#i will no longer tag them as spoilers if you haven't watched it yet that's on you
samwwise · 10 months
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Joking Around: Modern!Reader stuck with the Yan!Targaryens Part 2
So, my computer is still in repair (Yes, i have been crying a lot because of it), so i will write about the modern!reader. Because that always fun and not expected to be good
Tags: @rosaryos
You were living in chaos, and you were down for it.
Not too long after you showed up inside of your favorite show atm, you were taken and...given the title of Princess, wait what???
Ok, now you are the second daughter of Viserys(Or first? You are older than Rhaenyra) and Aemma Targaryen. You were just happy that Aemma was still alive 😃...then you realized that her death was still coming 😨😭
You decided, that in this moment, you would change the story, you would not let Viserys make that choice, then she would have more chances of surviving right?
You spend time with your new father a lot, in which makes your new uncle (that you kinda want to...y'know 😗) jealous as f*ck
And another person who is bothered by it is your new sister, Rhaenyra, who is adamant of learning more about you and weird language that is totally not lady like.
Speaking of your "language", after you calling the men "Dilfs" it became a honorable title, and you had to spend 2 hours trying to come up with an excuse of why Daemon could not get the title like his brother at first(Daemon, you haven't spread the blood of the dragon yet, wait your turn, accept that Viserys is the Dilf of the Seven Kingdoms-).
Funny thing, after you said that this title only served for powerful men who already fathered a child, you noticed that your supposed uncle started to act more...not family friendly with you.
In fact, one time, he tried to convince you to ride on Caraxes with him (You knew that he was going to kidnap you) but thank the Gods that Otto appeared and took you away.
Speaking of the Hightowers now...Otto didn't like you at first, in fact, your behavior bothered him and his daughter quite a lot, even when they didn't understand it. But after warming up to you, they made it their mission to change that. (THEY FAILED)
As for the Velaryons, well, now Corlys is the "Dilf of the Seas" and Rhaenys is the "Queen Milf" (although you don't say that publicly by her request) and both adore you. And yes, you told Laena and Laenor the meaning behind your language, they are now adapting to it, you are bringing them to the dark side.
Last but not least, Aemma, the Milf of the Seven Kingdoms, you don't want to grow attached to her and then fail to save her, so you keep you distance and makes her sad 😔
Now to the actual story.
You spend a lot of time with Rhaenyra, excited for the day she becomes the Black Queen, but also you dragged around with Alicent because she misses you.
On the day that Daemon appears, he gives both you and Rhaenyra a Valyrian steel jewelry, in which, confuses you, you are not Valyrian...wait, did he caressed your skin two seconds ago?
Anyway, you stay around around watching the scenes happen all in 4d and in real time, while knowing all the spoilers that are soon to come.
Then the tournament happens, and while you were watching, you finally found your favorite future incel with anger issues, Sir Criston Cole.
Also in that scene, instead of asking for Alicent's favor, Daemon asks for your favor, and knowing that he will lose anyway, you gave it to him, because you are a simp 😊
And then it hit you, Viserys is no longer there...YOU RAN AWAY INSTANTLY.
You almost barge into the room, but the guards stopped you, so the last resource you had, SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS UNTIL YOUR THROAT ACHE.
But it was too late, and Aemma's scream could be heard, you cried yourself to sleep 😣
You where by Rhaenyra's side when Syrax burned her mother and baby brother, actually, you stayed with her even afterwards.
Until it clicked again, ALICENT-
Again, you ran to Viserys' chambers to make him company- and Alicent was already there.
You are failing in this shit hard, my champion.
And you know that things are only gonna get worse.
Cuz the next day, Daemon was exiled(Not before he tried to take you with him tho-)
A/N: And...basically this was me covering up the first episode, i know some nicknames are stupid, but still, there are too many Milfs and Dilfs in this series. I hope you enjoyed.
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arabellaseraphim · 6 months
(For some reason I am tempted to combine the day 1 and day 6 promps (Reunion, Soulmate, Family, Past, Present, and Our Future) for Danstelle Week because it's just too fitting for this au idea that is currently stuck in my mind.)
Reincarnation, Dragon's Bride AU (somewhat inspired from Goblin and See You in My 19th Life Kdrama. I am mostly taking some concepts from those shows since I haven't watch the whole thing yet and only read the synopsis and some bits of spoilers) with a dash of "experiencing a glimpse of a past/future event related to their soulmate in a dream or something before and after meeting them (the glimpses before their meeting is more vague than when they meet)", irl elements and other stuffs
The whole High Cloud Quintet fiasco happened (some details might be tweaked a bit and past Stelle is there) and leads to Dan Feng being reborn as Dan Heng but somehow lives longer than the usual Vidyadhara lifespan before their natural hatching rebirth and the only way to break free from his past life's punishment is for the Dragon's Bride to pull out the Sword impaled on him (Blade's sword to reference him getting stabbed by said sword before his IL transformation), though there is some consequences after pulling the sword out. Currently acting as a guardian, helping around and protecting the people when necessary.
Stelle has the ability to see ghosts and such, and she can recall some bits and pieces of all her past lives except for her first life which will eventually be revealed to her (spoiler: It’s her involvement with the Quintet). In her current life, she stayed at Herta Station before getting magically transported to the Luofu. As for where she's staying at in the Luofu, I'm currently leaning towards the Alchemy Commission so she can spend time with Bailu.
Still trying to decide who will be the Grim Reaper in this story (it's between Blade or Jing Yuan but I'm currently leaning towards Jing Yuan)
When Dan Heng and Stelle finally meet it's either the CPR Scene Luofu edition or Marriage Proposal at first sight
Tying in the soulmate aspect, Stelle gets glimpses of Dan Heng's past (including his life/s before Dan Feng) and Dan Heng gets glimpses of Stelle's future (at some point it's the other way around)
As they spend time together with all the banters and whatnot with the Grim Reaper tagging along, they discovered more stuffs related to their previous lives and the people involved in it. (Bonding moments go brrrr)
(Under the cut contains some hinted spoilers for the aforementioned kdramas)
Eventually the High Cloud Quintet reunites once more and after a series of trials and tribulations, they all get the closure they rightfully deserved. Jingliu and Blade eventually paid their price (which leads to Jingliu being granted eternal peace and Blade his permanent rest in death), and now it's Dan Heng's turn to pay his price with Stelle's help.
When the time came where Stelle knew about the truth behind Stelle's ability to recall her memory of her past lives (she was cursed with that ability due to what happened to her before her death in her first life and her response to it), the truth behind the sword impaled on Dan Heng and its consequences once she pulls the sword out (she only knows the history and the fact that pulling out the sword causes Dan Heng to die), and Dan Heng finding out the fact that pulling the sword might cost her her own life, they avoided each other for quite a while until one side wants the other back (Dan Heng). (Poor Grim Reaper has to deal with that whole ordeal while checking on Bailu)
Several things happened to Bailu and other people Stelle once knew in her past live(s) and reconnected with (for Bailu, it has something to do with the Assassins and her treatment process for the patients experiencing some troubles. For others it's either sickness or bad luck situations), and when she was faced against those Assassins alone with Bailu, that's where she and Dan Heng reunite after a while of avoiding him (as he rushed to help her, he turns into his IL form in her eyes like in Ichor of 2 Dragons. He cannot let anyone hurt his sister and his wife). Cue the much needed conversation after the battle later on and a love declaration communicated without words.
Once Stelle and Dan Heng is ready to have the sword pulled out from Dan Heng's body, they said their goodbyes to Bailu (they won't be seeing her for a long time) along with those they reconnected with and thanked the Grim Reaper for the time spent together. They then went to the place where the curse first befall upon them (the place where it all began). The Grim Reaper was there in the distance to ensure the whole process went smoothly without any interruption. They shared a few intimate moments and reassured each other that one day, they will meet again in the next life. As Stelle finally pulled out the sword despite the struggle (imagine the scene in Legend of Zelda where Link's hp got drained when he pulls out the Master Sword but it's not like Dan Heng lied down as Stelle stand up to pull out the sword. No. They both kneel down during the whole process. Also, Dan Heng's in his IL form here) and said, "it all ends now", they took one last look at each other before they lie down to the realm of slumber. The Grim Reaper proceeds to reap their souls and prepares to give them the next life that they rightfully deserved as it marks his last job as a Grim Reaper.
"The curse is lifted. They finally broke free of their past. Everything is now coming to a close in the present. Time flies by until the perfect moment for the two souls to blaze their paths that leads them starward and become each other's future."
(Reunion scene is on the way but it won't be that soon)
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Foreigner's God | m.m
Previous chapter ° Series Masterlist
Chapter Forty-Three: She Knows
Summary: Life is good, life is normal. All pieces have fallen into place. A routine night of patrol leads Matt and Eliza into the arms of one of Hell's Kitchen's notorious gangs who seem to have stolen alien technology. Chaos ensues, revelations are made and things go a little... out of control.
Warnings: Angst, Smut (fingering, this is relatively tame), attempt at humor, Canon typical violence, Season 3 spoilers (heavy on that), Avengers 1 spoilers, Infinity War spoilers, use of mutant powers, blood, hurt/comfort, mentions of suicide (briefly), fluff, declarations of love
A/n: I have worked long and hard on this. I spent a good ten hours, if you put them all together, just writing this chapter. Another ten the day before to plan out the way I want to change some things about how I'm going to portray Season 2 in this story, and some of the plot points I have added with my Original Characters to make it possible to put them all together to make it make sense (and erase some of the plot holes). I have written-down and solid plans until chapter forty-seven, and from there on they're just ideas that haven't been written out yet. But I think I just built a storyline that is somehow canon yet not canon at all and it might just keep you at the edge of your seats throughout the journey. I hope so, at least.
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The days in New York kept getting hotter. It was a different kind of heatwave. Even though Eliza evened out the firm’s bills, the AC broke right when they needed it most, and looking at their budget — the one she had meticulously calculated — she realized they couldn’t afford to call someone to fix it, so they were stuck with two ventilators that were barely working, and the iced drinks their clients served them with.
She still had a significant amount of money left. It was enough to buy a car, but in a city like New York, cars were overrated.
She put some money aside in case her and Matt’s living arrangement would somehow be at risk if he, once again, failed to pay his rent on time, or the electricity bill got more expensive. The monthly bill had already changed from plausible to other-worldly — having her live with him meant the lights were on when it got dark; they had never been on before, except for the rare occasions Foggy stayed over. Therefore, the electricity bill grew in size significantly compared to his usually tame living costs, thanks to the discount and his blindness.
Not only was the buzzing something Matt had to get used to but having someone with working eyes living with him meant she usually left a lot of stuff lying out, or she would move the jars on his spice rack a little to the left without noticing, and once he was the one cooking in the kitchen, he touched the shelf like a lost puppy until he found what he was looking for. And she continuously switched the places.
At first, he didn’t say anything, but it eventually got too much when he couldn’t find the salt. “Babe, that’s sugar,” he heard her say behind him.
“If you’d put the jars where they were, I wouldn’t have that problem—“ he broke off, grunting in search for the tag that read salt. He found it where the basil usually was. “There it is. Where did you put the basil?”
“Lower shelf, ‘cause I couldn’t reach it.” She sounded so innocent then, eating her yogurt and watching him through hooded eyes. Eyes of guilt. “I’m sorry if, I’d known–“
Matt sighed. “It’s not that, baby. I’m just so used to everything being in the same spot, I get confused when it isn’t there, and then I have to read all of the tags to find what I’m looking for,” he explained, and it slowly dawned on her.
“Did I just completely disregard your disability because I only kept thinking about your super senses?”
“You didn’t disregard it, you just– you’re being you,” he said, “and I love that you’re you but I usually take a little longer to adapt to change for, uh, obvious reasons.”
“Don’t defend me. I totally disregarded it,” she got up, “and I am so sorry I did. Tell me what you need me to change and I will. For you, I will. I’m going to learn how to adjust to you so you won’t have to adjust to me.”
He chuckled softly. She stepped up to him, her arms snaking around his neck and he kissed her. “That’s not how this is supposed to be,” he told her.
“Yes, it is.”
“It’s not. You live here too, so you get to make this place your home the same way I did. You don’t have to adjust everything because I’m blind.”
“I want to help you,” said Eliza.
“And you are,” Matt caressed her face again, “you’re helping by being here.”
“What else can I do though to make this easier for you?”
He frowned. Usually, people didn’t ask. He was so used to living alone in his apartment that he almost forgot he wasn’t anymore, and their relationship was a two-way street, as everything else in their lives.
His head twitched toward the spice rack. “Put everything where it used to be, that would be a start,” he said.
“Okay, I can do that.” She tried to break free to do as she was told, but he held her back.
He wasn’t done. With his hands on her hips, he made sure she looked into his eyes.
“Everything except for the things you use the most,” he said, “because I need to adjust to your needs to and if you can’t use the sugar because you can’t reach it, we’ll move it to the lower shelf.”
“With the same positioning?” she questioned.
After a couple of days, his spices stopped wandering and he sighed a breath of relief. She was willing to learn and she adapted, something only Foggy had done while they were in college, and even then their dorm lacked of some accessibility.
Eliza put in an effort to make life easier for him. She made sure everything was where he left it, and she stopped leafing her stuff lying out because the first time he almost tripped was enough for her to change her mind about being a little messy.
