes the lead and starts dancing in the crowd of people, twirling you around. 
“So what’s this club?” He asks looking around still not able to figure out whatever he’s thinking of.
“It’s a host club, we entertain the students by charming them and making them smile.” You were honest about your club, you had no shame in it. 
“I thought you’d be more into the music club instead of this one.”
“It wasn’t my first choice, trust me.” You spin around and meet eyes with Kyoya. “Pride took over.” Maybe even jealousy. 
“I chose the literary club, but it’s kind of a bore when none of them want to share their experience with the others in the book they are reading, sometimes I feel like I should’ve chosen my second choice.”
“Which was?”
“The soccer team.” He chuckles and so do you. 
The entire lunch break you danced and spoke with Koichi like you’ve known him forever. You almost forgot all about your worries, it was only the two of you giggling like idiots and talking about your common interests. When the bell finally rang, to your discontent, he kissed the top of your hand before returning to his preoccupations as were the crowd of ladies. Renge didn’t miss a second before rushing to your side, squealing like a pig.
“I told you this was going to work! Have you seen Haruhi? She got so many more guests than usual and maybe 80% of them chose Haruhi as their new favorite host!” You were in shock that this part of the plan actually worked so much.
“That’s great! You’ll have to tell Kyoya all about it so he can recalculate Haruhi’s debt.” As soon as the words fell from your lips your eyes wandered to Kyoya heading to the changing room already half of his costume taken off.
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Kyoya ignored you the entire day and the day after. You were stuck in science class with him and he didn’t say a word to you other than the politeness to ask for you to move out of the way so that he could use the microscope. You tried to engage in a normal conversation, but he was cold and insistent that he was not interested in anything other than what you were both studying under the microscope.
You wanted to tell him that he would be free of you in a matter of weeks if it goes well with Koichi that you’ve got the chance to hang out with this break earlier during your club activity again, but he didn’t want to hear a word you wanted to say. It felt like you were nothing to him, not that you ever were, but it still hurts.
The day after he also ignored you, the calls and the texts all left on read…
You spent your dinner breaks in the Music Room with Koichi while you were accomplishing your duties as a Host and you loved the way he was an easy talker, he would laugh at all of your jokes and engage in conversations about your club, genuinely interested.
You were going to confess to him today! You had to, the earlier the better! You paced around the garden waiting for Koichi, you sent him a quick text to meet you there. You were anxious, you wanted to throw up right into the rose bush. Were you really going to do this? Going behind your father’s back to find yourself a match, ruin the family plan to create another… Were you crazy to do so? Probably. You couldn’t think straight. All you were thinking about is Koichi and his short and perfectly placed black hair and his smile.
“Hey y/n.” A tap on your shoulder is felt and it was him! You weren’t prepared for him to be here this fast. He’s completely taking you off guard. 
“Hey Koichi, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to see each other more, because I kind of like you– I mean hanging out with you and I…” You were rambling over your own words, even when he was confused about what you were asking him. “I’m asking you out on a real date, with me.” You finally spit out the words you were chewing on for the last thirty seconds.
“Are you serious?” He snorts. “No.” It was flat and humorless. “You’re just a host. It’s your job to find more guests and to make me smile and to sway me with your words.” His words hurt you deeply, he thought you were using him, but you really enjoyed his company.
“Koichi, that’s not what it’s about… I like you.” His laugh is dry. 
“We both know it was just for fun, it meant nothing more than to pass time during our breaks. Besides, I didn’t think you were serious, I was just another guest.” You were angry at his reaction. “You’re serious.” It was like lightning struck him and he chuckled sharply. 
“You’re being mean.” The trembling in your voice only meant that you were on the verge of crying. 
“Don’t be like that. You had to know that this felt like an act, because in class you look like the most unapproachable girl in this school.”
“Stop it.” You had tears in your eyes, you were fuming. 
“You should try to smile more often, people might want to talk–”
“She told you to stop.” A deep voice is heard behind you. "Apologize." Kyoya. You look behind you to see his tall figure walk towards you, slowly, as if he was giving Koichi time to run away. 
“Or we will tell the school director that a certain someone is stirring some trouble for a defenseless girl.” Tamaki’s gentle voice rings behind Koichi. You snap your head around and see the rest of the Host Club with him. They do have a way to make an entrance. 
“Guys, it’s not what it looks like.” He was afraid of them, afraid of what they might do to his reputation. They were the most popular and successful of this school, both them and their families.
