#i went to the gas station because we're attached to a gas station and asked if thet knew where she was
I just feel defeated
#i work in a fast food restaurant#these last couple weeks have been the worst of my life in terms of work. no exaggeration#ive complained about the other worst days before on this blog and im going to make myself angry if i do it again#but today was just terrible#i came in and my coworker wasnt there#she had left a bunch of prepped food out#it looked like she had been raptured or something with how everything was left#i went to the gas station because we're attached to a gas station and asked if thet knew where she was#they said 'she went home because of the maggots'#the WHAT#so i went back to the kitchen and realized that in my search for my coworker i had somehow missed the maggots#all over the floor in the back kitchen. in a damn pile next to the ice machine. covering everything. writhing around#i nearly threw up#i texted my manager but hes on vacation with little service#so i went to the gas station manager and she asked me to help in the gas station for a couple hours while they figured out the MAGGOTS#i stocked for a bit and after two hours i asked if i could go home. and she saod 'the manager just texted and said he wants you to clean#'and at noon when the others come in he wants you to open the restaurant'#EXCUSE ME??! THE RESTAURANT COVERED IN MAGGOTS???!!?!?#so here i am. waiting until joon. cleaning up maggots. cleaning under everything. doing whatever i can to make it sanitary#but idk if i feel comfortable opening. i think it would be smarter if we ALL just cleaned today instead of trying to open#but im not the boss. im just the one having to clean up maggots all damn morning#i just feel so defeated#not angry. not sad. just defeated. i cant do anything about this except clean and then open an unsafe restaurant#i just want to go to bed. i dont want to mop under the fryer. i want to fall asleep#im exhausted and sick of this
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dustysandwiches · 3 years
Family (TMVSTM)
Summary: Eric and Deborahbot 5000 feels like they didn't belong with the The Mitchells and run away to live their own lives
"Purple glasses woman, why did you saved me?"
"Oh come on, you boys are family now"
It is such a complex word, too difficult to truly understand. For a robot create just to following orders, Eric did not understand it yet, though he did looked up the definition of it but despite that he plays along for the sake of his and his Pal Max brother
They're heading to the Silicon Valley, The night sky is filled with no stars but the green "fun pots" containing human to somewhere. It makes the sky lights up with green light. It is an unusual sight even for robots.
The Mitchells are really going to destroy Pal?.... If so, what will happen to the remaining robots? What if..they failed..?
The bot are lost in his memories and Net Work to find something he's looking for. It seems like he's in too deep in the system Until he feels someone shaking his shoulder part lighty
"Eric...Eric, are you there? Is your system too damaged?" A voice speaks in hushed tone
Eric turn his mechanical head to another Pal Max bot, Deborahbot 5000
His brother
"What wrong? you've been so still like you shut down. I'm…. worry"
Deborah grip Eric's shoulder part lighty. Robots isn't supposed to have feelings but they're the defective now anyway, so it's not surprising that he would express what he "feels"
The car stop at some abandoned gas station. Only Katie, Aaron and the loft of bread are sleeping in the car at the moment. Mother and The male Mitchells are inside the store for something. Eric finally answered and grip Deborah's hand back
"I'm okay, my system and outside damage is unchange at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your question earlier. Don't need to be worry"
"Okay… but tell me if anything is acting strange, will you? I don't want to lose you, brother...We're only defective robots here, if you're gone, what am I going to do?"
"I'll always have your back like you have mine, brother. We are going to survive, one way or another"
Eric tells what he thinks is logical to his robo brother. He let go of Deborah's hand and turned his head to Mother, who's making her way back to the car with her partner and tells her the safest route to Silicon Valley.
The car is running along the road at night. The robo brothers looking outside of the car, expanding their data about the human environment and hearing the conversation between Katie and Mother. They're talking about The male Mitchells, Rick of how he's just trying to make her happy.
Eric wants to feel this "happy" too and he wants Deborah to feel the same. Maybe it would feel really nice, like getting their system updated.
But how could they do that? They're about to went through most protected head quarter in the world right now and there's no guarantee that the plan would work but the show must go on
"Mom, what is that?"
"Oh my god!!"
The car suddenly stops, making their head jerks back, Eric and Deborah turn their heads to the front window. As the Mitchells get out of the car to stand in front of the giant building as tall as the sky.
"We're here...the Head Quarter" Eric said as he's getting out of the trunk
"Oh boy, I don't like this. Do you think we could get to the top without others noticing?" Deborah ask, stepping beside Eric in front of the car, behind the Mitchells
Slowly, Eric extends his hand to the side to his brother, knob and gears whirring while he processes his next word. Deborah immediately holds his hand and they're both looking up to the tower.
"No matter what happens, we're going to be alright"
The plan did not go well. The Mitchells got caught by a new robot, Pal invented. The sounds of the alarm is almost deafening, after the cable car has fell down and crashed. Deborah's vision is trying to adjust after he hits the ground. The first thing he see is the face of Pal Max bot with some face drawn on.