When it came to the electricity bill though, she wasn’t sure what to do. Matt assured her it was fine, but she considered learning how to walk in the dark when she saw the number at the bottom. He told her he would take care of it but the man could barely afford his own coffee mix, and because of her he stopped buying his disgusting German beer (she told him he didn’t have to, but when did Matt Murdock ever listen to her?), so he lost more of his freedom than he gained when she moved in. She felt guilty, to say the least.  
Thankfully, work days weren’t so boring anymore. Eliza gave up on trying to convince Matt to take paying clients. The number of people willing to pay for their services was, well… zero. Nonexistent. At least they got baked goods as a generous ‘thank you’, but cake didn’t pay the bills. It left them satisfied and with lunch for days, but food couldn’t cover the cost of living or the cost of running a law firm in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen.
“Thank you, Mrs. Ingram, we’ll take a look at those complaints and get back to you.” As an introvert, talking to strangers wasn’t an easy task, but she had a way with people that often amazed Matt. 
The middle-aged woman bowed slightly, thanking her again in a tongue he didn’t recognize. The door closed, he heard the sound loud and clear, and the office finally went quiet. With the air so thick, he could barely breathe, the heat causing sweat to break out on his forehead and soak through his dress shirt. He had already pushed up the sleeves past his forearms and it bunched around his bicep, the one protruding vein now more visible than ever. He wanted to tear his clothes off but not even that would have sufficed to get rid of the heat under his skin. 
Foggy stood at the door to his office, holding a water bottle to his sweaty face. “She speaks Arabic,” he said. “Matt, your girlfriend speaks Arabic. Why does she speak Arabic?”
“Because she’s smarter than you,” Eliza retorted. 
Matt chuckled. “Let me state for the record that she said it, not me.”
“No seriously,” he pushed himself off the doorframe, “how many languages have you spoken today?”
“Three,” Karen cut in. She peeked down at the files scattered on her desk. “Uh, we had an elderly Chinese lady, Mrs. Rodriguez who only speaks Portuguese, and then Mrs. Ingram who speaks Arabic.”
“Yes, that. What’s wrong with you?”
Meanwhile, she had wandered off into the kitchen, taking one of the few mugs they kept in the cupboard and pouring the now cold coffee into it. “I told you, it’s an intelligence thing, you wouldn’t understand.”
It was slowly starting to dawn outside, the sun setting behind the many high rises around them. She hoped it would cool down soon. Having ditched her shirt, she was left in a burgundy top with quite a suggestive cleavage that Matt noticed instantly when the first pair of eyes of a client flicked to her breasts and he only grew more possessive with every passing male client.
“I’ll have you know,” said Foggy, “That I’m actually the smartest out of my family! I mean, I went to law school. Call me the golden child.” A proud, dorky smile grew on his face that caused his dimples to stand out. 
She tried hard to hide her own smile behind a mocking smirk. “That’s kind of like being the tallest dwarf,” Eliza said. 
He lifted his finger, eyebrows crinkling in a state of offense, but he quickly shook his head and put his finger back then. “Actually, that- that’s true.”
Reaching into the Tupperware that stood on the counter, she took one of the Brownies. She sniffed; it smelled like sugar and cocoa. She couldn’t remember who brought them, though she suspected it to have been one of the elderly women that came to them with their small legal troubles. It was the cinnamon that gave it away. A feeling of Christmas in the middle of summer, and it cooled down her skin when she thought about the snow that would come in December if they were lucky, and ice skating at the rink around Rockefeller Tree. Christmas in New York was magical and she looked forward to the holiday every year. 
Although this year, her Christmas would look different from what it used to before; Clint wasn’t there to invite her to his family home anymore, and she wouldn’t be able to spend time with his children under the tree. Her life changed drastically, but she wasn’t alone. She had friends and she had Matt — it would be their first Christmas together. She was excited about that.
At the beginning of the year, she figured she would be lonely on Christmas, but even that had changed and now she couldn’t wait for the magical time of the year that gave her an excuse to buy him several gifts that he couldn’t turn down. But no gift could be better than the one he gave her by taking her back. 
It was still summer though and the temperature melted her skin into the ground. 
On a Sunday, Matt believed it was, he woke up to the scent of cinnamon in the air. He reached beside him, but the mattress next to him was cold. He frowned, listening more intently to the sounds coming from the kitchen. Through the fog of his sleepy senses, he could make out her heartbeat. He relaxed. A sigh slipped past his lips as he heaved himself out of bed.
“You’re baking,” he stated, standing in the doorframe to the living room. 
Eliza looked up from where she stood in the kitchen. “Good morning to you too,” she chirped. 
He pouted. “Why are you baking? Are you okay?”
“What? Oh. Oh, no,” it dawned on her, “this is not stress-baking. This is- well, I guess you can call it cheerful Sunday baking,” she said, “but I’m actually just doing it because Sister Maggie asked if I could help out with the summer fest the orphanage is doing today.”
“Thank God,” he murmured. 
Matt appeared behind her, his hands snaking around her waist. He buried his face in her shoulder. She smelled of the cinnamon she used and flour — some of it got stuck in her eyebrows from where she had rubbed her sweaty forehead before, and some flour even collected at the tip of her nose. He chuckled when he realized. “You’ve got a little something there,” he brushed his finger over her nose. 
She scrunched. “Didn’t notice.”
“I know. There’s some flour in your brows, too. Here,” he repeated the same motion over the soft hairs above her eyes, “All done.”
He once again wrapped his arms around her waist, continuing to breathe all of her in. She leaned back into him, one hand coming to rest in his hair while the other stirred the dough before her. Wandering lips trailed over her pulse point, leaving a wet trail behind. Eliza sighed, momentarily forgetting that she was supposed to be baking a whole batch of brownies for hungry and traumatized children. His hands squeezing her hips and his lips exploring what was bare of her shoulders distracted her from the task at hand completely, and she found herself slowly caving into his touch. 
“You know, you have to stop back-hugging me when I’m baking,” she said. “You’re distracting me. I might burn these brownies.”
Matt chuckled against her neck. “How,” his lips brushed her ear as he asked, “They’re not even in the oven yet.”
“Precisely. That’s where they should be.”
“Then why don’t you put them in?”
“Because you’re distracting me from finishing them.”
“Huh, that sucks ‘cause I don’t intend on stopping–” he slipped his hand past the waistband of her panties, “anytime soon.”
“Ohhh-kay.” She grabbed the edge of the counter tightly, her knuckles turning bright white. Her hips bucked into his hand while at the same time pushing against his pelvis from behind. 
His chuckle fanned across her cheek now before he turned her chin with his index finger and captured her lips in a bruising kiss. 
“That is absolutely not–“ he started drawing slow circles over her clit with as many fingers as he could, “distracting— Oh God!” He kicked her feet apart, his middle finger already halfway buried in her cunt. 
“Not distracting, huh?” he hummed into her ear. “Is that why you’re so fucking wet right now?”
Oh, how she hated him. She clenched around his finger at the gentle mockery, meeting the now rough palm of his hand as it bumped against the nerves that craved him the most. 
“That’s it… good girl.”
The orgasm washed over her with surprising intensity. It hadn’t even been a full five minutes until her walls fluttered and she was coming undone around his finger, and he soaked up every last whimper she let out, her head now resting back against his shoulder while he gently rubbed her clit to draw the orgasm out but not to overstimulate her. 
He gently pulled out. “Good morning,” Matt smirked proudly to himself. 
“Oh, good morning indeed.”
His lips chased her movements as she turned around in his arms, leaning up to press her lips to his. It was a silent ‘good morning’, the first display of love that wasn’t connected to anything sexual. In the background, the soft tune of a song filled the room with a light atmosphere. She felt like a feather floating through the air, the air that was often filled with pain and the thick scent of tears shed. Sometimes, it smelled like his blood, other times it smelled like hers, and on extremely bad days, they were both bleeding. Physically and mentally they were often bleeding in each other’s arms, their souls scarred from all the suffering, and their hearts often tired of beating, but now it beat for each other. The only reason they were alive lay in each other’s arms, and they promised to continue breathing for each other, even when one of them got tired and the other had to catch them. Their arms were wide open at the bottom of the cliff, always ready to carry what the other was too weak to hold up on their shoulders. 
The pair stepped into Saint Agnes orphanage sometime around noon when the brownies were finished baking and the sun was less strong in the way it burned down on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
Matt sniffed the air; it was hot, humid even, and thick with the sweat and different perfumes of the people passing by them as they walked toward the place he grew up in. Through the fog of the different sensations blurring together, he could make out a slightly tangy scent that lay thick and even a little sour in the air, but it was mostly salt and a cold breeze that brushed past his nose. It was going to rain soon, he was sure of that. The air shifted and it got a bit colder, offering some relief on their heated skin, but the temperature still felt inhuman. 
Maggie greeted them at the door, “Thank you so much for coming,” she engulfed Eliza in a tight hug, “And thank you for offering to bake.”
“I’m glad to help,” said Eliza, handing the Tupperware that held the brownies over to the nun. She looked different from the last time they met; she wore a black dress that was the usual attire for the sisters at the church and the black-and-white headscarf that covered her brown hair. 
“Oh,” she grabbed Matt’s bicep to push him further into Maggie’s line of sight, “This is Matthew, by the way. The, uh, boyfriend I was telling you about.”
Her brain seemed to short-circuit. She blinked, looking the man up and down, then back at her. Her mouth opened, but no sounds would come out. She tried again, fidgeting with her fingers as she tried to find words that would make sense, words that wouldn’t give her away. 
Eliza was curious. Something wasn’t right and her suspicions overshadowed the excitement she had felt before. She needed to know why the nun was acting like that, and she needed to know now. 
Matt smiled awkwardly and Maggie returned his expression. The smile is familiar. Why is it familiar? She wondered to herself. She was probably seeing ghosts and her hands were tingling for no reason. The rational center of her brain was screaming unnecessarily, her suspicions stemmed from a place of curiosity and there was no reason to worry. There was no reason to be on edge or determined to reveal a gigantic lie that probably wasn’t real anyway, she was just paranoid. After everything that happened, everything seemed to have a deeper meaning, a meaning that often turned out to be false. Maggie was a good person and so was Matt; he grew up in the orphanage, of course, he took some of what he learned and observed with him, and it manifested over the years. He was still a broken child at heart. 
Still fidgeting with her fingers, Maggie chuckled. “I remember you,” she said. “You, uh, changed a lot since you were last here.”
“Uh, yeah,” Matt exhaled, “I was a kid.”
She straightened her shoulders. “Well, I’m glad that you’re here.”
“Me too, sister, although it feels weird being back here,” he said. 
Maggie waved for them to follow her. He held onto Eliza’s arm on their way down the long corridor toward what he remembered to be the door to the garden behind the orphanage and the church. It was far away from the cemetery, but he had escaped once while all children were playing outside and visited his dad’s grave. He never told the nuns how he found his way there, he simply stated that he wanted to get out and then got lost. His abilities would have been hard to explain, only Stick understood what he was going through, but even he left him. They all eventually did. Being at his father’s grave had filled him with dread and it still did whenever he set foot into the church, knowing Jack was dead and he was alone. He didn’t even know his mother. 
“You grew up here, it’s always going to be weird to visit your childhood home. Not to speak of the perhaps bad memories you connect with this place. Even a religious boy like you gets to have his reservations about God,” Maggie led them through the backdoor, “But destiny works in funny ways, doesn’t it?” she said. “That your girlfriend and I met and now you’re here.”
“Are you sure you can call it destiny?” Matt questioned. 
“What else would you call it?”
“I don’t know, coincidence, maybe? I’ve been coming to this church for years, and have spoken to Father Lantom ever since I can remember, he’s taken my confession many times and I’ve seen Sunday Mass more times than I can count. That my girlfriend ran into you one night while she was desperate wouldn’t count as destiny, just a very surprising coincidence.”
She chuckled weakly, her eyes stuck on her face, and something resembling adoration flashed across her eyes. Her brows furrowed slightly, it was a look of worry now, one of guilt and regret, and she turned away again. 
“Coincidence,” she repeated, “Yes, that might just be it.”
“I’m a man of God, I believe in what God wants. Anything else seems far-fetched, don’t you think, sister? God gives us all a purpose, so you could call it destiny, but as God’s disciples there really is nothing else but the role he cast us in.”
“Doesn’t that mean there are no coincidences, either? And call me Maggie, please. I insist.”
He tilted his head. Her statement worked through his brain and he contemplated. “You have a point,” he said. 
“I’m glad you came.” Her voice cracked at the end. Matt played it off; voices crack sometimes. Eliza, however, wasn’t convinced that it was a random crack in her voice when the look she had on her face spoke more than opening a Bible and reading every last verse ever could. 
Maggie was an expressive person. Her emotions displayed in her eyes, and whenever she was upset, her lips tilted down in a pout. Her brown eyes had green tints in them, but they were a darker brown, perhaps chestnut, matching her hair perfectly. Naturally curly hair. 
Eliza didn’t want to connect the trains of thought that clashed, drawing and setting up an invisible string between them. 
“Brownies,” she blurted, her heart racing in her chest, and there was no doubt in her mind Matt could tell that she was shocked at something that neither he nor she could see because it happened in her brain and slapped her across the face. “Where should I put the brownies?” she asked. 