“Is it? Because you clearly made one of our honorary members cry.” Hikaru speaks and you notice that you were in fact crying. “And we don’t appreciate it when one of our friends cries.” He adds.
“You can understand that right?” Kaoru smirks.
“Now apologize to her and get out of my sight.” Kyoya’s voice rang like thunder. 
“I’m sorry y/n… It was rude of me.” He spit out not even daring to look you in the eyes. “I misinterpreted your intention and hurt you.”
“It’s fine Koichi.” You mumble. You were ashamed and drained. He doesn’t wait before he dashes away from that encounter. Everyone rushed to your side to see if you were okay, but you took a step back from everyone. You were angry and so, so sad.
“What is wrong with you!” You exploded. The boys took a step back as you raised your voice at Kyoya. “Thank you for being there for me guys, but Jesus… It was already embarrassing enough, I didn’t need the entire Host Club to witness me getting my heart broken for the thousandth time since school started!” You were crying again. Kyoya’s hand reached your shoulder but you pulled away. “You keep denying me, you don’t want nothing with me, but when I try to find someone you have to get in my way! I was going to explain to him how I truly felt and that it was just a misunderstanding, it would’ve been just fine after that.” He was shocked at your burst out. 
“He clearly wasn’t interested in you.” He starts and you laugh. You felt hysterical. 
“That makes another one on the list.” You scoff. “I guess I am nobody’s cup of tea and I just have to accept a loveless marriage.” You wanted to scream and shout every profanities known to the world at that very moment. Kyoya opened his mouth to speak. “Leave me alone from now on.” You walked past crying your heart out. A strong hand placed on your shoulder, you spin around ready to slap Kyoya right across his stupid face but it wasn’t him. It was Mori. “I’m sorry guys, I’m quitting the Host Club. I just can’t do it anymore.” He let go of you and you rushed to the bathroom, hoping no one saw you. 
You stood in front of the mirror looking at your messed up makeup and your red eyes.
What was wrong with you?
Why couldn’t you be loved the way you wanted…
Why couldn’t he love you?
Renge’s words echo in the back of your mind: “You’re enough!”
You were. Maybe not for everyone, but you had to be for you. Because it mattered more than any boy's attention in the world. Koichi wasn’t true to you, he wasn’t genuinely interested in you like you thought, but it doesn’t matter, you still have your dignity… What’s left of it, that is. 
You took a good look at yourself in the mirror and wiped the messed up makeup, the tears and all the troubles away with the cold water from the sink.
“Screw it.” You tell yourself before exiting the bathroom and walking towards your locker to put back the Host jacket and putting on a cardigan the same color, you did in fact quit the club, so it wouldn’t be appropriate to wear the uniform that comes with it. You close your locker door and gasp when you turn face to face with Honey. 
“What an idiot.” His high pitch voice says unamused. “That Koichi is a complete idiot.” 
“Figured that out by yourself?” You snort, but he doesn’t find it funny. “I’m sorry… I just don’t feel like talking to anyone right now.” You admit and he smiles brightly. 
“Well I’m not anyone, I’m Honey Senpai who brings sweets to sweet ladies.” He pulls out front his back a plate with pancakes on it. You raised an eyebrow.
“You think you can have your way with sweets?” 
“It’s Korean sweet pancakes.” His voice was melodious as if he was baiting you… You grabbed one of the pancakes and his smile became wider. You took a bite out of it and it tasted as you remember, soft and chewy with a delicious filling made from cinnamon, brown sugar, and chopped walnuts. “There, there.” He pats the top of your head. “Now would you come back to the club?”
“No.” You say sharply between bites. 
“I thought you would be fooled by the pancakes the school chef made.” That was his plan all along to bait you back into the club and it almost worked. 
“It takes more than that to make me change my mind. Besides, I’m pretty sure I made a fool of myself in front of Koichi and the club, I don’t think anyone would want to talk to me ever again.”
“I would.” He melts your heart. With only that you wanted to change your mind, but it would be too hard to face him again. 
“I’m just really sad right now, Honey. I– I don’t even know if I want to go back.”
“It’s okay. I get it. If that’s any help, we don’t blame you for yelling. I for a fact, don’t.” He adds as you both start walking to your next class. 
“You don’t get it.”
“Sure Kyoya’s been a jerk a few times, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. When we heard you crying, he was already out of our sight, by your side.”
“I guess the secret is out.” You rolled your eyes.