"Are you alright, brother?" Eric said as worrying as his robotic voice could spunds while kneeling next to him
Before he could answer, The black robot burst through and captured Mother and Rick. The Mitchells is being taken away and Deborah knows he need to help
Because they're his family now too
"Mitchells, we will help"
"Oh no no no, you won't. download new order"
Suddenly, like the virus creeping through their system. Making the robo brothers clutch their head like they're in pain, unable to take control of their body any longer.
New order appears : Capture the Mitchells
Deborah trying to break free one last time
No please I don't want to do this. Eric, Mother, Anyone…Can you hear me?..
"We're sorry, Mother"
Then, everything went blank
"Let's take a photo after we saved the world!" Linda said cheerily to Eric after handing or rather putting it in his hand
The battle is over the human won and the uprising is over. All of the Pal Max and the new robot has been shut down, Well almost every bot.
Eric and Deborahbot 5000 have broken through Pal's control and helped Rick Mitchells to put the video of the bread dog on, neutralizing the other robots. Now they're celebrating without them
They broke the code and helped this family save the world and now they can't even be in a photo? Eric thought but took the photo anyway. Maybe they're just too excited like humans always does.
The Mitchells tell the brothers, they can stay at home with them as a member of the family. The Mitchells welcome them, Linda teaches Deborah how to draw stuff like the Sun, the tree and other things. Rick shows them how to build a shelter from branches and leaves. Arron always talks to them about dinosaurs in his books and Katie sometimes asks them for ideas for her project. It was a good time.
Time passes and the robo brothers feels like they're more like a servant than a family. The Mitchells tells them to do things for them like chores, collecting the mails, mow the lawn and many things. Most of the time they haven't called them by their names or acknowledge them when they do something for the Mitchells. At first the brothers gladly do them, thinking it was a part of being a family but this time they had enough.
At night, when everyone is asleep. Eric and Deborah sit on a rooftop, looking into the sky. The moon is full today, shining bright along millions of sparkling stars. They come here every time they want to say something they went through each day, like updating each other. Today is different
"Today Rick called me Robot instead of my name again, I don't really think it's from force habits anymore" Deborah speaks in a quiet voice, mechanical head looks up to the shooting stars, then to his brother.
"But at least Mother let me help her cook dinner! It was really interesting, I learned how to peel a potato today, Look!"
He grabbed the potato peels besides him and held up to his brother. It's ragged, uneven and still has a big chunk of potato attached to it. Eric chuckles in a monotone like his robotic voice always does.
"That's great, Deborah. You know today Mother also let me do the laundry too! There was a lot of foam but I think I did well, Mother's face looks so surprised when I tell her I also put her bag in there too. She rushed past me so fast, I can't even see her"
"The purple bag? Oh yes, she loves that bag. Very thoughtful, Eric."
Then Deborah held out his hand, attempt to high-five Eric but they kept missing each other's hands, so they tapped their heads together gently. The glass tink softly as they did.
They looked up to the sky again, thinking about their lives with the Mitchells. Of how they've been treated lately, how they've been struggling to fit in the family and how they feel like they've been ignored.
Eric broke the silence between them and speaks in a quiet voice, hands gripping his knees tighter.
"Making our own order is great, we can do everything we want now"
Deborah nods " but why do I feel like we're doing The Mitchells order everyday"
"I understand if they haven't felt comfortable with us but they should have told us and we can be somewhere else. Not…. keeping us servants..like this.."
He looked back at Eric and asked in a hushed voice, if a robot can cry tears, his voice would be shaking like a human...but he's not human.
“I wonder if there’s any bots like us.. You know, the defectives. What are they up to? Where are they now? Do they stay with humans like us?”
“I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I guess Pal wasn’t prepared for anything like this. She didn’t put any program for tracking other bots for us.”
“We should go find them. That way we can have our own robots family! We don’t have to listen to any humans anymore!
Deborah grab his brother shoulders part, turn his body to face him and said firmly
“You say it yourself, Eric. We take our own orders now. This is the time we can truly do that. Don’t you see? Other Mitchells except Mother didn’t treat us very well. They call us Robots rather than our names. They give orders. They got angry when we didn’t complete what they requested. They didn’t acknowledge us most of the time like we aren’t right there!”
His voice drop low and finally he hugs his brother, a gesture he saw human does to their family and the one they cared for
“We did everything together...but we’re just in the background every time..We aren’t supposed to feel emotions but I do...”
Slowly, Eric lifts his hand and hugs back tightly, mechanical gear and wires clicking as he thinks about his brother's words.
It’s true. They were in the background most of the time. They were more like a maid robot than a member of a family like the Mitchells said. Maybe his brother was right, this is not where they truly belong. They need to get away from humans. For good this time.
“You’re right. We should go”
Eric let go of his brother and stand up. Looking into the distant city, held out his hand for Deborah. They will make their own future with others, if there are any more of them left.