“You don’t have to put them anywhere,” Maggie insisted, “I’ll take care of it.”
“I should take care of it though.”
“If that’s what you want–“ she handed the Tupperware back to her. “Put it on the table over there,” she told her. “With the rest of the food.”
Eliza peeked over at the mentioned table that stood aside from the commotion of children and nuns that played in the garden. Willing investors were standing around, ready to donate money to keep the orphanage up and working, and others were simply there for the free food. Mostly those who couldn’t afford it by themselves, but that was the point of the summer fest. It was meant to bring people together. 
She nodded, “I’ll be right back.”
The table offered her some space to breathe away from now deep conversations between Matt and… Maggie. It all made sense now and she hated the knowledge she put on herself. There was no solid proof, but her gut hardly ever betrayed her. 
“Eliza,” Father Lantom appeared behind her. He smiled when he saw her. “So nice of you to join us,” he said. 
Her fists clenched. “Did you know?” 
“Did you know?” she asked. Her eyes switched to the pair at the other end of the backyard. “Did you know that she’s his mother?”
She had been betrayed before, told that her parents were dead, and withheld information on the whereabouts of her biological father, so she knew how bad it could hurt to find out the truth. 
The priest stuttered. His eyes were wide and he looked over to where Matt was standing with Maggie, still talking. It seemed he didn’t hear any of what Eliza said because he simply wasn’t paying attention and his senses didn’t quite work that way. If he didn’t consciously fan them out and focused on something else, he would tune the rest of the world out, and then a statement such as the one Eliza made would go over his head. 
He leaned into her. “How?” he asked. 
“Answer my question,” she shot back through gritted teeth. 
She already knew that Father Lantom did know and that he didn’t say anything to Matt, not even once in the time he went to church, prayed, and asked for guidance. He had been lost to the point he tried to kill himself when he was merely a child and everyone lied to him. Maggie was there to raise him after his father died. She worked at the orphanage, took care of him, and she knew who the lost blind boy she was supposed to take care of was. She knew and she never said anything. 
“Yes,” Father Lantom lowered his head, “I knew.”
“Great. That’s just… fucking great!”
But then Eliza realized something else. If Matt found out the truth now, it would shatter him. It would shatter him to know the lengths his own mother was willing to go to so he wouldn’t find out who she was, and the man he confided in lied to him too. It would shatter him. It would absolutely destroy him the same way it destroyed her when she revealed the truth. 
“Listen, I can explain,” he said. 
What explanation could there be? It was the same thing she had to go through all those weeks ago. She searched for answers for years and found them in the lies her friends told her, the people she thought she could trust, the people who loved her the most, and who she trusted with her life. It was the same fucking situation. 
She shook her head. “He doesn’t deserve this,” her voice sounded low, “He doesn’t deserve any of this.”
The priest sighed in exasperation, pulling her further aside. “There’s a reason we kept the truth from him.”
“What reason could there possibly be to lie to him about his own mother? She’s right there.” Her glowing eyes resembled those of a snake, a venomous being born from fury. “She’s right there and he doesn’t know.”
Eliza remembered her telling her that she was a mother but didn’t have any children. She had done things she wasn’t proud of, committed sins she had to repent for, and found her way back from the dark void despair drove her into. Maggie used to lead support group meetings for lost children, for those who had nothing left and wanted to be better for whatever reason. She was a good person but she lied. She lied to Eliza and she lied to her own son, the man that she was now talking to as if they were long-lost friends, but she never once told him. They spent years together and she never found the guts to lay the truth out for him. 
She didn’t want to hate her, she was a good person after all, but it was hard not to get angry at her. And Father Lantom played a huge role in it as well. She trusted him with her secrets. She misjudged him. She thought he was a righteous man, but he was nothing but a liar. 
“He’s not supposed to find out, and you weren’t either, Eliza. This is a secret we’ve kept for decades—“
“That’s even worse!” she snapped. 
He pressed a finger to his lips, “Not so loud.”
“I’m gonna be as loud as I fucking want because I’m gonna tell him.”
“No,” the Father stopped her by grabbing her arm and he said, “Please, don’t.” Was he begging or telling her not to? 
“You can’t keep this from him,” she said, “it’s not fair.”
“I know, but there’s a reason Maggie hasn’t found him sooner, a reason we didn’t tell him. It was never my choice to make, it was hers, and I swore to protect her as well as make sure he was okay. If he finds out now…” he trailed off, looking at the chatting pair. “He’s gonna be devastated, you know that. You’re the closest person to him, you’re the only one who understands him. Tell me, would he be able to survive to hear the truth?”
She hated the answer. She hated that the truth was that no, he wouldn’t survive. She hated that she now knew something so crucial and she hated that Father Lantom was right. He would be devastated and he would suffer. He would question everything he ever believed to be true and he would drown. She could try to catch him, but he would fall faster than she could run to his rescue. All of this for what?
“The people in my life lied to me about my father too,” she said. 
“I’m sure they had the same intention in mind.”
“They told me it was to protect me but I lost myself too. It broke me. I deserved to know and they took that right away from me until I found out the truth some other way. I would have understood if they told me themselves, but they were so adamant about lying I had to find out myself and that completely destroyed me. He deserves for the people who care about him to not lie to him,” she swallowed, “and if the truth breaks him, so be it. He deserves to know and he’d hate me for keeping this from him. I can’t live with this burden. I wish I never connected the dots, but I did, and this information is more than I can carry right now, so I have to tell him.”
“Eliza please,” Father Lantom begged. His hand was still on her arm. She broke free, glaring holes into his head. She hoped he could feel the hell she wished upon him. 
She stood her ground, “No.”
“If you tell him now, his world is going to end.”
“It’s not. He caught me and I’ll catch him. I know I will. I can.”
“You can’t know that and I think you know that you can’t.”
She hated him and his words and God for putting her in such a position. She hated her curiosity and how easily she could make connections even when she wasn’t trying. But most of all, Eliza hated herself for the decision she made. She was no better than the people who lied to her.
“I have to tell him,” she whispered. 
“No, you don’t.”
“I have to, but I won’t,” her voice dropped an octave and her eyes turned a terrifying color of maroon, “because if he does find out, he’s going to be devastated and he’s been through enough pain already. I’m doing this because I love him, not because of you. If you know what’s good for you, you stay away from me.”
“Eliza, wait-”
“Matt,” she walked up to him, the smile on her lips fake, but she managed to convince him. “Are you ready to go?” 
“Sure, yeah,” he said. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” she assured him.
“Okay then. It was nice meeting you again.”
The nun nodded with a curt smile. “It was nice seeing you, Matthew,” said Maggie. “I hope we’ll catch up more soon.”
I hope the fuck not, Eliza cursed her inner monologue. But it was right. The more time they spent together, the guiltier she would feel, but by God, if she told him now he would break into a million pieces and their life was just starting to get better again. She didn’t want to steal the sparkle from his eyes. Matt didn’t deserve that. He also didn’t deserve to be lied to, but she loved him too much to break his heart. If he ever found out, he would hate her, but it was a small price to pay to keep his heart safe. He had lost enough for a lifetime. 
The thought kept her caught in the moral conflict that wrapped its hand around her soul and squeezed, its claws dragging her down into an abyss of endless guilt and shame. If she wasn’t careful, it would consume her whole soon and there would be no going back. She loved him so much, but was the sacrifice worth it? Was risking their relationship worth it just to protect his soul from breaking? It was wrong. She knew how much it hurt when the Avengers did the same, but carrying this knowledge with her now, she realized why they kept the secret of her true parentage from her. She understood the purpose of protecting the people you love by omitting now better than she ever did, but she still cursed herself to hell and back for not opening her mouth. She should have, but time had passed by since they were at the fest and she was already too deep into the lie to pull out now. She had to walk to the edge of the grave she dug and hope she wouldn’t fall in. 
The cool night air blew through her hair as she walked next to Matt over the dark rooftop. He had picked up on a commotion in the distance, gang activity, he had told her. They were partly responsible for the rising drug numbers in Hell’s Kitchen and Daredevil wasn’t pleased with what his city was turning into. He had to salvage what was left. Eliza tagged along, of course. She always did. Ever since he got her the suit, she felt more comfortable in her skin and her fighting abilities. She didn’t care much about her powers when she was around him because he told her every time, focus on your fighting skills not what’s going on in your mind. Channel your anger into something else. And she did. She channeled her feelings into her fists as she beat the criminals into a puddle. 
That night though, she was so stuck in her mind, her entire body was vibrating with the energy that she pushed down so many times before. She refused to study them further, but the need to let them out was growing with each passing day, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she got about what she would do once the stone decided it had enough of being pushed down. With the empathy gone, she thought she could catch a break, but her fingers always tingled and her soul craved the power. Her body craved to rise to its full potential, whatever that was. 
“How about Chinese?” Matt asked. 
Eliza shook her head. “No, we had that yesterday. I can still taste that fucking awful sushi on my tongue,” she said. “I feel like it was purposely made to not taste good because how the fuck can you screw up Sushi?”
“I think they might have put too much salt in the rice.”
“And used moldy cucumber.”
“If they did, you would be having serious stomach problems right now.”
She shrugged. “Maybe I am.”
“You’re not,” he said.
“Well okay, we’re not doing Chinese. How about Indian instead?” she asked.  
Matt contemplated before scrunching his nose in a disapproving frown. “We had that the day before that, and honestly if I have to taste Kurkuma one more time, I’m gonna puke. I love Indian food, but we’ve been eating too much of that lately.” 
“Okay, I get that. We’ve been spending a lot of money on Indian food. How about pizza? Italian, maybe even pasta and some breadsticks.  There’s a nice place around the corner from your apartment. And they got Uber Eats.”
“Yeah, let’s do pizza. But only if it has—“
“Cheese crust.”
“And I’m craving garlic bread,” she said.
He hummed. “Oh, yeah, garlic bread.”
“And if we both eat it, we can still kiss.” 
“That is a good argument, Miss Bennet,” Matt said, “I think you might have won this discussion.” 
“Pizza it is then,” she decided. 
Was it wrong to talk about dinner choices while walking into the arms of one of Hell’s Kitchen's many gangs? Possibly, but they had long stopped caring about what happened before or after. The fight became their life’s purpose. They couldn’t see themselves doing anything else. Eliza was a hero, she craved to be one, and Matt craved to help his city out in any way he could. He still believed it was his god-given purpose to be Daredevil, and he stuck to his principles. 
Sister Maggie is Matt Murdock’s mother. She bit her cheek. If the thought kept pushing against her head, she would burst. She had to and she said she wouldn’t, but fuck! Father Lantom wasn’t the boss of her and she knew better than let him tell her what to do. She knew better than to break Matt’s heart by lying to him and risking what they had because she didn’t want him to hate her, ever. She didn’t want to break his trust. She promised not to lie to him, and she was physically incapable of doing so, anyway. 
“Matt,” she caught his wrist and he stopped, giving her a puzzled look that she could read even behind the Devil’s mask, “I have to tell you something,” she said. 
Now or never. Fuck Father Lantom and Maggie for their lies. She had to be better than them. She was better than them. She wouldn’t make the same mistake Tony made because, in the end, he was more sorry than she had been safer. 
“What’s up?” he asked, his lip tilted down in a confused and worrying frown. “Are you okay?”
It was sweet how he suspected it was something about her rather than something that would tear his entire worldview down. 
She opened her mouth, putting aside all reservations. Eliza was going to tell him the truth about his mother right then and there and then wait for the music to come. He was going to implode but fuck, she couldn’t keep the secret any longer, it was eating away at her insides and it was driving her guilt to an all-time high that she seemed to be tumbling off any second now. It suffocated her, knowing the truth about him and keeping him in the dark. She wasn’t going to do that to him, not again. She made so many promises, she had to keep them. She promised she would keep them. 
The blast that sounded in the distance cut her off. 
They flinched at the same time, ducking behind the ledge of the roof. “You hear that?” he asked. 
She nodded, “Loud and clear.”
Something strange lay in the atmosphere. It was a familiar feeling, a tingle that shot up her spine and caused the hairs on her arms to stand up. 
Looking down at the layer they were supposed to stake out, she caught the blue glow through the dirty windows. The smoke from the blast clouded the inside. She tilted her head. It couldn’t be—
“You have to stay here,” she said. Her breath hitched. “You can’t go down there.”
Matt chuckled, the confusion written on his face as he asked her, “Why?”
“I’m not kidding,” and her serious expression told him as much, “You’re not going down there.”
“Angel, calm down. What is going on? Why do you-”
“It’s Chitauri tech,” she stated. The blue glow mixed with the almost radioactive-looking smoke told her everything she needed to know. Her hair bent in the direction of the alien force and her fingers tingled; this could only mean one thing - the Battle of New York had left a significant number of weapons and alien remains behind, and many people had stolen parts and taken them with them, and the weapons that came out of playing with such technology would always be life-threatening to any human being. 
“Chitauri as in–“
“The Battle of New York, yes.”
“Are you sure? How do they- how would they even get their hands on the technology? I thought Stark cleaned up all of it when his foundation paid for the reconstruction of downtown. That was four years ago, Eliza. Are you sure that blast wasn’t just a manipulated machine gun?”
