#i had like 90 on platinum lol
goldensunset · 8 months
You wanna know something weird? You just did in a few weeks what 12 yr old me could never do.
My first Pokémon game ever was Black. Unfortunately I was also an idiot that relied on my starter, the Sawk that I caught for the second gym, and the Excadrill that I leveled up for vanity’s sake. So once Ghetsis took out my beloved Splash, there was little else I could do.
being 12 years old is a solid excuse for pretty much everything man. i don't blame you you know how hard i struggled on some of these fights? how stressful it was? even with greater skill and preparation i had a rough time of it. i say major props to you for having even three solid pokémon bc a lot of the stories you hear about this kind of thing are people who literally only have one pokémon, their overlevelled starter
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enderina · 2 months
After 3 {kinda} days of hunting in the resort area of pokemon platinum, I finally found the level 100 magikarp in the wild!!
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I am writing a story where an older Black man, late 60s to mid 70s (I haven't fully decided), is one of the main characters. Is there anything I should keep in mind about how aging affects Black people? In particular I was thinking about giving him gray hair, but I've heard that Black people don't typically go gray as much or in the same way as white people do? I could be misinformed though, which is why I'm hoping you'd be willing to help out. Also if this is insensitive please let me know so I can be aware of where I'm wrong going forward.
Thanks for everything you do!
Well, everyone doesn't age the same lol. How you age depends on your genetics, your diet and exercise, and the type of life you live, really. Some people are 80 and look 60, some are 70 and look 90. My partner's Grandfather looks as peppy as ever and he's 70ish. We definitely go gray, though not everyone goes like... Platinum silver or white. My granny had silver hair as brassy as dimes at 50, that turned a bright white... She was also really physically active until she got dementia. My grandma has been a matte gray for twenty years; wheelchair bound, but her mind's sharp as ever. My grandad was salt and pepper that eventually turned gray, also sharp minded.
But the regular signs of aging are ubiquitous- wrinkles due to less elasticity, eventual muscle atrophy, losing teeth. Some of us get more moles and dark spots. So the specifics just depend on the person. I'd suggest looking up references for what you have in mind, as well as considering what his lifestyle is like (E.g. If he spent years lifting truck beds for mechanic work and didn't focus on muscle care, his back probably hurts.)
Some other things to keep in mind is how aging while Black includes dealing with a lot of outward pressures. In other words, racial disparities (e.g. economic, health care, environmental) affect how we age as well. The likelihood of high blood pressure and diabetes is quite high. Doctors also tend not to take our pain and issues as seriously, especially Black women. Very often things can and do go unnoticed due to both a lack of trust, or simply not going because... Money and access.
(What I've linked here is majority Black American experiences, but you can look for these examples in other countries just by inputting that on Google)
5 Health Conditions Black Folks Commonly Face As They Get Older
How Racism “Gets Under the Skin” and Prematurely Ages Black People
Aging While Black: The Crisis Among Black Americans as They Grow Old
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b0ne-marrow · 8 months
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Been wanting to redesign old designs I have to breath life into them and give them some love! It says I've had them over 7 years on my toyhou.se and is more than likely longer. I was originally just drawing the first one but since he's best friends with the other one I wanted to redesign them too lol
The first one is Chocolate Delight (He/him) and the second one is named Silver Wind (He/She/They!) More Info/Backstory under the cut!
-A lively pony from a small town, Chocolate Delight works for and helps run a local chocolate business that's been passed down his family tree for generations. Wears a bandana on his head to keep his mane up and help keep him cool while he's working. I like to imagine that like. If he was a physical pony his hair would like. 80-90 percent tinsel lol
-Silver Wind is a short-statured stallion who studies ponykind's history and eager to explore the depths of space. She often comes off as pedantic, prissy, and even standoff-ish, but anyone who knows her would say she has a heart of gold. (Or perhaps silver may be more fitting.) As a young colt, she lived in a more "sleezy" part of town. One unfortunate day, a fatal robbery left him an amputee and without his family. Traumatized and pained with survivor's guilt, she moved in with Choco after what happened to help her get back on her hooves. She eventually rediscovered her love for history and works as an official historian, and has even helped the princesses understand the past more. He and Choco still share a house to this day. While he's mainly a history buff, stargazing is a hobby of his that he is deeply invested in and respects. She wears a tailored replica of Princess Platinum's robe with chainmail underneath.  His right leg and left back leg are prosthetics! (the ones that are more round and have metallic looking hooves)
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blazregaliadream · 4 months
I know I can be an ass in the topic so feel free to ignore me-
What problems did you have with SV?
(I'm screamin' that I accidentally reblogged that S/V post on my art blog but I also can't bring myself to correct that mistake) *COUGH* Truth be told, that response was a bit of old gut thoughts from when I played Violet prior to the release of the DLC, so brain had a lapse there lol That said though, I might as well go over my initial hung-ups over SV:
The universal performance issues that come from how much shit this game loads in no matter where you are. (and lord have mercy, it still chugs today)
Prior to DLC, postgame felt a bit barren. Definitely more than what I could say for base Sw/Sh, but I was still like "ehhhhhh, I guess it's somethin'" (Discoverin' the Ruinous Quartet was a fun experience tho, love those bastards)
WHY THE HELL WAS GEETA SUCH A PUSHOVER ACTUALLY LMFAO While in general, I seem to had far reached the point where I hardly struggle much with offline Pokémon games (far as NPC battles), I CLEAN-SWEEPED GEETA SO HARD, IT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY, WHAT WAS THIS CLOWN'S LINE-UP!? (I heard this was fixed in a later patch, but I was so baffled from the initial run that I haven't bothered to square up against the League again since)
The DLC has been an interestin' experience for sure (I've been puttin' off finishin' the Indigo Disk for a minute now, I've had a bad habit of gettin' games and then gettin' through 80-90% of the way through before I lose steam and then put 'em off a while as of late), though it ties back to my big gripe on GF givin' us what feels like half a game early on for full price just to give us the rest at a later date post-release and I'm fearin' this is gonna be the trend goin' forward too. Pardon the tangent, it's just, idk dawg, aside from BDSP Cynthia givin' me the roughest challenge (took me two failed attempts before I finally beat her on her home turf because I use to own Platinum as a kid and only made it to her once before my copy was lost) and Legends: Arceus in general, this franchise hasn't sparked a whole lotta joy for me since Sun/Moon and I think I came to accept this is just it for me. There's still some good here and there, but not enough to keep me for much longer. I'm cautiously excited for Legends: Z-A, which, unless that somehow turns to a shitshow, will be my final purchase with Pokémon games until there's been some serious improvement with production.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Strings as rings anon :)
They seem like the type to be like laying in bed one day and just “let’s get married” “okay” and then make some makeshift rings and call it a day lol
I had a feeling it was something along those lines but wasn't sure if it was a saying or smt I wasn't familiar with ahaha thanks for the clarification!
And yes pretty much. Honestly they don't even say it at one point they're just comfortable with each other and straight up start calling each other "my wife" casually until someone (Bela probably) pointed out they're not officially married. So they just shrug and go aight let's organize it. Daniela organizes like 90% of it but they purposefully want it when it's colder (pfft Halloween wedding anyone?) so she can't go too extra lol they know her.
Tho they do have actual rings. They do live in a castle and are fancy like that after all. Both have the exact same ring, save for the size, and it's a platinum band with floral engravings and a line of small ochre gems. No big central thing because they wanted to not have to take it off while working in the dungeons and wearing thick leather gloves. Also Nicole misplaced hers like 5 times, feels horrible about it, and every staff members knows "if you find that ring somewhere quietly return it to her chambers".
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infernwetrust · 4 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 1
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: Michael has some business handled at his California home.
Warnings: violence, swearing, fluff, a lil smut, MURDER, some graphic descriptions
WC: 3.1k
A/N: I thought long and hard about starting this, but I’m gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Outpost Michael fits this perfectly of course, but he’ll cut his hair every now and then lol. This will have it’s own bracket on my master list. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The air was cool. The evening was just right. Your husband Michael had decided to throw a small party that consisted of only close friends, family members, and some staff from your residency and Michael's line of work. Party music played moderately in the background as the backyard of the Santa Monica Villa you and Michael purchased this same year was filled with laughter, dancing, and casual conversation. Servers carried around platters of the most delectable finger foods. Drinks were also being served. Cars were lined up in the driveway, late arrivals having to park on the side of the road. Luckily, Michael always sent one of his guards on a golf cart to pick up his guests that had to park far away.
Michael laid in his hammock, across his rather large pool so that he was away from everyone else. Michael dressed comfortably. He wore a beautiful salmon pink floral shirt and white slacks, with a white belt. No need for shoes. Around Michael's neck was a platinum rope chain that glistened when the light shined on it just right. Around his wrist was a platinum iced out Rolex watch, his name engraved on the inside, one of his favorite gifts from you. The only ring he decided that he wanted to wear today was his wedding band, which shocked you. Michael always wore all of his rings.
Curled up against Michael's chest yours and his beautiful 1 year old boy, Malcolm. He was blessed with a full head of hair, just as blonde as his father's. He took after your eye color, but his resemblance to his father was unmatched. No worries because in his twin brother's arm was your handsome 3 year old son, Michael,who captured most of your features. All really, but your eye color. Michael won that fight again. Junior, is what everyone calls him. On the opposite side of Michael, still in his hammock was you, dressed in that sundress Michael loved to show you off in. Your wedding ring glistened on your finger, no matter what time of day it was or where you were. Michael made sure of that. Around your neck, your favorite Pearl necklace.
You lay head your head on Michael's chest, rubbing your hand gently against the back of your one year old. Michael raises his arm slowly as to not alert the sleeping child and takes a sip of his whiskey. He's glaring at someone, hard. And you know why and who, but you rather choose to not address it. All you were waiting for were the words.
