#i will admit that this a heavily inspired / redraw of a pose my friend drew
beejoco · 11 months
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All eyes on me!
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rafune · 7 years
dude... you're straight up completely stealing tofuvi's art style :/ not cool
Please do read the whole thing before replying!First of all, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart if this piece of mine (x) looks like an illustration of tofuvi’s. As your ask has made me realize how my art style may be similar to tofuvi, I went to her blog and found the piece that may appear similar to mine. x  
From looking at this, I admit the similarity is a bit uncanny. Frankly, if I was an outsider stumbling across this, I would have also believed that I had imitated her art style. To help prove myself otherwise, I will try to explain every aspect of my artwork in full detail! If you still disagree with me, please contact me directly. I will write an apology letter and delete the art if necessary.
First and foremost, the eyelashes. I realized that this is the one aspect that looks like tofuvi’s art style the most. Originally,I wanted to draw eyelashes that were clearly visible, but when I drew it out, it looked very clumped. To mend this, I played with the eyes to satisfy myself, and the eyelashes in my art are the result of that. There’s really no further explanation for this as it honestly looks very similar. For this, I apologize.
Second of all, the lips. This part may look quite similar, but my actual inspiration for them were Jimin (a member of a kpop group called BTS)’s lips! A little strange but true. My goal was to draw the lips plump and soft which is why I went for such a bright colors as well. x It was also inspired by this post in Instagram x
The nose and blush: this was done like this for I want to create a very soft-looking person, and furthermore, this is from a front perspective which is why I colored the nose and cheeks in such a way. I would also like to note that the pink/red tints at the corners of the eyes are there to emphasize the fact that she is crying.
Her ears! Another similarity as both the ears are small. I would like to say that I actually used one of Horikoshi’s drawings as reference here! This can be seen in this drawing of Bakugou. x
The splayed hair was greatly influenced by this panel in the manga My Hero Academia. Again, the concept is similar to tofuvi’s although it is also true that this character’s hair is also spread out and divided into many strands which is what made me do so in my drawing as well. x
Originally, I planned for the background to be lilac, but with a friend’s further insight, I’ve decided on making it the colour it is now. The field-of-star theme was influenced from the colour of the background since it looked like the night sky. At first I was actually going for a field full of flowers but it was cut short since I am not that great at drawing them.The tears were planned out from the start, and the balls are supposed to be floating tears (defying gravity). To create this, I used a black out line while lining the inside and outside white to create depth. The circle inside was to resemble a reflection from the water.
As I’ve already stated briefly in the tags of my artwork, the heart was heavily influenced by TOri’s cover of “in the rain.” x I believed that she used the original pv so basically, it was influenced by the original itself and not the cover.
How I coloured was influenced by tofublock’s latest ask (x) as her art really inspires me to draw! It was a great help and drive to finish this piece.The border was done with intentions of shrinking the canvas and creating an easier workspace because I often tend to go overboard in the background as you can see from the excessive amount of stars.The outline of my artwork was to make the body pop more.
Lastly, here is my draft and sketch. (x) (x) I’m really sorry it’s not really that appealing. It was deformed for when I was doing the sketch I realized that the proportions aren’t correct. As you can see I originally planned to used flowers instead of a heart to express the fact that she is a fragile girl who’s blooming yet at the same time withering. The heart was used instead to express that her own heart is melting or falling apart until there’s none left.
In conclusion, if this still makes you think that I’ve copied tofuvi’s art style please do what I stated in my first paragraph. I will gladly change my art, redraw, and delete the current post as I may have offended some of you.Again, I sincerely apologize for the problems I’ve caused. Next time I will throughly look through art to find an idea which is original and try my best to change my art style as well as improve further in the future. I want to clearly state that I did not copy in any shape or form. Our art styles may look similar, but I do not have any intentions whatsoever to steal her art style. The set up may be similar but the concept is basic and has also been done by other artists (I will provide some links!).
To finalize my response, I want to apologize for the fact that I was not aware that my art looked similar to another person’s.I hope this problem could/can be resolved without any drama, thank you.
Links to art which has similar characteristics/concepts:(Please note that I am not trying to accuse these artists of doing such things as stealing concepts or art style, these links are only here to prove my point and provide insight on these aspect that similarities can be found anywhere!!)Pose: https://twitter.com/loika/status/881749685978882048http://mangafox.me/manga/deadman_wonderland/v13/c057/25.html (and eyelashes)https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42280440
Eyelashes:https://twitter.com/yuari_kim/status/867879916280434688Hair:https://twitter.com/paindoreperdu/status/824803950687825920http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9155963 (and pose)I respect all the artists mentioned here and follow all their works as well!
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