“The glow, Matthew. You can’t see it, but you might feel the energy in the air. I do, I can feel it creeping up my spine and toying with my brain. It’s alien, definitely. I felt the same when I stood in the ruins of this city and had aliens jumping on the buildings around me, shooting their funny little guns at us.”
It was true, he felt the static change in the air, but he thought nothing about it. Explosions often manipulated the way air would graze his skin. She seemed convinced though and her heartbeat showed no signs of doubt. This was her arena. This was what she was best at. He had nothing on her ability to sniff out what he couldn’t see. She felt deeper than he did, she was more susceptible to the atmosphere and reality spoke to her in ways he couldn’t comprehend. When she told him it was alien technology they were dealing with, he had to believe her. 
“That day, death and destruction rained from the sky,” he said. “It wasn’t just a random incident. The world almost ended, New York City was destroyed, people died… why would humans want to acquire the tech that almost got them killed?”
“Why do humans hurt each other in dark alleyways in the middle of the night?” Eliza challenged. “Why do humans resort to violence when they can’t get their way? We’re animals, Matt,” she said, “we’re predators, we want to be better than any other species, so that’s why some humans don’t even fear God when it comes to ruining other people’s lives.”
“Well, then we need to stop them.” He made a move to get out of the crouching position, ready to reach for his Billy Clubs. 
She put her hand atop his. “Don’t,” she said. 
“They could seriously hurt a lot of people. If we don’t do anything—“
“I need to stop them, not you.”
“Did you miss the part where we decided we would fight together because we always have each other’s backs?”
“This is alien tech. You’re only human. You’re not indestructible. You don’t even have a shield. If they hit you, you’re dead.”
He only scoffed. “I’d like to see them try.” 
Usually, she found his confidence more than alluring, but at that moment she wanted to hit him. He wasn’t invincible, but he seemed to forget that from time to time. If she was right with her suspicions, he would be dead the second they stepped through the door. She could never forgive herself if that happened, which was the precise reason why she tried her hardest to stop him, even if she had to tie him to the roof. She would do it. 
“No,” Eliza insisted, “stop.”
“What are you so afraid of?”
“I don’t want to lose you,” her voice cracked. 
He hung his head low, exhaling a heavy breath through pursed lips, then turned his head up enough for her to meet his red eyes. His hand reached for her cheek, cupping the rosy skin and caressing her cheekbone with his gloved thumb. He sighed again, this time louder. Her eyes fluttered closed. 
“You’re not going to lose me,” he said. “Hey, look at me—“ She opened her eyes. Tears glistened in them, tears that came from a dark place of fear deep within her heart. It tore her apart to think about what could possibly happen to him. “You’re not going to lose me,” he said. “I promised I’m in it for the long run and I intend to keep that promise. We go in there together and we both come out alive. I love you, okay? Alone because of that, I would show death the finger.”
She dropped her forehead against his. “Promise?” she breathed the word into his mouth. 
He pressed his lips to hers ever so gently, barely brushing them, breathing her in as if she was the last thing keeping him alive. “Promise,” he said. 
“I love you too.”
“I know.” He kissed her forehead. “Trust me, I know.”
“Promise you’ll stay behind me until I tell you otherwise?”
He crossed his heart. “Promise.”
She prayed to God he would keep his promise. 
The inside of the garage was quiet. Occasionally, metal would scrape against metal and the whirring of a saw cut through the sound barrier. Sparks flew, lighting up the room, but as soon as it was over, the room fell silent again. Every person seemed to have their work cut out for them. 
They entered through the back, inching their way behind one of the shelves that protected them from the careful eyes of the men in leather jackets and their guns. It was a cliche, the way they looked, but gang members had their ways of fitting into cliches even when they weren’t trying. 
She eyed the structure of the building, the workbench, and the several weapons that were scattered all over the room. She couldn’t make out the source of the blast. The glow had disappeared. The saw whirred again, longer this time and metal thunked to the floor. Eliza craned her neck to get a closer look; she saw the blue core before she saw the man behind it tightening the screws on the gun. 
Nodding toward the front, Eliza patted Matt’s shoulder. He got the message. Using the furniture that adorned the garage as cover, he made his way forward. She stayed behind, making sure he landed safely where she wanted him, and when he stopped behind another shelf soon after, she exhaled. She calmed her heart and focused. 
“Now,” she breathed only loud enough for him to hear — and he did. She could have moved her lips and he still would have heard. 
He tossed one of his Billy Clubs into the room. It managed to hit the first man over the head. He tried his best to be subtle about it, but the metal hit the ground loudly and with how quiet it was, the sound resembled a gunshot in a silent neighborhood. 
She was about to warn him that they would start shooting, but the words died on her tongue when the first bullets started to fly in the direction they suspected the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen to be. Her target was the man at the workbench, his fingers wrapping around the gun he was working on. He never got around to using it. 
The blade graced his jaw. “Drop it,” she hissed into his ear. 
He lifted his arms and put the gun down, swallowing against the dagger that hovered dangerously close over his neck. Satisfied, she lowered the blade and instead, pushed him forward until his head collided with the wood of the table. His brow burst open at the impact, painting the brown surface red with his blood. 
She flipped the knife. That had been fairly easy. The tip of the blade collided with the blue Chitauri core of the weapon, breaking the glass and shutting off the only power source there was — the core itself. The gun could no longer shoot and with the first weapon out of service, she could move on to the next. 
The men that came at her underestimated what she was capable of. She dodged the first one’s punch, ramming her knee between his legs, and she buried her entire fist in his face. His nose cracked under her knuckles. 
Her knife flew across the room and hit her target’s shoulder while she flipped another man over her shoulder. She knocked his head into the floor, spilling blood in the process. The man holding her dagger headed for her, but she gracefully ducked under his arm, slinging her arm around his neck and single-handedly flipping him onto his back on the ground. The last thing he saw was her towering over him before her fist knocked him into oblivion. Wiping his blood on her suit, she hummed. This was going better than she expected. 
Eliza searched for Matt in the mess. Her eyes caught on him as he fought one of the larger guys. He looked graceful, pushing him back and further until he stumbled over his own feet and hit the ground. At the sound of a gun cocking, she turned her head to see one of the members he must have knocked out before rising to his feet and pointing his gun at the back of his head. 
She sprinted toward him. He saw her coming from the corner of her eye, now pointing the gun at her. It was a normal glock. With so many men, it was hard to tell who carried what weapon. She still hadn’t seen the source of the gigantic blast — the gun she disarmed couldn’t have caused it, as it was way too small — but she was sure she would find it soon enough. For now, though, her brain stopped functioning and she simply stormed toward the man with the gun, and she stared right down the barrel as she had back when Ivan rose from the ashes of the White Room and buried three bullets inside her chest cavity. 
She fell to her knees, much to the man’s surprise, and she slid her knife over his kneecap. The gun dropped to the ground. He toppled over, holding the pulsating wound with both of his hands. Jumping to her feet, she pushed her boot into his back, forcing him to his knees. Matt was safe, for now. 
Her eyes switched to him only for a second, but a second was enough for the man to pull the hidden knife from his boot, turn around and jab the blade into her side. Eliza cried out, the intrusion sending sparks of fire through her abdomen, a feeling too familiar. He definitely cut through many nerves and it went deep, too deep. Her flesh squished and she caught onto her attacker’s wrist, staring into his eyes. He grinned. She tore the knife out of her side together with his hand, punching him straight across the face, and as pissed as she was at him for stabbing her, she lifted her knee to knock his teeth out. He dropped to the floor. She kicked him again just to make sure he would stay down, then finally pressed a hand to her bleeding side. 
If the wound didn’t kill her, Matt sure as hell would. He would call her reckless and berate her. He would tell her that she was the one worried about him for no reason and that she should have taken better care of herself because she got hurt, but he didn’t. He would say a lot of things, but for that, they had to make it out alive, which suddenly seemed highly unlikely with her side throbbing as if she was losing pints of blood (she wasn’t). 
The Chitauri weapon was gigantic. It looked like a grenade thrower only two times bigger and the glow was already visible through the barrel she found herself staring into when she looked up. 
“Woah,” she called out when the stranger pointed the weapon at Matt. She lifted her hand, diverting the attention toward herself. 
She suspected them to pull out the big guns, but this was exactly what she tried to prevent — having Matt in the crosshairs. 
“Listen, I know you’re probably not planning an uprising or some other gang-related shit, but the weapon you’re holding in your hand right now is definitely not made for men like you,” she said. 
He laughed. “Men like me?” he said. “Who gave you the right to judge that? You and your little friend here came into our home—” he looked around himself, his men moaning and groaning on the ground, blood spilled and bones were broken, “and you think I’m just gonna let you get away with it?”
“I saw the blast.”
“The gun over there malfunctioned. The one you destroyed. Thanks for that.” His smile was bitter. 
Matt, the idiot that he was, stepped forward and she was about to yell at him for being so reckless, but he couldn’t be stopped. 
“We came here to get answers on the heroin that’s being sold on the streets right now. The laced heroin, the one currently killing dozens of kids and addicts alike,” he said. “We didn’t come here to be shot at or start a war. We just want answers and then we’ll go. You just have to put the gun down first.”
The weapon swung back over at him. 
“Daredevil,” the man stated, “I figured you’d come one day.”
“I’m not here to shed any unnecessary blood, but if you keep being a dick, maybe I will.”
“You already shed unnecessary blood. In fact, a lot of unnecessary blood has been shed lately. Instead of blaming every New York gang for selling drugs, maybe you should look into the murders that have been happening around you. ‘Cause, my people are dying and no one seems to care about that, not even the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Tell me,” he said, “Are you really that heartless?”
The pair shared a look. “What are you talking about?” asked Eliza. 
“Someone shot up the Dogs of Hell a couple of days ago. Each had about twenty rows in ‘em. Then, last night, someone shot up the Skulls’ layer up the street. Figured we are next, so we loaded up.” He pointed down at the gun. “We had the tech stashed away for emergencies, and since someone is slaughtering gangs here in Hell’s Kitchen — hell, they’re slaughtering gangs all over goddamn New York City, I thought it was necessary to get the big guns out. For our protection. Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”
“We didn’t,” Matt said. He sounded just as confused as she was, and perhaps he felt a little guilty for not realizing what was going on. He was so focused on a problem New York has been having for decades he lost focus on what else was happening around him. 
“Someone’s shooting up gangs? Are you guys trying to start a war or something?” Her voice drew the attention back to her. “Because that’s what it sounds like to me. Is it because of drugs? I used to be an addict, I know how strong heroin is, but the stuff you’re cooking up is killing innocent children in a way I have never seen before.”
He scowled, “We didn’t shoot up anyone. We’re not that stupid. And especially not because of some stupid drug trade. Not every fucking gang is involved in that. We’re family, if that even matters to you brainless fuckheads.”
“Then who else would be shooting up gangs here in New York if not a rival gang looking for more power?”
“Woman, don’t you think I figured that? But it’s not us.”
“Okay, first of all, don’t call me a woman as if it’s a bad thing,” she said, “and second of all, if not you, who is?”
“I don’t know!” he cried out. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you guys but you seem so adamant about blaming us. So tell me why I shouldn’t shoot you on the spot for what you just did to my guys, huh? Tell me, woman.”
“‘Cause you don’t want to risk pissing me off,” Matt cut in. His teeth bared, giving the man a good sense of the darkness that lurked behind the mask he put on. The Devil came out to play. “And you don’t want to risk pissing her off either,” he said, pointing his finger at Eliza who simply smirked. “I’m not kidding, right now she’s holding back because of me but when I tell her to raise hell, you’re done for, and you really don’t want that.”
“He’s got a point. You don’t want that.”
“Don’t underestimate the power of a woman scorned, and she’s got plenty of rage where what she did to your men just came from. I will let her, trust me.”
He made her sound like a guard dog on a leash, but perhaps she was just that when they fought — his dog on a leash. It shouldn’t have been as exciting as it was.
“I don’t give a shit. You trespassed on our territory,” the man charged his weapon, she felt the sizzling in the air getting stronger and her hair tilting further in the direction of the alien power source. His body craved a taste, just a small one. She wanted to see beyond the blue core. It was almost as if a completely different being possessed her, her eyes wide as she stared into the barrel, but she wasn’t scared. She was far from it. She was intrigued. 
“Do you even know what you’re holding?” she wondered. “The kind of power you’re trying to wield without the necessary knowledge?”
“Oh, and you do?” he challenged. 
“You have no idea.” 
Her hands started to glow bright red. The maroon in her eyes faded into black, stars of scarlet dancing in her irises, and her lip remained curled in a smirk. The red rushing through her veins was natural, a familiar feeling that consumed her. 
The man’s face fell. “Fuck.”
She wanted him to surrender, it was all she planned to do, but she underestimated the lengths he was willing to go to prevent getting caught in the crossfire of a possible gang war or going to jail. He pointed the gun back at Matt, her weak spot, and he fired. 
How it happened, Eliza wasn’t sure. She only faintly remembered reaching her hands out toward the blast, redirecting it toward herself. As it hit her, her palms faced forward, a red wall of smoke and pure energy building between her and the alien force. Both clashed in the middle, red meeting blue, fire meeting water, energy bursting into energy, and foreign particles soaring through the air and setting the atmosphere on fire. The universe seemed to explode, her reality clashing with that of an entirely different world, a universe beyond theirs. Both forces crashed together like two cars driving at high speed over the highway. As soon as they drove head-first into each other, the force caused a chemical explosion. 
