#i wasn't going to answer this becuase you obviously ignored what i said
risingsouls · 1 year
She drove her knee into his groin before walking out of the gravity chamber. "This is the reason whs I learned martial arts: to protect myself from idiots like you who think they have power over the female species!"
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Sensing the woman's unwanted intrusion and impending attack, he dodged the knee handily. " What are you talking about? I don't care what you did or why you did it. Do you want a fucking cookie or something? Go bother someone who cares. "
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blxxdyvalentine19xx · 3 years
My boyfriend is drunk 🍺
Chase Hudson x Colson Baker
Warnings: none
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Colson had an arm around Chase's waist and a hand on the man's chest. His boyfriend had been insestant on drinking so Colson let him, the intention was to keep Chase sober, but it was apparently his turn. Being the adult for once; he pushed his bedroom door open, rolling his eyes and picking Chase up to carry him to the bed.
"Mm fine, Cols" Chase mumbled and looked at his boyfriend's crystal blue eyes. "You know..." he cupped Colson's cheek and grinned. "...you're cute as hell, baby" Chase let go of a surprised and dizzy groan when he was picked up. His head spinning not with thoughts but with the buzz of alcohol and lack of sleep.
"No, you're not fine, Chase" He brushed Chase's black hair out of the man's eyes and kissed his forehead. "My boyfriend's drunk and I'm sober, this shit's backwards, baby" Colson lighty dropped Chase onto the bed and went over the the dresser finding a shirt of a lighter material. "Arms up" he said coming back over.
Putting his arms upwards; Chase giggled over Colson saying they were all backwards. "You love me even if I'm drunk?" He asked, ruffling his messy hair when Colson got his shirt off him.
Colson bit his lip as he slipped the other shirt over Chase's head and kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "Even if you're drunk, Chase" he said before getting Chases out of his jeans, knowing Chase often slept in just boxers and a shirt. "You're going to feel like shit in the morning."
Pulling Colson downwards; Chase pulled him into a drunken cuddle and trapped the blonde. "Mm, love you too" he buried his head in Colson's neck; dragging his tongue over his boyfriend's sweetspot.
He wrapped Chase up in his arms and squeezed Chase's arm, fighting a groan when the man seemed focused on him. "You're ...we're not..." Colson shut his eyes and shifted slightly.
"Not what?" Chase grinned; biting lightly below Colson's jaw. "Mine" he mumbled and relaxed as Colson's fingers raked through his hair.  "Only my boy"
Colson pulled Chase upwards and stuck his tongue out at him. "You little shit, you're always biting me" he mumbled; looking at his boyfriend who only gave him a cheeky grin.
"Maybe I like it" Chase smiled as Colson figured him out.
Next day
Colson was laying on the couch when he caught Rook awake. "Hey Rookie!" He looked at his drummer and cocked a leg as he relaxed. "Wanna do something for me?"
Looking up; Rook raised an eyebrow as Colson had a curious look. "What do you  want Kells" He asked, fiddling with the lid off a monster energy.
"I want to get something tattooed but don't wanna go anywhere" Colson said; his eyes flittng back to Rook when Mod pulled the man into a hug. "Mind getting the tattoo gun and doing it for me?"
"I guess I could" Shrugging; he slipped his arms around Mod for a moment, kissing him gently and smiling. "I'm not asking questions becuase I doubt I want to hear the answer." Rook let go of his boyfriend and went off to find the tattoo gun and ink.
Mod went over, dropping into one of the chairs. He answered a text before turning his attention to Colson. "Ehat the hell are you getting tattooed this time? Huh?" He asked the blonde who was looking at him.
Few minutes later
Pulling the foot stool over; Rook flicked his hair out of his eyes and looked up, glaring at his boyfriend as Mod had slapped his ass. "Not the time" he mumbled and looked to Colson "where and what?"
"Neck" Colson grinned as Rook realized what Colson was up to. "Just a little higher than where it is though." He pointed out and set his phone aside.  "Dont ask, just do it and get it done."
"Ohh, okay" He pursed his lips and grinned as Colson was immortalizing what was obviously a bite mark. "I deffenitly don't want to know." Rook tilted Colson's head and started the inking.
Focusing more on the pinch of the needle; Colson told himself to ignore the fingers ghosting his jaw as Rook did the tattoo. "No, you dont" he mumbled and shut his eyes. "He doesn't know I'm getting it done"
Rook bit his lip as he switched ink colours from black to red. Smiling as Mod watched him, he winked and went back to the tattoo, finishing it. "And dont fuck it up, kells" Rook said as he slipped the gloves off.
Few days later
Chase was sitting on the counter when his arm was brought upwards as Colson brought it around himself. "What's up?" He asked; his boyfriend seemed in a mood of sorts and wasn't often a cuddler around others.
"Just in a mood" Colson mumbled as he slipped his arms around Chase's neck. "Didn't sleep too great without you last night." He said, looking up as Chase pushed his hair out of his eyes.
"You dont sleep too well when I am here either" Chase shook his head and smiled; tilting Colson's head back as they looked at one another. "So quit lying about about it, and admit your sleep schedule is a load of shit." His eyes locked on the hint of tattoo on his boyfriend's neck.
He grinned and planted his hands on the marble countertop "fair enough, but I do sleep better with you around?" Colson winked when his head was pulled backwards by the hand in his hair. "You quit your worring about how I sleep."
With his other hand on his boyfriend's chin; Chase tilted Colson's head. Seeing the tattoo that resembled his vampire fangs; he went through a series of thougts and looked at his boyfriend. "What's this about?" Chase asked: his hands cupping Colson's cheeks.
"Just a little something to remind me of my 21st Century Vampire" Colson smirked; pulling Chase towards him so he was between the man's legs. "You really thought I wasn't into it?" He cocked an eyebrow and let his hands rest at Chase's hips.
Chase locked his arms around Colson's neck and shivered as one of his boyfriend's hands moved downwards, bring his leg upwards around Colson's waist. "I wasn't sure if you were or not becuase you didnt say anything about it." He leaned back enough to look at Colson again who ran a thumb over his lips.
"Shut up and bite me, baby" Colson teased as if he were daring his boyfriend to do it. He kissed Chase softly and nipped at the man's lip. "Go ahead"
He shook his head both about the tattoo  and about how crazy his boyfriend was. "Don't got to dare me to do it, Colson" Chase moved a hand to the back of Colson's neck and the other to his shoulder. "So I'm your 21st Century Vampire..." he mumbled before he kissed up Colson's neck.
Tilting his head; Colson gave the man the space and squeezed his boyfriend's thigh. "Yeah you are, and you ain't gonna be quiet about it either." He bit his lip as Chase's lips grazed his neck.
Trailing his tongue over the vein of Colson's neck; Chase shifted so there wasn't a space between them. "No, I won't be becuase I love you too fucking much" Moving, he bit at the skin below the tattoo leaving a red hickey like mark behind.
Gripping Chase's thigh; he moaned softly as his boyfriend teased him. "I love you too Chase" Colson hummed out as the man bit down before pulling away.
Admiring his work; Chase grinned and stopped Colson for a moment. Grabbing his phone; he took a picture of the tattoo and the mark below it. "How's that for saying you've got somebody?" Chase smiled and kissed Colson happily.
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