#i thought about this and was like ohhhhhhh ohhhhhh
terezicaptor · 7 months
just imagined a scene in my head and im. ohhh
sunny coming out as nonbinary to tubbo and shes super nervous. shes like "ummmm pa i have something to tell you. i dont think im a girl"
and he's like "oh? do you wanna be a boy?"
and she's like "ummm no. i think im maybe neither. i think im just sunny. i wanna still be your daughter and stuff and use the same name and pronouns and junk but i dont think im a girl"
and he hoists them onto his hip and boops their nose and he's like "well that's alright, poppet! you'll always be my minecraft egg"
and she does a big exasperated sigh at him but hugs him anyway and she feels so happy.
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istherewifiinhell · 16 days
scheduled hopefully for appropriate insanity causing hours
304 cant believe everyone in gin.tama just lives like this. the. speech convictions dramatic childhood flashbacks promises lifestyle. not just for main characters i guess (is this guy the shogun.....)
yay yay yippppppe the guys. yay ayay yippeee flashbacks. DONT DIE.
kaaaaaaruga. always suspected. if i understood her more id be obsessed. Confirmed. 2 second in pulling that. i was waiting for ur weakness bullshit. BEAT UP UR OLDER BROTHER. (<- comma. gay? ) kagura born on this planet.... half a second of taka.gin grappling could sustain me for a life time (gin puts his hands on him to throw him) hey fellas i know this is the Sword Penis show but have u considered going at it meg.op. style. for me?
omg baby flashback leftest infighting. sugi ur not the most oppressed person in the world u know. well u would say that scholarship baby zura. diddddddd they shape each others ideologies like that. where they reading theory together as shitty little kids -> well prob not this show but lets indulge
oh right gin former. ghost eating thing. showing up to the school yard beef with a real sword.
HI SHOU.YOU. HI. his little pogchamps
loveeee how they do the blood in this show looks like velvet, alll dark shimmery. also the editing. wooooo.
bushido speech. this shit is cool actually. also leon.ardo the ninja turtle would love it (03)
zura giving him fooooood oh no. little. verbal redirects of kindness transparency
NOOOO SUGI beats gin for the first time clip NO NONO SUGI LAUGHING SLOW MO CLIP (already tearing up)
ahhhh the position of the school and the attitudes of the backgrounder kids actually very affecting and interesting isnt it.... shou.youuuuuuuu the man(thing) that u are....
ep. 305
theeeeee babies. the babies.... the babiest guys. so so charmedddd by them charmeddd again by how. unexpected? maybe. sugi and zura stick together.... the remainers..... kidtoki why are uuuu such a perfectly cromulent. thing. little. video game character ass look. perfect. shitty cool affect. wanna pinch his little cheeks 10/10 letting this kid be the leader of the playground gang.
shou.youuuuuu shou.youuuuuu. such a. believably. man with his complexities but hes being around children so (friendly voice) 'thats right. what do you think' sooooo. yeah immediately believes 100 thousand percent he means everything he says so truly yeah i probably would get. horrible weird trauma give the givens too
THROW THE SWORDS AWAY YAYYYYYY. flashback. ohhhhhhh sugi. i little. weird bitch (said in. desperate scrambling fondness. i love the things that are wrong with him)
gin boots are so hot...
SOMEONE INTIMATE TO CUT AND CURSE!!!!!!! ohhhhh babes (what could i possible say abt it that hasnt been said) well i hope they fuck themselves to death about it
fightscene styles gt vs tf <- place holder i left for myself. that will be extricated to a diff post.
gin scrambling in the blood and dirt under all the promises he has given his loved one. YES BABE. thats exactly what ur supposed to be going
ohhhhhh godddddddd the fucking beheading scene back to back from both of their perspectives oh jesus fuck oh hell. im going to. cut and curse at someone else. i guess. THANKS HIM. THANKS HIM FOR IT. (crying) cool. thats normal. i feel normal about the man (shou.you)(gin)
what the fuck. oboro real? thats fucked up. THATS WHO TAKES THE EYE? (knew this techincally) WHO THE FUCK IS OBORO. (am seeing him) why is he a grown ass man i thought he was a kicked dog of a boy.
SUGI. SUGI YOU DUMB BITCH (loves him)(loves intractable positions)(loves the emotional incommunicability of reality)(loves an emotional confliction you can never resolve and just have to die about) he did it to save u fucking losers. cause his fucking teacher dad man asked him too. and thanked him for the service. ohhhhh u miserable fucks
why did you SAVE US. say it like that. damn.
oh youd do anything. youd kill shou.you. youd kill sugi himself. just to save the student your teacher loved. okay. okay. jesus. so you are the same. so your exactly the same person. your saying things that dont even make sense youve both lost any plane of reality cause you cant separate the things youve lost from the things you have. the very people youve saved are now reflected in those youve lost and youll both kill them to keep them alive. okay. no yeah thats fine cool lol.
(i guess sugis version would technically be said in reverse, you cant separate what youve have from what youve lost and the very person you lost are reflect in the one who saved you. and to keep him alive (crying gin.toki) youd kill him)
and MOST IMPORTANTLY. because you are the same person. you see yourself in him and him in yourself and u cant figure out where you end and he begins and your diametric opposed mirror reflection goals that lead you to taking. the exact same actions. okay. lol. OKAY. lol.
Tumblr media
id alt. im always saying this. or even just. Why is Oboro.
ep 306
heyyyyyy kagura! hiiiiii. youre not dead yay! hi. older brother. youre still here.
squints ohhhh these are. the cops? mayo man and. is this the other canonical gay sex haver or. (only has the normalest of second hand knowledge)
'if im just gonna end up as fertilizer anyway, i dont care if my path there is paved by roses or thorns.' damn dude. get out of the fucking. whatever ur in. and go become a metal music lyricist. what the fuck
oh shin.pachi. ur in this show.
googling. cant figure it out. whoever this green zombie bitch is sounds familiar. wish he had a name or smth.
damn there really is space in this show huh. thats crazy thats crazy. planet of the big hats vs planet of. umbrellas? anyone wanna watch space military anime.....
shogun 'i will protect the country were my friends live' what kagura said abt the planet. 'and to fulfill that goal, you'll even endure the deaths of your friends here?' gestures at the shou.you trolley problem. wow. that is tidy. good job recursive gin.tama
why do you grip that broken sword. you killed your teacher. you battled your friend. - my enemy is right here. WEVE NEVER CHANGED. weve all been fighting our own selves. ill stop him. even if it means having to kill him. but im also the one who understands how he feels better than anyone else
ohhhhhh gin. tama. ohhhhh gin. toki. i love u. i love u so much for just. saying insane thesis shit. like. yeah! YEAH OKAY! yeah thats. making out sloppy style with the narrative theming <- what do i mean by that.
be it killing him or protecting him. their both my job (gets so hard i pass out)
gin: says the most homoerotic twisted identity shit ive ever heard in my life that rests solely on. how unextractable gin. and sugi both are from each other due to. their love of shou.you. and thus. reflectionally. each other. oboro: his students are burning with hatred. <- IS HE STUPID?
and second question. upon reflection, looking at this grown ass man thing. do we have a classic ninja turtles adult beefing with teenagers situation. please tell me yes i will roast this man to shit.
(sugi also say gay twisted identity shit) [impact image font] we are. we are going to beat you to death.
[ending bumper comedy thing] u cannot deny their commitment to the bittism. need this shit for my annoying nitpick continuity fandoms. yeah no it was cause he pooped his pants. he shitted and farted.
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aroanthy · 6 months
everyone reading atr for the first time vs me who read it for the first time three years ago and has been insane about it ever since. (guy who loves the painting motif) the paintings!!!!!!! also i think it’s neat that akio and ruka die again even if juri’s chapter is a bit wobbly wrt dunking on that guy. i dont consider it canon in the strictest sense, primarily bc if touga was 37 years old before he had an ounce of growth it would kill me, but i think its ideas and messaging are largely scrumptious. i deeply enjoy the baby-utena-spectre thing and the utena-prince thing and how transparently and directly the stuco’s perceptions and understandings of who utena was have shaped them; in turn, how that has trapped some remnant of utena in ohtori, as ‘prince’. also shout-out anthy bc the way she functions in atr ohhhhhh it makes me crazy. what chiho saito says about not seeing an aged up utenanthy about seeing only a previous form of themselves that maybe isn’t all that real at all, ohhhhhhh it’s incredible 10/10 no notes on that front for me. we’re still storytelling within ohtori and that is sososososo important. it’s not as good as the movie manga imho, but atr is like. it just holds a special place in my heart for being such a compelling and mixed bag of Stuff. great food for thought. i think everyone should read it honestly im baffled that people are choosing not to
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Ahsoka "Shadow Warrior" Liveblog
*biting nails*
Okay first off, really? That's the title we're going with? Lol Filoni. Okay.
Open on Seatos, okay.
You know it just occurred to me? The long lingering shots we're so fond of, and the deliberately relaxed pacing are very animesque.
Theatrical serious anime, I mean.
In particular I'm thinking of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, which liked to diverge from the plot to just kind of wander through shots of the environment, for atmosphere purposes I guess.
Wonder if that or something similar was an influence on Filoni's directing style.
The woods also look very ethereal.
Hi Hera!
Frick Jacen is still so precious. I love him. So much.
Oh! Oh this music cue right here reminds me a lot of a specific part of "Sabine Sees Ezra".
God, how much death has Huyang already seen? How many Jedi has Huyang had to say goodbye to?
He misses the Order so much. *sobs*
Friiiiiiiiiiiiick the World Between Worlds looks so GOOD in live action.
Rosario finally channeling a bit of Rebels!Ahsoka here.
"Tell me what's going on." Well Ahsoka I think the Force is personally whacking you over the head with the Vision Stick to make you get over yourself.
Oooh Ahsoka flinched when Anakin ignited his saber.
Leia mention! Eeee!
Jacen is totally Force Sensitive, of course. Can hear the lightsabers, either the lingering echos from the fight, OR, he can hear into Ahsoka's vision.
Anakin being super extra of course.
Yeah, so with this transition this is definitely a Force Vision, not the actual World Between Worlds. This is almost exactly like the transitions in Ezra's visions in the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
Is this one long TCW reference?
I feel like it's gotta be.
"We lost so many." Yeeeeeah, that'll happen in a war. It sucks.
Ohhhhhhhh I am going to have to reblog ALL THE META about these scenes, aren't I?
I just know TCW fans have got a million thoughts centerfuging in their brains right now about Anakin, about his relationship with Ahsoka, about the long shadow he cast over her formative development.
Outside the vision and the X-wings are sweeping, looking for...? Ahsoka I guess. Because that's what they're going to find, eventually.
Also Hera, come on, you saw Ezra phase through a solid rock wall, people can absolutely disappear into thin air.