It was a blow-out of epic proportions and the force pushed her back. In the air, she was weightless, but pride goes before the fall and when she crashed into the shelves at the back of the room, her head hit the metal. She slid back over the floor, landing right in front of the wall. The back of her head collided with the brick wall. The energy compressed her lungs, a fire burning bright above her head, but she must have hallucinated. It couldn’t have been real. The fire slowly turned into dots of blackness, silence overtaking her, and her ears fell into silence as she fell victim to the compelling darkness. 
She, however, did not stop falling once her vision turned black. She fell through the dark void and barely caught herself on her feet when the ground came in sight. It was the red ground covered in sand and smoke; she could barely see her feet. She was still wearing the suit and otherwise, she seemed more than alive, but she had been tricked once. The wasteland was a familiar land in her mind. Something that she had once felt comfortable in only caused a numb thudding in her chest. It was so strange, so foreign now. 
The darkness around her fell into scarlet so dark it turned maroon and it twisted and turned in circles until it formed six individual stones formed like a rhombus floating around her being, the glow turning different colors wherever she looked. Six stones, six different elements, six broken pieces of the universe’s core. 
In the distance, she could make out the faintest of purple resting on the skin of a gigantic stranger, but he didn’t have a face. She stared at his back, unmoving, and when she tried to see more, he moved further into the distance. The stones kept her trapped in their circle and she bit her lip, trying to get closer. 
The red one called for her, but so did the blue one, and the others joined in. They were silent screams of her name, a pull, unlike anything she had felt before. Several threads connected her to each rhombus, a two-way street of invisible strings. She called for them as they called for her. Her body craved to be whole, and it would only be whole with all stones close to her, it seemed. So she stepped forward and reached out for the glowing red stone that seemed to scream her name the loudest. 
Where she was, her mind seemed to be malfunctioning. There was no voice of thought or reason in her head. It was just her, the stones, and the purple stranger in the distance, trapped in the maroon her mind called home. At least it had once been when she could still sort emotions, now it was void of anything important. It was just red now, as was the stone she reached to touch. 
She realized too late that it was probably a mistake. The middle of her forehead started to glow the closer she got, and when she finally touched it, the world around her exploded again. The stones broke, crystals soaring around her head as the floor opened up beneath her, fading into smoke, and the walls around her broke open to reveal a vast space of different colors - blue, purple, red, and golden, stars dancing across the endless sky and the glass of mirrors broken around her. 
She was falling again. Eliza tried to catch herself on the red stone, but the gem was gone like all the others, her head glowing, her hands glowing and somehow her soul was on fire. She could see the universe from the outside, could see the world, could see the reality behind a red screen, susceptible. Reality was open to being controlled and even manipulated. Not everyone had the power, but the stone had called for her and she had the power to manipulate reality. It felt strange like reality was an object she could hold in her hands, but it was invisible to the eye. 
Pictures flashed across the screen, faces dancing in the galaxy, planets passing by and she could have sworn she remembered some of the places she saw. Her face was there, Matt was there, the Avengers were there - she saw Tony and everyone she ever loved dead on a battlefield, but on the opposite side the world was prospering with life. She saw death and destruction, and happiness and hope. She saw the world end at one point and start anew at another. It was strange and not everything seemed to be in her grasp - it wasn’t her reality. Those she couldn’t touch, couldn’t feel, weren’t in her control. Time and space blurred together, she saw the blue line drawn across the universe, and the streaks that suddenly broke out of the line formed a new web of glittery roads across the galaxy. Green, it was definitely green. Space was blue. The pictures she saw were both red and orange, and she herself seemed to be floating in a yellow bubble. The pull she felt was the strongest and it made the world around her explode in a burst of pure energy; it was purple. Everything was suddenly purple. Those weren’t the colors of the emotional color wheel, they were much different and with every passing color she could feel a different aspect of the invisible ball of reality she held in her bare hands. 
Her back shattered through a mirror below her, glass splattering everywhere, the sharp pain cutting her skin open and bleeding into the vastness of space. She hit the glass and at the same time, she hit the ground. Her head thudded, her side burned with the wound of the blade that had cut her, and the darkness replaced the beautiful colors she saw. She woke up with a gasp, shooting up from her position on the floor. She reached out, panicking, and latching onto the leather next to her. The suit felt oddly familiar, and once her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized she was in Matt’s lap. 
He had removed his mask, leaning over her as if to protect her from the world. Tears glistened in his eyes. She wondered how long she had been out. The alarm bells in her head were still ringing, but the dull gray of the room they were in gently brought her back from the edge she had been standing on. She was no longer falling, she was safe in his arms. 
Her vision was working, but her lungs still struggled for breath. She pulled at his suit, not sure whether to push him away or pull him closer. She was oh so scared, and it showed in the way her heart raced against an invisible clock. 
“Hey,” his voice pushed through the cotton in her ears, “Hey, you’re okay. You’re okay!” he said. “Look at me. Look at me! There you go.”
Looking into his soft eyes, her heartbeat started to slow and so did her breathing. Her lungs deflated, then filled with air and she coughed. The action alone caused another sharp pain to rip through the back of her head, following all the way down to her side where she could feel the blood pooling out of the cut still. 
Matt smiled, his tears fading, but the redness of the hint of them was still there. “There you are. Hi.” He brushed the hair out of her face. “You’re okay, I’ve got you.”
Her hand shot up to her head. “Fuck,” Eliza cursed to herself. 
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said, his hand still running through her hair. “I thought I–“ He refused to finish the sentence. 
She weakly touched his cheek with her blood-stained hand. “I’m okay,” she said. Bittersweet Deja Vu, the blood stains on his suit. 
“You’re bleeding,” he was referring to the wound on the back of her head, which he touched with gentle fingers, but the amount of blood he could smell didn’t match up to what he could feel. 
He listened closely to her skin, the way it shifted over the bone as she breathed raggedly, and he followed the coppery scent of her blood, a scent that reminded him of a trauma he long tried his best to bury. 
She hissed when his hand found the hole in her suit, the knife had gone straight through the spot that was not made out of bulletproof material. The hot liquid coated his fingers, the cut deep and the fabric around the wound soaked already. 
“What happened?” Matt ground his teeth. “Which one of them did this to you?”
“It’s just a cut, I’ll be fine. My head-” she groaned, “hurts like a bitch.”
“You probably have a low-grade concussion and one hell of a head wound, but the one on your side… Sweetheart, this is bad. We need to get you out of here.”
“I’m ok-ah!” He lifted her up into a standing position, but the stretch helped neither her throbbing head nor the stabbing pain in her side. “Okay, maybe I’m not,” she grunted before she toppled over, hand pressed to her side in an attempt to stop the new gush of blood that came out. 
She felt a little dizzy and her muscles hurt. But most of all, the dream she’d had while she was unconscious kept her wondering about what she saw. It had been so much at once and still nothing at all. 
Matt caught her. His arm wrapped around her waist, hand applying pressure to where hers already laid over the wound. “Okay,” he murmured, “I’ve got you. Hold onto me.”
Her nails dug into his hip, a vice grip to keep herself from passing out. 
“You good?”
Eliza nodded through gritted teeth, “Just get me home.” She wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to stand. 
He had never walked home that fast. With her in his arms, it was harder than without, but they eventually managed to stumble into the apartment. He set her down on the couch, her lips parting in a silent cry at how much the skin around the cut moved. Her nails clawed into the leather of the backrest, head resting against it. A thin layer of sweat covered her forehead, but it wasn’t the heat that caused her pores to open up. 
He knelt beside her then, she didn’t hear him coming, and he splayed out the first aid supplies on the living room table as well as a bottle of water and some rubbing alcohol. The thought alone pained her and he hadn’t even started yet. 
“Can you remove your top?” Matt asked her. His coordination was off, he couldn’t find the zipper. 
She nodded again weakly, somehow managing to slip out of the top half of her suit and dropping the soaked fabric next to the couch. She was left in her sports bra, the cold air of the room sending a shiver down her spine. 
Tipping the cotton swab into the alcohol, he pressed the other hand to her abdomen. “This is gonna hurt,” he said. 
She knew it would. The disinfectant burned on the fresh wound. It felt as if her skin was being seared off and skinned alive. She cried out, “Ugh- fuck!” Her nails dug deeper into the leather. 
“I’m so sorry, but it’s only gonna get worse from here on.”
The needle pierced her skin and once again, she cried out. Her eyes rolled back, the tears at the corner of her eyes spilling over. She was used to getting stitches, but something about the wound felt different than usual, and it hurt. 
Matt stopped, his eyes faced downward guiltily, almost. 
She assured him with a hand on his head, “Keep going, it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay, you’re in pain,” he said. 
“I know, but you can’t change it. Just do it as fast as you can, okay? Please.”
He sighed, squeezing her flesh again and forcing the needle and the thread through. Her cries continued muffled through the back of her hand that she bit down on, the tears mixing with the sweat of blood loss and the aftershocks of the concussion. She forgot about the headache, the sharp pain in her side seemingly doing its best at burning her entire body on a stake. 
His work was thorough, but he rushed anyway because he could no longer hear her cries whenever he had to pierce her skin, and her pain projected onto him. He hated hurting her, he hated that she got hurt because of him and that they had almost been at the same point they were a month ago. He didn’t want to lose her, not again. 
Eliza finally relaxed into the cushions when he cleaned the wound with some water, put salve on it, and bandaged her up. An ice pack on her head eased the ache, too. The wound wasn’t deep so he decided to forgo the stitches and instead put a bandaid on it. The fight took it out of her. 
He listened to her slowing heartbeat. “For a moment there I thought–” he began, not sure where he was going with the vulnerable confession, “I thought I’d lost you again, and I- I felt hollow,” he said. “So fucking hollow, I thought- I really thought I’d have to hold you again, I’d have to hear the breath leave your lungs and your, uh, heart stop again.” A tear slid down his cheek and soaked into his suit. “I thought I’d lost you, Liz, and I realized- I don’t ever want to feel this way again.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. She couldn’t separate reality from dreams anymore. Surely she had seen the same picture as she was falling, and it didn’t end well for either of them. 
She sat up straighter, as much as she could with her injuries. “Are you–“ her breath shuddered and the tears reappeared, though this time the pain was entirely mental, and the fear paralyzing, “Are you breaking up with me, over a stupid gang fight?”
He was taken aback by her question. Matt blinked, licking his lips and reaching out to grab her hands. He caressed them, squeezing them in reassurance as he made sure not to terrify her further with his terrible choice of words. “No, no of course not!” he said. “I would never. God, don’t think that. I wasn’t- I phrased it wrong. This was not what I wanted to say, at all.”
She relaxed. “Oh.”
“What I was trying to say was, I don’t ever want to lose you. Never. I love you too much for that. You are- okay, I don’t know how- my feelings, they’re complicated. I don’t know how to phrase them or- or understand them. I–“ he grunted in the back of his throat, frustrated to the point he considered not trying to find the words to say what he felt, but he was already too deep in to pull out now. “I think…” he fidgeted with her fingers instead of his own now, “You are, by far, the best person I have ever met and you make me so fucking happy, but also so fucking scared something might happen to you. I might be traumatized after what happened, and I’m sorry if I scared you by being scared, I just don’t ever want to feel so empty again.”
Her heartbeat was still racing out of her chest. 
“I’m in love with you, Eliza,” he said, “I’m so in love with you, it hurts. And I just realized that you — insufferable, reckless you — might just be the only one for me. You are… you are the love of my life, and I don’t say that lightly because well, I have no fucking idea what’s going on inside of me, I just know that you are all I feel and it scares the crap out of me.”
The tears were streaming down her cheeks at this point and he didn’t have time to comprehend before her lips were on his. He held the back of her head, cradled her cheek, and drowned in the love she poured into a single kiss. 
“I thought you were breaking up with me,” she said. 
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t–“
“I’ve never been in love before, so I don’t know much about it, but I do know one thing,” Eliza held his face in her hands as she admitted what had been on her chest for so long, “You are my first and I want you to be my last, which means that you’re the love of my life too and you’re not getting rid of me, no matter how many knives to the stomach or- or alien blasts I have to take for you.”
He breathed a broken chuckle. “I’m so fucking happy to hear that,” he said. “But please, for the love of God, don’t ever take a knife or an alien blast for me again.”
“I can promise you a lot, but I can’t promise you that.”
“I know.”
She placed her head in the crook of his neck. “Take me to bed?” she said. 
He lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom where he placed her down softly enough so her stitches wouldn’t get disturbed, and he began to strip her of the suit. She was too tired to protest. He helped her into one of his shirts, soon enough returning with his own suit shed in the bathroom and nothing but his boxers and a white shirt on his body.
As Matt settled into bed next to her, her mind began to reel again. The vulnerable love confession was real. She was the love of his life and he was hers. That much she could tell wasn’t a fever dream. They were real, they were made for each other.