“You were pretty obvious with it.” You snort. You guessed you were. “Look, Kyoya has never been a big theatrical guy like Tamaki, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or love like any other human being.” His gentle touch on your shoulder sparks something deep in your heart and you welcome his touch. 
“Well he hasn’t given me the time of the day since the moment we met... When he does get closer to me, he yanks himself back and we’re back at square one.” You sigh in annoyance. 
“You don’t know him well, then.” With that he leaves to his class. You don’t know him well… It’s true. You wanted to know him, but he kept pushing you away every time you got too close. That’s what it would only be, pulling and pushing… pulling and pushing…
A/N : I promise this is the last of the depressing chapters! Were hoping unto the spicy and angsty train next chapter. I wanted some spicyness to this chapter, but it didn’t fit with the original idea of it, but yeah... Next chapter is going to be happier, more fun and I guess spicy in a way and a lot for y/n who’s figuring out her love life.
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sea-lanterns · 5 months
Lisa yae EI in a fucking suit serving me tea…I think I’d cum on spot
Just thought of something funny.
Ei: Who spilled cream on this seat?
Miko: I don’t think that’s cream…
71 notes · View notes
redysetdare · 11 months
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So when i first watched pacific rim a few years back and it became my fav movie i decided to do it the honor of merging it with monkie kid....
So anyways I made a pacific rim au and i still think about it a lot haha
Designs above are Red Son + jaeger pilot suit. The hostess (no name for her yet), Mei + jaeger pilot suit and MK + jaeger pilot suit
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Day of the Departed - Alternate Ending - The Unforgotten AU (Chapter 1)
As Morro walked back to his podium in the Hall of Villainy, he contemplated the events of the night.
When he had awoken in the mortal realm, in a museum no less, his mind was flooded by memories that were not his own as he cast his eyes around the darkened room, taking in the sight of the enemies from Lloyd Garmadon's memories.
"Who, who are you?" Samukai had asked, and rather than make himself a target by introducing himself he returned the question, prompting the villains to gloat in their introductions and forget him beyond his presence.
Good, Morro thought, he had no doubt that the enemies of the Ninja would not appreciate meeting the son student of Master Wu and he had no intentions of making himself a target - not if he could help it.
Someone had brought them out, someone who had released four souls from the, now half/dead, Cursed Realm that wandered in a daze, in a closed off section of the Departed Realm, and one from the Departed Realm proper who was free of the Preeminent (part of Morro wondered if that had been on purpose or if the person who had summoned him hadn't known that he had been allowed to exist in the Departed Realm, fully detached from the Cursed Realm).
Either way, the night had turned out well for what he had saw of it; the Ninja had been warned, Master Wu looked well and now he had a story to tell Sensei Garmadon when he got back to the Departed Realm.
Garmadon, the older man had found him, collapsed on the grounds of the Departed Realm after the defeat of the Preeminent; they had both been allowed to enter the Departed Realm, they had both been freed of the Preeminent.
Morro had been sure he would have awoken in the Cursed Realm, bound by the chains that once held him that then held Garmadon, in the room made for the Preeminent's favorite prisoners, her favorite children, her favorite dolls; the room where she molded them (him) to her liking till they were willing to serve her.
At the time, Morro had been both sorrowful but glad to be free of that room even if it ment someone else (Garmadon) would be held under the strict surveillance of her "loving hand"; now, however - gone from her influence, he wondered in revulsion at how tightly she had him in her proverbial grasp, he wondered and despaired at how he had gotten so selfish, in how he had first ended up in the Cursed Realm.
He had wanted to be the Green Ninja, he had wanted to make Master Wu proud, he had want to prove that his father Master hadn't wasted his time on him, to prove that his Master had good reason to keep him around, that he was needed, that he was necessary, that the years of training hadn't been in vain, that he could be the hero Master Wu was so desperately searching for.
How had he lost all that, how had he become one who would desire to see the destruction of the world.
But in the end he had given back the Realm Crystal, and now he had set the Ninja on the right path to save their friend.
It wasn't much, and in Morro's opinion, it would never be enough, but it was what he could do.
Approaching his podium in the museum, Morro wondered at what Sensei Garmadon would think about the nights events, no doubt, the Master of Wind thought, he would receive a poke to the head from the older man's staff for his antics - just as he did when he awoke in the Departed Realm.
Leaping onto the podium Morro prepared to grab his sword, prepared to return to the Departed Realm before he heard a sound like someone muttering as they dragged somthing heavy.
Morro could have sworn that the voice sounded familiar, just older, after forty-one years the age wouldn't be surprising.