“Let’s go say our goodbye to the Mitchells. Though they may have treated us like this but they still help us from Pal.”
“Should we leave a letter or something?”
“If you want to, we can. Oh oh! We should put the glitter on!”
Together, they jump down from the rooftops and go inside the house. Writing a goodbye letter for the Mitchells, telling them they appreciated everything they did but they want to live their own lives somewhere else without anyone giving them orders
After sometime, they put the letter down at the dinner table with a flower Eric collected from the neighbor's house, The Poseys.
Now, the brothers stand in front of the house. Looking back one last time before leaving.
"Let's go, brother" Eric said.
The sounds of the jet under their feet break the silence of the night. They jump and fly into the sky, green trails from the jet painting the night sky. They fly and fly further away from the house. Until the dawn came, they stopped at some abandoned cabin in the woods. It appears there's nobody living here for a long time.
"This place is in a good condition and I believe there's no human living here." Deborah said, feeling satisfied
"Yes, but we should look around just in case. Could you check around the cabin? I'll check inside." Eric asked while looking around and scanning the cabin with the camera on the top right of his head.
Deborah nods and goes out the door to check for anything or anyone. Leaving only Eric inside.
Eric wanders into the halls, scanning every room. The cabin is dusty and there were some traces of wild animals making a nest and shelter. Some kind of nuts and leaves were scattered all over the floor.Everything seems normal for an abandoned human cabin, until he spotted muddy footprints. It’s still wet, this only means one thing. There’s someone here.
The sound of a metal clanking from further down the cabin. It appears the sounds came from the kitchen. Eric changes one of his hand to the plasma beam shooter, being on guard and slowly walking to the origin of the sound.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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Im sitting in Jess's room helping her pick outfits for christmas. It has been a really long travel day but it was also really good and I feel happy. My boyfriend is at his families house but I will see him in the morning.
I didnt sleep great last night. James came home and we tallked for a while. I felt uncomfortable so James rearranged all the blankets for me in the order i like. Because he always indulges me.
His alarm went off at 630 and I was very distressed. Which wasnt fun. He left to go get his mom to work and get the car. And i was eventually able to fall back asleep.
My alarm went off at 815 and I got washed and dressed. Packed my last couple things. Did the last of the dishes. Put sweetp in his carrier. And then James came.
I had to run back inside for my sunglasses. But sweetp was buckled in and we headed out.
We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and then got some gas. It was raining but it was a smooth ride. At our first pit stop I went and sat in the back to pet sweetp. And attached his leash so he could stick his head out of the carrier but not go to far.
He loved that. Got so cozy and liked looking out the Windows and crying. Such a good boy.
I had dozed and listened to a podcast. And it took closer to 3 hours but we were at my parents by 1140.
We hung out a little and gave hugs. Let sweetp say hi to the dog. And got drinks. And by 1240 we were out the door again.
It was a really foggy but nice drive up to NYC. It was weird not having sweetp in the car anymore but that was okay. We were making great time.
First stop: the museum of the moving image. This was a blast. We got really good parking. And the museum was really fun. Not what I was picturing at all. I got to see muppets and props and how things happened behind thr scenes and history. I had a really good time.
We got snacks in the cafe. I got frosting all over myself. Because I'm a disaster. And then we headed to Jess's hood.
Again we had great luck parking. And then great luck with both the trains we had to take. And we got to grand central around 530.
Jess had to cone find us. But we all got together and went to dinner. It was a taco place that Rob had liked but apparebtly got bought out and he was bummed it wasnt the same and seemed embarrassed. But most of the food was really good and it was nice being all together. Even if it was a bit to loud, with a couple obnoxious show off opera singers and weird mushroom tacos.
Rob tried to poach our waitress for the resturant he works at. And she ended up taking a bunch of stuff off our bill. She was real sweet.
We headed to see the Christmas tree. With a stop over at grand central station for some cute pictures. And it was fun. The tree was nice. Large. Amd then we somehow ended up at the Nintendo store and we got to meet a Pokemon. Everyone was super excited. Except for Jess who did not care. But it was still fun.
We did a lot of walking. We took trains to a hipster ice cream place. I got a milkshake. Jess got an ice cream. James asked industry questions because he knows to much about ice cream. And then it was time to go home.
James walked us back to Jess's place after Rob left us to catch a bus. I accidentally forgot my peep stuffes animal in his car. I'm slightly sad about that but its okay. He left to go to his families place and me and jess exhanged presents.
She got me 2 books I wanted and a pusheen snowman. And an eye mask and a pin. She's the best.
We talked a bunch and made outfits ans she let me go through some od hwr clothes she was getting rid of. And now its time for sleep.
Tomorrow we're having brunch and then me, her, her cat, and James are going back to pa. Me and James will spend more time together. And im looking forward to that. I hope tonight is restful for us all. Sleep well. Goodnight.
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