"You know, brother." Jim said to Michael, using his free hand that wasn't holding Junior, to also take a sip of his drink. "I don't see how you do it."
"And what is it that I do, Jim?" Michael questioned, turning his head slightly to meet his brothers gaze. Junior nestled his head back into Jim's chest, mouth full of goldfish out of the bowl he was holding. Jim sat in a chair, adjacent to Michael's hammock.
"How you stay so calm and collected about things."
"Dirty work is not something I'm a fan of."
"But I am."
"I know, so that's why I gave this task to you."
"You know I'll do anything for my family."
"I just don't see why we can't just kick them out." you mumbled, watching as Malcolm grabbed your finger in his sleep as you tried to put your hand back down from his back.
"Because in this life, lessons have to be taught." Michael answered you, putting his glass down to wrap his arm fully around you. Michael made eye contact with his other twin, Duncan, who sat amongst a group of women, one of them in his lap, stroking his hair. He nodded, giving Michael the cue. "Will you go ahead and take the kids inside?" You sighed, sitting up, looking Michael in his soft blue eyes.
"Baby, you don't have to-,"
"One day you'll understand, Y/N." Michael said, cutting you off, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a few small kisses. Getting up, you gently picked up Malcolm, holding him close to you.
"Come on, Junior."
"Nooooooo." Junior whined, not wanting to leave his Uncle's side. "Don't wanna."
"Hey." Jim said, playfully grabbing Junior's tummy, causing him to giggle. "What was that phrase I taught you?"
"The first time." Junior responded happily.
"The first time what?"
"Listen!" he clapped, letting go of his bowl which Jim quickly caught before it fell to the floor.
"Smart boy. Now go with inside with your mommy. We'll play later, yeah?" Junior quickly nodded, scurrying off of Jim's lap and to your side, grabbing your hand. He turned around momentarily to look back at Jim, who shot him a quick wink before you took both boys inside. You also managed to scurry up the other children as well, promising treats and a good show on TV. You had them at treats.
"He loves you so damn much." Michael said, sitting up, hanging his feet of his hammock to come face to face with his brother. "Sometimes I swear he thinks you're his father."
"I mean. I could be. We're twins."
"Watch it, playboy."
Jim chuckled, reaching for his drink to take another sip. He dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, black slacks, and a pair of dark blue dress shoes. A black Louis Vuitton belt, midnight silver buckle, lined his waist. He sighed, reaching for his pistol that was tucked neatly behind him is waistband. He quickly removed the clip, checking it, and popping it back in before setting it down on the table next to Michael.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jim questioned. "He's been with us for a few years, Mike."
"All the more reason to get rid of him. I've taken care of you for years and you betray me like that?" Michael answered. "He knows too much and has seen too much."
"That's true." Jim mumbled, rubbing his hand underneath his chin. "What are they doing with his body?"
"Burning it." Michael said quickly, squinting his eyes at Jim. "Like we do 90% of the time. Do you not want to, Jim?" Michael's question caused Jim to laugh as he got up, returning his shirt back into his slacks. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the table, taking one out, placing it between his lips and giving it a light, tossing the box back on the table. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling lengthy.
"You and I both know, Michael." Jim began as he took another hit of his cigarette. "That I shy away from nothing. Especially not an, how do I put this, opportunity." Jim tucked his gun back into his waistband.
"And speaking of opportunity." Jim continued, looking out into the body of people before hitting his cigarette one last time and then handing it to Michael. "Here's mine."
Jim made his way, at a decent pace, back to the other side of the pool, where all the party goers stood. He took his time, waving and smiling at familiar faces. Spotting his target, he moved with just a little bit more urgency. It's such a shame that Bryce had to go. Michael watched Jim as he moved, continuing to sip his drink. Part of him wanted to look away because this hurt him as much as it was going to kill Bryce. Bryce was one of his favorites.
He remembered when he stumbled across Bryce who limped out of an alleyway, screaming for help as Michael closed up his bar. When Michael laid eyes on him, his clothes were completely ruined by blood. He held onto his stomach, collapsing onto the sidewalk, coughing up more blood as he spoke. Michael made his way over to the boy, kneeling down by his side, removing his hand from his wound, watching as the he poured out.
"How bad do you want to live?" Michael asked, cocking his head at the boy.
"What the fuck is up with you man?!" he questioned. "Help me!"
"I asked you a question." Michael spoke again. "You want to live right? I could just let you die, here."
"Um, kinda, yeah!"
"Then tell me how bad you want to live."
"Bad man! Bad! I want to fucking live bad! Please don't let me die!" Michael grinned. How fragile life was, he thought. How it could just be taken from you at any moment. Moments like these.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Br-Br-Bryce." he responded before blacking out from the pain.
"We're going to get you alllllll fixed up, Bryce."
Michael took Bryce, not to a hospital, but instead back to his property, where his own private doctor could deal with Bryce. They managed to take care of what they discovered was a gunshot wound instead of a stab wound like Michael originally thought when he found Bryce.
"How's he doing?" Michael asked Dr. Joseph as he stepped into the rather large, renovated, shed he had given to his doctor for his medical practices. He even was nice enough to give him a little office space as well.
"Well. He's very lucky considering how much he was bleeding." he answered. "Those two bullets I removed barely missed his vital organs, but he'll make a full recovery."
"Which room do you have him in? Is he awake now?"
"Room 3. It has the most room. The last time I checked on him, yes."
Michael nodded at his words, making his way over to the room. He entered quietly, not wanting to startle, Bryce. Bryce sat up in the bed, sipping on an ice cold water, scrolling through the movies on the flatscreen TV Michael had gotten installed in every room. Jim's idea, of course. There was an awkward silence in the room as Bryce didn't know whether to thank him first or say fuck him for waiting until he passed out and asking him all those stupid questions.
Michael didn't say anything as he walked around to the side of Bryce's bed, pulling up a near by chair to sit closer to him. Michael leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg halfway over his knee as he clasped his hands together. Bryce never took his eyes off of him, not sure what his next move would be.
"You're welcome by the way." Michael said. "Isn't it nice having someone take care of you without all the pesky need for insurance information or just a bill in general?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bryce questioned.
"Answer me this, Bryce." Michael leaned forward in his seat. "What if I offered you a chance to start over? A new chance at life. Somewhere, where you could be safe, your meals paid for. And all you have to do is stay by my side, loyal to me."
"I'm not gay, man."
"Who said anything about being gay?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrow. "And what if I was?"
"Listen." Bryce breathed out. "I didn't mean to offend you. Look. Thank you. For bringing me, to, well wherever we are, and helping me. And once I'm all healed up, I'll be all out of your hair."
"Do you have any family, Bryce?" Bryce's whole attitude changed. He looked softer.
"No..." he answered silently.
"Well you do now."
Jim was just a few feet away from Bryce now when the two made eye contact. And when Jim reached, rather quickly, behind his back, Bryce knew. Of course he knew what he had done. Bryce turned around to start running, when Jim quickly cocked his gun and fired two shots, both at the back of his legs. Everyone stopped what they were doing, in shock, but not enough shock to runaway. It was Jim and who dares question one of Michael's brothers. Everyone watched as Bryce fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder in pain. Jim continued to walk at his leisurely pace to him, standing in front of him.
"Now." Jim said aloud, over the groans and screams of Bryce. "I know you all looked at Bryce as family, right? 4 years ago my brother found this piece of scum bleeding to death, begging for help. And of course Michael helped him."
"I'm sorry!" Bryce yelled, hands reaching out to grab Jim's ankle and it took everything in him not to kill Bryce right then and there, but he wanted to get his point across.
"And with the help of our wonderful Dr. Joseph, he was taken care of, free of charge, can you believe that?" Jim continued. "And all we asked for in return was just his unwavering loyalty." Jim snatched his ankle away from Bryce's hand, stepping on it, instead, causing him to scream out again as his fingers were crushed.
"But when you lie to AND you steal from the hand that feeds you." Jim looked around at everyone as he said this. "There are consequences." Jim kneeled down in front of Bryce who looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears, pleading with Jim.
"Please..." Bryce whispered to Jim, grabbing ahold of him again. "Please Jim, I'm sorry. I was desperate."
Jim grabbed him by his face, snapping his head up to look all the way at him. He looked at the gun in his opposite hand, before looking back at Bryce. The small breeze that was in the air had come completely still, everyone virtually silent as they watched the events unfold. When things first went missing around the house when Michael would hold meetings, they didn't even think to look at Bryce. Not until Michael had trusted him enough to appoint him as Duncan's right hand man. Duncan handled all of the cartel's finances and when he kept coming up short on the days just him and Bryce would do the counting, he caught on rather quickly.
"I liked you Bryce." Jim said, jaw clenched. "I really did. We all did. We loved you almost, but you know the rules, don't you?"
"Jim please..." Bryce whined, starting to cry his eyes out, but only enough for Jim to see and hear. "Please man. I'll do anything. Anything please!"
"What did I tell you happened to those who betrayed the cartel? What is your own way out once you're in? I mean I could just let you go, yeah? But once you walk out those doors you become a liability to me, my brothers, and my family. And I just can't have that."
"Death..." Bryce mumbled. "But we can work something out, please!"  Jim chuckled as he let go of Bryce's face, quickly cocking his gun again, before holding Bryce's face up again. He put the gun inside of Bryce's mouth, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Maybe in another life." And with those words said, Jim pulled the trigger, the sounds of bloods and mush splattering across the ground. A few turned their heads, not wanting to see the sight. Jim looked up and back across the pool at his brother who downed the rest of his drink, nodding at Jim.
"Clean it up." Jim said to the disposal crew who stood near by, rising to his feet, and tucking his gun back away. "Everyone else can carry on."