Chopper being a grouchy sassmaster as per usual lol.
"Within you will be everything I am." THAT IS NOT REASSURING ANAKIN.
Oh yeah, yep, I'm not going to be capable of being normal about this, I need ALLLLLLLL the meta from dedicated Anakin girlies on this one.
Frick, his eyes went yellow.
Hayden is making this look effortless, amazing.
Ohhhhhhh and the pathways are dissolving, something Force Weird be about to happen.
We're exiting the vision lol.
Jacen: *smiles*
Oh yeah no, this episode was VERY heavily styled after some theatrical anime director, I will bet money on it.
Frick, Jacen playing with Chopper is the cutest shit ever.
Yeah no, the height discrepancy between Rosario and Mary still bugs me.
Hello Rosario can emote, lol.
~We're gonna follow the purrgil, we're gonna follow the purrgil.~
Teva is carrying this scene lolol.
"Okay. But you're not gonna believe me."
"How the whales took Ezra and the bad guys far far away." SOBBING, BLUBBERING, NO NOTES, CAN'T TALK.
Well this part is definitely Miyezakian.
Ahsoka looks so much happier and more content. *sobs*
Lol the "HO BOY" look on that Rebel commander's face.
Aw man, this is the kind of wonder and disbelief and awe that Lothal must have had in the finale.
Living legends. Like magic. Come to save them.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
With how well you write the Squad and how much you made me love their non-existent totally canon bond I couldn't help but think about Shisui, completely tired and wrung dry, pulled thin between the Hokage and his clan, one day just... Letting it all out with the Squad. He can't keep going like this anymore, and besides he already trusts them with his life, so maybe, he thinks, maybe he can trust them with this, too, right?
I just love the idea of the Squad finding out about all the shit going on with Shisui. And maybe Shisui doesn't even ask for their help, he just needed someone to vent to, but they immediately decide that they're going to act in some way to help Shisui
Ohhhhhh now you've done it, anon... My brain is....
AUs of my own AU about dynamics that barely/didn't exist in canon lmao but what about different Whump/angst fics about the squad finding out... Maybe shisui travels back and starts screaming and shit, the squad burst in and it's all horror... What about if shisui came back missing an eye and tried to hide it because it was stolen in the future and his Genjutsu over it fails and omg the EXPLOSION that would happen, the squad would FLIP....what about if Shisui's death happened only for him to come back to life from a fucked up version of Izanagi... What if one of the Squad had demanded answers when they were in the vault... What if Tenzo had pushed for why Shisui's deathly afraid of the Naka.... What about nightmares, what if shisui came back and thought it was a Genjutsu or the afterlife and scared the fuck out of the squad ...ohhhhhhh
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clumio · 5 months
I love Maestro. I would die for them. Thank god
DIEGESIS?????? Big day for liberal arts majors
Everyone is serving CUNTTTTT
Ruby my beloved.
BEATLES FROM WISH. THE FUCKIGN. IVE GOT A DOG….this captures early 60s music so well im going to cry
Ruby and the Doctor are already so joined at the hip I would die for them
This storyline is kinda fascinating…said it before but Maestro fuckin devourssss
“The world is darkening” lol dark crystal reference
SUSAN MENTION ??????????????????????
So when is the doctor gonna mention that he was lowkey The Killer. There’s guilt under there simmering
TRUDY. Ohhhhh Ruby. Babygirl. I love lesbians
I think the most jarring thing about Doctor who episodes nowadays is how glossy they look generally because of the general improvement in camera quality but man I can’t get over it. Noticeable since like 2014 but still
Play that shit Ruby‼️
Oh hi arpeggio laugh. How are you connected to the toymaker mx maestro. Ok can I just say again they are so cunt
Sooooo. Toymaker -> distortion of vision. Maestro -> distortion of sound. Ohh the dots. These bitches are trapped in a fucking tv show for sure
Oh hi wink at the camera okay.
the fucking What. The Pantheon. Ohhh girliepop. “It tore my soul in half” ohhhhhhh. I need to map this out
“I was born in 2004” Ruby being younger than me….bro
What the fuck is happening genuinely ALSO ashes falling from the sky -> snowflakes. Something’s there im telling you!!!!
Again I am fascinated at this being framed as a a reboot of the series because this is not an episode I would show to a beginner. I’m fascinated. Hmmmmm
SAXON THEME? RUSSEL YOU FUCKING LIAR “we won’t be seeing more of the master” SHUT UPPPPPP
“The only thing it can do is take us back to 1963” ohhhhfghfhf the opposite of the first ever season. That’s fascinating
“I thought that was non-diegetic” DIEGESIS MENTION AGAIN?????? Oh girlie i know it’s a joke but oh my god?
“Playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians” okay‼️
OHHHHHH. That’s a classic Murray Gold doctory song OHFHFBCNCNFUCKK HOLD ON THR SNOW+CAROL OF THE BELLS hi ok ok ok.
This feels very exposition heavy in a way that is uncharacteristic
VIOLIN MENTION RAHHHHH. I will ignore the fact that they aren’t doing any bowing or fingering correctly
I need ToddInTheShadows or Sideways to get on this shit expeditiously
Okay musical number?????
Why is that child there.
Boom better fucking deliver
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Our beloved Ohsama Sentai planned to reveal Gira's deception in spectacular fashion... but of course, freakin' Jeremy had to come in and steal all our thunder! That jerk is yuckin' it up in his narration, acting so smart and tough. Who does he think he is?!
...well, that's partly why we're here today~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-"I'm the king, dum-dum. I can do whatever I want."
-Noooooo, Himeno!
-You've gone too far this time, Spiders Jeremy!
Yanma: Yes, we know about the King-Ohger book. It's only the foundation of literally all organized religion in the world. Jeremy: Oh cool, then you'd be happy to know that I wrote it all down~!
-Damn, okay I see you King-Ohger.
-I don't think we've had a (proper) Sixth Ranger be genuinely and consciously villainous since Mikoto.
-I suppose it's fitting he's white, black, and gold on a story involving an alternate Earth.
-...of course, I'm counting my chickens a bit early, so...
-He was biding his time, that Jeremy.
-"Whoa, what!?"
-I see Rita's never heard of Rip van Winkle.
-I'm going to be feeling a lot of things about Jeremy, aren't I?
-Hi Dezzy, sorry I thought you blew up last episode.
-Morphonia, hello~!
-Just like Racules, eh?
-We now have a whopping three antagonistic factions all at the same time in the 12th episode.
-"Duuuuude, spoilers! Sheesh, just give me a headcanon, eh? :3"
-"I headcanon you as a menace to decent society."
-"See, now you get it~!"
-Read between the lines~!
-Man, these ski-lift chairs must be really disorienting to sit on.
-He got us.
-The Thundercracker?
-"Give me the spider boy, bee boy."
-Holding a little lady hostage, eh Racules?
-Suzume, Suzume... I'm not sure what manner of bee she'd represent, but
-N'Kosopa~! Lie detection~!
-Damn, okay!
-"So like, are you supposed to be killing me?"
-Jeremy Brasieri. A little over 2000 years old.
-I have to imagine what it's like to see them live.
-"Not bad, you sure know what you're doing~!"
-Okay, guess it's Himeno's turn to analyze
-Rita's screms give me life.
-They kidnapped him.
-"My, you're scary~!"
-I see Himeno changed her hair back.
-"Oh is that all~?"
-"You are the Spider Man."
-Well, he's got the sass, the powers, the Anti-Venom/Spider Armor Mk. 1 color scheme...
-...speaking of which, I plan on seeing Spider-Verse 2 Part 1 soon.
-The way he's both a storyteller and playing literally everyone around him is also definitely a send up to Anansi, from the West African Akan people's folklore.
-Jeremy the Spider Man.
-Help us out, Kaguragi.
-"I'm a bigger liar than you, spider boy!"
-Well, he's definitely got the moves. I'd expect nothing less from him
-"Come ON, dude~! You've gotta know~!"
-"Jesus Christ, you people SUCK at this!"
-I really like this silhouette art-style.
-Very puppet theater-y.
-Quite literally. Spiders Jeremy.
-"Yeah, I can get behind peace :)"
-Pan icon Jeremy Brasieri.
-...I feel very personally marketed to by Spiders Jeremy.
-"...did I just make friends? ...I guess I did~!"
-Hello Dezzy!
-...I guess he says no.
-...ohhhhh, his jingle
-His transformation
-This character is everything now.
-"See you later, I suppose."
-I swear my fealty to you, my king.
-Ohhhhh, that's a tarantula.
-A big one too.
-...I am feeling many things.
-I think they're good things?
-Idk man, Sixth Rangers are just
-The most effective marketing tactic of all time
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casnonotbcofspn · 1 year
my opinions on oppenheimer in case anyone cares. there will be spoilers.
Good parts of this film:
-Cillian Murphy. At the end of the day he is a good looking man. 
-Florence Pugh. At the end of the day she is a good looking woman.
-Bonus point - we get to see both their tits.
-Mad cinematography. It was epic. Very Nolan. 
-I liked the non linear story structure and the format of the film, organised around the questioning of two different people and their flashbacks explaining their answers. It was a bit smarter than I expected in that regard.
-Emily Blunt is an amazing actor and acts amazingly in this film. Her scenes were really a highlight for me. Her performance was so genuine and seeing her tear down the twat interviewer like that was great. And her outfits were great.
Bad parts of this film:
-The bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed at a minimum 100,000 people. The bomb at Hiroshima detonated over a hospital. 93% of the doctors and nurses in Hiroshima were killed by the bomb, leaving the survivors of the initial blast at much greater risk. Due to disorganised after these attacks, the exact death toll is unknown, but it could have been over 200,000 people. People in those regions of Japan continue to suffer increased risks of cancer, miscarriages and infertility, birth defects and abnormal brain development. It is impossible to know how many people died as a result of their injuries and sickness from these attacks in the 80 years that have followed. 
-In the film, we see a bowl fill up with marbles as they mine more uranium to build these bombs. What we are not shown is the fatal birth defects that animals and humans in the areas of the US surrounding the uranium mines used by the Manhattan Project.
-In the film we see Las Almos, the supposedly remote and uninhabited site where the nuclear bombs were worked on. Except it wasn't uninhabited. People lived there. The land, owned mainly by Hispanic and Indigenous homesteaders was seized by the US government. The homesteaders were paid around $7 per acre of land. They had no choice. They were not informed of what was happening. They were not warned about the Trinity Test. They were not warned not to visit the test site until a month after. That area of South New Mexico still suffers elevated risks of cancer and economic hardship as a result of the nuclear program. The people in these communities have spent the past few years begging the creative team for Oppenheimer to acknowledge their suffering, at least in some small way. Shockingly, Nolan was too busy playing with dynamite in the desert to give a shit about human life and reply.
