#i was thinking abt how whenever tubbo uses they for sunny i get so happy and then i thought abt enby sunny
terezicaptor · 7 months
just imagined a scene in my head and im. ohhh
sunny coming out as nonbinary to tubbo and shes super nervous. shes like "ummmm pa i have something to tell you. i dont think im a girl"
and he's like "oh? do you wanna be a boy?"
and she's like "ummm no. i think im maybe neither. i think im just sunny. i wanna still be your daughter and stuff and use the same name and pronouns and junk but i dont think im a girl"
and he hoists them onto his hip and boops their nose and he's like "well that's alright, poppet! you'll always be my minecraft egg"
and she does a big exasperated sigh at him but hugs him anyway and she feels so happy.
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