The warm water danced on your skin as you stood in the shower, washing away all events from today. You put your face underneath the water for a few seconds before running both of your hands through your hair. When you turned around you were startled by the presence of your husband, Michael, who stood behind you, a little soaked from the backlash of you being underneath the water. His vibrant blue eyes were now several shades darker as he was out of the sun light. He simply just stared at you.
You offered to trade him positions under the water so he could get completely wet too and of course he didn't object. You were now staring at him as he stepped underneath the water, sighing as it hit his skin. He ran his hands over his face as he turned around to face you, getting off as much water as he could before he opened his eyes again to look at you. Water dripped off his skin and your eyes couldn't help but trail all over him. He was so beautiful. His long blonde hair, over shoulder length, completely wet now as the water continued to pour down on him. You almost smiled, remember when Michael told you that he was going to start growing his hair out. He cut it every now and then, but nothing compared to long haired beauty.
"I'm sorry." he spoke, running his hands over his face again. "I know you don't like when.. you know." You walked over to your husband, pressing your forehead against his, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His large hands found their way to small of your back, pulling you even closer.
"I know..." you mumbled, using your thumbs to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not mad at you, Michael. I just don't want you to become... emotionless."
"Everything I do is to protect you and our boys. Without my family, I am nothing. This empire? We built it, Y/N. Not just me. I'm still here emotionally, but you know it works. He was too much of a liability to just let go. And when the right information gets into the wrong hands, I'm only sure you can imagine what happens."
"Do you ever get afraid, Michael?"
"Only if it deals with you and my sons." he said, looking down at you, smiling. Cheeky bastard.
"I'm being serious. What if one day you go out and don't come back home? What if we get attacked here? What will I do? What will I tell our children?"
"Don't you ever worry about that, my love." Michael reassured you. "As long as my brothers and I are alive and breathing, no one will be in any kind of danger. I promise." Michael brushed his lips across yours as he finished his sentence. You pulled him in for a kiss. A hungry one, it was, as your tongues wasted no time entering each other's mouths, Michael's dominance showing as you basically let him devour you, melting away at his touch. He backed you up against the shower wall and you gasped against him as it was cold. He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Let me help you forget..." he said against your lips, brushing his nose across yours and you remembered, just how in love you are with Michael.
Taglist: @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @jimmason @theneverendinghunger
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nitebloom · 2 years
i havent seen my central florida white trash aunt since right before covid hit and i miss her so bad 😭 shes such a goddess always has loooong acrylics w da curve and a camel cigarette (altho i heard she's started chainsmoking cigarillos since covid lol), shes obsessed with nascar and paranormal trash tv like hunting bigfoot and ghost stuff and in the 90s she dated a roadie for 9 inch nails and marilyn manson & had all these amazing crazy tour shirts...she put me onto headshop perfume oils like egyptian goddess etc...shes a platinum blonde leo in a houseful of men and big dogs and guns who will put any and everyone in their place w her attitude but also like the sweetest angel ever who is like the only woman in my fam i can emotionally connect to wahhhh god bless her
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ceruleanwhore · 4 years
So here is the sequel to that post I made about Descendants character design that no one asked for. I figured that since I did the ‘VKs’ I should also do all the assholes from Auradon, just to be fair lol. With this bunch of kids, it’s less so about how “omfg they’re trying to present edgy kids who literally grew up on a prison island without giving them any body mods what blasphemy is this” and moreso just going into the wardrobe and hair stuff. Kinda like how with Mal and everyone it was about having it not just be head to toe colorful leather, this is about having everyone not look like Barbie movie rejects who all coordinate their outfits a little too well in spite of not having a dress code while adding a little bit of extra stuff. I’m not going to go too crazy with piercings and tattoos but the combination of how all these kids are literally royalty and therefore can do pretty much anything along with how severely the characterization of their parents seems to deviate from their original characters, I think it’s reasonable to include some.
First off is Audrey. So, right off the bat, I think that instead of tying her to Aurora via questionable fashion choices, it would make sense to give her that long, loosely curled blonde hair that her mother has. With the clothing, that swing dress emulates Aurora’s dress in its neckline and cut without being whatever dumb shit Audrey wears in the movie. I’ve always been opposed to going too hard with color coding characters. The jacket, shoes, bracelet, and makeup are pretty self explanatory (shades are Ray Ban, heels are Louboutin) but I did want to touch on piercings. I decided that she would have both lobes pierced but on one side would also have a forward triple helix and a second lobe piercing and on the other would have one cartilage piercing, like a tragus, antitragus, or a daith, not sure which. She would also have a nose stud, hip piercings, and a navel piercing. The image next to the shoes is a navel ring I found that I think would be perfect.
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Next up is Ben. I didn’t have that much to add here but I’ll explain what I did. I gave him some hair that might belong to some tiktokker, idk, but it’s like a nicer, neater version of the D3 mop. For clothes, I kept the button up but I really wanted to make it more casual but like rich people casual, as indicated by the Rolex. I do think he would have one ear pierced and I do think he’d have approximately 2 tattoos: a sword of some sort and his family crest.
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So then we get Jane. Now, what I’ve got here is pretty similar in terms of design to her canon attire but I want to explain what I’ve come up with and why. With Jane, she seriously gets fucked over in how she’s first presented with how her appearance in the first movie is made to be like the love child of someone’s grandma and a Barbie movie in the worst way. Not only that, but the whole theme with her character throughout that movie is how she’s insecure about her appearance and at the end gets the nice message of how she’s fine just as she is- just to turn around and give her long flowing locks, a decent wardrobe change, and a bit more makeup in the next movie. So this here is supposed to be an initial character design for how she’s introduced that is a) just better in design and everything and b) closer to how she is presented in the second and third movies. I included the hairbow she had but changed it so it’s not absurdly stupid and went with some shoulder length loose curls that I think is a happy medium between the Oppressive Bob and Panteneᵀᴹ so we aren’t also all getting the message that ‘short hair is ugly’ which is really how that whole hair business comes across between her and Lonnie. But yeah, still baby blue but now it’s a blazer and a good skirt with no obscene ruffles or hot pink neck bows in sight, plus some black mary jane heels to tie it all together.
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Aright, so now we’ve got Doug. This one’s really basic, just a wee lil man bun, a funky tshirt, some mustard-brown pants, an overshirt, and some boots. Oh, and a d20 spinner ring because it just felt right.
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Now for my personal favorite, Lonnie. I decided to give her a blunt platinum bob because even if she didn’t have it at the very beginning, we’ve seen that the hair Mal gives her is the hair she’ll keep for the rest of the series and this in infinitely better than the shit she got as far as hair transformation goes. Plus, again, not sending the message that short hair is bad. So then I’m thinking a sassy tshirt, baggy jacket, ripped jeans, and burgundy converse. I think that, makeup-wise, she’d keep the eyeshadow basic and instead just focus on some killer eyeliner (you know, the kind that could sink an empire class Fire Nation battleship because it’s so... sharp) plus a wet red lip. Plus she’d have a whole bunch of ear piercings and a central labret and somewhere she would have a dragon tattoo. Point is, she’s not a princess like Audrey is and she can and does actually fight people so why is she running around in dresses and heels 90% of the time? Also, it goes without saying but she totally shouldn’t need Mal’s influence to get cool hair or any of it.
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Last for a reason (spoiler: it’s because he sucks) is Chad. I’m about 98% sure that the hair I put in there came from either Little T or one of the Paul brothers but feel free to correct me on that. Here we’ve got an obnoxious tshirt, jeans, Nikes, an overshirt, a Gucci belt, and a Rolex. There’s also a nice little assortment of fuckboy tattoos. I, for one, am a huge fan of the lipstick stain tattoed on the neck.
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rpgmgames · 5 years
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September’s Featured Game: Turovero: The Celestial Tower
DEVELOPER(S): Queenie ENGINE: RPG Maker VX Ace GENRE: RPG, Adventure, Psychological, Dark Fantasy WARNINGS: Violence, Light Horror Elements, Sensitive Themes SUMMARY: Turovero: The Celestial Tower is a freeware, dark fantasy role-playing game created with RPG Maker VX Ace. Players take on the role of four young adventurers - Sigurd, a brave and kind-hearted knight, Leilia, a gentle and motherly cleric, Edric, a gifted yet sharp-tongued mage, and Ruby, a cheeky, fun-loving thief - who have no recollection of their lives prior to meeting one another. Determined to free their world from the influence of an ancient evil, the Dark One, the group sets forth on their most perilous journey yet as they climb the mysterious divine tower, Turovero. However, as the heroes ascend the Celestial Tower, they begin to realize that not everything is as it seems. Just what is the Dark One that plagues their world so, and what truly happened to the Four Gods of legend? The answers to these questions lie in wait for them at the top of the tower… but do they truly want to discover them?
Play the game here! Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! I'm Queenie and this is my second game that I've developed, written, and composed for (my first game was Prom Dreams: A High School Love Story, a horror / dating sim game available whever you can download Turovero from). I've been making games in earnest for about 4 years now, but I did use to muck around in the old bootleg version of RPG Maker 2000 when I was a kid I guess. Because one of the main complaints about my first game was the artwork, and because I, er, can't draw very well, I also enlisted the help of @genkaiko, @caffeineandcarpaltunnel, @pleasedrawmore, and @meakersneakers to draw the character artwork, title and ending artwork, enemy artwork, and cutscene artwork respectively. Check them out too if you've got the chance!
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create this game initially? *Queenie: I've always enjoyed horror games and games that started out normal / cute / cliched but slowly turned into something darker as they went on. I also really love RPGs and adventure games. So, naturally, I figured I'd combine the two at some point, and thus the initial concept for Turovero was born!
How long have you been working on your project? *Queenie: Total development time was around 2.5 years.
