#i will not lie ive been going thru this ask meme and answering them ahead of time for the past week or so
cowboysuperhero · 1 year
how's questions 1-10 for your oc ask thang? Answering for the character that's currently occupying your mind the most
1. Are they happy with their body?
VERY much so. He is VERY aware that other people think he’s hot, agrees with them, and overall is extremely confident in himself and the way he looks. He doesn’t like himself for a number of other reasons, but this is mostly regarding his actions and personality, and his appearance has nothing to do with it. His main theme is choice and one of the reasons he likes the way he looks so much is because he chose it – in some way or another, he had a hand in every aspect of his appearance, from how he styles his hair and goatee to the tattoos and how he dresses.
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
None of them are secret, but clothes usually cover most of them. He has four-ish very large, very visible tattoos (he’d have more if I didn’t have to Draw Them all the time). His ears are also pierced, just in the normal lobe spot, but sometimes I draw him with more; I think he probably had others that have closed over time because he forgets to put anything in them. Interestingly I've been consistently drawing in the studs a lot more lately? Probably because I changed the way I draw the structure of ears and now there's actually space for them. Also decided recently that he gets snakebites in the future, so sometimes those are there.
3. Do they collect anything?
Mmm, not really? He has a habit of picking up and buying random small items either on impulse or on accident (not paying attention to what's in his hand), so he has random stuff floating around sometimes, but he's not trying to collect them and usually ends up getting rid of them pretty quickly. Aside from that he does have a lot of band t-shirts.
4. What is their favorite music genre?
Punk and ska!
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
Country. He hates the ‘beer and hot chicks’ type pop country and finds older stuff slow and boring.
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
Used to be a band logo though may on occasion be a random picture of somewhere in Silver City. Alistaire sometimes takes his phone and changes the lock screen to a picture of them together, usually something unflattering for Charlie; at first he changes it back every time but once they’re friends he gives up, and eventually sets pictures of them together as his background voluntarily.
7. What is their shoe size?
8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?
Not that I can think of tbh
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
He’s sort of passively into soccer, as in he enjoys it but doesn’t actively play or follow it. It’s big in Silver City because of the major league team there (Rocosa Defenders) and he, like a lot of other kids, grew up playing soccer because of this. He played on his high school team for a year or two before dropping it because he couldn’t keep up the grades required to be on the team.
10. How do they decorate their living space?
Just go check out r/malelivingspaces for an idea. KIDDING I think it's fairly normal? Probably pretty sparse as far as decorations go, but he's got some band posters scattered around haphazardly, plus pride flags. His room is definitely messy. As with his clothes, dark or neutral colors for everything. Also, HORRIBLE lighting. He can see in the dark so it'll take him months and months to get around to changing a dead bulb, if he ever does do it.
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