#i will only give u angst xoxox
munsontm · 2 years
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Things weren’t as rosy as they once were. Not that things were ever very rosy in their disastrous and sad little lives. The apocalypse shook things up a bit, but the fallout had taken away pretty much every shred of light in Eddie’s life. If it wasn’t nightmares and phantom bats gnawing at his flesh. It was the dirty stares and whispers of murderer forcing him into states of disassociation just so he could exist in public. As for Corroded Coffin, fuck. Eddie hadn’t thought about his dwindling band in months. He barely played anymore, and his voice had rusted to shit from not being stretched in so long. It was his fault, the band. Eddie let them sink. Not on purpose, never. Music was his life, as cliche as it sounded. But as it stood in the winter of 86. He still wasn’t ready to get back up on stage, Not in Hawkin’s, at least. And he owed people some explanations.
“I’m leaving town.” The bluntness in his tone made him flinch. He didn’t mean for it to come out as it did. “Sorry, man. I’ve been trying to figure out how to put it for days. But I guess there’s no gentle way about it, huh?” He fidgeted in his van seat, anxious about his best friend’s reaction. “M’going with Steve. Uhh...actually, it was his idea.” A small smile emerged when he spoke of his boyfriend. It disappeared quickly, his gaze dropping. “Some dudes kicked the shit outta me a few weeks ago, and he, Steve, that is, didn’t take it well. I know I shoulda told you, Garebear. But you’re just as unhinged as Steve is, and I don’t want anyone getting fucked up for me, okay? So...if you could not be mad at me. That’d be real sexy of you.”
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stunudo · 7 years
Stu Shares Sunday 10.15.17
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Past Lists
A/N: I am starting to regret this endeavor. I just don’t have the time to read AND write. Also, this has gotten pretty low responses. With that being said I am going to suspend Stu Shares Sunday until after November and NaNoWriMo. So enjoy this last week of recommendations until December, folks! xoxo
(Each week will not have EVERY category)
Reid: High brow and/ or nerd related entries.
Hotch: Smut and/ or Angst
Garcia: Fluff/ Empowerment
Prentiss: LGBTQ featured (Can qualify for more than one category. I am not limiting the amount of queer art!!!)
Morgan: Edits or Crack/ Shit post
JJ: Domestic life/ Happily Ever Afters
Rossi: Throwbacks
Greenaway: Too short, need more!
Blake: Heartbreak
Callahan: Hot hot hot
Lewis: Academic contribution to the fandom
And the winners are…
Reid: @captainreid for Cute-cumber
Listen, I am a SUCKER for the coffee shop trope. I am a lifelong barista and our Boy Wonder speaks coffee. So when I happened upon this little gem, I was smitten. But wait, it ALSO was nominated?! The people have spoken and Stu agrees, this is the CUTEST! Enjoy the nerdy fluff.
Hotch Smut: @dontshootmespence with Needed Advice
“What we have is a pure transcendent, blueberry filled...” Garcia and Reid are the nerd dynamic that we can only dream of. They are beautiful and honest and this is precisely the kind of help our tech goddess would give the good doctor. Also, I really adore his lips. Who doesn’t?! (Don’t worry this inst a brotp turned into a ship smut, it is a Reader x Reid smut.) xoxo
Garcia: @spencerreidsmiles with Heres To Us
To steal a phrase from my dear son, Fox, this is iconic. It is a quick little toast to the BAU and to dreamers. Marissa- I am so sad that I just got around to reading this! Thank you! xoxo
JJ: @b-a-u-tiful​ with A Productive Day of Sorts
Criminal Minds AND Harry Potter, oh Lou you are a goddess! This is fun and cute and I am a sucker for a punchline ending. Muwhahahaha.
Prentiss: @ssaalexblake for this SLAY of an ASK
Emily Prentiss is the one true unit chief and we must all bow down to the wardrobe department of CM for the past 12 seasons... xoxox
Morgan: @jamespottes
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The rest is the best part!!!!!
Rossi/ Hotch Angst/ Blake: @cm-drabbles with Lauren
Holy fucking shit! This was the most intensely psychological piece of fanfic I think I have ever encountered. If you haven’t been following the blog’s progress, there are pieces of varying lengths for each episode. It is really quite a lovely series. But this one, not only is the episode life altering, the author takes us mere mortals inside Emily’s head in that tiny flat in Paris. We see the demons and watch her overcome them like only Emily fucking Prentiss can. It is masterful, grotesque work, but it is astounding. Bravo!
Callahan: @mentallydatingspencerreid with Fight Fire With Fire
If you guys have been watching, you know I love a good OC. Cassie has that with Thea, wowza. I am not even up-to-date with the series and I need to tell you the chemistry going on in this fic is A+. Go, read, enjoy!
Lewis: @illegalcerebral
I just wanted to give Sarah a shout out, she is so awesome with sharing our fics! Not only does she do a stellar job writing her own, but I find some really good series because she is always sharing them! xoxo
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