Was it any of his business what the museum staff did on their time, no, but perhaps it was his curiosity that lead Morro to get down from his podium and investigate.
The figure was just around the corner, deeper into the Hall of Villainy, hidden in the shadows, the box he had been pushing lay open beside him.
Morro couldn't tell what was being said and he didn't want to risk invisibility with his false body.
Whatever had been in the box was almost completed as the the figure raised a sword different yet similar to Morro's own Departed blade.
Getting as close as possible, Morro heard the words, "just enough yin energy left" as the figure placed the blade in the hands of the sculpture that had been in the box before quickly making an exit, an exit Morro wished he, himself, would have made sooner as the sculpture came to life.
Each Realm could be considered a room, yet the Preeminent was the room, because of this, she had needed a way to travel amongst herself so as to properly interact with her prisoners.
This was a form highly feared, highly hidden and rarely spoken of, the memory being one that many hoped would never see the light of day but now she stood before Morro in all her terrifying visage and the Master of Wind did the only thing he could do.
Quick has the wind he commanded Morro flew out of the Museum and took off for Yang's Temple, Master Wu's Water Ninja would be his only hope, for while he could not see her, Morro knew that the Preeminent was not far behind him.
Reaching Yang's temple Morro could see the Destiny's Bounty getting tossed around by the unnatural wind as the Earth Ninja battled the ghost of Sensei Yang.
Grabing the wind around him to stabilize the flying ship, Morro quickly dove for the deck of the Bounty.
"Master Wu", Morro shouted, Morro could hear the Ninja's exclamations at his sudden return to their midst but his eyes could only flicker between his old Master and the world around him as he search for the form of his once jailer while working to keep the Bounty stabilized.
"Morro", Wu questioned.
"I need the water ninja", Morro rushed.
"Not on your afterlife", the Fire Ninja said in return, while he and the others pulled out their weapons.
"Morro", Wu questioned again.
"Please", Morro was desperate, "she back, she back and she'll drag me back, I can't go back, I can't. Please Master don't let her take me. I take back what I said, I do want to be saved. Please, don't let her take me."
Morro was on his knees, he was begging as Wu reached for him, were he not a ghost, the Ninja were sure that tears would be dripping down his face.
"Morro, please tell me, who is back?"
"The Preeminent."
And as if waiting for her que, the Ninja heard a shrieking scream that pierced the night and a figure garbed in stained white, a figure like a pale green shadow, like a woman dranined of her blood, appeared before them, her many snake like arms a stark contrast to the four normal seeming arms that held a blade not unlike the ones that the Ninja had seen their enemies weild all night - her midnight hair, as long as she was tall, covered her face and not a single one of them desired to see what laid beneath.
"Morro", Wu said, his voice hushed, eyes refusing to leave the threat, "get to the rift".
"What?" the young ghost exclaimed in a half whispered voice.
"Get to the rift", the old master continued, "if the worst should happen then the rift might be your only hope."
"Go", turning to Nya, Wu continued, "Nya!"
"On it Sensei", thus began the Ninja's battle.
Morro flew, still working to keep the Bounty steady in the unnatural wind, looking down however, Morro could see the fighting between Yang and the Earth Ninja had come to a close. Eyes sweeping between the closing rift and the all the Ninja, Morro dove down to Yang's Temple.
"Earth Ninja", Morro called out, casting furtive glances at the desperate battle above, "your Master seeks your return to the Mortal Realm."
"Morro", Cole exclaimed.
"Morro", Yang spoke, "I had thought your summoning rather odd, you were properly allowed into the Departed Realm, you are detached from the Preeminent aren't you?"
"Such questions are beyond this limited moment, Yang", Morro's voice displayed his panic, "your magic has brought the beast back to the living world."
"What is that", Cole shouted, now noticing where the shrieking had come from.
"Yang", Morro continued, "this is your magic!"
Yang's eyes were wide, he knew what he had done, he just hadn't expected someone to take such ambitious advantage of his spell and the ambient yin energy of the eclipse.
"Yang", Morro shouted.
The old Sensei could understand his panic.
"The rift", Yang said, now desperate to make himself understood, "the eclipse is ending and the rift is closing along with it, once it's closed the spell will nolonger be able to sustain her in this Realm. The two of you must go through the rift, the extra energy it will take to return you both to the living will dry up the well swiftly enough that your friends should be able to cease her violent presence."
"Wait, both?" Cole at this point was thoroughly confused.