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Queenie: Considering every games I've made so far is essentially cobbling together various ideas from games and anime I love, you bet your ass it did LOL. Gameplay involves a mix of classic Final Fantasy-esque battles and Zelda-style field puzzles, whereas the story and atmosphere takes inspiration from other RPG Horror games and anime such as Madoka Magica and Higurashi. Essentially, dark psychological drama wrapped up in a nice little JRPG shell. Or something like that.
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Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *Queenie: Besides my complete and utter lack of art skills (which I thankfully had my team to help me with!), I also really struggled with the field skills due to RPG Maker's admittedly shoddy collision detection. I was eventually able to make the mechanic work around 90% of the time (and if it doesn't, protip: push up against the object before activating the field skill), so it's thankfully playable, but it sure was a pain to work with :T
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Queenie: I actually try to fully create a solid outline of my games and then stick to it, for the most part, so that I don't lose track during development. So, to be honest, not a whole lot changed besides some minor details, such as names, battle skills, and combat balance adjustments. Although, I did originally envision the theme and look of the final "dungeon" a bit differently (which I obviously won't go into details about), and only went with the current design because I couldn't get the sprites to cooperate with me and I was like "well, eh, this is the next best thing I guess". :P
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What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *Queenie: I did about 80% of the game myself, but I did have an interview/portfolio submission process for artists. I knew many of them previously, and the title artist I'd already had a working relationship and internet friendship with, so that made things easier as well. It also helped that I could share my ideas (and memes. lots of memes.) during the development process so I didn't have to keep the game 100% secret, haha.
What is the best part of developing a game? *Queenie: The music!! I freakin' love composing okay. I also love writing emotional or comedic scenes, then see other people's reactions to them as they play. Speaking of which, my jar of Player Tears seems to be running a little empty lately... :3c
Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *Queenie: I usually just go with the kind of gameplay my story needs and that my developer's skills will allow; sometimes I see another game and go "oh, that's possible?", and might keep that knowledge in handy, but I don't actively seek out gameplay inspiration or anything.
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Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *Queenie: My boy Edric and his grumpy yet adorable tsundere ways LOL. I have a thing for characters with love problems okay ;;
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Queenie: I do kind of wish the game had a way to do something like unison attacks from the Tales series, since it'd be thematically consistent with the game's ideas of friendship and unity, but at the time I wasn't willing to fudge around with the battle engine too much, so I shelved the idea.
Do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Queenie: I have ideas for some prequel stories (in an e-book or even a visual novel format) that expand upon the characters and world a bit, but I'm waiting to gauge interest in them.
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What do you most look forward to upon/after the release of a project? *Queenie: Player reactions and Let's Plays, definitely. I feed off of player reactions. I crave them like a zombie craves brains. If you play my games please tell me how much you suffered - er, enjoyed it, it really makes my day!
Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *Queenie: Honestly, only that it'd attract the wrong kind of fan - you know, the ones who harass people over fictional characters and over a work not being 100% to their particular standards. Thankfully that hasn't seemed to happen yet, and most people who've played my games are super chill and awesome.
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Queenie: Use outlines and try not to shovel features into your game just because you can! Figure out what kind of game you want and then focus your energy on making it the best version of that image that you can. Sure, my games may not take advantage of everything RPG Maker can do, but I don't think they need to - I only needs the elements that will help me tell my story the way I want to.
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Question from last month's featured dev @Teal Crown: If you're working on a team, how do you manage to keep organized? (Otherwise: If you could meet your favourite dev, the one that inspires you the most, what would you ask them?) *Queenie: My artists and I kept up via Tumblr messenger and Discord mostly. I also made a beta testing server when the game reached the testing phase, which was very helpful and also loads of fun. :)
We mods would like to thank Queenie for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out Turovero: The Celestial Tower if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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khaosfm · 5 years
          ‘sup  my  dudes   !  it’s  ya  boy  yves  sliding  into  the  group  after  eyeing  this  bad  boy  for  quite  some  time  ,  and  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  .  i’m  not  even  gonna  lie  to  ya’ll  ...  this  intro  is  headass  as  fuck  and  my  son  is  hell  in  a  hand  basket  (  maybe  that’s  why  his  name  is  khaos   ?   lmao  ) .  anyways  ,  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  and  to  introduce  ya’ll  to  my  son  ,  and  i’ll  be  sharing  my  discord  𝐝𝐨𝐣𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝑐𝑎𝑡 .#4437 just  in  case  anyone  would  prefer  to  plot  there  .  uhhh  ,  ya’ll  should  be  warned  that  this  intro  is  pretty  long  and  also  kinda  link  heavy  ,  but  you  don’t  have  to  click  them  if  you  don’t  want  to  !  it’s  mainly  because  i’m  an  extra  bitch  and  wasn’t  to  provide  ya’ll  with  VISUALS  .  
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           chicago’s  very  own  khaos  banks  has  been  spotted  on  madison  avenue  driving  a  frozen  blue  metallic  2020  porsche  taycan  ,  welcome  !  your  resemblance  to  keith  powers  is  unreal  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty - fourth  birthday  bash  . your  chance  of  surviving  new  york  is  uncertain  because  you’re  austere  ,  but  being  debonair  might  help  you  .  i  think  being  a  virgo  explains  that  .  3  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  diamond  encrusted  grills  glistening  underneath  the  glow  of  club  lights ,  back  to  back  shots  of  patrón  with  pineapple  juice  chasers ,  and  the  swipe  of  an  american  express  centurian  card  out  of  boredom  .  (  his  parents  had  his  criminal  record  expunged  to  protect  the  family  name   .  ) 
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  .
NAME :  khaos  maurice  banks  .
NICKNAME(s) :  kai  ,  or  nothing  . he’ll  gut  you  like  a  fish  if  you  try and  come  up  with  anything  different  . 
BIRTHDAY / AGE  :  september  17th  ,  1995  /  twenty - four  .
ZODIAC  :  virgo  .
GENDER  :  cismale  .
PRONOUNS :  he / him / his  .
NATIONALITY  :  american  .
ETHNICITY :  african - american  .
HEIGHT :  6′2″ ( six  foot  ,  two  inches ) .
LABEL(s)  :  the  lothario  ,  the  trust  fund  baby  ,  the  connard  ,  the  black  sheep  ,  and  the  sybarite  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .
FAMILY  NET  WORTH  :  $3.67  billion  .
LANGUAGES  SPOKEN  :  english  and  portuguese  .
CHARACTER  TROPES  :  the  quarterback  ,  spoiled  brat  ,  millionaire  playboy  ,  socialite  ,  and  the  casanova  .
CHARACTER  INSPO :  ambrose  spellman  ,  daniel  king  ,  spencer  james  ,  aaron  jackson  ,  and  chris  mckay  .
𝐢. 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 .
          born  in  a  moderately  comfortable  home  in  chicago  ,  il  ,  marcus  banks  never  really  knew  what  he  wanted  to  do  .  he  could  have  been  the  first  in  his  family  to  go  to  college  ,  especially  since  his  father  went  into  the  army  right  after  high  school  and  his  mom  worked  at  a  mac  counter  in  the  mall  to  give  herself  something  to  do  instead  of  being  a  stay  at  home  mom  .  when  he  was  in  high  school  ,  marcus  was  the  quarterback  for  his  school’s  team  ,  but  he  had  no  interest  in  playing  football  in  college  .  he  does  end  up  going  ,  and  manages  to  get  himself  into  prestigious  hbcu  morehouse  college  in  atlanta  ,  georgia  .  marcus  discovered  that  he  was  unhappy  at  morehouse  and  dropped  out  ,  so  like  most  twenty  year  olds  with  nothing  to  his  name  and  a  single  ticket  to  new  york  ,  marcus  somehow  managed  to  get  a  position  as  an  intern  at  uptown  records  .
          marcus  worked  his  way  up  from  intern  and  eventually  became  a  talent  director  ,  and  this  is  when  he  discovered  his  own  passion  for  music  as  well  as  how  exciting  it  was  to  help  develop  talent  .  while  at  uptown  records  ,  marcus  had  a  hand  in  developing  a  lot  of  the  talent  from  the  90s  ,  such  as  jodeci  and  mary  j .  blige  .  marcus’s  time  at  uptown  came  to  an  end  when  he  decided  that  he  wanted  to  start  his  own  label  ,  which  he  called  kingdom  records  .  through  those  years  ,  he  helped  to  manage  and  produce  tons  of  popular  artists  from  the  late  90s  and  early  2000s  .  although  marcus  enjoyed  his  time  as  a  producer  and  he  watched  as  his  wealth  grew  ,  he  also  knew  that  he  wanted  to  have  a  wife  and  children  .
           he  married  his  wife  ,  jada  long  ,  after  they  met  when  she  came  in  with  her  girl - group  to  become  the  next  big  trio  .  while  the  trio’s  career  didn’t  take  off  ,  jada  managed  to  find  love  with  marcus  and  they  married  after  six  months  of  dating  .  after  being  married  for  three  years  ,  they  welcomed  their  first  child  ,  a  son  named  isaiah  born  in  1993  .  in  1995  ,  jada  and  marcus  were  originally  expecting  twins  ,  but  one  of  them  absorbed  the  other  ,  so  that  explains  why  the  couple  decided  to  name  their  second  son  khaos  .  the  couple  had  one  more  child  ,  a  daughter  they  named  mariah  ,  in  1999  .  marcus  and  jada  settled  with  their  family  in  los  angeles  ,  where  their  company  expanded  and  marcus  started  his  own  music  career  .