What she didn’t know where to sort were the pictures she saw, the infinity stones, or the creature she saw hiding in the distance. The stones screamed her name and the red one seemed to have screamed the loudest, almost like a warning. She saw the galaxy when she fell, and she places and people she recognized but were never the same. And the lines of glitter she saw, the splitting roads at the core of the universe seemed like they had a deeper meaning too, but she couldn’t sort them all, she couldn’t even sort the different colors or where they belonged. They were just there. They existed. It was real, but perhaps not in her reality and another instead. 
“Matt,” she broke the silence. His eyes were closed, but he was still awake. He hummed, telling her he was listening. “Do you believe that there is a multiverse?” the question came out of nowhere, surprising both herself and him. 
She had thought about it, but she never thought she would be asking a devoted catholic such a question. 
“A what now?” he asked. He frowned and paired with the small smile he gave her he looked way too adorable to be real. She traced her finger over his nose just in case. He shivered. He was real. 
“Multiverse,” she said. “Multiple universes existing simultaneously to ours, with different versions of ourselves and a different reality that is under someone else’s control.”
“Like in physics?”
“Yeah, like in physics.”
“Are you asking me if I believe in the string theory, physics, or the possibility of multiple universes in my personal opinion?”
He was just toying with her now, not taking her words too seriously. Considering how tired he was, she couldn’t blame him, and her question sounded too absurd to come out of her rather educated mouth. He blamed it on the concussion, surely, which was why he entertained her thought with amusement. She was serious though and she wanted to know because she was slowly losing her mind, it seemed. She needed to stop herself from splitting in two. 
“Can’t you just answer with what you think?” Eliza looked at him intently, her gaze burning through his closed lids. 
He shrugged. “I don’t know, why?”
“Curiosity. Reality is subjective, after all, and can easily be manipulated. You know what I can do, so I was wondering if you think a multiverse is a possibility that we, as a civilization, should eventually concern ourselves with. It happened with aliens,” she said. “It might happen with the string theory too. It might be proven right. We don’t know.”
“You just answered the question yourself. We don’t know. I guess we’ll find out eventually the same way we found out about life beyond our world. What else do you need?”
“A thought.”
“Do I get a penny?” Matt mused. 
She sighed, “Sure.”
“I believe in God, which means there is only our solar system, our planet earth, and our galaxy. There is no other universe but the one we live in,” he told her, “because there is only one God, and how would a civilization in another universe even exist without a God? Now, I know about biology, but evolution is essentially part of the Bible. God can’t be copied, so he wouldn’t be real outside of this world, and a godless universe seems wrong to me. So no, I don’t think we have more than one universe. We’re just fine with the one we’re living in, don’t you think?”
The statement itself deserved more argumentation, but she was too tired to argue and Matt seemed less interested in the topic than she was, anyway. 
“So,” he raised his eyebrows, “Answer enough for you?”
Eliza, too tired to protest, pecked his lips. “Yes,” she said.
“Okay then. If philosophical questions are what it takes to keep your concussed brain awake, keep ‘em coming.”
But she didn’t want to talk about it. She wanted to sleep. 
“Sleep is off the table,” he read her mind, “It’s too risky.”
“I fell asleep the last time. That was after we had sex, remember? People with concussions shouldn’t have sex either and I am so tired, Matty,” she pouted, “So please, let me sleep.”
He sighed. “Alright,” at the sound of her voice, he could only cave, “but you have to be okay with me waking you every ten minutes to make sure you’re still alive.”
Placing her head on his chest, Eliza inhaled his scent and felt his heart under her fingers. Real. Everything was real.
“That’s okay,” she was already yawning, half asleep.
Placing her head on his chest, Eliza inhaled his scent and felt his heart under her fingers. Real. Everything was real.
His soft 'I love you' was all she heard before she fell asleep.
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
Blog Stuff
^ Like, "FYI if you want to block tags" stuff
Little announcement here: Factor It In is on hiatus for now, probably for the rest of 2023. I know where the story is going overall and I know where the next chapter's going, but I struggled more than expected with the "Torus" voice (took like 6 weeks longer than the other chapters and all of it painful :'D)
I don't want to face a timecrunch struggle with TJ and Rose POVs (two characters who will be new to me), so I'm taking the bi-weekly update stress away and putting the 'fic on hiatus for now. But I wrote 77k before a hiatus was needed so I'm proud of that <3
We've got some 130 Prompts coming up as well as "Unicorn Years" for Origin in September (and hopefully a special Friday the 13th piece in October). In other words, FOP stuff is still bi-weekly as usual.
-> As a reminder, the 130 Prompts are posted in the order they are for a reason. You don't have to read them all if you don't want to, but extra context is always nice. If you've been dragging your feet on "Looking Back" by any chance... I might recommend that before the next update, which is "Sentry" ;)
On the "off" Friday I'm planning one-shots for various fandoms, especially shorter character studies. Really want to practice capturing a variety of voices, some quicker one-shots, and maybe I'll try some characters I don't use a lot. Or I'll be self-indulgent and focus on my faves... who knows.
Hoping to post more Come What May as well since you guys were excited to see it back <3... and it would be nice to actually finish a non-one-shot 'fic for the first time in. 7 years.
It's probably been obvious, but I also took a long hiatus from digital art. Traditional art is more comfy for me and I've been trying new digital programs, but haven't fallen in love with anything (i.e. I've been a vector artist for 10 years and moving from my safe space to different programs and styles is... painful).
I think I'm ready to start pushing my comfort zone, but be forgiving of my digital style because I'm playing around with new tools and this is a big jump for me, ha ha. I think I'm going to do some silly, low-stress fanfic doodles with very little attempt to make them look good, just testing stuff out.
I miiiiiight have a few PMV / animatic ideas, so we'll see
By nature of me posting art for my own 'fics, spoilers be upon ye if you're not up to date with my writing. Relatively recent stuff and/or stuff I consider "big" will get the #ridspoilers tag, but stuff I wrote 6+ months ago is less likely to get the tag, so that's how that goes.
-> #Dog's Life spoilers will get a unique tag because the weekly updates and drama make me say "Yeah, a special tag makes sense," so if that's a 'fic you think you want to read someday without spoilers, consider blocking that sooner rather than later :)
-> I'm also adding a #Pixels Imperfect tag to stuff from that universe (and I'll go back and add it to the chapters I already posted). "Pixels Imperfect" is the series name on AO3 for my digital gremlin Traffic SMP content (Everyone can freely wander around New Star Station outside the game and just puts on their roleplay hats when they go in, everything under this series fits under one umbrella of universe canon, etc.)
-> #Neighborhood Watch is the series name for "we take the roleplay lore seriously, this is their life, no digital world and no roleplay hat to take off" Traffic SMP content. I haven't posted anything for it yet, but I've got stuff in the works (I'm playing with a couple "making every season as canon as possible in one storyline" pieces and </3 it's big divorce speedrun hours for Clocker fam rn)
As for the other 'fics, I've been posting stuff like Origin, the 130, and Knots for 7 years and I feel okay about how that's going- I don't normally get spoiler Asks, but my general rule is to wait 1-2 weeks before I say anything spoilery on my blog. I think that's been working fine and we've got a good system, so I'm not changing anything there.
Lastly - and this is also part of the reason Factor is going on hiatus - it sounds like Traffic SMP Season 5 is just around the corner. For my followers who don't know much about this Minecraft deathmatch series, the creators only play for a few weeks - I think the shortest season was 6 weeks and the longest was 8 - and each creator puts out one episode a week (usually Friday).
So, it's a pretty short chunk of time and I don't want to be juggling too many things while it's coming out. I think this year I want to jump in and create some nice content while it's ongoing instead of just doodling off to the side and keeping it to myself... I need to dig up my old liveblog doodles I never shared, hm.
-> The traffic story canon gets reset every season (i.e. it's unscripted play, there's no continuous plot, and each season starts relationships from scratch), so if you've been enjoying any of my Traffic SMP reblogs, consider looking into it and riding that wave while episodes come out for a couple weeks and we can be hype together <3
-> Stuff for that season will be tagged #traffic spoilers, which is the tag I use across all the seasons, and I'll make a new post with my Season 5 spoiler tag once we get the name reveal.
-> As is traditional when I liveblog, I'll also use the tag #Riddle watches Traffic so you can block that too if you like. Just wanted to let people know in case I have any Traffic SMP followers who want to go in blind and don't want to risk seeing my posts before they have time to block my spoilers tag. #traffic spoilers still covers everything, including new season.
-> I also need to look into maybe switching from Traffic Life SMP as my blog tag to Traffic SMP because I think that's. the right name and it would probably be smart to tag properly... hm.
I think that covers everything I wanted to say. I'll add a list or link to my pinned post as well so people can figure out what to block for spoilers and stuff.
Thanks for enjoying my blog!
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Okay so I got peeved by something that bothered me a bit more than I should so please just ignore this
I post clips of things I find funny and tag them in ways I can find them later, but I know that means they will also show up in those tags and others will end up seeing them. That's expected! Hey maybe I can even bring those people joy to!
So for that reason I try to tag as thoroughly as I can. Meaning if it's a youtube series I'll tag the name of it, the channel, the people in the video, and sometimes even the game that's being played.
Or in this case if it's a D 20 clip I tag it as such, I tag the name of the series/season that it is, and I tag the people, sometimes the characters and if it's has anything to do with their other seasons I tag those as well.
Just so if someone hasn't seen that season they can block it for spoilers.
Like I get not wanting to have things spoiled but when the source material is like anywhere from over 2 years to 1.5 years old and the show was tagged thats no longer on me if you saw it! If you havnt watched that season yet and don't want to see things involving it blacklist the season/series name! There are several things I do that with!!
Like I get it if I had only tagged the players or the show and someone saw it and got upset but when I tag the season/series name that is no longer on me? Like I still feel bad that it got spoiled for this person but other than Tagging the exact episode names I don't see what else I could have done cause in my mind Tagging something as : "# show/series name" gives more cover than "# show/series name spoiler" and doing both is just redundant? I'll tag things as spoilers for a couple months but over a year and I stop.
In part I guess that might be due to film school messing me up a bit cause if something was over a week old it was free rein to talk about and it was up to you to leave a conversation if you heard the title you hadn't seen and wanted to yet. (And even then sometimes we didn't have a choice cause it'd be a part of the lesson)
Like if I hadn't tagged it at all I'd get leaving a comment about "hey this is a spoiler!" But at a certain point you gotta take it onto yourself to leave that conversation when you see/hear a title you haven't seen yet
0 notes
Now and forevermore.
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❝ words: about 2.6k
❝ warnings: nsfw, oral sex, unprotected sex, mention of bodily fluids, (spoilers of season 2 finale), softie din and fuck the canon, we love the Razor Crest.
❝ a / n: this work wasn’t supposed to be this long, but well… As always, feedback is appreciated!
Gif credits to the author.
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When you found the Razor Crest at the spaceport this morning, you felt some tickles within your belly inevitably. You met Mando about a year ago in your first shift working for Peli in Tatooine and you could consider him as a friend since then. You have hadn't many talks, but he has spent more time watching you fix some parts of his ship than you can count; even, sometimes, he has brought you some presents from other planets from the Galaxy. Always followed by that little green creature, who usually ends up stealing your cookies. So you have been waiting for them the whole day until the night has fallen over the city.
After getting rid of all the excuses to stay a little more at the workshop, you have to leave to not arouse suspicion, much to your regret. And yet, you make a detour instead of taking the short way back to your home as every day. Walking slowly, eyes traveling all around. But nothing. The tightness in your chest grows as you reach your place, letting out a sigh whilst opening the gate to come in.
The lights switch-on as you walk through the small stoned hallway to the living room, stopping half-way when you notice a strange smoky smell. It doesn't disgust you, but it's not a scent you have smelled before in your house. On a defense posture, you grab the knife from the holster around your right thigh raising it to your eye level. Quietly, you stick your head out through the arched door to the kitchen. Hearing soft snoring coming from the living room, you try to keep calm, securing your fingers around the knife handle somewhat better. Following the noise, step by step, you can glimpse a man lying on the sofa in the middle of the gloom.
A forearm covers his eyes, but you're sure he is sleeping. It's unbelievable that someone breaks into your house to steal and he decides to take a nap. Narrowing your eyes to try to sharpen your vision looking for some weapons, you're almost on him. There's anything that could be a threat to your life, acting quickly to press the edged blade against his neck. The man snaps his eyes open. Two brown orbs that don't show surprise, nor fear. But relief in a fleeting sparkle that wrings your heart.
“If you move, I'll slit your throat”. You hiss nailing a knee on the edge of the sofa. “Who are you?”
He doesn't articulate a word. His face talks for him. As you study his thin lips, traveling your gaze slowly to the convex bridge of his nose, the pressure against his neck by your knife loosens. You are starting to feel as if you had seen this man before, but you don't remember his face, nor his clothes. Licking your teeth as your eyes fall on his, your left-hand lands on his chest.
“Man— Mando?” You ask disconcerted.
His fingers tour your forearm in slow motion to reach the handle of your knife, still close to his throat. He removes it from your hand to throw it somewhere on the floor causing a metallic noise, while his digits continue to your shoulder up to the back of your neck. You are not going to ask why he isn't wearing his helmet or his beskar. You are not going to ask about the little creature. You have heard stories, rumors about a Jedi and the Force.
