#i was zip zooming through the game bc the plot had a chokehold on me i guess
goldensunset · 8 months
You wanna know something weird? You just did in a few weeks what 12 yr old me could never do.
My first Pokémon game ever was Black. Unfortunately I was also an idiot that relied on my starter, the Sawk that I caught for the second gym, and the Excadrill that I leveled up for vanity’s sake. So once Ghetsis took out my beloved Splash, there was little else I could do.
being 12 years old is a solid excuse for pretty much everything man. i don't blame you you know how hard i struggled on some of these fights? how stressful it was? even with greater skill and preparation i had a rough time of it. i say major props to you for having even three solid pokémon bc a lot of the stories you hear about this kind of thing are people who literally only have one pokémon, their overlevelled starter
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