          originally  ,  critics  were  skeptical  because  he  was  known  for  managing  and  producing  ,  not  rapping  ,  but  he  released  his  debut  album  in  2001  and  let’s  just  say  that  critics  were  floored  .  the  album  debuted  at  number  one  and  went  2x  platinum  ,  earning  him  his  first  grammy  nomination  .  marcus  continuously  released  music  throughout  the  2000s  and  even  into  the  2010s  ,  which  has  earned  him  18  grammy  wins  and  received  the  commemorative  ‘ salute  to  industry  icons  ’  in  2017  .  marcus  has  since  retired  from  music  after  touring  a  few  times  ,  and  now  mainly  cites  himself  as  a  businessman  .  he  is  the  head  of  banks  enterprises  ,  which  is  the  umbrella  com[any  for  his  restaurants  ,  fashion  line  ,  liquor  brand  ,  and  he  eventually  went  into  television  production  as  well  .
          as  for  their  son  khaos  ,  he’s  got  a  sick  case  of  middle  child  syndrome  .  while  growing  up  ,  he  always  felt  overshadowed  by  his  brother  who  went  into  the  music  industry  and  even  by  his  younger  sister  as  she  had  a  natural  talent  for  gymnastics  .  when  he  was  in  high  school  ,  khaos  played  football  because  it  made  sense  ,  but  he  wasn’t  as  passionate  about  it  as  his  father  .  football  was  never  an  interest  to  khaos  ,  and  he  never  had  an  interest  in  attending  college  for  it  either  (  sound  familiar  ?  )  he  wanted  time  to  figure  out  who  he  was  and  things  of  the  sort  ,  but  his  dad  was  a  stubborn  man  who  barely  let  him  decide  what  he  wanted  despite  the  fact  that  he  allowed  it  for  his  other  children  .  khaos  never  really  knew  how  to  tell  his  dad  that  he  didn’t  want  a  life  as  some  pro - baller  ,  so  he  started  hanging  around  the  wrong  people  .
          when  it  started  , khaos  primarily  hot - boxed  in  his  car  with  his  friends  ,  stayed  out  for  far  too  long  ,  and  occasionally  got  busted  in  the  mansions  that  were  up  for  sale  in  their  neighborhoods  .  to  him  ,  it  was  all  fun  and  games  ,  but  the  laughs  came  to  a  halt  when  his  father  picked  him  up  fueled  with  rage  and  his  mother  had  tears  in  her  eyes  because  he  was  ‘  headed  down  a  dark  path  ’  .  of  course  ,  khaos  never  took  heed  to  what  his  parents  had  to  say  about  anything  ,  so  he  continued  to  act  up  (  you  can  get  snatched  up  )  and  when  he  was  eighteen  his  parents  had  had  enough  when  he  was  placed  on  probation  for  two  and  a  half  years  for  reckless  driving  and  drag  racing  .
           the  heads  of  the  banks  household  decided  that  they  would  have  khaos  complete  his  probation  in  chicago  ,  and  was  made  to  stay  with  his  grandmother  for  the  duration  .  of  course  ,  khaos  was  mad  about  it  ,  but  he  decided  that  he  wouldn’t  stay  in  chicago  once  it  was  over  .  he  was  supposed  to  return  to  california  ,  but  somehow  managed  to  convince  his  parents  that  he’d  be  better  off  moving  to  new  york  ,  and  so  they  let  him  . 
𝐢𝐢. 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 .
now  ,  he  lives  in  new  york  and  pretends  like  he’s  the  ‘ changed ’  son  that  his  parents  want  .  in  reality  he’s  just  doing  whatever  the  hell  he  wants  because  his  parents  made  sure  that  the  media  didn’t  discover  that  he  was  going  in  and  out  of  jail  and  on  probation  for  a  period  of  time  .  he  mainly  lives  the  life  of  a  socialite  ,  taking  random  excursions  around  the  world  when  he  feels  like  it  and  popping  up  in  the  tabloids  because  he’s  having  another  club  night  escapade  .  
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  .
khaos  is  pretty  much  the  epitome  of  a  spoiled  rich  boy  .  he’s  really  arrogant  ,  and  thinks  highly  of  himself  but  he’s  not  really  in  your  face  about  it  .  it  mostly  can  be  seen  in  his  aura  /  his  energy  as  he’s  not  much  of  a  talker  in  the  first  place  .  he  doesn’t  brag  or  boast  about  himself  or  his  family’s  wealth  because  well  ...  there’s  no  need  for  that  .  as  soon  as  people  hear  the  ‘ banks ’  last  name  ,  they  automatically  know  who  he  is  .
he’s  the  most  charming  man  !  he’s  really  chill  and  he  really  likes  conversation  ,  so  watch  as  he  fills  it  with  compliments  but  mainly  to  get  what  he  wants  .  if  he’d  being  honest  ,  he  gets  his  charm  from  his  father  ,  even  though  he  doesn’t  really  want  to  admit  it  ,  and  he  gets  his  incredible  sense  of  humor  from  his  mother  so  chances  are  ,  he’s  gonna  get  what  he  wants  .  
uh  ,  he’s  an  asshole  ,  too  ?  like  he  tends  to  think  he’s  not  ,  but  he  doesn’t  really  care  for  his  dad  and  borderline  would  beat  his  ass  if  he  had  the  chance  to  .  he’s  not  an  asshole  outright  where  he’s  a  standoffish  dick  face  ,  but  khaos  does  have  his  moments  where  his  temper  won’t  be  as  mellow  as  it  usually  is  .
𝐢𝐯. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬  .
his  family  owns  a  few  houses  around  the  united  states  .  they  have  their  main  house  in  hidden  hills  ,  their  house  in  chicago  ,  two  vacation  homes  in  aspen  and  southampton  ,  and  a  more  ‘ modest ’  home  in  beverly  hills  .  khaos  lives  in  a  loft - style  duplex  condo  in  greenwich  village  .
it’s  my  dream  car (  rip  to  tesla  ig  lol )  ,  but  khaos  drives  primarily  a  porsche  taycan  .  it’s  the  main  car  he  drives  in  nyc  ,  but  back  home  in  california  he  has  a  fleet  of  cars  ranging  from  a  range  rover  ,  bentley  bentayga  ,  rolls - royce  phantom  ,  a  ferrari  548  italian  spider  ,  and  the  beautiful  bugatti  chiron  .
his  fashion  sense  is  primarily  streetwear  .  he  likes  to  dabble  into  luxury  sportswear  as  well  ,  but  mainly  sticks  to  brands  like  supreme  ,  commes  des  garcones  ,  balenciaga  ,  vetements  ,  supreme  ,  off - white  ,  alexander  wang  ,  etc  .  
this  is  so  headass  and  it  fits  his  aesthetic  lmao  ,  but  khaos  wears  a  an  eight  tooth  grill  (  both  top  and  bottom  )  every  single  day  .  ofc  he  takes  them  out  to  be  cleaned  /  brush  his  teeth  ,  but  he  never  leaves  the  house  without  them  and  they’re  valued  at  $45k  each  .
mostly  because  he’s  annoying  ,  his  favorite  thing  to  eat  is  cronuts  and  he’d  literally  fly  back  to  los  angeles  for  the  vegan  cronuts  at  donut  farm  .  that  being  said  ,  he  is  vegan  but  not  annoying  about  it  ...  at  least  i  don’t  think  he  is  lmao  .
a  feminist  !  specifically  ,  an  intersectional  feminist  and  he's  gone  to  the  women’s  march  in  nyc  every  year  since  he  made  the  official  move  ,  and  uh  ,  probably  got  arrested  during  a  peaceful  protest  when  the  ab*rtion  bill  became  a  thing  .
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
A Q&A With Keary Kase On Pioneering Hip Hop In Portland
Trenton, NJ born rapper Keary Kase is now pioneering hip hop from Portland, Oregon. After having been involved in a Nike ad campaign that featured him on Billboards across the US, Keary’s singles began to top the radio charts. He began to work with artists like The Wutang Clan and producers Bosko and Non-Stop Da Hitman. Most recently, he partnered with Adidas designers in Portland to develop ‘Reder’ – an athletic apparel brand with focus on CBD delivery systems for athletes who are recovering from injuries.
We had the chance to sit down with Keary Kase to talk about Portland’s thriving hip hop scene, his Nike campaign, and what fans and followers can expect in 2020.
Tell us a little bit about the hip hop scene in Portland. We’d love to know more!
Portland hip hop has so many facets, I’m not sure where to begin. We do have a solid foundation of originals, like Mic Crenshaw, Cool Nutz, Mellenium (Kenny Mack), Maniac Lok, Bosko, Vursatyl, X-Kid, DJ Wicked, Pete Miser and myself, who are still active.
Having strong artists, who have made careers in Hip Hop, as role models and idols allows the kids to aspire to become musical artists. Without these examples, the endless call to normalcy and job security (which we all now know is B/S) by pretty much EVERYBODY, would lead these young Ore-guns to self doubt and failure.
Mike Capes, Swiggle Mandela, Drae Steve’s, JR Patton and Keith Canvas are a few Portland artists to check out.
Right now, a lot of artists are showing support to the BLM movement using their voices to speak, rather than rap to those participating in protests, rallies and such.
How do you feel being originally from the east coast has affected your musical style?
In my embryonic years, I saw myself as an east coast rapper. I felt like, with the exception of rappers like Ice T, Too Short, NWA and The DOC, west coast rappers were mostly basic compared to east coast rappers. They had KRS, Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick (my favorite golden era rapper), Special ED, Kool G Rap & Polo, RAKIM!!! Plus WBLS used to play all the hot new shit off the block.
I was enamored by east coast swagger and tone. The slang and accent was natural for me because my entire family spoke with it. My ability to slip in and out of the style made me different in Portland.
In the early 90’s I started spending time in LA. I was slanging FIMO beads to tourists at Venice Beach in the daylight and going to clubs and shows at night. I met this dude named Self Jupiter at this summer festival called The African Marketplace, where I was selling jewelry and celebrating my black youth. Jupiter was a member of a rap group called Freestyle Fellowship. He gave me a tape. After I listened to it, my entire opinion of west coast hip hop was turned upside down. I witnessed west coast rappers like Volume 10, WC, Divine Styler, Cypress Hill and E40 change the game. I became influenced by them and my style was set free. I became open to all influences, no matter if they came from the east, west, northwest, midwest or south.