"Yes, both", Yang said, "you need not fear him Cole, for his soul to have been where he was in the Departed Realm, he would have had to earn it. Now go, the both of you."
"What about you?"
"One must remain behind as the Master of the House, at one point, it was to be you, now I give you back the freedom I stole, Morro, quickly before she takes notice."
With a nod, Morro grabbed onto the wrist of the Master of Earth and swiftly gathered the wind to pull them closer to the rift, that their arijitsu would be able to take them the rest of the way.
"No, wait", Cole protested at the thought of leaving Yang behind, but activating his airjitsu, Morro tossed Cole into the rift and followed close behind him.
On the Bounty the battle raged; even with the winds steady, it was difficult to stay on their toes. It seemed that for every victory the Ninja got, the more vicious the battle became.
Then beyond the Bounty came a flash of light as the last two souls entered, the rift closing behind them, the winds breaking free of Morro's control in his transformation, the Preeminent was frozen as the last of the yin energy that sustained her in the living Realm was sapped before Nya was finally able to drown her.
The world seemed to hold for a second before the feedback of the closing of the rift shook all who were close by; the Destiny's Bounty spiraled as Nya struggled to keep it from crashing.
"Is everyone alright", Misako asked as she and the others disembarked from the Bounty onto the floating land that held Yang's Temple.
"Nothing the tightening of a few screws won't fix", Zane said.
"I'm okay, Lloyd said before asking, "where's Cole".
"And Morro", Wu seemed to whisper.
"Oh, no", Jay said.
"Did he make it", Nya asked.
"He was too late", Jay said with a gasp, "he's gone forever, I'd give anything to have him back".
The silence of the group voiced their agreement in full, then a familiar voice spoke.
"Anything", the voice asked.
"Anything", Jay confirmed.
"Even the Sonic Rader Jet", Cole said as Morro's wind brought them to a landing before the Ninja.
Stepping back as the Ninja swarmed their friend, Morro could see Master Wu's eyes upon him, he ducked his head.
As a ghost it had been easy to play the part of the mischievous but helpful spirit, radiating confidence with every word, the demeanor of one who had nothing left to lose, Morro's interactions had been simple, but now he was alive; the wax form he had been placed in was flesh and blood, his heart beat in his chest, the wind nolonger blew through him but now granted him his first breath of life in forty-one years - he was alive.
And he was terrified.
What did this mean for him, what would it mean for him.
Here he was in the midst of those he once fought against, those he had just helped - but that didn't mean anything, it couldn't, there was still far to much he had to make up for.
And that thought froze him.
Morro didn't doubt that at least one Monk in the Cloud Kingdom was laughing at him.
Grandfather First Master help him, that was it, wasn't it, in death he had escaped the consequences of his actions (the excruciating pain of the water not withstanding - nither the trials) now he could once more wander alone as he did all those years ago or he could stay and face the pain he had caused.
Morro lifted his eyes and his met those of Master Wu's, in the end there really was only one option.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to take baby steps towards the whole thing.
Morro sat by the doors of the newly restored Temple, a ways away from the Ninja and their campfire, a plate of simple oatmeal sitting half eaten beside him.
The metal man Nindroid, Zane, had instructed that he and Cole were to be slowly reintroduced to more complex flavors and textures at the speed he allowed them so as not to shock their newly restored systems.
Glancing at the group, Morro could see them all huddled with their families - Lloyd Garmadon not having left the Red Ninja's side all night, his eyes would swiftly look his way as if worried the once ghost was preparing an attack before returning to the group.
A voice spoke behind him like the whisper of the wind.
"You could join them; I'm sure Wu would be pleased", Yang said, his words ringing true.
"The others wouldn't be", Morro replied.
"You'll have to talk to them eventually."
"Then let eventually come; I'm in no rush to hurry it along."
"Something else troubles you."
"... In the Departed Realm, I had been traveling with Sensei Garmadon, I'm ..."
A red lantern was placed beside him.
"A tourist left this here for me, however, I have no need of it. They say that the lighting of the lanterns was how we were able to send our well wishes to the departed. It would be nice to see it put to good use."
Morro took the lantern in hand, holding it a while he thought, then where the lantern had once sat, there was now a small lit tea light.
Morro thought a moment longer before picking up the tea light and lighting the lantern, it's soft glow warmed his face, then he let it go, the lanterns of the Ninja followed close after.