-You may say that the film is not telling that story, that the film has no obligation to real life, to history, or to the massive impact of the Manhattan Project on the world. To that, I would say "The truth is, I thought it mattered. I thought that music mattered. But does it bollocks - not compared to how people matter." Art is meaningless if it has no respect to people, to humanity. 
- But the film does respect some people's humanity. Oppenheimer's in particular, of course. I went into this film expecting it to be masturbatory of the life of Oppenheimer. What I did not expect was for the writers and directors to metaphorically stick Oppenheimer's dick out of the screen and force me to wank him off too. Let me give you a short summarisation of the film. Ohhhhhh Oppenheimer you poor ickle wickle baby misunderstood oh nooooo you tried to kill your teacher (NOT REALLY ADRESSED ALSO?????) but you're just sooooooooo troubled because you are such a genius and oh those mean government people persecuting you for being a communist - BUT DONT WORRY HE IS DEFINITELY NOT A COMMUNIST IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM - ohhhhhhh your poor man the world is against you and oh isn't it sad that HE felt sad about the bombing of thousands of civilians. the big problem here is that HE is sad. oh pooooor Oppenheimer we must give him a blowie to make up for all his suffering :(((((
-Oppenheimer consistently shows little to no remorse over the potential danger of the bomb until after it is dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But then, he only feels bad when he imagines it being dropped ON WHITE AMERICANS!!!! Oppenheimer was not a lost child or a puppy of some description who accidentally made the nuclear bomb. Pull your head out of your fucking arse.
-The film is also rife with historical inaccuracies, which is perhaps not so relevant when I complain about the lack of bonnets in the Netflix adaptation of Persuasion, but much more important when we are discussing one of the biggest films of all time that millions of people will watch which somewhat claims to be semi autobiographical and carries a light documentary tone. The inaccuracies range from innocuous to downright misleading and malicous. The worst part is the constant re-asserting that developing and dropping the bomb was neccesary for the world. It wasn't. At one point Oppenheimer even claims that dropping the bomb is necessary because regular people are so stupid that they will not understand the dangers of nuclear weapons until it lands on their heads. This film actually argues for dropping nuclear bombs AS A NUCLEAR DETERRENT. At this point I wished to hurl a heavy object through the screen in cinema. If you want more details on the necessity of dropping the bombs, and the story around them, I would reccomend Shaun's YouTube video on the matter.
-Those are my more serious complaints. In regards to more petty and artistic complaints, here we go. To start with, the film is THREE FUCKING HOURS LONG! With the ads and trailers I was in the cinema for THREE AND A HALF HOURS. About two hours into the bloody film I was beginning to contemplate if I would ever be free of this american military wank off, since the whole part of the story I was even vaguely interested in was already fucking over.
-The cast was... too stacked. Too many famous people. I don't care. I didn't need to see Rami Malek in a one minute cameo where he picks up something Oppenheimer drops and then randomly defends him years later. WHY? WHY DOES FREDDIE MERCURY NEED TO BE HIRED FOR THAT ROLE???? I can only imagine why this film was SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE. I am sure even the most invisible extras were multi-millionaire influencers with a merch line and herbal tea subscription service.
-There is also a female scientist character who Oppenheimer initially hires after she faces sexism applying for jobs. Then ten minutes later HE FIRES HER and sends her back to her husband??? Why was this mini sexism portion relevant? Why did we need to add more time to the already outrageous run time? Why was this even brought up at all WHEN IT HAD NO CONSEQUENCE TO THE FILM AT ALL???
Christ I need to stop thinking about this monstrosity masquerading as a movie. Please don't fall for this blatant American Military propoganda. It's not worth your 3 hours or the eight quid you'll end up paying for cinema tickets. Touch grass, tell someone you love them, fucking scrub the streets of Bradford with a toothpaste while people vomit on your skull and it would be a better use of your fucking time. How about we make some interesting movies about non war criminals, Hollywood?
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eclecticrecap · 7 months
Grandmas house.......
For context; Back in 2020, we had spent the holidays amongst the walls of the house owned by my grandmother, now this was during the OCD spiral, and now I'm not talking about washing hands more than 7 times, nuh uh, I'm talking about a terror of the color red, cannot touch the upstairs or else your loved ones will die or leave you. Do NOT touch the weird lumps in granny's weird carpet or else your friends will leave you and abandon you for not typing in all caps when responding to their fursona ref sheet or else you are a terrible person. CANNOT PUT ON CLOTHES BECAUSE ITS SO HARD TO DO THAT WITHOUT REPEATING THE SAME ACTION BECAUSE THE BRAIN TERMITES SAID SO. OHHHHHH YOU CANT SHOWER WITHOUT INTENSE ANXIETY OHHHHH NOOOO OHHHHH YOU CAN"T SLEEEEP AT NIGHT AND CANT SLEEP IN A BED SO YOU AHVE TO SLEEP ON THE FLOORS OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO
So for most of this spiral I was using blankets as robes and painting all night nocturnally. Also ate peanuts and started having an itchy throat and swollen lips and the only thing that prevented me from worse was me throwing up said peanuts. But, this spiral made it hard for me to really like being here, especially in a healthy state of mind because my granny is usually out of her gourd if in a bad mood, such as, her oven door having a feature where it can come off, and discovering this whilst yelling at a 13yo grandson accusing him of ruining the oven whilst showing me at 13 her 20yo receipt for said oven to tell me how much it costed. But, there was no other option, and i had just descovered my gender, bleached my whole head, got a wolfcut, thought it would save my life, discovered anime (to a detriment) but hey! I'll get over it, sure the cats might all hate eachother but by July? We'll be moved in, my brain termites won't let me shower here, but i'll figure something out, I got a love for boba, and The Bread Bank.......
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fandom-panda · 7 months
Liveblog-ish Dimension 20 Fantasy High S1 Ep12 & 13
(time stamp of slightly after what im talking about) my thoughts/questions/reactions. just so its easier for you to read/know what im talking about
ep 12(10:30) i can’t believe that grogug thought he was his own dad. that really do be a nat 1 result lol
(15:30) idk the names of half of the players are but i love how riz’s player is helping ally with how to play
(22:20) akshdjsh “we think therefore you die”
(1:31:00) omg fabian on his motorcycle gOING UP THE STAIRS
(1:57:00) im so proud of adaine 🥰
ep 13 (12:10) ok acab and all that but i love how fast adaine responds with “i feel unsafe”
(27:45) istg that banker guy is a part of the fuckin cult front bank isnt he
(38:20) andbdjdn “fantasy google”
(42:10) OMG SIOBHAN YOURE SO SMART. THE KVX IS KALVAXIS THE GUY WHO DID THE BAD. also omg brennan’s little smile. 😊
(52:38) omg i love zelda sm
(56:40) ohhh my god im getting sm second hand embarrassment oh god. its kinda cute but like ack
(58:00) the poor ice elemental always sounds so distraught whenever they ask for something other than ice cream 😭 i wanna give him a hug
(59:10) omg zelda’s ancestors were mainads
(1:11:42) omg this is breaking my heart. 🥺 poor fabian
(1:29:30) holy shit. the harpy and the cerulean are the same ship
(1:41:00) omg zelda didnt lie about her family being like mainads
(1:44:45) ohhhhhh shit aelwyn got broken out. jfc
(1:53:28) ohhhhhhh shit biz is a bad guy noooooo
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secndlife · 3 years
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pairing: hansol x female reader
genre: plain ass fluff
summary: people must ask each other a set of uncomfortable questions. they can either answer, or take a shot.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol consumption
series masterlist
you: i didn’t think you’d agree to this
hansol: why?
you: i don’t know, it’s not your usual type of activity
hansol: hm
you: especially as you’re not much of a drinker
hansol: right
you: why did you make that face?
hansol: what face?
hansol: i’m serious, what face?
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producer: now that you’ve introduced yourselves, can you tell us a bit about your relationship?
hansol: we’re friends
you: and roommates
hansol: right
hansol: what?
producer: so you guys are just friends?
hansol: i mean—
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you: you go first
hansol: okay
you: wait
you: maybe i should take a shot first to be less nervous
hansol: you’re nervous?
hansol: okay, drink up then
you: damn
hansol: how did that taste?
you: not that bad, honestly
hansol: right
you: okay, take a card
hansol: ohhhhhhh
you: what
hansol: have you ever wanted to kiss me?
you: oh
you: does this always start this intense?
producer: not really, he just took a card from the middle
you: why did you do that?
hansol: why not?
you: you’re literally so annoying
you: can you not look at me like that?
hansol: like what?
you: like that
you: anyway
hansol: you’re drinking?
you: i don’t think there’s a point in drinking
you: i mean
you: we’ve, like—
hansol: kissed before
you: right
producer: oh you did?
hansol: did you not pick up on that?
producer: we did, but as you guys didn’t say anything, no one in the crew wanted to push
you: that’s nice of you
hansol: yeah
hansol: i mean, we’re friends and roommates but
hansol: we also sleep together sometimes
hansol: why are you laughing?
you: nothing
hansol: liar
you: it’s just how you said that
hansol: what about it?
you: you were so nonchalant 
hansol: and?
you: nothing
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hansol: your turn
you: okay
hansol: what?
you: this one is like
you: damn
hansol: really?
you: yeah
hansol: i’m curious now
you: have you ever thought of moving out? 
hansol: ohhhhhh
hansol: what if i drink?
you: i mean
hansol: nah, i’m just kidding
you: so?
hansol: once
you: really?
hansol: yeah, not long after i moved in, actually
hansol: i felt awkward, i don’t know, we barely talked
you: yeah, those first two months or so were
you: urgh
producer: was it bad?
hansol: really bad, we just basically said hi and bye 
you: i think i even unconsciously avoided you at some point because it was so uncomfortable
producer: what happened that you decided to stay?
hansol: she was with one of her friends in the living room one day, drinking, and they invited me to join them
you: seungkwan is much better at socializing than the two of us, so he helped break the ice
hansol: yeah, then we started talking more and eventually became friends
you: yeah
you: what?
hansol: i’m glad i didn’t move out
you: i’m glad you didn’t move out too
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you: can you please take the card from the top this time?
hansol: shut up
hansol: well
hansol: this one is boring, i want a new one
you: what? no!
hansol: why?
you: because you decided to take a middle card again when i told you not to
you: so now you’re stuck with this one
hansol: urghhhhhh
hansol: fine
hansol: have you ever had sex in my bed? 
hansol: see, it’s boring
hansol: stop laughing
you: sorry
you: and it’s only boring because we sleep together sometimes
hansol: yeah, exactly
you: it’s your fault, anyway, you chose this one
you: don’t roll your eyes, i’m right
hansol: just answer it
you: yes, hansol, i’ve had sex in your bed before
you: with you
hansol: heck yeah
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you: i think i’m gonna take another shot
hansol: why?
you: just because
hansol: okay
you: take one with me
hansol: fine
you: soju? or tequila?
hansol: whatever
hansol: thanks
you: cheers
you: that wasn’t so bad, was it?
you: nevermind, you look grossed out
producer: he has the funniest reactions
you: right?
hansol: i should’ve taken the soju
you: i’ll take a card
you: oh, this is cute
hansol: oh god
you: what’s your favorite thing about living with me?
hansol: oh! uhhhhh
hansol: now that we get along and we’re friends, that’s probably my favorite thing
you: what?
hansol: the fact that we’re friends
hansol: no, like, we really get along. i feel comfortable around you, and you don’t demand anything from me
you: oh okay. yeah
hansol: and we have a lot of common interests, i like that too
hansol: and also that you clean up after jazz more than i do
you: really, hansol?