Tell us more about the Nike ad campaign you were featured in. How did that come about?
One day I was leaving my boy Tommy Hestmark’s studio in downtown Portland. I was walking down the street with my back straight and my chest and chin up, as all men and women should. This guy approached me and said “excuse me, can I talk to you?” I looked at him sideways and he says “no, no. It’s just…. Your face is CRAZY!” I squinted as if to say “do you hear yourself fool?” He pulls out a card and explains that he owned a modeling agency and he thought my look was money. He asked me to call to schedule a test shoot. I called and scheduled the shoot. When I went there, he asked me if I was wearing boxers. I confirmed, then he asked me if I would take some test shots in my boxers. I’m thinking this dude is either going to proposition me for sex or he wants to see if I can be the next face of Calvin Klein. I gambled on Calvin Klein and agreed to take the pics. We walked into a hall and he said “you can get undressed here,” then walked away. So there I stood baring all that my boxers would not cover, with my clothes in a small pile on the floor. I heard footsteps, then an attractive woman appears holding a camera. It was his wife. She told me where to stand , took a couple quick pics and said “Keary, you’re a machine,” then allowed me to get dressed and walked me out.
A few weeks later they called me back and said a photographer knew of me and wanted to do a martial arts shoot. There was no pay, but the photographer was well known and really good. I had no portfolio, and no published work so this was an opportunity to do TFP to add to my comp card.
The photographer, Marcus Swanson, wanted me to do a flying sidekick, which is a classic taekwondo photo kick. When I got there, there was nowhere to get a running start so I improvised and pulled it off. While I was there, a Nike scout was lurking. As I was leaving, Marcus’ assistant, Amber Geiger, mentioned a potential shoot for Nike and asked if they could do a quick polaroid. Snap snap and I was out. A few months passed by before I got a call back from my agent about the shoot. In those few months, I became a black belt, won a gold medal at the the regional national qualification tournament in the black belt dividion, then a silver medal at the US National Championship, and was leaving in a few days to go whoop everybody’s ass at the invitational US Team Trials. It didn’t play out that way but I believe being so active in the few months between the martial arts test shoot and the paid shoot is what influenced their decision to go with me for the ad campaign. We agreed on a date and time, after my return, for the shoot.
When I got back, we did the shoot. I thought it was going to be light work but it was brutal. Modeling is hardcore. I remember seeing myself on a billboard for the first time. It felt like a distant relative to masturbation. I also remember it taking forever to get my money. Agencies can be gangster. I had to make some very firm promises before I got the check. After that, our relationship became square.
You have worked with several platinum artists and producers. Do you have any memorable stories about your experiences that you’d like to share?
Hmm. I don’t like to deride or D-RIDE anyone, but there was an interesting encounter with a Wu-Tang Clan member named Cappadonna. Cappadonna, Killa Priest and a small crew they were touring with were staying at my house when they stopped through Portland. My roommate, MyG,  was helping them do some business in Portland while they killed time before their next tour date. At the time, we had a lil 5 bedroom spread with 2 recording studios in it, so we let their whole crew crash at the spot. The house was already like a revolving door for whoever was on tour in the NW. Artists could come through while in town and collab, get local pub through us and be blessed with some Oregon grown greeneries for the road.
So this was the first time we met (Cappadonna & I). I was taking acting classes at the time so I was gone when they pulled up. When I got home after class, Cappadonna was in the booth. I walked in the room and he started talking wild like “aye yo break that nigga watch!…stab that nigga!” I’m standing in a room full of dudes, with New York energy, that I don’t know, so I assumed he was talking about me. I dip out to my room and get a screwdriver just so I have something in my hand incase things go left. A few minutes pass, then MyG tells Cappadonna to move on to the next part. At this moment I realize he’s in character and not talking about me at all. Killah Priest enters the room. We introduce ourselves and dap up. He asks me what I do and I tell him that I’m in acting school. When Cap comes out, KP says “this is Kase, he’s an actor.” They gave each other a look that, to me , expressed what he spoke as “this is Kase, he’s a fake nigga.”
Granted, I’ve been a skater since day 1, so I understand that some black people (especially at the time) associate being a black skater with being less black or more white. With that in mind, I let what he said breeze by.
After we blessed up, we got to the business. Bosko had let me hold a beat that I wrote a sticky verse to; Cappa liked it so I let him put a hook on it. Me and KP did a DOPE song on a track that this dude named Smoke produced. It sounded like some official Wu-affiliate shit. MyG lost the session so none of that material was ever released.
The next day the energy still felt suspect. Like they thought I was a suburban negro, lol. I took them to the block, which is now gentrified, but was still hood at the time. Cappa called my whip a 666. It was the same Denali XL with the same 26” Trump Spinners that was in the video for the song he was promoting at the time, but mine was cleaner. It seemed like he felt a way about it. We went to my mom’s restaurant, where Cappa requested a Psalms verse from my mother. She said “how about a Revelation,” and laced all of us.
I dropped them at the barber shop to get faded and bladed. When they came out, the energy was different. Cappadonna got in and said “you know your hood and your hood knows you. He said you put your moms in that restaurant, didn’t you?” I just looked at him and put my hand out. We dapped up and the respect, which was first being given by me and received by him, suddenly felt mutual.
Cappadonna is a wise dude and a beast MC. I asked him questions related to his lyrics. He explained to me what “God Degree” and “7:30” meant and told me the story of the origin of his name. You might be able to detect that I’m most definitely still a Wu-Tang fan, although I liked his earlier work. KP knows what I mean by that.
Tell us about your involvement with the CBD industry and your views on how it can be a therapeutic tool for people?
CBD is my go-to treatment for a number of conditions. If I am anxious, I use a non-psychoactive tincture. This gives me a general sense of well-being, without making me feel altered or high. I feel like myself on a good day. If I need to restful sleep, I employ a cannabinoid rich CBD blend that allows me to drift off into REM without jumping up 100 times to make sure the garage door is closed (or whatever). Using CBD is like taking premium vitamins.
In 2019, I started a company called Nina Botanica with a material designer who works for Adidas in Portland. I began researching how to use compression technology as a CBD delivery system for athletic injury rehabilitation. There are some products on the market that offer a similar product, but none that fully address the issues of muscle strains, tears and associated pain that can knock an athlete off of their game. What sets us apart is, our CBD compression system has a lifetime guarantee. You can use it until you’re tired of using it.
We also designed a pod based delivery system, called the NINA , with Shenzen based technology company Smoore. The smart hexagonal pod + cartridge system uses inductive charging in place of the industry standard USB to power up.
Due to COVID-19 and our current bout with systemic racism, the techy products will be in preliminary production until mid-late 2021.
Tell us about your latest project “Craze”. Who is involved and what inspired it?
I was a week back on after being off music for years. Just getting my lungs back, not planning on dropping anything yet; just warming up. An artist named Uneek, who had been my mentee for several years, reached out. He was talking about how he blew all of his savings on medical expenses for his seed and how William, Lil Willi and Big Bill were all coming for him at once. He had just got robbed in Atlanta, so he was shy about who he could trust in Portland.
Uneek asked me to help him to rebrand himself and act as a manager, as I did in the beginning of his career. Since he had just found the strength to come out about his sexual identity, he wanted to look to the LBGTQ community for support. Since that was outside of my sphere of influence, I decided to help him generate some traffic in his home studio, offering tracking and mixing as an engineer. I told him we could put out a mixtape to re-introduce him to his followers and the rest of the world. I got 15 tracks from  producers, Sixteen and J Doe. I wanted to see how serious he was about his career so I told him to put hooks on  all 15. He would send me a rough lyric or melody, then I would write or rewrite the lyrics then massage the melody and coach him on how to execute it.  After he did it, I would chop it and arrange it in a Logic, while I was on the road.
Once the mixtape concepts were in the bag, I told him we needed a real record to kick it off. There was a lot of material in his catalog, but nothing that sounded like a hit single to me.
He got a track from this lil dude named 64 and put a hook on it that had us laughing. He was like “yeah this track sound like something Da Baby would get on.” It wasn’t my style, really, but I kept getting drawn into the drums. I let the first line go off the top then it seemed like the rest of the lyrics were just there. We called it “She A Thot.” It dropped on all platforms back in April of this year.
Craze, the follow up single, manifested itself off of the vibe we were on after “She A Thot” dropped. 64 had sent us a 3 pack of beats so it had some of the same feel as the others, however, the “Craze” beat was much more elegant than the other two.It was like the bigger, sexier, more mature and pondering sister of the “She A Thot” beat.
When I started writing, I felt the beat asking me to confess. It was saying “tell your truth, Kase.” The melody in my head was so balanced that I just let it drive through the first verse. I remembered, as a young man, being so caught up in hustling that I lost my compassion for people. I reflected on how I had spent the last decade, since my first daughter was born, re-approaching life with more compassion.
Whatever you have done in your past does not define you. But sometimes it’s good to talk about it. Black  people have traditionally been afraid of counseling or therapy. Mostly because of our trust issues with the people providing those services. I strongly suggest talking to someone about the things that trouble you. My uncle Jeff calls it “dumping.”
Music is my therapy. Dumping is my new craze.
What artists are you listening to right now and why?
I like listening to new music. I’m listening to Lil Durk, Pop Smoke, Amine, Jack Harlow, etc. But that’s like research for me. I like to see and hear what the big dogs are investing in. But right now, I’m developing a K-Pop artist, so I’m listening Big Hit Entertainment’s people. I’m about to go over there and liberate some musical slaves. (*artists)
But I still listen to Sade.
What’s next for you in 2020? What can fans look forward to?