He makes your lips crash before you can even assimilate his presence in your house, closing your fingers in a fist grabbing the fabric of his shirt among them. You're not disgusted, discovering so many emotions in the way his mouth devours yours. Fury and rage, loneliness and anguish. But hope and love. You can't help but gasp breathlessly when you need to break the kiss for an instant, not being able to open your eyes. You pepper his nose with sweet light touches, finally pressing your lips on his forehead. Just what he needed.
“I am sorry…”
“So am I”. He murmurs sinking his face into your neck, wrapping his arms around your middle-back.
“How can I help you? What can I do for you?” As your voice becomes lower, your tone turns more soothing.
“Could you…?” Feeling the hesitation through his throat, you cup his warm cheeks into your palms to force him to look at you under the gloom. “Could you love me like I do?”
You'd be lying if you say that that question has taken you by surprise. You know a lot about Mandalorians and, definitely, they don't act normally like acts with you. Without taking into account that he'd go anywhere, but he is there, urging you to sit on top of him a second before capturing his lips with yours. His hands start a slow dance down by your backbone, separating themselves to roll your shirt up over your head and toss it somewhere. Your mouths get clung to each other, as soon as he does the same with his, starting to feel anxious for feeling him skin against skin.
Securing your arms around his neck, Mando stands up from the sofa urging you to keep your legs wrapping his waist. Your lungs learn to breathe in sync before you reach your bed, not questioning how he knows where it is. You're too busy tasting his tongue playing with yours, tangling your fingers on his scalp —until you're interrupted when he stumbles, falling over the mattress. You giggle. So does he. And you can swear you haven't heard anything more wonderful in your short life. You could spend your time just hearing him laugh, not worried about if the whole space wants to fall apart.
With him settling himself better between your legs, the heat increases the temperature of your body, biting your bottom lip when Mando trails a path of wet kisses down your clavicle, leaving a soft bite in one of your breasts to steal you a needed moan. You don't know about how relationships work for the Mandalorians, but he knows exactly what to do to put you to beg for his touches. His opened-mouth kisses get concentrated all over your belly, while his hands make their way to unbutton your pants after looking at you to ask you for permission in silence. And you don't have to answer. You want him as much as he wants you. Heel against heel, you remove your boots to make it easy for him to pull down the rough piece of clothing.
Thereupon, Mando gets up from your bed to strip himself from the clothes still covering him. You haven't been with many men, but you can assure that he's the most perfect man ever. As he kneels over the mattress, he leans down to get rid of the thin fabric that covers his most desired treasure. Exposed to him, feeling the same sensation of trusting and loyalty mixed dancing all around your dorm, he lies down between your legs to place them over his shoulders. Spreading sweet short kisses on your inner thighs, weaving from one to the other, until reaching your warm core. As his left-hand stays on your pelvis to pin you to the bed, his two longer digits make their way to your lips. And you welcome them to suck both wet. His brown eyes are enraptured on how you lick and taste them, using them to please you when he knows you're ready.
Curving his digits and sliding them slowly into your soaked cunt, his mouth goes straight to your most sensitive spot. Mando plays with your clit using the tip of his tongue, swirling it masterfully, as his fingers drive you insane with a back and forth dance constantly. Soon, your moans fill the stance, feeling sparkles within your stomach when the pace speeds up. His fingers pound you faster, as he becomes more and more addicted to the pleasing vocals that escape your throat uncontrollably, whilst his lips suck and put some more pressure on your swollen pearl. For him, you taste better than water after a week wandering in the desert. Better than any food he has ever tried.
You can't help but tangle your hands on his smooth curls, trying to push him away the moment you feel you could fall to the edge. You desire him more than anything in this universe and you don't want to be the only one experimenting with such a pleasure. Mando raises his head. His lips shining impregnated in your delicious juices, as he licks them more than delighted, watching you breathless barely moving.
“Tell me what you want”. He hums with a husky tone of voice that could be your perdition, bringing back his mouth to your skin, trailing a path of kisses up through your abdomen.
“I want you”. You beg in an erratic whisper, placing your legs around his waist as he comes closer to lie on top of you. “I want you, Mando, now and forevermore”.
He flashes a smile at you, putting away his huge and anxious hands from your thighs. His left travel among your bodies, whilst the right lands on your throat to hold it tightly. You can feel his hardness dangerously coming to your center, as he urges you to tilt your head to a side so he can peck your jaw with sloppy kisses till reaching your ear.
“I want you to call me Din”. He murmurs causing you to gasp and nod with your chin.
And he doesn't give you time to respond, when —with a sharp blow— he buries deep inside you all his length. You howl his real name from the most recondite place of your guts, feeling fully filled. He's big. More than you could expect. And Din is extremely impatient for marking his territory in your body, for making you his, for showing you all the love and the adoration he has been dealing with since the very first moment he laid his charming brown eyes on you.
“Gar cuyir mesh'la”. Mando repeats once and again into your ear, as he waits for you to adjust to him. The last thing he wants is to hurt you, to feel uncomfortable.
You don't talk Mando'a, but you have heard some words here and there, so you understand what he is uttering with a sweet raspy voice as your nails continue scratching his back; studying every scar that covers his skin, wanting to memorize them, wanting to comfort him somehow. Placing your right on the back of his neck, you look for his lips feeling thirsty for his saliva again and making him know you're more than ready for him.
His free arm surrounds your waist, as his digits continue tangled to your throat, before starting to swing his hips. Din pulls his hard cock almost out of your wetness, just to thrust your body again. He has the imperious urgency for hearing you moaning his name, and you do. You do without the necessity of being asked for, while he digs himself among your legs once and once. At first, both wanted to take your time, enjoy every touch, every kiss (...), but the two of you know it isn't going to be possible as you feel the electrified pleasure running through your bodies like never before. No one —not in this planet, not in the whole Galaxy, nowhere— could make you feel this good.
“Din… Din… Oh, Din!” You cry out digging your fingertips in his skin.
He shoves his full hard length to your soul not showing any mercy to your body, sinking his nose in your skin to bite it, pull it back and suck it strongly. Mando has been craving you for months now, not being able to control his impulses, grunting in the almost forgotten language against your neck. The sparkles within your belly are turning into fireworks, as both can barely breathe submerged in a bubble of heat and satisfaction you can't explain.
Somehow, Din maneuvers your bodies to put you on top of him without breaking the connection. You place your hands on his warm chest, as his hands go to your hips to urge to bounce on him. He's trying to breathe through his parted lips, keeping eye contact, while uttering your name between wrecked roars. And you can't help but swing your body over his, arching your back to find more pleasure every time his twitching dick is dug into your wetness. Not knowing how much you can take without succumbing to the fire growing inside you, your dance skyrocketed.
“That's it, cyar'ika…” Din growls, nailing his fingers in your hips a little tightly, closing his eyelids strongly, focusing on every move you do. “For all the stars… you're going to kill me… You take me so good…”
You can't even form a sentence with sense, leaning down to catch his lips with yours. He devours your mouth eager and hungry of you, tangling a hand on your hair to push you closer as he rocks his body in perfect harmony. Pearls of sweat start to appear on your foreheads, around your necks; the heat continues increasing by leaps and bounds, feeling your cunt clenching around his most sensitive skin almost suffocating him.
“I'm… I'm gon— Oh, Din… please”. You whimper while he nibbles your bottom lip, feeling the same shivers down his chest to concentrate on his lower abdomen.
“I got you, cyar'ika… I got you”. He simply murmurs brushing your lips with his.
With his arms wrapping your body, turning you back down, his thrusts become violent. Mando hits your anatomy ruthless and impatient for making you reach the longed-for orgasm, overstimulating your g-spot as much as he can. In a second, he suddenly steals the air of your lungs. He causes your legs to tremble, as you cry out his name surrendering your soul and body to the purest ecstasy you have ever experienced. Saying that he is satisfied with watching you stirring over the sheets would be insufficient.
Din lies on top of you, not stopping his rough lungs to your cunt, reaching your ear too easily. “I'm going to… make you feel even better”.
That isn't a promise. Is a fact.
He doesn't need much more to demonstrate it to you, spilling his seed inside your guts. Din presses his dick to your limits as strongly as he can, pinning you to the mattress with a wreck howl stuck on his throat feeling your fire burning him down. Reaching perfection. Feeling alive for the first time in too many years. Although he collapses over you, he doesn't lose the hold applied inside you. He needs to be right there for a little more. Connected to you.
While you try to come back to reality, he spreads gentle and exhausted kisses all over your collarbone and over every hickey drawn on your neck.
“Din…” You call him out of energy.
“How do you say I love you?”
He remains in silence for a second, trying to figure out why you want to know it, even if it is pretty obvious.
Tilting his head enough to lay his eyes on yours, he caresses the tip of your nose with his. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”. You reply then, doing your best to imitate the strange accent, causing him to chuckle.
“You need to practice”.
“Will you teach me?”
Hearing that question, knowing what you really want to mean, Din pulls his semi-hard cock from you making you moan somewhat low. As he lies on the side, he doesn't lose time cuddling you between his arms in holy silence. He doesn't need to reply, you know the answer.
From now and forevermore he is yours and you are his.
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
Since both Leverage: Redemption and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have just recently come out, I'm pinning this up here for anyone avoiding spoilers. I will use all the relevant tags on any spoilery post, so you could just pick one to block and it should take care of them all.
STARTING SEPTEMBER 1, I WILL STOP TAGGING SPOILERS for Leverage Redemption episodes 1-8. Probably could've done so before now, but especially now that new content is coming out for the back half of the season, I'm no longer going to use the "leverage spoilers" tag on anything but episodes 9-16.
leverage redemption
leverage spoilers
tgaa spoilers
ace attorney
I'm also gonna keep a count up here of how far I am into my new media. I'm happy to talk about episodes I've already watched/cases I've played but don't want to know anything about the ones I haven't gotten to yet.
Currently watched (Leverage): 9/16
Currently played (TGAA): Game 2, Case 3 Investigation 1
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charles-edwin · 2 years
beloved mj,
hope you're doing well ❤️ sorry for dropping off the face of the earth like that 🥺 i needed to clear my head and tend to irl matters. i still don't think i'm ready to come back. just here for a bit bc i missed talking to you too much 🥺
must confess im behind on Not Me by 2 eps 😔😭 thankfully i've not run into any spoilers (yet). i'll catch up this sunday in time for the finale. i have no idea what turn it took after sean found out about the twins, but i hope they land the ending well!🤞
the last thing i watched was Semantic Error and OMG. I LOVED IT!!! the tension!!the chemistry!! the music!! DELIGHTFUL. almost redownloaded tumblr just to go apeshit in the tags lol. right there in my top 3 KBLs with TMS & WYEL. i heard the actor enlisted but i hope we get a s2 at some point🤞
speaking of... TMS S2 WHENNNN (i hope i haven't missed an announcement lol). how much longer before we see our sunshine puppy and grumpy softie together again 😩 (i remember the ring 👁️👁️)
must say, im still going through it deeply with BB 😔 i keep rewatching the eps whenever im down, i keep going back to your playlist just to feel something. i hope patpran are living their best not-a-porno life. and everytime i think about inkpa and miss pansa im just 🥺🦋💕 
ALSO OHMNANON UPVEL!!! 🤩🤩 i screamed!!! them fighting each other full time is going to single handedly fix me adfgjssk im beyond hyped 💃💃
i hope you're enjoying Enchanté babe!! i'll probably binge it once it's over. i remember your header and how excited you were for the scene... hoping it was worth the wait! 😌
so that was a lot huh. i just miss screaming about shows with you so much 😭😭 
and finally, i hope you're sleeping well (cuddling luna 🥺🤍), eating well, drinking enough water and smiling a lot!! take care of yourself, you're very precious 🥺
all the love and hugs,
cheems ❤️💙
(you don't have to reply to this btw, i'll be glad if this made you smile if only for a moment 😊)
CHEEEEEEEEEEEMS!!!!!! i miss you so much!!!!!! no worries!! take your time but thank you for stopping by!! you can do that any time!!!! i’m doing as okay as i can!!! hope you are too!!
i’m………. not gonna spoil not me for you akdkskdk just please prepare yourself for a ride.
aww i’m glad you liked semantic error that much!! i’ve heard they didn’t plan a second season but seeing as it was very successful, i’m sure they’ll come up with something eventually. they have time until seoham is discharged.
TO MY STAR 2 WHEEEEEN!!!!!! they haven’t announced anything yet, only a fanmeeting this month so hopefully they’ll announce something by then!! pray circle 🙏🏼🙏🏼 the ringggggg yes pls husbands!!! i need them Right Now!!!!
it’s totally okay to still be going through it with bad buddy!! and i’m really glad to know you still listen to my playlist!! it’s your comfort show so stay there with it for now!! it’s not a ride one can easily move on from! and same!! i miss milk so much!!!! where’s her gl 😭😭😭
yes!!! i’m really glad ohmnanon are getting their own variety show!! i’m sure it’s going to be great and it’ll entertain us a lot!! 🥳🥳🥳
thank you so much!! no rush!! yes, it was definitely worth the wait 🥰🥰🥰
i miss screaming about shows with you as well 😭😭😭
i’m doing my best, promise!! hope you’re taking care of yourself as well!! you are EXTREMELY precious to me!!!
all the love and hugs right back to you, my dearest!!!!!