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hansol: i’ll take the one from the top now
hansol: i’ve learned my lesson
you: good
hansol: ohhhhhh this will be good
you: bring it
hansol: what do i do that annoys you? 
you: oh
you: probably the fact that you leave your music sheets and your clothes all around
you: no, not just your sheets and clothes, everything
hansol: that’s true
you: sometimes i come home after class and his things are all over the living room
you: like, all over, i’m not even exaggerating
hansol: right
you: i once tripped on his sneakers 
hansol: ohhhhh that was bad
hansol: she almost broke her arm
you: you really need to be less messy
hansol: i can’t
you: and you still have the audacity to laugh
you: i hate you
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producer: i forgot to ask, how long have you guys been living together?
you: two years?
hansol: yeah, somewhere around that
you: and we got a cat like, six months ago
hansol: jazz is so cute
you: he really is
hansol: what if we adopt another one?
you: we don’t have space for two cats and all of your stuff all over the house
hansol: i think you should take a card
you: you’re ridiculous
hansol: thanks
hansol: what’s with the face?
you: this one might get you into trouble
hansol: hm
you: do you ever pretend to be busy so i leave you alone?
you: you really shouldn’t be laughing this much
you: you’re unbearable
hansol: this one is good
you: i’m not laughing
hansol: i am
hansol: she thought i did. pretend to be busy, i mean
you: at first, at least
you: when we started becoming friends, the line was pretty thin, so i was constantly scared i was bothering him whenever we were hanging out and he started doing something
producer: what did he use to do?
you: he’d start playing with his phone or doing something on his laptop
hansol: it’s not what that was
you: do you still pretend to be busy?
hansol: i never did that
hansol: don’t stare at me, i honestly never did that
hansol: you were always really good at respecting my space, so i never needed to do this with you
you: oh
hansol: i do that with soonyoung sometimes, though
you: i’m gonna tell him that
hansol: nooooooo
you: you’re fucked
hansol: fuck you
hansol: but honestly, i never did that with you
hansol: i just enjoy being around you without doing anything specific
you: oh
hansol: like, i don’t feel the need to talk all the time or to do something together together
you: right
you: same
hansol: being around you is nice
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hansol: what if i get the middle card?
you: really hansol?
hansol: i’ll take a chance
you: you won’t get to change it
hansol: that’s fine
hansol: ohhhhhhh this one
hansol: this one is so good
hansol: so good wowwwww
hansol: you’ll be the one getting in trouble now
hansol: especially as i’m sure you do this with at least three of my things
you: what?
hansol: what do you use of mine without asking? 
hansol: you’re in trouble
you: i don’t use anything
hansol: i can literally list at least three things
you: no you can’t
hansol: my mic, for starters
you: that was one time hansol!
hansol: i sooooo know it wasn’t
you: urgh fine 
you: yours is just better
hansol: why are you pouting?
you: i thought you didn’t know
you: and i feel kinda bad
hansol: for what?
you: using your things
hansol: nooooo stop it
hansol: i don’t mind
you: really?
hansol: yeah, you can use my mic
hansol: and my black beanie
hansol: and my—
you: okay, i got it
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you: i think this is the last one
producer: it is, yeah
hansol: damnnnn, already?
you: did you enjoy it?
hansol: yeah, it was awesome
you: nice
you: okay, here we go
you: oh. uhhh.
hansol: what?
hansol: just read it
you: okay uh
you: do you wish we’d spend more time together?
hansol: i mean
hansol: yeah
hansol: we already spend a lot of time together, honestly
you: we do
hansol: but hanging out with you is always fun so
hansol: i wouldn’t mind spending more time doing that
producer: what about you?
you: same, i guess?
you: when we’re home we’re together most of the time
hansol: right
you: but yeah, i enjoy his company so
producer: i have one final question
you: i’m kinda scared
hansol: me too
producer: did you guys ever go on a date?
hansol: a date date?
producer: yeah
you: uh
hansol: i guess not?
you: nope
producer: would you consider it?
hansol: i mean, yeah
you: yeah?
hansol: yeah
producer: where would you guys go?
hansol: uhhhhh, let me think
hansol: there’s this record shop i’ve been wanting to go, i told you about it, right?
you: yeah
hansol: we can go once we’re done here. and then grab some food? 
you: we can
hansol: do you have plans?
you: not really, no
hansol: okay, it’s a date
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a/n: surprise!!!! my first ever hansol piece wow. tbh i never thought i could write for him but. here we are. i kinda like this one! hope you guys will like it too. my ask box is always open for some feedback mwah!!!
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Gojo x Reader: Bath time Fun
Artist Credit to @Rennca_ on Twitter
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“Good morning my beautiful (Y/N)!” Gojo came in waking you up with breakfast in bed. He placed the food down and jumped into bed cuddling with you.
You rolled over and kissed Gojo. “Good morning my love!”
“Eat up while I draw a bubble bath for us to share!”
“Satoru thank you!” You grabbed his hand pulling back into bed giving him another kiss.
Gojo went into the bathroom to start your bubble bath, he put a custom made cupcake scented bath bomb that had a surprise in the center of it, along with vanilla bubble bath foam to hide the gift. He hid a vibrator on the side of the tub.
He hurried his way back into the bedroom just in time as you finished breakfast to collect the tray. “I’ll be right back my love don’t move!” He winked at you as he disappeared and was back before you knew it. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. “Are you ready for an amazing bath my love?” He asked as he started to undress you.
“Mmmmmm y-yes I am Satoru.” You wined out as he kissed your neck and groped your breasts. “O-ohhhhhhh!” You shivered at his touch as he slipped his hand into your pajama shorts. “S-Sa-Satoruuuuuu!” Your legs started to tremble as he rubbed your clit and slipped your shorts off with his other hand.
Gently groping your butt he pushed you towards the bathtub. “Mmmmmm that’s a good girl.” He cooed as he bent you over the tub and got down on his knees.
You looked down to see Gojo under you as he dove face first into your soaking core. “Ohhhhhh Satoruuuuuu!” You moaned out as he nibbled on your clit making you almost lose your balance as your knees buckled.
“Don't worry I got you baby girl.” He held your hips as he slowly lowered you onto his face instantly making you squirt as he nipped at your clit.
You grabbed onto the tub as you grinded on his face. “Oooooooh Sa-to-ru!” Your hips started to buck as he flicked his tongue, you could feel the tension is your stomach starting to build as you grinded on his face. “F-fuck S-Satoru I'm-I'm gonna cum!” You moaned out just as you were about to reach your climax he stopped. “Wh-what the hell Satoru why did you stop!?” You yelled in frustration as you got off of him.
“You're not allowed to cum for me yet my sweet, sweet (Y/N).”
You glared at him. “….Fine….”
“Oh don’t worry I plan on having you screaming my name within the next few minutes my love.” He flashed you a sexy smile as he got undressed.
You got lost looking at his gorgeously chiseled features completely forgetting why you were mad at him. You couldn’t help but stare and stare some more at your inhumanly beautiful boyfriend. You always questioned how you got so lucky and ended up with the hottest guy in Tokyo, well you thought he was the hottest guy in Tokyo…. And according to the constant love notes he got from admirers he was definitely a catch. “How did I get so lucky?” You cooed.
“What do you mean beautiful? I’m the lucky one here.” He said as he pulled you into his arms.
You shook your head. “No I am…. I am dating the most handsome, sweet, sexy, caring, wonderful man in Tokyo….. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream!” You giggled. “Never in my life did I think someone like me could end up with someone like you Satoru.”
“What do you mean by that love?” He asked confused.
“I just never thought I was anything special, I never really stood out and from knowing you, you seemed like the type to want to date someone more interesting than me.” You chuckled.
He shrugged. “Baby girl you’re very interesting! You’re the only girl I’ve ever met who didn’t have an instant crush on me. That’s what made me want you! I hate it when girls throw themselves at me so willingly, I love a challenge in a girl.” He smirked at you.
“Well I did have an instant crush on you but I didn’t want to throw myself at you…. That seems desperate and rather unattractive. Plus I saw all those girls fawning over you so I never thought I had a chance….”
“When I saw you that first day standing in the corner away from everyone looking so shy and so cute with your little black dress on. I knew then I had to make you mine.”
“I remember that day all too well….” You laughed. “All the other girls looked like they wanted to murder me when you walked up and started talking to me completely ignoring everyone else. It was so amusing to watch their reactions as you flirted with me.”
“Honestly I wasn’t even paying any attention to any of them…. My eyes were glued to you and you alone as I watched you become a hot mess while I flirted with you.”
“Well not knowing you from a hole in the wall you were rather intimidating with those gorgeous eyes and the fact that I am so tiny compared to you. You tower over me Mr. 6’4” and lil 5’4” me I'm like a little toy compared to you Satoru.”
He picked you up and held you close. “You fit perfectly in my arms, I love small girls…. It’s kind of a fetish for me.” He chuckled. “Me being so big and tall I just love someone small that I can pick up and toss around.” He cupped your butt as you wrapped your legs around his torso moaning as his length rubbed against your slit.
“S-Satoru!” You wined out as he carried you into the bathtub and sat you in his lap facing him. You placed your legs on each side of Gojo straddling him as you leaned in kissing him passionately.
Without you noticing Gojo reached down to grab the vibrator, he slowly moved it between your legs and turned it on placing it right on your clit making you moan. He thrusted his hips perfectly sliding inside you.
“Ofh myha gabb Saaftoruuuuuuu!” You moaned into his mouth as he pounded in you. You broke the kiss and held onto his shoulders as you wildly bounced up and down on him. “Oh my God babyyyyyyy! F-fuck just like that Satoruuuuuu!” Your back arched as you slammed down on his cock feeling your walls clench around him you came.
“Mmmmm baby girl that’s it cum all over my dick, God I love the way you feel on him!” He moaned out as he held your hips thrusting deeper and harder.