I’m dropping a mixtape later this month. I may be doing a record + video with Compton artist, AD in the next few weeks. We’re still working out the details, but he’s doing real good right now.
Other than that, I’m developing a young K-Pop idol named Kiari. That genre is making big waves. I’m also looking at television as a next play. I have a pocket ace in the Chinese market that I’m keeping tucked. Oh I’m doing business with China.  Sorry Chump…I mean, Sorry Trump. No, wait, I had it right the first time.
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transslyblue · 5 years
Also "1-99"
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Haha, closed. I don't like seeing the dark void that I call a closet
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Yea, but you can't really see them unless you're close
(3) Can You Whistle?
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical, the Tavern Song
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Blue, but I also like a variety of purples and greens
(6) Relationship Status.
Single and not looking
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
69º F
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yea, unless I wake up myself
(9) How Many Followers?
118, but I need to go through and block any bots. (;w;)
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Blue/green hazel. My eyes are multi-coloured so they have blue, green, and brown with a very grey look to them.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I forget daily
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I really want to get back to reading some more Lovecraft, but i don't have much time to read
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
"Minutes before librarians ate him."
(16) Favourite Anime?
Uuuuhhhhhh, hm. I guess it'd have to be InuYasha, but I like a lot of anime
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Err,,, it was a very close friend. Idk if they'd want me to say who they are tho
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Rocks and those snowglobe musicboxes
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Yogurt and a protein bar. Ik, ik real healthy and filling
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Depends on the song, but not really
(21) Favourite Animal?
Owls and cats
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Not really, but when I do it's the diving Olympics
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
I don't wear makeup. Though I have considered it
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Either. Pool is safer though
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Oof, idk if I can pick just one, so imma name a few. @ohhimarx @mirosuikaaa @masochist-incarnate they're all really friendly and nice
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Whichever is most convenient at the time
(28) What Makes You Happy?
The sound of rain, art, my friends talking to me, I have a list that I've posted, so I won't list out here
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Haha, I don't study;;;
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
Blue-tiful lol, for real though probably bubble blue
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
Does Switch/ds count?
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Not really, but I won't bash on anyone who does
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Black, but is a Link being a meme
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I save more then I spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Yea, it's a pink pillow of Lion from Steven Universe and a music stand from when I was in middle school
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Kirby in general
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Nope, but I have touched one before
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Yes and no. It really depends on how long I've been around them
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Omg yes! I remember a few and they were all lucid dreams! (I looked up the term from last time I answered this question)
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Never been on one
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Of Mice and Men
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Panic!At the Disco, Fallout Boy, or The Neighborhood
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really. There are some foods I refuse to eat, but otherwise I eat pretty much anything
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I actually like thunder
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
I enjoy reading. As for writing, eh. I'll write out my ideas but I'mno good at fleshing them out to be interesting
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yes. But not too loud, just enough where I don't hear everyone around me
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Carve pumpkins! I really am bad at wrapping presents
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hurts - Illuminated
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Spring and dying from pollen
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Idk, something salty tbh
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Tumblr media
(58) What Is Your Gender?
I'm a transgender male, so i use he/him pronouns.
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
Both, but I like tea more
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I'm not in school anymore soooo no
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Idk. Questioning I guess
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
I already answered this one, so I'll say a new pokemon that I love. Rowlet!
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Bruh I am not a fan, but Tumblrs the one I'm on most.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Idk. I don't have an Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
Yes, and I plan to stay that way for awhile
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
I use Suave, but I also use TeaTree when I get really bad dandruff
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Depends on the place. But most likely I'd risk the motel.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
My mom yes, my biological father... It's complicated
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I don't really watch movies, so none
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
I don't have an ex
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Be the person you needed when you were younger. I have no clue who said it, but I live by that
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Eyes in general are great. Idk how anyone can not find something they like in any eye colour
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
Voez and Pokémon Go
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Yes, because no oen deserves to die. I'd do my best to help any homeless person
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Haha, not today. Yet
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
Not really
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
I don't wear jewlery much. But I would like to get my ears pierced properly
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! I don't want people or my cat to walk in
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I woke up, did laundry, answered these questions
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Pajama pants and a t-shirt
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I've got none. Unless you want me to name what body wash i use. :/
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Night person
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Phone: Voez, Pokémon Go
Switch: Legend of Zeld: Breath of the wild, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Kirby Star Allies, Mario Kart 8, PuyoPuyo Tetris, Bayonetta 1&2, Hyrule Warriors, Just Dance 2017, Super Mario Party, Let's Go Eevee, Mario Odyssey, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Pokémon quest, Mom Hid my Game, Deemo, Sonic Mania, Detention, The Coma, Cave Story
3DS: Kirby Clash Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirbg Super Star Ultra, Kirby Squeak Squad, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Pokémon Heartgold, Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Super Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Wario Ware Gold, Super Princess Peach, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Cooking Mama, Cooking Mama 2, Sonic Colors
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Blue, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
This is over the course of many years
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
I had this dream where I was flying a red paper plane. It took forever to carry it up this tapestry, but i did it. When I finally took off this group of white paper planes were chasing me so I shook them off and landed, taking shelter in this museum. This museum held other people hiding and was actually an abandoned grocery store. Then I woke up.
I don't rememebr when this was, but I wrote it down. I have a few more if you're interested.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Strawberry Ramuné
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans, since I can't wear sweatpants to work
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Uhhh, probably a slob since I've been in pajamas all day
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Stuffed animals
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
Idk. Haven't really wanted one. Maybe a connect the dots one.
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Idk. I watch Pyrocynical and Markiplier, but other than that I listen to music, watch speedpaints, and speed plays of various videogames
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tumblunni · 6 years
Hhhh bunni legs pain accomplishment day
Tfw u only get paid 4 days before christmas and have to rush everything aaaa
It was bad enough today so i'm so glad i got it done before it got even more busy!
Misc boring essentials i bought for myself: new phone charger cos broken, new trousers cos i spilt hair bleach on my only two pairs, new shoes cos my left shoe literally snapped in half down the middle like wtf even happened there, cheap pink hair dye from a discount store cos i wanna try different colours but in a thrifty way
First off SO MANY pc and xbox 360 games from Every Charity Shop In Cardiff, St Mellons, Rumney and Llanrumney. My sis has been trying to find some games to play but was like 'dont worry about it i can just wait til the charity shop gets something good'. So i thought i'd get some stocking stuffers via all the charity shops on my side of town. By our powers combined we will blitz the entire vale of glamorgan's discount gaming scene!!! I found SO MANY good stuff for £1/£2/£3 like holy shit i love when charity shops dont know the proper price for shit XD
speaking of which i also found a WEBCAM for £2! If its that cheap it probanly isnt great but itd still be fun to play around with! :D and the same store also had an old vintage G1 My Little Pony coffee mug in excellent condition. Oh god the nostalgia! My support worker gave me a lift to llanrumney so i had to awkwardly explain why i had an armful of weird 80s mugs and big teary eyes!
Speaking of vintage, i found this new vintage toys and games shop in cardiff called Galactic Attic! The name hooked me in and then they actually DID have pokemon inside! As well as all sorts of stuff ranging from 40s to 90s, wow! There was even a lil pile of old 90s gaming magazines in the corner, covered up by a bunch of boxes. I'm glad i noticed them! I got the announcemt issues for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum in a weird old pokemon fan magazine that i loved as a kid. Im kinda sad that nowadays we just have one official magazine fpr each console and not the wild madness of amateaur journalists failing horribly to get news from japan. Shame they didnt have Beckett Pokemon cos that one was infamous fot drawing its own terrible interpretations of pokemon sprites to avoid copyright. And speaking of terrible, they even had bootleg pokemon!! I talked to the cashier and he was like "you know those are fake right" and i was like "yeah its so nostalgic thats why i want em" and he was like "lol yeah they actually sell pretty well so i'm not mad my supplier ripped me off". It was a pretty good and awesomely terrible fake at the same time? There was this exact replica of some japanese display stand for the product and then the actual pokeball toys looked perfect BUT the mini pokemon inside were.. Really not. I am so damn happy with the surprise inside my one, surprise inside has never been more accurate! I can't take a picture now cos my phone is charging but REGICHEETO. Just..just imagine that, and whatever you're imagining it is probably worse. I love it so fuckin much. Also less hilariously there were some bootleg mini pika plushies with actually (as far as i can tell) their own unique design? They have cute lil winter scarves and an art style that reminds me of the Magical Pokemon Adventure manga. A really cute and good bootleg that i would have loved to see as a real product! The only way you can even tell its a bootleg is because there's no marking on the tail. I dunno, maybe if i still have some brown fabric in the cupboard i could fix it? Or maybe its unique tail makes it even more special! I mean there's Cosplay Pikachu with its double tail marking so maybe this is her cousin Accessory Pikachu with no markings? He just likes wearing scarfs and hats and stuff. OMG HE'S THE POKEMON GO EVENT PIKACHU!!!!!!
Along the miscness of finding a few things for myself, i also found: cute lil pokemon pencilcase, kingdom hearts blind bag, cheap copy of Fruits Basket volume 1 cos the new remake is coming out soon and i wanna Get Hype! The KH blind bag was really weird cos i didnt know they now have an entirely different set as well as the keychains i bought before. Its kind of a shame the art style doesnt match cos vexen is only in the keychains, alas! But i do really love these ones! Theyre apparantly made by funko pop but dont have the art style AT ALL, they just look like really accurate versions of the characters in mini form. Its kinda like the 'distance animation' style in steven universe? (Incidentally they also do SU ones but they missed the opportunitu to actually use the distance style, lol) I got a Sora in his kh2 outfit and i'm decently happy with that, its not one i really wanted but its not a bad one either. But i think now i've tried the fun of surprise once i'll just buy the actual ones i want off ebay later. They have roxas in his organization outfit! With a happy smile!!!
