#i was thinking I was going to like all the dunmeshi characters more equally
woolydemon · 7 months
i was on the fence before but yes.predictably my favorite is indeed chilchuck. <- stated by guy who is apollo justice fan
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llycaons · 4 months
im actually more in the mood for dunmeshi rn. okay! lb time
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yaad not being able to taste but still picking up on texture and temperature, and senshi taking it as an opportunity to encourage him to get back into tasting things...🥺🥺🥺even if you can't do everything enjoyable related to something, there's usually something you can do at least partially to get some of the experience. that's how I read this. it's a very optimistic, kind, and supportive outlook
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the 'raised like brothers' line has led a lot of sibling woobifiers on here to write really melodramatic angst posts about uwu big brother delgal and how thistle loved him soso much and just wanted to keep him safe, and I don't doubt thistle DID love the royal family and DID want to keep them safe, but he was brought to the court to act as a servant and in this scene you can tell they're hardly acting as equals in the sense that most brother relationships today are. this is a monarch and his loyal subject. people have GOT to take into account political and social contexts for relationships I swear to god...sometimes things aren't entirely relatable to you and sometimes they're complicated. royalty had childhood companions 'given' to them all the time - the power differential still existed. the royalty was still raised to rule and the companion was still expected to serve. thistle himself knows and commits himself to this - he doesn't seem to view the royal family as his own personal family, but rather as his (possessive) responsibility and obsession. it's a really interesting and unique dynamic and it's so annoying when all people get out of it are '🥺🥺🥺 brothers🥺🥺🥺' like can you guys shut up for a second I'm trying to think
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I think it's cute that senshi calls chilchuk 'chil' and 2. they run so sillay in this scene
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I remember this scene being WAY far into the manga. wow, we are moving right along! the pacing on this show >>>>>
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laios almost going into panic spiral and then turning to marcille bc he trusts her and respects her magic....I love best friends
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jkaskjahkd. all EXTREMELY reasonable questions for a major character and it's quite hilarious that laois and chil are like 'hm...we don't actually know'. laios being like 'we never had time to ask' is obvious bullshit bc they've traveled together for so long but honestly I'm with him. I didn't need any senshi backstory. I was perfectly content with him being a semi one-dimensional old guy who just lives in the dungeon and loves to cook and feed people. but the author is better than that so here we are
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disquiet-dream · 4 months
Brain making a connection between two things.
So: I was thinking recently about both ttrpg characters that are fragile but not expendable, and exploding dice
The first is because I saw someone ask what game to use for dungeon meshi and like. I mean at a base literally just pick any OSR game with the standard theming and add hunger and cooking stuff.
BUT the fact that healing and revival are so easy in dunmeshi does change the dynamic, since like…
The characters are not at all the super strong damage sponges of a lot of things, but they also are hardly likely to die permanently.
So again: fragile but not expendable. You're probably going to be playing the same character the whole campaign, but they're also going to get fucking destroyed fairly often, they just get better.
And for unrelated reasons, I've been thinking about exploding dice again.
For context, exploding dice are like, instead of "you roll a high number and a big thing happens" it's "you roll a high number, so you roll another die. If that rolls a high number too then you roll ANOTHER die, ad infinitum".
Which is like, in theory similar to a normal critical, but there's a very specific feeling to having to pick up a whole new die to see just how big this number is going to get .
But it does introduce the problem of not only having more randomness, but inconsistent randomness.
It's like…
(actually this got too long, putting a cut)
So you have your bell curves (e.g. 2d6), where middling results are more likely than either extreme. And you have your flat lines (e.g. 1d20), where every result is equally likely, so it's less predictable.
But exploding dice are like, an existing flat line or bell curve, except you can get double or triple or even quadruple (in very rare cases) the typical result.
Which is cool, but again, not only more random but inconsistently random.
Because like, a lot of games are you have, say, 20 health, and the average attack does ~5 damage. So you know that while the reality might be more or less occasionally, you can probably take around 4 hits before going down, and you can plan around that.
And even in like, the typical OSR game it's like, you have 3 health and the average attack does ~2 damage. One hit probably won't kill you, but you're very aware it can and two almost certainly will, so you plan accordingly.
But I've seen complaints that explosions can end up at like...
You have 20 health, and the average attack still does do 5ish damage, but sometimes you can get really unlucky and suddenly it did 10, or 15, or even - rarely - all 20 at once. And you can't plan with that assumption in mind, because it's too rare for you to be scared of it all the time, but it can still happen.
So yeah, not just random but inconsistent, in a way that can create cool moments but can create frustration too.
...And this got long so I'll put what was suppose to come next in a reblog.
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