You held onto Gojo for dear life as he fucked you senseless. “Sa-to-ruuuuuuu! F-fuckkkkk I love youuuuu!” You screamed out in pleasure as you rode him.
Gojo thrusted his hips faster and faster almost making you smack into his head as you bounced up and down. He held onto you pulling you in close so you wouldn’t hit your head as he went deeper.
Suddenly you took control and slowed down the pace rocking your hips savoring the feeling and Gojo's sweet whimpers.
“Ah-ahhhhhh (Y-Y/N-N) fu-fuckkkkk! That feels so-sooooo gooooood!” He moaned out as you fucked him.
“Mmmmmm you like that baby?” You said in a sultry voice.
“Y-yes baby girl please don’t stopppppop!” He howled as he thrusted into you getting in sync going nice and slow. “Fuck I love how you ride him babe.”
You held his shoulders as you kept a steady pace he leaned down and sucked on your nipple. “Ohhhhh babyyyy!”
Suddenly he picked you up and pushed you into the wall spreading your legs as he pounded into you.
“F-fuckkkk Satoruuuuuu! I'm go-gonna cummmmmm again!” You cried out as you squirted.
“Yessssss baby girl that’s it scream my name!” He kept pounding you. “Fuck (Y/N) I'm cummingggggg!” Moaned Gojo as he exploded inside you.
He kissed you. “Now let’s get squeaky clean.” He grabbed your soap and started washing your back, then your front while he played with your boobs making your horny all over again as he pinched your nipples.
“Sa-to-ru….” You wined.
“Hm? Am I turning you on again baby girl?”
You whimpered and nodded.
“Hehe oops.” He said not so innocently.
“You jerk.” You laughed.
He gave you a sexy smile. “I love you cupcake.”
“I love you too Satoru.”
“Yay!” He kissed you.
“You're such a goof.” You felt something floating behind you. “Hm?” You turned around and saw a little plastic container. “What’s this?” You asked picking it up.
“Open it baby girl! It’s the first of many amazing gifts for you today!”
You opened the container and pulled out a beautiful sterling silver necklace with a diamond moon on it. “S-Satoru oh my goodness is that a diamond!?” You stared at the giant diamond in awe, he nodded his head. Your (E/C) eyes grew wider as you looked at beautiful necklace. “It's gorgeous! Thank you so much!” You tackled Gojo tenderly kissing him on the lips.
“You're very welcome my love. Now let’s hurry up and get ready!” He said as he put the necklace on you.
The two of you quickly finished your bath.
“My love! I have something else for you!” Gojo said as he handed you a big box.
You opened the box and took out a beautiful red silk dress. “Satoru….. This is stunning!” The dress truly was stunning it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, a layer of black lace in a rose pattern laid over the soft red silk. You kept looking through the box and took out the sexy lacy lingerie with matching thigh-high tights. The corset was completely see through and had ties attached for the tights, then you saw the thong. “Ohhhhh Satoru now is the lingerie for your pleasure or mine?” You laughed.
“Both! But mostly for me.” He smirked at you.
“Haha I figured as much!” You kissed him.
“Mmmmm baby girl gimme a lil show while you put that on.”
“Anything for you baby.” You winked at him as you shook your hips doing a sexy dance while you put the thong on. You twirled around and shook your ass in Gojo's face, he grabbed your ass with his giant hands clapping your cheeks together. “Mmmmm baby.” You moaned as he groped your ass before clapping your cheeks again. You twirled back around to face Gojo, smiling at him as you ran your finger along his collar bone, up his neck and under his chin as you pulled him in for a kiss. You broke the kiss to sit on the edge of the tub.
Gojo moved closer to you taking your leg in his grasp he placed sweet kisses all over as he worked his way up to your lips passionately kissing you. He broke the kiss and grabbed the tights slipping them on your legs. Then he grabbed the corset and stood you up to put it on you. He zipped the corset up, tightened the ribbons to give you that perfect hourglass silhouette lastly he fixed the tights so they wouldn’t fall. He gazed upon you completely lost for words as his jaw dropped. “God damn baby girl…. Is it bad that I don’t want to go out now? I could stay here all day just looking at you in that.” He cooed taking you in his arms.
You wrapped your arms around Gojo's neck, getting up on your tippy-toes very close to his lips. “No it’s not a bad thing at all my love but, we can have all the fun in the world later.” You tenderly kissed his lips. “Now let’s finish getting ready.
Gojo kept staring at you as you put the dress and heels on, you stood up so he could get the full view. His jaw almost fell on the ground as he gazed at you, that gorgeous dress hugging every curve perfectly and that corset making your boobs pop out of that sweetheart neckline Gojo started feeling very hot. “Nope I’m taking you again right now!” He scooped you up and brought you to the bedroom.
~ End
@mguqiis @milktaro-inc @sassyeahhhh
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moaserendipity · 3 years
I Promised You the Moon Final messy review
I am back, it took me some time to complete this review, but I finally sat down for it so let’s start the review of the last episode!! We ended with the two of them breaking up, let’s just see where they are now!
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I am back, it took me some time to complete this review, but I finally sat down for it so let’s start the review of the last episode!! We ended with the two of them breaking up, let’s just see where they are now!
We skipped to senior year☺️ Good to see Oh-Aew doing alright, oh but you immediately see the connection he still has with Teh. Those Flashcards are definitely not completely his idea👀 but that being said he looks good🥰
I love this friend group, they are close and just cute although I just know that he has feelings for Oh-Aew, it’s quite obvious. Ohhhhhh I see u Oh-Aew, lol yeah he is still not completely over Teh, seeing as the news about Teh, sparked his interest👀👀👀
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I love that he looks so proud of Teh though, that means there aren’t much bad feelings left anymore☺️ awww he didn’t remove his tattoo😲 “CRAZY LOVE INDEED”😆 best crazy love though👀 LOVE YOURSELF IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER! You go Oh-Aew💜💜
Oehhh friendzoned👀
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Ah will you go or not Oh-Aew😋 because the chance is that you run into Teh👀 ohh poor boy you did not get over him at all but thankfully you are smiling🥰 ( ps. I love this OST)
We are switching to Teh🥰 who looks tired!! He must be working so much🥺 really a shake for food, sigh just give him normal food🙈 stuck on a thesis, I never had to write one but looks hard tbh. Hmm she really only thinks about work doesn’t she🙈 there is more in life, I am just saying. To think I first thought Top would be the problem, boy was I wrong xD
Poor Teh, he must really feel exhausted. Just take a breather, you sometimes need one🥺💜 burned out on that age is not good🥺(it’s never good of course)
You miss Oh-Aew, that’s why you feel empty🥺. OHHHHHHH HELLO THERE! ITS FATE!! Wow the look on Teh’s face says it all😭 (side note: PP is seriously beautiful) wow it’s like he is soaking in the sunlight that Oh-Aew radiates, like it’s not only me who sees this right. As if he has lived in the darkness ever since that break-up and now there is finally sunshine again.😭 all the staring makes it a tiny bit awkward though Teh🙈
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Yes go to Oh-Aew🥰 although Oh-Aew is looking like “just leave already” but in the nicest way🙈 lol just ignore him Oh-Aew, it must be hard though! Lol Teh, how is sending an E-mail cool😂 He still loves Oh-Aew that much is obvious, will Oh-Aew feel the same though?🤔
Oh-Aew that’s not the best idea because you will be in that story as well🙈 reminiscing about the old days, is always nice🥰 it’s nice to see he still thinks back fondly. Teh already knows that he want to write about and sadly enough that is you Oh-Aew🤭😬 NOOO TUTY DIED😭
Ahhh smooth way to see if he is single Teh👀😎 Oh-Aew of course that’s imaginary. Come on that relationship is for promotion only. It’s quite obvious that he only has one person in his heart👀💜
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Tbh you should’ve fought for Oh-Aew as well but yeah that must’ve been hard🥺 sigh yeah he is still upset about everything which I can understand. Teh should’ve been more open to Oh-Aew and the things he found important. Lol yeah you are not completely okay Though but we’ll take it 🤭
Oh the invite to Teh’s final project. I am curious to see what he did! I have a feeling Oh-Aew won’t like it though, seeing as he will be a big part probably. Ahhh again the Sun flower, this really is t the right flower for these two🙈🌻
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Ohhh boy….😬 he did not use this as an apology and a confession for what has happened between them😬 yeah I would not accept this as well😶 it’s like ripping open old wounds and rubbing salt in it🥺
Ahh this is what I expected to be his answer. Teh you hurt Oh-Aew badly and this was not the right way to fix that but at least Teh is finally talking about his feelings🙈 so I guess that’s some sort of progress.
I feel bad for both of them🥺 I mean as fan I just want them together but I don’t want any of them hurt🥺 Teh my buddy this really isn’t the time🙈 hmm I just feel sad now
Awwww Bas is there for some wisedom 🥰 I love this so much💜 lol he is not surprised at all. Of course you felt al that, he betrayed you, that’s not easy to get over. Uhu I agree with Bas, your heart never gotten over Teh and the heart just wants what the heart wants, you can not fight it. It’s the only way you’ll know if it will work or not. Just follow that heart🥺🥰
Wow Teh never really did give up, that makes things even more sad😭 he did fight for you oh-aew🥺 (Ugh thank you for making me cry😭)
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Aw the gang is reunited 🥰 every one grew up super nicely 🥰 this mom is so sweet🥰 ugh there is absolutely no joy in his eyes, sigh😔 okay the OST/background music they use during the wedding still gives me goosebumps🥺 I am so happy for Teh’s brother and now wife☺️💜💜
Oh-Aew has arrived🥺🥰 he looks so handsome🥰 Oh-Aew wil catch it for sure😂 hahaha so cute🥰
Did he just gave him the answer he wanted, because I will cry 😭 Oh-Aew is definitely the grown up between the two, he made so much progress and I am proud that they are finally communicating 🥺
I love how Oh-Aew speaks right now. It’s so mature and loving at the same time & the fact that Teh is letting him speak, is also saying a lot. Yes communication is a must🥰
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I am so happy they got their Happy Ending😭😍
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goatsandgangsters · 3 years
okay okay okay EPISODE 6. I’m still… out of fucking breath. from the last one.
I didn’t plan on live-blogging because then I’d have to keep pausing to type but actually I’m having too much fun, I guess I’m liveblogging now
my posts just keep getting longer and more and more incomprehensible 
I forgot to mention in my last one, but it was a really good call to include the whole “west ravka wants to secede” plot line. it adds a lot, politically, and also adds a sense of urgency. whereas the book is a little bit like, the darkling is kind of a dumbass if you think about it because ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS WAIT LIKE 50 MORE YEARS, WHICH IS NOTHING IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS, but now there’s definitely like. political urgency and necessity that the books don’t convey to the same degree.  
also adds a lot of dimension to What Happens At The End of The Book. which, I’m not there yet, episode-wise. but liiiiiiiiike.