Oh oh and then EVEN MORE XBOX GAMES OF THE WILD THRIFT STORE VOID! i managed to find the whole fable series, two assassins creeds, saints row, gta, some misc shooter games and racers that she wanted but i dont know much about, mass effect 2 and ff13. I think maybe one or two others cos i cant fully remember right now. Theyre all in separate bags strewn across the room and my shoulders feel like death so i'll sort through them later.
Aaaand i wrote up like 14 paragraphs more but tumblr didnt save my draft fpr some fuckin reason and now im way too tired to do it again
Briefer summary:
* had a huge horrible panic attack getting stuck in a skyscraper shopping centre clothes place full of screaming and every perfume smell and WHY DO I HAVE TO NAVIGATE THIS HELL MAZE TO FIND THE ESCALATOR and seriously i was my most primal animalistic self and i went full fight or flight on this bitch
* had a lovely time visiting Cool Shop Grandma and rambled the story of how i met her and how we became friends but hhh too tired to rewrite. But anyway today i gave her a christmas pikachu plush as thanks for everything and cos her shop is moving on to its next location soon. She got really teary and gave me a big hug! She's gonna be at a comic con in march so i hope i'm able to go to that and see her again.
* went on a wild goose chase looking for harry potter merchandise and eventually found a gold plated replica of the movie prop version of the time turner and HELL YES my sis will love it!
* rambled about several market stalls that were cool but i can make a separate post about that in the morning when i find their contact details to advertise them
* got a plushie delibird and decided to take selfies with it everywhere to try and fight my social anxiety somehow. We went to a neat lil restaurant and had cheesy fries and a coke float!
* asked for a refund on an item for the first time ever and im proud of myself
* went off on a mystery bus trip to buy a preowned 3ds and pokemon games from a lady in an online preowned stuff facebook group and it didnt go horribly and i am glad! She was really nice and i witnessed A Good And Smart Parenting Moment and man it healed my heart and i wish i'd been raised that way. Again i'll probably ramble about the details later when im less tired, it really touched my heart seriously! And now i have MANY GIFTS FOR SIS!
* in total i was out present shopping from 9am to 8pm and i clicked my shoulder out of its socket for a split second from.all the heavy bags. Now im in a lot of aches and i need a sleeps
The End
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littleleighxo · 4 years
3/4/2021 Late Evening Thoughts 🌻 3/3
Hi Everyone! I am back with my final part of today’s blog, better known as the trilogy of today’s blog. As I am doing this blog, I am sipping on a hot cup of lavender chamomile tea. Love it! & it’s one of those things, that makes me relax. Plus it definitely promotes a restful nights sleep, compared to being restless. Love the floral botanicals in this tea. Highly do recommend Traditional Medicinals& SO worth the price too! You can get at any produce market or on Amazon. SO many great benefits of lavender & chamomile. Will be buying more in the near future. Chamomile lavender tea, is one of those teas that makes me relax. Lol! I officially do feel my age! Tomorrow my best friend Jacqueline Laurita, will be going live on her Instagram account by interviewing a woman from the United Kingdom. Love how she has the same name as me. I wonder if her family members & friends call her Leigh, like mostly everyone calls me these days. Love when Jacqueline goes live, I always learn SO much from her words of wisdom, her huge heart that is made of platinum gold, her loving & caring personality, her knowledge on nutrition & SO many other various topics & subjects, her compassion towards the product she feels passionate about better known as Simple Spectrum. Her smile, that always lights up the most darkest of rooms. She is truly SO incredibly knowledgeable, informative & intelligent. Knew her for almost 5 years this coming July. She is everything I aspire, inspire & strive to be. Definitely a strong female lead. I did speak about having a strong female lead in one of many of blogs. You know, I am going to say this one of many times “The future is female”. Like how Kamala Harris better known as our first ever female Vice President, is another strong female lead too. Last night I read The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, by Kamala Harris.. Loved & enjoyed it! Highly do recommend it!, Very well written too. It’s a fast read (at least to me). I always been an avid reader growing up. When I was in high school, from 2003 to 2007. I was in English honors, from my freshmen to my senior year. I loved & enjoyed it! By reading countless classics, writing themes, learning new words in my vocabulary. Almost 14 years of being out of high school, I defiantly do miss it! Time does go by SO extremely fast! One day you are entering your freshmen year, then you are leaving your senior year, to enter your 20s. Then your 20s ended & now you are officially in your 30s, listening to 90s music. I do miss 90s too! Pinterest has lots of great boards of 90s memories. Which makes me smile! Earlier my soon to be 7 year old cousin Ella, face timed my family & I like she always does. She told us she is learning about banking & money. Then she goes “So what do you have?”. I reply back saying “Just checking”. Followed by “what bank?”. Lol! I said “I have Chase Sapphire Banking”. She goes “ooooo”. She is too damn smart! & funny! Love her sense of humor! She always makes laugh! Love her personality too! Now she is at that age, where she knows what she likes & dislikes. I do miss her & her siblings SO much! They will be turning 2 on 6/7. Love them too! Ella & her siblings are a pure joy for my family & I. My late grandma is heavily on my mind lately, I think cause the anniversary is coming up on March 11th. 7 years that she passed away. I do miss her daily. I think of the memories, I had & shared with her for 25 almost 26 years. She was always SO loving, caring, kind hearted, generous & quirky with her sense of humor & her one liners. I did speak about this in my blog from this morning. Earlier I went on You Tube, to find a video on how to crochet for left handed people like myself. I really do want to learn, SO I can crochet a throw blanket for my bed. Now that would be totally awesome! Earlier I downloaded Paramount Plus, for another streaming service. Will keep you all updated on it. If I actually do like it & is worth it.I defiantly I wrote a lot, like I always say in every single entry of my blogs. As always Keep the faith, be kind & subscribe. Much love!! 💕
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led123123 · 4 years
I was like.. I woke up.. ate.. went to sleep.. woke up.. ate.. fell asleep..
that was my day
humbled scammer
моя любимая крыса
показывает зхц
ads is 0.9 again..
gonna make cake with groats
they both died at the same time
he wasn’t playing as good few weeks ago. maybe he had some break
he wasn’t playing as good before but now he’s hitting those
omg these dudes also did a lot of damage
this finisher seems faster
“thank you” more like fuck you
I would set a donation goal instead of subscriber goal... because I would get more money
молодой неопатный
son goku or sudoku sugoku
this woman and these kids are so annoying
this is not diamond.. this is platinum
I got the recipe.
got the dough want some??
radeon lag technology setting
because after I turned this one it’s lagging
I turned it off it works normally again
I don’t feel that it’s that cold.. even with window opened..
there’s no lag any more
yeah it was because of lag technology
there’s no lag now. I just tested this option for testing. but I though it will be better.. but it was really bad so much lag
I though that it’s gonna be like.. better response time.. or anything but it’s not working.. different option also.. just.. crashed game completely.. 
every single time
before start
so these options don’t work
I just wanted to check these options if it’s gonna be any better
just wanted to see if they do anything to make it work any better but they don’t
500 thousand people are subscribed but nobody knows what she’s doing
reaction videos
I mean.
it’s easy to lose and a lot of experience and time is required to learn it
I though about investing in amd..  but.. 
I don’t have experience and I don’t know anything so I better stay away
I don’t know
netagive oil price wtf
downtrend resistance
if this cable breaks again maybe I should get.. get some different plug. replace it with different plug.. maybe
it had 3 wires broken last time
out of like.. I don’t know how many cables are in that cable
it’s not easy and really risky.. like gambling
and stressful and time consuming
I though all these processors were overclockable..
“ All Ryzen CPUs will be multiplier unlocked and ready for overclocking right out of the box. There will be no locked Ryzen CPUs. “
damn.. this box.. is.. like.. somewhere.. and I don’t know when I will be able to get it..
I though I had it but that’s different box..
the other one is somewhere else
it was lagging because I turned on this option in radeon settings.. they don’t work at all. none of their options work at all
fridge broke. so finally there’s some newer and bigger fridge
it started getting bright outside.. and it was like.. 7 am already
никс асасин
I ate a lot of cookies.. they are dry.. so I need like.. that was too many cookies I need to eat something else than cookies
because they’re too dry
“сижу читаю щас все ��равила твича и составляю сообщения для снятия страйков 🤓🤓🤓“
“пиздец чекала цены на посылки в другие страны 1,5к+ даже через почту россии с минимальной массой груза, хотя по телефону несколько дней назад мне говорили 500...“
“такой фигней ща занимаюсь, чищу инвентарь в стиме, всякие сундуки продаю и мусор, уже напродавала на 350р 😜😜“
“нужно было не кикать меня из диса, тогда бы помог, а теперь ищи сама тыжепрограммистов“
lol she really is
no way
she’s a f*cking programmist..
I forgot about that lol
“нужно было не кикать меня из диса“ xD
noobs, they don’t know
she’s a f*cking programmist wtf.. she was playing some musical instrument though
“Это всё вирусы с порносайтов“
A: “Это блок питания умирает. Не сразу диску, с виндой, питание дает.“
B: “Уверен?“
A: “На 90 %“
if that’s the motherboard issue.. then.. was this happening before?
some motherboards have button for dual bios.. maybe it’s a motherboard with dual bios.. and.. maybe.. if one doesn’t work then it switches to other one.. or something
or whatever. I don’t know what motherboard she has.
maybe there’s some option.. selected.. to load bios on start..
or just unplug keyboard check if delete key isn’t pressed on keyboard
damn I’m feeling like I’m tired. but it’s hard to go to sleep for some reason..
I feel tired. but.. maybe I open window I guess that should help
but it’s not that big of an issue.. like.. just bios on start
I wouldn’t worry as much as her about that..
I’m too tired to do anything
I’m glad that I have some better and bigger fridge now
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