Sensei, Morro thought as his eyes followed the light, I'm in the Living Realm, I'm with Master Wu, I was able to help his Ninja and now I'm alive once again. I don't understand why I was given this gift instead someone more worthy, instead of you, but I'm here and I promise to be better then the kid that landed himself in the Cursed Realm. Happy Day of the Departed, Sensei, I pray my message finds you well.
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cyptic-underground · 2 years
More doodles for sitcom au
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Red, MK and Mei all have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of subjects
MK I find would have the most trouble out of the three of them with his classes, but mainly struggles with Math and history
Red and Mei help him with what they can, Red is definitely the better one for help than Mei though she understands emotional cues a lot better than he does
It's a team effort to tutor Mk!
However they all suck at English
Tang tutors them for English and later on maq would come in to also help with it too
Mac would also help Mei and Red with any sort of artistic type of class, mk doesn't need his help there
Also also - I am currently living for Mac's and Bai He's dynamic in this au!
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Bai He was apart of LBD plot in this au
But since y'know no magic system, she wasn't LBD vessel Bai He was someone she used to get control of the law firm
Mac had planted false evidence in the owner's office and Bai He was used as a way to make everything seem more legitimate basically
Mac after everything with LBD actually went out of town because he needed to get things in order to live a more stable life and kinda just needed to think things out without damaging the main crew
He meets up with Bai He after he settles back down in the city
Mk has been the one to let him know she wanted to see him, he felt too guilty to visit her on his own merit
It just started off with him taking Bai He to the park occasionally, buying her things when they went out or her visiting the theatre he runs
Eventually Mac started getting more and more attached, though he wouldn't admit it
Bai He would ask to stay at his apartment sometimes for the night, with permission from her caretaker and it evolved into her coming over after school for a couple of hours
And after mac found out her caretaker didn't pick her up from school or when she stayed a little longer at his after school, he began talking the initiative to do that instead (grumbling to himself about how incompetent the caretaker was)
He slowly began noticing that Bai He was staying longer and longer at his place after school or how the caretaker's contact was never in his call logs when he had given Bai He the phone to call them so they knew where she was(he was at least semi-responsible)
Or how he wouldn't hear Bai He's voice talking to them even with his sensitive hearing
He didn't take note of it at first, he didn't really think it was anything out of the ordinary when she was only staying an extra hour or two
He used to stay out late when her was around her age
Plus she wasn't hanging outside like kid him was, she was inside his place and he interacted with her caregiver enough when he brought her home for them to have his number incase they didn't know
But then she started asking to stay the night more often, like it turn from once a week to three times
and her short stays afterschool that used to be an hour so he could help her with homework turned to staying closer to supper time
And then it started to slowly turn to be her staying until it was closer to seven, which made the alarm bells start really going off in his head
But he didn't ask Bai He right away about it, Mac wanted to give her the chance to tell him without him prompting the convo(also he was a coward-)
He would ask her questions like "are you sure your caretaker is alright with you coming over so often?" And "did you make sure to notify them that you're staying the night?" Bai He would answer rather quickly which made it even more suspicious but he held his tongue the best he could
Soon enough though he was getting fed up with it all, like he wasn't upset at her but he was becoming increasingly worried about her since Bai He's actions were reminding of what he used to do with SWK when they were younger
(he used to do the same thing to avoid going home and he's worried that Bai He is in the same situation)
One day he gives her his home phone to call them to ask if she could stay over, he went into another room and peeked in to see her pretend to put in the numbers before putting the phone down and going to the couch
When Mac joins her he asks what they said and Bai He replies quickly as usual
Eventually though, after he tells her he saw her pretend to call and a lot of tears, she comes clean
Mac talks with the caretaker the next morning and, after getting a verbal okay from Bai He, discuss him becoming her caretaker instead (she was basically living in his apartment anyway so why not make it official)
He signs the papers and she moves in officially
Mac doesn't tell the others, especially not SWK, that he adopted Bai He at first; he doesn't tell them until he's sure she's settled in and comfortable with him being her guardian yk incase she changed her mind about him
He would've been sad if Bai He didn't want him as a caretaker anymore but he would've accepted her decision
Anyway I think Mac and Bai He would pull some pretty awesome pranks together! Helped by the fact mac has access to a plethora of stage costumes to really do something
Halloween is their favorite time to do this
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pinklikeroses · 2 years
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Dad!Mac again
Woke up in a bad mood and finished this to cheer myself up
Ft. Baby Bai he
Abandoned Monkie gets attached to abandoned baby💗
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