BEN! BARNES! HAS! THE! RANGE! oh I love that they let him be lovesick and terrifying back-to-back like this, god he’s so fucking good. like, we all knew? we all knew this was a stroke of absolute casting genius? but god I don’t think we were actually capable of realizing To What Degree
oh god Inej looking at Alina I’m gonna CRY I actually got teary-eyed??
poor fedyor. he was planning so many double dates and then darklina had to go and breakup. (side note: I am SO INTRIGUED that the darkling thinks ivan is hilarious, so I just think the two “grumpy one/sunshine one” couples should go on a double date. get ravkan ice cream. why can’t this family ever have a funky fresh good time)
“I’ll never let go, helvar”
yo, real talk, why’s the darkling’s bed so short. dOES HE SLEEP WITH HIS LEGS DANGLING OFF THE END. this furniture is absolutely not proportionate to his height at all.
also it’s interesting how often he calls her “miss starkov” instead of alina, considering in the book he’s like “hello alina, how are you alina, alina how is alina today, alina I’ve seen what you truly are alina, FINE alina MAKE alina ME alina YOUR alina.” I’m pretty sure when I first read shadow and bone, literally the only reason I learned alina’s name is because he kept saying it
FASCINATING, CANON ZOYA/DARKLING???????????? honestly don’t know if I like that??? I prefer to think that he has not gotten laid in a couple hundred years because he’s just bad at being a person and isn’t actually as slick as he thinks he is. I cannot believe they un-canoned Zoya/Mal and canon’d this, UNEXPECTED. feels weird. 
on the plus side, I genuinely want a polycule of a solid half the trilogy characters and I guess it’s getting more canon by the minute! this is zoya and her girlfriend alina and alina’s three boyfriends mal, darkling comma the, and nikolai, who are also or have been zoya’s boyfriends at one point or another plus alina’s girlfriend genya who is also zoya’s girlfriend genya and genya’s boyfriend david” I’m allowed a seven-person polyship right?
fedyor and ivan go on double dates with the seven-person polycule. it’s a really tight booth in restaurants. 
also this is zoya’s ex-girlfriend nina who sometimes visits from ketterdam and brings her boyfriend and her girlfriend, and her girlfriend’s boyfriend, and his boyfriend, and his boyfriend.
baghra can come too but only because she likes getting day-drunk on mimosas with nikolai and bITCHING with him 
god I miss brunch. and friendship. and cocktails. and human contact. 
anyway back to actually watching this episode
I really like that Alina is about 10x more Actively Involved in everything that happens to her vs. in the first book where she’s more along for the ride
it is emotionally a weird experience to see Mal get pelted with a water bottle and go YEAAH followed by aw nah, he doesn’t deserve that. There is A Mal in another universe who deserves to get pelted by 15 water bottles but it is not this Mal. This Mal can stay. Book Mal is on thin fucking ice and will be pelted with water bottles. But Show Mal is Valid and Allowed. god Archie’s SO FUCKING good. I CANNOT BELIEVE I’M HAVING SOFT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS BUT HERE WE ARE, LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES, such is archie’s power and he deserves praise
“Your powers don’t scare me” OHHHHHHH SUCH AN IMPROVEMENT THANK GODDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
WHAT the FUCK I am having EMOTIONS over malina scenes
I LOVE NINA SO FUCKING MUCH. I love her endlessly giving Matthias a hard time. he deserves it. god I love HER SHE’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
ohhhhhh the MLEMS are FIIIIIGHTING
oh. my god. they stole the fuckin. they. okay but like, his horsies tho :(((((
KHDFGKSJDFHGSKDFJHGKH DAVID!!!!!! hkdfjhgdfkjghsdfhg d a v id. fjkdhgsdkjfhgdfh dddddaaavviiiiiiidddd. DAVID.
I absolutely love the thought of the darkling, ivan, and david hanging out, because it’s like the three least social people in all of ravka. and they absolutely LOVE one another’s company because no one talks, there is no small talk, and they can just SIT in SILENCE and it’s nICE. sometimes they make brief eye contact and nod a couple times and then go back to politely sitting in silence. 
sdfjkghskhdf his disdainful little ~a d o r a b l e~ about mal and alina deeply resonates with my experiences of reading the books. though AGAIN, WEIRD TO BE HAVING FEELINGS NOW. 
BUUUUUUUT I have a busy and hectic week and 7 and 8 would be a really nice treat to have waiting for me NEXT Friday as motivation to get through the week
But that also means I have to keep being vigilant about not looking at Content for another week AND IT’S REALLY HARD TO MAINTAIN THAT RESOLVE NOT TO LOOK
god I don’t know what to do. delayed gratification normally comes so naturally to me, this is an actual struggle. I thiiiiiink I’m gonna try and hold off because future!me will be grateful next friday. but mid-week me who wants to look at gifsets will be mad. 
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sukirichi · 3 years
Okay so the dinner with Kita 😘👌 I mean I still dont really pay attention to him but ohhhhhh damn I was here visualizing everything and just imagining him in his suit sitting there oh... Ohhhhhhh 🥵🥵🥵
The Nagisa bit was- okay I was not at all expecting that but I do want to know more about that! 👀👀👀👀 Especially when she mentioned her mom died 😬😬😬 but like... Its fucking unfair to place the fault on y/n... Its not her fault she was born cmon... But Kita to the rescue tho 👀👀👀👀 damn gotta say I did feel butterflies for the first time with Kita- 🙂🙂🙂🙂 no im not gonna simp for Kit-......... IM NOT!! And then the makeout scene in his house and I ALMOST BROKE AND SIMPED. FOR HIM ALMOST!!
Now the rain part Idk why it touched me so much but just imagined myself being completely lost almost naked in the middle of the rain and Suna appearing and basically saving me from the loneliness, just holding y/n close and bruh I started crying so hard I dont even know.. It felt like being safe?? Finally being safe..
And when I finally thought they would both confess cause I mean THEY BASICALLY STILL LIKE EACH OTHER CMON 😭😭😭 MARI HAPPENS FHDHJDJFJSLSND 🤬🤬🤬🤬
And I mean 🤡🤡🤡🤡 the 'maybe it was fate i didnt go to london cause its fste to be with you' mari dear... Do you think you're the protag of a shoujo anime or something?? 🤨🤨🤨🙄🙄😒 Like for real? And the whole I was jealous YOU BETTER FUCKING BE FHFJSOANCBS CAUSE HE WAS JUST FUCKING Y/N BEFORE YOUR SAD ASS APPEARED ANDDDDDD SHE GOES FOR THE FINISHER WITH THE IM WILLING TO WORK THINGS OUT LIKE HE WAS THE ONE THAT DROPPED HER ASS?? NO NOOOOOOOOO
Btw no one gonna mentioned the way he detatched his hand from her and glanced at us when he admitted y/n was his first love? And also how he looked basically lifeless when she said she wanted to go back?? Like she knew he was gonna propose and she legit didnt give a fuck about his feelings to go to london and now that her ass got rejected (KaRmA) she wants him back??? Like nooooooo get away from my bestie!! I swear he would be pissed by I would come out of that room and smile at her while going to the kitchen grab a cup of water or something 🙄I would be that petty he deserves so much better than mari
UGLY SOBBING? WAS IT ANGST ?? genuinely confused because I was too focused on the make out session with Kita.
HMM. bestie. I’m telling you. Kita in a suit. Businessman Kita. businessman kita with a nice penthouse and god tier cooking skills. businessman kita who knows how to make us feel good. BUSINESSMAN KITA IN GENERAL.
nagisa is a mystery for now, but we’ll see more of her in the next chap and what her connection is to yn. yeah hahahaha kita for the rescue !! WDYM ALMOST NOW I’M CHALLENGED AND DETERMINED TO MAKE YOU FALL FOR KITA, I’m taking back all my simping ammunition for Suna and giving the energy to Kita. Kya you NEED to SEE how kita is like !! BEHOLD HIS TRUE POWER
yes being safe with suna, that was exactly the scene I was going for sobs but then mari happened. smh.
And when I finally thought they would both confess cause I mean THEY BASICALLY STILL LIKE EACH OTHER CMON 😭😭😭MARI HAPPENS FHDHJDJFJSLSND 🤬🤬🤬🤬
And I mean 🤡🤡🤡🤡the 'maybe it was fate i didnt go to london cause its fste to be with you' mari dear... Do you think you're the protag of a shoujo anime or something?? 🤨🤨🤨🙄🙄😒Like for real? And the whole I was jealous YOU BETTER FUCKING BE FHFJSOANCBS CAUSE HE WAS JUST FUCKING Y/N BEFORE YOUR SAD ASS APPEARED ANDDDDDD SHE GOES FOR THE FINISHER WITH THE IM WILLING TO WORK THINGS OUT LIKE HE WAS THE ONE THAT DROPPED HER ASS?? NO NOOOOOOOOO
oh nah mari definitely ain’t the protag here anywhere. not even her own story LMAO. ‘you better fucking be jealous’ HELPPP IM WHEEZING AHSJAKA that’s so true tho !! how you gon compete with y/n. the answer is you don’t /j.
HE ADMITTED WE WERE HIS FIRST LOVE !! cheers for the suna team. mari is…mari is just complicated. you guys will see more of her character soon and you’ll understand why she is the way she is. I’m not saying she’ll be more likeable but we’ll definitely get to see more of her past with suna someday. GASPPP BESTIE IF YOU DID THAT AND WALKED OUT WHILE SMILING AT MARI SHE WOULD LITERALLY CRUMBLE ISTG
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yououghtaknow · 4 years
skam brighton season 5 music analysis
hello :) i’ve gone through all the songs on previous seasons of skam brighton and explained why i used them and i thought i would do it for season 5 now that it’s over.
tw for disucssion of addiction, racism, pedophilia, transphobia and homophobia
we begin with a bang with “don’t blame me” by taylor swift. now it has been said about me that i am a swiftie and it is true. and nick braxton is a reputation era bitch. this song has quite literally it all for nick’s character - we got christian themes, reference to drug addiction and an unhealthy devotion to someone. this trailer has gone through many songs to find the perfect one, but i decided on this one because of the themes, and also because of the line “they say she’s gone too far this time” - which, in regards to nick, can be read in many ways. we got the nick going “too far” with his love for james in subtly trying to break liz and james up, nick and their drug addiction, and nick and their relationship with their gender identity - going too far in both the masculine and feminine directions. also it bangs your honour.
episode one
we!! begin!! with!! saturday night’s alright for fighting by sir elton john!!! because it is saturday night and, as we’vee seen, nick isn’t afraid to get into a fight or two. this song specifically was chosen because of the movie rocketman, which i drew a lot of inspiration from, with the themes of drug addiction and sexuality. also, once again, it simply slaps.