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of course i’ll reply!!! you stopping by made my day and i want you to know that!!!!
thank you so much!!! LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!!! ❤️💙
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itsays · 3 years
I want to watch Daughters since it first appeared as a suggestion on iQiyi. I haven't started yet because 1) I've never watched a Thai drama; 2) I haven't been able to enjoy (is this gramatically correct? I don't think so) any drama for awhile and 3) I'm afraid it will be too sad or explicit. I'm okay with sad shows, BUT I've seen the trigger warnings on mydramalist tags. Could you ellaborate about how cruel it is? I know that for sure it isn't a show for binge watching. +
+ To summarize, I want to know if it's too explicit regarding to both sex and violence, because I don't like shows that dwell on explicit scenes. This being said, the fact that it's a female centric drama sounds interesting, so I would like to know (sorry for so many questions!) if the friendships are nicely portrayed. No spoilers, please. Thanks in advance for your patience and have a nice week.
I added both your messages into one!
daughters is an amazing drama with amazing acting and overall an amazing cast! in terms of production it’s just so perfect! HOWEVER yes there are a lot of trigger warnings :( the sex isnt explicit i think that’s not the explicit part of the show at all, there are however instances of abuse (verbal, physical and sexual) which i was personally not ready for and i certainly wasnt thinking they would make me as uncomfortable as they have because i tend to deal with explicit scenes rather well. for the drug use i would say it is as explicit as you can go for thai dramas which since you’ve never watched one let me specify: it is all censored. it is all there on screen but censored. to me the fact that the characters and story lines feel so realistic is what makes those scenes so difficult to watch, not it been overly explicit or gruesome. personally what i’ve been doing is skipping over a scene if i cant handle it because it doesnt affect the plot because by simply watching 5 seconds of it i already know what is happening and it’s not like they dwell on it as if it were “torture porn” or something (also there’s not much skipping to do for me at least, you’re not gonna have to skip every 2 scenes).
as for their friendship... i am a very emotional person so i wanna give you my “emotional” opinion but also a more rational one.... 
i think it’s just... so wholesome and beautiful, it is a found family dynamic.  if you’ve checked the iQiyi page you know this is about a group of kids from marginalized communities and broken homes, so these kids all come together and are a family to each other, a support system they cant get anywhere else. they never judge each other they just wanna help each other really. sadly i have to be honest... the more the series progresses the more obvious it gets this is no longer a healthy friendship, i mean it starts out relatively innocent but it gets to a point where is just a group of helpless kids who NEED guidance and actual parental figures and that’s just not something they are gonna get from other kids in the same situation as them. the factors of being a family and always helping each other are still there but also i admit it has become a viscous cycle for them at this point. even so i still love their friendship so much because even at their worst they recognize their friendship is all they have, i just have to put myself on a more realistic perspective and admit it’s not healthy though, as much as i love them. this is very conflicting to me because i genuinely LOVE their friendship and it makes PERFECT SENSE i just feel the need to admit it’s not healthy.
the show is really worth watching in my opinion but i dont want to sugar coat the fact that it does have triggering scenes which you can either skip (like i have a lot of the times) or you can choose not to watch it for that reason honestly.
also just my personal opinion, but i actually wanted to binge watch this show, just take it all in one go you know... the only reason i didnt do that is because i grew too impatient and now im literally just counting down the days for the next episode everyday tbh 
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thewintermusketeer · 4 years
hi! i saw you mention in tags that you have mixed feelings abt the old guard & i was curious b/c i haven't really seen any critiques of the movie yet. i'm just interested in hearing a diff perspective! if you don't want to answer this tho, totally get it, no pressure:)
Ok I'll try my best to answer this, though I can't fully articulate everything. Shouldn't be any spoilers not given by the Netflix description/trailer.
First of all I loved the action scenes! They weren't the best I've ever seen but they were enjoyable all the same, and some of the characters were really compelling. On top of that the actual concept - of a group of immortals who stick together and have just discovered a new member as they're being hunted by a pharmaceutical company? Super super cool! And in that group is a canon same-sex couple, with one of the characters being from the MENA (actual actor is Dutch/Tunisian). The interactions between the two female main characters, and their interactions with the other characters, were great in that there was no weird tension or posturing because of their gender. It was an action movie that just happened to have two women as it's main protagonists, and I realised that's something I've been wanting so badly. (still have a few issues with visible make up/piercings in a combat situation/slightly unsuitable clothes, but it wasn't as glaring as say wonder woman)
I found the ending of the movie a bit weak, but more than any narrative complaints my main issues with the film were related to how militaristic it was. We're introduced to the new immortal character Nile, as she's giving out sweets whilst serving as a US marine in Afghanistan. She then takes point with other female soldiers to enter women's quarters and search for the man the US army is looking for. I really like the character herself but I don't like the casual 'justification' for US presence in Afghanistan. (I apologise here because I can't think how to word this better)
Additionally, the main group of immortals act essentially as a mercenary group and are shown to have acted in places such as Indonesia and Sudan in the pay of the CIA or other outside groups.
Also, I'm white so I might be overstepping here but 3/4 of the members of the immortals at the start of the film are white, and although there are shown to be former members of colour of the group, things are shown to have happened to them in flashbacks that explain why they are no longer part of the group. In one of these scenes the focus seems to be more on Charlize Theron's character's grief and guilt, which is understandable given the way we learn about in the narrative, but also seems to focus on a white character whilst the character of colour is being harmed.
I hope this answers your question, and overall I would still recommend this as a film to watch! It's no masterpiece but very enjoyable and with some really cool concepts and characters. According to Wiki, Gina Prince-Bythewood is the first black woman to direct a big budget comic book movie as well, which is cool!
(quick warning maybe do not watch this film if you can't deal with seeing fictional portrayals of a lot of broken bones)
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midnightstan · 5 years
Last Warning!!⚠
I'm watching Avengers: Endgame in 45 mins (4/27/19). Which means in 3 hours and 47 mins, my blog will no longer be spoiler safe.
"But Sophia! I haven't seen the movie yet and I'm not going to for a while!! I don't want to unfollow you, but I guess I'll have to."
Do not fret my hypothetical friend. I have a solution. I am tagging my spoilers.
My spoiler tags are #ae #a4 and #a4 spoilers.
Please block them or unfollow me if you'd prefer. I do not want to spoil the movie for you! Please!
I will be msging this post to some but not all of my followers. (Only those frequently/recently in my notes.) So if you see this post, block the tags.
This post is tagged with the spoiler tags so if you can see my post and you care about spoiler, you know what to do.
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thechillicount · 5 years
Bungou Stray Dogs Questionnaire
Rules: Complete all the questions you want, expand and explain your answers as much as you want, and have fun!
If you can, tag some people you want to join in on the fun!
So I tag anyone that sees this and wants to do it to have fun! Everyone is welcomed!
Thank youuuu @usagiomega
What ability would you have in the BSD universe?
(That one's hard~!)
Melodic Speed: The more I listen to music the faster and agile I get. Pretty simple, I like simple. It could get to the point that others are unable to see me because I'm that fast. (I combined two things I do most often, listening to music and being slow. Totally not inspired by Hamatora.)
If you could claim someone's ability in BSD, whose ability would you want?
(Don't say Chuuya's, don't say Chuuya's)
I'm really tempted by Edgar's ability. To trap people in books until they solve the mystery inside? I'd say dope! That would also make me write more as I have a few people I'd like to trap, just for fun~
What group/organization would you join?
Port Mafia for sure as I'm a villain at heart but still want to have a reliable and strong family around me. Also because I can wear a lot of black. But Mori can stay locked in his room.
Which BSD character do you identify with the most?
Honestly Ranpo. I do the exact same things that he does, laze around and eat baked goods. But that's only on the outside.
On the inside I identify with Chuuya a lot. Him hating betrayals is something that hits too close to home. Him wanting to protect Port Mafia that took him in after his previous group pushed him away. Him being loyal as heck not even knowing if he'll be able to stay forever or not. Like I said, hits too close to home.
Who are your top five favourite BSD characters?
(Surprise surprise)
Dazai: The very first time he appeared I took him for an asshole, which he kinda is. But then I quickly grew to like him as I was getting interested in his character on a deeper level. I like his two faced personality, he acts derpy and cute only to turn into a mischievous sadist that he truly is. The Dark Era also made me gain respect and much more love for him.
Chuuya: He introduced me to BSD when I first saw him in this MEP (bless and R.I.P MDS). So in 2016! I even remember watching BSD during Christmas Eve dinner under the table! Not gonna lie, his looks hooked me in. When I finally got him after so many episodes I was interested even more. He has some history with my boy Dazai? Show me, tell me! Until recently I've been thirsty for some more Chuuya and got it in the new season, I'm still gonna read the actual light novel though. But nonetheless, I'm satisfied. I actually hope BONES doesn't make him an another main character because I like him as he is. I like redhead hotheads like Chuuya or Taiga Kagami. Also, I was already a huge fan of GRANRODEO in 2016 so hearing Kishow was a blessing. All thanks to Kuroko no Basket. ♡
Oda: His precious heart made me love him! He just wanted to write, to take care of the kids. Each time I remember my heart cries a river. And each time something new comes to the BSD universe with him in it I love it but also can't take it.
Tecchou: First of all, I really like the concept of Hunting Dogs. Second of all, this boy is precious. Justice fighter who respects people that want to protect others. The whole scene with the cafe owner moved my freaking heart, I kid you not. Unlike other members of the Hunting Dogs he doesn't want to bring down ADA just because they're supposed criminals but because it's his job to keep the country and it's people safe. And so he's doing it, no matter what he must do. I'm pretty sure that if he would find out the truth he'll try to stop his teammates and explain who's the real villain here. I hope it happens! His habits are also hilarious.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Michizou: I don't know if I can count him as a "favorite" yet but I really liked what Asagiri-sensei and Harukawa-sensei did with him. The reveal is one of my favorite manga scenes ever! I'm looking forward to seeing more of him as I was dying to since I started watching BSD. I won't forgive him for hurting Gin though, that's one huge minus.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Are there any authors that you'd want to bring into the BSD universe that hasn't arrived yet? Or do you have OCs?
Oh boy, here we go!
I do have one author that I think would fit very well. He's a polish poet from a romanticism era (my fave) that wrote poems, epics, ballads. His name is Adam Mickiewicz ladies and gents. Why do I think he would fit? Well, he was born in Poland that didn't actually exist and people were fighting for its freedom. So fight was already in his blood which he later on proved by becoming a commander in a battle. He was in a lot of conspiracy groups. And because of that I feel like fitting in BSD is just a matter of what kind of organization is he going to be in. He even had contact and made friends with Russian Decemberists, made enemies with Pushkin (who already is in BSD). If Adam would be in BSD I believe he'd have contact with the Rats before they fled to Japan. And because of his conspiracy origins I say he spied on the Rats from within. As for his ability I believe it would be some fighting type one as real life Adam took part in battles. I wanted to give him an ability that has something to do with his play "Dziady" but I haven't really decided yet.
Favourite Scene(s)?
Dazai floating in river; Dazai nullifying Atsushi's ability; Chuuya's reveal; Atsushi and Akutagawa fighting Fitzgerald; Atsushi hugging Kyouka; Any scene with Oda; Any scene with 15 year old Chuuya and Osamu except for the hand holding one; Fyodor killing Karma, (I'm so sorry)
Chuuya shooting bullets using gravity; Tachihara's reveal; Yosano's backstory; Mori and Fukuzawa's fight; Fukuzawa and Fukuchi scene; Any Tecchou scene; Hunting Dogs being chaotic; Chuuya getting tired and punching everyone; Dazai getting shot; Edgar getting scared by his ringtone; Dazai and Fyodor in a chess duel; Any Sigma scene.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Favourite Quotes from the Authors/Characters?
(Thank Gods there's bsd-bibliophile~ Great help!)
Mine has been a life of much shame.
- Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
To love someone is to put your life on the line. I don't take it lightly.
- Dazai Osamu, "Female" from Self Portraits
Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The House of the Dead
It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
A fool with a heart and no sense is just as unhappy as a fool with sense and no heart.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
(I'm currently reading Dostoyevsky in my literature class sooo)
Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worth while.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
(One of my favorite books ever)
That threw me for a loop...is that my ringtone?
- Edgar Allan Poe getting scared by his ringtone, Chapter 55
(I had to)
Certainly, people are sinfully stupid. But what's so wrong about that?
- Dazai Osamu, Chapter 46
(Can I wait till Friday for that? I'll try)
Who would you want to bring to life to be your best friend? Waifu/Husbando?
There are a lot but I'm gonna go classic and say Chuuya. I'd love to make fun of him for being shorter than me and watch him go berserk. Like I said, I'm a villain at heart. I love him tons though! Dazai is also a pick as he's already very similar to my best friend. I have weird friends.
How has Bungou Stray Dogs changed you as a person? Did you learn anything from it?
I learned that I strive to write as good as Asagiri-sensei because his writing is amazing in my opinion. BSD also introduced me to a ton of Japanese authors as it's the case with most of its watchers. And even though I don't have a lot of time to read their books now (school and grade chasing as I only have 3 weeks to improve them), I'm going to read EVERYTHING I CAN during summer vacations. Good luck to me~
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