we then get “ymca” by the village people playing in the background over the rest of the party scene. i chose this song because it is a very stereotypically gay song, and a lot of what i wanted nick to deal with was self-perception in regards to stereotypes. he is very stereotypically flamboyant because it’s both the way he is and a defensive mechanism - leading to his bisexuality being erased and being seen as gay a lot of the time. he ‘s pretty much the opposite in regards to his asian identity, with him not being academically intelligent and outspoken and being very british in their speaking patterns. it’s about the balance and duality and all that stuff. 
then, as we are formally introduced to nick’s devotion to james, we get “where dreams go to die” by john grant. thank you to my friend katya for recommeding this song as a nick song because it is just. crazy. every line makes me want to scream. especially “this is like a well-oiled machine / could i please see that smile again? / it's all that makes me feel like i am living in this world”. like that just shows the extent of nick’s love - because sometimes you’re just in love with the idea of being saved rather than seeking help. is that poetic or am i just pretentiously talking about my trauma? who knows.
we then get “overprotected” by britney spears - because britney has been a nick staple the whole series. i first heard the song in the musical & juliet and i was immediately like “oh nick core”. the song opens with: “ i need time (time) / love (love), joy (joy) / i need space (love) / i need me (action!) / say hello to the girl that i am / you're gonna have to see through my perspective”. because we are literally seeing from nick’s perspective. i also wanted to introduce the gender dynamics early - including in the trailer, where nick refers to themself with she/her pronouns - and her nick is referred to in the text of the song as a girl. it’s also a very sad song about not having any control over your life with a fun pop backing track, which is very nick braxton.
we then get another party scene, that opens with “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” (by ariana grande) covered by sam fender. i chose this song because 1) i love the cover and 2) god is it a nick song. literally nick has so many wants (to be loved by their family, to get sober, to succeed in school, to explore their gender freely) but he focuses on wanting james and wanting james to leave liz because there are less achievable and thus safer. also the song fucking slaps.
we close with “happy little pill” by troye sivan, a mlm classic. a staple of 2014. i chose this song because 1) drug in title, easy get, and 2) it’s actually a really good song???? it’s about the dissociation. it’s very similar to the scene with bree in season 4 episode 1 where “chandelier” plays as she’s clearly not doing well but she’s pretending for the sake of her friends. nick and bree are narrative foils and i love them.
episode two
the first song of episode 2 is “be great” by lolandre and jeremy pope after we see nick and his dad’s dynamic for the first time. and it’s really something huh. it’s about how christian does want nick to be great, but christian has a very narrow idea of what success and happiness looks like.
the next bit of media we get in this episode is nick watching the first episode of euphoria. when preparing to write various seasons of skam brighton, i watched a lot of teen dramas to get a good feel for the vibe i was going for. euphoria was one of them and it’s a show i have a lot of mixed feelings for - i think it’s very well crafted and extremely interesting but i also do have issues with the sexualisation of teenagers on screen, even if it is mostly realistic. i chose this scene specifically because nick and rue are very similar characters, in regards to their relationships with their parents (i believe nick is more of a jules kinnie but more on that later). they both just want to be a good kid and make them happy, but they can never seem to do it. gia, rue’s younger sister, is also a parallel to nick’s brothers.
we then get “old eden” by honeywater which is just simply a song i like very much that had the vibes of the scene. also the lines “i want love / but i don't just want love, i want you / i see the beach house, your sweet mouth / but the terrible news / is that love is not how it seems on the screen / yeah, real love has problems / but it's what's in-between that's the best” is simply just nick braxton huh. ambiguous disorder.
we then get “generation why” by conan gray as nick storms out of their house after a fight with their parents. i chose it very simply for the vibes because i only listened to this song once and thought “i do not wish to listen to this in my free time but it is a nick braxton time”. it’s just the angsty indie pop main character walking down the street vibes.
we!!! end!!! with!!! a song i love very much - “sex drive” by austin mckenzie of dwsa fame. this song plays over nick getting “rejected” by james and resorting to grindr to feed their want for human affection - which is where the parallels to ms jules euphoria come from. i chose this song specifically because it begins with the lines “who’s driving?” on repeat, which calls into question who is in control in the scenario. as seen on screen, nick is the one who initiates the “date” but, at the end of the day, nick is an underage teenager and the person he’s on a date with is an adult man. also the song is simply a fun bisexual time.
episode three
we open with “hurricane drunk” by florence and the machine, a song that has been decidedly nick core since 2018. like “i’m in the grip of a hurricane / i’m going to blow myself away”...... nick braxton you crazy little person
“yours” by greyson chance plays over nick and james driving out to the woods to skip school together….. it is quite insane. “no matter who i'm with, it's you that i adore / if you're not sure / baby, i'm yours” like i scream and shout nick braxton has always been in love with the concept of james cohen
“myrtle ave.” by mxmtoon plays as nick is feeling isolated from his friends…. like they just vibe with the song and the lyrics so hard. nick is just. i have no words other than i love them.
we close with “st jimmy” by green day because. goddammit isn’t he. like james just comes out as bisexual (just like st jimmy in american idiot the broadway musical) and nick is like “you are like a saint to me, i worship you, i will do anything for you”. like it’s a song about drug addiction but it’s also about being bisexual but it’s also about the performance of masculinity and the performance of being a “rebel” that james and nick both do i love them so much.
episode four
we begin with “lucy in the sky with diamonds” by the beatles. i do not listen to the beatles but i think the song is about drugs and the beatles is a james cohen band in canon so it has the connotations babey.
we then get “seventeen” by troye sivan as nick goes on grindr to seek out adult men. it’s genuinely such a nick song - once again, the fun poppy music in the background and the deeply upsetting lyrics. also, as in season 4, i chose this song to emphasise the fact that nick is seventeen and a minor and should not be doing these activities.
we then get “dancing on my own” by robyn as we’re at the vaguely halloween-esque party. it’s once again about the boppy music and sad lyrics and like. nick voice i’m in the corner watching you kiss her ohhhhhh i’m right over here why can’t you see me ohhhhhhh i’m giving it my all but i’m not the guy you’re taking home ooooh i keep dancing on my own. like he’s fucking insane (he is both me and nick)
and then!!!! we get a scene very personal to me. nick watching rocky horror for the first time at a shadowcast showing and watching “the time warp”. i first saw rocky horror when i was about 10/11 because i saw it on glee and wanted to watch the real movie and it made me so so transgender and homosexual. it is such a non-binary little movie and the time warp is just an absolute bop. 
it’s followed by a brief showing of “sweet transvestite” because tim curry in that movie is such an experience for anyone involved. like oh to be gender questioning nick braxton and to see that. what a fucking experience. and also to be gender questioning 11 year old me and to see that and then find out my school is doing a kidz bop version of rocky horror. fucking insane transgender times.
we close with “cecily smith” by will connolly as milo and nick walk home together because. it is just such a sweet song. like life is not the things that we do it’s who we’re doing them with. and it is a very nickmilo song and i am the president of nickmilo nation. i love a non-binary romance i do i do i do.
episode five
we open with “halloween” by phoebe bridgers because it is literally halloween. insane. but it is also such a nick braxton song like come on man we can be anything…… nick braxton voice i’ll be whatever you want…… it’s about the people pleasing and the desire to be wanted and needed loved and goodness gracious. also nick braxton fig faeth kinnie for this song specifically.
and then!!!!! we get nick dramatically singing “girl crush” by the harry styles version in his bathroom mirror. because goddammit they do have a girl crush. it’s about the gender and the desire to both be with james and to be liz becausenick is non-binary babey……..
and then!!!!! in such a parallel!!!!! we get milo singing “inner white girl” from a strange loop on their instagram live. “a strange loop” was a big inspiration for this season, with very similar themes fo it (you should listen to it right now) and this song….. quite genuinely we have nick singing a song about wanting to be a white girl and then they hear this song….. like nick does cling to his inner white girl as a way of staying safe - they cling to the safe idea of mlm flamboyancy and humour to hide from their genuine emotions and gender……. like it is insane to me. also white girls can do anything can’t they!!!!!!!
we then get “the people who raised me” by gregory and the hawks after nick has a fight with their parents…. “but i won't mind no time spent to save me / just trying to be good to the people who raised me” literally nick is trying his best to be good but he can’t be and that makes him angry!!!!!! but that anger is born out of a deep, deep sadness that nick has no emotional language to express, but anger is a language he can speak and it is. insane. like it’s about masculinity, it’s about femininity, it’s about everything. fuck. 
we then get "search your heart" by george feeny as nick sadly vibes at school…. also this scene does parallel with the liz/mary scene in season 2 where their parents fight. like liz is shitty to her friends but stays for her sister and nick is great to his friends but leaves his brothers behind….. the range.
and then!!!! we get phoebe bridgers’ cover of “friday i’m in love” because it is friday and nick is in love huh.
and then!!!!!!!!!! a moment i have been building up to!!!!! we get “back to black” by ms amy winehouse after nick finds out james has a crush on alistair thee fletcher. and just like. god. this song has everything for nick. it’s a song about depression, addiction, leaving your lover, anger, bitterness, second choice ness….. and also he is literally going back to black with his hair colour!!!!! because he thinks being more masculine is what will make people love him and he views pink hair as un-masculine!!!!! and he’s also going back to his family, so he’s going back to trying to hide himself to fit into their expectations….. like god it is an insane little time.
episode six 
we open with “idk if i’m a boy” by blue foster - a song i got on my discover weekly and it was a deeply personal attack. like nick voice i don’t know if i’m a reject i don’t know if i’m a loser but i know that i’ve been feeling feminine since i’ve been teething…. and how the song uses humour as a way to cope with gender dysphoria like it’s nick bay bee.
we then get “green light” by lorde because god it is such a james/nick song i feel insane. like “did it frighten you / how we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?” because james and nick have canonically kissed many times before….. also lorde as an artist just has such intense nick vibes it’s so much fun
we then get "fluorescent adolescent" by arctic monkeys over a party scene because i’ve been told on the internet that it is a british teen party classic. unfortunately the rowdiest party i’ve ever been to is my cousin’s christening so i do not know if it is factual, but it does slap. 
we then get vérité’s cover of somebody else by the 1975 because i just simply prefer this version. but like. oh nick braxton. oh it’s about the rori and the james and the nick being afraid of being open and committing to someone but still wanting to feel the sense of being wanted by someone and being the sole person they want….. literally it is very crazy.
and then we end with “sugar we’re going down” by fall out boy!!!!! like it it such a good song nick voice am i more than you bargained for yet!!! i’ve been dying to tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to hear!!!! because that’s just who i am this week!!!!! like it fits so well with his character but also it is so funny that sugar we’re going down plays as they faint at the party……. i am a comedian sometimes.
episode seven
the first song we get in this ep is “demi moore” by phoebe bridgers as nick is detoxing in the hospital. like quite genuinely “i don’t wanna be stoned anymore!!!!!!!!” they don’t want to be alone anymore!!!!!!!!!
then we get “bite the hand” by boygenius. just. like. “i can’t love you the way you want me to” is just. such a statement for nick’s season. like he can’t love james the way james wants to be loved by nick, they can’t love their parents, their parents can’t love them…… it’s all about learning how to love in a way that is felt by all parties involved in the relationship be it romantic, platonic, familial or otherwise. like. it’s so insane it’s all about love
and then we get “relay” by fiona apple - which was a contender for the trailer song at some point. like nick @ alistair is very “i resent you for being raised right etc.” because he knows liz is fucked up and has flaws, he’s seen them, but alistair is easy to project all of his hatred onto. also just like evil is a relay sport thank you ms apple.
we then get “girls just wanna have fun” by cyndi lauper and “dancing queen” and “mamma mia” by abba sung at the lgbt youth club karaoke night because. i mean of course they are. also they are very fun gender songs and i enjoy them :)
and then. my friends. the moment you’ve been waiting for. nick braxton singing alanis morrissette’s “you oughta know”. now this is gonna be a long one.
the you oughta know analysis
first things first, i got the jagged little pill broadway behind the scenes book for christmas and there’s a whole chapter about you oughta know being a song about the queer struggle of being unseen and unheard and i feel so validated like that is exactly what the song is about.
but for nick. oh baby. it is them singing to james, to rori, to al, to liz, to bree, to his parents, to his teachers, to everyone who perceives them wrong. it’s their moment of standing up and saying i am angry and i am serious about this and i deserve to be listened to as a young person. i will now give an in depth analysis of every line i want to.
“the perfect version of me” - bree and nick have had so many parallels throughout the series, which bree can be described as a “better” version of nick. they’re in therapy, she’s taking care of herself, they’re bisexual and it’s accepted by everyone, she’s a good partner to rori, she has parents who love her, and she can be gender non-conforming in a safe way. but this line also applies to al - because nick and al have also been compared this season, with al talking about how he’s comfortable with his femininity and james liking al, who, despite claiming to be more feminine, is still more traditionally masculine than nick. al, bree and liz are all very academically smart. they are all very creatively gifted. liz doesn’t struggle for money. nick, in their mind, compared to all of these people, is a failure.
“so she speaks eloquently / and she could have your baby / i'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother” - this applied to both liz and bree, who both try to be seen as very eloquent speakers, and who are both afab, so therefore can have james’s baby - something nick wouldn’t be able to do. but we have seen in liz and bree’s seasons that they both have sexual trauma, and bree especially is uncomfortable with having children. it’s nick having this idea of womanhood and femininity being something so unattainable and required for james - that it kind of segways into al. because al is also assigned female at birth and could, as he is pre-t, hypothetically have a child, which is playing into some transphobic notions, but nick sees al as both more feminine and more masculine than him - making al just perfect for james.
“and every time you speak his name / does he know why you told me / you'd be there until you died / 'til you died, but you're still alive” - nick changes to he pronouns here, now directly talking about al. we’ve seen james flirting with nick and we know they’ve kissed in the past, and james and nick are incredibly close friends. but james still, in nick’s mind at this point, chose al over him.
“it was a slap in the face / how quickly i was replaced / and are you thinking of me when she fucks you?” - the conversation about how all the skam brighton characters relate to the line between sex and love is so interesting to me. it is also the reason i do not allow my parents to read this show. but anyways - nick does feel so genuinely replaced by everyone in his life, like there’s always a newer, better version waiting just around the corner. what nick doesn’t know is that that is how everyone else around him feels as well. and the line “are you thinking of me when she fucks you” is such a pointed line because it’s not a line of confidence or a joke. nick knows that no one thinks about them like that because they feel repulsive but try to play it off as a joke.
then we get the “i” section, which is, in the script, more “ayes” and “nahs”, but i wanted to change it to be the word “i” specifically because so much of the season is nick existing for other people. for their parents, for their friends, for their clients, for james. in this moment, they are choosing themself. they are standing up and saying “what i feel is important and i fucking matter”
“'cause the joke that you laid in the bed, that was me / and i'm not gonna fade as soon as you close your eyes / and you know it” - because nick’s sexuality and nick as a romantic partner is treated as such a joke throughout the show’s run, and james has been trying to turn every time he kissed nick into a joke that will go away, but it’s not going to go away because nick remembers it. even if james tries to deny his sexuality to nick’s face, nick is always going to remember that james was, at some point, attracted to men enough to kiss him.
“and every time i scratch my nails / down someone else's back, i hope you feel it / well, can you feel it?” - every time nick has sought out sex with strangers it’s because they feel rejected and insecure in themself. they seek out this sexual validation as a way to feed their want to be loved and noticed by people and he wants james and rori to feel hurt by it - he wants to have the power, he wants to have the control.
“and i’m here” - this line is just. so powerful to me. because it’s a line of defeat - after all this time, nick’s ended up at some crappy youth group with his little brother babysitting him, and he’s been dumped and cheated on and overdosed and everything is so awful. but then it becomes a line of celebration. of “yeah, all that shit happened to me, but i’m still here, i’m still standing, and no one can take away the fact that i am here and i am alive and i deserve to be respected” - something milo taught them when they talked about their tattoo 
“to remind you of the mess you left when you went away” - nick himself is the mess they all left - because they feel so abandoned and alone and like they are just a mess to be discarded, but he’s here to remind everyone that he’s here. it’s a call for help.
“it's not fair, to deny me / of the cross i bear that you gave to me” - this line i always saw as directed at his parents - they gave him this cross of being the perfect eldest sibling that ended up crushing him, and they deny that it ever happened. but nick knows it did. the same way he knows james like guys. the same way he knows rori didn’t like only him. the same way he’s been denying himself of the cross he bears of being non-binary, the cross of being an addict, the cross of being a mentally ill neurodivergent person. this song is him finally letting go of that denial.
“you oughta know” - he’s talking to everyone with that line. everyone should know about his pain, about his emotions, about what he’s gone through, because he’s kept it so bottled up for years. it’s not fair for him not to share it because he deserve to.
they don’t call me isaac tumblr user yououghtaknowmp3 for nothing.
episode eight
we open with “seven” by taylor swift as nick reads a letter they wrote to their younger self. like. “i used to scream ferociously any time i wanted” is such a line about being neurodivergent as a child and then being forced to mask as you grow up….. also the bridge is just james and nick core…. you should come live with me and we could be pirates…..
we then get “nonbinary” by arca because i feel like at this point nick would be trying to listen to more nonbinary artists because they want to see themself reflected rather than running from it!!!!
we then get “heather” by conan gray as nick and liz accidentally meet at the local mentally ill teen zone. because i am just fucking crazy like that. and yes, i chose that song before it got big on tiktok. but i think it’s funnier because it is a famous song.
we then get “falling” by harry styles as nick is being emo in their bedroom because nick is just the type of person who will dramatically listen to harry styles in their bedroom whilst being sad. it also completes the full circle of sad taylor swift to sad harry styles, but with no vehicular manslaughter.
we then get “400 lux” by lorde after james and nick have their big conversation because like it is just a them song. like you buy me orange juice. it’s also about the james/nick having a gansey/ronan dynamic in the way that nick is devotedly in love with him and james is just being homoerotic for the jokes. but not most other ways. honestly i haven’t thought about the skam brighton versions of these characters in trc….. many thoughts head full
episode nine
we open with “pink rabbits” by the national as nick redyes their hair back to pink. and i’ll be honest. i only chose this song because it has pink in the title. but it does still vibe with nick though.
we then get “be your own 3am” by adult mom as nick is dealing with some bad cravings. it’s just a very pretty song for listening to alone at night in your bed in that weird space between sleep and awake. i love it.
we then get “i am not a robot” by marina as nick walks down the street because nick is a marina bitch!!!!!!! and “you've been acting awful tough lately / smoking a lot of cigarettes lately / but inside, you're just a little baby / it's okay to say you've got a weak spot” is such a nick @ james line it makes me insane
also rich’s entire character and backstory is directly lifted from skins gen 3 because i am niche and make content just for me
we then end with “rager teenager!” by troye sivan because i have listened to that song exactly once, decided it had nick vibes, and just stuck it in an episode somewhere.
episode ten
we open with “strange torpedo” by lucy dacus because it is just. such a nick song. it is insane. i am insane. like it is about nick wanting someone but not being sure who or what it is because he just wants to be loved and discovers that sometimes being liked is better than being loved…….
we then get “used to you” by mxmtoon and like….. “tell me what i can say / and i can say it / tell me what i can do / and i can do my best / tell me who i should be / and i can change it” is such a nick early s5 lyric…… and how the song is kind of a love song but the line “now i’m just kind of used to you” is very nick about his feelings towards james
we then get “gay street fighter” by keiynan lonsdale as milo gets their sexy slow mo that all of the love interests get at some point. they deserve it.
and then “to be alone with you” by sufjan stevens plays as milo and nick have their first kiss in the pool because i always wanted to include that scene and thought “hey here is good”. and like. they are alone with each other a lot and they like spending time with each other….. they are friends, they are teens, they are falling in love a little <3
we then get “creep” by lena hall as nick has a little gender moment at school. lena hall played yitzhak in the broadway revival of hedwig and the angry inch and she just has so much gender. creep has always been a nick song and this cover just…. it’s them. 
we then get some ambient guitar music during the nick/rori scene and i chose some songs from “your city gave me asthma” by wilbur soot because it is a fucking great album and nick is canonically a mcyt stan so i simply had to. we end with “your new boyfriend”, which is a funnier, happier wilbur soot song and it is simply a fun time.
episode eleven
we open with “gender is boring” by she/her/hers which is just an absolute banger. like “gender never really meant that much to me / til' people started telling me how it was supposed to be” is such a great line and it is very nick braxton because. like. it’s just gender babey everything is about gender except for gender which is about having fun.
“dorothea” by taylor swift plays as james and nick have their final big scene together and like. it is such a homoerotic and fun song i love it so much thank you taylor friend of the show swift. “and if you're ever tired of being known / for who you know / you know, you'll always know me” is just……. god.
we then get “i do (end credits)” by kevin abstract as we open on the final scene of the season because a) it has end credits in the title and b) it is just another song i think nick would enjoy listening to.
we then get “they/them/theirs” by worriers as we get another little party montage because it’s a vibe time and like. i do love a they/them pronoun moment. it’s a very good and fun pronoun to use.
and finally we get “prelude” from next to normal as al comes in late to the party and awkwardly stands at the back. i chose this song because. well. you’ll see :)
thank you for reading my analysis that no one asked for, i just love having fun and talking about my silly little show :)
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